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Chakra Healing

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There are many highly effective ways to work with your chakras --

Easy to learn, easy to do, and inexpensive to learn about. Get Donna

Eden's Energy Medicine book, around $18 at the bookstore... cheaper on

Amazon.com if you are willing to buy a used book.


Her book is reader friendly and has many drawings to illustrate the

skills, none of which are complicated or difficult to understand or

difficult to do.


You can take her instruction courses which will run into some dollars,

but even if you never do that, and even if you never order any

other books, DVDs or information from her, that one book will give

you a massive amount of understanding about the chakras, about

meridian energy, auric fields, and your psychology/psyche &

physiology, and ways to alleviate physical, emotional, and mental

stress - pain - traumas, and so much more.


Are you in fear or so highly agitated and can't think strait -- two

different extremely easy drills will help you with that. One will

turn off the flight or flight state and shut down all the stress

chemicals the adrenals are pumping out. The other will help bring the

blood back to the frontal cortex (your rational thinking part of the

brain) and away from the gut instict reactive primal brain.


Those are just two of hundreds of things you will learn just from that

one book. She is very strong on how-to information thus

enabling you to work with healing yourself (and on others as well.) at

many levels.


If you physical heart is in stress, she tells you which finger can be

squeezed as it is an major accupuncure/accupressure point on the

meridian line feeding the heart and heart chakra. For emotional pain

in the heart/heart chakra ( " heart break " and " heart ache " from the

betrayal by a spouse or lover, or death of a loved one, etc.) she

gives exercises to help with that.


You can also watch a lot of information, including how to trace the

entire meridian system in just minutes, on you-tube.


The meridians (energy flow lines) and chakras (energy nexus) are

interconnected so working with the meridian energy will help your

chakras. She also shows how to work on the chakras directly. On her

website there is a phenomenal amount of free information given in

short articles.


She has a five minute daily routine of things to do to get your entire

energy system, including chakras, in balance and working in

peak condition so as facilitate health and vitality in your body. She

also has a separate course on color but gives some information in the

book above mentioned. Any one of the exercises in this routine is

helpful, doing them all makes you feel really alvie and alert and

energized. And after you get the routine down, it can be done a little

quicker than five minutes. Donna Eden - 5 Min. Energy Routine


About color, go here. This is one of many execellent articles by Dr.

Klinghardt (he has some great insights and information

on autism for those interested). This article deals with how light

and color affect us and how it can be used for healing. The

Neurophysiology of Light, The Five Pathways


I am not one of those " born " psychics, healers, or intuitives you

read about -- I did not have one of those " near death " experience

where I came back with special skills, knowledge, or awareness ---- I

am just an ordinary person who has learned to sensitize myself to

subtle energy. Over time I have developed the ability to scan the

body and feel the condition of each chakra and work with it to restore

balance, or unblock stuck energy, or move out negative energy

patterns. And because I have so many interests, I did not concentrate

on this interest alone. Those that have given it more time and effort

have become much more skilled than me.

The point here is that all of us have these skills and sensitivity as

an innate but undeveloped unrecognized potential and can develop



My skills are primarily kinesthetic -- I feel the chakras by

scanning the body with my hands about six inches out from

the body. There are others who can actually see them; usually this

entails getting into an alpha brain wave pattern and

defocussing the eyes. We generally are used to using the five senses

by which we are cognizant of much stimuli hitting us.

Different critters (bats, butterflys, owls, snakes) all have sense

receptors more finally tuned so they can see/access electro-magnetic

stimuli -- with their physical receptors they see what we cannot (eg:

infra red or ultra violet) hear what we cannot (think dog whistles)

sense temperature changes too subtle for us to detect. Etc. Etc.

But by developing our " susper sensible " abilities (which are not

operative through our normal usage of our normal sense receptors) we

too can perceive a wider range of energy than otherwise.


Had I read Eden's book when I first began my journey into energy

healing, I would have saved years of

work to get where I am now. She just gives so much information and

makes it so simple to learn body healing. Again, the point of saying

this is to highlight that anybody can develop these sensitivities and

aquire both the knowledge and skill to work with the energy body.

Like riding a bycycle, you get more adept as you work with it.

Some just learn to stay balanced on the bike, some learn to do

wheelies and other skills. Same with energy work, the more you do it

the more skilled you can become.


And you don't need me or any other person with sensitivity to give

testimony that chakras exist; we now have energy sensitive

instruments that show they exist, show their location, measure their

size and electrical potential. There are innumerable studies

that have been done and many different instruments developed capable

or recording the presence of chakras and other

energy systems.


About positive energy, negative energy: Perhaps nobody explains the

effect of positive or negative thinking more thoroughly,

more scientifically, and at a level any layman can understand, and is

also such a dynamic speaker that he is a delight to listen to

as does Bruce Lipton. You can watch on you-tube how your positive or

negative thoughts can actually change your cell functions,

fetal neurology and physiology, and the neuro-peptides or harmones

floating around in your body. Check out his Biology of

Perception 1 thru 7

YouTube - bruce lipton



In my way of thinking, its really important to know about the

importance of nutrient dense foods, the importance of vitamins and

minerals and enzymes, about chemical pollutants in our every day

surroundings (like out-gassing rugs or bisphenol A in baby

bottles), about some of the lessor

know pathogens, and etc. that either build or destroy health. But

without understanding the energy systems, we don't have the complete

picture. Doctors too often today specialize on just one area of

knowledge and forget to look at the whole of us

as mental, emotional, physical, psycho-spiritual organs with many

levels of energetic functioning.


Hope this helps --








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