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kidney stones

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Butch wrote:

And its a well-known fact that nagging wimmen cause men to have kidney

stones .. though sometimes when they start screaming and such some can

get high enough to shatter them so I reckon it all balances out.


Kidney stones, we cause em...Hmmm...lol


Hell, thanks for at least NOT blaming Canada for it...LOL


Did the kidney stones originate in Canada?

Sorry, lol...

Happy New Year to one and all.








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Hi Chris,

I hope hubby feels better soon, I had them and they HURT! but I hear

its more painful for men.

Have a wonderful New Year!





Yesterday hubby was diagnosed with a kidney stone and accompanying


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> Kidney stones, we cause em...Hmmm...lol


> Hell, thanks for at least NOT blaming Canada for it...LOL


> Did the kidney stones originate in Canada?

> Sorry, lol...

> Happy New Year to one and all.


> Carol


Only Mad Kidney Stones, Carol ;-p



Chris (list mom)

h <http://www.alittleolfactory.com> ttp://www.alittleolfactory.com





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Hey Carol,


> Men, they never listen....lol


You got that right. And when they get older they become selectively deaf

- like my Grandfather, can't hear a thing you say, unless you're in the

next room whispering about him or something he wants to talk about *lol*



> Of course not .. cause we're never wrong .. and we don't never get


> either .. that's why we don't waste time asking for directions.


Oh yeah, we ALL know that goes with men ;-p


> Besides .. its all that danged health food whut makes kidney stones


> the first place. Folks whut drink Bourbon don't have them ..


> cleans out the kidneys .. every five or ten minutes usually. ;-p


No, didn't you see, it is BEER that makes folks not have them .. Anya

posted the proof!



> And its a well-known fact that nagging wimmen cause men to have


stones .. though sometimes when they start screaming and such some can

get high enough to shatter them so I reckon it all balances out.




> Tell him, Good luck with the stones, I will send him positive energy..



Thank you Carol :)


> Same here ... leastways he won't have to eat no danged Health Food


> New Year ..


Just has to be sure to drink more water. And we don't eat " health food "

here. I prepare whole foods in a most awesome manner.


> hoping he feels better soon. Chris .. might do well if Jim

> has a bit of bourbon .. like I said .. screaming wimmens have been


> to shatter cast iron cookware .. and kidney stones. ;-p


> Happy New Year to you all !

> Carol


> Agree .. and Chris .. my best wishes to you and yours .. tell Jim


> rooting for him to get well quick ..



I'll pass along your well wishes :) Thank you.


> and also to have a shot or three of

> good ol' Kentucky Bourbon. :-) Butch


Nah, even the conventional doc said no alcohol for Jim right now - and

when the holistic doc and conventional doc both agree on something, then

by golly, it just might be right ;)




Chris (list mom)









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Thank you Gea,


happy New Year to you too, and may no kidney stones be in the forecast

for 2004 - for anyone!



Chris (list mom)







Hi Chris,

I hope hubby feels better soon, I had them and they HURT! but I hear

its more painful for men.

Have a wonderful New Year!







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  • 1 year later...



Check out Doc's Kidney Stone Dissolve Formula and tea - it's in the files on the groups website.

I have personally very successfully used it!!







herbal remedies

Friday, September 30, 2005 10:02 PM

Herbal Remedies - Kidney Stones

Hello, I've been a member for some time but have never posted. I have learned so much reading posts and appreciate you being here.I wonder if you can help me with a problem I'm having?Last night I spent most of the night in the emergency room with a very painful kidney stone. I suspected several weeks ago that I was having problems in that area and tried a kidney flush. It made me so sick I gave it up and started drinking watermelon seed tea and corn silk tea. Is there any other herbs or natural things I could be doing? Thank you for your help. :) tang

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Found it and will give it a try. Thanks Lisa :) tang



herbal remedies , " Lisa de Haas " <lisa@l...>


> Tang,


> Check out Doc's Kidney Stone Dissolve Formula and tea - it's in the

files on the groups website.

> I have personally very successfully used it!!


> love

> Lisa

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doc has a wonderful Kidney Stone Dissolve tincture and tea. Check it out in the files.





trisha joradarn


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:11 PM

Herbal Remedies - kidney stones


I was wondering if you know of anything that I could use for kidney stones?

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I was wondering if you know of anything that I could use for kidney stones?




I read somewhere....can't remember off the top of my head....that eating pumpkin seeds helps dissolve or prevent kidney stones. Perhaps do a search on the web regarding pumpkin seeds and kidney stones, and see what you come up with.


HTH a bit,






Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.12.4/146 - Release 10/21/2005

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I haven't tried Chanca Piedra, and don't know anyone that has. But I found

it interesting when I read about it recently.





" C. Lucas " <clucas


> I was wondering if you know of anything that I could use for kidney stones?


> Trisha,


> I read somewhere....can't remember off the top of my head....that eating

> pumpkin seeds helps dissolve or prevent kidney stones. Perhaps do a

> search on the web regarding pumpkin seeds and kidney stones, and see what

> you come up with.


> HTH a bit,

> Candy

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Thanks so much! I will look it up then.


Trisha"C. Lucas" <clucas wrote:


I was wondering if you know of anything that I could use for kidney stones?




I read somewhere....can't remember off the top of my head....that eating pumpkin seeds helps dissolve or prevent kidney stones. Perhaps do a search on the web regarding pumpkin seeds and kidney stones, and see what you come up with.


HTH a bit,

CandyVersion: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.12.4/146 - Release 10/21/2005

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In a message dated 10/30/2005 1:41:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,



Sun, 30 Oct 2005 09:17:16 -0600

" Sofia Watts " <sofia1026

Kidney Stones



Hi All

Does anyone know of a home remedy for passing this lil devils ?

My husband has been in severe pain for two days and we have made 2 trips to

the emergency room, we cant afford to go again .

Please any help would be great.







>>> Usually a sign of out of balance Ca/Mg with not enough Magnesium.


Try _www.lithonal.com_ (http://www.lithonal.com)




" The Basil Book "





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This is not a home remedy, but it might do

the trick.

The name of the Amazon herb Chanca Piedra

literally means Stone Breaker.


I have heard of people using the tincture

Envirozon, which has a lot of Chanca Piedra,

to avoid trips to the ER.


You can also get pure tincture of Chanca Piedra

from http://rain-tree.com

It will be cheaper.


Rain-tree is an awesome website, I wish the one

I have from AHC was half as good.


Ien in the Kootenays


Stop. Breathe. Smile!

~Padma ( my TV yoga teacher)

See my smiling face:














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, " Sofia Watts " <sofia1026@c...> wrote:



> Hi Sofia, over a month ago I spent a whole day and half the night in the e.r

with my husband. they found kidney stones and we were told to go home and wait

with a bottle of pain meds. I was already preparing to go on Hulda Clarke's

kidney cleanse and had all of the ingredinents. I gave him 4 white willow bark

caps and cooked up her herbs with black cherry concentrate and golden rod

tincture along with the parley water it seems to work within a short time he

wasn't in pain and could walk again. We never saw any stones but I think they

must have dissloved. He has gone back for a follow up and they can't find any.

He stayed on her program for 30 days. I use her cleanses in her book " cure for

all cancers " The liver flush has worked wonders for me. I will be more than

happy to give you her ingredients if you are interested. thanks charli

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There are herbs that can help, if I remember correctly some are gravel

root and juniper. I think uva ursii is too, but I'm not sure.


Steph }:o)

" A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. "







Hi All

Does anyone know of a home remedy for passing this lil devils ?

My husband has been in severe pain for two days and we have made 2

trips to

the emergency room, we cant afford to go again .

Please any help would be great.


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  • 1 year later...
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I would guess that since cherry juice helps gout which is caused by

insufficient kidney function that it would help with kidney stones-also I've

heard folic acid too helps.



> " Tina " <mommyon731



> kidney stones

>Fri, 30 Mar 2007 18:37:13 -0000


>Can anyone point me to some good literature/products to help with

>kidney stones. I'm at my wits end trying to find something that might





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, " Tina "

<mommyon731 wrote:


> Can anyone point me to some good literature/products to help with

> kidney stones. I'm at my wits end trying to find something that

might work.


> Thanks,

> Tina



People who are prone to kidney stones should limit their caffeine

intake. When investigators gave people with a history of kidney

stones a dose of caffeine equivalent to that found in two cups of


they began to 'excrete' more calcium in their urine, putting them

at increased risk of forming kidney stones.

Recent studies suggest that the incidence of kidney stones is

increasing, both in the U.S. and worldwide, and data compiled by

researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, suggest that

diabetes may be a predisposing factor, particularly for kidney

stones composed of uric acid.


Overweight individuals are more likely to have more acidic urine,

as measured by a lower urinary pH, along with an increased risk of

uric acid kidney stones. Low fluid intake is another cause of kidney

stone. Excessive caffeine intake increases calcium excretion through the

kidneys, increasing the likelihood of a stone.


For kidney stones that contain uric acid, a diet low in meat and

poultry is recommended, because these foods increase the level of

uric acid in the urine.

Following a diet low in animal protein ( reduce milk, yogurt,ice

cream and cheese) along with a low salt and sodium diet helps reduce

the recurrence of calcium oxalate stones.


Most people with calcium stones have a condition called

hypercalciuria, in which excess calcium is excreted in the urine.

Drinking large amounts of fluids--8 glasses of pure water a day--

with no tap water--is recommended.


Potassium citrate may be given to make the urine alkaline, because

uric acid stones form when urine acidity increases


Individuals with either calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate

kidney stones should not take extra calcium according to researchers

at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Articles published by UT

Southwestern researchers in the November

issue of Kidney International and the December issue of the Journal

of Urology showed that urinary calcium - the amount of calcium in a

person's urine - is an important contributing factor in the

formation of various types of kidney stones. Earlier studies had downplayed the

significance of calcium when

compared to the levels of oxalate in urine, and even encouraged

kidney stone patients to increase their dietary intake of calcium.


Those with kidney stones often tell us they have

been advised to take more calcium; however, that could be a

dangerous recommendation for some individuals according to Dr.

Margaret Pearle, author of the first study, professor of urology and

internal medicine at UT Southwestern.

" We realize that urinary calcium has

about the same influence as urinary oxalate in calcium oxalate

kidney stone formation, and we may want to recommend calcium

restriction in those with moderately to severely elevated urinary calcium

levels, " she said.

A high level of oxalate in the urine may result from excess consumption of foods

such as cocoa and chocolate or from intestinal disorders.


Blessings, JoAnn

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I wish nobody to have to go thru having a kidney stone, for me it was worst than

laboring my 2 boys.


I had developed kidney stones 3 times in one year, why... well one big reason

was not drinking enough. I was slightly dehydrated each time I went to the

hospital. I was told that most of the time calcium stones are due to

dehydration so please make sure you are drinking enough. I have to every day

write down how much I drink because I tend to not drink because I don't feel

like it.


Another cause my because of higher levels of calcium in the blood. I've done

some research on lack of magnesium or deficiency of can cause kidney stones.

For me I ended up with kidney stones whenever I supplemented with cal/mag

supplements. I was not sure why. I had my blood calcium tested and it was

higher than normal. My doctor said my magnesium levels where low and I was

supplemented thru IV solution right there in the hospital.


I am not sure if magnesium is what you need or not, but it something you search

research. I now can savely take calcium and magnesium and what I did to be able

to do this and after a year and half and no kidneys stones this is what I did.


I stopped taking my calcium/mag supplements. I purchased natural calm and used

it nightly for 1 month straight to help balance my calcium/mag levels. After my

magnesium bottle (liquid) was gone I switched over to liquid cal/mag. Plus I

had an added bonus of the magnesium... I had insomnia for over 6 months and

believe me within 2 weeks of taking the magnesium I was sleeping 7-8 hours non

waking. For me I know this works. I'm not sure if would help you or not, but it

is worth looking into and researching. Also, remember to make sure you drink,

drink drink.


Here are some helpful links below for you to look over







http://www.therootofthematter.ca/cgi-bin/itsmy/go.exe?page=32 & domain=12 & webdir=t\




c+kidney+stones+and+lack+of+magnesium & hl=en & ct=clnk & cd=9 & gl=us


JoAnn Guest <angelprincessjo wrote:

, " Tina "

<mommyon731 wrote:


> Can anyone point me to some good literature/products to help with

> kidney stones. I'm at my wits end trying to find something that

might work.


> Thanks,

> Tina


People who are prone to kidney stones should limit their caffeine

intake. When investigators gave people with a history of kidney

stones a dose of caffeine equivalent to that found in two cups of


they began to 'excrete' more calcium in their urine, putting them

at increased risk of forming kidney stones.

Recent studies suggest that the incidence of kidney stones is

increasing, both in the U.S. and worldwide, and data compiled by

researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, suggest that

diabetes may be a predisposing factor, particularly for kidney

stones composed of uric acid.










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I am on the Trying_low_oxalates list,


for people who have a hard time with dietary oxalates. I get

muscle cramping and skin eruptions from excess oxalates. Others get

renal stones. Some get real problems with moods and temper (like

Autistic children). On that list, they suggest taking Calcium

Cirtate 10 minutes prior to each meal, to cause calcium oxalate to

crystalize out in the gut before it gets absobed thru the intestine.

Calcium Oxalate then dumps into the stool. Best to take Calcium

citrate which has no vitamin D, so it is absorbed thru the gut far

less efficiently.




On 4/5/07, JoAnn Guest <angelprincessjo wrote:

> Individuals with either calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate

> kidney stones should not take extra calcium according to researchers

> at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Articles published by UT

Southwestern researchers in the November

> issue of Kidney International and the December issue of the Journal

> of Urology showed that urinary calcium - the amount of calcium in a

> person's urine - is an important contributing factor in the

> formation of various types of kidney stones. Earlier studies had downplayed

the significance of calcium when

> compared to the levels of oxalate in urine, and even encouraged

> kidney stone patients to increase their dietary intake of calcium.

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  • 2 years later...
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Hydrangea root tea.


RickMay 25, 2009 03:45:00 PM, herbal remedies wrote:





My dad informed yesterday that he has kidney stones. He has been drinking lots of water and has been taking shots of olive oil and the juice of squeezed lemons. I've read eating grapes & cornsilk. Is this the right thing to do? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I know that Doc has some teas, tincture and a kidney/bladder formula. I plan on calling the office again when it is open before placing the order. I am wondering if there is something he can do until he recieves the order. The MD gave him pain pills which he has not used yet. Thanks in advance for any input!! ~gretchen

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distilled water and order Doc's products Have a Happy and Healthy Day,Gina Kopera M.H.© Copyright 2007 www.GinasCorner.com . All rights reserved | Privacy Policy WARNING: None of the above statements have been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association. The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a

substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider before using any herbal products. sheagrace <gpconwayherbal remedies Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 10:31:17

AM{Herbal Remedies} Kidney Stones


My dad informed yesterday that he has kidney stones. He has been drinking lots of water and has been taking shots of olive oil and the juice of squeezed lemons. I've read eating grapes & cornsilk. Is this the right thing to do? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I know that Doc has some teas, tincture and a kidney/bladder formula. I plan on calling the office again when it is open before placing the order. I am wondering if there is something he can do until he recieves the order. The MD gave him pain pills which he has not used yet. Thanks in advance for any input!! ~gretchen

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There are frequencies for that. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs could also


There is some remedy involving coco cola, which apparently will help to

dissolve the stones. I can look it up for you if you'd like.






" sheagrace " <gpconway

<herbal remedies >

Sunday, May 24, 2009 8:31 AM

{Herbal Remedies} Kidney Stones



> My dad informed yesterday that he has kidney stones. He has been drinking

> lots of water and has been taking shots of olive oil and the juice of

> squeezed lemons. I've read eating grapes & cornsilk. Is this the right

> thing to do? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I know that Doc has

> some teas, tincture and a kidney/bladder formula. I plan on calling the

> office again when it is open before placing the order. I am wondering if

> there is something he can do until he recieves the order. The MD gave him

> pain pills which he has not used yet. Thanks in advance for any input!!

> ~gretchen




> ---


> Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

> 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

> 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural

> remedy.

> 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and

> to

> prescribe for your own health.

> We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long

> as

> they behave themselves.

> Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any

> person

> following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk.

> It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from

> list members, you are agreeing to

> be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and

> members free of any liability.


> Dr. Ian Shillington

> Doctor of Naturopathy

> Dr.IanShillington! Groups Links




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hi there, sorry for the late response. there are some things you csan do to get rid of the stones.


just do any 1 of the following or you can try all.


+To dissolve kidney stone take a mixture of juice of spinach with honey or sugar to taste.

+Take carrot juice 3-4 times a day to break the kidney or bladder stone.

+Swallowing ground seeds of carrot with water also breaks stones and throws them out+Taking 1 cup juice of radish 3-4 times a day and chewing its fresh leaves or taking radish seed water (35 g seed which is still inside the pod boiled in ½ litre of water till it is reduced to half) for a few days helps break and throw out stones

+Grind and drink juice of the root of papaya tree to break stones

+Grapes are good in breaking kidney



please note that these remedies are time tested by indian yogis with positive results.


all the best.


nirmal singh



--- On Mon, 5/25/09, sheagrace <gpconway wrote:

sheagrace <gpconway{Herbal Remedies} Kidney Stonesherbal remedies Date: Monday, May 25, 2009, 3:31 AM



My dad informed yesterday that he has kidney stones. He has been drinking lots of water and has been taking shots of olive oil and the juice of squeezed lemons. I've read eating grapes & cornsilk. Is this the right thing to do? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I know that Doc has some teas, tincture and a kidney/bladder formula. I plan on calling the office again when it is open before placing the order. I am wondering if there is something he can do until he recieves the order. The MD gave him pain pills which he has not used yet. Thanks in advance for any input!! ~gretchen

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Guest guest

hi there, sorry for the late response. there are some things you csan do to get rid of the stones.


just do any 1 of the following or you can try all.


+To dissolve kidney stone take a mixture of juice of spinach with honey or sugar to taste.

+Take carrot juice 3-4 times a day to break the kidney or bladder stone.

+Swallowing ground seeds of carrot with water also breaks stones and throws them out+Taking 1 cup juice of radish 3-4 times a day and chewing its fresh leaves or taking radish seed water (35 g seed which is still inside the pod boiled in ½ litre of water till it is reduced to half) for a few days helps break and throw out stones

+Grind and drink juice of the root of papaya tree to break stones

+Grapes are good in breaking kidney



please note that these remedies are time tested by indian yogis with positive results.


all the best.


nirmal singh



--- On Mon, 5/25/09, sheagrace <gpconway wrote:

sheagrace <gpconway{Herbal Remedies} Kidney Stonesherbal remedies Date: Monday, May 25, 2009, 3:31 AM



My dad informed yesterday that he has kidney stones. He has been drinking lots of water and has been taking shots of olive oil and the juice of squeezed lemons. I've read eating grapes & cornsilk. Is this the right thing to do? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I know that Doc has some teas, tincture and a kidney/bladder formula. I plan on calling the office again when it is open before placing the order. I am wondering if there is something he can do until he recieves the order. The MD gave him pain pills which he has not used yet. Thanks in advance for any input!! ~gretchen

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