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The Source for Enzymes and Enzyme Therapy Products!

Offering the highest quality proprietary blends of "Protease" and "Digestive Enzyme" formulas available and the entire line of Transformation Enzyme products.

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"How is it possible that I am sick even though I eat the most organic foods, am very careful with my diet and exercise regularly?"

The answer tends to be: ENZYME DEFICIENCY.

The following is a brief summary of several of the more common enzyme deficiency conditions.

PROTEASE DEFICIENCY CONDITIONS: Protease digests protein. What happens when you are protease deficient? You will have protein deficiency symptoms, depending on how deficient you are in protease. Protease deficiency creates alkaline excess in the blood.

This is not because protease itself is acidic; it is not. Acidity is created through the digestion of protein with protease. Some people may be vegetarian not by choice, but because they are protease deficient and cannot digest protein. Since acidity comes from the digestion of protein with protease, protease-deficient people may have an alkaline excess which can produce anxiety states. Often people take tranquilizers such as Xanex and then they zombie around in a fog, when simply taking protease can, through increased digestion of protein, acidify them to HOMEOSTASIS with resulting relief of their anxiety.

Homeostasis is the dynamic equilibrium within the body. Without successful physiological homeostasis (balance), in which relatively constant conditions are maintained in the internal environment, the body cannot survive. The maintenance of homeostasis involves a number of factors in addition to metabolism, such as water intake and retention, acid-base balance, excretion of waste matter and control of body temperature. In other words our body will do whatever it must to stay in homeostasis.

Protein is also required to carry protein-bound calcium in the blood. Insufficient protein-bound calcium lays the foundation for arthritis and other calcium deficient diseases. Why? When the blood cannot carry calcium because it lacks protein, it withdraws the necessary calcium from the bones to maintain homeostasis. This situation is aggravated in people who take calcium carbonate supplements, such as Tums or other antacids, because this adds to the alkaline stress on the blood. The blood cannot carry ionic calcium as efficiently because ionic calcium requires a certain level of acidity to be present.

Overly alkaline people have a multitude of calcium metabolism problems, such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, gouty arthritis, degenerative disc problems, bone spurs and related disorders such as sciatica and ligament problems.

Because 46% of digested protein is converted to glucose upon demand, inadequate protein digestion leads to hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia also has other causes such as hypothyroidism and vitamin deficiency). Symptoms include moodiness, mood swings and irritability among many others.

Water follows protein (literally). Inadequate protein in the blood also means inadequate water. Where does the water go? Into the tissues after the protein! This causes tissue swelling (edema ). Water is forced into the capillaries and into the tissues by the pressure of blood being pumped around the body. By a reverse process, which depends on the water-drawing power of the proteins in the blood, it is reabsorbed in the capillaries from the tissues. These two mechanisms need to remain in balance.

Protein maldigestion leads to a toxic colon. People in this category often have problems in the area of the descending colon (lower right quadrant of the abdomen). This includes developing appendicitis and even more serious problems such as mucous colitis and even colon cancer.

Another of the most common results of protein maldigestion is chronic ear infections and fluid in the ears, especially in children. This is a protease calcium deficiency. To drain fluids from the middle ear, you must increase protease in the blood.

Protease will pull water out of the middle ear, and also the ankles, hands and feet during PMS, and put it back into the blood.

Protease is also involved in the immune system via its action on bacterial debris, certain viruses, and its ability to break down circulating immune complexes. Protease has an ability to digest unwanted debris in the blood and should be considered your friendly blood cleanser. Protease deficient people are immune compromised, making them susceptible to bacterial, viral and yeast Infections and a general decrease in immunity. Protease deficient women are predisposed towards PMS. The only people who cannot tolerate protease are those who suffer from ulcers, gastritis or hiatus hernias. The already damaged mucosal tissue cannot handle the extra acidity from the digested protein AMYLASE DEFICIENCY CONDITIONS: Amylase digests carbohydrates or polysaccharides into smaller disaccharide units, eventually converting them into monosaccharides such as glucose. People who are fat intolerant (can't digest fats) often eat sugar and carbohydrates to make up for the lack of fat in their diet. If their diet is excessive in carbohydrates, they develop an amylase deficiency and symptoms arising therefrom.

Amylase digests not only carbohydrates but also dead white blood cells (pus). For example, when you are low in amylase you are a candidate for abscesses (areas with pus but not bacteria). if you have a toothache and are being treated with antibiotics, but it doesn't go away, chances are you may have an abscess.

Amylase is involved in anti-inflammatory reactions such as those caused by the release of histamine and similar substances.

The inflammatory response usually occurs in organs which are in contact with the outside world such as the lungs and skin.

These include skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, hives, insect bites, allergic bee and bug stings. atopic dermatitis, and all types of herpes. The lung problems including asthma and emphysema require amylase plus other enzyme formulas depending on the particular condition.

Carbohydrates require phosphorus. If excess refined carbohydrates are consumed, a phosphorus deficiency will result.

Phosphorus deficiencies include: thick blood, tendency towards gastritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) and stiff joints, especially in the morning. Why stiff joints? Adequate phosphorus prevents the deposit of calcium oxalate and calcium carbonate in the joints. If phosphorus is deficient due to excess consumption of sugar, joint pain results from deposits of oxalates and carbonates Phosphorus deficiency is often accompanied by thick blood and high blood pressure. Please do not feel you can run out and get a phosphorus supplement to solve this problem. Quite the contrary. The only way the calcium and phosphorus can be balanced is by getting them both from the foods in which they originate in a natural, balanced proportion.

LIPASE DEFICIENCY CONDITIONS: Since lipase digests fat and fat-soluble vitamins, lipase deficient people can be expected to have a tendency towards high cholesterol, high triglycerides, difficulty losing weight and diabetes or a tendency towards glucosuria (sugar in the urine without symptoms of diabetes). The down-the-road outcome of these tendencies is heart disease.

Because lipase requires the co-enzyme chloride, lipase deficient people have a tendency towards hyphochlorhydria (low chlorides in our electrolyte balance). This can be easily remedied with lipase, but often nutritionists recommend using betaine HCL, which places acidic stress on the blood, leading to an inability to provide the alkalinity required to activate the body's pancreatic enzymes. Lipase requires a high pH for its activation among food enzymes. That is why fats are the hardest of all foods to digest.

Fat intolerant people can be helped by taking a lipase supplement, but the fat intolerance problem still exists. (i.e .... Taking a food combination containing lipase will gradually reduce the size of gall stones, thus reducing symptoms, but this does not cure fat intolerance just as surgery does not cure disease.) The lipase will help prevent an aggravated condition ONLY if the fat intolerant person minimizes fat consumption.

Lipase deficient people have decreased cell permeability, meaning nutrients cannot get in and the waste cannot get out of the cell. For example, diabetics are lipase deficient and cannot get glucose into their cells, and wastes or unwanted substances cannot get out. People with 'hidden viruses" that are often diagnosed with "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" also fall into this category. Lipase modulates cell permeability so that nutrients can enter and wastes can exit. Of course, waste-eating enzymes (such as protease) must be taken to help cleanse the blood of the unwanted debris.

A common symptom of lipase deficiency is muscle spasms. This is not the "muscle cramp" (tetany) resulting from low ionized blood calcium. It commonly occurs as trigger point pain in the muscles across the upper shoulders, but it can occur in other muscles, such as those in the neck or anywhere in the small or large intestines including the muscles of the rectal tissues. If chronic muscle spasms keep you going back to a chiropractor, osteopath or acupuncturist for repeated adjustments or therapy, try adding some lipase to your diet. It may help you hold your adjustments.

People with "spastic colon" may be lipase deficient. They are given toxic muscle relaxant drugs to control the symptoms, but what they really need is a simple food enzyme called lipase.

The condition of vertigo, or labrynthis, also called Meniere's Disease (dizziness aggravated by movement such as walking or driving), can result from lipase deficiency. A nutritionist saw this condition develop suddenly in a young man after the typical American fat challenge test - a meal which consisted of a fried fish sandwich with tartar sauce, double cheeseburger plus a bag of french fries. The dizziness was accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting which was aggravated by movement. This condition lasted several days. Lipase can relieve a condition like this, often within minutes.

The condition of menopause is often associated with lipase deficiency because lipase addresses the gonadal tissue. However, PMS is more often associated with protease deficiency.

CELLULASE DEFICIENCY CONDITIONS: Our body makes no cellulase at all, whereas our pancreas produces enzymes similar to protease, amylase and lipase. They are similar, but not identical, because ONLY FOOD ENZYMES WORK IN THE STOMACH. Pancreatic enzymes work in the duodenum when it is at the right alkaline pH (third part of digestion).

Because our bodies do not make cellulase, this food enzyme is essential. We must eat it on a daily basis. Remember, ONLY RAW FOODS contain cellulase. Of all the enzymes, this deficiency carries with it the most categories of problems.

Cellulase deficiency is a malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption of nutrients, vitamins, or minerals from the diet by the lining of the small intestine) with its many symptoms of lower abdominal gas, pain, bloating and problems associated with the jejunum and pancreas. Other conditions associated with cellulose deficiency include nervous system conditions such as Bell's Palsy, Tic and facial neuralgia, all of which respond remarkably to cellulase. Certain toxic conditions, such as chemicals, drugs and toxic metals, including silver amalgam fillings (mercury in the teeth) are greatly alleviated with cellulase. This also includes acute food allergies. People who have malabsorption syndrome and cellulose deficiency have a tendency toward sugar and/or gluten intolerance.

SUCROSE INTOLERANCE: This condition exists when people cannot split the sucrose disaccharide into its twin partners, two units of glucose. Glucose is a primary brain food so expect mental and emotional problems in people who cannot get glucose into the brain. These symptoms include the whole gamut from depression and moodiness to panic attacks, manic and schizophrenic behavior and severe mood swings, which often lead to toxic behavior- modifying drugs.

Seizures, cranial problems and headaches in sucrose intolerant people have been observed, not to mention the symptoms of B-vitamin deficiency resulting from the use of refined white sugar. One researcher has observed almost a universal intolerance syndrome among childhood asthmatics. Whether from genetic intolerance or over consumption, the symptoms are the same.

Do not be fooled by thinking that refined white sugar is the only culprit and that other synthetic sugars are okay. Many people do not think that such synthetic sugars as corn syrup, fructose, Nutrasweet, saccharin, Sorbital and Mannitol are harmful.

However, severe health problems have occurred from one or all of these as well.

LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: People who are intolerant of lactose also have classic symptoms which include abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Other allergic symptoms have been recorded, not the least of which was asthma, from the ingestion of lactose-containing products. You should know that the FDA allows the addition of lactose as a food additive without labeling. Do not think that your children are safe if they are lactose intolerant just because they do not drink milk.

GLUTEN INTOLERANCE: Gluten intolerance is associated with Celiac Disease and Malabsorption Syndrome. It is also associated with Crohn's Disease. The insidious thing about gluten intolerance is that it creates a sugar intolerance because when gluten intolerant people eat food containing gluten, the brush border cells of the jejunum are injured and thus unable to secrete the disaccharidases (sucrose, lactase and maltose) leading to sugar intolerance. Double Trouble! Most gluten intolerant individuals usually do not need to abstain from all the gluten grains (wheat, oats, rye and barley). However, sometimes it is a must.

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