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My tumour marker keeps going up......

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You can also get Christopher's tincture here





In a message dated 9/22/2009 6:11:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, infomcf writes:

Hi Tony,I have ordered the Doctor's Best Serrapeptase and the Garden of Life O-zyme but I haven't been able to find anywhere that sells Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Pepper Tincture. Can you tell me where I can get this?

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Hi Tony,


I have ordered the Doctor's Best Serrapeptase and the Garden of Life O-zyme but

I haven't been able to find anywhere that sells Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Pepper

Tincture. Can you tell me where I can get this?


I have started being sick a few times today and I am worried that this is coming

from my liver. If I am sick does this mean that all the supplements and OPC etc

has been lost? Should I take another lot or would enough of them have been

digested anyway?




PS. The precious metal posts are made from gold, silver or platinum. Would this

be ok?



oleander soup , "" wrote:



> Since you have only been on the full protocol for two months and larger

> dose of oleander 4-8 weeks, your tumor markers and back pain could

> possibly be results of increased activity against cancer cells and the

> resulting die-off.


> The amount of colloidal silver depends in part on the quality of the

> colloidal silver. Utopia Silver at one ounce per day would be the

> equivalent of four or more ounces of many other silver products due to

> the smaller particle size and increased surface area. If you do coffee

> enemas to keep the bile ducts open, you could add an ounce of colloidal

> silver to the enemas for better absorption close to the site of your

> tumors.


> I don't have an affiliation with Garden of Life or anyone who carries

> it, other than the referral code I have of X0T949, which should be good

> for $5 off your initial order if you have never ordered from them

> before.


> I just ordered from them, including the Doctor's Best Serrapeptase and

> the Garden of Life O-zyme (the combination of the two are a good

> compromise between quality and the price I can afford!) and a couple of

> bottles of Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Pepper Tincture (an essential for

> cancer to me). They also carry the Primal Defense which Dr. Lanphier

> recommends and which and I both take ourselves.


> Sounds like you are taking about the right amount of most things. It

> probably would be good to increase the RM-10 a bit.


> For iodine I prefer the combination of Magnascent and SSKI - which our

> friend Steve Wilson (aka Trapper) has on sale right now. He is my

> iodine guru.


> What the heck are " precious metal posts? " I don't think the body

> tolerates much metal in it on a permanent basis and when it comes to

> dentistry I prefer biologic dentists that choose dentures and partials

> to root canals and amalgams - though there are non metal alternatives

> for fillings and I have considered implants too (it is a vanity thing,

> and I still labor under the delusion that I remain somehow young and

> pretty - lol).


> All the best,


> >


> oleander soup , David Macleod <infomcf@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Tony,

> >

> > I have been on the protocol for about 5 months but only on the full

> protocol and full dose OPC for about 2 months. I have been taking 4

> teaspoons of Oleander 3 times a day for about the last 4 weeks.

> >

> > I don't have any tumours in that area of my back but about a year ago

> I had this same pain and my oncologist said that it was the tumour in

> the middle of my chest that was causing pressure and giving me the pain

> in my back so I was worried that this was starting all over again. I was

> really ill over Christmas last year.

> >

> > I am taking 2400mg of Curcumin so I will up that. I am also taking 14

> tablets of Cell Forte Max 3 a day. I am taking 1 ounce of Collodial

> silver a day - so should I up that to 2 ounces a day? I will also add in

> colloidal gold. I am taking 6 digestive enzymes a day - 3 with food and

> 3 without - I will up that as well. I have just checked what is in them

> and it has chymotrypsin but not the other. Do you know of anywhere I can

> get the other one as I live in the UK?

> >

> > I am taking 1 RM-10 tablet twice a day so should I up that to 2 twice

> a day? I am taking 1000mg tab of vit C plus 2 lypo-spheric vit C - do

> you think that is enough?

> >

> > I know now that I definately need to up my iodine - I was worried

> about taking too much!!!

> >

> > I do have amalgam fillings. I have already had some replaced and will

> be getting the others done soon. The dentist says he can only do a few

> at a time. I do not have any root canals but as I have an infection in

> one of my front teeth the dentist wants to do a root canal. I have said

> that I do not want this and he has suggested using precious metal posts.

> Would this be ok?

> >

> > Thank you so much for getting back to me.

> >

> > MM

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> >@

> > oleander soup

> > Monday, 21 September, 2009 20:45:27

> > Re: My tumour marker keeps going up.......

> >

> >

> > MM -

> > I posted an answer for you in my Ask Tony Isaacs forum at CureZone and

> I see from this reply that you have answered some of the questions I

> posed, so I will repost it here with appropriate changes:How long have

> you been following the protocol? How much oleander are you taking?

> Also, how much of the other items? What stage is your colon cancer and

> the mets to the liver?

> >

> > It is possible that the increased markers are coming from cancer cell

> dieoff and it is also possible that back pain may be coming from

> metasticized cancer that is being attacked by the supplements and your

> own immune system - as it is common to have pain at cancer tumor sites

> when they come under attack.

> >

> > You indicate that you are following the complete protocol, which

> should indeed be a good thing, but I would caution that cancers are very

> dose dependent on the amount of oleander as well as the amounts taken of

> other important cancer fighting elements in the protocol. For example,

> for the more difficult, aggressive and/or advanced cancers it is now

> felt that oleander can be taken in amounts up to 5 capsules twice a day

> (so long as it is tolerated - and it may be tolerated easier to break

> down the 10 total capsules into 3 or more doses). Curcumin in highly

> bioavailable form is suggested at 3000 mg per day. Inositol/IP6 at

> 12-16 capsules per day. Iodine is suggested at 100 mg per day (working

> up from 50 mg or less) in concert with selenium (in the forum

> methylselenocystein e). Colloidal silver should be in the amount of a

> couple of ounces per day, along with a couple of teaspoons or more of

> colloidal gold.. Digestive enzymes should be taken at

> > the rate of 4 or 5 capsules two or three times per day on an empty

> stomach.. You may wish to take them twice on an empty stomach and take

> a couple with each meal to help with your stomach issues. Be sure that

> your enzymmes include chymotrypsin and serrapeptase (you may have to

> purchase two seperate products, as I did).

> >

> > The same larger doses are also likely indicated for items such as the

> R-10 Mushroom Defense and the Blood Support Tonic. You may also want to

> increase your doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 as well as add some

> extra quercitin. Virtually all supplements come with conservative

> " maintenance " or " preventive " doses on the container. Those are not

> normally the therapeutic doses needed to defeat cancers, especially the

> more difficult cancers. We have had a few instances where people

> apparently were following most of the protocol but were taking less than

> the maximum doses and leaving a few items out and there cancer growths,

> though retarded, were not completely reversed until they embraced the

> entire protocol and increased the amounts of the key supplements.

> >

> > Do you have any amalgam fillings or root canals? The presence of

> either could be a major roadblock in ultimately beating cancer and

> keeping it at bay.

> >

> > A final key consideration is the attention you are giving your liver -

> especially since the cancer itself has appeared there. Cleansing,

> protecting and regenerating the liver - and keeping the bile ducts open

> and flowing - is absolutely essential in maintaining optimal health and

> in eliminating the toxins as quickly and efficiently as possible.

> >

> > If you try all of those things and still do not get the results you

> want, you may ultimately want to look into other alternatives such as

> cesium chloride or perhaps even chemo along with the oleander. Much as

> I hate chemo, and though normally oleander without chemo is more

> effective than oleander with chemo, there have been instances where the

> combination of the two have been most successful (and the oleander does

> potentiate chemo as well as greatly lessen virtually all of the side

> effects).

> > Though oleander and the protocol I recommend is the best I know of,

> that is not to say that for some people and some cancers, other

> protocols might work better. But, depending on how long you have been

> following it and the doses you have been taking, and of course the stage

> of your cancer, I would not be too fast to move another direction if it

> were me.

> > Oleander has been particularly effective against liver cancer,

> especially when combined with the other suggested items in the protocol

> and ALL the steps recommended for the liver. Some colon cancers have

> proven more difficult and have taken increased amounts of oleander and

> other supplements and closer adherence to the protocol for maximum

> effectiveness.. In some instances of colon cancer, the combination of

> oleander and low dose chemo has been beneficial too.

> > Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against

> cancer is that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen

> gradually over a period of months, then at some point the growth is

> stopped, then later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is

> either eliminated, reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in

> check.

> > Sadly, mainstream medicine disregards anything that is not a

> patentable drug or treatment that they control and profit from, and they

> have bought and sold virtually all of the scientific research into

> cancer and drugs. Thus, true unbiased scientific research into natural

> and alternative protocols which include natural supplements, diet,

> lifestyle, toxin removal, stress management, etc., is almost utterly

> lacking and those of us who are fighting cancer or trying to help others

> fight it are forging ahead through common sense and self-education -

> hoping and praying that the information we develop will provide the

> right answers while knowing the dismal records of the alternatives

> offered by the mainstream methods.

> > All the best,

> >

> > > >

> > oleander soup, " infomcf " infomcf@ wrote:

> > >

> > > I have colon cancer that is in my liver.

> > >

> > > My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between

> 51 and 163.

> > >

> > > I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it

> that it said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the

> bottle to take 6 drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been

> taking 6 drops for quite a few weeks now. I will start to up the amount

> now though.

> > >

> > > My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't

> feel like eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.

> > >

> > > Thanks for your help

> > >

> > > MM

> > >

> >


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Or, for an even hotter mix


I suppose the precious metal posts might be OK, provided you have no allergies to any of the metals - but personally I am not sure that permanent placement of metals in the body is a healthy thing to do over a prolonged period of time.

It is hard to speculate where the origins of your stomach problems may be. Do the suggestions for the liver, don't retake your supplements at this time, and you might look at ginger extract to help. The digestive enzymes, when taken with meals besides taken without meals as recommended should help, as should Primal Defense by Garden of Life.

All of those are available at iherb.com and, if you have not yet ordered, you can get $5 off with my referral code of X0T949.

All the best,

oleander soup , "infomcf" <infomcf wrote:>> Hi Tony,> > I have ordered the Doctor's Best Serrapeptase and the Garden of Life O-zyme but I haven't been able to find anywhere that sells Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Pepper Tincture. Can you tell me where I can get this?> > I have started being sick a few times today and I am worried that this is coming from my liver. If I am sick does this mean that all the supplements and OPC etc has been lost? Should I take another lot or would enough of them have been digested anyway?> > MM> > PS. The precious metal posts are made from gold, silver or platinum. Would this be ok?>

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Just a note about pituitary tumors. Most are small and slow growing and

cause few, if any, problems. The pituitary is the controlling gland of

the endocrine system, and produces several hormones. Depending on which

part of the pituitary is affected, the tumor can secrete excessive

amounts of these hormones. For example, it can secrete TSH which can

affect the thyroid, ACTH which stimulates the adrenals and/or sex

hormones which may affect the gonads. This means that the symptoms of a

pituitary tumor can vary very widely.


Kathy - it sounds to me like your son has a prolactin-secreting tumor,

or prolactinoma, which would explain the milk secretion (gynecomastia).

Wikipedia has a good summary http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolactinoma.

This is often treated with cabergoline which shrinks the tumor.

Cabergoline is NOT a chemotherapy drug, it's a 'dopamine receptor

agonist' (mimics the action of the neurotransmitter dopamine) and has

been used recreationally as an aphrodisiac and to reduce the (sexual)

side effects of antidepressants.


Addison's is caused by cortisol deficiency, Cushing's Syndrome is

cortisol excess. Some pituitary tumors can produce excess ACTH which

stimulates the adrenals to produce too much cortisol, which is called

Cushing's Disease.


I have a background in clinical biochemistry so I know a bit about the

diagnosis of these sorts of tumors. I hope this is helpful.




Kathy wrote:

> My son has a consult with a endocrinoligist in Oct who his reg Dr says they

> will more than likely put him on some kind of med that will shrink the

> tumor. He said it was not chemo or anything like that but he assured my son

> not to panic. I am the one panicking but trying to hide it. His tumor is

> 7x7x7 already. I know nothing about either addison's or cushings disease.

> Why do you think your son has one of those? I am a bit concerned as I have a

> 20 yo daughter who is severly overweight and is also having some hormone

> troubles. The Dr put her on some med that caused never ending diarrhea so

> she went off of it. She too had a MRI to rule out pit tumor. Maybe some

> genetic issues here. My brain hurts just from reading this horrible stuff

> when its my babies it applies to.

> Kat

> -

> " bballmvp4 " <broderick1459

> <oleander soup >

> Sunday, September 20, 2009 1:49 PM

> {SPAMFILTER} Re: My tumour marker keeps going

> up......



>> oleander soup , " Kathy " <vanokat wrote:

>>> That us something not many people think about. Thank you for pointing it

>>> out. I am looking to buy my boys new beds and have mainly been concerned

>>> about the mattress. I considered memory foam but not sure if some are

>>> toxic. I am also currently trying to research pititutary tumors. My 17 yo

>>> son has been dx with one which is 7x7x7. His Dr says there is no reason

>>> to worry and has him sch for a endo consult in Oct. His pnly symptom was

>>> slightly enlarged breasts with a bit of 'milk' secretion.

>>> Anyone ever hear of this?

>>> Kat

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Hi Kathy,


I don't have any personal experience of cabergoline. Prolactinomas used

to be treated with a drug called bromocryptine but cabergoline is safer

and shrinks pituitary tumors as well as stopping them from secreting

prolactin. I looked up cabergoline and I was mistaken - it stimulates

dopamine secretion, it doesn't mimic it as I thought, but it amounts to

the much same thing. Side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, headache,

nausea most commonly, and a long list of less common ones, but it's

usually well-tolerated. Hyperprolactinemia (lots of prolactin) tends to

damp down the sex drive, and cabergoline will likely just counter that

and normalize his libido, rather than abnormally increasing it, I'm sure

you will be glad to hear :-) The drug can occasionally cause sudden loss

of consciousness which might be worth bearing in mind if you decide to

give it a try. I'm neither recommending nor advising against it, I just

believe that people (and their parents) should be properly informed

before taking any drug.


That doesn't sound like normal acne to me. Has he seen a skin

specialist? Hyperprolactinemia is sometimes associated with odd skin

problems - it's worth mentioning to his endocrinologist if you haven't

yet. If you do decide on a course of cabergoline it may improve the skin

problem. Colloidal silver is definitely worth a try as suggested.

Repeated courses of antibiotics tend to cause more problems than they

solve, IMHO. You might consider feeding him some probiotics to be sure

they haven't left him with any gut problems (gut dysbiosis, candida etc).


I'm glad you are beginning to feel a little less anxious!





Kathy wrote:

> Yes Paul this was very helpful. Thank you. The dopamine med you mentioned

> here is exactly what the Dr told me and my son about. He did not

> say..recreationally as an aphrodisiac - that is just great thats all I need

> is a 17 yo male on something like that! He has a GF and I have been

> preaching abstinence lol

> I know all about the side affects of anti depressants but have never heard

> of this.

> So what other side affects does cabergoline come with other than heavy

> breathing lol I could get colorful here but I won't haha


> Thanks for your reply I am a little less worried ...kinda :)

> Kathy


> PS Paul what are your thoughts on a 14 yo boy with severe 'acne' I do not

> consider what he has just plain old acne. It is mainly on his back and face

> but its more like boils than pimples. Some are dime size maybe a little

> bigger. They start out really red then secrete clear liquid and then dry up

> to a hard little scablike. They are leaving scars. When he gets hot - he

> plays football they pop out worse. Drs have treated him with anti-biotics

> several times as well as all kinds of things applied topically- nothing

> works.



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Hi Paul, Yes I definately will be looking into what ever drug they may

prescribe for him. Sudden loss

of consciousness in scarey sounding for sure.

I should have said this earlier - it is a different kid who has the acne

problem. Yes he has seen a dermatologist but she was too quick to say " He is

a perfect candidate for Accutane " She gave him some benzol peroxide stuff

but it didn't help. He actually said he would be willing to try Accutane but

I SAID NO!! The paperwork freaked me out so it is not a possibility. I am

convinced there is something I am missing here - either a allergy or

something along those lines. I am going to try CS as soon as I can afford to

get a generator. I want the Utopia one. I just ordered him some probiotics

but I have not convinced him to drink it. Its a green drink. Gotta

practically offer to pay him these days to try new stuff as he is sick of

me. I will find a way to clear this up with him. He is too handsome to go

around feeling bad about himself all the time. He is my sweetest boy -4.0

GPA and football star at school.

Thank you for reminging me about CS.



" Paul " <experiences

<oleander soup >

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:16 PM

Re: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......



> Hi Kathy,


> I don't have any personal experience of cabergoline. Prolactinomas used

> to be treated with a drug called bromocryptine but cabergoline is safer

> and shrinks pituitary tumors as well as stopping them from secreting

> prolactin. I looked up cabergoline and I was mistaken - it stimulates

> dopamine secretion, it doesn't mimic it as I thought, but it amounts to

> the much same thing. Side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, headache,

> nausea most commonly, and a long list of less common ones, but it's

> usually well-tolerated. Hyperprolactinemia (lots of prolactin) tends to

> damp down the sex drive, and cabergoline will likely just counter that

> and normalize his libido, rather than abnormally increasing it, I'm sure

> you will be glad to hear :-) The drug can occasionally cause sudden loss

> of consciousness which might be worth bearing in mind if you decide to

> give it a try. I'm neither recommending nor advising against it, I just

> believe that people (and their parents) should be properly informed

> before taking any drug.


> That doesn't sound like normal acne to me. Has he seen a skin

> specialist? Hyperprolactinemia is sometimes associated with odd skin

> problems - it's worth mentioning to his endocrinologist if you haven't

> yet. If you do decide on a course of cabergoline it may improve the skin

> problem. Colloidal silver is definitely worth a try as suggested.

> Repeated courses of antibiotics tend to cause more problems than they

> solve, IMHO. You might consider feeding him some probiotics to be sure

> they haven't left him with any gut problems (gut dysbiosis, candida etc).


> I'm glad you are beginning to feel a little less anxious!


> Paul



> Kathy wrote:

>> Yes Paul this was very helpful. Thank you. The dopamine med you mentioned

>> here is exactly what the Dr told me and my son about. He did not

>> say..recreationally as an aphrodisiac - that is just great thats all I

>> need

>> is a 17 yo male on something like that! He has a GF and I have been

>> preaching abstinence lol

>> I know all about the side affects of anti depressants but have never

>> heard

>> of this.

>> So what other side affects does cabergoline come with other than heavy

>> breathing lol I could get colorful here but I won't haha


>> Thanks for your reply I am a little less worried ...kinda :)

>> Kathy


>> PS Paul what are your thoughts on a 14 yo boy with severe 'acne' I do not

>> consider what he has just plain old acne. It is mainly on his back and

>> face

>> but its more like boils than pimples. Some are dime size maybe a little

>> bigger. They start out really red then secrete clear liquid and then dry

>> up

>> to a hard little scablike. They are leaving scars. When he gets hot - he

>> plays football they pop out worse. Drs have treated him with anti-biotics

>> several times as well as all kinds of things applied topically- nothing

>> works.





> ---



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When you are ready to buy a generator, look into the Silver Bullet from Utopia Silver . It makes superior colloidal silver, I believe 70% colloidal silver to 30% ionic. The cost is $120.00 but you can use coupon code LR001 to get a 15% discount. In the meantime, if you have never purchased from them before, they have a first time buyer offer where you can receive one bottle free for every 8 oz bottle ordered. After that, using code LR001 will give you a 15% discount if it is not on sale. Their Advanced Colloidal Silver is the top of the line. Definitely better than any antibiotic I have ever encountered and very good for the complexion.

My Best,


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Thank you very much for this (That was my favorite Aunt's name you don't hear it much)

The Silver Bullet is the one I want. I will keep this.





oleander soup

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:55 PM

Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......



When you are ready to buy a generator, look into the Silver Bullet from Utopia Silver . It makes superior colloidal silver, I believe 70% colloidal silver to 30% ionic. The cost is $120.00 but you can use coupon code LR001 to get a 15% discount. In the meantime, if you have never purchased from them before, they have a first time buyer offer where you can receive one bottle free for every 8 oz bottle ordered. After that, using code LR001 will give you a 15% discount if it is not on sale. Their Advanced Colloidal Silver is the top of the line. Definitely better than any antibiotic I have ever encountered and very good for the complexion.

My Best,


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I see Utopia has a CS soap. Have you ever tried that? Also I do not see where to order 1 bottle and get one free.

I see the $120 generator but there is also one for $96. I am probably missing it but I do not see the difference.





oleander soup

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:55 PM

Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......



When you are ready to buy a generator, look into the Silver Bullet from Utopia Silver . It makes superior colloidal silver, I believe 70% colloidal silver to 30% ionic. The cost is $120.00 but you can use coupon code LR001 to get a 15% discount. In the meantime, if you have never purchased from them before, they have a first time buyer offer where you can receive one bottle free for every 8 oz bottle ordered. After that, using code LR001 will give you a 15% discount if it is not on sale. Their Advanced Colloidal Silver is the top of the line. Definitely better than any antibiotic I have ever encountered and very good for the complexion.

My Best,


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Ooooooooh yes! I use the CS soap for everything and I love it. It's wonderful for your skin and your complexion.

You have to call them in order to receive the first buyer offer: 1-888-213-4338.

The generator that you see for $96.00 is the Silver Bullet but without the TDS Tester and the voltage meter.

oleander soup , "Kathy" <vanokat wrote:>> I see Utopia has a CS soap. Have you ever tried that? Also I do not see where to order 1 bottle and get one free.> I see the $120 generator but there is also one for $96. I am probably missing it but I do not see the difference.> Kathy> - > M > oleander soup > Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:55 PM> Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......> > > > > > Kathy,> > When you are ready to buy a generator, look into the Silver Bullet from Utopia Silver . It makes superior colloidal silver, I believe 70% colloidal silver to 30% ionic. The cost is $120.00 but you can use coupon code LR001 to get a 15% discount. In the meantime, if you have never purchased from them before, they have a first time buyer offer where you can receive one bottle free for every 8 oz bottle ordered. After that, using code LR001 will give you a 15% discount if it is not on sale. Their Advanced Colloidal Silver is the top of the line. Definitely better than any antibiotic I have ever encountered and very good for the complexion.> > My Best,> > >

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You are most welcome Kathy.

is an unusual name, not too many of us around, although you do hear it now and then. This was also my late mother-in-law's sister's name. I think this helped in our bonding.



oleander soup , "Kathy" <vanokat wrote:>> Thank you very much for this (That was my favorite Aunt's name you don't hear it much)> The Silver Bullet is the one I want. I will keep this.> Kathy

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> Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against cancer

> is that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen

> gradually over a period of months, then at some point the growth is

> stopped, then later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is

> either eliminated, reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in

> check.


Could you kindly explain why cancers grow first when you start an oleander

protocol? Can you distinguish it from the normal progression of the cancer? Do

cancer markers also increase with the growth of the cancer with an oleander




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Cancers do not normally grow BECAUSE of oleander, though there might be someslight initial inflammation due to cancer cells being killed off.

What happens is that you begin taking oleander and your cancer has a certain growth rate, often referred to as the doubling rate (the time a tumor is expected to double in size). Cancer is not chemo nor is it radiation - it is both an extremely powerful immune booster and an anti-cancer agent in its own right.

Think of it in terms of an invading army that is taking over more and more of your terrain. You begin to throw oleander and other cancer fighting and immune stimulating agents against the advancing army as well as take measures to cut off the supply lines and even convert some elements (cells) of the army to your side (back to normal cells), whilst killing off other cells by directly attacking them and encouraging normal cell death via apoptosis and autophagy.

In the beginning this slows down the advancing cancer army. In time, you fight the army to a standstill. And then you begin to eradicate the army and regain lost terrain. When following the protocol and sticking with it, you also shore up your defenses so that cancer will not be able to again gain a foothold and begin yet another advance.

Cancer markers, which can fluctuate anyway, can increase due to the release of cancer toxins as cells are killed off. Kind of like a body count of deceased enemy soldiers. In time those markers (soldiers) are carted off the field of battle and dispatched through the liver and bile ducts and other toxin removal outlets for the body (which includes the kidneys and skin).

I hope that analogy helps.

All the best,

oleander soup , "mind_spotless" <passerina wrote:>> > Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against cancer> > is that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen> > gradually over a period of months, then at some point the growth is> > stopped, then later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is> > either eliminated, reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in> > check.> > Could you kindly explain why cancers grow first when you start an oleander protocol? Can you distinguish it from the normal progression of the cancer? Do cancer markers also increase with the growth of the cancer with an oleander protocol? > > Tamaki>

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Thank you for the great explanations. It made a lot of sense.




oleander soup , "" wrote:



> Cancers do not normally grow BECAUSE of oleander, though there might be

> someslight initial inflammation due to cancer cells being killed off.


> What happens is that you begin taking oleander and your cancer has a

> certain growth rate, often referred to as the doubling rate (the time a

> tumor is expected to double in size). Cancer is not chemo nor is it

> radiation - it is both an extremely powerful immune booster and an

> anti-cancer agent in its own right.


> Think of it in terms of an invading army that is taking over more and

> more of your terrain. You begin to throw oleander and other cancer

> fighting and immune stimulating agents against the advancing army as

> well as take measures to cut off the supply lines and even convert some

> elements (cells) of the army to your side (back to normal cells), whilst

> killing off other cells by directly attacking them and encouraging

> normal cell death via apoptosis and autophagy.


> In the beginning this slows down the advancing cancer army. In time,

> you fight the army to a standstill. And then you begin to eradicate the

> army and regain lost terrain. When following the protocol and sticking

> with it, you also shore up your defenses so that cancer will not be able

> to again gain a foothold and begin yet another advance.


> Cancer markers, which can fluctuate anyway, can increase due to the

> release of cancer toxins as cells are killed off. Kind of like a body

> count of deceased enemy soldiers. In time those markers (soldiers) are

> carted off the field of battle and dispatched through the liver and bile

> ducts and other toxin removal outlets for the body (which includes the

> kidneys and skin).


> I hope that analogy helps.


> All the best,


> >


> oleander soup , " mind_spotless " <passerina@>

> wrote:

> >

> > > Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against

> cancer

> > > is that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen

> > > gradually over a period of months, then at some point the growth is

> > > stopped, then later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is

> > > either eliminated, reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in

> > > check.

> >

> > Could you kindly explain why cancers grow first when you start an

> oleander protocol? Can you distinguish it from the normal progression of

> the cancer? Do cancer markers also increase with the growth of the

> cancer with an oleander protocol?

> >

> > Tamaki

> >


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I got my blood results today and my tumour markers have gone up again. This time

by 800. Three weeks ago it had only gone up by 100 so as you can imagine I am

really worried.


I am doing everything that is recommended on the anti-cancer protocol and yet my

numbers keep going up. I know what was said the last time about how the OPC

slows the growth down first but surely that would imply that the numbers would

still have gone up but not as much as the previous 100 never mind going up by as

much as 800.


Can anyone give me any help or advice????



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Hello MM,I had (with my husband) the same experience, a huge raise in cancer markers. After that, he decided to go on with chemo. At that time he had been at the protocol for three months.I do not know what is the best for you, but I can assure you that chemo is not the solution regarding the side effects.It depends on your situation... The only "positive" thing with chemo was the fact that he "gained" some time, to go on with the protocol.Best regardsEfi--- Óôéò Ðáñ., 09/10/09, ï/ç infomcf <infomcf Ýãñáøå:Áðü: infomcf <infomcfÈÝìá: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......Ðñïò:

oleander soup Çìåñïìçíßá: ÐáñáóêåõÞ, 9 Ïêôþâñéïò 2009, 2:14



Hi everyone,


I got my blood results today and my tumour markers have gone up again. This time by 800. Three weeks ago it had only gone up by 100 so as you can imagine I am really worried.


I am doing everything that is recommended on the anti-cancer protocol and yet my numbers keep going up. I know what was said the last time about how the OPC slows the growth down first but surely that would imply that the numbers would still have gone up but not as much as the previous 100 never mind going up by as much as 800.


Can anyone give me any help or advice????






×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå ÂáñåèÞêáôå ôá åíï÷ëçôéêÜ ìçíý ìáôá (spam); Ôï Mail äéáèÝôåé ôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ ðñïóôáóßá êáôÜ ôùí åíï÷ëçôéêþí ìçíõìÜôùí http://login./config/mail?.intl=gr

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Hi Efi,


Did the protocol eventually work for your husband?




oleander soup , efi noname <empasi_home wrote:


> Hello MM,

> I had (with my husband) the same experience, a huge raise in cancer markers.

After that, he decided to go on with chemo. At that time he had been at the

protocol for three months.

> I do not know what is the best for you, but I can assure you that chemo is not

the solution regarding the side effects.

> It depends on your situation... The only " positive " thing with chemo was the

fact that he " gained " some time, to go on with the protocol.

> Best regards

> Efi


> --- Óôéò Ðáñ., 09/10/09, ï/ç infomcf <infomcf Ýãñáøå:


> Áðü: infomcf <infomcf

> ÈÝìá: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......

> Ðñïò: oleander soup

> Çìåñïìçíßá: ÐáñáóêåõÞ, 9 Ïêôþâñéïò 2009, 2:14







> Hi everyone,




> I got my blood results today and my tumour markers have gone up again. This

time by 800. Three weeks ago it had only gone up by 100 so as you can imagine I

am really worried.




> I am doing everything that is recommended on the anti-cancer protocol and yet

my numbers keep going up. I know what was said the last time about how the OPC

slows the growth down first but surely that would imply that the numbers would

still have gone up but not as much as the previous 100 never mind going up by as

much as 800.




> Can anyone give me any help or advice????




> MM


























> ×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå ;

> ÂáñåèÞêáôå ôá åíï÷ëçôéêÜ ìçíýìáôá (spam); Ôï Mail

> äéáèÝôåé ôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ ðñïóôáóßá êáôÜ ôùí åíï÷ëçôéêþí

> ìçíõìÜôùí http://login./config/mail?.intl=gr


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Hi again MM, My husband is stil in chemo, so I do not know if the results(lower cancer markers and reduce of the tumor in the liver) comes from chemo or from the protocol. Of course, I am sure that if he had not been in the protocol(together with the chemo), he wouldn"t been in a good condition.And he is in a good condition.Efi--- Στις ΠαÏ., 09/10/09, ο/η infomcf <infomcf έγÏαψε:Από: infomcf <infomcfΘέμα: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......ΠÏος: oleander soup ΗμεÏομηνία: ΠαÏασκευή, 9 ΟκτώβÏιος 2009, 13:15



Hi Efi,


Did the protocol eventually work for your husband?


oleander soup, efi noname <empasi_home@ ...> wrote:


> Hello MM,

> I had (with my husband) the same experience, a huge raise in cancer markers. After that, he decided to go on with chemo. At that time he had been at the protocol for three months.

> I do not know what is the best for you, but I can assure you that chemo is not the solution regarding the side effects.

> It depends on your situation... The only "positive" thing with chemo was the fact that he "gained" some time, to go on with the protocol.

> Best regards

> Efi


> --- Óôéò Ãáñ., 09/10/09, ï/ç infomcf <infomcf > Ããñáøå:


> Ãðü: infomcf <infomcf >

> ÈÃìá: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......

> Ãñïò: oleander soup

> Çìåñïìçíßá: ÃáñáóêåõÞ, 9 Ãêôþâñéïò 2009, 2:14













> Hi everyone,




> I got my blood results today and my tumour markers have gone up again. This time by 800. Three weeks ago it had only gone up by 100 so as you can imagine I am really worried.




> I am doing everything that is recommended on the anti-cancer protocol and yet my numbers keep going up. I know what was said the last time about how the OPC slows the growth down first but surely that would imply that the numbers would still have gone up but not as much as the previous 100 never mind going up by as much as 800.




> Can anyone give me any help or advice????




> MM































> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> ×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå ;

> ÂáñåèÞêáôå ôá åíï÷ëçôéêÜ ìçíýìáôá (spam); Ôï Mail

> äéáèÃôåé ôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ ðñïóôáóßá êáôÜ ôùí åíï÷ëçôéêþí

> ìçíõìÜôùí http://login. / config/mail? .intl=gr





ΧÏησιμοποιείτε ΒαÏεθήκατε τα ενοχλητικά Î¼Î·Î½Ï Î¼Î±Ï„Î± (spam); Το Mail διαθέτει την καλÏτεÏη δυνατή Ï€Ïοστασία κατά των ενοχλητικών μηνυμάτων http://login./config/mail?.intl=gr

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Hi Efi,


What type of cancer does your husband have?


Thanks for your help




oleander soup , efi noname <empasi_home wrote:


> Hi again MM,

> My husband is stil in chemo, so I do not know if the results(lower cancer

markers and reduce of the tumor in the liver) comes from chemo or from the


> Of course, I am sure that if he had not been in the protocol(together with the

chemo), he wouldn " t been in a good condition.And he is in a good condition.

> Efi


> --- Στις ΠαÏ., 09/10/09, ο/η infomcf <infomcf έγÏαψε:


> Î`πό: infomcf <infomcf

> Θέμα: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......

> ΠÏος: oleander soup

> ΗμεÏομηνία: ΠαÏασκευή, 9 ΟκτώβÏιος 2009, 13:15







> Hi Efi,




> Did the protocol eventually work for your husband?




> oleander soup, efi noname <empasi_home@ ...> wrote:


> >


> > Hello MM,


> > I had (with my husband) the same experience, a huge raise in cancer markers.

After that, he decided to go on with chemo. At that time he had been at the

protocol for three months.


> > I do not know what is the best for you, but I can assure you that chemo is

not the solution regarding the side effects.


> > It depends on your situation... The only " positive " thing with chemo was the

fact that he " gained " some time, to go on with the protocol.


> > Best regards


> > Efi


> >


> > --- à " ôéò Ãáñ., 09/10/09, ï/ç infomcf <infomcf@ > Ããñáøå:


> >


> > Ãðü: infomcf <infomcf@ >


> > ÈÃìá: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......


> > Ãñïò: oleander soup


> > Çìåñïìçíßá: ÃáñáóêåõÞ, 9 Ãêôþâñéïò 2009, 2:14


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >  


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Hi everyone,


> >


> >


> >


> > I got my blood results today and my tumour markers have gone up again. This

time by 800. Three weeks ago it had only gone up by 100 so as you can imagine I

am really worried.


> >


> >


> >


> > I am doing everything that is recommended on the anti-cancer protocol and

yet my numbers keep going up. I know what was said the last time about how the

OPC slows the growth down first but surely that would imply that the numbers

would still have gone up but not as much as the previous 100 never mind going up

by as much as 800.


> >


> >


> >


> > Can anyone give me any help or advice????


> >


> >


> >


> > MM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


> > ×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå ;


> > ÂáñåèÞêáôå ôá åíï÷ëçôéêÜ ìçíýìáôá (spam); à " ï



> > äéáèÃôåé ôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ ðñïóôáóßá

êáôÜ ôùí åíï÷ëçôéêþí


> > ìçíõìÜôùí http://login. / config/mail? .intl=gr


> >


























> ΧÏησιμοποιείτε ;

> Î'αÏεθήκατε τα ενοχλητικά μηνÏματα (spam); Το


> διαθέτει την καλÏτεÏη δυνατή Ï€Ïοστασία

κατά των ενοχλητικών

> μηνυμάτων http://login./config/mail?.intl=gr


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MM,my husband has colon cancer with liver metastasis.--- Στις ΠαÏ., 09/10/09, ο/η infomcf <infomcf έγÏαψε:Από: infomcf <infomcfΘέμα: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......ΠÏος: oleander soup ΗμεÏομηνία: ΠαÏασκευή, 9 ΟκτώβÏιος 2009, 14:13



Hi Efi,


What type of cancer does your husband have?


Thanks for your help




oleander soup, efi noname <empasi_home@ ...> wrote:


> Hi again MM,

> My husband is stil in chemo, so I do not know if the results(lower cancer markers and reduce of the tumor in the liver) comes from chemo or from the protocol.

> Of course, I am sure that if he had not been in the protocol(together with the chemo), he wouldn"t been in a good condition.And he is in a good condition.

> Efi


> --- Ξ£ΟΞΉΟ Ξ Ξ±Ο., 09/10/09, ΞÎ/Ξ· infomcf <infomcf > Ξ­Ξ³ΟΞ±ΟΞ΅:


> Ξ`ΟΟ: infomcf <infomcf >

> ΞΞ­ΞΌΞ±: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......

> Ξ ΟΞÎΟ: oleander soup

> ΞΞΌΞ΅ΟΞÎΞΌΞ·Ξ½Ξ―Ξ±: Ξ Ξ±ΟΞ±ΟκΡυΞ�, 9 ΞΞΊΟΟΞ²ΟΞΉΞÎΟ 2009, 13:15







> Î’






> Hi Efi,




> Did the protocol eventually work for your husband?




> oleander soup, efi noname <empasi_home@ ...> wrote:


> >


> > Hello MM,


> > I had (with my husband) the same experience, a huge raise in cancer markers. After that, he decided to go on with chemo. At that time he had been at the protocol for three months.


> > I do not know what is the best for you, but I can assure you that chemo is not the solution regarding the side effects.


> > It depends on your situation... The only "positive" thing with chemo was the fact that he "gained" some time, to go on with the protocol.


> > Best regards


> > Efi


> >


> > --- Γ"ôéò ΓÑñ., 09/10/09, Γ―/Γ§ infomcf <infomcf@ > ΓãñÑøΓ₯:


> >


> > Γðü: infomcf <infomcf@ >


> > ΓΓìÑ: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......


> > ΓΓ±Γ―Γ²: oleander soup


> > ΓΓ¬Γ₯ñïìçíΓΓ‘: ΓÑñÑóΓͺΓ₯Γ΅Γ, 9 ΓΓͺôþÒñéïò 2009, 2:14


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Î’


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > Hi everyone,


> >


> >


> >


> > I got my blood results today and my tumour markers have gone up again. This time by 800. Three weeks ago it had only gone up by 100 so as you can imagine I am really worried.


> >


> >


> >


> > I am doing everything that is recommended on the anti-cancer protocol and yet my numbers keep going up. I know what was said the last time about how the OPC slows the growth down first but surely that would imply that the numbers would still have gone up but not as much as the previous 100 never mind going up by as much as 800.


> >


> >


> >


> > Can anyone give me any help or advice????


> >


> >


> >


> > MM


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> >


> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _


> > ΓñçóéìïðïéΓ₯ΓΓ΄Γ₯ ;


> > ΓÑñΓ₯Γ¨ΓΓͺÑôΓ₯ ôÑ Γ₯íï÷ëçôéΓͺà ìçíýìÑôÑ (spam); Γ"Γ― Mail


> > ÀéÑèΓΓ΄Γ₯Γ© ôçí ΓͺÑëýôΓ₯Γ±Γ§ ÀáíÑôà ðñïóôÑóΓΓ‘ ΓͺÑôà ôùí Γ₯íï÷ëçôéΓͺΓΎΓ­


> > ìçíáìΓôùí http://login. / config/mail? .intl=gr


> >































> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _




> ΞΌΞ·Ξ½Ο…ΞΌΞ¬ΟΟΞ½ http://login. / config/mail? .intl=gr





ΧÏησιμοποιείτε ΒαÏεθήκατε τα ενοχλητικά Î¼Î·Î½Ï Î¼Î±Ï„Î± (spam); Το Mail διαθέτει την καλÏτεÏη δυνατή Ï€Ïοστασία κατά των ενοχλητικών μηνυμάτων http://login./config/mail?.intl=gr

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Hi Efi,


It is great that your husband is doing well. Is your husband still doing the

anti-cancer protocol while in chemo? What kind of chemo is he doing?




oleander soup , efi noname <empasi_home wrote:


> Hi again MM,

> My husband is stil in chemo, so I do not know if the results(lower cancer

markers and reduce of the tumor in the liver) comes from chemo or from the


> Of course, I am sure that if he had not been in the protocol(together with the

chemo), he wouldn " t been in a good condition.And he is in a good condition.

> Efi


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Hi MM,I am truly sorry to hear that. I know that is more than a little unnerving. Out of interest, how are you supporting your elimination pathways? Kidneys, colon, liver? Are you doing coffee enemas and colonics to ease the burden on the liver? Are you taking tinctures or supplements specifically targeted at detoxing the kidneys or liver? How often are you doing liver and gallbladder flushes? GB-3 digestive enzymes from Analytical Research Labs in Arizona are also worth considering as they are a digestive enzyme and a potent liver detoxifier.I think I focus on the detoxification aspect just as much as I do which supplements I am ingesting.Eva.

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Another thing I just thought of. Have you dealt with any existing emotional issues i.e. resentment that may be hindering your recovery. I had a shame-based and resentful emotional aspect to me that largely contributed to me "getting" a sarcoma. And on the surface I was usually sweet and cheery!! I know a lot of people recommend EFT, and I think it is fantastic, but it just isn't my thing. I do a Judeo/Christian based meditation and observation exercise by Roy Masters called Be Still And Know. Instead of emptying the mind, it allows the mind to slowly become more centered and balanced by simply becoming more aware of the endless loop of negative thoughts (unrealistic anxiety). Obviously I am oversimplifying this, but it really works and is worth checking out who wants to overcome, or avoid dis-ease. I do it 1-2 x

daily whilst using my sauna and I feel much more grounded.Eva.

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Hi Efi,


It's great that your husband is doing well with the chemo. Is he doing the

anti-cancer protocol simultaneously with the chemo? How long has he been on the

chemo? Would you mind if I ask what kind of chemo he has been administered?




oleander soup , efi noname <empasi_home wrote:


> Hi again MM,

> My husband is stil in chemo, so I do not know if the results(lower cancer

markers and reduce of the tumor in the liver) comes from chemo or from the


> Of course, I am sure that if he had not been in the protocol(together with the

chemo), he wouldn " t been in a good condition.And he is in a good condition.

> Efi


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