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Did You Fall for the 12/31/09 Codex Scam?

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I am not so sure it was a scam...

My understanding was that it iwas in a bill...and that if passed, would have

been a serious issue...but also that the bill that contained codex A...would

expire at the end of the year and if reconstructed after that - could be a

potential mess...and potential problem...

so the bill expired and will now have to be re-crafted...

so feel free to correct what may be in error here...



--- On Mon, 1/4/10, bestsurprise2002 <bestsurprise2002



bestsurprise2002 <bestsurprise2002

<< >> Did You Fall for the 12/31/09 Codex



Monday, January 4, 2010, 9:22 PM




































DECEMBER 31, 2009 –










January 4, 2010










Many of you kept hearing the message for these many months now, “Codex is


coming into effect as of December 31, 2009.†Depending on the source, the


message either stated directly or implied that your dietary supplements


were in danger after that date. And how many of you fell for that false siren








Be honest. Raise your hand if you did, and many will, because that false


cry of alarm was circulated on the internet for so long by persons who


should have known better, who still hold themselves out as “experts†on



and who constantly tap you for donations so that their “expertise†and “


important messages†can be spread far and wide. What expertise? What


important messages? It’s nonsense; and too many people fell for and bought



nonsense hook, line, and sinker. And are still believing it even now!












Well, December 31, 2009 has come and gone and there is no enactment of


Codex “regulations†on dietary supplements into law in the United States.


Yes, the European Union’s Food Supplements Directive has come into full


effect; but that is a far different beast, not to be confused – as so many

have –


with Codex Alimentarius.






Is Codex Alimentarius, as its standards are currently being developed, a


danger? Absolutely. But were the Codex Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplement


Guidelines going to be made into “law†as of December 31st? Absolutely


not. And we at the National Health Federation, the only health-freedom


organization accredited by Codex to attend and speak out at its meetings, have


told you for a very long time now that December 31, 2009, was not a Codex


threat date. The truth is it never was.






Fool Me Once, Shame on You – Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me






Those people who misinformed you all these months are the same ones who


almost five years ago also claimed that Codex would eliminate vitamins and


minerals from American health-food store shelves by July 31, 2005. Well,


that date also came and went without that happening. Now they have a larger


audience and one that is ignorant of these earlier false claims. How many


more false cries will have to come and go before people wake up to the fact


that they should stop listening to anyone who claimed that December 31st


was a Codex danger date? How much more time must pass before that audience


realizes that they have been suckers, steered in a wrong direction and with


a false message?






Now, these same Codex “experts†are pretending that somehow the date was



pushed back.†“Whew,†they say, now it will be later. Last November, if


not before, they must have seen this December 31st date coming up hard and


fast on them and wondered how they could possibly wiggle out of it. How


to explain, then, to their sucker audience when that date arrived that


December 31st was no longer a “danger†(since it never had been in the


beginning)? That’s it, yes, “Push Back.†The date was “pushed



simple. How neat. And how absolutely false.






The Only Freedom Force at Codex






The only health-freedom organization that has any standing whatsoever at


the Codex Alimentarius meetings is the National Health Federation. We are


the only such ones who can speak out at Codex meetings, submit documents for


delegates’ review, and interact in real-time with the other delegates as


the meeting discussions are happening.






Even if you consider those who attend Codex meetings as voiceless, passive


observers, the NHF has still attended more Codex meetings than all other


health-freedom organizations combined. So, we not only have actual


participatory experience, but we have more experience in general. Plus, we



feed you a load of horse manure, unnecessarily alarming you, just so we


will look good. We tell you the truth.






Realize, the way Codex works is that they do not really listen to anyone


outside of the Codex process. That’s why the only ones who can make a


difference at the Codex levels are those on the inside, such as the NHF. That


is exactly how, at the last Codex Committee meeting in Germany, NHF was able


to stop a very anti-health document setting absurdly-low Nutrient


Reference Values (NRVs) from advancing. Without NHF, this document would have


advanced forward towards completion.






Get off the Sucker Train






So, where were you when the Earth “ended†last New Year’s Eve? On the


sucker train? And are you still on it? Do you still actually believe that


the Codex Food Supplements standards became law on or the day after that


date? The Tooth Fairy is more real than that nonsense, at least a child can


get some money for a tooth. With the other, you just get a red face.






If you want the real information on what is happening at Codex, visit our


NHF website at _www.thenhf. com/codex. html_


(http://www.thenhf. com/codex. html) . Better yet, make a donation to keep us

fighting for you in the trenches


at the Codex meetings. We need your help, here and now - you help no one


if you waste your time, money, and energy by chasing ghosts and worrying


about phantom regulatory deadlines.






_Donate here_ (https://www. thenhf.com/ simple_donations .htm) and help us


fight for your health freedom. The real health-freedom heroes are all of


those NHF Members and other supporters who did not fall for the 12/31/09


Codex joke and kept supporting us through thick and thin in the real fight.






Will you be part of the solution? Or will you be part of the diversion?


Please start right now to be part of the solution by sending this e-mail on


to everyone you know who would be interested in knowing the truth. And


help put an end to the misinformation about 12/31/09.








************ ********








For further information on Codex, please visit the NHF website (Codex):


_http://www.thenhf. com/codex. html_ (http://www.thenhf. com/codex. html)




NHF Codex Book - _https://www. thenhf.com/ codex/buy_ codex_book. html_


(https://www. thenhf.com/ codex/buy_ codex_book. html)






NHF Codex Overview (May be used as an article or printed as a handout to


educate on Codex) - _http://www.thenhf. com/codex/ codex_handout. pdf_


(http://www.thenhf. com/codex/ codex_handout. pdf)






NHF-UK Codex Overview (May be used as an article or printed as a handout


to educate on Codex) - _http://www.thenhf. com/codex/ codex_handout_ uk.pdf_


(http://www.thenhf. com/codex/ codex_handout_ uk.pdf)








************ ********




As the oldest and best-respected health-freedom group on Capitol Hill, the


NHF continues to be the credible source of objective assessment of, and


proactive actions on, Congressional legislation and FDA matters that have


material impact upon our freedom-of-health choices and access to dietary


supplements and nutritional foods.




************ ********






Click here for the permanent link to this press release, use this link to


inform others.


_http://www.thenhf. com/press_ releases/ pr_04_jan_ 2010.html_


(http://www.thenhf. com/press_ releases/ pr_04_jan_ 2010.html)








National Health Federation: Established in 1955, the National Health


Federation is a consumer-education, health-freedom organization working to


protect individuals' rights to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements


and use alternative therapies without unnecessary government restrictions.


The NHF is the only such organization with recognized observer-delegate


status at Codex meetings. _www.thenhf. com_ (http://www.thenhf. com/)






************ ********* ********* ********








P.O. Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91017 USA ~ 1 (626) 357-2181 ~ Fax 1 (626)






Website: _www.thenhf. com_ (http://www.thenhf. com/)


E-mail: _contact-us@ thenhf.com_ (contact-us (AT) thenhf (DOT) com)





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