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Do Not Submit To A Swine Flu Shot

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Someone sent me this. Use your discernment and intuitive inner guidance.

It was an interesting video. I recall there was a young woman in the news

who got partially paralyzed after the flu vaccine.


TERESA FORCADES, doctor in Public Health, reflects on the history, and

gives scientific data, of A type flu and lists all the irregularities related

to this subject.


Link to the first video of 6, all are subtitled in English.





Friday, July 10, 2009



_New Voices in the Church: Sr. Teresa Forcades i Vila_






-h/teresaforcades.jpg) One of the more interesting emerging voices in

the Church is Benedictine sister Teresa Forcades. Sr. Teresa was born in

Barcelona, Spain in 1966. She has a doctorate in Public Health from the

University of Barcelona with specialization in Internal Medicine (State

University of New York). She also has a Masters in Divinity from Harvard

University and a doctorate from the Facultad de Teología de Catalunya. She is


author of _Crimes and Abuses of the Pharmaceutical Industry_

(http://www.fespinal.com/espinal/llib/en124.pdf) (Cristianisme i Justícia,

2006), La

Trinitat, avui ( " The Trinity, Today " , Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat,

2005), and La teologia feminista en la historia ( " Feminist Theology in

History " , Fragmenta Editorial, 2007). She has been a Benedictine nun and a

member of the community of Sant Benet de Montserrat since 1997 (click on

" Teresa F. " to reach her page with more writings).



(http://www.dailypaul.com/node/113562) (Transcripts of Teresa









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Thank you for those links. Knowledge is Power. The Darkness of Ignorance cannot

exist in the Light of Information.


Is there a link to why the flu shot " is the dumbest mistake that you'll ever

make " ?

Just facts & science about what's wrong with it without the conspiracy theory

rants or at least, kept in the background, please.


-richard, l.m.t.-


--- On Fri, 11/13/09, bestsurprise2002 <bestsurprise2002








forwarding.. ......... ........








It could prove to be the dumbest mistake you'll ever make . . .

and possibly the last.


_What to do instead—to completely avoid the flu..._

(http://doctorsprefe rred.com/ Apps/DCS/ mcp?r=7004B5Kv47 f1601200046xa304



Already had the flu vaccine?

To minimize the damage now, _find out how..._

(http://doctorsprefe rred.com/ Apps/DCS/ mcp?r=7004B5Kv47 f1601200046xa204




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