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> and now it is

> 161 over 109. Still VERY high. If I were pregnant I would be admitted

> to a hospital. Grr. But since I am not, it appears no one but me cares

> whether or not I have a stroke. Can anyone help? Any suggestions?

> Thanks!

> Becca



I've read Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar can lower blood pressure. Also,

cutting sodium can help, but it should be very beneficial to replace regular

'supermarket' salt with Real Salt. It's pinkish looking, and supplies over

50 minerals that you body needs.


Also, if you don't drink enough water, adding more water to your daily

regimen should help some as well.


HTH a bit,








Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.10.7/70 - Release 8/11/2005

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Thanks SO much! As a matter of fact, I drink a LOT of water! I drink

a minimum of 5 20 ounce bottles every day. That is not because I just

DO, but because I am ALWAYS thirsty. Doctors tested my thyroid. No

problem. Sigh. I can't win these days. I watch my sodium intake very

carefully. Not just table salt, but on all packaged food as well. So

far nothing has worked except as a temporary placebo. Thanks for the

suggestions! I will definitely try them! (I sure do hope you didn't




herbal remedies , " C. Lucas " <clucas@t...>


> > and now it is

> > 161 over 109. Still VERY high. If I were pregnant I would be


> > to a hospital. Grr. But since I am not, it appears no one but me


> > whether or not I have a stroke. Can anyone help? Any suggestions?

> > Thanks!

> > Becca


> Becca,

> I've read Garlic and Apple Cider Vinegar can lower blood pressure.


> cutting sodium can help, but it should be very beneficial to

replace regular

> 'supermarket' salt with Real Salt. It's pinkish looking, and

supplies over

> 50 minerals that you body needs.


> Also, if you don't drink enough water, adding more water to your


> regimen should help some as well.


> HTH a bit,

> Candy




> --



> Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.10.7/70 - Release Date:


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Hi Rebecca,


Check out the reference on Cayenne tincture in the files on this groups website. Cayenne is THE herb for anything to do with blood, circulation, heart.







herbal remedies

Sunday, August 14, 2005 11:39 PM

Herbal Remedies - Blood pressure

I am new to this group. I was given a link to come here from my unschooling group when I asked this question.I had a stillborn baby in April, but since her birth I have had VERY high blood pressure.

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Here are some nutrient remedies I found on the web.

The one that I have heard about in more than one place

is magnesium. Since a lot of the food you can buy in

the market is devoid of nutrients, you might have to

use supplements.



Increasing calcium intake appears to possess a greater

blood pressure-lowering effect in hypertensive than

normotensive individuals. Scientists are attempting to

isolate the mechanism by which calcium appears to

lowers blood pressure. Studies have shown that calcium

may also reduce the risk of pregnancy-induced

hypertension and preeclampsia.

Leading Food Sources of calcium: Broccoli, Bok choy,

Milk, Amaranth, Salmon, Kale, Beans, dried, Cheese,

fresh, Tofu, Soybeans, Yogurt


flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil may help protect against high blood

pressure by inhibiting inflammatory reactions that

cause artery-hardening plaque and poor circulation.

Leading Food Sources of flaxseed oil: Oil, flaxseed



Several large double-blind clinical studies

demonstrate that garlic significantly lowers blood

pressure in people with hypertension.

Leading Food Sources of garlic: Garlic



Foods high in magnesium may help to lower blood

pressure. Magnesium plays a part in reducing elevated

blood pressure by relaxing the muscles that control

blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely.

Leading Food Sources of magnesium: Spinach, Avocados,

Chocolate, Pumpkin seeds, Oysters, Sunflower seeds,

Brazil nuts, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Almonds, Quinoa,



omega-3 fatty acids

Researchers theorize that omega-3 fatty acids foster

good circulation due in part to their alpha-linolenic

acid content. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids

makes blood platelets less likely to clump together

and form clots that lead to heart attacks.

Leading Food Sources of omega-3 fatty acids: Salmon,

Trout, Tuna



Potassium is an important dietary electrolyte that

helps maintain blood pressure levels. Studies indicate

that people who consume optimal amounts of foods high

in potassium generally have lower blood pressure than

those whose potassium intake is low.

Leading Food Sources of potassium: Beets, Bok choy,

Apricots, Pomegranates, Chocolate, Beans, dried,

Clams, Oranges, Water chestnuts, Tomatoes, Potatoes,

Quinoa, Cantaloupe, Bananas, Figs, Avocados, Yogurt,

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts


vitamin C

Vitamin C may widen blood vessels, thus helping to

lower blood pressure. Scientists speculate that

constricted arteries may be partly caused by the type

of cell damage that vitamin C corrects.

Leading Food Sources of vitamin C: Cabbage, red,

Peppers, bell, red, Tangerines & other mandarins,

Oranges, Kiwi fruit, Strawberries, Potatoes



<<Message: 16

Sun, 14 Aug 2005 22:39:29 -0000

" Rebecca " <alamom345

Blood pressure


I am new to this group. I was given a link to come

here from my

unschooling group when I asked this question.

I had a stillborn baby in April, but since her birth I

have had VERY

high blood pressure. I have gone to doctors, ER, etc,

but I am not

being taken seriously, and I am not sure why. Other

than I am in

Dallas, TX and no one seems to care about the " poor "

people here. There

is no recourse for those of us with no insurance here.

Not that I have

found anyway, that doesn't take HOURS of waiting in an

ER and then

being told to go on home because it isn't high. Sigh.

Ok, so my question is, besides watching salt intake,

is there any kind

of homeopathic or herbal pill/supplement, etc that I

can take that will

lower my BP naturally? It goes down for hours at a

time, but it ALWAYS

goes back up. It was 193 over 121 just a few hours

ago, and now it is

161 over 109. Still VERY high. If I were pregnant I

would be admitted

to a hospital. Grr. But since I am not, it appears no

one but me cares

whether or not I have a stroke. Can anyone help? Any








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I take all 3 of these regularly. I also drink over 1/2 my weight in

oz's of distilled water daily & take Celtic sea salt for minerals.

Very little caffeine, even though cardiologist wants me to drink more

to get heart rate up. [lowest resting rate has been 34 & normally

around 52]


I had to stop exercising for over a year due to bad back problems.

Just prior to stopping exercise I was going through cardiac re-hab

with supervised exercising for over a year. I have bradycardia [low

heart rate], and am 60 lbs. overweight. Yet my blood pressure has

always been in 117-122 over 66-72 range.


In the past 9 months it has been slowly climbing. It's nothing to my

doc because it is " only " 133-138 over 80-90 average. I know that is

not considered high - yet...borderline stinks imo & I can't figure

out why it is creeping up!


Could lack of exercise have that much effect? I have also lost 15

pounds S L O W L Y during this period. I was also told that

increasing B6 is good for lowering BP as well as eating lots of

celery [5-6 stalks daily], which I tried. Haven't seen much



I'll be watching for any further advice that might do the trick!






> Garlic helps emulsify plaque, equalizes blood pressure

> Evening Primrose oil promotes cardiovascular health

> and

> reduces high blood pressure

> Cayenne capsicum improves circulatory system, high

> blood pressure

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Lack of exercise may actually have that great of an effect. Because of your back I would try walking. Start off slowly and for as long as you can walk a few times a week. Don't push it. Your strength will build up over time. You may want to check into some back stretching exercises that can be very beneficial. When I was young I was hit by a drunk driver and suffered spinal truama the had me temporarily paralyzed. When I was able I found the back stretching exercises to be very helpful in pain mangament and in strengthening my back.



Laurareiki3gal <myrna1947 wrote:

I had to stop exercising for over a year due to bad back problems. Just prior to stopping exercise I was going through cardiac re-hab with supervised exercising for over a year. I have bradycardia [low heart rate], and am 60 lbs. overweight. Yet my blood pressure has always been in 117-122 over 66-72 range.In the past 9 months it has been slowly climbing. It's nothing to my doc because it is "only" 133-138 over 80-90 average. I know that is not considered high - yet...borderline stinks imo & I can't figure out why it is creeping up!Could lack of exercise have that much effect? I have also lost 15

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  • 11 months later...

raw garlic (fair amounts), also try the following: Magnesium supplements Cut out salt (this actually helps big time if you rally do it. The amount of added salt in fast food and prepared foods is extremely high). Start fast walking 5 times a week. When you can fast walk for 45 minutes, your BP should go down.julie davies <pootlebird wrote: hi all,is there anything you can take to lowerblood pressure,taju Be one of the first to try Windows Live Mail.

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#1 is drink more water. You might find the book Your Bodies Many Cries for Water very interesting Ginajulie davies <pootlebird wrote: hi all,is there anything you can take to lowerblood pressure,taju Be one of the first to try Windows Live Mail. Have a Happy and Healthy Day, Gina Kopera

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Yes, good book!!






Gina Kopera

herbal remedies

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:05 AM

Re: Herbal Remedies - blood pressure




#1 is drink more water. You might find the book Your Bodies Many Cries for Water very interesting


Ginajulie davies <pootlebird (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:



hi all,is there anything you can take to lowerblood pressure,taju


Be one of the first to try Windows Live Mail.

Have a Happy and Healthy Day,

Gina Kopera



Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Yes, yes, yes on Garlic ! Fresh, organic Garlic !

I second this completely.


Then we know a lot of people who use the Total Tonic recipe.

This is equal parts of organic Garlic, Ginger, Onion and Horseradish root in apple cider vinegar.

The recipe is in the files for more detail.








tony vergilatis

herbal remedies

Monday, August 14, 2006 6:07 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - blood pressure




raw garlic (fair amounts), also try the following:


Magnesium supplements

Cut out salt (this actually helps big time if you rally do it. The amount of added salt in fast food and prepared foods is extremely high).

Start fast walking 5 times a week. When you can fast walk for 45 minutes, your BP should go down.julie davies <pootlebird (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:



hi all,is there anything you can take to lowerblood pressure,taju


Be one of the first to try Windows Live Mail.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest



There is an excellent article on blood pressure on the

website of Dr. Ben Kim. I tiny-urled it for you.



Perhaps you can read it first, and get an idea of WHY

your blood pressure is high.


Potentially helpful herbs are Dandelion, bless its

ubiquitous heart, and hawthorn.

I can't imagine anyone suffering any harm from

taking Dandelion, but read this article first, please.


Ien in the Kootenays

http://freegreenliving.com (blog)

http://wildhealing.net (Rainforest Herbs)

http://wildwholefoods.net (AFA algae)






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I've had high bp off and on for a couple of years. At first I got it

back to normal by exercizing. Then that stopped working. Recently

went through a battery of tests - by BP was 194/90 (!!) -- the doc

put me on Benicar and it has done miracles for me - with no side

effect. High BP is genetic. And there are scads of different BP

meds if the one you're on doesn't work (Benicar is not one of the



If exercising doesn't help, and meditation, and you BP is really

high, try a BP med -- not good to have your BP high for a long time -

hard on the circulatory system.




, " Judith Lengendre "

<heven_scent wrote:


> Is there anything I can take naturally to lower my blood pressure?

> Mine is a little high now and then and when I take pills it drops


> much and I pass out most times ….


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Hi Judith,

You might want to take Magnesium and other mineral supplements.

PLEASE read the following book " The Magnesium Factor " by Mildred S

Seelig MD.


Many folks are deficient in Magnesium and their potassium, sodium

and calcium are all out of balance. Dr Seelig explains it better

than I ever could. Her book is easy to read and back with years of

research. A very natural solution.


Hope this helps. It's the way I've choosen and most of my family has

high blood pressure but not me (and I take magnesium).





, " Judith Lengendre "

<heven_scent wrote:


> Is there anything I can take naturally to lower my blood pressure?

> Mine is a little high now and then and when I take pills it drops


> much and I pass out most times ….


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Ty. I know I am low in potassium that is why I do the orange juice and parsley

thing, because water pills take away potassium and I get bad leg cramps, kick a

hole in the wall leg cramps in the night ... I also have a iron problem cant

take iron so I eat liver or I would be on restless leg pills another thing I was

put on and now I have a very bad stomach.. no more ..



-- Original Message -----


Monday, June 02, 2008 4:16 PM

Re: Blood pressure



Hi Judith,

You might want to take Magnesium and other mineral supplements.

PLEASE read the following book " The Magnesium Factor " by Mildred S

Seelig MD.


Many folks are deficient in Magnesium and their potassium, sodium

and calcium are all out of balance. Dr Seelig explains it better

than I ever could. Her book is easy to read and back with years of

research. A very natural solution.


Hope this helps. It's the way I've choosen and most of my family has

high blood pressure but not me (and I take magnesium).




, " Judith Lengendre "

<heven_scent wrote:


> Is there anything I can take naturally to lower my blood pressure?

> Mine is a little high now and then and when I take pills it drops


> much and I pass out most times ..








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I use a blend of carrot, neroli and rose oils for blood pressure. It usually

brings the levels down in 10 - 15 minutes. NaturalCalm magnesium powder is also

a great product for controlling blood pressure.

E ola pono,





" heven_scent " <heven_scent


Monday, June 2, 2008 4:49:38 PM

Re: Re: Blood pressure




Ty. I know I am low in potassium that is why I do the orange juice and parsley

thing, because water pills take away potassium and I get bad leg cramps, kick a

hole in the wall leg cramps in the night ... I also have a iron problem cant

take iron so I eat liver or I would be on restless leg pills another thing I was

put on and now I have a very bad stomach.. no more ..


-- Original Message -----



Monday, June 02, 2008 4:16 PM

[oils_herbs_ etc] Re: Blood pressure


Hi Judith,

You might want to take Magnesium and other mineral supplements.

PLEASE read the following book " The Magnesium Factor " by Mildred S

Seelig MD.


Many folks are deficient in Magnesium and their potassium, sodium

and calcium are all out of balance. Dr Seelig explains it better

than I ever could. Her book is easy to read and back with years of

research. A very natural solution.


Hope this helps. It's the way I've choosen and most of my family has

high blood pressure but not me (and I take magnesium).




, " Judith Lengendre "

<heven_scent@ ...> wrote:


> Is there anything I can take naturally to lower my blood pressure?

> Mine is a little high now and then and when I take pills it drops


> much and I pass out most times ..




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  • 11 months later...
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Hi Irene,


According to my medical doctor, you start drinking more water. First thing is half a liter when you get out of bed in the morning.


And next 2 to 5 grams of vitamin C each day. That helps to clean the veins.


Ole, Denmark






Monday, May 18, 2009 4:49 PM

Blood pressure



I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it elevated to 197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too sedentary and that I must get off my butt and get more exercise. My diet is exceedingly good and I only weigh 95 lbs so that is not an issue. I don't want to take medication but those numbers are bad and other than more exercise is there anything else I should do to try to get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.Irene

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There's a computerized machine like Respirate, isometric exercises, herbs.





Irene <meandmy2cats Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 7:49:48 AM Blood pressure


I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it elevated to 197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too sedentary and that I must get off my butt and get more exercise. My diet is exceedingly good and I only weigh 95 lbs so that is not an issue. I don't want to take medication but those numbers are bad and other than more exercise is there anything else I should do to try to get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.Irene

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Magnesium! The best, most absorbable form is magnesium citrate.

Other good heart supplements are COQ10, and Hawthorne berry.


Susan Siegel




On May 18, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Irene wrote:


> I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it

> elevated to 197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too

> sedentary and that I must get off my butt and get more exercise. My

> diet is exceedingly good and I only weigh 95 lbs so that is not an

> issue. I don't want to take medication but those numbers are bad

> and other than more exercise is there anything else I should do to

> try to get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.


> Irene




> ---


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> Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be

> news related, purely speculation or SOMEONE’S OPINION. Always

> consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any

> course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening

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Oh...and of course, cod liver oil!


Susan Siegel




On May 21, 2009, at 7:31 AM, Susan Siegel wrote:


> Magnesium! The best, most absorbable form is magnesium citrate.

> Other good heart supplements are COQ10, and Hawthorne berry.


> Susan Siegel




> On May 18, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Irene wrote:


>> I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it

>> elevated to 197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too

>> sedentary and that I must get off my butt and get more exercise. My

>> diet is exceedingly good and I only weigh 95 lbs so that is not an

>> issue. I don't want to take medication but those numbers are bad

>> and other than more exercise is there anything else I should do to

>> try to get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.


>> Irene




>> ---


>> «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»





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>> GREAT VACATION RENTAL ON THE LAKE: www.vacationhomerentals.com/39833



>> Any information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be

>> news related, purely speculation or SOMEONE’S OPINION. Always

>> consult with a qualified Medical Doctor before deciding on any

>> course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening

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>> By becoming a member of this group you AGREE to hold this group its

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>> any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening

>> illnesses.


>> IF YOU DO NOT AGREE; you must :


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hello irene... look into iodine therapy.

, " Irene " <meandmy2cats



> I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it

elevated to 197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too

sedentary and that I must get off my butt and get more exercise. My

diet is exceedingly good and I only weigh 95 lbs so that is not an

issue. I don't want to take medication but those numbers are bad and

other than more exercise is there anything else I should do to try to

get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.


> Irene


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, " skneld " <skneld wrote:


> hello irene... look into iodine therapy.

> , " Irene " <meandmy2cats@>

> wrote:

> >

> > I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it

> elevated to 197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too

> sedentary and that I must get off my butt and get more exercise. My

> diet is exceedingly good and I only weigh 95 lbs so that is not an

> issue. I don't want to take medication but those numbers are bad and

> other than more exercise is there anything else I should do to try to

> get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.

> >

> > Irene

> >





I've just came across a new extremely interesting approach to reducing

blood pressure very fast and very safe. The article was featured in the

Townsend Letter and is fascinating. It may be a bit new to find a practitioner

in your area, but reveals a whole new possibility of the cause and a better,

easier resolution to this vexing problem. You can read about it here.


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Hello Irene,I would recommend pranayama.This is basically breathing exercises. By controlling the rhythm of breathing, we can also control the rhythm of the heart, and hence the blood pressure.You can read more about this inThe Science of Breath, written over a hundred years ago, by Yogi Ramacharaka at http://sites.google.com/site/humanevolution2008/the-human-body-1/the-science-of-breath There are many other interesting health issues discussed in this book - So simple, yet so unknow!Best regardsDavid , "skneld" <skneld wrote:>> hello irene... look into iodine therapy.> , "Irene" meandmy2cats@> wrote:> >> > I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it> elevated to 197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too> sedentary and that I must get off my butt and get more exercise. My> diet is exceedingly good and I only weigh 95 lbs so that is not an> issue. I don't want to take medication but those numbers are bad and> other than more exercise is there anything else I should do to try to> get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.> >> > Irene> >>

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One thing that has worked very well for me is a product called Asparagus

Extract.It's available through www.herbalhealer.com. Look under Dr. Chi's







, " Irene " <meandmy2cats wrote:


> I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it elevated to

197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too sedentary and that I must

get off my butt and get more exercise. My diet is exceedingly good and I only

weigh 95 lbs so that is not an issue. I don't want to take medication but those

numbers are bad and other than more exercise is there anything else I should do

to try to get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.


> Irene


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My mother is 88 and when I took her off of her HBP drugs (cozaar and coreg) due

to side effects, her BP went up to like 160/90. So I took her to a natural

pathic doctor and he gave us RAUWOLFIA EXTRA by VITANICA. It has other stuff in

it but the RAUWOLFIA (snake root) is what supposedly keeps the BP lower. She's

got to take a capsule 3 times per day so that her BP is reduced to readings like

123/80. My mom doesn't seem to be having any side effects that I have noticed

and she's been taking the product for a month now. What bugged me is that the ND

didn't even know how the snake root worked to bring the BP down. Josephine



, " alvarezdy " <alvarezdy wrote:


> Irene,


> One thing that has worked very well for me is a product called Asparagus

Extract.It's available through www.herbalhealer.com. Look under Dr. Chi's



> Regards,


> Dawn


> , " Irene " <meandmy2cats@> wrote:

> >

> > I was horrified to finally check my blood pressure and find it elevated to

197/82 yesterday. I am 81 and I know that I am too sedentary and that I must

get off my butt and get more exercise. My diet is exceedingly good and I only

weigh 95 lbs so that is not an issue. I don't want to take medication but those

numbers are bad and other than more exercise is there anything else I should do

to try to get the numbers down? I would appreciate suggestions.

> >

> > Irene

> >


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