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Co-Cure: ACT, NOT: Congressional Denial of Access to Bio-identical Hormone Medic

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Actually it was Not congress that started this it was the FDA with the bush

administration's backing. Congress and the house are in fact our only hope

to reverse the FDA's decision. BUt they are Not the cause.





9/11/2008 7:25:21 PM


<< >> Co-Cure: ACT, NOT: Congressional

Denial of Access to Bio-identical Hormone Medic



Tue, 9 Sep 2008 13:49:25 -0700

Steven Du Pre <isaiah9

ACT, NOT: Congressional Denial of Access to Bio-identical Hormone




Co-Cure Members:


Bio-identical hormones are easier for the body to handle and do not have

some of the toxic side effects of pharmacological substitutes. Congress for

some reason wants to deny these compounded medications to patients. Since

patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis oftentimes have deficiencies that

need some

bio-identical hormone treatment, you might like to participate in the

protest that is being organized by Women's International Pharmacy along with


number of other organizations. The details are as follows.


The issue: Wyeth, the maker of Premarin=AE and Prempro=AE, wants the FDA to

prevent the compounding of bio-identical hormones prescribed for you by your


doctor. If Wyeth had its way, it would take away your freedom of choice in

medication. With that said, the FDA recently took action to impose harmful

restrictions on the compounding and dispensing of bio-identical hormone

replacement therapies

(BHRT), which includes bio-identical hormone prescriptions that contain



In continuing efforts to recruit additional support from members of Congress


for the estriol resolutions H.Con.Res.342 (House of Representatives) and

S.Con.Res.88 (Senate), Women's International Pharmacy, as well as other

organizations, are coordinating a " Call-In " day on September 10th. The goal

is to

inundate the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate with phone calls


request reversal of the FDA policy restricting access to medications

containing estriol. To obtain the phone numbers of your U.S. Congressional


go to: _www.womensinternational.com_ (http://www.womensinternational.com) .



Steven Du Pre

Poetry website: _http://www.angelfire.com/poetry/soareagle/index.html_


" By words the mind is winged. " Aristophanes

Website for National Alliance for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis:

_http://www.name-us.org_ (http://www.name-us.org)



Send posts to CO-CURE

Un at _http://www.co-cure.org/unsub.htm_


Co-Cure Archives: _http://listserv.nodak.edu/archives/co-cure.html_



Co-Cure's purpose is to provide information from across the spectrum of

opinion concerning medical, research and political aspects of ME/CFS and/or

FMS. We take no position on the validity of any specific scientific or

political opinion expressed in Co-Cure posts, and we urge readers to

research the various opinions available before assuming any one

interpretation is definitive. The Co-Cure website <www.co-cure.org> has a

link to our complete archive of posts as well as articles of central

importance to the issues of our community.





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