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Do Drug Companies Secretly Favor a World Flu Pandemic?

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I'm not sure how we all stop this (as my family and I would like to have no part

of being vaccinated ) but I would have to say keep passing this word on because

the word is spreading on many individuals that do not want it. I have heard this

on 3 now, many websites, concerned families in the area and am

convinced if it keeps as a top topic that we will rid the necessity of mass

vaxing for unnecessary purpose.


Just a thought

Tracy :o)

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Tue, 28 Jul 2009 20:34:33

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<< >> Do Drug Companies Secretly Favor a

World Flu Pandemic?






Do Drug Companies Secretly Favor a World Flu Pandemic?



Did you know that for many the flu vaccine recommendations will be for four

shots not just one? This means at least a 400% increase in side effects.


In early May, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted the

swine flu virus was not quite the fearsome plague it was widely reported to be

in April when the novel influenza A strain (official name H1N1) first emerged in

the U.S.

From Cautious Optimism to High Risk Pessimism in Under Six Weeks.....?


In early May, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted the

swine flu virus was not quite the fearsome plague it was widely reported to be

in April when the novel influenza A strain (official name H1N1) first emerged in

the U.S.


On May 6, Sebelius said:


" We are cautiously optimistic that what we are seeing right now is presenting

itself as a much milder virus than the initial cases ... in Mexico. " [1]


Ms. Sebelius' remark was likely prompted by the fact the swine flu virus is

showing itself to have mild symptoms, quick recovery time, and low incidence of

death among the vast majority of H1N1 patients throughout the world (with the

single exception of Mexico).


A little over a month later, on June 11, the World Health Organization (WHO)

raised its swine flu pandemic alert from a 5 to a 6. [2] Phase 6 is the highest

level alert, and reflects the speed with which a virus is spreading - not its



WHO actually considers the severity of the H1N1 virus to be moderate, generally

defined as an illness requiring neither hospitalization nor even medical



Where is the Logic in Mass-Vaccinating Kids?


Never mind the serious health risks of flu vaccines, which I'll get to shortly.

What happened to common sense?


Why are your school-age children being targeted by the Department of Health and

Human Services as the " first priority " for novel H1N1 vaccinations that have not

undergone adequate safety testing?


Per WHO, most cases of severe and fatal swine flu infections have occurred in

people aged 30 to 502. Many of those cases were seen in people who were already

ill with disorders like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and



Additionally, the swine flu virus presents much less threat of death to

Americans than all other strains of influenza combined![5]


Your Child May Be Pushed to Get FOUR Flu Shots This Fall!


Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care

Medicine also confirms that there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza

and pneumonia, despite the fact that vaccination coverage among the elderly has

increased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.


Last year, researchers with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

Diseases, and the National Institutes of Health published this conclusion in the

Lancet Infectious Diseases:


" We conclude that frailty selection bias and use of non-specific endpoints

such as all-cause mortality have led cohort studies to greatly exaggerate

vaccine benefits. "


Read the whole story at:






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