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Aspartame and MSG - Can They Cause Seizures?

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One of the reasons why aspartame causes weight gain and aggravates diabetes (and

SOOO many diabetics use it, which is really unfortunate) is because the taste

buds tasting something resembling " sweet " trigger an insulin response in the

body...JUST via the taste!


But what then happens is that the body is anticipating a glucose fix that it

never receives.  Hence, the overweight folks end up CRAVING sweets to compensate

for what their bodies need (the body absolutely needs glucose for survival...the

issue becomes how much of it is utilized as compared to not, resulting in blood

sugar level issues, insulin resistance and fat accumulation on the body).


I tell people to avoid aspartame like it's a poison...because it is!  Sprinkle

some Nutrasweet or Equal around an ant-infested area and see what happens to the



Tim.......facelessfatloss on youtube


" Right Here, Right Now. "




--- On Fri, 5/29/09, Shan <bestsurprise2002 wrote:


Shan <bestsurprise2002

<< >> Re: Aspartame and MSG - Can They Cause



Friday, May 29, 2009, 2:11 AM


















My information is that both aspartame and MSG can and do cause

seizures. The evidense for aspartame especially is huge -but MSG is also what

is called an excitotoxin - effects the body in a similar way. And if your

husband is taking aspartame in an attempt to lose weight - it has been proven

that aspartame makes you gain weight.... And did you say your husband was a

diabetic - well he really should stay away from MCG too!!!




MSG and Diabetes


Why should MSG matter to a diabetic?MSG causes a very large insulin response

after it is ingested since there are glutamate receptors in the pancreas.

According to the following research done in Canada, ingested MSG DOES result in

higher plasma concentrations of free glutamic acid AND higher insulin levels as

well: http://ajpendo. physiology. org/cgi/content/ full/278/ 1/E8 This study

alone makes free glutamic acid's role in diseases like Diabetes extremely

relevant to the overuse of MSG and free glutamic acid in our food.


http://www.msgtruth .org/diabetes. htm




Aspartame is highly addictive and there are a few especially for

those trying to stop using it. You might check them out. I had no trouble

stopping aspartame but then, I never did use it a lot . However I do know

somebody whom found it has a terrible time going off of aspartame - he finally

did but it took a couple of years. I was very surprised - this person is a man

of strong character and determination. ......... ... Anyways, your husband will

not only be a lot healthier off of aspartame and MSG but he will live longer and

find it easier to control his insulin and weight too.


I has seizures for 49 years - I haven't had any seizures now for a few years

and have not taken any medication since October 20007. I do take lots of

magnesium though - in the form of magnesium glycinate. it seems that I am

magnesium deficient - no body ever tested me for that . Actually my

understanding is that there is not a reliable test for magnesium deficiency .

But it causes seizures among other things.


Anyways here are some urls for aspartame and seizures as well as several for

MSG - also Dr Russell Blaylock has written a very good book about them. You

might google him and get it.




Aspartame Is By Far, the Most Dangerous Substance On the Market That Is Added To



Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names, NutraSweet, Equal,

Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. A few of the 90 different documented symptoms

listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Headaches/migraines ,

dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes,

depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems,

hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks,

slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.

Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food

additives reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


http://www.mercola. com/article/ aspartame/ nutrasweet_ scandal.htm




Aspartame consumption strongly associated with migraines and seizures


http://www.naturaln ews.com/008797. html




Aspartame promotes grand mal seizures, say health experts


http://www.naturaln ews.com/008952. html




Interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock on devastating health effects of MSG,

aspartame and excitotoxins


http://www.naturaln ews.com/020550. html




Aspartame: Killing You By Degrees, Part I


http://articles. mercola.com/ sites/articles/ archive/2005/ 10/06/aspartame-

killing-us- by-degrees- part-i.aspx




1995 list of aspartame reactions


http://www.mpwhi. com/92_aspartame _symptoms. pdf




The TRUTH About Aspartame!


If it says " SUGAR FREE " on the label DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!

Aspartame... Disguised and Deadly!Because Monsanto's artificial sweetener

aspartame (sold as " Nutrasweet, " " Equal, " and " Spoonful " ) is over 200 times

sweeter than sugar, it's a common ingredient found in " diet " foods and has

become a sweetening staple for dieters. Besides being a deadly poison (see page

42), aspartame actually contributes to weight gain by causing a craving for

carbohydrates. A study of 80,000 women by the American Cancer Society found that

those who used this neurotoxic " diet " sweetener actually gained more weight than

those who didn't use aspartame products. Find out more about the deadly health

risks posed by Monsanto's toxic sweetener on this website: www.aspartamekills.

com Helpful Information; Stevia healty alternative; manymany links to more

info about aspartame.


http://www.lovethet ruth.com/ truth_about_ aspartame. htm










[ Why MSGTruth? ] [ Food For Thought ] [ American Restaurant Syndrome? ] [ What

exactly is MSG? ] [ What Makes Me MSG Sensitive? ] [ Body Systems Affected by

MSG ] [ Disease States Affected by MSG ] [ Disease Statistics ] [ What Foods To

Avoid? ] [ What To Eat? ] [ Remedies ] [ Related Research ] [ MSG in the NEWS ]

[ Recommended Reading and Videos ] [ FlowChart ]


http://www.msgtruth .org/




Dr. Russel Blaylock discusses how our food today is adulterated with

excitotoxins. Dr. Blaylock has written many books and does an excllent job

explaining how these toxins affect our bodies. He cuts through the political and

industry lies. This is a must see video. www.TheFoodIsHorrib le.com


This is very good - shows several of the names for MSG, as well as discussed how

it kills brain cells, and causes seveal differnent diseases including strokes



http://video. google.com/ videoplay? docid=-214166627 9271222294 & ei=




MSG and Obesity


MSG is injected into laboratory rats to induce obesity.The part of the brain

responsible for hunger - the hypothalamus, is not protected at all by the

blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is compromised in individuals in a

hypoglycemic state, which may occur when levels of insulin - the very hormone

increased by ingesting MSG, is high. Leptin did not work on test animals that

were obese due to MSG-induced obesity. This suggests that perhaps the damage to

the hypothalamus caused by MSG, caused the hypothalamus to become resistant to

the effect of leptin. So - MSG = activated AMPK = increased appetite = decreased

energy expenditure = obesity. Glutamate is proven to cause the damage in

stroke. CoQ10 helps the body withstand metabolic stress. The very stress that

glutamate causes. Stroke is now being called an obesity-related disease, but

perhaps " MSG-related disease " would be nearer the mark, and CoQ10 is now on the

formulary for heart patients

at hospitals in the U.S. By directly stimulating the pancreas to release

insulin, which drops the blood sugar, MSG can be considered an " anti-appetite

suppressant " . Over-release of insulin can lead to obesity and insulin

resistance - the start of Type II Diabetes. Asthma has already been proven to

be excacerbated by MSG.


http://www.msgtruth .org/obesity. htm




A 40 minute interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock:


http://video. google.com/ videoplay? docid=-417016871 4960373154 & hl=en-CA




MSG - How To Avoid The Hidden Sources


http://cnn.com/ HEALTH/diet. fitness Sufferers of monosodium glutamate (MSG)

toxicity syndromes have long been dismissed by the makers of glutamate & food

additives + by the FDA, whose labeling standards for foods containing the

controversial flavor enhancer are fairly lax. What is MSG toxicity syndrome?;

Symptoms that MSG can bring on; MSG-sensitive individuals are still at risk for

becoming severely ill from food they buy at the store or order off a menu; most

of the MSG-containing foods that cause MSG syndrome are not 99 percent pure &

are allowed to be labeled obscurely: " monopotassium glutamate, " " autolyzed

yeast, " " hydrolyzed soy protein " & " sodium caseinate " are examples of

ingredients that always contain MSG. more


http://www.rense. com/health3/ msgsources. htm




Dangers of MSG -- A Three-Part Series


videos. You probably already knew that MSG could damage your brain cells. But

that is only the tip of the iceberg...


http://v.mercola. com/blogs/ public_blog/ dangers-of- msg--part- 1-32463.aspx




Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Toxicity Web Page


http://www.holistic med.com/msg/




Truth In Labeling - The whole truth about MSG


http://www.truthinl abeling.org/ Dang.html










Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com, " shygabriel "

<faustina0317@ ...> wrote:




> Hello -




> I am writing because my 62-year-old husband had a grand mal seizure this

past January (his first seizure ever) - the MDs attributed it to his blood sugar

dropping (he is a diabetic), but this never really made sense, and in the end,

they confessed that they could not find the cause of the seizure, after

performing various tests (EEG, CAT scan, etc.) - the night before he had the

seizure, he had eaten some Chinese take-out food which I noticed (since I had

eaten it also) had a great deal of MSG in it...




> Early this morning, to my great distress, he had another seizure, and

someone just asked me if he uses aspartame. He does use several packets a day,

and also had a can of diet soda (with aspartame in it) last night, so he had

even more aspartame than usual before having the seizure. They want to put him

on Keppra, an anti-seizure medication, and the side effects from this medication

sound worse than the seizures themselves! (from what I read online from those

who take it...) -




> Does anyone know anything about this, or have any experience with aspartame

or MSG causing seizure activity in those sensitive to it?




> Thank you,


> Janet A.



































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