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Coke's new drink may be unveiled without FDA approval

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Coke is NOT using stevia, but a chlorinated chemical based upon

stevia. This is a big difference!


No time to patch up the broken URLs below, but the information needs

to get out quickly, so I am posting it here as I received it.




---------- Forwarded message ----------

Annette Huang <annette.huang

Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:37 PM

Fw: [WNHO-Aspartame-Information] More on Truvia




You might be interested in this information. - see highlighted section

below and on from there..


Annette Huang

----- Forwarded Message ----

" Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. " <bettym19


Wednesday, 17 December, 2008 9:47:23 AM

[WNHO-Aspartame-Information] More on Truvia




<http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

--our-continuing -investigation. phpindex. php>QA

& Reg Affairs Unit


~ Truvia ~ new Low Calorie Sweetener (toxin)


Manufactured by Cargill (in conjunction with Coca Cola )


This is a non-organic, manufactured and possibly a chemically processed product


originally starting with from Stevia leaves (the real thing). There is no


evidence, yet, that the finished product is healthy, or that it remains a


STEVIA-like product, with its original beneficial qualities intact.


NOTE: As with SPLENDA...the firm said it was

from sugar. Yet, after processing, it turned out

that SPLENDA evolved ( was processed ) into a

chlorocarbon, with a molecular structure closely

resembling chlorine-based DDT, the banned pesticide.


SPLENDA being a chlorocarbon, contained chlorine

and chlorine derivatives that the human body

cannot metabolize. Whenever you see this aspect

in processed food or sweeteners or additives,

almost 99 % of the time, this means that the body

expends vast amounts of energy trying to

metabolize it, putting stress on the liver, pancreas, and other organs.


As you may know, the body does NOT metabolize

chlorine very well, and therefore created long

term health consequences associated with

hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), increased size of

thymus gland, kidney malfunctions, and a host of

other pathologies leading into a diseased state.

That is SPLENDA ...a chlorinated, processed

molecule that more closely resembles DDT, than any sugar.


In addition to our previous experience with

SPLENDA, Aspartame, and cyclamates, et al,

problems always developed from their use. Some of

these issues, like with aspartame, were substantially (neuro)toxic.


Thus, this has led us to formulate and research

several important questions and queries...


First: Erythritol, a sweetening agent contained

in TRUVIA ® (and ZEROSE ®), is processed AND

SYNTHESIZED from its original state. TRUVIA is

processed with Erythritol and treated (Rebiana).

This does not mean that the finished product

resembles the original state from which it is

manufactured. So, that's a red flag.


Second: To date (Nov. 2008) Our investigation is

currently involved with looking into the following issues:


a) That this PROCESSED Rebiana or Stevia may

not reflect the original starting product.


b) Increased calcium loss, along with

potassium, and phosphate (from what we discovered

currently) may have a severe, long-term

consequence on kidney function by causing or increasing renal lesions.


c) Noted increases in urinary calcium,

potassium, etc. reflects these constituents being

released into the blood stream from moderate

intake of Erythritol (PROCESSED REBIANA), and that this increase


accumulates in the kidneys, causing calcification

and lesions. We found testing which showed weight

changes in animal kidneys upon examination, with developing lesions.


d) We are also finding data that " alludes " to

the development of an enlarged cecum, a small

pouch attached to the ascending large colon, near

the ilio-cecal valve in the intestine. This seems

to make sense due to the fact that unmetabolized

and artificially processed additives may

aggravate or instigate inflammation of the cecum.

We have learned that most artificial products

(chemicals, additives, flavor enhancers, coloring

agents, etc) that are not capable of being

metabolized have led to pathological health

issues. This raises another red flag.


e) With natural Stevia - Rebiana available on

the market, why would anyone destroy this

perfectly wholesome, safe natural sweetener by

processing it, using chemicals and other

additives in the finished production process ?


This question is may be answered three-fold = 1)

It is being developed by a multi-national

corporation with significant influence over the

FDA ; 2) Profit motive, and, 3) the agenda to

eventually provide another pharmaceutical

requisite for a " precondition of illness " for further profit.


It sounds sinister, because it is sinister, as

these people, focused on profit, care less about

our health or well-being. So, what we have

included in this research, is MOTIVE.... We

think these days, this has become an important

aspect of planned investigative research,

especially when it comes to the FDA or pharmaceutical firms.


Why process an already natural product ???


To process Stevia into Stevioside (powdered form)

requires that the leaves are subject to a process

of using nitrogen, water, and in some cases,

methanol (like caffeine-free coffee) to create

the powdered sweetener of Stevia. So, Why not

simply add natural Stevia to these products ?



question...and it deserves an answer.


This is where we are, so far. We have a way to go yet.


We will keep this site updated as the information

becomes available and is validated.


Currently, we recommend promoting and using

natural Stevia. We found one firm, Stevita, Inc.,

from Dallas, Texas operated by a man (Oscar

Rhodes) with direct connections to Stevia-Pharma

in southern Brazil, where it is naturally

produced and packaged, retaining all its natural beneficial qualities.


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________


Here are some of the studies we have found, so far...


Additional Supporting Documents, Below:


Manufacturing of Erythritol (from Industry)


<http://www.cargills weetness. com/index.

php?id=577>http://www.cargills weetness. com/index. php?id=577


Erythritol is the first polyol to be industrially

manufactured by a fermentation process.


(It would be good to know and understand this

" fermentation process " , as the same thing can be

said for hydrolized protein (neurotoxin) …which

this is starting to sound like ??)


The starting material is a glucose-rich substrate

(?) obtained by enzymatic hydrolisis from the

natural raw material starch. Glucose is then

fermented by a yeast to yield erythritol.


Erythritol is crystallised at over 99.5% purity

from the filtered and concentrated fermentation broth.

<http://www.cargills weetness. com/scheda/ negozio/home/

eryth-company/ index.php? id=577#header>

A fermentation process using natural raw

materials derived from maize was developed by

Cargill, first on laboratory scale, then on a

pilot industrial scale. Commercial production of

purified, high quality erythritol - initially for

the Japanese market - started in 1993.




____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Study of Erythritol in Rats


B. A. R.

Lina<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

10 & md5=10ac710d3 ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#a1a1>a,

M. H. M.

Bos-Kuijpers<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

10 & md5=10ac710d3 ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#a1a1>a,

H. P.

Til<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

10 & md5=10ac710d3 ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#a1a1>a

and A. Bär

<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

_acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=10ac710d3

ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#a2a2>b,

<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

_acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=10ac710d3

ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#fn1fn1>1


a TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, P.O.

Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands


b Bioresco AG, Hauptstrasse 63, Postfach 406, 4102, Binningen, Switzerland


Received 29 July 1996.


Available online 22 April 2002.


Abstract comments by: Dr. E in BLUE


The potential toxicity and carcinogenicity of

erythritol, a low-calorie sugar substitute, were

examined in Wistar Crl:(WI) WU BR rats. Groups of

50 rats of each sex consumed diets with 0, 2, 5,

or 10% erythritol, or 10% mannitol, for a period

of 104–107 weeks. To each of these main groups,

two satellite groups of 20 males each were

attached for interim kills after 52 and 78 weeks

of treatment. At start of the study, the rats were 5–6 weeks old.


The average intakes of erythritol in the 2, 5,

and 10% groups were 0.9, 2.2, and 4.6 g/kg body

wt/day for males and 1.0, 2.6, and 5.4 g/kg body

wt/day for females, respectively. Mannitol

intakes were 4.4 and 5.2 g/kg body wt/day in

males and females, respectively. All treatments

were well tolerated without diarrhea or other

side effects. Body weights were significantly

below control levels during most of the study in

males of the 5% erythritol group and in males and

females of the 10% erythritol and 10% mannitol

groups. Survival of the animals was not adversely

affected by the treatments. Hematological and

clinicochemical examinations did not reveal

noticeable changes which could be attributed to treatment.


Analysis of urine samples collected during five

48-hr periods, from rats of the satellite groups

in Weeks 26, 42, 50, and 78 and from rats of the

main groups in Week 102, showed that about 60% of

ingested erythritol was excreted unchanged.


The urine volumes (this refers to urinary output

in general) increased with increasing dietary erythritol levels.


In line with previous observations on other

polyols, erythritol and mannitol ingestion led to

an increased excretion of urinary calcium and

citrate. The urinary excretions of sodium,

potassium, phosphate,N- acetylglucosamin idase

(NAG), -glutamyltransferas e (GGT),

low-molecular- weight protein (LMP), and total

protein (TP) were slightly elevated in the 10%

erythritol group. (This means that these minerals

and proteins are removed from ??? (bone, tissues,

plasma ??) and then released into the bloodstream

due to consumption of Erythritol…and that these,

subsequently, pass through the kidney, its phalynx, and are excreted.)


Increased GGT and NAG excretions also were seen

occasionally at the 5% dose. Significantly

increased relative cecum weights were seen in

rats of either sex in the 10% mannitol and,

somewhat less pronounced, 10% erythritol groups.

Some cecal enlargement also was seen in the 5%

erythritol group. The relative weight of the

kidneys was highest in the 10% erythritol group,

the difference from controls reaching statistical

significance at interim kills (males) and termination (females).


Except for more frequent pelvic nephrocalcinosis

in female rats, of all erythritol dose groups,

the histopathological examinations did not reveal

any nonneoplastic, preneoplastic, or neoplastic

changes that could be attributed to the ingestion

of erythritol. (This statement may reflect the

industry's funding for these studies, as this

appears to downplay the issues of

nephrocalcinosis due to the high excretion rates

of calcium, citrate, potassium, and phosphate).


In male and female rats of the 10% mannitol

group, pelvic nephrocalcinosis, which in females

was associated occasionally with pelvic

hyperplasia, was the only remarkable finding. The

incidence and progression of nephrosis, which is

commonly seen in aging rats of this strain, were

not influenced by the treatments.


(Do you think they used aged rats on purpose, to

cover up the renal calcification


lesions ? ) Considering corporate testing these

days, it is my belief that testing for renal

nephrocalcinosis is most likely much worse than what is being explained here.


Until we have more information, I would suggest

natural Stevia rather these processed or

synthesized sweeteners (Truvia or Zerose).


The reason these companies have not sought to

legalize, STEVIA, is because they would not be

able to patent it, and because the natural health

industry would pose serious competition.


So, in order to protect their profits, these

pharma-chemical companies decided to process

their synthesized version of a sweetener (again),

in order to reap their money, of course, at the expense of the public health.


In the absence of morphological alterations in

the kidneys or other signs of nephrotoxicity, the

increased excretions of NAG, GGT, LMP, and TP are

regarded as innocuous, functional sequelae of the

renal elimination of erythritol. This does not make any sense.


In conclusion, the toxicological profile of

erythritol in rats resembles that of other

polyols in several respects. Except for

nephrocalcinosis, which is commonly seen in

polyol-fed rats, no other treatment-related,

morphological changes were observed in the

kidneys. Evidence for a tumor-inducing or

tumor-promoting effect of erythritol was not seen. (Was it looked for ??)


You can see how this industry funded, or

" watered-down " study downplays the ominous facts

to kidney pathogenesis. At least they mentioned

the problems...albeit, sugar-coated.


<<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

_acct=C000050221 & _>http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_

ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig=

search & _sort= d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _


version=1 & _urlVersi on=0 & _userid= 10 & md5=10ac710d3 ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5>


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _______


The Concentrations and Ratio of Dietary Calcium

and Phosphorus Influence Development of Nephrocalcinosis in Female Rats1


Kevin A. Cockell2, Mary R. L'Abbé and Bartholomeus Belonje


Nutrition Research Division, Food Directorate,

Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada,

2203C Banting Research Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0L2


Nephrocalcinosis (NC) in female rats can

complicate the interpretation of nutritional or

toxicological studies involving the kidney.

Recent reformulations of standardized rodent

diets such as AIN-93G and NTP-2000 sought to

optimize the dietary Ca:P ratio, an important etiologic factor in NC.


The effect of increasing intakes of Ca and P

together at their optimal molar ratio has not

been systematically studied. Weanling female and

male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed modified

AIN-93G diets containing Ca and P at AIN-93G diet

concentrations (5 g Ca + 3 g P/kg diet), with

multiples of Ca and P at the same ratio (1.5x =

7.5 g Ca + 4.5 g P, 2.5x = 12.5 g Ca + 7.5 g P,

4.0x = 20.0 g Ca + 12.0 g P/kg diet), or Ca and P

at concentrations found in the AIN-76A diet (5 g

Ca + 5 g P/kg diet), for 16 wk.


Incidence and severity of NC and kidney Ca

concentration in female rats increased with

dietary Ca and P, although not to levels in

female rats fed at the AIN-76A Ca:P ratio. Male

rats showed limited evidence of kidney Ca

accumulation or NC. The concentrations of dietary

Ca and P, as well as the ratio of these two

elements, affected development of NC in female rats.


KEY WORDS: • dietary calcium • dietary phosphorus

• nephrocalcinosis • female rats


<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/abstract

/132/2/252>http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/abstract /132/2/252


NOTE: ERYTHRITOL causes leeching or osmotic

removal of dietary or bioavailable systemic

calcium, phosphorus, and other constituents to be

released into the bloodstream. This increases

potential for nephrocalcinosis, plus, a reduction

of system, cellular, or biologically available calcium.


It is possible that enlargement of the cecum (at

the ilio-cecal valve proximity) is due to

irritation of this release of constituents, or is

a reflection of UNKNOWN irritants attached to

erythritol from processing, ingestion, or other

interaction from cellular metabolism. ALSO, any

food, which is attempted to be metabolized by the

liver, such as chlorinated compounds, may place

undo strain on liver, as it does with kidney

function, and possibly other unknown implications

(at this time). ~ Arthur M. Evangelista


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __


Subchronic Oral Toxicity Studies with Erythritol in Mice and Rats


H. P.

Til<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

10 & md5=30eec0055 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#a1a1>a,

C. F.

Kuper<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

10 & md5=30eec0055 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#a1a1>a,

H. E.

Falke<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

10 & md5=30eec0055 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#a2a2>b

and A. Bär

<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

_acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=30eec0055

81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#a2a2>b,

<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

_acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=30eec0055

81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#fn1fn1>1


a TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, P.O.

Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands


b Board for the Authorization of Pesticides

(CTB), P.O. Box 217, 6700 AE, Wageningen, The Netherlands


Bioresco AG, Hauptstrasse 63, Postfach 406, 4102, Binningen, Switzerland


Received 29 July 1996.


Available online 22 April 2002.




Erythritol is a sugar alcohol (polyol) with

potential applications as a low-calorie, bulk

sweetener. Ingested erythritol is efficiently

absorbed and excreted unchanged via the urine

since it is not metabolized systemically by the animal or human body.


Erythritol was administered to four groups of 10

male and 10 female Swiss CD-1 mice and four

groups of 15 male Wistar Crl:(WI) WU BR rats at

dietary levels of 0, 5, 10, or 20% for 90 days. A

fifth group of rats received a diet containing

20% erythritol on a time-restricted basis (6

hr/day), and a sixth group received a diet

containing 20% mannitol for comparison. There

were no treatment-related mortalities in either

mice or rats. Soft stools and occasional diarrhea

were observed in rats fed diets with 20%

erythritol or mannitol but not in mice.


Body weights were slightly yet significantly

reduced in rats fed 20% erythritol or mannitol

and in male mice of the 20% dose group.

Erythritol intake in the high-dose group was

approximately 12 g/kg body wt in rats and 44 and

45 g/kg body wt in male and female mice, respectively.


Hematological and clinicochemical examinations of

blood and plasma did not reveal any

treatment-related effects. Urine output increased

with increasing erythritol dose. In male and

female mice of the 20% erythritol group, the

creatinine-normaliz ed urinary excretion of

protein, K-glutamyltransfera se (GGT), and

electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Pi, citrate) was

significantly increased while

urinaryN-acetylgluc osaminidase (NAG) remained unchanged.


At the 10% level, significantly increased urinary

protein (both sexes) and GGT (males only)

excretion were seen. In rats, the

creatinine-normaliz ed urinary excretion of GGT,

NAG, and some electrolytes (Na+, K+, and Ca2+)

was increased in some erythritol groups but a

clear dose–response relationship was evident only for calcium.


On termination of the study, cecal enlargement

was seen in rats of the 10 and 20% dose groups

and in mice of the 20% dose group.


Increased relative and absolute kidney weights

were observed in both sexes of mice in the 20%

erythritol group, in male mice of the 5 and 10%

groups, and in rats of the 10 and 20% erythritol groups.


Histopathological examination did not reveal any

treatment-related abnormalities in either mice or rats.


In conclusion, the ingestion of erythritol for 90

days at dietary levels of up to 20% did not

produce signs of toxicity in mice or rats. In

particular, the morphological integrity of the

kidneys was not adversely affected by the

treatment in either species. The increases in

urinary excretion of protein, GGT, NAG, and

electrolytes were considered to result from

extensive osmotic diuresis and a potential

overload of the renal excretory system at the high dose levels employed.


<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

_acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=30eec0055

81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62>http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_

ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig=

search & _sort= d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion=

0 & _userid= 10 & md5=30eec0055 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62


I have seen this manipulation with aspartame studies…


EXAMPLE: To determine if smoking causes cancer,

I give everyone 1 (one) pack of cigarettes…


Did anyone come down with cancer… NO ? Good, smoking does not cause cancer…


I have investigated this kind of fraud, and its

how corporate studies can be " shaded " and misleading. ~ Dr. E


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _______


Two-Generation Reproduction Study of


Erythritol in Rats


D. H.

Waalkens-Berendsen<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_

ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi=

B6WPT-45N451N- 1G & _fmt=high & _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _

orig=article & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

10 & md5=f80be5150 b78b7af43dd7dafb b69b57f#a1a1>a,

A. E. Smits-van

Prooije<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N-

1G & _fmt=high & _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article &

_acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150

b78b7af43dd7dafb b69b57f#a1a1>a,

M. V. M.

Wijnands<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N-

1G & _fmt=high & _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article &

_acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150

b78b7af43dd7dafb b69b57f#a1a1>a

and A. Bär

<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N- 1G & _fmt=high &

_coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article & _acct=C000050221

& _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150 b78b7af43dd7dafb


<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N- 1G & _fmt=high &

_coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article & _acct=C000050221

& _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150 b78b7af43dd7dafb



a TNO-Nutrition and Food Research Institute, P.O.

Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands


b Bioresco AG, Hauptstrasse 63, 4102, Binningen, Switzerland


Received 29 July 1996.


Available online 22 April 2002.




Erythritol was fed at dietary concentrations of

0, 2.5, 5, or 10% to Crl:(WI) WU BR rats of both

sexes through two successive generations (F0and

F1). Twenty-four rats of each sex were mated in each group.





For each generation one litter was reared until

the pups were 21 days old. In the 10% erythritol

group, food consumption among F0-males and

-females was initially significantly reduced

until the animals adapted to the erythritol diet

during the first week of the study. Thereafter,

food intake was higher than in controls.


A consistently increased food intake also was

seen in F1-males and -females of this dose group.

This effect was considered to result from the

caloric dilution of the food by erythritol, which

has a low physiological energy value.


This seems to a false interpretation, as appetite

is substantially controlled by the sensors that

signify a " stretching gastric mucosa " …the

stomach gets filled with food, turns off the

appetite, providing that full feeling.


The lower body weight and weight gain of the

F0-animals of the 10% erythritol group were

attributed to the initially reduced food

consumption and occurrence of transient diarrhea

until the animals had adapted to the erythritol intake.


In the F1-animals of the 10% erythritol group,

which were adapted to the treatment from weaning,

the rate of body weight gain did not differ from controls.


The F1-males and -females of this dose group did,

however, have a reduced body weight from weaning,

which was attributed to a reduced energy intake

among the corresponding F0-dams during Weeks 2

and 3 of lactation. This effect was not seen in

the F2-generation. It is concluded that under the

conditions of this experiment, the intake of

erythritol had no adverse effect on fertility and

reproductive performance of parent rats or on the

development of their progeny.


Gross necropsy and microscopic examination of the

parenteral reproductive organs also did not reveal treatment-related changes.


The wording of this report sound " fictitious " ,

but I cannot place my finger on it. This issue of

calcium loss and increased appetite could lead to

overeating and obesity, along with /or

decalcification / demineralization of the body.


<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N- 1G & _fmt=high &

_coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article & _acct=C000050221

& _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150 b78b7af43dd7dafb

b69b57f>http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

_udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N-

1G & _fmt=high & _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article &

_acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150

b78b7af43dd7dafb b69b57f


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


Cargill launches erythritol product line under Zerose™ brand name


New Zerose™ web site helps consumers understand erythritol's benefits


MINNEAPOLIS – Cargill has branded its erythritol

product line under a new name, Zerose™

erythritol, that clearly conveys to food

manufacturers and consumers that the all-natural

sweetener contains zero sugar, zero calories*,

zero aftertaste and zero artificial ingredients.

The brand launch includes the introduction of a

new consumer education web site,

<http://www.zerosesw eetener.com/>www.zerosesweetene r.com,

designed to answer questions about erythritol and

explain its benefits as a natural sugar alternative.


Formerly known as Eridex™ erythritol, Zerose™

erythritol is a bulk sweetener that tastes and

functions like sugar in beverages, dairy products

and confections that appeal to consumers who want

to manage their weight or sugar levels or sugar

intake. Like sugar, it reduces water activity in

a food product, provides volume and provides the

freeze point depression needed in many frozen treats.


Zerose™ erythritol tastes 60 to 70 percent as

sweet as sugar, so people can reduce their sugar

intake without sacrificing taste. The ingredient

also is non-glycemic and non-insulemic, making it

a useful sugar alternative for people on diabetic

diets. In addition, Zerose™ erythritol is

noncariogenic (does not promote tooth decay) and

is endorsed by Toothfriendly International. **


Cargill's application and manufacturing expertise


Cargill is in a unique position with more than a

decade of experience in the use and manufacture

of erythritol. " We recognized the benefits of

erythritol in the 1980s and began building the

manufacturing, food safety and application

database that led to the eventual U.S. and EU

approval and commercialization of the

ingredient, " said Kathy Fortmann, polyols and

dextrose global business director, Cargill

Sweetness Solutions. Cargill has an extensive

patent portfolio through its own patent estate

and through the licensing of other intellectual property.


Zerose™ erythritol is easy for food and beverage

manufacturers to use because it comes in an

easy-to-ship powder form, has heat and pH

stability and freeze-point depression, and gives

finished products the same volume that sugar does in baked goods.


Zerose™ erythritol is unique, natural and organic


Erythritol exists naturally at low levels in many

fruits and at higher levels in naturally

fermented foods such as soy sauce, cheese, wine

and beer. Zerose™ erythritol is produced by

growing a natural culture that converts sugars

and other nutrients into erythritol. This process

is similar to the way yogurt is made from milk.


It is then filtered, crystallized and dried,

resulting in a final product that is greater than

99 percent pure. Zerose™ erythritol is natural;

the ingredient also is available in a U.S.

Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified

organic grade (certified by QAI International) .


For more information about Cargill's sweetness

products, visit <http://www.cargills weetness. com/>www.cargillsweetne ss.com.


*Zero calorie determination is based on

scientific studies cited in a petition submitted

to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


Above information provided by your local chemcial and food toxin company.


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


The Concentrations and Ratio of Dietary Calcium

and Phosphorus Influence Development of

Nephrocalcinosis in Female

Rats<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# FN1#FN1>1


Kevin A. Cockell2, Mary R. L'Abbé and Bartholomeus Belonje


Nutrition Research Division, Food Directorate,

Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada,

2203C Banting Research Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0L2


<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/

132/2/252>http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252


This reflects issues of calcium and mineral loss

during ingestion of Erythritol ~ Dr. E


The rats were fed the test diets for 16 wk, with

feed consumption and body weight gain measured

weekly. Rats were maintained in accordance with

the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal

Care, in stainless steel wire-bottomed cages in a

temperature- and humidity-controlled room with a

12-h light:dark cycle. The experiment protocol

was approved by the institutional Animal Care

Committee of the Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada.


Tissue sampling and histopathology.


Rats were killed by exsanguination under

isoflurane anesthesia. Kidneys were dissected out

and cut in half (left kidney cut longitudinally,

right kidney cut transversely) . One half of each

was preserved in formalin for subsequent

processing and paraffin embedding following

routine methods for histopathology. Adjacent 5-µm

sections were cut and stained with hematoxylin

and eosin (H & E) or by the von Kossa technique

(10<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B10#B10> ).


Black granular precipitates on von Kossa–stained

sections were manually counted and a

histochemical score was assigned according to the

number of granules found in one transverse plus

one longitudinal kidney section per rat. A score

of 0 was given for no granules found in the

sections, + for 1–25 granules, ++ for 26–75

granules, +++ for 76–150 granules and ++++

for >150 granules in the sections. The other half

of each kidney was frozen at -80°C for subsequent mineral analyses.


Mineral analyses.


Samples of tissues and diets were dry ashed at

450°C using concentrated nitric acid as an

oxidizing agent before analysis for Ca by flame

atomic absorption spectrometry (Perkin-Elmer

5100PC, Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT)

(11<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B11#B11>

) and P by a colorimetric method

(12<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B12#B12>

). Analytical standards were prepared from

certified single-element stock solutions (SPEX

Chemical, Metuchen, NJ). These analytical methods

have been checked in multilaboratory quality

control studies

(13<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B13#B13>

) and analysis of NBS Bovine Liver (1577 or

1577a, National Institute of Standards and

Technology, Gaithersburg, MD) gave results within 5% of certified values.


Statistical analyses.


Growth results were analyzed by ANOVA followed by

Scheffé's test for difference of means (comparing

Ca + P concentration effects, diets AIN93, 1.5x,

2.5x and 4.0x) or t test for independent samples

(comparing Ca:P ratio effects, AIN93 vs. AIN76

diets), using P < 0.05 as the threshold of

significance. Kidney Ca+ results were analyzed by

nonparametric methods (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA

followed by Dunn's multiple comparison or

Mann-Whitney U test) due to profound

heterogeneity of variances, which could not be

overcome by standard transformation procedures.

For Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U test,

P < 0.05 was used as the threshold of

significance. For Dunn's multiple comparison,

which was performed only where Kruskal-Wallis

ANOVA achieved significance, a threshold of =

0.15 was used, yielding an experiment-wise error

rate threshold for significance of 0.0125

(14<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B14#B14>

). The association between kidney Ca or P

concentration and histological score was

investigated using the Spearman Rank Order

correlation. Statistical analyses were conducted

using Statistica for Windows, version 5.1

(StatSoft, Tulsa, OK). Results are presented as

mean ± SD, with ranges also specified for kidney Ca concentrations.




The Ca and P concentrations of the test diets

were (dry weight basis): diet AIN93, 5.4 ± 0.3 g

Ca and 3.9 ± 0.3 g P/kg diet, molar ratio 1.07;

diet 1.5x, 7.9 ± 0.3 g Ca and 5.4 ± 0.3 g P/kg

diet, molar ratio 1.12; diet 2.5x, 12.9 ± 0.2 g

Ca and 8.7 ± 0.3 g P/kg diet, molar ratio 1.14;

diet 4.0x, 20.3 ± 0.3 g Ca and 13.4 ± 0.2 g P/kg

diet, molar ratio 1.17; diet AIN76, 5.3 ± 0.2 g

Ca and 6.2 ± 0.3 g P/kg diet, molar ratio 0.66.

No significant differences in body weight gain or

feed efficiency were found as a result of the

dietary treatments used (results not shown).


Kidney Ca+ concentration in the group of weanling

rats killed at the outset of the study was 7.53 ±

0.40 µmol/g dry kidney (range 6.90–8.18) for

female rats and 7.05 ± 0.30 µmol/g dry kidney

(range 6.65–7.50) for male rats. All weanling

rats killed at the outset of the study had

histochemical scores of zero, indicating no

evidence of black precipitates on von Kossa–stained kidney sections.


Male rats showed almost no histochemical evidence

of NC with any of the diets and had less kidney

Ca accumulation than female rats (Table

2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2>

). In female rats, increased kidney Ca

concentration and incidence of histochemically

determined NC was found after 16 wk of feeding

increasing amounts of dietary Ca and P at the

optimal molar ratio (comparing diets AIN93

through 4.0x, Table

2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2>

), although more extensive Ca accumulation and

more severe NC resulted from imbalance in dietary

Ca and P intakes (comparing diet AIN93 and

AIN76;Table 2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2> and



1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

). 16 Wks. is

a relatively short study...perhaps too short !


View this table:

<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252/ T2>[in this window]

<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/132/ 2/252/T2>[in a new window]


Table 2. Kidney calcium concentration, kidney

calcium score and range of histochemical score

for female and male Sprague-Dawley rats fed

modified AIN-93G diets differing in calcium and phosphorus content for 16 wk1




View larger version (152K):

<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252/ F1>[in this window]

<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/132/ 2/252/F1>[in a new window]


Figure 1. Histological appearance of kidneys from

female Sprague-Dawley rats fed diets differing in

Ca and P concentrations for 16 wk (see text for

details). Section from outer capsule (at left) to

inner stripe of outer medulla (at right); von

Kossa stain; original X75. Ca deposits appear as

large black granules against a lighter

background. (A) Diet AIN93, 5 g Ca + 3 g P/kg

diet, Ca: P molar ratio 1.07 by analysis. (B)

Diet 4.0x, 20 g Ca + 12 g P/kg diet, Ca: P molar

ratio 1.17 by analysis. © Diet AIN76, 5 g Ca +

5 g P/kg diet, Ca: P molar ratio 0.66 by analysis.


These results were supported in a categorical

examination of kidney Ca concentration, namely,

the kidney calcium score (Table

2)<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2>

.. For categorization of kidney calcium score in

our laboratory, the " normal " level for rats is

7.50 ± 0.63 µmol Ca/g dry kidney (mean ± SD)

based on historical data from several studies.

This value is similar to the analyzed value for

female rats killed at the outset of the present

study. With increasing dietary Ca and P

concentrations, a higher proportion of female

rats had " elevated " kidney calcium score (>2 SD

above " normal " ) and 1 of 8 female rats fed diet

4.0x had a kidney calcium score indicative of

NC, >10 times the normal level (i.e., Ca

concentration >75 µmol/g dry kidney). Kidney P

concentration was significantly increased only in

female rats fed diet AIN76 in comparison to AIN93

(445 ± 80 vs. 351 ± 11 µmol P/g dry kidney, respectively) .


The location of mineral precipitation in kidney

sections, shown by von Kossa staining, was

similar with elevated concentrations of Ca and P

at the optimal ratio (e.g., diet 4.0x, Fig.

1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

B) to that seen with Ca:P imbalance (diet AIN76,


1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

C) although the degree of precipitation was

generally more severe in the latter group.


Most of the female rats fed diet AIN93 had no

histochemical evidence of mineral precipitation

after 16 wk of feeding (Fig.

1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

A). There was considerable variation among rats

within a treatment group in the extent of kidney

Ca accumulation and the severity of NC (Table

2)<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2> .


Even with diet 2.5x, there were some female rats

with kidney Ca concentrations in the normal range

and no histochemical evidence of NC. With diet

4.0x, all female rats showed elevated kidney Ca,

although the range of responses was still very

large. Higher incidence and severity of NC was

seen with the suboptimal dietary Ca:P molar ratio

(diet AIN76) than when these elements were

present at 4 times the normal concentrations but

" optimally " balanced (diet 4.0x) (Fig.

1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

and Table 2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2> ).


There was a significant positive association

between kidney histochemical score and kidney Ca

concentration in female rats (Fig.

2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F2#F2>

) which yielded a Spearman Rank Order correlation

coefficient r = 0.87 (P < 0.00001, n = 40). A

similar positive association between kidney

histochemical score and kidney P concentration in

female rats (data not shown) yielded a Spearman

Rank Order correlation coefficient r = 0.65 (P < 0.00001, n = 40).


View larger version (27K):

<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252/ F2>[in this window]

<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/132/ 2/252/F2>[in a new window]


Figure 2. Relationship of histochemical score

with kidney calcium concentration in female

Sprague-Dawley rats fed diets containing

different concentrations of Ca and P for 16 wk

(see text for details). Values are means ± SD, n

= 8, 15, 8, 5, 4 for histochemical scores of 0,

+, ++, +++ and ++++, respectively. Histochemical

score is based on the number of granules seen in

1 transverse and 1 longitudinal kidney section

(von Kossa stain): 0 = 0 granules seen, + = 1–25,

++ = 26–75, +++ = 76–150, ++++ = >150 granules.

Spearman Rank Order correlation coefficient for

the relationship of histochemical score with

kidney calcium r = 0.87 (P < 0.00001).




The present study focused on the effects of

elevating dietary Ca and P concentrations

together while maintaining the optimal ratio of

these two elements. Hoek et al.

(15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15>

) examined the effect of increasing dietary Ca

and P concentrations, comparing 0.25% Ca + 0.20%

P or 0.25% Ca + 0.4% P to diets containing twice

the content of each (0.5% Ca + 0.4% P or 0.5% Ca

+ 0.8% P, respectively) . In both cases, the diets

with the higher Ca + P content yielded more

severe NC. Low incidence and severity of NC was

found using a diet containing 0.75% Ca + 0.4% P

(15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15>

), which is similar in Ca and P composition to our diet 1.5x.


This refers to blood values of dietary calcium,

and its over-release into the bloodstream, from

various chemicals, diets, and other intakes or

releases. Calcium may affect muscle

contractility, blood vessel constriction or

dilation and blood pressure, blood pressure

affects kidney function, and / or other

calcium-associated biological or physiological activities.


It has been suggested that the Ca:P molar ratio

must be >1 to prevent kidney calcification in

female rats

(16<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B16#B16>

). Although this was achieved in our AIN93

through 4.0x diets, the higher concentrations of

Ca and P intake at the recommended ratio still

produced NC. Studies described by Reeves et al.

(16<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B16#B16>

) indicated that a Ca:P molar ratio of 0.97 (5 g

Ca + 4 g P/kg diet) did not completely eliminate

kidney calcification in female rats, although

normal kidney Ca concentrations were found in

female rats fed a purified diet with a Ca:P molar ratio of 1.3 for 16 wk.


The present finding of slightly elevated kidney

Ca in one of eight female rats fed diet AIN93

suggests that a Ca:P molar ratio of 1.07 does not

completely prevent Ca accumulation in kidneys.

Earlier work in our laboratory indicated that

even with a diet formulated according to AIN-93G

specifications, with an analyzed Ca:P molar ratio

of 1.31, some female rats had elevated kidney Ca

after 16 wk of feeding, and one of eight female

rats had a kidney Ca concentration consistent

with NC

(5<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B5#B5>

). It is important to note that kidney Ca

concentration in female rats in the present study

varied widely within a treatment group, as did

the severity of histochemically assessed NC.

Similar results have been reported by others

(2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B2#B2>

,5<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B5#B5>

,15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15> ).


The typical histological appearance of

diet-induced NC shows calcification primarily in

the corticomedullary junction region

(1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B1#B1>

) and this was the pattern seen in the present

study. The von Kossa histochemical procedure

detects principally phosphate and carbonate ions,

which are the counterions with which Ca is

commonly associated in normal and pathologically

calcified tissues, rather than being specific for

Ca (10<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B10#B10> ).


Others have demonstrated that the kidney

precipitates found in rats fed diets varying in

Ca and/or P content, such as ours, are typically

composed of calcium and phosphate

(17<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B17#B17>

,18<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B18#B18>

). The significant association between

histochemical score and kidney Ca concentration

using the Spearman rank correlation indicates the

robustness of this histological grading scheme. A

similar correlation was shown previously in rats

fed diets varying in Ca and P content

(15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15>

,19<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B19#B19>

,20<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B20#B20>

) and in human renal biopsy specimens

(21<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B21#B21>

). A similar association between histochemical

score and kidney P concentration has also been


(15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15>

). Together, these associations support the

identification of the kidney concretions found in

female rats in the present study as calcium phosphate.


NC in female rats can complicate the

interpretation of toxicity studies

(22<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B22#B22>

–24<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B24#B24>

). This problem has been noted in cereal-based

diets as well as semipurified diets, and has led

the National Toxicology Program to reformulate

their standard cereal-based diet to conform to

the AIN recommendation regarding Ca:P molar ratio

(25<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B25#B25>

). Because rats are one of the standard

laboratory animal species used in toxicity

testing for regulatory purposes

(26<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B26#B26>

), NC in rats can have widespread implications

for human safety and risk assessment activities.

Researchers should be cognizant of Ca and

particularly P concentrations and adjust mineral

mixes accordingly when substituting different

protein sources in modified AIN-93G diets.


Although the reformulation leading to the AIN-93G

diet was largely successful in reducing the

incidence and severity of nephrocalcinosis in

female rats, it must be remembered that the

absolute concentrations of dietary Ca and P, and

not just their ratio, influence the development

of nephrocalcinosis in female rats.




1 Publication no. 562 of the Bureau of

Nutritional Sciences. Portions of this work were

presented in poster form at the 43rd Annual

Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological

Societies, Ottawa, Canada, June 22–24, 2000

[Cockell, K. A., L'Abbé, M. R. & Belonje, B.

(2000) Dietary calcium and phosphorus levels and

not just their ratio, influence development of

nephrocalcinosis in female rats. Abstract T156].


3 Abbreviations used: AIN93, modified AIN-93G

diet containing Ca and P at the concentrations

specified in the AIN-93G formulation; 1.5x, 2.5x

and 4.0x, diets containing Ca and P at 1.5, 2.5

and 4.0 times, respectively, the concentrations

in the AIN-93G diet; AIN76, modified AIN-93G diet

containing Ca and P at the concentrations

specified in the AIN-76A formulation; H & E,

hematoxylin and eosin stain; NC nephrocalcinosis.


Manuscript received 6 September 2001. Initial

review completed 28 September 2001. Revision accepted 27 November 2001.


____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _




So, these guys ( Coke Cola ) are in bed with

Cargill, Inc. to produce what ?...


…another synthesized and processed sweetener they claim to be natural ?


They tell you its from a natural source called,

Stevia. Yet, like the chlorocarbon,

SPLENDA, Truvia is processed and

synthesized into an artificially produced,

chemically processed, lo-cal sweetener that is

toxic and illness-producing… unlike the safe,

natural, and the original source from which " TRUVIA " is manufactured.


One problem, is that Coke nor Cargill ( nor any

chemical - biotech company) can patent the

original, natural, and safe source sweetener,

Stevia, not to mention the strong competition

from the natural health foods' industry.


Trusting Coke and Cargill to come up with a

toxic-free or chemical-free sweetener, is like

trusting " Baby Face Nelson " (or the government)

with your IRA & bank accounts !!


So much for corrupt NAFTA ... ~ comment by: Dr. E


Coke & Pepsi poisons in more trouble,


the ULTIMATUM from BIG Business:


India threatened by business interests:


Sell Coke and Pepsi, or your economy will suffer




<http://www.naturaln ews.com/019946. html>http://www.naturaln

ews.com/019946. html


(NaturalNews) After a Center for Science and

Environment study found 24 times the acceptable

level of pesticides in soda sold in India, a few

state governments acted quickly to ban the big

name soft drinks -- Coca-Cola and PepsiCo -- but

the country's top business groups warned Thursday

that the move could hurt India's economy.


Both the Confederation of Indian Industry and the

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and

Industry say that decisions to ban Coca-Cola and

PepsiCo products from schools, colleges and

hospitals run by the government are likely to

hurt the country's broader

<http://www.naturaln ews.com/economy. html>economy,

slowing the investment climate. Representatives

reported being particularly disturbed by the

total ban on the soft drink brands by the

Southern state of Kerala, where both companies run plants.


" Government actions have to be driven by rule of

law and in the overall public interest, " said R.

Seshasayee, president of Confederation of Indian

Industry, who noted that the standards used by

CSE were part of a government " proposal " that has

not yet passed into Indian law. " We are concerned

that the apparently arbitrary decisions have been

taken ... without going through the due process of law. "


Both Seshasayee and FICCI President Saroj K.

Poddar assert that the states should have

followed up the CSE study with their own tests,

and then sent notice to

<http://www.naturaln ews.com/Coca- Cola.html>Coca-Cola

and PepsiCo, in keeping with proper procedures.


" It is amazing to observe the legal and

regulatory contortions these pro-business Indian

politicians will go through to keep selling

pesticide-laden products to their own people, "

remarked Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate

and critic of the marketing practices of soft

drink companies. " And claiming that the banning


<http://www.naturaln ews.com/soft_ drinks.html>soft

drinks containing unsafe chemicals would be

harmful to India's economy is preposterous. Why

do they not consider the potential of harm to

India's people and their health? "


While India-based Coca-Cola and

<http://www.naturaln ews.com/PepsiCo. html>PepsiCo

officials have declined to comment to the media

on the issue, Kari Bjorhus, a U.S.-based

spokesperson for Coca-Cola, said they were

" disappointed that the (Kerala) government would

make a decision like that based on inaccurate information. "


" Our products are perfectly safe (

and government and big business never lie ) and

there is no reason to take them away from consumers, " she said.


India has brought similar charges against both

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo before; three years ago, a

CSE study caused allegations (proof) of excessive

<http://www.naturaln ews.com/pesticid es.html>pesticides

to be leveled at the companies, and their sales

suffered. A few months later, the sales figures

recovered (due most likely to forced and

strong-arm economic tactics via NAFTA ~ Dr. E )


" For three years we have looked very hard at this

and engaged the best scientific minds in the

world, " said Dick Detwiler, a spokesman for

PepsiCo's international division in New York.

" All of the data and all of the science point to

the fact our products in

<http://www.naturaln ews.com/India. html>India are

absolutely safe, just as they are elsewhere in

the world. " Like Aspartame, Splenda, DDT, Agent

Orange, Teflon, or Fluoride, etc... ?


This is a small comfort for Indian parents, many

of whom think the ban is a great idea. ( Dr. E

says, " It is a terrific idea by which to keep

children, and the entire population healthier and illness-free ! " )


" It is a good decision, " said Molly Kurian, a

housewife in Kerala's capital, Cochin. " My

children have been addicts of

<http://www.naturaln ews.com/Pepsi. html>Pepsi and

Coke. Now I can teach them how to drink water. "


" In my opinion, " added Adams, " even without the

presence of pesticides, these beverage products

are harmful enough on their own to ban their sale

in schools and government institutions. The link

between sugary beverages and diabetes or obesity

is well established in the scientific literature. "


Information: The main ingredient in dark cola

soda is, PHOSPHORIC ACID. It is a high corrosive.

Thus, a Coke or Pepsi will " eat the paint off

your car " . When consumed, it causes an acidic

environment, causing damage to enzyme activity,

and paves the way for disease, which requires an

acidic environment to thrive...


Caffeine is also added to these drinks to cause a

caffeine addiction, just like heavy coffee

drinkers... and this is targeted toward children

!! This is both malfeasant and morally reprehensible.



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--our-continuing -investigation. phpfda-and- regulatory- information.


Regulatory and FDA Information


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Deceptive Practices


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--our-continuing -investigation. phppublic- health-informati

on-research. php>public-health- information- research



<http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

--our-continuing -investigation. phpthe-true- story-of- aspartame-

and-other- food-toxins. php>The

True Story of Aspartame and other Food Toxins


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--our-continuing -investigation. phpcorruption- --criminal-

acts-regarding- aspartame. php>Corruption

- Criminal Acts Regarding Aspartame 1


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and the Pineal Gland


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and the Atomic Bomb


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acts-regarding- aspartame- 2.php>Corruption- Criminal

Acts Regarding Aspartame 2


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--our-continuing -investigation. phppoking- fun-at-pharmaceu

tical-ads. php>Poking

Fun At Pharmaceutical Ads


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--our-continuing -investigation. phpthe-nuremberg -code---human-

testing-ehtics. php>The

Nuremberg Code - Human Testing Ethics


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Drug Costs and Mark-Up


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--our-continuing -investigation. phptruvia- sweetener-

--our-continuing -investigation. php>TRUVIA

Sweetener - Our Continuing Investigation


<http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

--our-continuing -investigation. phpcolloidal- silver--- uses-and-

application. php>COLLOIDAL

SILVER - Uses and Application


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--our-continuing -investigation. phpsubversion- -fda---the- military-

industrial- complex.php>SUBVERSION-

FDA - The Military Industrial Complex


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- Doctors vs Guns


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--our-continuing -investigation. php4-reasons- to-say-no- to-crestor.




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--our-continuing -investigation. phpwarning- --us-troops- deployed-

within-us. php>WARNING

- US Troops Deployed Within US


<http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

--our-continuing -investigation. phpfda-own- scientists- accuse-fda-

officials. php>FDA

Own Scientists Accuse FDA Officials


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--our-continuing -investigation. phpfda--- epa-battle- over-mercury.


- EPA Battle Over MERCURY


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--our-continuing -investigation. phpmercury- --organized- crime-and-

public-health. php>MERCURY

- ORGANIZED CRIME and Public Health


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--our-continuing -investigation. phpfrauds- in-medical- information-

--journals. php>FRAUDS










On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 1:25 PM, <bestsurprise2002 wrote:

> Coke's new drink may be unveiled without FDA approval




> 200100397x1214965971x1200967332_




> 200967332)


> The Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE: KO) is expected to launch a drink this week with an

> ingredient that has not yet received Food & Drug Administration approval,

> according to The Wall Street Journal. The new drink is a non-carbonated juice

> containing a natural, calorie-free sweetener made from the herb stevia.


> Coke plans to market three juice drink flavors in its Odwalla line using

> this natural, noncaloric sweetener. PepsiCo Inc. (NYSE: PEP) also has several

> drinks ready to go in the U.S. market using stevia. There's only one little

> problem, though. The FDA has approved stevia only as a dietary supplement,


> labeled it an " unsafe food additive " in 1991 because some studies suggested

> adverse health effects from stevia-based products. Companies working with


> and Pepsi to make the sweetener have submitted new data to refute that but

> have yet to receive approval.


> Thing is, it seems an approval isn't actually required under the FDA's

> voluntary program for new ingredients. Already Cargill Inc., which makes


> stevia-based sweetener, is marketing and selling a table-top version, called

> Truvia. So while Pepsi is holding its new drinks while waiting for the FDA's

> blessing, Coke may not wait and could unveil the drinks in the U.S. before


> approval.


> It's quite possible, then, the American consumer could be exposed to an

> ingredient the FDA right now deems unsafe. If Coke doesn't wait for the


> it takes a financial and PR risk, not to mention a chance with consumers'

> health. If the FDA doesn't end up approving stevia as a food additive, Coke

> will have to recall these products and could suffer all kinds of


> from bad PR to perhaps some legal ramifications.


> I know the rivalry between the two companies has always been great, but is

> this really worth it just to beat Pepsi and come out with stevia-sweetened

> juices first?


> (http://www.papercut.biz/emailStripper.htm)



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I would like to ask whether Ethylene Glycol is accepted by FDA for use in

cola drinks as anti freezing agents. Coke and Pepsi are adding 3% ethylene

glycol in cola drinks in India for that purpose only. As far as my knowledge

goes, that stuff is a dangerous poison if taken continuously. A lot of

examples are pesent. But in India, Coke and Pepsi can't be touched.

By the by, is that chlorinated chemical based on stevia accepted by health



Saktibrata Dasgupta.


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 5:25 AM, Alobar <Alobar wrote:


> Coke is NOT using stevia, but a chlorinated chemical based upon

> stevia. This is a big difference!


> No time to patch up the broken URLs below, but the information needs

> to get out quickly, so I am posting it here as I received it.


> Alobar


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> Annette Huang <annette.huang

> Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:37 PM

> Fw: [WNHO-Aspartame-Information] More on Truvia

> alobar



> You might be interested in this information. - see highlighted section

> below and on from there..

> Regards

> Annette Huang

> ----- Forwarded Message ----

> " Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum. " <bettym19

> bettym19

> Wednesday, 17 December, 2008 9:47:23 AM

> [WNHO-Aspartame-Information] More on Truvia




> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpindex. php>QA

> & Reg Affairs Unit


> ~ Truvia ~ new Low Calorie Sweetener (toxin)


> Manufactured by Cargill (in conjunction with Coca Cola )


> This is a non-organic, manufactured and possibly a chemically processed

> product


> originally starting with from Stevia leaves (the real thing). There is no


> evidence, yet, that the finished product is healthy, or that it remains a


> STEVIA-like product, with its original beneficial qualities intact.


> NOTE: As with SPLENDA...the firm said it was

> from sugar. Yet, after processing, it turned out

> that SPLENDA evolved ( was processed ) into a

> chlorocarbon, with a molecular structure closely

> resembling chlorine-based DDT, the banned pesticide.


> SPLENDA being a chlorocarbon, contained chlorine

> and chlorine derivatives that the human body

> cannot metabolize. Whenever you see this aspect

> in processed food or sweeteners or additives,

> almost 99 % of the time, this means that the body

> expends vast amounts of energy trying to

> metabolize it, putting stress on the liver, pancreas, and other organs.


> As you may know, the body does NOT metabolize

> chlorine very well, and therefore created long

> term health consequences associated with

> hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), increased size of

> thymus gland, kidney malfunctions, and a host of

> other pathologies leading into a diseased state.

> That is SPLENDA ...a chlorinated, processed

> molecule that more closely resembles DDT, than any sugar.


> In addition to our previous experience with

> SPLENDA, Aspartame, and cyclamates, et al,

> problems always developed from their use. Some of

> these issues, like with aspartame, were substantially (neuro)toxic.


> Thus, this has led us to formulate and research

> several important questions and queries...


> First: Erythritol, a sweetening agent contained

> in TRUVIA ® (and ZEROSE ®), is processed AND

> SYNTHESIZED from its original state. TRUVIA is

> processed with Erythritol and treated (Rebiana).

> This does not mean that the finished product

> resembles the original state from which it is

> manufactured. So, that's a red flag.


> Second: To date (Nov. 2008) Our investigation is

> currently involved with looking into the following issues:


> a) That this PROCESSED Rebiana or Stevia may

> not reflect the original starting product.


> b) Increased calcium loss, along with

> potassium, and phosphate (from what we discovered

> currently) may have a severe, long-term

> consequence on kidney function by causing or increasing renal lesions.


> c) Noted increases in urinary calcium,

> potassium, etc. reflects these constituents being

> released into the blood stream from moderate

> intake of Erythritol (PROCESSED REBIANA), and that this increase


> accumulates in the kidneys, causing calcification

> and lesions. We found testing which showed weight

> changes in animal kidneys upon examination, with developing lesions.


> d) We are also finding data that " alludes " to

> the development of an enlarged cecum, a small

> pouch attached to the ascending large colon, near

> the ilio-cecal valve in the intestine. This seems

> to make sense due to the fact that unmetabolized

> and artificially processed additives may

> aggravate or instigate inflammation of the cecum.

> We have learned that most artificial products

> (chemicals, additives, flavor enhancers, coloring

> agents, etc) that are not capable of being

> metabolized have led to pathological health

> issues. This raises another red flag.


> e) With natural Stevia - Rebiana available on

> the market, why would anyone destroy this

> perfectly wholesome, safe natural sweetener by

> processing it, using chemicals and other

> additives in the finished production process ?


> This question is may be answered three-fold = 1)

> It is being developed by a multi-national

> corporation with significant influence over the

> FDA ; 2) Profit motive, and, 3) the agenda to

> eventually provide another pharmaceutical

> requisite for a " precondition of illness " for further profit.


> It sounds sinister, because it is sinister, as

> these people, focused on profit, care less about

> our health or well-being. So, what we have

> included in this research, is MOTIVE.... We

> think these days, this has become an important

> aspect of planned investigative research,

> especially when it comes to the FDA or pharmaceutical firms.


> Why process an already natural product ???


> To process Stevia into Stevioside (powdered form)

> requires that the leaves are subject to a process

> of using nitrogen, water, and in some cases,

> methanol (like caffeine-free coffee) to create

> the powdered sweetener of Stevia. So, Why not

> simply add natural Stevia to these products ?


> Good

> question...and it deserves an answer.


> This is where we are, so far. We have a way to go yet.


> We will keep this site updated as the information

> becomes available and is validated.


> Currently, we recommend promoting and using

> natural Stevia. We found one firm, Stevita, Inc.,

> from Dallas, Texas operated by a man (Oscar

> Rhodes) with direct connections to Stevia-Pharma

> in southern Brazil, where it is naturally

> produced and packaged, retaining all its natural beneficial qualities.


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________


> Here are some of the studies we have found, so far...


> Additional Supporting Documents, Below:


> Manufacturing of Erythritol (from Industry)


> <http://www.cargills weetness. com/index.

> php?id=577>http://www.cargills weetness. com/index. php?id=577


> Erythritol is the first polyol to be industrially

> manufactured by a fermentation process.


> (It would be good to know and understand this

> " fermentation process " , as the same thing can be

> said for hydrolized protein (neurotoxin) …which

> this is starting to sound like ??)


> The starting material is a glucose-rich substrate

> (?) obtained by enzymatic hydrolisis from the

> natural raw material starch. Glucose is then

> fermented by a yeast to yield erythritol.


> Erythritol is crystallised at over 99.5% purity

> from the filtered and concentrated fermentation broth.

> <http://www.cargills weetness. com/scheda/ negozio/home/

> eryth-company/ index.php? id=577#header>

> A fermentation process using natural raw

> materials derived from maize was developed by

> Cargill, first on laboratory scale, then on a

> pilot industrial scale. Commercial production of

> purified, high quality erythritol - initially for

> the Japanese market - started in 1993.




> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


> Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Study of Erythritol in Rats


> B. A. R.

> Lina<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

> d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

> 10 & md5=10ac710d3 ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#a1a1>a,

> M. H. M.

> Bos-Kuijpers<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

> d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

> 10 & md5=10ac710d3 ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#a1a1>a,

> H. P.

> Til<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

> d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

> 10 & md5=10ac710d3 ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#a1a1>a

> and A. Bär

> <http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

> _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=10ac710d3

> ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#a2a2>b,

> <http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

> _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=10ac710d3

> ce5c9cd182b08c2f 1857ff5#fn1fn1>1


> a TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, P.O.

> Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands


> b Bioresco AG, Hauptstrasse 63, Postfach 406, 4102, Binningen, Switzerland


> Received 29 July 1996.


> Available online 22 April 2002.


> Abstract comments by: Dr. E in BLUE


> The potential toxicity and carcinogenicity of

> erythritol, a low-calorie sugar substitute, were

> examined in Wistar Crl:(WI) WU BR rats. Groups of

> 50 rats of each sex consumed diets with 0, 2, 5,

> or 10% erythritol, or 10% mannitol, for a period

> of 104–107 weeks. To each of these main groups,

> two satellite groups of 20 males each were

> attached for interim kills after 52 and 78 weeks

> of treatment. At start of the study, the rats were 5–6 weeks old.


> The average intakes of erythritol in the 2, 5,

> and 10% groups were 0.9, 2.2, and 4.6 g/kg body

> wt/day for males and 1.0, 2.6, and 5.4 g/kg body

> wt/day for females, respectively. Mannitol

> intakes were 4.4 and 5.2 g/kg body wt/day in

> males and females, respectively. All treatments

> were well tolerated without diarrhea or other

> side effects. Body weights were significantly

> below control levels during most of the study in

> males of the 5% erythritol group and in males and

> females of the 10% erythritol and 10% mannitol

> groups. Survival of the animals was not adversely

> affected by the treatments. Hematological and

> clinicochemical examinations did not reveal

> noticeable changes which could be attributed to treatment.


> Analysis of urine samples collected during five

> 48-hr periods, from rats of the satellite groups

> in Weeks 26, 42, 50, and 78 and from rats of the

> main groups in Week 102, showed that about 60% of

> ingested erythritol was excreted unchanged.


> The urine volumes (this refers to urinary output

> in general) increased with increasing dietary erythritol levels.


> In line with previous observations on other

> polyols, erythritol and mannitol ingestion led to

> an increased excretion of urinary calcium and

> citrate. The urinary excretions of sodium,

> potassium, phosphate,N- acetylglucosamin idase

> (NAG), -glutamyltransferas e (GGT),

> low-molecular- weight protein (LMP), and total

> protein (TP) were slightly elevated in the 10%

> erythritol group. (This means that these minerals

> and proteins are removed from ??? (bone, tissues,

> plasma ??) and then released into the bloodstream

> due to consumption of Erythritol…and that these,

> subsequently, pass through the kidney, its phalynx, and are excreted.)


> Increased GGT and NAG excretions also were seen

> occasionally at the 5% dose. Significantly

> increased relative cecum weights were seen in

> rats of either sex in the 10% mannitol and,

> somewhat less pronounced, 10% erythritol groups.

> Some cecal enlargement also was seen in the 5%

> erythritol group. The relative weight of the

> kidneys was highest in the 10% erythritol group,

> the difference from controls reaching statistical

> significance at interim kills (males) and termination (females).


> Except for more frequent pelvic nephrocalcinosis

> in female rats, of all erythritol dose groups,

> the histopathological examinations did not reveal

> any nonneoplastic, preneoplastic, or neoplastic

> changes that could be attributed to the ingestion

> of erythritol. (This statement may reflect the

> industry's funding for these studies, as this

> appears to downplay the issues of

> nephrocalcinosis due to the high excretion rates

> of calcium, citrate, potassium, and phosphate).


> In male and female rats of the 10% mannitol

> group, pelvic nephrocalcinosis, which in females

> was associated occasionally with pelvic

> hyperplasia, was the only remarkable finding. The

> incidence and progression of nephrosis, which is

> commonly seen in aging rats of this strain, were

> not influenced by the treatments.


> (Do you think they used aged rats on purpose, to

> cover up the renal calcification


> lesions ? ) Considering corporate testing these

> days, it is my belief that testing for renal

> nephrocalcinosis is most likely much worse than what is being explained

> here.


> Until we have more information, I would suggest

> natural Stevia rather these processed or

> synthesized sweeteners (Truvia or Zerose).


> The reason these companies have not sought to

> legalize, STEVIA, is because they would not be

> able to patent it, and because the natural health

> industry would pose serious competition.


> So, in order to protect their profits, these

> pharma-chemical companies decided to process

> their synthesized version of a sweetener (again),

> in order to reap their money, of course, at the expense of the public

> health.


> In the absence of morphological alterations in

> the kidneys or other signs of nephrotoxicity, the

> increased excretions of NAG, GGT, LMP, and TP are

> regarded as innocuous, functional sequelae of the

> renal elimination of erythritol. This does not make any sense.


> In conclusion, the toxicological profile of

> erythritol in rats resembles that of other

> polyols in several respects. Except for

> nephrocalcinosis, which is commonly seen in

> polyol-fed rats, no other treatment-related,

> morphological changes were observed in the

> kidneys. Evidence for a tumor-inducing or

> tumor-promoting effect of erythritol was not seen. (Was it looked for ??)


> You can see how this industry funded, or

> " watered-down " study downplays the ominous facts

> to kidney pathogenesis. At least they mentioned

> the problems...albeit, sugar-coated.


> <<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

> _acct=C000050221 & _>http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_

> ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1G & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig=

> search & _sort= d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _


> version=1 & _urlVersi on=0 & _userid= 10 & md5=10ac710d3 ce5c9cd182b08c2f

> 1857ff5>


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _______


> The Concentrations and Ratio of Dietary Calcium

> and Phosphorus Influence Development of Nephrocalcinosis in Female Rats1


> Kevin A. Cockell2, Mary R. L'Abbé and Bartholomeus Belonje


> Nutrition Research Division, Food Directorate,

> Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada,

> 2203C Banting Research Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0L2


> Nephrocalcinosis (NC) in female rats can

> complicate the interpretation of nutritional or

> toxicological studies involving the kidney.

> Recent reformulations of standardized rodent

> diets such as AIN-93G and NTP-2000 sought to

> optimize the dietary Ca:P ratio, an important etiologic factor in NC.


> The effect of increasing intakes of Ca and P

> together at their optimal molar ratio has not

> been systematically studied. Weanling female and

> male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed modified

> AIN-93G diets containing Ca and P at AIN-93G diet

> concentrations (5 g Ca + 3 g P/kg diet), with

> multiples of Ca and P at the same ratio (1.5x =

> 7.5 g Ca + 4.5 g P, 2.5x = 12.5 g Ca + 7.5 g P,

> 4.0x = 20.0 g Ca + 12.0 g P/kg diet), or Ca and P

> at concentrations found in the AIN-76A diet (5 g

> Ca + 5 g P/kg diet), for 16 wk.


> Incidence and severity of NC and kidney Ca

> concentration in female rats increased with

> dietary Ca and P, although not to levels in

> female rats fed at the AIN-76A Ca:P ratio. Male

> rats showed limited evidence of kidney Ca

> accumulation or NC. The concentrations of dietary

> Ca and P, as well as the ratio of these two

> elements, affected development of NC in female rats.


> KEY WORDS: • dietary calcium • dietary phosphorus

> • nephrocalcinosis • female rats


> <http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/abstract

> /132/2/252>http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/abstract /132/2/252


> NOTE: ERYTHRITOL causes leeching or osmotic

> removal of dietary or bioavailable systemic

> calcium, phosphorus, and other constituents to be

> released into the bloodstream. This increases

> potential for nephrocalcinosis, plus, a reduction

> of system, cellular, or biologically available calcium.


> It is possible that enlargement of the cecum (at

> the ilio-cecal valve proximity) is due to

> irritation of this release of constituents, or is

> a reflection of UNKNOWN irritants attached to

> erythritol from processing, ingestion, or other

> interaction from cellular metabolism. ALSO, any

> food, which is attempted to be metabolized by the

> liver, such as chlorinated compounds, may place

> undo strain on liver, as it does with kidney

> function, and possibly other unknown implications

> (at this time). ~ Arthur M. Evangelista


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __


> Subchronic Oral Toxicity Studies with Erythritol in Mice and Rats


> H. P.

> Til<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

> d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

> 10 & md5=30eec0055 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#a1a1>a,

> C. F.

> Kuper<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

> d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

> 10 & md5=30eec0055 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#a1a1>a,

> H. E.

> Falke<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort=

> d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

> 10 & md5=30eec0055 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#a2a2>b

> and A. Bär

> <http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

> _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=30eec0055

> 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#a2a2>b,

> <http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

> _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=30eec0055

> 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62#fn1fn1>1


> a TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, P.O.

> Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands


> b Board for the Authorization of Pesticides

> (CTB), P.O. Box 217, 6700 AE, Wageningen, The Netherlands


> Bioresco AG, Hauptstrasse 63, Postfach 406, 4102, Binningen, Switzerland


> Received 29 July 1996.


> Available online 22 April 2002.


> Abstract


> Erythritol is a sugar alcohol (polyol) with

> potential applications as a low-calorie, bulk

> sweetener. Ingested erythritol is efficiently

> absorbed and excreted unchanged via the urine

> since it is not metabolized systemically by the animal or human body.


> Erythritol was administered to four groups of 10

> male and 10 female Swiss CD-1 mice and four

> groups of 15 male Wistar Crl:(WI) WU BR rats at

> dietary levels of 0, 5, 10, or 20% for 90 days. A

> fifth group of rats received a diet containing

> 20% erythritol on a time-restricted basis (6

> hr/day), and a sixth group received a diet

> containing 20% mannitol for comparison. There

> were no treatment-related mortalities in either

> mice or rats. Soft stools and occasional diarrhea

> were observed in rats fed diets with 20%

> erythritol or mannitol but not in mice.


> Body weights were slightly yet significantly

> reduced in rats fed 20% erythritol or mannitol

> and in male mice of the 20% dose group.

> Erythritol intake in the high-dose group was

> approximately 12 g/kg body wt in rats and 44 and

> 45 g/kg body wt in male and female mice, respectively.


> Hematological and clinicochemical examinations of

> blood and plasma did not reveal any

> treatment-related effects. Urine output increased

> with increasing erythritol dose. In male and

> female mice of the 20% erythritol group, the

> creatinine-normaliz ed urinary excretion of

> protein, K-glutamyltransfera se (GGT), and

> electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Pi, citrate) was

> significantly increased while

> urinaryN-acetylgluc osaminidase (NAG) remained unchanged.


> At the 10% level, significantly increased urinary

> protein (both sexes) and GGT (males only)

> excretion were seen. In rats, the

> creatinine-normaliz ed urinary excretion of GGT,

> NAG, and some electrolytes (Na+, K+, and Ca2+)

> was increased in some erythritol groups but a

> clear dose–response relationship was evident only for calcium.


> On termination of the study, cecal enlargement

> was seen in rats of the 10 and 20% dose groups

> and in mice of the 20% dose group.


> Increased relative and absolute kidney weights

> were observed in both sexes of mice in the 20%

> erythritol group, in male mice of the 5 and 10%

> groups, and in rats of the 10 and 20% erythritol groups.


> Histopathological examination did not reveal any

> treatment-related abnormalities in either mice or rats.


> In conclusion, the ingestion of erythritol for 90

> days at dietary levels of up to 20% did not

> produce signs of toxicity in mice or rats. In

> particular, the morphological integrity of the

> kidneys was not adversely affected by the

> treatment in either species. The increases in

> urinary excretion of protein, GGT, NAG, and

> electrolytes were considered to result from

> extensive osmotic diuresis and a potential

> overload of the renal excretory system at the high dose levels employed.


> <http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c &

> _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=30eec0055

> 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62>http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_

> ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-18 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig=

> search & _sort= d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion=

> 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=30eec0055 81efe16fb2e1b701 37f0d62


> I have seen this manipulation with aspartame studies…


> EXAMPLE: To determine if smoking causes cancer,

> I give everyone 1 (one) pack of cigarettes…


> Did anyone come down with cancer… NO ? Good, smoking does not cause cancer…


> I have investigated this kind of fraud, and its

> how corporate studies can be " shaded " and misleading. ~ Dr. E


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _______


> Two-Generation Reproduction Study of


> Erythritol in Rats


> D. H.

> Waalkens-Berendsen<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_

> ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi=

> B6WPT-45N451N- 1G & _fmt=high & _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _

> orig=article & _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid=

> 10 & md5=f80be5150 b78b7af43dd7dafb b69b57f#a1a1>a,

> A. E. Smits-van

> Prooije<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N-

> 1G & _fmt=high & _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article &

> _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150

> b78b7af43dd7dafb b69b57f#a1a1>a,

> M. V. M.

> Wijnands<http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N-

> 1G & _fmt=high & _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article &

> _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150

> b78b7af43dd7dafb b69b57f#a1a1>a

> and A. Bär

> <http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N- 1G & _fmt=high &

> _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article & _acct=C000050221

> & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150 b78b7af43dd7dafb

> b69b57f#a2a2>b,

> <http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N- 1G & _fmt=high &

> _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article & _acct=C000050221

> & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150 b78b7af43dd7dafb

> b69b57f#fn1fn1>1


> a TNO-Nutrition and Food Research Institute, P.O.

> Box 360, 3700 AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands


> b Bioresco AG, Hauptstrasse 63, 4102, Binningen, Switzerland


> Received 29 July 1996.


> Available online 22 April 2002.


> Abstract


> Erythritol was fed at dietary concentrations of

> 0, 2.5, 5, or 10% to Crl:(WI) WU BR rats of both

> sexes through two successive generations (F0and

> F1). Twenty-four rats of each sex were mated in each group.






> For each generation one litter was reared until

> the pups were 21 days old. In the 10% erythritol

> group, food consumption among F0-males and

> -females was initially significantly reduced

> until the animals adapted to the erythritol diet

> during the first week of the study. Thereafter,

> food intake was higher than in controls.


> A consistently increased food intake also was

> seen in F1-males and -females of this dose group.

> This effect was considered to result from the

> caloric dilution of the food by erythritol, which

> has a low physiological energy value.


> This seems to a false interpretation, as appetite

> is substantially controlled by the sensors that

> signify a " stretching gastric mucosa " …the

> stomach gets filled with food, turns off the

> appetite, providing that full feeling.


> The lower body weight and weight gain of the

> F0-animals of the 10% erythritol group were

> attributed to the initially reduced food

> consumption and occurrence of transient diarrhea

> until the animals had adapted to the erythritol intake.


> In the F1-animals of the 10% erythritol group,

> which were adapted to the treatment from weaning,

> the rate of body weight gain did not differ from controls.


> The F1-males and -females of this dose group did,

> however, have a reduced body weight from weaning,

> which was attributed to a reduced energy intake

> among the corresponding F0-dams during Weeks 2

> and 3 of lactation. This effect was not seen in

> the F2-generation. It is concluded that under the

> conditions of this experiment, the intake of

> erythritol had no adverse effect on fertility and

> reproductive performance of parent rats or on the

> development of their progeny.


> Gross necropsy and microscopic examination of the

> parenteral reproductive organs also did not reveal treatment-related

> changes.


> The wording of this report sound " fictitious " ,

> but I cannot place my finger on it. This issue of

> calcium loss and increased appetite could lead to

> overeating and obesity, along with /or

> decalcification / demineralization of the body.


> <http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WPT-

> 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N- 1G & _fmt=high &

> _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article & _acct=C000050221

> & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150 b78b7af43dd7dafb

> b69b57f>http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6WPT- 45N451N-1B & _user=10 & _origUdi= B6WPT-45N451N-

> 1G & _fmt=high & _coverDate= 10%2F31%2F1996 & _rdoc=1 & _ orig=article &

> _acct=C000050221 & _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=f80be5150

> b78b7af43dd7dafb b69b57f


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


> Cargill launches erythritol product line under Zerose™ brand name


> New Zerose™ web site helps consumers understand erythritol's benefits


> MINNEAPOLIS – Cargill has branded its erythritol

> product line under a new name, Zerose™

> erythritol, that clearly conveys to food

> manufacturers and consumers that the all-natural

> sweetener contains zero sugar, zero calories*,

> zero aftertaste and zero artificial ingredients.

> The brand launch includes the introduction of a

> new consumer education web site,

> <http://www.zerosesw eetener.com/>www.zerosesweetene r.com,

> designed to answer questions about erythritol and

> explain its benefits as a natural sugar alternative.


> Formerly known as Eridex™ erythritol, Zerose™

> erythritol is a bulk sweetener that tastes and

> functions like sugar in beverages, dairy products

> and confections that appeal to consumers who want

> to manage their weight or sugar levels or sugar

> intake. Like sugar, it reduces water activity in

> a food product, provides volume and provides the

> freeze point depression needed in many frozen treats.


> Zerose™ erythritol tastes 60 to 70 percent as

> sweet as sugar, so people can reduce their sugar

> intake without sacrificing taste. The ingredient

> also is non-glycemic and non-insulemic, making it

> a useful sugar alternative for people on diabetic

> diets. In addition, Zerose™ erythritol is

> noncariogenic (does not promote tooth decay) and

> is endorsed by Toothfriendly International. **


> Cargill's application and manufacturing expertise


> Cargill is in a unique position with more than a

> decade of experience in the use and manufacture

> of erythritol. " We recognized the benefits of

> erythritol in the 1980s and began building the

> manufacturing, food safety and application

> database that led to the eventual U.S. and EU

> approval and commercialization of the

> ingredient, " said Kathy Fortmann, polyols and

> dextrose global business director, Cargill

> Sweetness Solutions. Cargill has an extensive

> patent portfolio through its own patent estate

> and through the licensing of other intellectual property.


> Zerose™ erythritol is easy for food and beverage

> manufacturers to use because it comes in an

> easy-to-ship powder form, has heat and pH

> stability and freeze-point depression, and gives

> finished products the same volume that sugar does in baked goods.


> Zerose™ erythritol is unique, natural and organic


> Erythritol exists naturally at low levels in many

> fruits and at higher levels in naturally

> fermented foods such as soy sauce, cheese, wine

> and beer. Zerose™ erythritol is produced by

> growing a natural culture that converts sugars

> and other nutrients into erythritol. This process

> is similar to the way yogurt is made from milk.


> It is then filtered, crystallized and dried,

> resulting in a final product that is greater than

> 99 percent pure. Zerose™ erythritol is natural;

> the ingredient also is available in a U.S.

> Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified

> organic grade (certified by QAI International) .


> For more information about Cargill's sweetness

> products, visit <http://www.cargills weetness. com/>www.cargillsweetne

> ss.com.


> *Zero calorie determination is based on

> scientific studies cited in a petition submitted

> to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


> Above information provided by your local chemcial and food toxin company.


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


> The Concentrations and Ratio of Dietary Calcium

> and Phosphorus Influence Development of

> Nephrocalcinosis in Female

> Rats<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# FN1#FN1>1


> Kevin A. Cockell2, Mary R. L'Abbé and Bartholomeus Belonje


> Nutrition Research Division, Food Directorate,

> Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada,

> 2203C Banting Research Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0L2


> <http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/

> 132/2/252>http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252


> This reflects issues of calcium and mineral loss

> during ingestion of Erythritol ~ Dr. E


> The rats were fed the test diets for 16 wk, with

> feed consumption and body weight gain measured

> weekly. Rats were maintained in accordance with

> the guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal

> Care, in stainless steel wire-bottomed cages in a

> temperature- and humidity-controlled room with a

> 12-h light:dark cycle. The experiment protocol

> was approved by the institutional Animal Care

> Committee of the Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada.


> Tissue sampling and histopathology.


> Rats were killed by exsanguination under

> isoflurane anesthesia. Kidneys were dissected out

> and cut in half (left kidney cut longitudinally,

> right kidney cut transversely) . One half of each

> was preserved in formalin for subsequent

> processing and paraffin embedding following

> routine methods for histopathology. Adjacent 5-µm

> sections were cut and stained with hematoxylin

> and eosin (H & E) or by the von Kossa technique

> (10<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B10#B10> ).


> Black granular precipitates on von Kossa–stained

> sections were manually counted and a

> histochemical score was assigned according to the

> number of granules found in one transverse plus

> one longitudinal kidney section per rat. A score

> of 0 was given for no granules found in the

> sections, + for 1–25 granules, ++ for 26–75

> granules, +++ for 76–150 granules and ++++

> for >150 granules in the sections. The other half

> of each kidney was frozen at -80°C for subsequent mineral analyses.


> Mineral analyses.


> Samples of tissues and diets were dry ashed at

> 450°C using concentrated nitric acid as an

> oxidizing agent before analysis for Ca by flame

> atomic absorption spectrometry (Perkin-Elmer

> 5100PC, Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT)

> (11<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B11#B11>

> ) and P by a colorimetric method

> (12<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B12#B12>

> ). Analytical standards were prepared from

> certified single-element stock solutions (SPEX

> Chemical, Metuchen, NJ). These analytical methods

> have been checked in multilaboratory quality

> control studies

> (13<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B13#B13>

> ) and analysis of NBS Bovine Liver (1577 or

> 1577a, National Institute of Standards and

> Technology, Gaithersburg, MD) gave results within 5% of certified values.


> Statistical analyses.


> Growth results were analyzed by ANOVA followed by

> Scheffé's test for difference of means (comparing

> Ca + P concentration effects, diets AIN93, 1.5x,

> 2.5x and 4.0x) or t test for independent samples

> (comparing Ca:P ratio effects, AIN93 vs. AIN76

> diets), using P < 0.05 as the threshold of

> significance. Kidney Ca+ results were analyzed by

> nonparametric methods (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA

> followed by Dunn's multiple comparison or

> Mann-Whitney U test) due to profound

> heterogeneity of variances, which could not be

> overcome by standard transformation procedures.

> For Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U test,

> P < 0.05 was used as the threshold of

> significance. For Dunn's multiple comparison,

> which was performed only where Kruskal-Wallis

> ANOVA achieved significance, a threshold of =

> 0.15 was used, yielding an experiment-wise error

> rate threshold for significance of 0.0125

> (14<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B14#B14>

> ). The association between kidney Ca or P

> concentration and histological score was

> investigated using the Spearman Rank Order

> correlation. Statistical analyses were conducted

> using Statistica for Windows, version 5.1

> (StatSoft, Tulsa, OK). Results are presented as

> mean ± SD, with ranges also specified for kidney Ca concentrations.




> The Ca and P concentrations of the test diets

> were (dry weight basis): diet AIN93, 5.4 ± 0.3 g

> Ca and 3.9 ± 0.3 g P/kg diet, molar ratio 1.07;

> diet 1.5x, 7.9 ± 0.3 g Ca and 5.4 ± 0.3 g P/kg

> diet, molar ratio 1.12; diet 2.5x, 12.9 ± 0.2 g

> Ca and 8.7 ± 0.3 g P/kg diet, molar ratio 1.14;

> diet 4.0x, 20.3 ± 0.3 g Ca and 13.4 ± 0.2 g P/kg

> diet, molar ratio 1.17; diet AIN76, 5.3 ± 0.2 g

> Ca and 6.2 ± 0.3 g P/kg diet, molar ratio 0.66.

> No significant differences in body weight gain or

> feed efficiency were found as a result of the

> dietary treatments used (results not shown).


> Kidney Ca+ concentration in the group of weanling

> rats killed at the outset of the study was 7.53 ±

> 0.40 µmol/g dry kidney (range 6.90–8.18) for

> female rats and 7.05 ± 0.30 µmol/g dry kidney

> (range 6.65–7.50) for male rats. All weanling

> rats killed at the outset of the study had

> histochemical scores of zero, indicating no

> evidence of black precipitates on von Kossa–stained kidney sections.


> Male rats showed almost no histochemical evidence

> of NC with any of the diets and had less kidney

> Ca accumulation than female rats (Table

> 2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2>

> ). In female rats, increased kidney Ca

> concentration and incidence of histochemically

> determined NC was found after 16 wk of feeding

> increasing amounts of dietary Ca and P at the

> optimal molar ratio (comparing diets AIN93

> through 4.0x, Table

> 2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2>

> ), although more extensive Ca accumulation and

> more severe NC resulted from imbalance in dietary

> Ca and P intakes (comparing diet AIN93 and

> AIN76;Table 2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252#

> T2#T2> and


> Fig.

> 1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

> ). 16 Wks. is

> a relatively short study...perhaps too short !


> View this table:

> <http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252/ T2>[in this

> window]

> <http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/132/ 2/252/T2>[in a new

> window]


> Table 2. Kidney calcium concentration, kidney

> calcium score and range of histochemical score

> for female and male Sprague-Dawley rats fed

> modified AIN-93G diets differing in calcium and phosphorus content for 16

> wk1




> View larger version (152K):

> <http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252/ F1>[in this

> window]

> <http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/132/ 2/252/F1>[in a new

> window]


> Figure 1. Histological appearance of kidneys from

> female Sprague-Dawley rats fed diets differing in

> Ca and P concentrations for 16 wk (see text for

> details). Section from outer capsule (at left) to

> inner stripe of outer medulla (at right); von

> Kossa stain; original X75. Ca deposits appear as

> large black granules against a lighter

> background. (A) Diet AIN93, 5 g Ca + 3 g P/kg

> diet, Ca: P molar ratio 1.07 by analysis. (B)

> Diet 4.0x, 20 g Ca + 12 g P/kg diet, Ca: P molar

> ratio 1.17 by analysis. © Diet AIN76, 5 g Ca +

> 5 g P/kg diet, Ca: P molar ratio 0.66 by analysis.


> These results were supported in a categorical

> examination of kidney Ca concentration, namely,

> the kidney calcium score (Table

> 2)<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2>

> . For categorization of kidney calcium score in

> our laboratory, the " normal " level for rats is

> 7.50 ± 0.63 µmol Ca/g dry kidney (mean ± SD)

> based on historical data from several studies.

> This value is similar to the analyzed value for

> female rats killed at the outset of the present

> study. With increasing dietary Ca and P

> concentrations, a higher proportion of female

> rats had " elevated " kidney calcium score (>2 SD

> above " normal " ) and 1 of 8 female rats fed diet

> 4.0x had a kidney calcium score indicative of

> NC, >10 times the normal level (i.e., Ca

> concentration >75 µmol/g dry kidney). Kidney P

> concentration was significantly increased only in

> female rats fed diet AIN76 in comparison to AIN93

> (445 ± 80 vs. 351 ± 11 µmol P/g dry kidney, respectively) .


> The location of mineral precipitation in kidney

> sections, shown by von Kossa staining, was

> similar with elevated concentrations of Ca and P

> at the optimal ratio (e.g., diet 4.0x, Fig.

> 1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

> B) to that seen with Ca:P imbalance (diet AIN76,

> Fig.

> 1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

> C) although the degree of precipitation was

> generally more severe in the latter group.


> Most of the female rats fed diet AIN93 had no

> histochemical evidence of mineral precipitation

> after 16 wk of feeding (Fig.

> 1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

> A). There was considerable variation among rats

> within a treatment group in the extent of kidney

> Ca accumulation and the severity of NC (Table

> 2)<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2> .


> Even with diet 2.5x, there were some female rats

> with kidney Ca concentrations in the normal range

> and no histochemical evidence of NC. With diet

> 4.0x, all female rats showed elevated kidney Ca,

> although the range of responses was still very

> large. Higher incidence and severity of NC was

> seen with the suboptimal dietary Ca:P molar ratio

> (diet AIN76) than when these elements were

> present at 4 times the normal concentrations but

> " optimally " balanced (diet 4.0x) (Fig.

> 1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F1#F1>

> and Table 2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# T2#T2>

> ).


> There was a significant positive association

> between kidney histochemical score and kidney Ca

> concentration in female rats (Fig.

> 2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# F2#F2>

> ) which yielded a Spearman Rank Order correlation

> coefficient r = 0.87 (P < 0.00001, n = 40). A

> similar positive association between kidney

> histochemical score and kidney P concentration in

> female rats (data not shown) yielded a Spearman

> Rank Order correlation coefficient r = 0.65 (P < 0.00001, n = 40).


> View larger version (27K):

> <http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252/ F2>[in this

> window]

> <http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content-nw/ full/132/ 2/252/F2>[in a new

> window]


> Figure 2. Relationship of histochemical score

> with kidney calcium concentration in female

> Sprague-Dawley rats fed diets containing

> different concentrations of Ca and P for 16 wk

> (see text for details). Values are means ± SD, n

> = 8, 15, 8, 5, 4 for histochemical scores of 0,

> +, ++, +++ and ++++, respectively. Histochemical

> score is based on the number of granules seen in

> 1 transverse and 1 longitudinal kidney section

> (von Kossa stain): 0 = 0 granules seen, + = 1–25,

> ++ = 26–75, +++ = 76–150, ++++ = >150 granules.

> Spearman Rank Order correlation coefficient for

> the relationship of histochemical score with

> kidney calcium r = 0.87 (P < 0.00001).




> The present study focused on the effects of

> elevating dietary Ca and P concentrations

> together while maintaining the optimal ratio of

> these two elements. Hoek et al.

> (15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15>

> ) examined the effect of increasing dietary Ca

> and P concentrations, comparing 0.25% Ca + 0.20%

> P or 0.25% Ca + 0.4% P to diets containing twice

> the content of each (0.5% Ca + 0.4% P or 0.5% Ca

> + 0.8% P, respectively) . In both cases, the diets

> with the higher Ca + P content yielded more

> severe NC. Low incidence and severity of NC was

> found using a diet containing 0.75% Ca + 0.4% P

> (15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15>

> ), which is similar in Ca and P composition to our diet 1.5x.


> This refers to blood values of dietary calcium,

> and its over-release into the bloodstream, from

> various chemicals, diets, and other intakes or

> releases. Calcium may affect muscle

> contractility, blood vessel constriction or

> dilation and blood pressure, blood pressure

> affects kidney function, and / or other

> calcium-associated biological or physiological activities.


> It has been suggested that the Ca:P molar ratio

> must be >1 to prevent kidney calcification in

> female rats

> (16<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B16#B16>

> ). Although this was achieved in our AIN93

> through 4.0x diets, the higher concentrations of

> Ca and P intake at the recommended ratio still

> produced NC. Studies described by Reeves et al.

> (16<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B16#B16>

> ) indicated that a Ca:P molar ratio of 0.97 (5 g

> Ca + 4 g P/kg diet) did not completely eliminate

> kidney calcification in female rats, although

> normal kidney Ca concentrations were found in

> female rats fed a purified diet with a Ca:P molar ratio of 1.3 for 16 wk.


> The present finding of slightly elevated kidney

> Ca in one of eight female rats fed diet AIN93

> suggests that a Ca:P molar ratio of 1.07 does not

> completely prevent Ca accumulation in kidneys.

> Earlier work in our laboratory indicated that

> even with a diet formulated according to AIN-93G

> specifications, with an analyzed Ca:P molar ratio

> of 1.31, some female rats had elevated kidney Ca

> after 16 wk of feeding, and one of eight female

> rats had a kidney Ca concentration consistent

> with NC

> (5<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B5#B5>

> ). It is important to note that kidney Ca

> concentration in female rats in the present study

> varied widely within a treatment group, as did

> the severity of histochemically assessed NC.

> Similar results have been reported by others

> (2<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B2#B2>

> ,5<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B5#B5>

> ,15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15> ).


> The typical histological appearance of

> diet-induced NC shows calcification primarily in

> the corticomedullary junction region

> (1<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B1#B1>

> ) and this was the pattern seen in the present

> study. The von Kossa histochemical procedure

> detects principally phosphate and carbonate ions,

> which are the counterions with which Ca is

> commonly associated in normal and pathologically

> calcified tissues, rather than being specific for

> Ca (10<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B10#B10> ).


> Others have demonstrated that the kidney

> precipitates found in rats fed diets varying in

> Ca and/or P content, such as ours, are typically

> composed of calcium and phosphate

> (17<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B17#B17>

> ,18<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B18#B18>

> ). The significant association between

> histochemical score and kidney Ca concentration

> using the Spearman rank correlation indicates the

> robustness of this histological grading scheme. A

> similar correlation was shown previously in rats

> fed diets varying in Ca and P content

> (15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15>

> ,19<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B19#B19>

> ,20<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B20#B20>

> ) and in human renal biopsy specimens

> (21<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B21#B21>

> ). A similar association between histochemical

> score and kidney P concentration has also been

> reported

> (15<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B15#B15>

> ). Together, these associations support the

> identification of the kidney concretions found in

> female rats in the present study as calcium phosphate.


> NC in female rats can complicate the

> interpretation of toxicity studies

> (22<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B22#B22>

> –24<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B24#B24>

> ). This problem has been noted in cereal-based

> diets as well as semipurified diets, and has led

> the National Toxicology Program to reformulate

> their standard cereal-based diet to conform to

> the AIN recommendation regarding Ca:P molar ratio

> (25<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B25#B25>

> ). Because rats are one of the standard

> laboratory animal species used in toxicity

> testing for regulatory purposes

> (26<http://jn.nutrition .org/cgi/ content/full/ 132/2/252# B26#B26>

> ), NC in rats can have widespread implications

> for human safety and risk assessment activities.

> Researchers should be cognizant of Ca and

> particularly P concentrations and adjust mineral

> mixes accordingly when substituting different

> protein sources in modified AIN-93G diets.


> Although the reformulation leading to the AIN-93G

> diet was largely successful in reducing the

> incidence and severity of nephrocalcinosis in

> female rats, it must be remembered that the

> absolute concentrations of dietary Ca and P, and

> not just their ratio, influence the development

> of nephrocalcinosis in female rats.




> 1 Publication no. 562 of the Bureau of

> Nutritional Sciences. Portions of this work were

> presented in poster form at the 43rd Annual

> Meeting of the Canadian Federation of Biological

> Societies, Ottawa, Canada, June 22–24, 2000

> [Cockell, K. A., L'Abbé, M. R. & Belonje, B.

> (2000) Dietary calcium and phosphorus levels and

> not just their ratio, influence development of

> nephrocalcinosis in female rats. Abstract T156].


> 3 Abbreviations used: AIN93, modified AIN-93G

> diet containing Ca and P at the concentrations

> specified in the AIN-93G formulation; 1.5x, 2.5x

> and 4.0x, diets containing Ca and P at 1.5, 2.5

> and 4.0 times, respectively, the concentrations

> in the AIN-93G diet; AIN76, modified AIN-93G diet

> containing Ca and P at the concentrations

> specified in the AIN-76A formulation; H & E,

> hematoxylin and eosin stain; NC nephrocalcinosis.


> Manuscript received 6 September 2001. Initial

> review completed 28 September 2001. Revision accepted 27 November 2001.


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


> NEW INFORMATION Dec. 9, 2008


> So, these guys ( Coke Cola ) are in bed with

> Cargill, Inc. to produce what ?...


> …another synthesized and processed sweetener they claim to be natural ?


> They tell you its from a natural source called,

> Stevia. Yet, like the chlorocarbon,

> SPLENDA, Truvia is processed and

> synthesized into an artificially produced,

> chemically processed, lo-cal sweetener that is

> toxic and illness-producing… unlike the safe,

> natural, and the original source from which " TRUVIA " is manufactured.


> One problem, is that Coke nor Cargill ( nor any

> chemical - biotech company) can patent the

> original, natural, and safe source sweetener,

> Stevia, not to mention the strong competition

> from the natural health foods' industry.


> Trusting Coke and Cargill to come up with a

> toxic-free or chemical-free sweetener, is like

> trusting " Baby Face Nelson " (or the government)

> with your IRA & bank accounts !!


> So much for corrupt NAFTA ... ~ comment by: Dr. E


> Coke & Pepsi poisons in more trouble,


> the ULTIMATUM from BIG Business:


> India threatened by business interests:


> Sell Coke and Pepsi, or your economy will suffer


> Found

> on

> <http://www.naturaln ews.com/019946. html>http://www.naturaln

> ews.com/019946. html


> (NaturalNews) After a Center for Science and

> Environment study found 24 times the acceptable

> level of pesticides in soda sold in India, a few

> state governments acted quickly to ban the big

> name soft drinks -- Coca-Cola and PepsiCo -- but

> the country's top business groups warned Thursday

> that the move could hurt India's economy.


> Both the Confederation of Indian Industry and the

> Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and

> Industry say that decisions to ban Coca-Cola and

> PepsiCo products from schools, colleges and

> hospitals run by the government are likely to

> hurt the country's broader

> <http://www.naturaln ews.com/economy. html>economy,

> slowing the investment climate. Representatives

> reported being particularly disturbed by the

> total ban on the soft drink brands by the

> Southern state of Kerala, where both companies run plants.


> " Government actions have to be driven by rule of

> law and in the overall public interest, " said R.

> Seshasayee, president of Confederation of Indian

> Industry, who noted that the standards used by

> CSE were part of a government " proposal " that has

> not yet passed into Indian law. " We are concerned

> that the apparently arbitrary decisions have been

> taken ... without going through the due process of law. "


> Both Seshasayee and FICCI President Saroj K.

> Poddar assert that the states should have

> followed up the CSE study with their own tests,

> and then sent notice to

> <http://www.naturaln ews.com/Coca- Cola.html>Coca-Cola

> and PepsiCo, in keeping with proper procedures.


> " It is amazing to observe the legal and

> regulatory contortions these pro-business Indian

> politicians will go through to keep selling

> pesticide-laden products to their own people, "

> remarked Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate

> and critic of the marketing practices of soft

> drink companies. " And claiming that the banning

> of

> <http://www.naturaln ews.com/soft_ drinks.html>soft

> drinks containing unsafe chemicals would be

> harmful to India's economy is preposterous. Why

> do they not consider the potential of harm to

> India's people and their health? "


> While India-based Coca-Cola and

> <http://www.naturaln ews.com/PepsiCo. html>PepsiCo

> officials have declined to comment to the media

> on the issue, Kari Bjorhus, a U.S.-based

> spokesperson for Coca-Cola, said they were

> " disappointed that the (Kerala) government would

> make a decision like that based on inaccurate information. "


> " Our products are perfectly safe (

> and government and big business never lie ) and

> there is no reason to take them away from consumers, " she said.


> India has brought similar charges against both

> Coca-Cola and PepsiCo before; three years ago, a

> CSE study caused allegations (proof) of excessive

> <http://www.naturaln ews.com/pesticid es.html>pesticides

> to be leveled at the companies, and their sales

> suffered. A few months later, the sales figures

> recovered (due most likely to forced and

> strong-arm economic tactics via NAFTA ~ Dr. E )


> " For three years we have looked very hard at this

> and engaged the best scientific minds in the

> world, " said Dick Detwiler, a spokesman for

> PepsiCo's international division in New York.

> " All of the data and all of the science point to

> the fact our products in

> <http://www.naturaln ews.com/India. html>India are

> absolutely safe, just as they are elsewhere in

> the world. " Like Aspartame, Splenda, DDT, Agent

> Orange, Teflon, or Fluoride, etc... ?


> This is a small comfort for Indian parents, many

> of whom think the ban is a great idea. ( Dr. E

> says, " It is a terrific idea by which to keep

> children, and the entire population healthier and illness-free ! " )


> " It is a good decision, " said Molly Kurian, a

> housewife in Kerala's capital, Cochin. " My

> children have been addicts of

> <http://www.naturaln ews.com/Pepsi. html>Pepsi and

> Coke. Now I can teach them how to drink water. "


> " In my opinion, " added Adams, " even without the

> presence of pesticides, these beverage products

> are harmful enough on their own to ban their sale

> in schools and government institutions. The link

> between sugary beverages and diabetes or obesity

> is well established in the scientific literature. "


> Information: The main ingredient in dark cola

> soda is, PHOSPHORIC ACID. It is a high corrosive.

> Thus, a Coke or Pepsi will " eat the paint off

> your car " . When consumed, it causes an acidic

> environment, causing damage to enzyme activity,

> and paves the way for disease, which requires an

> acidic environment to thrive...


> Caffeine is also added to these drinks to cause a

> caffeine addiction, just like heavy coffee

> drinkers... and this is targeted toward children

> !! This is both malfeasant and morally reprehensible.


> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpfda-and- regulatory- information.

> php>Professional

> Regulatory and FDA Information

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpindex. php>Home


> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phppharmaceutica l-deceptive-

> practices. php>Pharmaceutical

> Deceptive Practices

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phppublic- health-informati

> on-research. php>public-health- information- research


> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpthe-true- story-of- aspartame-

> and-other- food-toxins. php>The

> True Story of Aspartame and other Food Toxins

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpcorruption- --criminal-

> acts-regarding- aspartame. php>Corruption

> - Criminal Acts Regarding Aspartame 1

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpfluoride- and-the-pineal-

> gland.php>Fluoride

> and the Pineal Gland

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpfluoride- and-the-atomic-

> bomb.php>Fluoride

> and the Atomic Bomb

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpcorruption- criminal-

> acts-regarding- aspartame- 2.php>Corruption- Criminal

> Acts Regarding Aspartame 2

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phppoking- fun-at-pharmaceu

> tical-ads. php>Poking

> Fun At Pharmaceutical Ads

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpthe-nuremberg -code---human-

> testing-ehtics. php>The

> Nuremberg Code - Human Testing Ethics

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpactual- drug-costs- and-mark-

> up.php>Actual

> Drug Costs and Mark-Up

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phptruvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. php>TRUVIA

> Sweetener - Our Continuing Investigation

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpcolloidal- silver--- uses-and-

> application. php>COLLOIDAL

> SILVER - Uses and Application

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpsubversion- -fda---the- military-

> industrial- complex.php>SUBVERSION-

> FDA - The Military Industrial Complex

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpstatistics- --doctors-

> vs-guns.php>Statistics

> - Doctors vs Guns

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpmelamine- toxicity- information.



> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. php4-reasons- to-say-no- to-crestor.

> php>4


> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpwarning- --us-troops- deployed-

> within-us. php>WARNING

> - US Troops Deployed Within US

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpfda-own- scientists- accuse-fda-

> officials. php>FDA

> Own Scientists Accuse FDA Officials

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpfda--- epa-battle- over-mercury.

> php>FDA

> - EPA Battle Over MERCURY

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpmercury- --organized- crime-and-

> public-health. php>MERCURY

> - ORGANIZED CRIME and Public Health

> *

> <http://qualityassur ance.synthasite. com/truvia- sweetener-

> --our-continuing -investigation. phpfrauds- in-medical- information-

> --journals. php>FRAUDS



> C

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 1:25 PM, <bestsurprise2002 wrote:

> > Coke's new drink may be unveiled without FDA approval

> > _




> > 200100397x1214965971x1200967332_

> > (




> > 200967332)

> >

> > The Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE: KO) is expected to launch a drink this week

> with an

> > ingredient that has not yet received Food & Drug Administration

> approval,

> > according to The Wall Street Journal. The new drink is a non-carbonated

> juice

> > containing a natural, calorie-free sweetener made from the herb stevia.

> >

> > Coke plans to market three juice drink flavors in its Odwalla line using

> > this natural, noncaloric sweetener. PepsiCo Inc. (NYSE: PEP) also has

> several

> > drinks ready to go in the U.S. market using stevia. There's only one

> little

> > problem, though. The FDA has approved stevia only as a dietary

> supplement, but

> > labeled it an " unsafe food additive " in 1991 because some studies

> suggested

> > adverse health effects from stevia-based products. Companies working

> with Coke

> > and Pepsi to make the sweetener have submitted new data to refute that

> but

> > have yet to receive approval.

> >

> > Thing is, it seems an approval isn't actually required under the FDA's

> > voluntary program for new ingredients. Already Cargill Inc., which makes

> Coke's

> > stevia-based sweetener, is marketing and selling a table-top version,

> called

> > Truvia. So while Pepsi is holding its new drinks while waiting for the

> FDA's

> > blessing, Coke may not wait and could unveil the drinks in the U.S.

> before the

> > approval.

> >

> > It's quite possible, then, the American consumer could be exposed to an

> > ingredient the FDA right now deems unsafe. If Coke doesn't wait for the

> approval,

> > it takes a financial and PR risk, not to mention a chance with

> consumers'

> > health. If the FDA doesn't end up approving stevia as a food additive,

> Coke

> > will have to recall these products and could suffer all kinds of

> consequences,

> > from bad PR to perhaps some legal ramifications.

> >

> > I know the rivalry between the two companies has always been great, but

> is

> > this really worth it just to beat Pepsi and come out with

> stevia-sweetened

> > juices first?

> >

> > (http://www.papercut.biz/emailStripper.htm)

> >

> >


> ---



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> ~~---Allieving Suffering For All With Acne---~~

> http://www.acnehealingoil.com

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





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This is about the worst hipocracy I have ever heard... the FDA

knowingly approves a known carcinogen and neurotoxin, aspartame, while

attempting to ban a centuries proven safe, natural and healthy



Stevia was first tacitly banned under pressure of the super profitable

sugar cane cartels


What next, mercury in " health drinks " ? May as well throw in some

antibiotics to prevent colds.





On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 14:25:53 EST, you wrote:


>Coke's new drink may be unveiled without FDA approval








>The Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE: KO) is expected to launch a drink this week with an

>ingredient that has not yet received Food & Drug Administration approval,

>according to The Wall Street Journal. The new drink is a non-carbonated juice

>containing a natural, calorie-free sweetener made from the herb stevia.


>Coke plans to market three juice drink flavors in its Odwalla line using

>this natural, noncaloric sweetener. PepsiCo Inc. (NYSE: PEP) also has several

>drinks ready to go in the U.S. market using stevia. There's only one little

>problem, though. The FDA has approved stevia only as a dietary supplement, but

>labeled it an " unsafe food additive " in 1991 because some studies suggested

>adverse health effects from stevia-based products. Companies working with Coke

>and Pepsi to make the sweetener have submitted new data to refute that but

>have yet to receive approval.


>Thing is, it seems an approval isn't actually required under the FDA's

>voluntary program for new ingredients. Already Cargill Inc., which makes


>stevia-based sweetener, is marketing and selling a table-top version, called

>Truvia. So while Pepsi is holding its new drinks while waiting for the FDA's

>blessing, Coke may not wait and could unveil the drinks in the U.S. before the



>It's quite possible, then, the American consumer could be exposed to an

>ingredient the FDA right now deems unsafe. If Coke doesn't wait for the


>it takes a financial and PR risk, not to mention a chance with consumers'

>health. If the FDA doesn't end up approving stevia as a food additive, Coke

>will have to recall these products and could suffer all kinds of consequences,

>from bad PR to perhaps some legal ramifications.


>I know the rivalry between the two companies has always been great, but is

>this really worth it just to beat Pepsi and come out with stevia-sweetened

>juices first?


> (http://www.papercut.biz/emailStripper.htm)




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