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AGE 50 and I want to clean out arteries

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I am a 50 year old male. I am in good shape and have no heart or breathing

problems. I have exercized 3 times a week for many years. The problem is that

I used to have a very poor diet and I am afraid that will lead to blockage

problems 20 to 30 years from now, like my Father has. I used to eat tons of

fried food and ice cream but my diet has been great now for many years.

I was wondering if there is anything I can eat or drink daily such as apple

cider vinegar or something else that will give me much less chances of a heart

or artery blockage in the future.


Thank you kindly



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I suggest you consider " Kelatox " It's an EDTA chelation suppository. You can

read up on it at www.kelatox.com. My wife and I took a full course to get all

the heavy metals out about three years ago. I'm 77 she's 73. We do a update

every years using a smaller amount.


Also consider taking up to 10 grams of vitamin C and 8 grams of L-lysine daily,

that will clean your arteries out leaving nice smooth walls. Check out " Linus

Pauling " on Google, he did a lot of research on Vitamin C.





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Hi Joe:


The first thing that you need to know is what foods are actually good

for you... that is read up on it at the extensive Weston Price

Foundation website and the ones that it references. There are no better

sources IMHO. Next, use plenty of raw coconut oil and in fact, eat as

much raw food as possible, avoid all processed food , and never drink

another soda. Of course, don't smoke... not so much because tobacco is

bad for you, but because it is not regulated as a food and the farming

methods make it unfit for human use. You might consider taking a variety

of fish oil daily. Krill is very good because it naturally comes from

pristine water. Also, consider eating natto and other fermented foods

frequently. You can also supplement with Natto products. Finally, and

this is my favorite, take bulk MSM... lots of it, on a daily basis.


There is plenty more, but after you hang out here for a few months, you

will have learned the ropes. Good health requires reeducation.


Kind Regards,




I am a 50 year old male. I am in good shape and have no heart or

breathing problems. I have exercized 3 times a week for many years. The

problem is that I used to have a very poor diet and I am afraid that

will lead to blockage problems 20 to 30 years from now, like my Father

has. I used to eat tons of fried food and ice cream but my diet has been

great now for many years.

I was wondering if there is anything I can eat or drink daily such as

apple cider vinegar or something else that will give me much less

chances of a heart or artery blockage in the future.


Thank you kindly






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, " Splunker " <westbounder



> Hi


> I was wondering if there is anything I can eat or drink daily such as apple

cider vinegar or something else that will give me much less chances of a heart

or artery blockage in the future.


> Thank you kindly


> Joe

>Hi Joe,


Take heart, as they say. You have been away from the bad foods for some years,

and our body is completely replaced every 7 years. Coconut oil is a really good

fat, that helps circulation, and helps our metabolism. Not all fats, and oils

are bad for the heart. www.healingnaturallybybee.com has some good info. I am

doing a lot better health wise by the diet.


Cindy C.

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I have approached this problem by changing my diet completely in line with Drs T

Colin Campbell and Esselstyn


Here in a video from Esselstyn there are others from Campbell and both have

written books:



http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-5215695644951404318 & ei=fohcSs7cMpXN-A\

aBkfD2CQ & q=esselstyn & hl=en & client=firefox-a


Hope it helps you




, " Splunker " <westbounder



> Hi

> I am a 50 year old male. I am in good shape and have no heart or breathing

problems. I have exercized 3 times a week for many years. The problem is that

I used to have a very poor diet and I am afraid that will lead to blockage

problems 20 to 30 years from now, like my Father has. I used to eat tons of

fried food and ice cream but my diet has been great now for many years.

> I was wondering if there is anything I can eat or drink daily such as apple

cider vinegar or something else that will give me much less chances of a heart

or artery blockage in the future.


> Thank you kindly


> Joe


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, " Splunker " <westbounder



> Hi

> I am a 50 year old male. I am in good shape and have no heart or breathing

problems. I have exercized 3 times a week for many years. The problem is that

I used to have a very poor diet and I am afraid that will lead to blockage

problems 20 to 30 years from now, like my Father has. I used to eat tons of

fried food and ice cream but my diet has been great now for many years.

> I was wondering if there is anything I can eat or drink daily such as apple

cider vinegar or something else that will give me much less chances of a heart

or artery blockage in the future.


> Thank you kindly


> Joe



Hi Joe,

shitake mushrooms scrub the arteries. and they taste yummy.


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, " revolutionandlove "

<revolutionandlove wrote:


> , " Splunker " <westbounder@>


> >

> > Hi

> > I am a 50 year old male. I am in good shape and have no heart or breathing

problems. I have exercized 3 times a week for many years. The problem is that

I used to have a very poor diet and I am afraid that will lead to blockage

problems 20 to 30 years from now, like my Father has. I used to eat tons of

fried food and ice cream but my diet has been great now for many years.

> > I was wondering if there is anything I can eat or drink daily such as apple

cider vinegar or something else that will give me much less chances of a heart

or artery blockage in the future.

> >

> > Thank you kindly

> >

> > Joe

> >


> Hi Joe,

> Eat lots of vegetables. Three to five servings of vegetables every single day

is a good amount. Vegetables are an ideal food for use in treating heart disease

because most are naturally low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber.

Vegetables also provide many of the essential minerals and vitamins that every

healthy heart requires.


Step 3Eat plenty of fruit. Like vegetables, fruits provide many of the things

your heart needs and are typically low fat. A heart healthy diet is one that

includes three to five servings of fruit every day. Some fruits can, however,

contain a lot of sugar so it's good to make sure you're eating the right fruits.



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First- learn to make and drink Magnesium Bicarbonate Water:

www.afibbers.org/Wallerwater.pdf. Do that for about a month. Do not be

surprised at any pains that may come up in arthritic joints, that is

calcification being dissolved. Likewise do not be surprised at any little

prickly feelings in your chest and neck, that is arterial calcification

being attacked.


Second- Do this after about a month of the first protocol. Get some

magnesium chloride flakes and grind some to a powder in a coffee grinder.

(Keep any and all magnesium chloride in very well sealed containers to avoid

pulling moisture from the air and turning into slush.)


Before bed and on an empty stomach, take 1/8 teaspoon of mag chlor. Set a

timer for 3 minutes, then take 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda (Arm & Hammer is

just fine, no aluminum in it).


Be still for 15 minutes. Take note of any twinges or funny feelings. If

there are any, then stay at that dose level the next night and so on until

there are no such feelings. If and when there are none, proceed the next

night to 1/4 teaspoon of each powder. Again take note and stay at that dose

until any feelings no longer happen. Then you can move to 1/2 tsp each.


You move up to 3/4 tsp each then eventually to 1 tsp each. Don't do that for

more than a week because by that time you'll be near the condition of Tetany

with too much bicarbonate in your blood. Symptoms will be muscle weakness,

head and neck aches and possible heart flutters. By that time you may need a

good source of calcium for blood calcium which is a different issue

altogether from calcifications. You must have blood calcium. My quick and

easy way was raw milk. I knocked out the Tetany in 2 days.


You'll get cleaned out quick. Before I did this I could hear the blood

rushing through either of my carotids at night when I would lay my head on a

pillow. That's all gone now.


Coronary Calcifications- that's what's clogging your arteries and that is

what these protocols literally burn out.


These protocols won't stop at coronary calcifications, they will dissolve

calcifications with a vengeance in any arthritic joints. My right knee was

badly damaged by gout and was held together by calcification. When I did all

this, that knee got really loose and wobbly and I had to use nutritional

methods to heal it, but all that is another story.


My take on cleaning out your arteries by dietary methods at age 50 (I'm 55)

is that all that is a total red herring, especially about the red meat. Some

of us thrive on red meat and the damage done by not eating it, if you are a

carnivore by nature (study Metabolic Typing), is every bit as bad as the

damage already done by coronary calcifications. (Just be sure to make the

move to grass fed beef. Study the info from Weston A Price Foundation on

this one.)


Third- after finishing the " 2 powders " protocol, go back on the water; it

will now be able to get into places that it couldn't get into before and

there may be more little prickly feelings for a while. There is something

longer and slower acting about the water method over the fast and violent

action of the 2 powders method.


I will not be getting in any arguments with the no-red-meat crowd. I don't

have time for such nonsense. I don't have time for argument period. I just

don't have much time on my hands at all these days. I was going to forego

this whole thread but I started seeing the dietary nonsense show up.


Let him who has ears, hear.



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, " tcmadvisory1 "

<tcmadvisory1 wrote:




The first thing you need to do is exercise, especially cardiovascular. Most of

these suggestions are pretty good. If you do eat red meat, do not have very

much. Garlic and onions are some of the top herbs for the arteries.





> , " revolutionandlove "

<revolutionandlove@> wrote:

> >

> > , " Splunker " <westbounder@>


> > >

> > > Hi

> > > I am a 50 year old male. I am in good shape and have no heart or

breathing problems. I have exercized 3 times a week for many years. The

problem is that I used to have a very poor diet and I am afraid that will lead

to blockage problems 20 to 30 years from now, like my Father has. I used to eat

tons of fried food and ice cream but my diet has been great now for many years.

> > > I was wondering if there is anything I can eat or drink daily such as

apple cider vinegar or something else that will give me much less chances of a

heart or artery blockage in the future.

> > >

> > > Thank you kindly

> > >

> > > Joe

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My thoughts on the advice below is magnesium bicarbonate is difficult

to absorb and a far better protocol is transdermal magnesium. You can

now buy magnesium oils at Swanson Vitamins, so it easy to come by and

there is no limit to how much you can take.


>First- learn to make and drink Magnesium Bicarbonate Water:

www.afibbers.org/Wallerwater.pdf. Do that for about a month. Do not be

surprised at any pains that may come up in arthritic joints, that is

calcification being dissolved. Likewise do not be surprised at any little

prickly feelings in your chest and neck, that is arterial calcification

being attacked.


Second- Do this after about a month of the first protocol. Get some

magnesium chloride flakes and grind some to a powder in a coffee grinder.

(Keep any and all magnesium chloride in very well sealed containers to avoid

pulling moisture from the air and turning into slush.)


Before bed and on an empty stomach, take 1/8 teaspoon of mag chlor. Set a

timer for 3 minutes, then take 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda (Arm & Hammer is

just fine, no aluminum in it).


Be still for 15 minutes. Take note of any twinges or funny feelings. If

there are any, then stay at that dose level the next night and so on until

there are no such feelings. If and when there are none, proceed the next

night to 1/4 teaspoon of each powder. Again take note and stay at that dose

until any feelings no longer happen. Then you can move to 1/2 tsp each.


You move up to 3/4 tsp each then eventually to 1 tsp each. Don't do that for

more than a week because by that time you'll be near the condition of Tetany

with too much bicarbonate in your blood. Symptoms will be muscle weakness,

head and neck aches and possible heart flutters. By that time you may need a

good source of calcium for blood calcium which is a different issue

altogether from calcifications. You must have blood calcium. My quick and

easy way was raw milk. I knocked out the Tetany in 2 days.<




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>My thoughts on the advice below is magnesium bicarbonate is difficult

to absorb and a far better protocol is transdermal magnesium.<


I'm not just trying to be disagreeable but that was totally not the case for



Magnesium Bicarbonate is not necessarily a substitute for other forms of

magnesium. I still take chloride and citrate. As far as absorption of mag

bicarb goes, my experience is that the water method is superior for

long-term use, there is just something better about it that way and I don't

know why. The " 2 powders " method is not for keeping up magnesium levels, at

least not for me; it is a de-calcification protocol and a VERY strong and

fast one.


My wife and I did transdermal magnesium therapy for months in every way

there is to do it from spray-on to footbaths to tub soaks, we did it inside

out and upside down, I did it to the complete point of overdo, to the point

that it caused suppression of emotions, to the point where it actually

caused heart flutters, but never ever did I get the effects I got from these

2 protocols.


I was all over some other groups when I first did transdermal and I was

calling it " the bath of life " because it made me feel so good. But I was not

just looking for feeling good, I was looking for decalcification and I did

not get it.


So- transdermal is good for mag absorption and some benefits, but forget

about it cleaning out your arteries and joints, at least if you are in

serious trouble with that as I was, able to hear the swishing in both sides

of my neck.



>there is no limit to how much you can take (magnesium chloride).<

Oh yes there is, absolutely, there is most definitely a limit. I am well

known for running into a fence and either knocking it down or jumping over

it, and I did this one big and bad, and I had to turn around and go back

inside that fence.



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  • 1 year later...


I am quite interested in this info that you've provided. I'm at a state where I need to find something that will work for real.

Can I ask you.. :

How did you confirm and prove that it(2 powder) was actually cleansing out your arteries literally to the point that you felt it happen?

How did you come up with this particular formula?

Why the 3 minute delay after the mag chloride?


Thanks for any info you can provide.

I am running out of options.




I am currently up to 1/2 tsp of both and am not feeling a thing.

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