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Colloidal silver- does it kill good bacteria too?

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Allison, this is a very good question. The man who turned blue drank a quart

daily of home brew CS. When you make this yourself, it is more coarse and

sticks to the tissues. I take Vitramin Shoppe variety. My dentist has taken

this for 35 years and he still has a natural ruddy complexion. My vet gives CS

to animals with arthritis with great success and he has been drinking his own

home brew for about 15 years. He is a long way from blue as well.

I take it to prevent my chronic UTI from returning. Now, with a UTI, it is best

to take an antibiotic to get rid of it in the first place but CS will keep it


For UTI, I finally had to take NITROFURANTOIN MONO 100mgs (Prescription Generic

for Macrobid 100mgs). This antibiotic fights through the bladder's filtering

system. It should be taken for 3 weeks. It clears all of the bacteria building

up in the bladder. This is a prescription, low-dose antibiotic.

I know that UTI was not your question but I have not had another UTI since 2005.

Taking so many antibiotics ruined my internal bacteria (the good kind) and I

developed adult food allergies. I now take probiotics and Nettles Blend

tincture from HerbPharm.





Sunday, June 29, 2008 12:25 AM

<< >> Colloidal silver- does it kill good

bacteria too?



Hello all! I have a GP (general practitioner) who i beleive is also

trained in natural remedies who has prescribed Colloidal Silver amongst

other things (Uva Ursi 440mg, Citrus Seed Extract and Probiotics) to

combat candidiasis and leaky gut syndrome...


Anywho, i think she's a great doctor and don't doubt her knowledge, but

nevertheless decided to do some reading and found, (amongst many

articles telling me that i was going to die from Uva Ursi intake, and

was going to turn blue from Colloidal Silver intake) many articles

saying that Colloidal silver is an excellent antiobiotic...


Summing up this long and rambling post, I wanted to know if Colloidal

Silver will also kill all the good bacteria? Being an antiobiotic i

would assume it does, but I am no doctor... And if it DOES kill good

stuff, how can i combat this? I mean, if antibiotics caused the

candidiasis and whatnot in the first place, won't this stuff just make

it worse, or will the probiotics offset it?


(And just incase anyone wanted to know, the Colloidal Silver is " Pure

Microfine Concentrate 25ppm, made from double distilled rain water and

electrically charged 99.98+% fine silver...)


(Also, if anyone can reaffirm that i am NOT going to die or turn blue

from Uva Ursi or Colloidal Silver, that would be fantastic... )


Thankyou in advance!!!









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, " Lynn Koiner "

<koiner wrote:


> Allison, this is a very good question. The man who turned blue

> drank a quart daily of home brew CS. When you make this yourself,

> it is more coarse and sticks to the tissues.


That's not true. The guys who who developed argyria from drinking

homebrew CS got it because they made it incorrectly by using tap water

and/or adding salt and making a concentrated silver compound brew.

Using one of the electronic current controlled CS generators with pure

..999+ silver and pure distilled water, you can make 20 PPM CS for

about a dollar per gallon that is just as good as any commercial CS.

At 20 PPM, you would die of excess water consumption before you could

consume enough silver to cause argyria. The body has the capacity to

excrete ingested silver; argyria happens when silver is consumed at a

rate that is higher than the body's capacity to excrete it.


As for whether CS kills good bacteria, CS kills all bacteria. However,

it has to be in actual contact with the bacteria in order to kill

them, and that requires that the silver be mobile in a liquid

environment. As food passes into the colon, moisture is removed, and

any silver is immobilized in the matrix of moist solids (unless, of

course, the contents of the colon are liquid due to illness, etc.) In

a healthy colon, the bacteria will be unaffected by ingestion of CS.

If you're taking probiotics, just make sure to leave a several hour

buffer of no CS ingestion before and after taking the probiotics so

that the probiotics aren't killed by CS in the liquid environment of

the upper digestive tract.

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Hmm... well to be more specific, i had bacteria and whatnot show up

in my blood stream when i had a live blood cell microscopy done... so

now i'm on colloidal silver for only 3 weeks at 25ppm (a reputable

company makes it in double distilled water, but i then swallow it

with tap water as well...), uva ursi, citrus seed extract, colostrum

powder and probiotics (which the doctor did just say to take at the

same time. infact i literally swallow them in the same mouthful as

the CS... which, yes i was wondering about...). so... will the CS

clear up the bloodstream directly, or is it supposed to just clear

the stomach/ intestines and the bloodstream will then clear itself?



, " Alex Stanley "

<j_alexander_stanley wrote:


> , " Lynn Koiner "

> <koiner@> wrote:

> >

> > Allison, this is a very good question. The man who turned blue

> > drank a quart daily of home brew CS. When you make this yourself,

> > it is more coarse and sticks to the tissues.


> That's not true. The guys who who developed argyria from drinking

> homebrew CS got it because they made it incorrectly by using tap


> and/or adding salt and making a concentrated silver compound brew.

> Using one of the electronic current controlled CS generators with


> .999+ silver and pure distilled water, you can make 20 PPM CS for

> about a dollar per gallon that is just as good as any commercial CS.

> At 20 PPM, you would die of excess water consumption before you


> consume enough silver to cause argyria. The body has the capacity to

> excrete ingested silver; argyria happens when silver is consumed at


> rate that is higher than the body's capacity to excrete it.


> As for whether CS kills good bacteria, CS kills all bacteria.


> it has to be in actual contact with the bacteria in order to kill

> them, and that requires that the silver be mobile in a liquid

> environment. As food passes into the colon, moisture is removed, and

> any silver is immobilized in the matrix of moist solids (unless, of

> course, the contents of the colon are liquid due to illness, etc.)


> a healthy colon, the bacteria will be unaffected by ingestion of CS.

> If you're taking probiotics, just make sure to leave a several hour

> buffer of no CS ingestion before and after taking the probiotics so

> that the probiotics aren't killed by CS in the liquid environment of

> the upper digestive tract.


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, " born_of_beltane "

<mysteriousdarkness wrote:


> will the CS clear up the bloodstream directly, or is it

> supposed to just clear the stomach/ intestines and the

> bloodstream will then clear itself?


That's been a much debated topic on some of the CS forums, and I don't

have the answer. What I do know is how CS affected my own health

issues. In 1999, I came down with chronic epididymitis, and after four

courses of antibiotics in two years, it kept coming back. So, I

started keeping it in check with homemade CS. Considering that the

infection was in the abdominal cavity and down into the boys, I assume

that the CS made its way there through the blood stream. But, I can

only make assumptions; in fact, I don't know for sure how it actually

works. I just know that it does work, at least as long as I take it



Unfortunately, the CS didn't clear up the condition permanently, and I

finally consulted with a medical intuitive. He put me on an intensive,

six-month long supplement regimen (mostly antioxidants), and it has

almost completely cleared up. I haven't used CS in several years.

Occasionally, I'll have a mild flare-up, usually when I've gotten

really run down, or I'm coming down with a cold, or I've eaten the

wrong food, and I just take some extra vitamins and antioxidants to

settle it back down.

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