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Fw: THE TRUTH ABOUT HOMEOPATHY - Dispelling the MYTHS that Surround it!

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Thanks for sharing this. The usual " mythinformation " wants the public belief

that homeopathy can't work.

Especially in treating loadings with isopathic homeopathic preparations,

i.e. made from a toxin like PVC or dioxin, is often the only effective way

to detox.

Diagnosis of subclinical loadings, like in MCS, can be done by using

electroacupuncture pioneered by Voll.




On 5/26/08, Shan <bestsurprise2002 wrote:



> - Dispelling the MYTHS that Surround it!

> 26th May, 2008.

> by Louise Mclean, Editor, Zeus Information Service.

> www.zeusinfoservice.com



> In this article, I would like to dispel a plethora of myths surrounding

> homeopathy which have been used to discredit this highly efficacious healing

> art and science. Homeopaths are given few opportunities in the media to

> defend their profession, so a lot of misconceptions abound. The medical

> profession in general presents a fierce and blinkered opposition, yet as Big

> Pharma is learning of all sorts of amazing cured cases, they are determined

> to stamp out competition

> via EU regulation.



> Myth No. 1– Homeopathic medicines cure nothing.


> Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's OWN healing mechanisms, through

> like for like. A substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person

> can be used to cure the same symptoms in a sick person by giving a minute,

> highly potentised dose of that substance acting as a catalyst to jump start

> their own healing mechanisms. Everyone of us has our own natural innate

> healing powers. All that is needed is the correct stimulus to kick start

> it. In healthy people this may just be rest and good food but many people

> become 'stuck' in their physical, emotional or mental illness and cannot

> recover. Of course there are different levels of health and the choice of

> potency given should reflect that. Low potencies are given for very

> physically ill people and higher for those whose problems are emotional or

> of the mind. Homeopathy is very successful in treating emotional problems

> such as stress, anxiety and fears.



> Myth No 2 – Homeopathic medicines are just water


> Homeopathic medicines are NOT made using only dilution. Dilution alone

> would do nothing whatsoever. Many homeopaths are getting tired of reading

> this highly inaccurate reporting in the media. All homeopathic medicines

> are made by a process of dilution and SUCCUSSION (potentisation through

> vigorous shaking - 100 shakes between each potency - i.e. between a 1c and a

> 2c, between a 2c and a 3c potency, between a 3c and a 4c, etc. etc.) Most

> homeopathic medicines can be bought in either 6c or 30c from Boots or from

> health shops. Higher potencies of 200c and 1m (1000c) can be obtained only

> from homeopathic pharmacies. Succussion is nowadays done by machines,

> originally by hand. Succussion brings out the formative intelligence of the

> substance and imprints it upon the 60% distilled water + 40% alcohol medium

> used to make homeopathic medicines - alcohol acting as a preservative.



> Myth No. 3– homeopathic medicines are unscientific


> Homeopathic medicines undergo a scientific 'Proving' where a control group

> of 50+ healthy volunteers ('Provers') are instructed to keep taking a remedy

> under trial until they develop symptoms which they must record in

> detail. Substances that have been rigorously tested include nearly

> everything on the Periodic Table - metals, minerals and gases as well as

> plants and even things like snake venom.


> The Provers are given a bottle of a new remedy being tested in the 30c

> potency and must keep taking it until they develop symptoms, which must be

> carefully recorded and then submitted to a database. The Provers must be

> healthy and symptom-free to start with so that the symptoms they experience

> are new ones CAUSED by the remedy.

> They must keep a careful daily note of what happens and not discuss it with

> any of the other Provers. Whatever symptoms the Provers all experienced in

> common become the black type symptoms of the remedy which are then added to

> the Materia Medica of homeopathic medicines and Homeopathic Repertory

> (encyclopedia of symptoms). Thus the curative indications of a remedy are

> obtained for clinical use.


> Symptoms have also been obtained through historical records of accidental

> poisonings, such as Arsenic and Belladonna. For example, poisoning by

> Arsenic causes vomitting, diarrhoea, restlessness, anxiety and extreme

> chill. Therefore you might get a patient in this state (possibly after food

> poisoning) and Arsenicum in a homepathic tablet will quickly alleviate them.



> There are more than 4,000+ homeopathic medicines including nearly

> everything on the periodic table. But of course all of the remedies tested

> have been diluted and succussed (potentised), so they are not toxic like

> modern drugs.


> The Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory are extremely large books or

> divided into volumes. The Repertory is divided into sections in this order:

> Mind, Vertigo, Head, Eye, Vision, Ear, Hearing, Nose, Face, Mouth, Teeth,

> Throat, External Throat, Stomach, Abdomen, Rectum, Stool, Bladder, Kidney,

> Prostate Gland, Urethra, Urine, Male, Female, Larynx, Respiration, Cough,

> Expectoration, Chest, Back, Extremities, Sleep, Dreams, Chill, Fever,

> Perspiration, Skin, Generals. Obviously some sections are bigger than

> others!


> In the various Repertories, remedies are listed alongside the full range of

> symptoms (rubrics) in abbreviated form - all information being

> systematically taken from Provings and clinical practice. Every human state

> of mind, emotions and body is listed. Symptoms that would mean nothing to a

> medical doctor can be looked up and the curative remedy found in these huge

> book. Homeopathy is a study of human nature, endlessly fascinating and how

> negative states of mind and emotions affect the physical body culminating in

> illness. Nowadays many homeopaths use computer software programmes which

> contain all this information.



> Myth No. 4– homeopathic practitioners receive inadequate training


> In fact all qualified homeopathic practitioners undergo a four year

> training course at accredited Colleges, which includes Anatomy and

> Physiology, as well as Pathology and Disease, Materia Medica, Homeopathic

> Philosophy and study of the Homeopathic Repertory. Yet medical doctors and

> nurses treat after much shorter homeopathy courses. To be really good, you

> need to study intensively for about 10 years. Homeopathy is a lifetime's

> work and you never stop learning.



> Myth No. 5 - there are no studies that prove homeopathy works


> In the past 24 years there have been more than 180 controlled, and 118

> randomized, trials into homeopathy, which were analysed by four separate

> meta-analyses. In each case, the researchers concluded that the benefits of

> homeopathy went far beyond that which could be explained purely by the

> placebo effect. Another meta-analysis found that 65 of the 89 trials

> analysed had produced an effect way beyond placebo (source WDDTY

> www.wddty.co.uk )


> A study of 6500 patients at the Bristol Homeopathic hospital was conducted

> showing that over 70% of patients reported complete cure or significant

> improvement of their symptoms.

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/bristol/4454856.stm


> A study on the properties of water was performed by Dr. Rustrum Roy. This

> paper provides an interdisciplinary base of information on the structure of

> liquid water.

> The Structure Of Liquid Water; Novel Insights From Materials Research;

> Potential Relevance To Homeopathy

> Rustum Roy1, W.A. Tiller2, Iris Bell3, M. R. Hoover4

> Received: 2 August 2004Revised: 6 September 2004Accepted: 14

> http://www.rustumroy.com/Roy_Structure%20of%20Water.pdf




> Homeopathy can never be tested properly through conventional trials because

> each prescription is individualised as every person is unique. Therefore 10

> people with arthritis, for example, may all need a different homeopathic

> medicine. So it is far from ideal to follow the allopathic trial paradigm

> to test homeopathy. In orthodox medicine trials, all are given the same

> medicine to be tested. In homeopathy all may be given different medicines!


> Anybody who has an understanding of the principles of homeopathy can be

> left in no doubt that we are dealing with a scientific therapeutic method in

> the best possible sense: it is based on observation, facts and phenomena and

> follows the rules of inductive logic that can be tested in daily practice.

> It is a comprehensive and comprehensible mode of therapy, which in some

> countries is first line treatment for the whole range of acute and chronic

> conditions. It has been proven abundantly that it is superior in the

> treatment of epidemic diseases to allopathy.


> It is amazing how people, who like to see themselves on the side of

> unprejudiced evaluation, can be so blinkered. People pass judgment on

> homeopathy who have never bothered to study it. Like any science it takes

> time to learn (especially to learn it correctly) and years of practice to

> master but the rewards for patients, practitioners and the NHS purse are

> great. Before those who preach pure science come down on therapies like

> homeopathy too heavily, they should ask themselves how many of the accepted

> treatments within the NHS have a scientific evidence base?


> With every homeopathic medicine we know exactly the substance it was made

> from, unlike most modern drugs where we have no clue of the

> ingredients. This is ironic too as ALL natural health products, whether

> vitamin, mineral or food supplement must clearly state on the label every

> single ingredient. When we go to the supermarket or health food shop, we

> hold up the packet or bottle and read what is in the product, yet people

> happily swallow prescription drugs with no idea whatsoever what they have

> taken! They could contain cyanide or any poison and the patient would be

> none the wiser. With the new class of genetically modified drugs, such as

> the one used in the Northwick Park drug trial in London, the dangers of a

> massive allergic reaction, such as the drug testers experienced, are even

> greater.


> Those, who claim to be scientists, should have the ability to at least try

> to understand different paradigms. If not, they look more like people who

> have settled on a comfortable view of the world which might soon look very

> outmoded indeed. As the great musician and conductor Sir Yehudi Menhuin once

> said: 'Homeopathy is one of the few specialised areas in medicine, which

> carries no disadvantages but only advantages.'.


> Regarding the Horizon programme on homeopathy, Prof. Madeleine Ennis was

> not involved in the Horizon test. The test was carried out by Wayne Turnbull

> at Guys hospital, London . It has been conceded that the Horizon test was

> not an exact replica of Ennis' successful trials. Many of his protocols were

> different. You can read at this link where he added in an ammonium chloride

> lysis step which would have ended up killing the very basophils that were

> such an integral part of the test.

> http://www.homeopathic.com/articles/view,55

> Ennis' original test was replicated in 4 different labs in 4 different

> countries.


> Dr. Peter Fisher's article in PubMed discusses the 'End of Homeopathy'

> editorial and meta-analysis published in the Lancet of 26th August 2005 and

> how nearly 100 successful studies that showed homeopathy worked were thrown

> out and only a few that were inconclusive were used. Dr. Fisher is the

> Queen's homeopathic physician and heads the Royal London Homeopathic

> Hospital . (The vitriolic editorial was caused by the World Health

> Organisation bringing out a draft report in 2005 which was favourable

> towards homeopathy!)


> " The final analysis which concluded that 'the clinical effects of

> homoeopathy are placebo effects' was based on just eight clinical trials of

> homeopathy. The Lancet's press release did not mention this, instead giving

> the impression that the conclusions were based on all 110 trials. " " One of

> the most serious criticisms is the complete lack of transparency: we have no

> idea which eight trials were included in the final, damning,

> analysis. " " The literature references are not given, nor any information on

> the diagnoses, numbers of patients, etc., nor can these be deduced from the

> article. Prof. Egger has refused several requests to disclose the identity

> of the eight trials. This is not even a matter of scientific method, but of

> natural justice: the accused has the right to know the evidence against

> him. "

> " The Lancet meta-analysis in 2005 of homeopathic trials was said to be

> based upon 110 placebo-controlled clinical trials of homeopathy and 110

> clinical trials of allopathy, which were said to be matched but were in fact

> reduced to 21 trials of homeopathy and 9 of conventional medicine and

> further reduced to 8 and 6 trials. "

> http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1375230

> Other Responses from the Homeopathic Community on the Lancet Article

> http://www.ontariohomeopath.com/Response2.htm

> from WDDTY

> http://www.zeusinfoservice.com/Articles/ShockingTruth.html


> George Vithoulkas' 'Science of Homeopathy' is still considered an excellent

> exposition of the science.

> http://www.wholehealthnow.com/books/science-of-homeopathy.html

> More scientific studies:

> http://www.vhan.nl/documents/ScientificReportECHNov04.pdf

> http://ecam.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/4/1/7

> http://www.positivehealth.com/research-list.php?subjectid=134


> Myth No. 6 - homeopathic hospitals are a waste of money


> There are 5 homeopathic hospitals in the UK - in London , Liverpool ,

> Tunbridge Wells, Bristol and Glasgow . They cost the NHS about Å6 million a

> year. Compare that to the Å100 billion for the total 2008 annual NHS

> budget!! These homeopathic hospitals SAVE money for the NHS as the

> Smallwood report commissioned by Prince Charles has demonstrated.






> At one of the earliest debates on the NHS Act 1948 the Government pledged

> that homoeopathy would continue to be available on the health service as

> long as there were " patients wishing to receive it and doctors willing to

> provide it " . Many people who depend upon it are alarmed at the possibility

> that Homeopathy may no longer be available on the NHS. Since the passing of

> the NHS Act in 1948, a provision has always been made for people to be

> treated at homeopathic hospitals in the UK and until PCTs began to stop

> referring patients, there had indeed been long waiting lists, some 6 months

> or more.


> See this letter sent out to all Primary Care Trusts in 2006 signed by a

> group of professors hostile to homeopathy and putting pressure on PCTs not

> to refer patients to the 5 homeopathic hospitals in the UK . They wrote the

> letter on NHS headed paper!

> http://www.senseaboutscience.org.uk/pdf/Baum%20letter.pdf



> Myth No. 7 –Cure with homeopathy is simply the Placebo Effect.


> When Prince Charles treats his farm animals at Highgrove with homeopathic

> medicines do they know that a remedy has been put in the water they

> drink? Farmers successfully use homeopathic medicines for their cows

> suffering from mastitis. Does a tiny baby know when their fever drops

> dramatically using Belladonna or Aconite, that they have been given a

> homeopathic medicine?! As anyone who has treated animals and babies with

> homoepathic medicines will tell you, homeopathy works even better on animals

> and babies than it does on adults! If proof were needed, this is it. Not

> placebo.


> Perhaps the most striking research on homeopathy that goes some way to

> debunking the placebo argument is when homeopathic remedies are tested on

> live tissue in a petri dish or studies involving animals (mice in this case)

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3208528.stm



> Myth No. 8 - homeopathic medicines contain no molecules


> Any remedy under a 12c or a 24x potency still contains the original

> molecules of the substance and this is known as Avogadro's number. These

> low potencies are most suitable for physical illness of long duration as

> well as to heal specific organs that are not functioning properly.



> Myth No. 9 – 'Anecdotal Evidence' does not constitute scientific evidence!


> Most medical, surgical procedures and drug usage are not backed by studies

> - only by anecdotal evidence. According to the US Government's Office of

> Technology Assessment (Congress of the United States, Office of Technology

> Assessment: Assessing the efficacy and safety of medical technologies.

> Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1978), only 10-20% of all

> medical procedures and off-label drug usage are backed by clinical studies.

> Strong anecdotal evidence among informed professionals is actually quite

> reliable - at least as reliable as clinical testing.

> Many clinical tests come to diametrically opposed conclusions. You could

> say that the problem was discovered through anecdotal evidence - and merely

> confirmed through a peer reviewed study.

> http://www.i-sis.org.uk/peerReviewUnderTheSpotlight.php


> The problem isn't with the use of anecdotal evidence. It's with the double

> standard applied by the establishment (medical and regulatory) that holds

> complementary medicine to an absurdly higher standard, allowing medical

> doctors to do pretty much whatever they want. If informed anecdotal evidence

> is allowable for 85% of all medical procedure and drug usage, why is

> alternative health held to an impossible 0% standard?


> Millions of people worldwide testify that homeopathy cures their illnesses

> yet apparently that cannot be construed as 'evidence'.


> If a person were to walk out of their house to the town centre and witness

> someone having their bag snatched or witness a car accident, then when they

> relay this information to the Police or to their friends and family, it is

> anecdotal evidence.


> If someone go on holiday, stays at a nice hotel, eats delicious food, comes

> back home and relates the holiday to their friends, that is anecdotal

> evidence.


> Does that mean that the above never happened? According to the detractors

> of complementary or alternative medicine, yes it does!


> Millions of people have been cured of their diseases or afflictions using

> homeopathy, herbs, healing, vitamin supplements, special diets and on and

> on. Yet according to orthodox medicine all of these cures are anecdotal

> evidence and as such do not merit any further investigation, study, or

> validity. As far as orthodox medicine is concerned, these cures never

> happened.


> Yet what if someone witnessed a car accident and the Police wanted them to

> make a statement? Would the statement in court be dismissed as anecdotal

> evidence? Would the police, even if they arrived at the scene of the

> accident to find the person still there comforting the passengers or trying

> to help, say they had not been there and their evidence is non existent? I

> don't think so.


> So how for so long have we put up with the top dogs in the medical

> establishment dismissing our cures as total nonsense, figments of our

> imagination, placebo cures, or outright lies?


> How when millions are cured around the world using homeopathic medicines,

> can these cures be dismissed as unworthy of attention, simply 'anecdotal

> evidence'.


> Orthodox medicine implies through this that all cures with alternative

> medicine are untrue or simply imagined. Even when all the evidence is put

> before them, they become angry and even aggressive, simply refusing to see

> or to listen.


> All the case notes in the surgery show that Mr. A had arthritis for 5

> years, had been on anti-flammatory medicines, yet after homeopathic

> treatment for 6 months, the arthritis is cured. The reaction of the doctor

> is either disbelief or an attitude where they will not talk about it and do

> not want to know.


> Of course there are some orthodox doctors who practise acupuncture,

> homeopathy or herbs themselves and who do believe that these therapies cured

> the patient but they are in the small minority.


> It is always the top cancer specialists and professors whose lives and

> vested interests are the most challenged by the idea that anything other

> than pharmaceutical drugs or surgical interventions can cure the patient.


> Yet pharmaceutical drugs cure nothing. They merely SUPPRESS the symptoms

> driving them deeper into the body of the patient.


> Hence the eczema patient whose skin symptoms have been suppressed, goes on

> to develop asthma. The arthritic patient whose joint pains are suppressed,

> eventually will go on to develop heart disease.


> The doctor makes no connection whatsoever that their drugs have created

> these deeper illnesses but just goes on to give the patient more and more

> powerful drugs, making the patient sicker still. Then when they die, they

> say, 'We did everything we could'. Yes and you killed the patient!


> After homeopathic treatment, careful analysis is taken of the Direction of

> Cure of the patient's symptoms. Constance Hering was a converted skeptic of

> homeopathy. As a young man in Germany in the early nineteenth century,

> Hering had been assigned the task of reviewing Homeopathy because his

> medical mentor (a fervent anti-homeopath) had been asked by a publisher to

> write a book exposing homeopathy as unworthy. Having been given this task,

> Hering conducted a detailed study but concluded the opposite from the

> requested results! He was the first to talk about the Law of Cure which

> says that symptoms are cured from above down, from the inside out and in the

> reverse order of their appearance. This has stood the test of time in

> clinical experience. A simple example would be after a curative remedy is

> given for eczema all over the body, we would see the eczema start to move

> down and when it is only on the ankles, we know it is nearly cured.


> The body is always intelligent. That is why the human race has

> survived. When a baby is conceived, Nature chooses the best genes from both

> parents in order to create a stronger, healthier human. If the parents are

> both taking drugs of any kind, whether legal or illegal, the health of the

> baby will be compromised.


> If only doctors and scientists would study Nature, they would find all the

> answers and instead of going against it, learn from it. There is only one

> true science and that is the science of Nature.


> The human race has survived because we all have an innate healing power in

> our bodies. In homeopathy for example, this is called the Vital

> Force. Homeopathy stimulates the vital force to heal the body, through like

> for like (using a potentised substance that would cause the symptoms but in

> a tiny dose acts as a catalyst for healing).


> So in conclusion, there is no question that dismissing cures as Anecdotal

> Evidence through the use of natural medicine, is nothing more than a

> whitewash and a desperate means of suppressing the knowledge of those cures

> to the public as a whole.




> Samuel Hahnemann


> Hahnemann was a doctor but gave up his practice because he was appalled at

> the poisonous side effects of most available medicine. He started

> experimenting and did something rather novel - he took some quinine, while

> perfectly healthy. He observed that the effect on him was identical to a

> malarial attack: alternating fever with heat and chills. This is where

> homeopathy started: a substance, given to a healthy individual, causes

> symptoms. If given to someone who suffers those symptoms, it will thus

> neutralise the sickness.


> After his observations on quinine, Hahnemann went on to test hundreds of

> substances on himself and willing, healthy volunteers, used the tested

> substances for matching symptoms in his patients and all the while kept

> accounts of detailed observations.

> Of course, Hahnemann had an antecedent, still well-known today because all

> doctors still swear an oath to him to promise best medical practice:

> Hippocrates. Hippocrates stated that there were two laws of healing – the

> law of opposites (allopathy) and the law of similars (homeopathy). A Greek

> physician called Galen had laid these rules down in about 150

> AD. Homeopathic theories are based on fixed principles of the Laws of

> Nature which do not change - unlike medical theories which are constantly

> changing! Homeopathy is both a science and an art.


> Far from being ideas-based, this is completely evidence-based, empirical

> medicine an almost unique concept at the time. After some years of

> practicing like this, Hahnemann was still not satisfied. The substances he

> was using, while more effective than normal medical practice, were still

> having side effects. Or, if he reduced dosage too far, there was no effect.

> This is when he developed the concept of potentisation, the serial dilution

> that opponents of homeopathy deride.



> Treating the Whole Person or Holistic Healing


> We are not just a collection of parts to be fixed as doctors treat us but

> ALWAYS operating as a whole person ALL of the time. In other words

> medicines are chosen that treat the whole person and not just the

> part. This may seem strange to grasp and yet doesn't it in fact make total

> sense? Do we leave our sore throat on the desk of the physician as we leave

> the doctor's surgery? Or our arthritic knee behind. No, every single tiny

> function of our body operates as a WHOLE, all of the time. You cannot treat

> one thing and not affect the rest. That is why pharma drugs are so

> dangerous as for example, in treating a cancerous tumour, the medicine will

> affect and disturb the other systems of the body.


> We are all energy beings.

> http://www.workingwithenergy.co.uk/energy_centres.htm

> The electricity in our bodies transmits messages to all parts/systems of

> the body. Illness is caused when these messages are not getting through.

> All systems of the body are communicating with each other at all

> times. Water is a great conductor of electricity and it transmits the

> electrical current. This is how homeopathic mediums work – by communicating

> a current/pattern/frequency of energy via the whole human body to jump start

> the body's own inherent healing mechanisms.


> Homeopathy treats different sorts of people with distinct characters and

> personalities as well as different physical looks and natures. It

> individualises each person and looks at their symptoms AS A WHOLE.


> Is it not true that no two people are alike? That every person is

> unique? This is why you could line up 20 people with asthma and they might

> all need a different homeopathic medicine. There are in fact about 250

> homeopathic medicines for asthma but the correct one for each person must be

> selected taking into consideration such things as what makes the condition

> better or worse, what time of day it comes on, whether the person is hot or

> cold, worse for damp, need fresh air or prefer the windows closed and so

> on. You would be amazed how each person's symptoms are so different and yet

> they have all been diagnosed with asthma.


> If people want to improve their looks, homeopathy does just that. When you

> are healthy and well, you obviously look better! Homeopathic practitioners

> believe in PREVENTION, having treatment can prevent illness rather than

> leaving it to the surgeon's knife. There are thousands of homeopathic

> medicines which treat every ailment known to man, truly the most wonderful

> science on this planet.


> Many people buy self help books or think they can treat themselves with

> over the counter remedies. This is a short term solution. The reason is as

> stated above. You cannot treat individual symptoms without taking into

> consideration the rest of you! Only a qualified and experienced homeopath

> who will spend 1-2 hours taking your full medical history and all of your

> symptoms can prescribe the remedy that fits best. In other words if you

> have hayfever, the homeopath will take into consideration all other physical

> symptoms a as well as your personality, to come to the correct

> prescription. Itchy, watery, red eyes, worse morning and evening would be

> Sulphur but only if all the other things about you fit the Sulphur

> picture. You cannot prescribe for yourself as you cannot take all of it

> into consideration at once. So if for example you buy Natrum Mur. for your

> hayfever (which is also an excellent remedy for this), it may work for a bit

> if you

> are healthy but the hayfever will come back, will not be cured for good,

> because it was not the remedy that fitted best.


> The only exception to this rule is in the treatment of first aid and even

> then it often has to be individualised. An example of when it does not is

> having a molar removed at the dentist. Firstly you would take Arnica for

> bruising of the gums, secondly Hypericum for the pain as the anaesthetic

> wears off (will remove pain completely), thirdly Ledum for injection and

> fourthly Calendula (the remedy not the cream!) for fast healing of the gums

> (or any other injury). Symphytum is the great healer of broken bones.


> Homeopaths believe that illnesses manifest for three reasons: firstly they

> are genetically inherited from our parents, grandparents,

> forefathers. Secondly, they can be caused by an traumatic event such as

> death of a loved one, divorce, job loss - any event that has a serious

> impact upon the person. Thirdly they can be caused from drugs taken by our

> parents (passed onto the foetus) or by ourselves. There is also of course

> accidents and injury.


> Inherited disease can be traced back to one or more of what homeopaths call

> MIASMS - these are syphilis, gonorrhoea, psora (scabies), tuberculosis and

> cancer. We are all a mix of all of these as especially TB, dates back

> thousands of years. However one or more of the miasms is uppermost in a

> person and is an important aspect of the case-taking to determine the

> appropriate medicines.


> So many people are in total ignorance of the VAST amount of study needed to

> become an expert in this field. Also there are hundreds of homeopathic

> books only available at specialist bookshops, many printed in India where

> homeopathy is more popular than orthodox medicine.



> Attacks on Homeopathy


> After the ever increasing attacks on alternative medicine in the media and

> in particular homeopathy, once again Professor Edzard Ernst, the 'first

> professor of complementary medicine' (whose qualifications for the job are

> still in question) discredits homeopathy. Yet in an interview with Geoff

> Watts in 2003

> http://www.studentbmj.com/issues/04/01/careers/25.php

> entitled 'A Scientist in the Alternative Camp', Professor Ernst stated:

> " Our family doctor in the little village outside Munich where I grew up was

> a homoeopath. My mother swore by it. As a kid I was treated

> homoeopathically. So this kind of medicine just came naturally. Even during

> my studies I pursued other things like massage therapy and acupuncture. "

> " As a young doctor I had an appointment in a homoeopathic hospital, and I

> was very impressed with its success rate. My boss told me that much of this

> success came from discontinuing mainstream medication. This made a big

> impression on me. "


> The truth is that homeopathy is getting ever more popular and the drugs

> companies are putting out their spin in overdrive through their science and

> media PR operation outlets to counteract this in any way they can.


> The reason there is this incessant assault in the press against homeopathy

> is because Pharma wields enormous power over the media and because the

> popularity of homeopathy has been increasing due to side effects of modern

> medicine. Also, unlike other natural therapies, it is pills and in direct

> competition.


> At leat six million people use complementary treatments each year in the UK

> , which offers clinically-effective and cost-effective solutions to common

> health problems faced by NHS patients.



> Historical Facts


> In view of the highly inaccurate reporting and vitriolic attacks in

> the recent press coverage on homeopathy, I would like to point out some

> little known historical facts concerning homeopathy.


> The practice of homeopathic medicine flourished in both Europe and the US

> during the 1800s and early 1900s and was spectacularly popular with

> European royalty and the British aristocracy, American entrepreneurs,

> literary giants, and religious leaders.


> John D. Rockefeller referred to it as 'a progressive and aggressive step in

> medicine' and was under homeopathic care throughout the latter part of his

> life living to 99 years of age. A strong advocate of homeopathy, major

> grants of between $300-$400 million he intended for homeopathic institutions

> were instead used for orthodox medical institutions in the early 1900s,

> under pressure from his son and his financial advisor, Frederick

> Gates. (Source Dana Ullman)


> In the United States in the early 1900s there were 22 homeopathic medical

> schools and over 100 homeopathic hospitals, 60 orphanages and old people's

> homes and 1,000+ homeopathic pharmacies. Members of the American Medical

> Association had great animosity towards homeopathy after its formation in

> 1847 and it was decided to purge all local medical societies of physicians

> who were homeopaths. This purge was successful in every state except

> Massachusetts because homoepathy was so strong among the elite of Boston .


> The AMA wanted to keep homoepaths out of their societies and discourage any

> type of association with homeopaths. In 1855 the AMA established a code of

> ethics which stated that orthodox physicians would lose their membership if

> they even consulted with a homeopath. If a physician lost his membership,

> it meant that in some States he no longer had a licence to practice

> medicine.


> Drug companies were antagonistic towards homeopathy, collectively trying to

> suppress it. The medical journals they published were used as mouthpieces

> against homeopathy and in support of orthodox medicine.


> At an AMA meeting, a respected orthodox physician said: 'We must admit that

> we never fought the homeopath on matters of principles; we fought him

> because he came into the community and got the business.' Economic issues

> played a major role in what was allowed to be practised.


> Homeopathy attracted support from many of the most respected members of

> society in the US , such as William James, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,

> Louisa M. Alcott, Mark Twain, former American Presidents James Garfield and

> William McKinley. In Britain among its supporters were George Bernard Shaw,

> Charles Dickens, W.B. Yeats, William Thackarey, Benjamin Disraeli, Yehudi

> Menuhin. Other famous supporters were Dostoevsky, Johann Wolfgang von

> Goethe and Mahatma Ghandi.


> Nowadays, celebrities using and supporting homeopathy are many and include

> among others : Catherine Zeta-Jones, Tina Turner, Whoopi Goldberg, Pamela

> Anderson, Jane Fonda, Cher, Rosie O'Donnell, Martin Sheen, the Chilli

> Peppers, Jane Seymour, Lesley Anne Warren, Mariel Hemingway, Lindsay Wagner,

> Paul McCartney, Axl Rose, Linda Gray, Susan Blakely, Michael Franks, Cybil

> Sheppard, Dizzy Gillespie, Vidal Sassoon, Angelica Houston, Boris Becker,

> Martina Navratilova, David Beckham, Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley, Cliff

> Robertson, Jerry Hall, Diane von Furstenberg, Ashley Judd, Naomi Judd,

> Olivia Newton-John, Julianna Margulies, JD Salinger, Blythe Danner, Pat

> Riley (coach of the Miami Heat). The list of famous people who supported

> homeopathy is endless.....See 'The Homeopathic Revolution' by Dana Ullman

> MPH www.homeopathicrevolution.com



> The aristocratic patronage of homeopathy in the UK extending well into the

> 1940s and beyond can be easily demonstrated. In the Homeopathic Medical

> Directories there are lists of patrons of the dispensaries and hospitals.

> They read like an extract from Burke's or Debrett's.

> (See A History of Homeopathy in Britain by Peter Morrell, Honorary Research

> Associate in the History of Medicine, Staffordshire University , UK .)

> www.homeopathyhome.com/reference/articles/ukhomhistory.shtml


> Homeopathy is practised nowadays in countries all over the world and is

> especially popular in France , South America and India where there are

> around 250,000 homeopathic doctors! In a recent Global TGI survey where

> people were asked whether they trust homeopathy the following percentages of

> people living in urban areas said Yes: 62% in India, 58% Brazil, 53% Saudi

> Arabia, Chile 49%, United Arab Emirates 49%, France 40%, South Africa 35%,

> Russia 28%, Germany 27%, Argentina 25%, Hungary 25%, USA 18%, UK 15%.



> Mclean


> Zeus Information Service

> Alternative Views on Health

> www.zeusinfoservice.com Copyright © Louise Mclean 2008






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it's an excellent information. i am the benificiary of homeopathy. do not goto

quacks for the treatment. i am saved from the clutches of ortho and neurologists

who suggested to have me an operation in spinal chord but now i am spared and

living with homeopathy medicine at this age of 62. i am a regular user of

Cinnerera martima eye drops which is giving me lot of protection for my eye

being a diabetic, hypertension and heart patient.

rajen babu




Dorothee Krien <dorotheekrien


Tuesday, 27 May, 2008 1:47:28 AM


Dispelling the MYTHS that Surround it!





Thanks for sharing this. The usual " mythinformation " wants the public belief

that homeopathy can't work.

Especially in treating loadings with isopathic homeopathic preparations,

i.e. made from a toxin like PVC or dioxin, is often the only effective way

to detox.

Diagnosis of subclinical loadings, like in MCS, can be done by using

electroacupuncture pioneered by Voll.




On 5/26/08, Shan <bestsurprise2002@ > wrote:



> - Dispelling the MYTHS that Surround it!

> 26th May, 2008.

> by Louise Mclean, Editor, Zeus Information Service.

> www.zeusinfoservice .com


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