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Colloidal Silver

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Benny, Thanks I will take that remark without making it personal. Obviously you prefer to use anecdotal evidence and believe everything your told without testing yourself? Perhaps you have tested yourself and found CS to work for you? I am reporting my results and have no personal axe to gring on this issue.I would love for someone to show me the "correct" way to make it since two years of deep research and correspondence with the top players in the field didnt do it according to anothers post here. Perhaps utilizing the supposed top rated Silver making machines and the purest water possible didnt do the trick for me? Perhaps all the animals and humans used in the tesing were in some way flawed? or perhaps the Silver lined cloud so many want to shelter them really doesnt exist afterall? I am the first to say i would have loved to have seen the positive results of CS and that all the promises made by so many were actually true.Unfortunately my wish

for this wasnt enough in the face of testing. I await Docs work and testing on this as I think he will give the real results and has nothing to sell. Don WellsBenny Youngblood <toeby wrote: Amen ,sounds like he is for drug companies"Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce

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Ah that's great Bob. Siyo backatcha. ;-)


When I was a young whippersnapper, I had a chance one summer to live with some Cree Folk up in Northern Canada, and I learned a little of that tongue. I was very impressed at the time, but all I remember now however is a couple of swear words, so you'll forgive me if I don't repeat them here. ;-)


In Health and Love,




Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc



Staya Udanvti Bob Butler

herbal remedies

Friday, December 30, 2005 4:00 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver


Hi Doc!

Siyo Doc!


The language is Cherokee, western dialect.

Since I am a Cherokee descendent I believe to understand my DNA Memory I need to learn the language. I have to use it continuously to keep it tho.

[pronunciation: a = ah, e = ay, i = ee, o = oh, u = oo, v = unh, s = ss]


LoveBobAdageyudi (Love)[ah dah gay yoo dee]Staya Udanvti (Stands Tall Gently)(ss tah yah oo dah nunh tee)



Dr. Ian Shillington

herbal remedies

Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:40 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver


Dear Bob,Welllllllllll, you are certainly welcome and I'm pleased you're enjoying the site so much.I appreciate your input having to do with CS. It's nice to know that there are no adverse effects from using it regardless of dosage. Of course, I'll do my own tests on this as I like to verify data, but so far this looks like a real winner.You're absolutely right. If the Medicos are railing against something so vehemently, you can bet there's something good to be investigated and found there. :-)The Silver Puppy is one of the units I'm looking into.In Health and Love,DocPS. I'm curious as to what language Adageyudi Sduisdi Gvgeyuhi Sidanelv Analigohvsgi is??? Please enlighten me. ;-)

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The reason it says that is because its photo

sensitive. If its exposed to light for long periods it

changes the color and also the effectiveness of the

product. I doubt it would hurt you but it wouldn't do

you any good if it was gray.




--- Kim <irishgirl75 wrote:


> I just bought some CS and on the instructions is

> says " if gray appearance occurs discontinue

> immediately " . Anyone else see this on their CS?


> Thanks,

> Kim


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Yes Kim, I have seen that. I think it's

something they do to cover their butts legally.




Kim wrote:



I just bought some CS and on the

instructions is says "if gray appearance occurs discontinue

immediately". Anyone else see this on their CS?








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The bottle was refering to the actual person turning gray. Sorry I wasn't clear on that was I?






herbal remedies

Monday, January 09, 2006 12:29 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver

The reason it says that is because its photosensitive. If its exposed to light for long periods itchanges the color and also the effectiveness of theproduct. I doubt it would hurt you but it wouldn't doyou any good if it was gray. Andrew--- Kim <irishgirl75 wrote:> I just bought some CS and on the instructions is> says "if gray appearance occurs discontinue> immediately". Anyone else see this on their CS?> > Thanks,> Kim>

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I think they are covering their A*** just in case it produces argyria = graying of the skin. I believe that silver nitrate can/will cause argyria but not colloidal silver.

I know of people taking large doses, quart a day, for many years that have not experienced argyria.


LoveBobAdageyudiStaya Udanvti




herbal remedies

Monday, January 09, 2006 11:29 AM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver

The reason it says that is because its photosensitive. If its exposed to light for long periods itchanges the color and also the effectiveness of theproduct. I doubt it would hurt you but it wouldn't doyou any good if it was gray. Andrew--- Kim <irishgirl75 wrote:> I just bought some CS and on the instructions is> says "if gray appearance occurs discontinue> immediately". Anyone else see this on their CS?> > Thanks,> Kim>

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Now in this color.


Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc



don wells

herbal remedies

Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:58 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver


Hi Doc,


Seems your close to the puter at the moment. See below my response."Dr. Ian Shillington" <DocShillington wrote:


1. What kind, model and make of machine did you end up buying for your tests???


Is that ethical to write here as this can cast some product liability legalities possibly my way? I can say I used two prominent machines as well as a home built simple unit for larger faster production. The batches were tested for PPM.


Absolutely ethical. How do you expect me to duplicate your lack of a positive result. It is just as important to learn how to NOT do things as it is to do them the right way and to determine which is which. ;-) There are far too many positive responses to CS from literally thousands of sources not to take this thing very seriously. Your getting absolutely NO positive results in the face of research done by several on this list, of which a couple of these researchers I know personally and have worked with, is very facinating and a little suspicious I might add. Insinuating there is that much "Hype" is pushing it in my books.


Wellll, I'll "look" for myself, as usual, and post my findings when I have them.



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Dear Jasmina,


This is awesome, and true hard core research. I'm very proud of you.


I have heard of the Silver in the water barrel trick. When pioneers were crossing the prairies, they'd put a silver dollar into their water barrels, and now we know why. Most of the water they used in those days was "rain" water which is of course distilled and therefore somewhat acidic when exposed to air. When children are born nowadays, nurses put Silver Nitrate into the eyes of the newborn to handle bacteria and viruses. Even the Medicos have somewhat of a handle on this Silver thing.


Your egg shells in the water is brilliant. A great idea. People can either buy distilled water or make their own and handle this acid problem by using egg shells. I love it.


Because distilled water is empty, it will absorb CO2 = Carbon Dioxide and become Carbonic Acid. As you have found, much of the distilled water from commercial manufacturers produce a product that is too acid. The solution is to make your own or as in your case, add the egg shells. I've had my own distilleries for so long I sometimes forget that the other sources are sometimes in question.


You did very well to do your own testing.


In Health and Love,




Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc



Jasmina Alisic

herbal remedies

Friday, January 06, 2006 12:30 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver


I went to one international food store in my area to buy distilled water. One man asked me why I am taking that water. I said I am drinking. And he said Oh, I thought you are making silver water. He is from Russia. I looked at him and wanted to hear more. He said that he has years research with silver water, and everybody can make with distilled water not even using electricity. He said it is enough to put real silver think in distilled water and silver would bi dissolved over time. And you have very fine silver water. I did not try. But I tried something else this week. Because I tested all distilled waters in my area and I found them all very acid, I tried to make them less acid. I tried with sea salt. It didn't work. But I put egg shells from the eggs that I put in my Total Nutrition every morning. I washed them, took of inner lining and dry them very good. Then I put them in a jar with distilled water and measured pH this morning. It was much better. So I need Docs thinking on this, or he probably already knows this.


jasmina"Dr. Ian Shillington" <DocShillington wrote:


Dear Malissa,

I checked the site out and found it amusing.

I'm still in the primary stages of my own investigations so can make no comment.

Since I'm still my own favorite guiney pig, and still have to wait a bit before doing any testing, the list will have to wait a while for my own personal take on it.

Rob is sold on the stuff and I trust his observations and the testing he's done, so I'd definitely recommend you go ahead and do your own investigations into CS and not back off from trying it.

You can bet that I will be in the not too distant future.

In Health and Love,


PS. I'll be investigating ALL of the metal colloids including but not limited to: Copper, Platinum, Gold and Rhodium. :-)


Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc



Malissa Owings

herbal remedies

Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:13 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver


Doc, I ran across this web site when researching CS, http://preventionforever.com/silver.htm, would you and any in the group check it out and let me know what you think???? Thanks..

Love & Happiness

Malissa"Dr. Ian Shillington" <DocShillington wrote:


Dear Sara,

This is interesting.

Earlier, Rob mentioned that CS assists in killing off parasites.

One of the first byproducts of killing off parasites is soft runny doo doo as you so aptly put. ROTFLOL

The final test of this is whether or not the diarrhea is lessening over a weeks time at the large dosage.

Another test for me to make. :-)

In Health and Love,



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Thursday, December 29, 2005 12:14 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver


OK... I have to jump in here.

I've been taking and making CS for a few years - there is a little problem if you 'over do' ... you do actually OVER DOO! You'll get loose stools/diarrhea if you take too much for what your system can handle. It's a diuretic so it leeches fluids from your body - so you HAVE to drink a lot more H2O when you take it. BUT! Fear not! Just back off and you’ll go back to normal post haste!


Sara in AZ

Raine <rainelovesj wrote:

Hiya Doc,I'm not worried about getting too much because as long as what I'm making is electrically isolated (colloidal) silver, there is no harm to be done. You can always test what you're producing with various meters to get a good idea of the ppm but from my understanding you will generally produce a *clear* 5-25 ppm.-RaineDr. Ian Shillington wrote:

"Goes" is good. :-)

Are you not worried about getting too much???

I know with herbs, for the most part, if you take too much you just usually puke.

Does colloidal silver have its own safety valve???



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc

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Dear Andrew,


And this is why I asked him what machines he was using to make it with.


8 oz is a cup and is what I was planning for myself. I was thinking of using 10 ppm quality.


Do you think this would be enough??? Too much??? And how long before I should notice any changes???


I will be doing this experiment while doing the Total Body Cleanse (for me this is around 24 days).


Would there be any adverse effects were I to do two cups a day???


In Health and Love,




Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Friday, January 06, 2006 12:23 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver

I honestly don't think Don was doing it correctly.When used on a daily basis Silver Colliod Will yeildimpressive results. The only thing is often therecommended doeses of 1-2 tablespoons per day won'tquite cut the mustard. I personally take between 8-16ounces a day. If you're taking 99.9% silver and doingit properly there should be no negative side effects.It usually takes about 1 week for your body to startto improve after you've begun taking it. There is agreat short PDF file by professor Ronald J. Gibbs thatexplains all the pro's and cons of silver. The onlyBAD information I've ever seen about silver were thosefew people who really didn't know how to take it ormade it with the wrong type of equipment. Andrew

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The first tests will be done on myself, my wife and my staff.


(Working for me has its benefits and its . . . ;-) LOL Though these tests are voluntary for the humans, my animals (a cat and a dog) will not have an option and will find CS in their water bowl as regular fare. I will then use it in a blind study on certain volunteers so that only I know who's getting the goods and who's getting the placebo.


I am pleased that you noticed no negative effects at the least Don.




Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc



don wells

herbal remedies

Friday, January 06, 2006 9:39 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver


I await Docs work and testing on this as I think he will give the real results and has nothing to sell.Don Wells

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From what I've read the ideal doses of silver run

around 8-13 PPM while still being effective. Ten is

what I usually shoot for when I make my own.




--- " Dr. Ian Shillington " <DocShillington



> Dear Andrew,


> And this is why I asked him what machines he was

> using to make it with.


> 8 oz is a cup and is what I was planning for myself.

> I was thinking of using 10 ppm quality.


> Do you think this would be enough??? Too much???

> And how long before I should notice any changes???


> I will be doing this experiment while doing the

> Total Body Cleanse (for me this is around 24 days).


> Would there be any adverse effects were I to do two

> cups a day???


> In Health and Love,


> Doc


> Doc Shillington

> 727-447-5282

> Doc

> -

> AS

> herbal remedies

> Friday, January 06, 2006 12:23 PM

> Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver



> I honestly don't think Don was doing it correctly.

> When used on a daily basis Silver Colliod Will

> yeild

> impressive results. The only thing is often the

> recommended doeses of 1-2 tablespoons per day

> won't

> quite cut the mustard. I personally take between

> 8-16

> ounces a day. If you're taking 99.9% silver and

> doing

> it properly there should be no negative side

> effects.

> It usually takes about 1 week for your body to

> start

> to improve after you've begun taking it. There is

> a

> great short PDF file by professor Ronald J. Gibbs

> that

> explains all the pro's and cons of silver. The

> only

> BAD information I've ever seen about silver were

> those

> few people who really didn't know how to take it

> or

> made it with the wrong type of equipment.


> Andrew

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Hi Doc, What will you test it on as far as pathogens? I ran mine on the big three in acute and chronic conditions. Don"Dr. Ian Shillington" <DocShillington wrote: The first tests will be done on myself, my wife and my staff. (Working for me has its benefits and its . . . ;-) LOL Though these tests are voluntary for the humans, my animals (a cat and a dog) will not have an option and will find CS in their water bowl as regular fare. I will then use it in a blind study on certain volunteers so

that only I know who's getting the goods and who's getting the placebo. I am pleased that you noticed no negative effects at the least Don. Doc Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc - don wells herbal remedies Friday, January 06, 2006 9:39 PM Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver I await Docs work and testing on this as I think he will give the real results and has nothing to sell.Don Wells Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce

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Hi Ya'll, May I be so Bold as to add some clarity to the

misconceptions floating around about this subject and others in this


There is a difference between True Colloidal Silver and Silver


Colloidal silver is silver bound in as a compound with other

mineral salts in a form whereas the silver will not settle out of the

solution and or the compound it is in, and this compound form is very

small in size as a very small solar system in it's self.


Whereas Silver water is just water which has silver disolved in

suspension and it may react quickly with any other element of

different chemical charge , with which it comes in contact with, but

this type of silver is not in a chemical bond compound as is the

Colloidal silver is, and is not in the form of a solar system of it's



It may very well be compared to the colloidial flouride found

naturally in some drinking water in parts of Texas, which is not

harmful to drink and is the reason today that they add flouride to

most of our drinking water now, but in the form of sodium flouride

which is Rat Poision!!(( because sodium floride is not a colloidal


For they discovered that people who drank water in this area had

less cavities than people in the rest of the USA , so they wrongly

decided it was because of the floride content.

But the idea was a good sales point for people who didn't

understand Bio-organic chemistry, and besides ,now, some companies

who had Sodium Flouride as a byproduct, could now sell it to the

plublic and dispose of this waste they didn't previously know how to

get rid of it.

You see, years ago, most of the sales for sodium flouride was just

as Rat Poision!!!! I remember as a little kid, when the local school

system and town wanted to add flouride to the water and there was a

town meeting, that my Dad got a can of Rat Poision( sodium flouride)

out of the storage room in the house and took it to the town meeting

and when everyone was done giving their sales pitch about how good

this would be to help stop tooth decay in the children, by adding it

to the water supply, my Dad then got and held up the can of Rat

Poision(sodium flouride) up in front of all the people and asked

everyone if this was what they really wanted to add to their drinking

water( Rat Poision).

Guess what , everyone change their mind and voted against it then.

But only because my dad understood enough about chemistry at the

time to know a rip off when he saw it!! For Colloidal flouride isn't

Poisionous in the natural state which was found in the drinking water

in Texas, but Sodium floride or any other form which is added to the

drinking water is Poisionous!!


Now on to the subject as to why silver and colloidal silver may be

of benifit to the body by the use of it internally.

Silver is an Alkaline mineral and may help cut the excess acids in

the body which are created in the digestion process, but silver is

and or should be only used as a trace element, which means, only in

very small amounts in comparision to the major alkaline minerals of

Calcium(which is #1) and magnesium and potassium and so forth.


A trace amount of a trace element is very powerful, and this is

one of the reasons why Herbs work so well if you understand properly

and take the correct herbs, as the Herbs have a High concentration of

Alkaline minerals, and some Herbs are very High in Alkaline Trace

minerals of specific kinds, and these are Poisionous to take, so just

because a little works, beware a lot may Kill you if you do not

understand and take too much of the wrong kind of Herb!!


Now to the discussion about Distilled water being acidic.


For those of you who do not understand Bio-organic chemistry , let

alone just plain chemistry, very much as it seems to be wide spread

in this forum, may I suggest some pointers, or some basics to use as

a foundation to understand this problem of discussion about distilled



I mean this in a kind informing way, not in some (you folks are

crazy) kinda way, but to hopefully help you understand how to know

how solve your own problems , when you gain some basic understanding

of the Facts involved.


Acidic content is determined purely by the concentration of how

much Hydrogen is involved in the product and or solution.

So distilled water , which has all of it's mineral salts removed

from the Hydrogen and the Oxygen , is naturally going to be acid

forming, as it has two times the Hydrogen in each molecule than it

has Oxygen!! This is just Fact!!!


When one adds any kind of Alkaline mineral salt to the water and

allows the water to absorb this Alkaline mineral salt, then the water

loses it's acid potential as the Hydrogen becomes neutralized by the

alkaline minerals. This is all that takes place when one allows

eggshells to disolve in the water and or silver to do like wise and

or any other Alkaline mineral to do likewise!!


Our body gains it's energy to work and to play, purely from the

release of energy between the chemical reactions which are created

between the acids and the bases, which react against each other in

our digestive system and or any other part of our body and or

external environmental conditions, whether they be of an Acidic and

or Alkaline nature.

If our body is too acidic as is often the case, then if we eat

foods which create more acids instead of supplying foods which

contain high amounts of Alkaline minerals, then we become sick and

Diseased and wonder why!!


But if we will change our Diets and learn to eat only natural fresh

foods which contain high amounts of Alkaline minerals, which then may

react against the acids produced in our stomach and release large

amounts of Healthy energy, which will make us feel good, and we may

then be Healthy and Happy!!


Smile Tis your choice now.



herbal remedies , " Dr. Ian Shillington "

<DocShillington@K...> wrote:


> Dear Jasmina,


> This is awesome, and true hard core research. I'm very proud of



> I have heard of the Silver in the water barrel trick. When

pioneers were crossing the prairies, they'd put a silver dollar into

their water barrels, and now we know why. Most of the water they

used in those days was " rain " water which is of course distilled and

therefore somewhat acidic when exposed to air. When children are

born nowadays, nurses put Silver Nitrate into the eyes of the newborn

to handle bacteria and viruses. Even the Medicos have somewhat of a

handle on this Silver thing.


> Your egg shells in the water is brilliant. A great idea. People

can either buy distilled water or make their own and handle this acid

problem by using egg shells. I love it.


> Because distilled water is empty, it will absorb CO2 = Carbon

Dioxide and become Carbonic Acid. As you have found, much of the

distilled water from commercial manufacturers produce a product that

is too acid. The solution is to make your own or as in your case,

add the egg shells. I've had my own distilleries for so long I

sometimes forget that the other sources are sometimes in question.


> You did very well to do your own testing.


> In Health and Love,


> Doc


> Doc Shillington

> 727-447-5282

> Doc@A...

> -

> Jasmina Alisic

> herbal remedies

> Friday, January 06, 2006 12:30 PM

> Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver



> I went to one international food store in my area to buy

distilled water. One man asked me why I am taking that water. I said

I am drinking. And he said Oh, I thought you are making silver water.

He is from Russia. I looked at him and wanted to hear more. He said

that he has years research with silver water, and everybody can make

with distilled water not even using electricity. He said it is enough

to put real silver think in distilled water and silver would bi

dissolved over time. And you have very fine silver water. I did not

try. But I tried something else this week. Because I tested all

distilled waters in my area and I found them all very acid, I tried

to make them less acid. I tried with sea salt. It didn't work. But I

put egg shells from the eggs that I put in my Total Nutrition every

morning. I washed them, took of inner lining and dry them very good.

Then I put them in a jar with distilled water and measured pH this

morning. It was much better. So I need Docs thinking on this, or he

probably already knows this.

> Regards

> jasmina


> " Dr. Ian Shillington " <DocShillington@K...> wrote:

> Dear Malissa,

> I checked the site out and found it amusing.

> I'm still in the primary stages of my own investigations so can

make no comment.

> Since I'm still my own favorite guiney pig, and still have to

wait a bit before doing any testing, the list will have to wait a

while for my own personal take on it.

> Rob is sold on the stuff and I trust his observations and the

testing he's done, so I'd definitely recommend you go ahead and do

your own investigations into CS and not back off from trying it.

> You can bet that I will be in the not too distant future.

> In Health and Love,

> Doc

> PS. I'll be investigating ALL of the metal colloids including

but not limited to: Copper, Platinum, Gold and Rhodium. :-)


> Doc Shillington

> 727-447-5282

> Doc@A...

> -

> Malissa Owings

> herbal remedies

> Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:13 PM

> Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver



> Doc, I ran across this web site when researching CS,

http://preventionforever.com/silver.htm, would you and any in the

group check it out and let me know what you think???? Thanks..

> Love & Happiness

> Malissa


> " Dr. Ian Shillington " <DocShillington@K...> wrote:

> Dear Sara,

> This is interesting.

> Earlier, Rob mentioned that CS assists in killing off


> One of the first byproducts of killing off parasites is

soft runny doo doo as you so aptly put. ROTFLOL

> The final test of this is whether or not the diarrhea is

lessening over a weeks time at the large dosage.

> Another test for me to make. :-)

> In Health and Love,

> Doc


> Doc Shillington

> 727-447-5282

> Doc@A...

> -

> Sara

> herbal remedies

> Thursday, December 29, 2005 12:14 PM

> Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver



> OK... I have to jump in here.

> I've been taking and making CS for a few years - there is

a little problem if you 'over do' ... you do actually OVER DOO!

You'll get loose stools/diarrhea if you take too much for what your

system can handle. It's a diuretic so it leeches fluids from your

body - so you HAVE to drink a lot more H2O when you take it. BUT!

Fear not! Just back off and you'll go back to normal post haste!


> Sara in AZ


> Raine <rainelovesj@s...> wrote:

> Hiya Doc,


> I'm not worried about getting too much because as long

as what I'm making is electrically isolated (colloidal) silver, there

is no harm to be done.

> You can always test what you're producing with various

meters to get a good idea of the ppm but from my understanding you

will generally produce a *clear* 5-25 ppm.


> -Raine


> Dr. Ian Shillington wrote:

> " Goes " is good. :-)

> Are you not worried about getting too much???

> I know with herbs, for the most part, if you take too

much you just usually puke.

> Does colloidal silver have its own safety valve???

> Doc


> Doc Shillington

> 727-447-5282

> Doc@A...


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hi, may i reclarify the clarity? silver salts and mineralized silver are definately NOT colloidal silver. the are the last thing you would want in your body. they are potentially poisonous sludge. that's why distilled water is used to make it. your description of what you are calling >"just silver water" is inaccurate and incomplete also, no offence meant. colloidal silver is an electrically produced suspension of silver ions in distilled water. silver ions have a negative charge and are attracted to a positive charge. disease pathenogens have a positive charge. the silver ion bonds electrically to the pathenogen and it dies. the silver ion then detaches and is drawn to the next pathenogen. colloidal silver seems to work best in the 2-10ppm range. anything over 60ppm and you are getting particulate silver.

not good. CS at 500ppm like some places sell doesn't dilute down. it's still particulate, even when diluted. on body acidity: www.quackwatch.rog/01quackeryrelatedtopics/DSH/coral2.html colloidal silver is proven to kill over 650 different yeast virus and bacteria. if you claim more you can get in trouble since 650 is when they stopped testing back in the thirties. it is harmless to tissue and doesn't build up in the body. forget about argyria. there have been like two cases in history. the best list on the web for true information about the uses of and scientific evidence for coloidal silver is:www.silverlist-@... regards, Dennis imoreless <duze24 wrote: Hi Ya'll, May I be so Bold as to add some clarity to the misconceptions floating around about this subject and others in this thread. There is a difference between True Colloidal Silver and Silver water! Colloidal silver is silver bound in as a compound with other mineral salts in a form whereas the silver will not settle out of the solution and or the compound it is in, and this compound form is very small in size as a very small solar system in it's self. Whereas Silver water is just water which has silver disolved in suspension and it may react quickly with any other element of different chemical charge , with which it comes in contact with, but this type of silver is not in a

chemical bond compound as is the Colloidal silver is, and is not in the form of a solar system of it's own!! It may very well be compared to the colloidial flouride found naturally in some drinking water in parts of Texas, which is not harmful to drink and is the reason today that they add flouride to most of our drinking water now, but in the form of sodium flouride which is Rat Poision!!(( because sodium floride is not a colloidal flouride)). For they discovered that people who drank water in this area had less cavities than people in the rest of the USA , so they wrongly decided it was because of the floride content. But the idea was a good sales point for people who didn't understand Bio-organic chemistry, and besides ,now, some companies who had Sodium Flouride as a byproduct, could now sell it to the plublic and dispose of this waste they didn't previously know how to get

rid of it. You see, years ago, most of the sales for sodium flouride was just as Rat Poision!!!! I remember as a little kid, when the local school system and town wanted to add flouride to the water and there was a town meeting, that my Dad got a can of Rat Poision( sodium flouride)out of the storage room in the house and took it to the town meeting and when everyone was done giving their sales pitch about how good this would be to help stop tooth decay in the children, by adding it to the water supply, my Dad then got and held up the can of Rat Poision(sodium flouride) up in front of all the people and asked everyone if this was what they really wanted to add to their drinking water( Rat Poision). Guess what , everyone change their mind and voted against it then. But only because my dad understood enough about chemistry at the time to know a rip off when he saw it!! For Colloidal

flouride isn't Poisionous in the natural state which was found in the drinking water in Texas, but Sodium floride or any other form which is added to the drinking water is Poisionous!! Now on to the subject as to why silver and colloidal silver may be of benifit to the body by the use of it internally. Silver is an Alkaline mineral and may help cut the excess acids in the body which are created in the digestion process, but silver is and or should be only used as a trace element, which means, only in very small amounts in comparision to the major alkaline minerals of Calcium(which is #1) and magnesium and potassium and so forth. A trace amount of a trace element is very powerful, and this is one of the reasons why Herbs work so well if you understand properly and take the correct herbs, as the Herbs have a High concentration of Alkaline minerals, and some Herbs are very High in

Alkaline Trace minerals of specific kinds, and these are Poisionous to take, so just because a little works, beware a lot may Kill you if you do not understand and take too much of the wrong kind of Herb!! Now to the discussion about Distilled water being acidic. For those of you who do not understand Bio-organic chemistry , let alone just plain chemistry, very much as it seems to be wide spread in this forum, may I suggest some pointers, or some basics to use as a foundation to understand this problem of discussion about distilled water. I mean this in a kind informing way, not in some (you folks are crazy) kinda way, but to hopefully help you understand how to know how solve your own problems , when you gain some basic understanding of the Facts involved. Acidic content is determined purely by the concentration of how much Hydrogen is involved in the product and or

solution. So distilled water , which has all of it's mineral salts removed from the Hydrogen and the Oxygen , is naturally going to be acid forming, as it has two times the Hydrogen in each molecule than it has Oxygen!! This is just Fact!!! When one adds any kind of Alkaline mineral salt to the water and allows the water to absorb this Alkaline mineral salt, then the water loses it's acid potential as the Hydrogen becomes neutralized by the alkaline minerals. This is all that takes place when one allows eggshells to disolve in the water and or silver to do like wise and or any other Alkaline mineral to do likewise!! Our body gains it's energy to work and to play, purely from the release of energy between the chemical reactions which are created between the acids and the bases, which react against each other in our digestive system and or any other part of our body and or

external environmental conditions, whether they be of an Acidic and or Alkaline nature. If our body is too acidic as is often the case, then if we eat foods which create more acids instead of supplying foods which contain high amounts of Alkaline minerals, then we become sick and Diseased and wonder why!! But if we will change our Diets and learn to eat only natural fresh foods which contain high amounts of Alkaline minerals, which then may react against the acids produced in our stomach and release large amounts of Healthy energy, which will make us feel good, and we may then be Healthy and Happy!! Smile Tis your choice now. herbal remedies , "Dr. Ian Shillington" <DocShillington@K...> wrote:>> Dear Jasmina,> > This is awesome, and true hard core research. I'm very proud of you.> > I have heard of the Silver

in the water barrel trick. When pioneers were crossing the prairies, they'd put a silver dollar into their water barrels, and now we know why. Most of the water they used in those days was "rain" water which is of course distilled and therefore somewhat acidic when exposed to air. When children are born nowadays, nurses put Silver Nitrate into the eyes of the newborn to handle bacteria and viruses. Even the Medicos have somewhat of a handle on this Silver thing.> > Your egg shells in the water is brilliant. A great idea. People can either buy distilled water or make their own and handle this acid problem by using egg shells. I love it. > > Because distilled water is empty, it will absorb CO2 = Carbon Dioxide and become Carbonic Acid. As you have found, much of the distilled water from commercial manufacturers produce a product that is too acid. The

solution is to make your own or as in your case, add the egg shells. I've had my own distilleries for so long I sometimes forget that the other sources are sometimes in question.> > You did very well to do your own testing.> > In Health and Love,> > Doc> > Doc Shillington> 727-447-5282> Doc@A...> - > Jasmina Alisic > herbal remedies > Friday, January 06, 2006 12:30 PM> Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver> > > I went to one international food store in my area to buy distilled water. One man asked me why I am taking that water. I said I am drinking. And he said Oh, I thought you are making silver water. He is from Russia. I looked at him and wanted to hear more. He said that he has years

research with silver water, and everybody can make with distilled water not even using electricity. He said it is enough to put real silver think in distilled water and silver would bi dissolved over time. And you have very fine silver water. I did not try. But I tried something else this week. Because I tested all distilled waters in my area and I found them all very acid, I tried to make them less acid. I tried with sea salt. It didn't work. But I put egg shells from the eggs that I put in my Total Nutrition every morning. I washed them, took of inner lining and dry them very good. Then I put them in a jar with distilled water and measured pH this morning. It was much better. So I need Docs thinking on this, or he probably already knows this.> Regards> jasmina> > "Dr. Ian Shillington" <DocShillington@K...> wrote:> Dear

Malissa,> I checked the site out and found it amusing.> I'm still in the primary stages of my own investigations so can make no comment.> Since I'm still my own favorite guiney pig, and still have to wait a bit before doing any testing, the list will have to wait a while for my own personal take on it.> Rob is sold on the stuff and I trust his observations and the testing he's done, so I'd definitely recommend you go ahead and do your own investigations into CS and not back off from trying it.> You can bet that I will be in the not too distant future.> In Health and Love,> Doc> PS. I'll be investigating ALL of the metal colloids including but not limited to: Copper, Platinum, Gold and

Rhodium. :-)> > Doc Shillington> 727-447-5282> Doc@A...> - > Malissa Owings > herbal remedies > Thursday, December 29, 2005 8:13 PM> Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver> > > Doc, I ran across this web site when researching CS, http://preventionforever.com/silver.htm, would you and any in the group check it out and let me know what you think???? Thanks..> Love & Happiness> Malissa>

> "Dr. Ian Shillington" <DocShillington@K...> wrote:> Dear Sara,> This is interesting.> Earlier, Rob mentioned that CS assists in killing off parasites.> One of the first byproducts of killing off parasites is soft runny doo doo as you so aptly put. ROTFLOL> The final test of this is whether or not the diarrhea is lessening over a weeks time at the large dosage.> Another test for me to make. :-)> In Health and Love,> Doc>

> Doc Shillington> 727-447-5282> Doc@A...> - > Sara > herbal remedies > Thursday, December 29, 2005 12:14 PM> Re: Herbal Remedies - Colloidal Silver> > > OK... I have to jump in here. > I've been taking and making CS for a few years - there is a little problem if you

'over do' ... you do actually OVER DOO! You'll get loose stools/diarrhea if you take too much for what your system can handle. It's a diuretic so it leeches fluids from your body - so you HAVE to drink a lot more H2O when you take it. BUT! Fear not! Just back off and you'll go back to normal post haste!> > Sara in AZ> > Raine <rainelovesj@s...> wrote:> Hiya Doc,> > I'm not worried about getting too much because as long as what I'm making is electrically isolated (colloidal) silver, there is no harm to be done. > You can

always test what you're producing with various meters to get a good idea of the ppm but from my understanding you will generally produce a *clear* 5-25 ppm.> > -Raine> > Dr. Ian Shillington wrote: > "Goes" is good. :-)> Are you not worried about getting too much???> I know with herbs, for the most part, if you take too much you just usually puke.> Does colloidal silver have its own safety

valve???> Doc> > Doc Shillington> 727-447-5282> Doc@A...>

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herbal remedies , The Wrong Hands

Hi Dennis, I am sorry you are unable to read correctly, for where

did I state what you said I said??


Futher more if you took True Colloidal Silver and Had it Totally

and Completely analysised, you would find that it indeed contains

Trace amounts of other Trace minerals which make it a compound of

minerals salts and a complete little Solar system in it's self as I



It would be better if you refrained from making statements you do

not fully understand.


Smile Tis your choice!


<with_favas_bean> wrote:

> hi,

> may i reclarify the clarity?

> silver salts and mineralized silver are definately NOT colloidal


> Dennis


> imoreless <duze24@b...> wrote:


> There is a difference between True Colloidal Silver and Silver

> water!

> Colloidal silver is silver bound in as a compound with other

> mineral salts in a form whereas the silver will not settle out of


> solution and or the compound it is in, and this compound form is


> small in size as a very small solar system in it's self.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Tabby,


Personally, I'm not a fan of colloidal silver. It has some drawbacks

and considering your sons age and condition, I would avoid it.


I like NutriBiotics GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). It's far less

expensive, just as effective (if not more) and doesn't have some of

the drawbacks of Colloidal Silver.


Natural anti-biotics work best at the very early signs of an

infection. Sounds like your little guy has full blown strep and he

just might need more.


Hope he's feeling much better soon.




Hi i was wandering if anyone knew anything about colloidal silver?

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Hi Tabby,

My whole family has been using colloidal silver for many years. Yes

it will definately help your son's strep. We have generators and make

our own silver and use it regularly. It is much cheaper that way than

buying it at the health food store. Colloidal silver kills over 600

different kinds of bacteria within minutes. I have found it very safe

to use with no side affects. I have never known anyone who took

silver that ever turned grey. I also use silver in my pets drinking

water to keep them healthy as well. I hope this helps you.


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I'm new to this group but have used holistic cures for years & do

continual research.


Would you please list the drawbacks & sources for colloidal silver.


We have used our homemade CS for over 10 yrs. with never a problem &

never a visit to a MD. My children are now 11 & 8. We treat all virus,

bacteria & fungus with CS for people, animals & plants.





To ALL who share our circle †" our universe, our love, our trust.

May I always be found worthy.


Gratitude & Thankfulness to All of Us

a SoaringHawk


Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first

or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with joy & glory.


Thank you for YOU, Michelle!





herbal remedies , " michelle " <michellegluth



> Hi Tabby,


> Personally, I'm not a fan of colloidal silver. It has some drawbacks

> and considering your sons age and condition, I would avoid it.


> I like NutriBiotics GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). It's far less

> expensive, just as effective (if not more) and doesn't have some of

> the drawbacks of Colloidal Silver.


> Natural anti-biotics work best at the very early signs of an

> infection. Sounds like your little guy has full blown strep and he

> just might need more.


> Hope he's feeling much better soon.

> Michelle



> Hi i was wandering if anyone knew anything about colloidal silver?


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so how many ppms would i use on a four year old? and could you recomend a brand i could buy at a health store, i cant make my own.


On 5/24/06, aSoaringHawk <aSoaringHawk wrote:

I'm new to this group but have used holistic cures for years & docontinual research.Would you please list the drawbacks & sources for colloidal silver.

We have used our homemade CS for over 10 yrs. with never a problem & never a visit to a MD. My children are now 11 & 8. We treat all virus,bacteria & fungus with CS for people, animals & plants.

Thanks!Radiating UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & TruthTo ALL who share our circle †" our universe, our love, our trust.May I always be found worthy.Gratitude & Thankfulness to All of Us

a SoaringHawkLook at everything as though you were seeing it either for the firstor last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with joy & glory.Thank you for YOU, Michelle!

herbal remedies , " michelle " <michellegluthwrote:>> Hi Tabby,>> Personally, I'm not a fan of colloidal silver. It has some drawbacks

> and considering your sons age and condition, I would avoid it.>> I like NutriBiotics GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). It's far less> expensive, just as effective (if not more) and doesn't have some of

> the drawbacks of Colloidal Silver.>> Natural anti-biotics work best at the very early signs of an> infection. Sounds like your little guy has full blown strep and he> just might need more.

>> Hope he's feeling much better soon.> Michelle>>> Hi i was wandering if anyone knew anything about colloidal silver?>

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Osiyo Oginali!

Hello My Friends!


Please do not be duped into believing all the negative hype about CS (colloidal silver).


These negative's are probably instigated by the giant pharma companies whom cannot make any giant profits on it.


There are eleven cases of recorded argyria, the only known negative to silver. All cases appear to have been taking silver nitrate in one form or another. Yes consumption of silver metal can cause argyria, but the quantity is very high compared to CS. CS is an Ionic/Colloidal silver solution in the parts per million (ppm) range with silver particles in the 1-9 nanometer range therefore you would have to drink 100 gallons a day to get a 100th (1/100 = 0.01) of a gram of silver metal particles.


I have used CS (homemade) internally for over a year now with absolutely no ill effects. CS kills all pathogens on contact, viral and bacterial.

I drink it for digestive help. Kills food poisoning and excess yeast (Candida). I know of some people that drink a quart a day to flush their digestive system.

I use it after I brush to kill any left over gum or cavity disease carriers. I only brush with bicarbonate of soda (baking soda). .

I cure sore throats and swollen tonsils immediately by drinking a couple of ounces - maybe twice to get it all.

I use my CS on any open wound and it never gets infected. Stops paper cut pains on contact.

I cured my own conjunctivitis (pink eye) in two days.

My Grand Daughter uses it on her facial acne like zits. Applies CS at night and gone by morning.

I use it on fever blisters (type of herpes) that I do not catch with massive doses of L-Lysine (4 grams twice daily for two days for total cure).

I use it to cure toenail fungus (soak the toe) and drink it to cure internal Candida.

I use it in a nasal atomizer to cure sinus fungus.


The list can go on and on and on.


Silver metal is used by NASA and all the world's Navy's in their onboard fresh water systems to kill any possibility of bacterial infections. (Why don't we hear about this?)

Almost 50 years ago, while in the US Navy, I was dosed with a silver solution (colloidal or ionic) on any open wounds, scrapes, cuts, etc) and never had any negative results.


There is an online colloidlasilver2 that has 5000 members that use CS daily without any negative results and can/will solidly refute any and all negative hype..


Now after all this wonderful CS positive news I would need to warn everyone that we are each unique individuals and what works for me may be poison to your body.


LoveBobAdageyudiStaya Udanvti



"michelle" michellegluth Wed May 24, 2006 11:53am(PDT) Re: COLLOIDAL SILVERHi Tabby,Personally, I'm not a fan of colloidal silver. It has some drawbacks and considering your sons age and condition, I would avoid it. I like NutriBiotics GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). It's far less expensive, just as effective (if not more) and doesn't have some of the drawbacks of Colloidal Silver.Natural anti-biotics work best at the very early signs of an infection. Sounds like your little guy has full blown strep and he just might need more. Hope he's feeling much better soon.MichelleHi i was wandering if anyone knew anything about colloidal silver?

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I also don't like the stuff as it is basically a liquid chemo that is why it works so well for is many. but it's not good at all. not all things natural are good. but a lot of it is. :)





herbal remedies

Monday, May 22, 2006 12:46 PM

[lists] Herbal Remedies - Re: COLLOIDAL SILVER

Hi Tabby,Personally, I'm not a fan of colloidal silver. It has some drawbacks and considering your sons age and condition, I would avoid it. I like NutriBiotics GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). It's far less expensive, just as effective (if not more) and doesn't have some of the drawbacks of Colloidal Silver.Natural anti-biotics work best at the very early signs of an infection. Sounds like your little guy has full blown strep and he just might need more. Hope he's feeling much better soon.MichelleHi i was wandering if anyone knew anything about colloidal silver?



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In a message dated 5/28/2006 2:39:02 P.M. Central Daylight Time, Sstuck writes:

doesn't have some of the drawbacks of Colloidal Silver.


>>>>i use that alot, what are the drawbacks?



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I'm sorry Stuck, but

this is completely untrue. Colloidal (Electrically Isolated) Silver is

nothing even remotely like "liquid chemo". Here is an excellent

resource covering what CS is and what it does;



If you personally choose not to use CS that is absolutely your choice,

but passing along false information helps no one.




Stuck wrote:


I also don't like

the stuff as it is basically a liquid chemo that is why it works so

well for is many. but it's not good at all. not all things natural are

good. but a lot of it is. :)






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Hi all,


Please help, I would like to stop taking ARVs can anybody tell me a substitute












Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy.

3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and to

prescribe for your own health.

We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as

they behave themselves.

Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person

following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk.

It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list

members, you are agreeing to

be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members

free of any liability.


Dr. Ian Shillington

Doctor of Naturopathy



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Please list your sources for your belief. I'd like to pass that on to

a couple groups I belong to that have been working with CS for several


These lists have researchers representing most areas of technology.


They have debunked every claim against CS.


I have personally used CS for over 10 yrs. Make myself for pennies! I

treat plants, animals (aren't we all animals lol) for every virus,

bacteria & fungus that comes along.


What happens if you get a virus or infection & don't effectively treat


Your body dies!!! CS Works!! No side effects.





To ALL who share our circle †" our universe, our love, our trust.

May I always be found worthy.


Gratitude & Thankfulness to All of Us

a SoaringHawk


Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first

or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with joy & glory.


Thank you for YOU!




herbal remedies , " Stuck " <Sstuck wrote:


> I also don't like the stuff as it is basically a liquid chemo that

is why it works so well for is many. but it's not good at all. not all

things natural are good. but a lot of it is. :)

> Stuck

> -

> michelle

> herbal remedies

> Monday, May 22, 2006 12:46 PM

> [lists] Herbal Remedies - Re: COLLOIDAL SILVER



> Hi Tabby,


> Personally, I'm not a fan of colloidal silver. It has some drawbacks

> and considering your sons age and condition, I would avoid it.


> I like NutriBiotics GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). It's far less

> expensive, just as effective (if not more) and doesn't have some of

> the drawbacks of Colloidal Silver.


> Natural anti-biotics work best at the very early signs of an

> infection. Sounds like your little guy has full blown strep and he

> just might need more.


> Hope he's feeling much better soon.

> Michelle



> Hi i was wandering if anyone knew anything about colloidal silver?




Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

> 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

> 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any

natural remedy.

> 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own

physician and to

> prescribe for your own health.

> We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here

as long as

> they behave themselves.

> Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and

any person

> following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own


> It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or

products from list members, you are agreeing to

> be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner

and members free of any liability.


> Dr. Ian Shillington

> Doctor of Naturopathy

> Dr.IanShillington





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