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I'm sure glad that I don't drink the same water as all these folks who have had

babies...I'm having enough trouble with my 18 yo daughter to not want to start

over again. LOL Kat

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Congrats Grandma ! And Congrats to the new mom & dad. Is this your first gerand

baby ?

Paula .......... in Michigan

I used to have super powers but my therapist took them away


fwiw, my son David and Lady Candace had their first... Chelsea Morgan

Clark, around 7:30 Friday evening.




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At 02:18 PM 3/9/2006, you wrote:


>Congrats Grandma ! And Congrats to the new mom & dad. Is this your first

>gerand baby ?


nope... up in Indiana, my eldest son and his wife have three. JT is 10,

Kaitlinn 6, and Josh coming up on one year.


but this one is in the same STATE I am! and she's another girl. and she's

my midkid's first... he's 37... was married for 12 years to a girl I just

loved...but... there was a lot of unhappiness there. He stuck it out as

long as he could, and then just decided he wanted to have a chance to be happy.


about three months after they parted, he met Lady Candace... and.. the

rest is history.


He looks 10 years younger, and just glows with happiness.


Can't wait til this weekend when all the cousins get to meet up!




Over 10 years online supplying Aromatherapy and Healthcare Professionals

Essential Oils, Hydrosols, Accessories, Hard to find Books and Videos


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I have 14 grands and when they get together ........... let's just say it's not

at all boring !! LOL Wonderful to hear how happy you son is :)

Paula .......... in Michigan

I used to have super powers but my therapist took them away


nope... up in Indiana, my eldest son and his wife have three. JT is 10,

Kaitlinn 6, and Josh coming up on one year.


but this one is in the same STATE I am! and she's another girl. and she's

my midkid's first... he's 37... was married for 12 years to a girl I just

loved...but... there was a lot of unhappiness there. He stuck it out as

long as he could, and then just decided he wanted to have a chance to be



about three months after they parted, he met Lady Candace... and.. the

rest is history.


He looks 10 years younger, and just glows with happiness.


Can't wait til this weekend when all the cousins get to meet up!






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  • 2 years later...

I recommend "not giving", especially after my daughter developed an auto-immmune disease at the age of 21 after being immunized to go to Africa four years ago.







What do you all think about giving/not giving immunizations?




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Vaccinations are not what they're advertised by the medical community. They are so filled with preservatives (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc.) that it's hard to believe that they are healthy... yet millions of babies/toddlers/children/adults are pumped full of this garbage on a daily basis. And surprise... millions of babies/toddlers/children/adults are diagnosed with auto-immune diseases and chronic illnesses on a daily basis.


One of my kids was damaged by vaccinations. He was one of the lucky ones~ he didn't die. He almost did at 2 months old, but he was sleeping next to me (to ease nursing at night) and I knew that he'd stopped breathing. I ended up shaking him to get him to breathe 3 times that night. He was able to get himself to breathe the other many times he stopped that night. If he'd been in the other room in the crib, he would have died and they would have called it SIDS. The pediatrician said it had nothing to do with the shots he'd gotten 2 days before, so I continued to give him his shots. It wasn't until he'd had everything they were giving 14 yrs ago that it occurred to me to start reading up on immunizations. (stupid, I know).


My son has to live with the results of these vaccinations, just as I had to deal with the guilt that I did this to him. I have to say though, that he has improved Greatly with a decent diet, and supplements (mainly cod liver oil and virgin coconut oil) to help him focus. He can tell the difference too and takes them all himself now.


There are a LOT of vaccination websites out there to educate parents on the realities of immunizations, how to avoid them, and what to do instead of them. If anyone wants some, I'd be happy to list quite a few. :-)


Jan G.

Mom to 9, breastfeeding advocate

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Doc-I'm inclined to agree on both points. I may not be quite as adamant about it, but I believe you're correct. I have seen some benefits of some immunizations, but the forcing of infants to take 6 or 7 mercury-laden shots at days-old is hazardous. With my middle son, his 12-month immunizations stopped his talking and babbling the same day. In addition, he has had speech problems that took years to recover where he was at 12-18 months.Since then, our kids have been getting "religious exemptions" for immunizations at school. (I believe that doing damage to my children is wrong, therefore, it _is_ a religious issue.)As for reversibility, I have seen marked improvements in his autistic characteristics over the last year or so. We have been using

TN, combined with Food-grade peroxide, and DMSO, along with the casein-free gluten-free diet (mostly). I have not been as conscientious as I should. (administering the regimen for 3-5 days of a week, missing for a week or two at times, etc.) But the change has been very noticeable. I have recently introduced him to inversion therapy, and he will do it some. Now, to get him to work on B-ball....I think the autistic protocol would probably do good for the entire family.-DougDoc <docshillingtonTo:

herbal remedies Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 2:39:38 PMRe: {Herbal Remedies} Babies



I am not ambivalent about

them at all. Until the Medicos and the Pharmaceuticals straighten out

their act in this area, I'd recommend against ALL immunizations. Just

too risky in this day and age.

I would be willing to venture that your son's autism could be entirely

attributed to immunizations.

I also feel that the condition can be fully reversed. But that is my

opinion based on research for the most part, and only partially on

clinical observation.

Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,



doug greene wrote:




I'm personally ambivalent about immunizations. But I'm not

about when to give them, or making sure they're mercury-free (as

opposed to "free mercury!")


baby's immune system is still immature and developing. Giving 6-8

immunizations (each with toxic levels of mercury) to a newborn is very


If you immunize, do so after they are old enough to take the jolt to

their immune system, and do the shots one at a time, and make sure

_SURE_ the shots don't have mercury in them. My son has Autism, and we

attribute that (at least in part) to the immunizations.







Leslie Brown <lesliepepple@ >

herbal remedies


January 24, 2009 10:09:18 AM

Re: {Herbal

Remedies} Babies




What do you all think about giving/ not giving immunizations?











Organic Solutions <organicsolutions@ cabletvonline. net>

herbal remedies@

. com

Friday, January

23, 2009 5:09:07 PM

Re: {Herbal

Remedies} Babies



I have been nursing on demand from the beginning. I agree

100%...Babies know when they are hungry!

This method is working very well for Zea and I. She is very good a

communicating what she needs.

I didn't agree that I should wake her up to nurse if a few hours had

gone by...But that was never a problem,

Zea created her own schedule that keeps her very well fed☺


Lori Smith wrote:



Yes, nurse on demand. Babies know when they are hungry! I

home-birthed my last 6 kids and nursed all of them until at least a

year old and always nursed on demand. These last 6 kids now range in

age from 25 down to almost 17, and all are healthy and hale! :)




Schooling is not education, and

education is not schooling~John Taylor Gatto








herbal remedies

bradandkris@ comcast.net

Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:12:55 -0500

{Herbal Remedies} Babies







Congrats on your beautiful Zea! I

have three children. My oldest son is 25, my daughter is 21 and my

youngest son is 17. When nursing my 2 oldest children I kept them on a

schedule of nursing every 3 hours. At the time the "experts" (hah!)

recommended getting babies on a schedule as early as possible. By the

time my youngest came along I mellowed a lot and nursed him on demand.

I HIGHLY recommend nursing on demand. I don't have any expert proof or

research, just mom wisdom. :) Looking forward to other stories from

organic moms..






Hi Everyone!

As you all know, I recently had a beautiful baby girl named Zea.

(I am sure you have heard all of the bragging her proud

Grandpa has been doing☺)

As a new mother, I am learning the ways of babies and the magic they

radiate into our lives.

Zea is absolutely thriving in every way and I would like to open the

list to a discussion on Babies.

I would love to hear input and ideas from all of you proud parents out

there and share wins

and successful actions on how you helped your little baby sprouts grow!

As I said, I am a new mother with an 11 week old baby and am having win

after win!

I am open to any questions and ideas on how to have an Organic Baby☺.

Let us commence with Baby Talk!









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I had all 8 of my kids immunized, but the last one never had any of her booster shots and I can't remember if the other 3 youngest had all their booster shots either. I would have to go back and look at records. I began to read more about immunizations is why my last one never got her last booster shots. Since we home school this was not an issue.I never allowed my kids to get the Hep B or the chicken pox shots (and shortly after the shots became available I had a kid come home with them and we had chicken pox for the next 6 weeks! A couple of them had them a bit severe and have a couple of scars each (small holes), but all survived well. Come to think of it, my now 20 year old did not have all of her immunizations as she had a blood disorder that she came down with in October 1990, at age 22 months. One of the first things the nurses asked me was did she have her shots up-to-date and I said yes, but they encouraged me not to continue with them (her immune system was down) and I didn't. She went into total remission in July 1995. Her blood disorder is Immune Thrombocytopenic Pupura (ITP, for short), which was originally called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia (ITP) as it was unknown what the cause of this disorder was, but in 1998, my daughter donated a vial of blood to her doctor (hematologist) who had gotten a $25,000 grant to do some personal research, and she found that every child with known ITP who had donated blood had a mutation on the 6th Y chromosome, which made ITP genetic. We have no clue if me or my husband carries this defect as there wasn't enough money to test parents and I am not going to pay this out-of-pocket expense just for curiosity's sake as it costs too much. If I had it to do all over again I would not have had my kids immunized against anything, except perhaps polio. I am especially concerned about the MMR shot as I now know that my kids do not have a natural defense against this disease since they have never been exposed to it, and that their children are even more susceptible if there was to be an outbreak. And I don't mean susceptible as in getting measles, I mean as in not having any natural immunities passed down from anti-bodies from mom to baby in utero. I had measles as a child and they were more of a nuisance than an illness for my sister and I as we did not get very sick from them. It is a difficult decision that every family needs to make for themselves. I totally disagree with the government mandating them as children belong to their parents, not the government. Our children are a gift from God, not from the benevolence of our government, and for them to assume such ownership of our nations' children in mandating schooling, immunizations, or anything else is nothing less than arrogance. The bad thing is that we let them get by with it! LoriSchooling is not education, and education is not schooling~John Taylor Gattoherbal remedies From: lesliepeppleDate: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 07:09:18 -0800Re: {Herbal Remedies} BabiesWhat do you all think about giving/not giving immunizations? Leslie Organic Solutions <organicsolutions (AT) cabletvonline (DOT) net>herbal remedies Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 5:09:07 PMRe: {Herbal Remedies} BabiesI have been nursing on demand from the beginning. I agree 100%...Babies know when they are hungry! This method is working very well for Zea and I. She is very good a communicating what she needs. I didn't agree that I should wake her up to nurse if a few hours had gone by...But that was never a problem,Zea created her own schedule that keeps her very well fed☺Lori Smith wrote: Yes, nurse on demand. Babies know when they are hungry! I home-birthed my last 6 kids and nursed all of them until at least a year old and always nursed on demand. These last 6 kids now range in age from 25 down to almost 17, and all are healthy and hale! :) LoriSchooling is not education, and education is not schooling~John Taylor Gattoherbal remediesbradandkris@ comcast.netThu, 22 Jan 2009 21:12:55 -0500{Herbal Remedies} BabiesKelly-Congrats on your beautiful Zea! I have three children. My oldest son is 25, my daughter is 21 and my youngest son is 17. When nursing my 2 oldest children I kept them on a schedule of nursing every 3 hours. At the time the "experts" (hah!) recommended getting babies on a schedule as early as possible. By the time my youngest came along I mellowed a lot and nursed him on demand. I HIGHLY recommend nursing on demand. I don't have any expert proof or research, just mom wisdom. :) Looking forward to other stories from organic moms..Kris Hi Everyone!As you all know, I recently had a beautiful baby girl named Zea. (I am sure you have heard all of the bragging her proud Grandpa has been doing☺)As a new mother, I am learning the ways of babies and the magic they radiate into our lives.Zea is absolutely thriving in every way and I would like to open the list to a discussion on Babies.I would love to hear input and ideas from all of you proud parents out there and share wins and successful actions on how you helped your little baby sprouts grow!As I said, I am a new mother with an 11 week old baby and am having win after win! I am open to any questions and ideas on how to have an Organic Baby☺.Let us commence with Baby Talk!~Kelly~__._,Windows Live™: E-mail. Chat. Share. Get more ways to connect. See how it works. -----Inline Attachment Follows-----begin:vcardfn:Organic Solutions, Incn:Solutions, Inc;Organicorg:http://health./herbal_remedies/;http://www.AcademyofNaturalHealing.com email;internet:OrganicSolutions (AT) CableTVOnline (DOT) nettitle:http://www.OrganicSolutionsStore.com tel;work:1-888-898-9660version:2.1end:vcard Hotmail® goes where you go. On a PC, on the Web, on your phone. See how.

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Thank you Marisa. I currently eat sprouted nuts and drink Doc's Cal-Calm

Tea which

includes red raspberry leaf as well as many other calcium rich herbs.

It not only gives

Zea and I calcium but helps us relax and sleep great! We aren't quite

to the teething

stage yet, but Zea is already starting to dribble drool on my shoulders

I agree 100% on babies communicating. Zea can tell me

exactly what she needs and

wants and she is 2 1/2 months.



Corless Family wrote:





best advice I ever got about babies was the following:



can not be spoiled... Spoiled is left on a shelf to rot!



yourself as the mother of this baby over any "expert" because only you

know what your baby needs. Trust your gut. When that baby cries and

you heart breaks, it is for a reason, not because the baby is being

manipulative but because it has a need it is communicating and only you

can fulfill it!



pain is from lack of calcium. Satisfy the need and the pain and

crabbiness goes away! Ways to get calcium to the baby include mom

drinking plenty of red raspberry leaf tea, eating almonds, sesame

seeds, etc. Also, if the baby is a bit fussy, I really like Dr.

Christopher's Kid-e-calc. I found that a slightly larger than

normal dose a couple times per day for 2-3 days usually was more than

enough. My son was cutting 4 molars and all his eye teeth at the same

time. 2 days of Kid-e-calc and no more complaining.



get stuck in the mindset of diapers. Babies can and do communicate

with you. You don't need to become militant about being diaper-free,

etc, but if you continually communicate and listen to your child about

her potty needs, then potty training is a breeze because it is all on

the continum of more independence. You can read about elimination

communication in several books and on the internet. There is a group,

similar to La Leche League called Diaper Free Baby that might be in

your area. Keep in mind, you don't need to be militant.





[***] -----Original


herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On

Behalf Of Organic Solutions

Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:57 PM

herbal remedies

{Herbal Remedies} Babies





Hi Everyone!

As you all know, I recently had a beautiful baby girl named Zea.

(I am sure you have heard all of the bragging her proud

Grandpa has been doing☺)

As a new mother, I am learning the ways of babies and the magic they

radiate into our lives.

Zea is absolutely thriving in every way and I would like to open the

list to a discussion on Babies.

I would love to hear input and ideas from all of you proud parents out

there and share wins

and successful actions on how you helped your little baby sprouts grow!

As I said, I am a new mother with an 11 week old baby and am having win

after win!

I am open to any questions and ideas on how to have an Organic Baby☺.

Let us commence with Baby Talk!









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I am going to wait for Zea to tell me when she is ready for something

more than just milk...

That is when she will start on real foods.  That should be fun!


Corless Family wrote:





in addition to homemade, I suggest not stressing about solids.  I have

found that to be truly ready for solids, a baby must be able to sit

un-aided, have a pincher grasp, have teeth (enzymes are added to the

digestive system with each set of teeth ending with the enzymes needed

for grains when the eye teeth come in), loss of tongue thrust reflex,

crawling with the belly off the floor, and desiring food (not just they

are 6 months and want to grab everything).  I found that spoons made a

nice pacifier at the table when the child acted like he wanted food but

truly wasn't ready.  Thus, it is quite ok to be exclusively nursing

until well past a year.  That is what mama's milk is for.  I found that

by doing all this, I never used baby food.  I just fed the child what

was on my plate.  Broccoli spears were a hit, avocado chunks, peach

chunks, potato chunks, etc.  I did not do pureed foods- if the child

can't eat it, she isn't ready for it!








Thank you Jen.  I too use cloth diapers.  Zea is still too

little to eat and food yet but you can bet she will be getting

home-made, organic baby food as well!











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Hi Ramona,

I agree that vaccinations don't really protect against anything...

There is one thing that does protect us that we love to talk about

on this list that seems to be everyones favorite herb and that


Garlic is the best thing to have if any plague or illness starts to


It will stop it dead in its tracks!




Ramona wrote:



I have to laugh at Doug saying that. He is my brother, and it was


son's autism that made me start to THINK about vaxing instead of just

doing. My eldest daughter was our foster child, and so that was out

of our hands until she was two. I do know that she learned her first

word at 1, and then got her vaccinations, and couldn't learn any words

or speak at all. She has been diagnosed since then with apraxia

(something Doug's second son has after they cleansed his body when

they started noticing autistic symptoms coming after vaccinations).


After seeing that, and starting the research, I am quite sure that I

will not vax my children. I am pretty sure with Alayna's challenges

that if we had continued with vaxing and gotten the two year shots

(MMR at 2 is a HUGE factor in autism) she would be autistic. She has

a lot of traits, but misses out on the autistic spectrum thank goodness.


Autism is the one that people know, but there are so many other

damages that vaccines do, and they DO NOT PREVENT catching the

disease. Doctors have gotten so vax happy it is scary. There are so

many things they vaccinate for. We do not need to be prevented from

ever being exposed to illness. It isn't good for our bodies. In

sterile hospitals they create super bugs.


They have discovered that people who use antibacterial everything and

keep their houses spotless actually have children more prone to

illness. I like to think of the Martians on War of the Worlds.

Trying to keep themselves from all sickness they made themselves more



Remember the illnesses that are the MOST devastating to a population

are those that are unfamiliar to their bodies. By trying to keep

ourselves from all these illnesses aren't we making more likely a

serious reaction to exposure? (And make no mistake you are exposing

yourselves to them when you are vaccinated or around someone who is

newly vaccinated.) There are continual wild outbreaks among the

vaccinated populations.



Quoting doug greene <greenedo >:


> I'm personally ambivalent about immunizations. But I'm not about

> when to give them, or making sure they're mercury-free (as opposed


> to "free mercury!")


> baby's immune system is still immature and developing. Giving 6-8

> immunizations (each with toxic levels of mercury) to a newborn is

> very damaging.

> If you immunize, do so after they are old enough to take the jolt


> their immune system, and do the shots one at a time, and make sure


> _SURE_ the shots don't have mercury in them. My son has Autism,


> we attribute that (at least in part) to the immunizations.


> -Doug



"Live in faith, not fear."






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That last paragraph says it all...Cheers!  We just have to change our

minds as a group to not accept their idiocies and Tyrant like





Lori Smith wrote:



I had all 8 of my kids immunized, but the last one never had any

of her booster shots and I can't remember if the other 3 youngest had

all their booster shots either. I would have to go back and look at

records. I began to read more about immunizations is why my last one

never got her last booster shots. Since we home school this was not an


I never allowed my kids to get the Hep B or the chicken pox shots (and

shortly after the shots became available I had a kid come home with

them and we had chicken pox for the next 6 weeks! A couple of them had

them a bit severe and have a couple of scars each (small holes), but

all survived well.


Come to think of it, my now 20 year old did not have all of her

immunizations as she had a blood disorder that she came down with in

October 1990, at age 22 months. One of the first things the nurses

asked me was did she have her shots up-to-date and I said yes, but they

encouraged me not to continue with them (her immune system was down)

and I didn't. She went into total remission in July 1995. Her blood

disorder is Immune Thrombocytopenic Pupura (ITP, for short), which was

originally called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia (ITP) as it was unknown

what the cause of this disorder was, but in 1998, my daughter donated a

vial of blood to her doctor (hematologist) who had gotten a $25,000

grant to do some personal research, and she found that every child with

known ITP who had donated blood had a mutation on the 6th Y chromosome,

which made ITP genetic. We have no clue if me or my husband carries

this defect as there wasn't enough money to test parents and I am not

going to pay this out-of-pocket expense just for curiosity's sake as it

costs too much.


If I had it to do all over again I would not have had my kids immunized

against anything, except perhaps polio. I am especially concerned about

the MMR shot as I now know that my kids do not have a natural defense

against this disease since they have never been exposed to it, and that

their children are even more susceptible if there was to be an

outbreak. And I don't mean susceptible as in getting measles, I mean as

in not having any natural immunities passed down from anti-bodies from

mom to baby in utero. I had measles as a child and they were more of a

nuisance than an illness for my sister and I as we did not get very

sick from them.


It is a difficult decision that every family needs to make for

themselves. I totally disagree with the government mandating them as

children belong to their parents, not the government. Our children are

a gift from God, not from the benevolence of our government, and for

them to assume such ownership of our nations' children in mandating

schooling, immunizations, or anything else is nothing less than

arrogance. The bad thing is that we let them get by with it!




Schooling is not education, and

education is not schooling~John Taylor Gatto







herbal remedies


Sat, 24 Jan 2009 07:09:18 -0800

Re: {Herbal Remedies} Babies







What do you all think about giving/not giving immunizations?











Organic Solutions <organicsolutions (AT) cabletvonline (DOT) net>

herbal remedies

Friday, January

23, 2009 5:09:07 PM

Re: {Herbal

Remedies} Babies



I have been nursing on demand from the beginning.  I agree

100%...Babies know when they are hungry! 

This method is working very well for Zea and I.  She is very good a

communicating what she needs.

I didn't agree that I should wake her up to nurse if a few hours had

gone by...But that was never a problem,

Zea created her own schedule that keeps her very well fed☺


Lori Smith wrote:



Yes, nurse on demand. Babies know when they are hungry! I

home-birthed my last 6 kids and nursed all of them until at least a

year old and always nursed on demand. These last 6 kids now range in

age from 25 down to almost 17, and all are healthy and hale! :)




Schooling is not education, and

education is not schooling~John Taylor Gatto








herbal remedies

bradandkris@ comcast.net

Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:12:55 -0500

{Herbal Remedies} Babies







Congrats on your beautiful Zea!  I

have three children.  My oldest son is 25, my daughter is 21 and my

youngest son is 17.  When nursing my 2 oldest children I kept them on a

schedule of nursing every 3 hours.  At the time the "experts" (hah!)

recommended getting babies on a schedule as early as possible.  By the

time my youngest came along I mellowed a lot and nursed him on demand. 

I HIGHLY recommend nursing on demand.  I don't have any expert proof or

research, just mom wisdom. :)  Looking forward to other stories from

organic moms..






Hi Everyone!

As you all know, I recently had a beautiful baby girl named Zea.

(I am sure you have heard all of the bragging her proud

Grandpa has been doing☺)

As a new mother, I am learning the ways of babies and the magic they

radiate into our lives.

Zea is absolutely thriving in every way and I would like to open the

list to a discussion on Babies.

I would love to hear input and ideas from all of you proud parents out

there and share wins

and successful actions on how you helped your little baby sprouts grow!

As I said, I am a new mother with an 11 week old baby and am having win

after win! 

I am open to any questions and ideas on how to have an Organic Baby☺.

Let us commence with Baby Talk!









Windows Liveâ„¢: E-mail. Chat. Share. Get more ways to connect. See how it works.







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Thought I would put my 2 cents in here. I have six children and I just caught my granddaughter in December. I am planning to be a midwife and I am a reflexologist and breastfeeding educator. I quit vaccinating with my thirda child. My oldest got very ill with some of her vacs. She was projectile vomiting everything that we gave her including breastmilk. The ped. said that it was a normal reaction. I decided then to at least put off vacs. But when my second came along I took her to the doc and they made me stand across the room while they held her down and gave her several shots. I was grief stricken and never went back to that Dr. My third came along and I thought she should be vaccinated cuz she had a cleft lip and palate and would be in and out of the hospital for sugeries. That didn't last long she got like two and I just didn't feel good about giving her anymore. My last three are my healthiest children and none of them have had any vacs. My oldest has trouble concentrating and was a very dificult baby and child. The other two don't seem to have been affected adversely as the oldest but I often wonder about my second DDs cramping during her cycles if maybe that could be from vacs.


You are your child's greatest healer. Mom's know a child better than anyone can. I think there is alot to be said for mother's intuition--listen to it!!



On 1/27/09, Organic Solutions <organicsolutions wrote:






Hi Ramona,I agree that vaccinations don't really protect against anything...There is one thing that does protect us that we love to talk about on this list that seems to be everyones favorite herb and that is.....GARLIC!!!

Garlic is the best thing to have if any plague or illness starts to spread. It will stop it dead in its tracks!~Kelly Ramona wrote:


I have to laugh at Doug saying that. He is my brother, and it was his son's autism that made me start to THINK about vaxing instead of just doing. My eldest daughter was our foster child, and so that was out

of our hands until she was two. I do know that she learned her first word at 1, and then got her vaccinations, and couldn't learn any words or speak at all. She has been diagnosed since then with apraxia (something Doug's second son has after they cleansed his body when

they started noticing autistic symptoms coming after vaccinations).After seeing that, and starting the research, I am quite sure that I will not vax my children. I am pretty sure with Alayna's challenges

that if we had continued with vaxing and gotten the two year shots (MMR at 2 is a HUGE factor in autism) she would be autistic. She has a lot of traits, but misses out on the autistic spectrum thank goodness.

Autism is the one that people know, but there are so many other damages that vaccines do, and they DO NOT PREVENT catching the disease. Doctors have gotten so vax happy it is scary. There are so many things they vaccinate for. We do not need to be prevented from

ever being exposed to illness. It isn't good for our bodies. In sterile hospitals they create super bugs.They have discovered that people who use antibacterial everything and keep their houses spotless actually have children more prone to

illness. I like to think of the Martians on War of the Worlds. Trying to keep themselves from all sickness they made themselves more vulnerable.Remember the illnesses that are the MOST devastating to a population

are those that are unfamiliar to their bodies. By trying to keep ourselves from all these illnesses aren't we making more likely a serious reaction to exposure? (And make no mistake you are exposing yourselves to them when you are vaccinated or around someone who is

newly vaccinated.) There are continual wild outbreaks among the vaccinated populations.RamonaQuoting doug greene <greenedo:

> I'm personally ambivalent about immunizations. But I'm not about > when to give them, or making sure they're mercury-free (as opposed > to " free mercury! " )>> baby's immune system is still immature and developing. Giving 6-8

> immunizations (each with toxic levels of mercury) to a newborn is > very damaging.> If you immunize, do so after they are old enough to take the jolt to > their immune system, and do the shots one at a time, and make sure

> _SURE_ the shots don't have mercury in them. My son has Autism, and > we attribute that (at least in part) to the immunizations.>> -Doug> " Live in faith, not fear. "


-- Alyeen L. Lim TBE, NH, CR

www.wholeheartedfamily.comAsk me about Tupperware specials. " I know the Lord won't give me more than I can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much. " --Mother Theresa

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I always thought vaccinations were based on the "poisons that heal" theory. ie.. Homeopathy.

No? Yes? At least until they started adding a bunch of crap.



If You Don't Take Care of Your Body, Where Are You Going To Live? Jane Pentz


> Hi Ramona,

> I agree that vaccinations don't really protect against anything...

> There is one thing that does protect us that we love to talk about

> on this list that seems to be everyones favorite herb and that

> is.....GARLIC!!! Garlic is the best thing to have if any plague or

> illness starts to spread. It will stop it dead in its tracks!

> ~Kelly



> Ramona wrote: >


>> I have to laugh at Doug saying that. He is my brother, and it was

>> his son's autism that made me start to THINK about vaxing instead

>> of just doing. My eldest daughter was our foster child, and so

>> that was out of our hands until she was two. I do know that she

>> learned her first word at 1, and then got her vaccinations, and

>> couldn't learn any words or speak at all. She has been diagnosed

>> since then with apraxia (something Doug's second son has after

>> they cleansed his body when they started noticing autistic

>> symptoms coming after vaccinations).


>> After seeing that, and starting the research, I am quite sure

>> that I will not vax my children. I am pretty sure with Alayna's

>> challenges that if we had continued with vaxing and gotten the

>> two year shots (MMR at 2 is a HUGE factor in autism) she would be

>> autistic. She has a lot of traits, but misses out on the autistic

>> spectrum thank goodness.


>> Autism is the one that people know, but there are so many other

>> damages that vaccines do, and they DO NOT PREVENT catching the

>> disease. Doctors have gotten so vax happy it is scary. There are

>> so many things they vaccinate for. We do not need to be prevented

>> from ever being exposed to illness. It isn't good for our bodies.

>> In sterile hospitals they create super bugs.


>> They have discovered that people who use antibacterial everything

>> and keep their houses spotless actually have children more prone

>> to illness. I like to think of the Martians on War of the Worlds.

>> Trying to keep themselves from all sickness they made themselves

>> more vulnerable.


>> Remember the illnesses that are the MOST devastating to a

>> population are those that are unfamiliar to their bodies. By

>> trying to keep ourselves from all these illnesses aren't we

>> making more likely a serious reaction to exposure? (And make no

>> mistake you are exposing yourselves to them when you are

>> vaccinated or around someone who is newly vaccinated.) There are

>> continual wild outbreaks among the vaccinated populations. Ramona


>> Quoting doug greene <greenedo:


>>> I'm personally ambivalent about immunizations. But I'm not

>>> about when to give them, or making sure they're mercury-free

>>> (as opposed to "free mercury!")


>>> baby's immune system is still immature and developing. Giving 6-

>>> 8 immunizations (each with toxic levels of mercury) to a

>>> newborn is very damaging.

>>> If you immunize, do so after they are old enough to take the

>>> jolt to their immune system, and do the shots one at a time,

>>> and make sure _SURE_ the shots don't have mercury in them. My

>>> son has Autism, and we attribute that (at least in part) to the

>>> immunizations.


>>> -Doug



>> "Live in faith, not fear."




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I think we should never tell any doctor we are pregnant, and have our chilren in secret at home!Trina --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Alyeen Lim <pandamom8 wrote:

Alyeen Lim <pandamom8Re: {Herbal Remedies} Babiesherbal remedies Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 4:41 PM




Thought I would put my 2 cents in here. I have six children and I just caught my granddaughter in December. I am planning to be a midwife and I am a reflexologist and breastfeeding educator. I quit vaccinating with my thirda child. My oldest got very ill with some of her vacs. She was projectile vomiting everything that we gave her including breastmilk. The ped. said that it was a normal reaction. I decided then to at least put off vacs. But when my second came along I took her to the doc and they made me stand across the room while they held her down and gave her several shots. I was grief stricken and never went back to that Dr. My third came along and I thought she should be vaccinated cuz she had a cleft lip and palate and would be in and out of the hospital for sugeries. That didn't last long she got like two and I just didn't feel good about giving her anymore. My last three are my healthiest children and none of them have had any vacs. My

oldest has trouble concentrating and was a very dificult baby and child. The other two don't seem to have been affected adversely as the oldest but I often wonder about my second DDs cramping during her cycles if maybe that could be from vacs.


You are your child's greatest healer. Mom's know a child better than anyone can. I think there is alot to be said for mother's intuition--listen to it!!



On 1/27/09, Organic Solutions <organicsolutions@ cabletvonline. net> wrote:





Hi Ramona,I agree that vaccinations don't really protect against anything...There is one thing that does protect us that we love to talk about on this list that seems to be everyones favorite herb and that is.....GARLIC! !!Garlic is the best thing to have if any plague or illness starts to spread. It will stop it dead in its tracks!~Kelly Ramona wrote:


I have to laugh at Doug saying that. He is my brother, and it was his son's autism that made me start to THINK about vaxing instead of just doing. My eldest daughter was our foster child, and so that was out of our hands until she was two. I do know that she learned her first word at 1, and then got her vaccinations, and couldn't learn any words or speak at all. She has been diagnosed since then with apraxia (something Doug's second son has after they cleansed his body when they started noticing autistic symptoms coming after vaccinations) .After seeing that, and starting the research, I am quite sure that I will not vax my children. I am pretty sure with Alayna's challenges that if we had continued with vaxing and gotten the two year shots (MMR at 2 is a HUGE factor in autism) she would be autistic. She has a lot of traits, but misses out on the autistic spectrum thank goodness.Autism is

the one that people know, but there are so many other damages that vaccines do, and they DO NOT PREVENT catching the disease. Doctors have gotten so vax happy it is scary. There are so many things they vaccinate for. We do not need to be prevented from ever being exposed to illness. It isn't good for our bodies. In sterile hospitals they create super bugs.They have discovered that people who use antibacterial everything and keep their houses spotless actually have children more prone to illness. I like to think of the Martians on War of the Worlds. Trying to keep themselves from all sickness they made themselves more vulnerable.Remember the illnesses that are the MOST devastating to a population are those that are unfamiliar to their bodies. By trying to keep ourselves from all these illnesses aren't we making more likely a serious reaction to exposure? (And make no mistake you are exposing

yourselves to them when you are vaccinated or around someone who is newly vaccinated.) There are continual wild outbreaks among the vaccinated populations.RamonaQuoting doug greene <greenedo >:> I'm personally ambivalent about immunizations. But I'm not about > when to give them, or making sure they're mercury-free (as opposed > to "free mercury!")>> baby's immune system is still immature and developing. Giving 6-8 > immunizations (each with toxic levels of mercury) to a newborn is > very damaging.> If you immunize, do so after they are old enough to take the jolt to > their immune system, and do the shots one at a time, and make sure > _SURE_ the shots don't have mercury in them. My son has Autism, and > we attribute that (at least in part) to the

immunizations.>> -Doug>"Live in faith, not fear."

-- Alyeen L. Lim TBE, NH, CRwww.wholeheartedfam ily.comAsk me about Tupperware specials."I know the Lord won't give me more than I can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much." --Mother Theresa

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You GO Kelly!


I nursed my daughter occasionally till she was almost 4, and my son till about 3. They were eating lots of other foods as well by that time, but still wanted the comfort. They both seem to be pretty healthy individuals. (34 and 29)


Ien in the Kootenayshttp://freegreenliving.com (blog)

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Hi Alyeen,

Congratulations on your new granddaughter!!! Wow, that must have been

an amazing experience to catch the baby!!!

Rock on for planning to be a midwife. These are some of the most

caring people in the world!

The mother-child bond is among the strongest bonds in this world and a

mothers intuition should be the only thing needed to raise a healthy,

happy & thriving baby!




Alyeen Lim wrote:



Thought I would put my 2 cents in here. I have six children and

I just caught my granddaughter in December. I am planning to be a

midwife and I am a reflexologist and breastfeeding educator. I quit

vaccinating with my thirda child. My oldest got very ill with some of

her vacs. She was projectile vomiting everything that we gave her

including breastmilk. The ped. said that it was a normal reaction. I

decided then to at least put off vacs. But when my second came along I

took her to the doc and they made me stand across the room while they

held her down and gave her several shots. I was grief stricken and

never went back to that Dr. My third came along and I thought she

should be vaccinated cuz she had a cleft lip and palate and would be in

and out of the hospital for sugeries. That didn't last long she got

like two and I just didn't feel good about giving her anymore. My last

three are my healthiest children and none of them have had any vacs. My

oldest has trouble concentrating and was a very dificult baby and

child. The other two don't seem to have been affected adversely as the

oldest but I often wonder about my second DDs cramping during her

cycles if maybe that could be from vacs.


You are your child's greatest healer. Mom's know a child better

than anyone can. I think there is alot to be said for mother's

intuition--listen to it!!





On 1/27/09, Organic Solutions <organicsolutions (AT) cabletvonline (DOT) net>







Hi Ramona,

I agree that vaccinations don't really protect against anything...

There is one thing that does protect us that we love to talk about

on this list that seems to be everyones favorite herb and that


Garlic is the best thing to have if any plague or illness starts to


It will stop it dead in its tracks!





Ramona wrote:



I have to laugh at Doug saying that. He is my brother, and it

was his

son's autism that made me start to THINK about vaxing instead of just

doing. My eldest daughter was our foster child, and so that was out

of our hands until she was two. I do know that she learned her first

word at 1, and then got her vaccinations, and couldn't learn any words

or speak at all. She has been diagnosed since then with apraxia

(something Doug's second son has after they cleansed his body when

they started noticing autistic symptoms coming after vaccinations).


After seeing that, and starting the research, I am quite sure that I

will not vax my children. I am pretty sure with Alayna's challenges

that if we had continued with vaxing and gotten the two year shots

(MMR at 2 is a HUGE factor in autism) she would be autistic. She has

a lot of traits, but misses out on the autistic spectrum thank goodness.


Autism is the one that people know, but there are so many other

damages that vaccines do, and they DO NOT PREVENT catching the

disease. Doctors have gotten so vax happy it is scary. There are so

many things they vaccinate for. We do not need to be prevented from

ever being exposed to illness. It isn't good for our bodies. In

sterile hospitals they create super bugs.


They have discovered that people who use antibacterial everything and

keep their houses spotless actually have children more prone to

illness. I like to think of the Martians on War of the Worlds.

Trying to keep themselves from all sickness they made themselves more



Remember the illnesses that are the MOST devastating to a population

are those that are unfamiliar to their bodies. By trying to keep

ourselves from all these illnesses aren't we making more likely a

serious reaction to exposure? (And make no mistake you are exposing

yourselves to them when you are vaccinated or around someone who is

newly vaccinated.) There are continual wild outbreaks among the

vaccinated populations.



Quoting doug greene <greenedo >:


> I'm personally ambivalent about immunizations. But I'm not about

> when to give them, or making sure they're mercury-free (as opposed


> to "free mercury!")


> baby's immune system is still immature and developing. Giving 6-8

> immunizations (each with toxic levels of mercury) to a newborn is

> very damaging.

> If you immunize, do so after they are old enough to take the jolt


> their immune system, and do the shots one at a time, and make sure


> _SURE_ the shots don't have mercury in them. My son has Autism,


> we attribute that (at least in part) to the immunizations.


> -Doug



"Live in faith, not fear."

















Alyeen L. Lim TBE, NH, CR


Ask me about Tupperware specials.

"I know the Lord won't give me more than I can handle. I just wish he

didn't trust me so much." --Mother Theresa



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Speaking from experience, having an unassisted pregnancy and

unassisted childbirth takes a lot more study and confidence then just

doing your own herbs and health. It takes a lot of determination, a

lot of self examination, a lot of preparation.


Now also speaking from experience, I can also say that it is so much

more relaxing and peaceful. It is not simple, but giving yourself

into a doctors hands may be simple, but it is not worry-free either.

With Tatiana I took the tests they bullied me into, even though I knew

I didn't need them. I suffered through false positives and

interventions. I had a beautiful baby girl, but they didn't let me

sleep with her, and woke me up constantly so I started off nursing

with a baby used to night interruptions and sleep deprived myself.


With Gareth, I labored through the night, but slept between

contractions. I snuggled with him in my bed right away, and he is

perfectly used to nights snuggled up to me, nursing when he needs to,

but sleeping with me all the time. I am not sleep deprived, I had no

needless interventions. I would have had him C-sectioned out of me

three weeks sooner if I had been going to a doctor, as he was

transverse. They wouldn't have let me " risk " labor. (He actually

turned only minutes before he was born, and then as soon as he turned

he shot out.) Even if they had, they would have tried induction

earlier as he was so " late. " He just thought 41 weeks 3 days was the

perfect baking time for himself.


I studied how to turn a baby, and worked on turning him during labor.

I learned how to handle emergencies, and knew which herbs to take to

help prevent problems like hemorrhage and retained placenta. Jaundice

was not a problem because we didn't cut the cord and sever the baby's

blood supply. Everyone noticed his gorgeous red color when he was

born. I also have been doing herbal baths to heal and have healed

really quickly and feel wonderful even with a new baby and two young



I took care of my nutrition (GOSH I LOVE TN!!!) I still do. He eats

a ton, nurses like crazy, and still has yet to have a doctors approval

to be alive.



Quoting Trina <miiitymous:


> I think we should never tell any doctor we are pregnant, and have

> our children in secret at home!


> Trina  





" Live in faith, not fear. "

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Thank You for the kudos! I so love the mother baby bond! (Though I admit to being done with babies myself. I much perfer to hand them to the mother ;) ). It is amazing to see a laboring mother's connection to her baby and her body. I believe that if a woman is truly prepared in every way for the birthing experience she will have a wonderful experience while in labor.


This is a really neat group! I am glad I found you all and I am looking forward to learning more from each of you!



On 1/28/09, Organic Solutions <organicsolutions wrote:






Hi Alyeen,Congratulations on your new granddaughter!!! Wow, that must have been an amazing experience to catch the baby!!! Rock on for planning to be a midwife. These are some of the most caring people in the world!

The mother-child bond is among the strongest bonds in this world and a mothers intuition should be the only thing needed to raise a healthy, happy & thriving baby!KellyAlyeen Lim wrote:


Thought I would put my 2 cents in here. I have six children and I just caught my granddaughter in December. I am planning to be a midwife and I am a reflexologist and breastfeeding educator. I quit vaccinating with my thirda child. My oldest got very ill with some of her vacs. She was projectile vomiting everything that we gave her including breastmilk. The ped. said that it was a normal reaction. I decided then to at least put off vacs. But when my second came along I took her to the doc and they made me stand across the room while they held her down and gave her several shots. I was grief stricken and never went back to that Dr. My third came along and I thought she should be vaccinated cuz she had a cleft lip and palate and would be in and out of the hospital for sugeries. That didn't last long she got like two and I just didn't feel good about giving her anymore. My last three are my healthiest children and none of them have had any vacs. My oldest has trouble concentrating and was a very dificult baby and child. The other two don't seem to have been affected adversely as the oldest but I often wonder about my second DDs cramping during her cycles if maybe that could be from vacs.


You are your child's greatest healer. Mom's know a child better than anyone can. I think there is alot to be said for mother's intuition--listen to it!!



On 1/27/09, Organic Solutions <organicsolutions wrote:





Hi Ramona,I agree that vaccinations don't really protect against anything...There is one thing that does protect us that we love to talk about on this list that seems to be everyones favorite herb and that is.....GARLIC!!!

Garlic is the best thing to have if any plague or illness starts to spread. It will stop it dead in its tracks!~Kelly

Ramona wrote:


I have to laugh at Doug saying that. He is my brother, and it was his son's autism that made me start to THINK about vaxing instead of just doing. My eldest daughter was our foster child, and so that was out

of our hands until she was two. I do know that she learned her first word at 1, and then got her vaccinations, and couldn't learn any words or speak at all. She has been diagnosed since then with apraxia (something Doug's second son has after they cleansed his body when

they started noticing autistic symptoms coming after vaccinations).After seeing that, and starting the research, I am quite sure that I will not vax my children. I am pretty sure with Alayna's challenges

that if we had continued with vaxing and gotten the two year shots (MMR at 2 is a HUGE factor in autism) she would be autistic. She has a lot of traits, but misses out on the autistic spectrum thank goodness.

Autism is the one that people know, but there are so many other damages that vaccines do, and they DO NOT PREVENT catching the disease. Doctors have gotten so vax happy it is scary. There are so many things they vaccinate for. We do not need to be prevented from

ever being exposed to illness. It isn't good for our bodies. In sterile hospitals they create super bugs.They have discovered that people who use antibacterial everything and keep their houses spotless actually have children more prone to

illness. I like to think of the Martians on War of the Worlds. Trying to keep themselves from all sickness they made themselves more vulnerable.Remember the illnesses that are the MOST devastating to a population

are those that are unfamiliar to their bodies. By trying to keep ourselves from all these illnesses aren't we making more likely a serious reaction to exposure? (And make no mistake you are exposing yourselves to them when you are vaccinated or around someone who is

newly vaccinated.) There are continual wild outbreaks among the vaccinated populations.RamonaQuoting doug greene <greenedo:

> I'm personally ambivalent about immunizations. But I'm not about > when to give them, or making sure they're mercury-free (as opposed > to " free mercury! " )>> baby's immune system is still immature and developing. Giving 6-8

> immunizations (each with toxic levels of mercury) to a newborn is > very damaging.> If you immunize, do so after they are old enough to take the jolt to > their immune system, and do the shots one at a time, and make sure

> _SURE_ the shots don't have mercury in them. My son has Autism, and > we attribute that (at least in part) to the immunizations.>> -Doug> " Live in faith, not fear. "

-- Alyeen L. Lim TBE, NH, CRwww.wholeheartedfamily.com

Ask me about Tupperware specials. " I know the Lord won't give me more than I can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much. " --Mother Theresa

-- Alyeen L. Lim TBE, NH, CR

www.wholeheartedfamily.comAsk me about Tupperware specials. " I know the Lord won't give me more than I can handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much. " --Mother Theresa

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Thank you!! & well done!


Ieneke van Houten wrote:




You GO Kelly!


I nursed my daughter occasionally

till she was almost 4, and my son till about 3. They were eating lots

of other foods as well by that time, but still wanted the comfort. They

both seem to be pretty healthy individuals. (34 and 29)


Ien in the Kootenays






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Peace be Unto You,


As long as your children are healthy, there is no problem. I nursed my son up to two years old.



Shelia--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Organic Solutions <organicsolutions wrote:

Organic Solutions <organicsolutionsRe: {Herbal Remedies} Re:Babiesherbal remedies Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 5:41 PM



Thank you!! & well done!Ieneke van Houten wrote:



You GO Kelly!


I nursed my daughter occasionally till she was almost 4, and my son till about 3. They were eating lots of other foods as well by that time, but still wanted the comfort. They both seem to be pretty healthy individuals. (34 and 29)


Ien in the Kootenayshttp://freegreenliv ing.com (blog)

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That is so Awesome Ramona!!!!!! What a way to do it!

I had Zea with a Midwife but plan on having the others at home like you

had your Gareth.

It sounds like you really educated your self and had a wonderful

birth. This is an example of how a natural childbirth should be.

Mama is in charge and knows exactly what she is doing!!!

It is so invigorating to read such a successful childbirth story.

My birthing experience was an excellent one as well, but that is just

not common now a days.



P.s. I can't go a day with out my Total Nutrition either!!!


Ramona wrote:



Speaking from experience, having an unassisted pregnancy and

unassisted childbirth takes a lot more study and confidence then just

doing your own herbs and health. It takes a lot of determination, a

lot of self examination, a lot of preparation.


Now also speaking from experience, I can also say that it is so much

more relaxing and peaceful. It is not simple, but giving yourself

into a doctors hands may be simple, but it is not worry-free either.

With Tatiana I took the tests they bullied me into, even though I knew

I didn't need them. I suffered through false positives and

interventions. I had a beautiful baby girl, but they didn't let me

sleep with her, and woke me up constantly so I started off nursing

with a baby used to night interruptions and sleep deprived myself.


With Gareth, I labored through the night, but slept between

contractions. I snuggled with him in my bed right away, and he is

perfectly used to nights snuggled up to me, nursing when he needs to,

but sleeping with me all the time. I am not sleep deprived, I had no

needless interventions. I would have had him C-sectioned out of me

three weeks sooner if I had been going to a doctor, as he was

transverse. They wouldn't have let me "risk" labor. (He actually

turned only minutes before he was born, and then as soon as he turned

he shot out.) Even if they had, they would have tried induction

earlier as he was so "late." He just thought 41 weeks 3 days was the

perfect baking time for himself.


I studied how to turn a baby, and worked on turning him during labor.

I learned how to handle emergencies, and knew which herbs to take to

help prevent problems like hemorrhage and retained placenta. Jaundice

was not a problem because we didn't cut the cord and sever the baby's

blood supply. Everyone noticed his gorgeous red color when he was

born. I also have been doing herbal baths to heal and have healed

really quickly and feel wonderful even with a new baby and two young



I took care of my nutrition (GOSH I LOVE TN!!!) I still do. He eats

a ton, nurses like crazy, and still has yet to have a doctors approval

to be alive.



Quoting Trina <miiitymous >:


> I think we should never tell any doctor we are pregnant, and have

> our children in secret at home!


> Trina



"Live in faith, not fear."






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I believe that if a woman is truly prepared in every way for the birthing experience she will have a wonderful experience while in labor.


Guffawing loudly. Maybe SOME lucky ones out there. My experience is that they don't call it labor for nothing. It's mighty hard work and let's be frank, it bloody well hurts.


Ien in the Kootenayshttp://freegreenliving.com (blog)

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I agree! Having had my own unassisted births (6) there is no way one should try this without lots of self-education and having oneself prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually. Birthing at home, whether with a midwife or unassisted, is not for the faint of heart, or those easily panicked or unable to think during a crisis. Also, if you have low pain tolerance or are not sold 100%, this may not be for you. But it is a very viable option for many women. I enjoyed your story.


LoriSchooling is not education, and education is not schooling~John Taylor Gatto



herbal remedies From: ramonaDate: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:22:13 -0600Re: {Herbal Remedies} Babies




Speaking from experience, having an unassisted pregnancy and unassisted childbirth takes a lot more study and confidence then just doing your own herbs and health. It takes a lot of determination, a lot of self examination, a lot of preparation.Now also speaking from experience, I can also say that it is so much more relaxing and peaceful. It is not simple, but giving yourself into a doctors hands may be simple, but it is not worry-free either. With Tatiana I took the tests they bullied me into, even though I knew I didn't need them. I suffered through false positives and interventions. I had a beautiful baby girl, but they didn't let me sleep with her, and woke me up constantly so I started off nursing with a baby used to night interruptions and sleep deprived myself.With Gareth, I labored through the night, but slept between contractions. I snuggled with him in my bed right away, and he is perfectly used to nights snuggled up to me, nursing when he needs to, but sleeping with me all the time. I am not sleep deprived, I had no needless interventions. I would have had him C-sectioned out of me three weeks sooner if I had been going to a doctor, as he was transverse. They wouldn't have let me "risk" labor. (He actually turned only minutes before he was born, and then as soon as he turned he shot out.) Even if they had, they would have tried induction earlier as he was so "late." He just thought 41 weeks 3 days was the perfect baking time for himself.I studied how to turn a baby, and worked on turning him during labor. I learned how to handle emergencies, and knew which herbs to take to help prevent problems like hemorrhage and retained placenta. Jaundice was not a problem because we didn't cut the cord and sever the baby's blood supply. Everyone noticed his gorgeous red color when he was born. I also have been doing herbal baths to heal and have healed really quickly and feel wonderful even with a new baby and two young children.I took care of my nutrition (GOSH I LOVE TN!!!) I still do. He eats a ton, nurses like crazy, and still has yet to have a doctors approval to be alive.RamonaQuoting Trina <miiitymous >:> I think we should never tell any doctor we are pregnant, and have > our children in secret at home!>> Trina >"Live in faith, not fear." Windows Live™ Hotmail®…more than just e-mail. See how it works.

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Yes, it "bloody well hurts" but I can attest that it hurts a whole lot more in the hospital with all of their interventions! And it is not normal to be strapped down on one's back to birth! Gravity cannot do its job in helping the woman! I hurt a LOT when in labor, but there are also herbs you can take 6 weeks prior to delivery date that does wonders in preparing body to give birth and it shortens labor and delivery times. These herbs are: Red Raspberry, Black Cohosh, Lobelia, Squaw Vine, and Pennyroyal (just try to find pennyroyal at the store or online now!). I had to take major amounts for my body in order to get the help needed (everyone is different), but taking the right dosage for me was the difference in a 15-19 hour labor/delivery time to a 5-6.5 hour labor/delivery time! Well worth the cost and need to ingest up to 12 capsules or more per day! These herbs have historically been used on women who are pregnant. Lobelia and Pennyroyal are NOT to be used in early pregnancy (not before the 6 weeks of delivery) as they can cause spontaneous abortion and should be used with care. In fact, the only one of these herbs that is safe throughout entire pregnancy is the Red Raspberry, the others are only safe to use in late pregnancy!



Schooling is not education, and education is not schooling~John Taylor Gatto



herbal remedies From: ienvanDate: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 21:04:21 -0800Re: {Herbal Remedies} Babies




I believe that if a woman is truly prepared in every way for the birthing experience she will have a wonderful experience while in labor.


Guffawing loudly. Maybe SOME lucky ones out there. My experience is that they don't call it labor for nothing. It's mighty hard work and let's be frank, it bloody well hurts.


Ien in the Kootenayshttp://freegreenliving.com (blog)

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