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Zinaxin, Purely Natural Cox-2 - Promoting joint health with complete safety.

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Zinaxin - promoting joint health with complete safety.

JoAnn Guest

Jun 25, 2006 19:09 PDT


Zinaxin - promoting joint health with complete safety.




What is Zinaxin?

Centuries ago the Chinese discovered a natural remedy for relieving

joint discomfort without any of the dangerous side effects of modern

anti-inflammatory drugs like Celebrex and Ibuprofen.


Today that ancient remedy has arrived in the U.S. in the form of an

all-natural dietary supplement, Zinaxin™.


Zinaxin™ is based on extracts of a rare, bitter ginger root

harvested at only certain times of the year in a remote region of



Rigorously tested around the world, Zinaxin™ has been the subject of

three clinical trials and massive scientific testing abroad

involving over a thousand subjects, all of which " have confirmed

that those Chinese ancestors were right, " said Zinaxin's inventor

Dr. Morton Weidner, a Danish biochemist with a Ph.D. in pharmacology

and a chemical engineer.


Zinaxin™, which contains the same ginger

extracts that the ancient Chinese found effective, has been shown in

all the studies to help in

promoting joint health with complete safety.


Now all Americans can discover what hundreds of thousands of people

around the world have discovered, from ordinary people in Australia

and Europe to Olympic champions like Carl Lewis, a strong believer

in Zinaxin™'s effectiveness.


Contrary to popular belief, Dr. John Taylor, noted rheumatologist

and arthritis expert affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic believes

that unhealthy joints are more than just a problem linked with



" Joint health is a problem that affects more than 80 million

people a year in the U.S., including a large percentage of young,

active adults, " Taylor said.


Dr. Taylor has used Zinaxin™ on more than 500 of his patients, with

nearly 80 percent of them reporting significant improvement in their



How can Ginger be of use to someone with serious arthritis pain?


NSAIDs are a valuable treatment in many rheumatic disorders as well

as growing in use for acute and non-inflammatory conditions due to

their pain killing effect. However, prolonged use of NSAIDs does

expose patients to unpleasant side effects.


Many of the clinical effects of NSAIDs are a result of inhibition of

pain promoting prostaglandins. However, NSAID-induced inhibition of

GI mucosal PG synthesis is thought to be a major mechanism

responsible for the GI toxicity of these therapeutic agents.


Inflamations start when the immune cells start one or more of

several cascade reactions that yield inflamatory mediators.



inhibits, in part the 5-lipogenase enzyme and its inflammatory

cascade reaction. Ginger also partly blocks the COX enzymes, but

unlike the synthetic NSAIDS, ginger does not fully block COX-1 and

does not create gastric bleeding or stomach upset.


Ginger has been found to lessen stomach acid and to lessen ulcer

form stomach irritants


Studies have shown that Zinaxin does not cause gastric irritation.

Furthermore, various studies indicate that Zinaxin has no irritant

or ulcerogenic effects in-vivo.


Ginger acts to maintain a healthy balance of inflammatory mediators


Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is mostly known to us in the West as a

spice and a flavor. In China, however, it has been used for

thousands of years for medicinal purposes, such as nausea,

stomachache, rheumatism and toothache. Modern research has found

ginger to be a powerful anti-oxidant and to have strong anti-

inflammatory effects.


The pharmacologically active components of the ginger root are

thought to be aromatic ketones known as gingerols. These have been

shown in experimental studies to inhibit both the cyclooxygenase and

lipoxygenase pathways and the production of prostaglandins,

thromboxane and leukotrienes (Kiuchi F et al., 1992; Srivastava KC,

1986; Flynn DL et al., 1986), just as the NSAIDs do. No significant

side effects have been reported.


Ginger oil is obtained by steam distillation of dried ginger root.

In an experimental study on rats (Sharma JN et al., 1997), arthritis

was induced in the knee and paw by injection of bacilli, leading to

inflammation. One group of rats was also given ginger oil by mouth

for 28 days starting the day before the injection. The rats given

ginger oil had less than half the knee and paw inflammation compared

to the controls.


Ginger reduces runaway inflammation through its antioxidant activity

The oxidative " explosion " results in, amongst other things, free

radicals which play a role in tissue destruction and the

inflammatory process. Results show that Zinaxin apart from its pain

relieving effect, also counteracts the aggravation caused by the

oxidative burst.


This oxidative explosion in granulocytes plays a role in the

inflammatory process. The inhibitory effect of Zinaxin on the

oxidative burst is much stronger than large doses of Ibuprofen which

has no significant effect.


Pharmacokinetic studies indicate that Zinaxin is absorbed much

faster and reaches a higher level in the blood than control

extracts. This higher level is maintained for a longer period of

time (2.2 times higher absorption).







25 September 2002


A highly purified extract of ginger has been shown to reduce knee

pain in patients with osteoarthritis in a US study.


The ginger extract, which is available in Australia as Zinaxin

JointCare, contains extract from 2 species of ginger which were

selected for their anti-inflammatory properties after testing more

than 100 varieties of ginger plants.





The US study (Arthritis & Rheumatism 2001: 44: 2531-38) evaluated

results from 247 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee who had

moderate to severe pain. The study is one of the few published on

the use of ginger in arthritis. Patients in the trial took one

capsule of ginger complex in the morning and one in the evening.


How effective was the ginger extract?

After 6 weeks of treatment, a higher percentage of people (63 per

cent) were classified as responders for improvement of knee pain on

standing in the ginger extract group than in the group given placebo

(dummy tablets). Pain on standing was the main variable used to

measure efficacy in this study and is a standard measure of pain in

medical studies. Pain on standing is measured using a visual scale.

People are shown the scale and asked to mark the level of their pain

on the scale.


This difference between the ginger-treated group and the dummy

tablet group was statistically significant, meaning that there was a

low probability that the result occurred by chance.


Is it safe?

Ginger has been used for at least 2500 years in China, India and

Tibet as an anti-inflammatory for arthritic pain apparently without

cause for concern. The US Food and Drug Administration lists ginger

as `generally regarded as safe'.


In the US study the only significant difference in adverse events

between the ginger-treated group and the group on dummy tablets was

that gastrointestinal effects such as burping, bad taste in the

mouth, stomach upset and heartburn were more common in the people

taking the ginger complex.


Warnings have been sounded about a possible effect of ginger on

bleeding times and certainly some ginger products in Australia above

a certain concentration have to carry a warning that people on blood-

thinning medications, called anticoagulants, and people at risk of

bleeding should talk to their doctor before taking them. Zinaxin

JointCare does not carry such a warning.



Zinaxin JointCare capsules use a unique biotechnology called LipoCap

to protect and encapsulate the ginger complex so that it arrives

intact in the bloodstream and can be delivered to the joints for

maximum benefit.

myDr, 2002


Reviewed : 28/4/2005












May 24, 2002

From a press release


TORONTO - A combination of ginger extracts has been proven highly


in the treatment of arthritis. In a recent clinical trial conducted

by the

University of Miami, a natural ginger combination extract called


EV.EXT® 77 was shown to reduce osteoarthritis pain and stiffness

in the

knee joints of more than 65% of patients studied. This standardized

combination extract has been widely used by arthritis patients

around the

world and is now available in Canada from Jamieson Laboratories

under the

Arthrimin brand.

The double-blind, multi-centred, placebo-controlled trial was

conducted by

leading rheumatologist and professor, Dr. Roy D. Altman. The trial


designed to study the effectiveness and side effects of this


form of ginger. From the study, Dr. Altman concluded the ginger


extract provided positive benefits without the harsh side effects of


prescription treatments for osteoarthritis.

" I've been asked on several occasions whether I give Zinaxin to my


Certainly I do, " said Dr. Altman, Chief of Rheumatology at Miami


Hospital. " There is a safety edge involved with using ginger over a


drug. " In the clinical trial, Zinaxin® EV.EXT® 77 was evaluated

on its

own and not compared to prescription anti-inflammatories. However,


the study Dr. Altman undertook a comparison of the efficacy data from

studies on COX-2 inhibitors versus Zinaxin® EV.EXT® 77, which

demonstrated very similar results.

" At the end of the six weeks, the benefit of the anti-inflammatory


seemed to be identical with that of Zinaxin, " said Altman.

There are some serious issues facing many of the four million


suffering from arthritis, such as the high expense and harsh side


from current prescription medications. The side effect profile of


treatments includes stomach bleeding, high blood pressure, increased

risk of

renal failure and increased risk of stroke.

Zinaxin® EV.EXT® 77 was proven effective for the relief of


symptoms without the serious side effects attributed to many


available prescription products, such as COX-2 inhibitors. It is all

naturaland available without a prescription.




JoAnn Guest



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