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I am so hoping this is true for me. I bought some GABA today to try. Very

depressed. Have grief issues going on too.



-------------- Original message ----------------------

Barbara Battibulli <barbbat

> Amen!! I have found this to be true as well. I am a firm believer in GABA and

> have had positive results from using it.



> >>>>>GABA was a real life saver for me and it worked pretty quick.

> After experiencing the results of this particular substance, I am

> totally convinced that depression is a metabolic condition.







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Hi Sharon,


Your email sounds like awesome advice. I've been going through a depressive

episode which has mixed features with grief around losing people in my life

recently. But when I hit age 60 I really started to have major mental

imbalances and lots and lots of anger. I actually had them prior, but they are

more pronounced now. From reading our forum over many years, I knew that I was

not taking enough omega 3's. So I started increasing those. Then I decided to

try GABA. Now I'm taking one a day and don't know if I should increase that.

I've been in the process of planning for a liver cleanse because, anyone correct

me if thinking is incorrect, the liver does not function optimally if you have

lots of gallstones and fatty acids like Omega 3's may not be absorbing into the

whole body system as they should be. I also need to do a parasite cleanse and

will do that before the liver cleanse. Then I believe liver cleanses need to be

done more or less regularly to keep the liver free

and performing optimally. I do take Vit. D, but will switch to more absorbable

Vit. D3.


Thus far I'm feeling quite a bit better as a result of the GABA. I am doing

another thing as well. I'm taking pancreatin to help with digestion of

proteins, carbos, etc. My digestion had gone into a gastritis type of thing and

I'm prone to that. If you start to have gastritis. Dr. William Kelley talks

about the use of pancreatin and I'm post cancer 9 years. I'm on also on SJW too

at night. I'll look into Pfeiffer book too. Wonder if I should increase GABA.

Bottle says take one a day.


Thank you!. Linda


-------------- Original message ----------------------

" sharonstrahan " <sharonstrahan

> Hi Karen,


> I understand exactly where you are coming from. Doctor had told me

> with my recurrent depressive episodes I would need to stay on meds for

> life.


> I refused to accept that as the last word... Hope you don't mind but

> instead of repeating myself I am just going to post links here of my

> replies in previous threads:


> This talks about a method which approaches mental illnesses as

> biochemical imbalances which can be managed nutritionally:

> http://health./message/48998


> About some supplements:

> http://health./message/50699

> http://health./message/52820


> I live by the Pfeiffer approach now and have been meds free for over 2

> years now. I stay on the diet and I take ALL the supplements, everyday.


> Someone mentioned Vitamin D - I do supplement this also, mostly in

> winter now, but was everyday at the beginning of the programme. You

> are on the right track with the SJW, SAMe and Omega 3 fatty acids, but

> may need other things too.


> EFT also helped me a huge amount to clear out some emotional issues

> which were holding me back and which I think also contributed to my

> depression. Acupuncture also helped me a great deal. (If your

> acupuncturist diagnoses problems with liver chi/meridian, you may want

> to consider a liver cleanse too - search this forum for details or

> email me and I can tell you what I do).


> I suggest you get your hand on Pfeiffer's book and see if you

> think it's relevant for you. Personally I think depression needs to

> be approached from a physical AND emotional basis.


> All the best,

> Sharon








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  • 3 weeks later...

Moderator's Note: Correct, all homeopathic remedies can cause the symptoms they

are meant to cure if wrongly matched to the symptoms or taken excessively-

something that is called a proving and is the basis of originally determining

what a homeopathic remedy will do.


And I agree that suicide should not be treated by a layperson or by one's self,

unless one is willing to take the risk.


It is a difficult position to be in to want to help but not be able to offer an

idea because someone, somewhere might do something.


ALL information provided here is for research purposes ONLY. And it is

understood by the rules that are sent when a member first joins, when they

leave, and are repeatedly posted every two weeks that any attempt to use a

remedy mentioned here will be fully be at the risk of the member, and it is

HIGHLY recommended that said member will completely and throughly research the

remedy & holistic system (of any sort, for any thing) to their own satisfaction



That being said, for me, myself and I, if at anytime I take a remedy for X and X

becomes worse, I stop taking the remedy as frequently or if need be- change

remedies. For me, myself and I, it is a small worsening- not going for the

kitchen knife to slit my wrists or explosive expelling of stomach contents if

for a stomach flue- just a small regression that passes in a few minutes. This

is something I have learned to observe and I have learned how to act



Best Wishes,





Aurum metallicaum should be given only by an experienced homeopath. It can make

people very emotional and can actually trigger suicide attempts.


Here's something I sent in reply to another email some minutes ago:


The following is part of Dr Jim Howenstine's article " Is Psychiatry

Scientific and Dangerous " .







*Causes And Therapy Of Depression.*


Ten percent of persons visiting physicians in the USA suffer from

depression. *Many persons with depression have either undiagnosed

hypothyroidism, are lacking omega 3 fatty acids in their diet, or are

deficient in vitamin D.* The RDA for vitamin D, at 400 IU daily, is set far

below needed levels. Everyone probably needs more than 800 IU daily, and

persons with depression or living far from the equator may benefit from 1200

IU or more daily. Correction of any of these three common conditions may

eliminate the depression.


*Countries with the highest intake of fish have the lowest incidence of

depression*. Less than 1% of Japanese, who average 140 pounds of fish

annually, have depression whereas 6% of persons in New Zealand are depressed

where they eat only forty pounds of fish annually. Fish contain abundant

omega 3 fatty acids. *Countries with higher average fish consumption also

have lower rates of homicide, bipolar disorder, depression, and suicide*.


*What Is Avea?*


Turmeric (curcumin) has long been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as

an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive disorders and liver problems and

for the treatment of skin diseases and wound healing. Curcumin stimulates

the production of bile and facilitates emptying of the gall bladder. In

animals curcumin protects the liver, has anti-tumor action, reduces

inflammation and fights some infections.


Avea is an extract from the root of Curcuma longa, commonly know as

turmeric. Nutramedix has a proprietary formulation of curcumin that is more

effective than conventional curcumin because of special extraction and

enhancement techniques.


The German Commission E reports that curcumin has no known

contraindications, no known side effects and no known interactions with

other drugs. In May 2005, toxicology studies were completed on Avea at the

University of Guayaquil, Ecuador. No toxic effects were seen even when the

animals were given doses 160,000 times the equivalent human dose.


*Patients suffering from depression often report relief from depression

within a few hours to a few days after starting Avea*. A 38 year old woman

had been seriously depressed for more than ten years despite therapy with

several different pharmaceutical drugs. When started on her first dose of

Avea she felt less depressed after thirty minutes. The depression was gone

in 24 hours but the therapy was continued.


The dosage of Avea is ten to twelve drops three or four times daily.

Patients who respond rapidly to Avea should remain on this therapy for one

to two months to allow the body to reset neurochemical balances in the

brain. Patients who have been taking SSRI drugs should slowly taper off SSRI

therapy over many weeks if they wish to terminate SSRI therapy.


We think that persons trying Avea for depression will be pleased with this

safe rapidly acting therapy. Avea can be obtained from

naturalhealthteam.comphone 1-800-416-2806 and from

nutramedix.com phone 1-561-745-2917.





On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 4:27 AM, ssherryhh46 <ssherryhh46 wrote:


> Dear ssherryhh46-


> Like I said, I know it will piss people off, it did me. I did not say " it

> ain't so " and " think your way out " , and if it was interpreted that way let

> me restate again- the practice is to stop playing with the sticky

> non-nuturing thought patterns/emotions and redirect our mind and attentions

> to something we do want. Don't interact with those thought patterns/emotions

> and become engaged in something that nutures us more. This is actually a

> structured practice and if anyone is interested I would recommend:



> If there is a possibility of suicide- which I don't remember the original

> poster mentioning then look at homeopathic Aurum Metallicum.


> This life long issue has led me to consider at some point, to some degree I

> have to look at myself and how I use my mind. I find that a much more

> empowering statement than just take xxx.


> It is fine if we disagree.

> -------


> There comes a time in some people's lives that

> just saying " it aint so " won't cut it. You think most depressed

> people haven't thought about thinking your way out of the " well " ?

> Everyone has a right to their opinion and mine is that your's is NOT

> always right. There might be some poor soul who will give up on

> themself and end it all because they were not able to think their way

> into feeling " good " .


> --- In



> " desertskynm "

> <desertskynm wrote:

> >

> > Ok, let me tell you what others have told me- it is not pleasant at

> > first hearing (at least for me at the time)- the best way to stop

> being

> > depressed is to STOP.

> >

> > But how do I do that- was my first question. You just make a

> conscious

> > decision that you will no longer entertain thoughts of being

> > depressed. Are we are feelings? Do we have authority over where

> we

> > direct our minds?






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  • 4 months later...

Certainly spending time in the sun and sea is a great anti-depressant because of

the vitamin D and the stimulation of the pineal gland - no dark glasses and no

sun block.


Also, adrenalin and exhaustion are great anti-depressants. I once walked a

failed love affair out of my system - kept walking in the mountains for eight

hours. Felt great the next day. Also skiing is probably the best natural high I



I know about long term depression - these are not flippant suggestions




Jonathan Chamberlain



--- On Sat, 1/24/09, backupemail108 <backupemail108 wrote:

backupemail108 <backupemail108

<< >> Re: depression


Saturday, January 24, 2009, 1:21 AM












Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com, " bubbles_is_

kool "


<bubbles_is_ kool wrote:




> i'm on celexa right now for depression. but i'm wondering if there is


> anything natural t























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Hi, I am all too familiar with depression. Did your doctor rule out any

thyroid problems before putting you on celexa?









On Behalf Of


Friday, January 23, 2009 8:22 PM


<< >> Re: depression




Alternative- <%40>

Medicine-Forum , " bubbles_is_kool "

<bubbles_is_kool wrote:


> i'm on celexa right now for depression. but i'm wondering if there is

> anything natural that would work to help with my depression so i don't

> have to take meds? thanx.


> PixiFairy









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Participate in some daily exercise.  It doesn't have to be a major marathon or

hours long.  Even ten minutes of walking will lift your mood.


Look at your diet.  Do some research on organic raw food meal plans.  Leave off

the sugar and processed food.  Check out some supplements.  Eat an apple or some

blueberries if you are not allergic.  Drink more water.  Enjoy some tulsi tea

with peppermint.


If you can swing it financially and medically, get a pet!  My fur-kids bring me

great joy. 


Get out of the house, too.  Sunshine is an amazing tonic.  Sunrise is my

personal favorite.  To feel that first ray of light on my face in the morning is



Most importantly, talk to people when you are feeling down and let them help you

through the most difficult times.


In joy,







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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

There is some decent evidence that depression can also be linked to pathogens. 

I used to have it terribly myself, anxiety, the works, and when I say it was

severe, I mean it WAS severe (meaning...both in intensity, and in PAST TENSE). 



I would at least give some alternative options a try, such as MMS.  The

increased bio-available oxygenation makes a person feel good for starters, and

it's ability to detoxify and rid the body of many pathogens might...get rid of

some of the mental issue.  These kinds of protocols worked wonders for me.  I am

literally almost never depressed anymore, where ten years ago it was a daily



Then supplemental Vitamin D, Glutamine, cod liver oil, maple syrup/aluminum-free

baking soda, a quality CoQ10 and stuff like this are great ways to maintain an

UP attitude.




In the Moment.


--- On Thu, 5/21/09, carolreeves280 <carolreeves280 wrote:


carolreeves280 <carolreeves280

<< >> Re: Depression


Thursday, May 21, 2009, 9:10 AM


















Works great for me but now I am just on B12 every day it works wonders and

I haven't had a prescribed med for depression in over two years did a tapering

off about two years ago with my Dr's help he slowly reduced the meds dosage





Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com, " Elizabeth " <chazepping@

....> wrote:






> Hi Janet,




> Please look up folinic acid and B-Complex (need to take them together).


> It has worked wonders for me.


> Kind regards,




> Elizabeth in Spain




> Alternative- Medicine- Forum@ s.com, " Janet358 " <janetforstr@

> wrote:


> >


> > I was diagnosed about 4 years ago with major depression. I was put on so

much medication I don't know how I functioned. I have since changed doctors and

am only on 3 meds now. I have so many negative things going on in my life right

now and feel it is too much to handle. I just want to sleep or go run away . I

don't want the doc to increase my meds. I think I should be able to deal with

lives ups and downs. I am basically a very strong person. I was divorced in OC

from an abusive alcoholic. I since met a great guy but don't know if things are

going to work out. I want to quit my job cause someone there has a very bad

attitude towards me and I find it extremely hard to deal with any kind of

controversy. I don't know if I can handle this ll on my own. I feel I am going

into a depression again. I can't and don't want to go through that again. Any

advice? Please!


> >



































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