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TERRAMIN Red Desert Clay Powerful Whole Body Detoxifier

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Sites to order Terramin from: http://www.i-amperfectlyhealthy.com/terramin.htmlhttp://www.herbalremedies.com/morillonite.html http://tinyurl.com/23abpx http://www.synergy-health.co.uk/supplements/terramin.html TERRAMIN"Red Desert Clay"Powerful Whole Body DetoxifierpH 8.3Calcium - Mineral Rich Edible Clay Edible Terramin, is a beautiful naturally occurring calcium montmorillonite clay, which has been sitting in the desert for 47 million years. It is the clay of choice written about in magazines, books and on TV shows such as Discovery Channel and Animal Planet. Many of The Benefits Include: ** Safe, Effective & 100% Natural** pH is 8.3 ~ Alkalinizing for the Body**Ganglion Cyst - Read testimonials below for this condition**Osteoporosis - Please read our article regarding stopping the progression and remineralizing the bones** Helpful for removing "unfriendly" bacteria from the body** Abundant in silica for calcium absorption into the bone mass**** Upset stomach -often will alkalanize the situation and give relief quickly** Binds to Toxins - Heavy Metals - Chemicals - Radiation - Pesticides/Herbicides - etc.** Safe to use as a daily detoxifier, removing toxins taken in from daily living, and for the abundant minerals it contains** Excellent for Cleansing the Digestive Tract ** Beneficial for teeth and gums (brushing removes unfriendly bacteria)** Acid Reflex – symptoms alleviated upon drinking Terramin in water** Parasites and worms– Terramin helps stimulate the gall bladder to increase the flow of bile according to Raymond Dextreit, a French naturopath. He writes that no parasite can live too long under any bilious condition.** Stimulates the body systems to recover from many ailments Terramin is the clay of choice used by US Astronauts in their manned space program. Studies at the university level (UCLA, UC DAVIS etc), were conducted on the effects of clay supplementation using various clays from all over the country. Terramin showed unquestionable results.CYST - Ganglion cyst - Ran Knishinsky was diagnosed with a ganglion cyst on his wrist. His doctor gave him 2 options - Surgery to remove it or "eat clay minerals." Ran chose to eat the clay containing earth minerals, with the intention of clearing the problem at the source as opposed to the surgery to remove it for the time being. After eating clay, Ran watched his tumor completely shrink over a 2 month period until it was completely gone. This is most likely due to the strong ionic charge of the clay, which binds to toxins or poisons which build up and crystallize in a particluar area of the body (in this case - the wrist).Ganglion Cyst - Dear Maryanne, I just wanted to share the good news. It's only been just under three weeks that I've been taking the Terramin clay and my wrist has improved dramaticly. I have almost full range motion in my wrist and the pain is down to minimal. Terramin has saved me from the risks of surgery and spending thousands of dollars. I'll be doing pushups and playing my guitar again very soon! I couldn't be happier! Dave S. - Naples Florida TICK FEVER - Hi Maryanne, Lillian here again - I want to let you know that my Mother's dog, Peanut has done a complete turnaround since we started him on the Terramin Clay. As you may recall, Peanut had been diagnosed with Tick Fever and was not doing well at all. He is so much better. Running, happy, gaining weight. He also had a very bad limp on his left front paw (which is one of the signs of Tick Fever). This is almost non-existent. I will be ordering more Clay to be shipped directly to my sister's house in Tucson. Thank you for your website. So glad I found it. Lil O. Arizona Skin Condition- I have had a skin condition on my face for 8 or 9 years. It started as a reaction to a skin care product, an acne wash called beta wash. MY skin looks flaky, inflamed, and can be hot, painful, and very itchy. Nothing seemed to really get rid of it, and many things made it worse, including gaining weight, eating greens, and job stress, as well as washing my face with hot water, However, in the last couple of weeks, I have been using your Terramin clay. I was taking it at night before bed, and not much was happening. However, since I started taking it in the morning first thing with a glass of water, my face has almost completely cleared up in less than 4 days. I've never seen my face improve anywhere near that quickly, no matter what I was using. 4 days. Did you get that? 4 days. This stuff is impressive. I'm almost ready to start selling it myself. You can use this email as a testimonial if you want. I am shocked and amazed. I was about to start using cortisone cream, which often has side effects. My girlfriend wouldn't leave me alone about it, and I was close to giving in to the cortisone. But now, I don't need it. 9 years of suffering with this, and finally it's over. That's my story. mike N.Carolina SICK DOGS - Maryanne ~ thank you SO much for your very very kind donation of clay to the 32 German Shepherd Dogs we're holding in the cruelty case. I know I had told you of my frustration at the lack of success after 4 months of trying to firm up their stools and put much needed weight onto them. Well the results of using the clay with every meal have been incredible and I am so very grateful to you for helping me in finally finding something that would help! These dogs have been wormed numerous times, been on and off of metronidazole and SMZ, tried Dr. GoodPet's Dia-relief, different foods/fat contents, added pumpkin, other dietary supplements..... it has been exhausting and frustrating, to say the least. Even my hardcore case, Timmy, is finally eating less of his stool before I can get to it and rather than cow-flops has, in the past week, produced the only "nomal" stools I have seen from him in his 5 months with me! Thanks again!! Traci Dog Diarrhea Our dog suffered with chronic Diaherrea for about a year. We took him to 3 different Vets that could not figure out why he had this problem, all they would say was it is something he is eating. We purchased this Nutramin Clay and started him on it on January 15th and he has not had any episodes since. This is a great product. Thanks, Mike Metal Detox Symptoms from eating Terramin - "The first week or so of eating Terramin - Within an hour or two after consuming 1 teaspoon of this product I began to have hot and cold chills all over my body. Every symptom felt like the flu. It would last 7-10 hours minimum. The next day I would use the same amount and again after one or two hours I got the flu like symptoms and had to lay down most of my weekend off. I knew what was happening but did not know why until it dawned upon me that I used to work in a Metal stamping factoring for 8 years before I was permanently laid off. During that time, I often cut my fingers handling all kinds of metal products. (Little be known to me I was accumulating toxic metal build up in my body, organs and tissues.) These fevers continued on and off for about two weeks. My wife and I feel really great! I knew deep down I was not getting the right amount of macro nutrients that the clay provides and by faithfully taking this product I can say with no hesitation that this clay is awesome! No vitamin/mineral supplement can compare to Terramin Clay. I am 49 and have a very stressful job I face each and everyday. Since taking the clay I am more alert I feel strong like I was in my 20's. I am not sure what the clay is actually accomplishing other than going through the detoxification the last several weeks. I am a firm believer in this clay along with my wife. I will be taking this clay for the rest of my life. I only wish I could have been able to contact past user of this product I would have bought it much sooner than later. Sincerely, S & D Buffy - Minnesota Sebaceous Cyst - I bought the Terramin Clay in early March. Shortly after receiving it I was scheduled to see my Podiatrist for and ingrown toenail. At the appointment, I had shown her a lump on the inside of my right ankle. She determined that it was a sebaceous cyst (the size of half a golf ball!) She had told me that she could excise it surgically on another visit, and that in time, it could present problems by pressing on nerves, and creating numbness. I had been taking the Terramin Clay for about a week prior to the first appointment. 2 weeks later on a follow up visit for evaluating the removed ingrown toenail, I had discovered that the cyst was gone! So in just 3 weeks of using this wonderful natural product, I am not worrying about having to have the ankle surgery! Thank you Maryanne for your website, and your wonderful product! Cathy D. Franktown, CO California Wild magazine: "Modern science confirms that minerals derived directly from the earth can be more effective than supplements synthesized by man. In the 1960's when NASA was preparing to conquer space, experiements showed that weightlessness induced very rapid bone depletion. They funded a range of pharmaceutical companies to develop calcim supplements. But Benjamin Ershoff of the California Polytechnic Institute found that the most efficacious treatment was the tried-and-true eating of clay.He reported that the "calcium in clay....is absorbed more efficiently and that it contains some factor or factors other than calcium which promotes improved calcium utilization and/or bone formation." He added, "Little or no benefit was noted when calcium alone was added to the diet."Neva Jensen B.S. lecturer and author wrote extensively about the Terramin 'Red Desert Clay.' "Silica, as found abundantly in Terramin (55.3%) is necessary for the absorption of calcium into the bone tissue. The calcium atom, under certain pH factors, can be overloaded with phosphorus, which may prevent it entering the bones. Silica, commonly lacking in diets, is recognized to alter the configuration of the molecules, thus enabling calcium to enter the bone mass. This is most useful for re-calcification of the bone structure."Clay is used for many ailments of the digestive tract including diarrhea, colitis, ulcers and parasites. When ingested it naturally binds to toxins, chemicals, bacteria, pesticides, heavy metals and other poisons such as formaldehyde and chem trails…cleansing the digestive tract and leaving valuable, essential nutrients behind. Neva Jensen B.S. author, lecturer wrote: "The Internal use of clay for ulcerated or irritated conditions of the stomach, bowels, colon or bladder can give noticeable relief. Over-acidity in the tissue of these organs can be corrected with the use of clay."Terramin is classified as a 'living clay' for each particle creates its own ionic field of energy. Each clay mineral remains in an alkaline state with a pH of 8.3. When eaten, the bodys' pH naturally rises…just as nature intended..! How Does Terramin Clay Work? The Terramin clay is negatively charged. When ingested, each tiny, tiny particle binds to the toxins in your body, which are positively charged. The particles surround and bind to each toxin holding them in a colloidal state (suspended) until they leave the body through the waste elimination process, gently cleaning out that which does not serve the body. At the same time, the nutrients from the clay, are transferred and absorbed into the body providing much needed essential macro, micro and trace mineral elements necessary to aid in bone and joint strengthening, boosting the immune system, raising the pH, improving digestion and metabolism as well as improving overall health and energy. The best part is it is 100% natural and has been around for centuries, right here on Mother Earth. In addition, it has an indirect positive effect on the liver by facilitating the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and removing waste, bypassing the liver and general circulation.What Makes Terramin Very Different From Other Clays? ** Most clays are not edible, but are used in great diversity for industrial purposes. Approximately 90% are sodium based and the chemical analysis is not intended for ingestion. Terramin is a premium calcium montmmorillonite clay intended for internal and external use.**There are several reasons Terramin is different ~ 1) Ionic charge (pulling power) – Due to the location of the mine, Terramin carries a very high negative ionic charge (pulling power) to pull out those toxins…..this ionic charge is measurable… The mine is in the Southeastern corner of California, near the Mexico border. In this region, rainfall is minimal, moisture is nearly non-existent, and temperatures are consistently high. This combination of arid conditions has allowed the clay minerals to remain in an alkaline state, rich in silica and alkaline minerals, retaining their highly charged negative ions referred to as 'Living Clay". Many clay deposits found in Northern areas where there is rain, snowfall and leaching are not as likely to be found in an 'open ion state, which makes a big difference in the quality and grade. 2) The pH of Terramin is 8.3. Very helpful for raising the body pH when eaten. 3) Rich in silica and minerals - Silica, is found abundantly in Terramin (55.3%) and is necessary for the absorption of calcium into the bone tissue, along with adeguate amounts of magnesium. The Terramin for example, contains more than 60 of these essential minerals and trace elements. 4) Particle size is very important. Terramin clay particles occur in very small micron sizes. 70% are between 2 and 5 microns. A hair on your head is approximately 75 microns in diameter. Since the Terramin particles are extremely tiny, a greater surface area of clay (more particles of clay) are available for more toxins to stick to. The greater the surface area of clay, the greater the power to pick up the positively charged particles or toxins…many times its own weight.A WORD FROM CALIFORNIA WILD MAGAZINE by Suzanne Urick ~In the stomach, the tiny clay particles with their negative electrical charges attract positively charged toxins from stomach fluids. Particle size is everything in excretion; very small particles, like the molecules of poisons, can pass through the walls of the intestines and enter the bloodstream.Once clumped together, the poisons pass harmelessly out of the system through the kidneys or bowel. Also, because clays are alkaline, they help neutralize acid poured out by the stomach walls during digestive disturbances. Once through the stomach and into the intestines, clay particles absorb water and swell. Their presence slows intestinal spasms, easing the symptoms of diarrhea while coating the intestinal walls, protecting them against further irritation.PREGNANCY ~ Terramin clay Powder mixed with water and sipped as a drink, also helps in early pregnancy when the mother's body is adjusting to the presence and biochemical activity of the fetus.As pregnancy advances, the rapidly growing offspring requires large amounts of nutrients, particularly calcium. Without enough magnesium and silica, this calcium can be quickly drawn from the mother's bones. You may want to read our article on magnesium deficiency.OTHER USES OF TERRAMIN ~ Acid reflex - When you are experiencing these symptoms, put 1 rounded teaspoon into a cup or so of filtered water and drink. The pH of Terramin is 8.3, and will help reduce the acid in the stomach…usually symptoms disappear within minutes after drinking. Terramin adsorbs toxins such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery and bacterias. Ulcers –in the stomach, Terramin will help create a more alkaline condition, because the pH of Terramin is 8.3. Teeth/gums periodontal disease – Ran Knishnisky wrote in The Clay Cure "the clay is absorbent, so it will not be abrasive, and it helps harden teeth enamel while it aids in gum tissue repair. Furthermore, if used regularly, it helps to prevent gum recession." Although I had read and heard stories of the successful affects in the mouth when using Terramin around the gums and teeth, I did not think much about it. However, since I had the beginning signs of periodontal disease, I chose to brush my teeth 3 to 4 times a week with the Terramin. I figured at most, it would bind to any bacteria caught in the gum line. (You can swallow the clay) At my dentist appointment 5 months later, I was informed that my gums had improved, with only one spot showing a little too deep of a pocket. My friend who was diagnosed with osteoporosis at age 45 start eating the Terramin daily. A couple of months later she saw her dentist - who informed her that her teeth were showing a 50% imporovement. I am continuing to eat and brush with Terramin, planning to avoid all dental work in the future..! Buruli Ulcer - Buruli ulcer is an infectious disease caused by the Mycobacterium ulcerans, from the same family of bacteria which causes tuberculosis and leprosy. Antibiotics have proven ineffective. In spring of 2005 a man in Cyprus suffering with this particular disease, started eating Terramin as well as making clay paks with it. Six months later, his friend reported to me that the ulcers were nearly gone. He had been eating the clay every day along with applying clay paks, and over time the bacteria causing the ulcerative condition and the lesions cleared.My Dogs tumors - "I feel it is my obligation to let the world know my experience with Terramin Clay. My 14 year old dog had a cancerous tumor the size of an egg. His lab work revealed that may not make it thru an operation to remove it. My vet and myself agreed to not remove it surgically. I started giving him Terramin Clay and Coral Calcium. After a few weeks the tumor started to flatten out, but didn't change in volume. After 2 months the tumor was virtually gone...maybe the size of the tip of my pinky finger was left. Now, 4-5 months later I can't even find where the tumor was. Before I started giving him the clay and calcium he couldn't hear practically at all...and now his hearing is better too. The cloudiness in his eyes has lessened also. Please remember he is a 14 year old dog...I can't tell anyone how much I believe in Terramin Clay." Raquel B., Reno NV. Worms and Coccidia - Kim B., Breeder of NewFoundland Dogs – Terramin has taken care of worms and coccidia in my dogs. I'm now down to a maintenance dosage of 1 teaspoon a day per dog.! They are doing great! Click here for Frequently Asked Questions~ DIRECTIONS FOR TERRAMIN USE ~ Powder Form ~ Mix 1/2 tsp Terramin clay in 6 ounces or so of water (best if filtered or distilled), preferably on an empty stomach, but does not have to be. Stir (remove stirring utensil) and let sit for a few minutes, then drink. Put a little extra water in the cup and drink the remaining clay at the bottom. This can be done once or twice a day. (Best to use a wooden utensil or even plastic) If your digestion is sensitive, start with 1/4 tsp and work your way up. We take it on an empty stomach, so the Terramin does not have to compete with digestion, however it will work either way! Clay takes time, but starts working immediately to clean out toxins and accumulated wastes etc from the digestive tract, raise the pH, puts calcium into the bone mass and offers essential minerals and trace elements. Most people notice results fairly quickly as it assists with facilitating the movement of waste through the digestive tract. Tablet Form: Adults/children 1 tablet per 40 to 50 lbs of body weight. You can take more or less, as your body indicates. Feel Free To Phone If You Have A Quick Question. We receive abundant e-mails, and will do our best to answer these as we can. maryanne @ I-AmPerfectlyHealthy.com Many blessings to you on your journey to Perfect Health Maryanne MaldonadoWellness CoachTucson AZ520.219.2379 9am to 5:30pm Arizona time http://www.king-cart.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?store=Mary0008 & product=Nutramin & cart_id=2615235.34005 & user-id= & password= & exchange= & exact_match=exact_________-TerraMin Calcium Montmorillonite Clay is a 100% natural product that contains more than 60 macro, micro, and trace mineral elements. TerraMin Calcium Montmorillonite Clay is rich in calcium for bones/joints, detoxifies, aids digestion/metabolism, and improves overall health. Calcium montmorillonite, the second type of montmorillonite, is also known as "living clay" for it principally consists of minerals that enhance the production of enzymes in all living organisms. California Earth Minerals calcium montmorillonite is called Terramin. It is the preferred choice to use for soil, plants, animals and humans, especially when ingested, hence "edible clays. " Benefits of calcium montmorillonite minerals have been documented in research conducted by many scientists and leading universities. Dr. B.H. Ershoff, from the University of Southern California School of Medicine, conducted research for NASA which demonstrated the growth promoting properties of calcium montmorillonite minerals in cattle. Dr. Quisenberry, from Texas A & M, researched the beneficial effects of calcium montmorillonite clays when fed to many farm animals including horses, pigs, chickens, etc. Neva Jensen, a nationally known nutrition expert, wrote a book on Terramin called "The Healing Power of Living Clay," explaining how the nutrients in certain clays are assimilated in our bodies. The US Department of Fish and Wildlife conducted similar studies on trout fish on the Snake River in Hagerman, Idaho revealing the same health promoting effects. All of these studies were specific to Terramin Calcium Montmorillonite Clay. Not all calcium montmorillonite clay is the same. In order to absorb the trace elements, these elements must be of a small size. Neva Jensen states that Terramin has the advantage of increased exchange properties since the California Earth Minerals calcium montmorillonite deposit has undergone extensive hydrothermal exposure. These favorable properties were created naturally from igneous activity deep in the fissures of the earth, bringing boiling water to the surface of the earth, and creating extensive pools of bubbling mud. These bubbling pools churn the calcium montmorillonite, adding beneficial trace minerals and breaking down the larger size parent material. Over a long period of time this activity brings about complete fragmentation or crystallization and hydrolysis of the clay making it readily available for absorption. Certificate Of AnalysisListed In Percentages And Parts Per Million/BillionCalciumCa4.69%IronFe0.0435MagnesiumMg0.0288PhosphorusP0.15%PotassiumK0.028SiliconSi0.553SodiumNa1.13%SulphurS0.0005TitianiumTi0.0067Aluminum HydroxideAl20318.3%ManganeseMn0.0004AntimonySb0.9ppmArsenicAs5ppmBariumBa4661ppmBerylliumBe2.4ppmBismuthBi5ppmBoronBa108ppmBromineBr6ppmCadmiumCd5ppmCeriumCe79ppmCesiumCs12ppmChromiumCr100ppmCobaltCo28ppmCopperCu34.8ppmErbiumEr3ppmDysprosiumDy5ppmEropiumEu1.1ppmGadoliniumGd21ppmGalliumGa5.8ppmGermaniumGe10ppmGoldAu5ppmHafniumHf4ppmHolmiumHo1ppmLanthanumLa45ppmLeadPb7ppmLutetiumLu0.39ppmMolybdenumMo3ppmNeodyniumNd0.42ppmNickelNi51ppmNiobiumNb17ppmPalladiumPd11ppmPlatinumPt11ppbPraseodymiumPr9ppmRubidiumRb129ppmSamariumSm6.8ppmScandiumSc16ppmSeleniumSe3ppmSilverAg0.2ppmStrontiumSr205ppmTantalumTa2ppmTerbiumTb1.3ppmTinSn5ppmThoriumTh15ppmThuliumTm0.4ppmTungstenW3ppmUraniumU5.5ppmVanadiumV127ppmYtterbiumYb2.8ppmYttriumY34ppmZincZn97.3ppmZirconiumZr143ppmDirections: Mix one full teaspoon in 6-8 oz. of water or juice and drink daily. As a Topical Application: Mix 1 part warm water with 2 parts TERRAMIN Powder. The mixture should be of peanut butter consistency.http://www.herbalremedies.com/morillonite.html

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Most of the edible clays say pretty much the same thing with the same types of ingredients and testimonies. They all seem somewhat expensive unless bought in bulk form and even then some are expensive. I just recently purchased fifty pounds of Bentonite clay from http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/clay.htm


Choose from 3 sizes 1 Lb. $7.25 5 lbs. $27.00 50 lbs. $59.00

I have no health problems so it is difficult to tell if it is doing anything for me but then I am only on my third day with it.





1 @ ; 1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou

Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:12 PM

TERRAMIN Red Desert Clay Powerful Whole Body Detoxifier




Sites to order Terramin from:










"Red Desert Clay"Powerful Whole Body DetoxifierpH 8.3Calcium - Mineral Rich Edible Clay




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