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The Virginia Tech Massacre was not CAUSED by a drug

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Dennis H. Clarke


Saturday, April 21, 2007 12:09 PM

[ThetaNet] Virginia Tech Massacre Not "Caused" By A Drug



The Virginia Tech massacre was not "caused" by a drug.It was not caused by trees, clouds, dirt, bullets, guns, horses or rubber duckies.It was caused by one or more psychiatrists who implanted the shooter with hatred and a command to kill. All one might need to do to find him or her is to find the most "prominent" psychs in the area and see which one went on "vacation" on the day of the shooting or just before. Look there for the "being," not a tree or a drug. These manufacture "Manchurian Candidates."Having studied almost all mass murders from the late 1800's through the mid-1990's, I can tell you that the evidence is overwhelming that such events don't happen in a vacuum. There is a psychiatrist with his shock machine, pharmacy, icepick straps, handcuffs, usually an assistant and an overt or covert but always complex and continuous determination to harm or destroy and with blood on his hands proceeded to tortured the shooter into an utter state of confusion and psychosis.You can count on that, just as surely as his "patient" will show up on command with ammo, weapons, bombs or some other violent means of harming and destroying as many children or others as he or she can. Remember, sometimes its a mother who drowns her five children or throws three of them from a bridge and jumps in behind them or worse, but always violent.

Historically, there is an incident that is relevant to the events at Virginia Tech this week. It is the Charles Whitman mass murder in 1966 at the University of Texas in Austin.

You may have heard that the Virginia Tech massacre surpassed the previous "record" set and held by Charles Whitman since 1966. Whitman killed 16 outright and a seventeenth victim died later of shooting related injuries. Whitman also wounded 31 people. The Charles Whitman "Texas Tower” shootings, sometimes called the "first" school mass murder of the modern era, gives us clues as to what is at stake today: Not only are these incidents psychiatrist induced but indeed, are likely fallout of the ubiquitous psychiatric experimentation done on school campuses.

As you may know, the files of the Grand Jury that looked into the University of Texas, “Texas Tower” massacre by Charles Whitman back in 1966 were sealed at the request of the FBI and were never to be revealed.

However, the local Austin newspaper used the Freedom of Information Act over twenty years later to crack the sealed documents for an anniversary story on that mass murder. The last time I tried to retrieve the data, I learned that the newspaper has since changed hands and that this was missing from the newspaper’s morgue.

It turns out that the FBI had testified privately before the Grand Jury, after having publicly stating two days after the incident that, "there were no drugs involved."

However, as reported by the Austin American Statesman, behind closed doors the FBI revealed that, "Charles Whitman had been “eating amphetamines like popcorn." Those files may not have been completely “lost.” There was another paper in the town at that time and further, copies of the anniversary story were picked up by other newspapers around the country. In other words, other newspaper morgues may still have some record, including the UTA campus, student newspaper.

The data I have is that Charles Whitman was part of a secret, Navy funded study, being done on the UTA campus by the campus psychiatrist at the time, Maurice Dean Heatly who prescribed Dexadrine (amphetamine) on top of a valium prescription by the school medical doctor, Jan Cochrun.

Most people have also forgotten that the night before he went up into the Texas Tower on the campus, he had brutally stabbed, slashed and shot his pregnant mother and his wife to death.

So, Charles Whitman's and Maurice Dean Heatly's now infamous record for mass murder was just broken by this new assassin at Virginia Tech. The first to know that Whitman was exhibiting a classic, literally text book, psychiatrist induced amphetamine psychosis, was Heatly, the psychiatrist who treated him and wrote the prescription. Heatly was an accomplice, before, during and after the fact..

I can tell you that these school and other mass murders of the modern era are at least 98% provable to be strictly a phenomena of psychiatric induced mass murder. These individuals don't just go mad, not to this extent. They are driven this mad by the deliberate if not negligent and irresponsible use of prescription psychiatric drugs, their "counseling" and electric shocks. The mass murders we are seeing in America, the multiple homicides and other murders and suicides, very much parallel the homicide bombers and other terrorists that have appeared in recent years in the Middle East, recruited, “counseled” and sent with bodies full of the drug Ecstasy (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, better known as MDMA) or some other form of “speed” to carry out the directions of their cell leaders to kill as many people as possible, without hint or warning.Of special note is the fact that there are presently over 3,000 amphetamine-type drugs, all fully developed for the psychiatric industry to use and logged with the FDA, all awaiting approval for “human trials,” most of which trials will be conducted on our school campuses, using our children as the human subjects of those experiments.

Mass murderers are manufactured by people. Those people then sent them out among us to do their work. The drugs, like ammo or a bomb vest are just part of the package, like the clothes they wear.

Further, recent laws, under the guise of "patient confidentiality," were created by the psychiatric industry to protect the psychiatrists who send them, against exposure. It seems it is illegal today to expose the acts of the psychiatrist. He's protected. His victims, not at all.So, the choice is clear if we really want to do something to curb school and other violence in this society: Continue to protect the psychiatrists involved (there are almost always psychiatrists involved) or find them, expose them and hold them responsible as accessories, before, during and after the fact of their deliberately or "accidentally" (“whoops”) induced mass and other murders and suicides. The key question raised by this new age of terror should be, "Who was the psychiatrist on the case and what did he actually do?"

The answer to that question is the name of a psychiatrist and what should be considered to be a serious criminal act.

Yours truly,

Dennis H. Clarke

Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc

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