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My tumour marker keeps going up......

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I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a day but

my tumour markers keep going up.


Can anyone give me any advice?


The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I really do not

want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't have any choice.



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You need to fill in a lot more info. What else are you taking? What is your

Vit D, are you taking Iodine, and how much, are you taking any Mg? What is your

diet? Are you eating raw, organic food? See Tony's anti-cancer protocol, and

see how much you are doing.


oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf wrote:


> Hi,


> I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a day

but my tumour markers keep going up.


> Can anyone give me any advice?


> The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I really do

not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't have any



> MM


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I am following Tony's anti-cancer protocol exactly. I am taking 5000iu of

Vitamin D a day. I am also taking about 18mg of Iodine a day (I think - it is 6

drops of Lugols solutions so I think that is what it works out at). What is Mg?


Yes everything I am eating is organic but I am having a lot of stomach problems

at the moment so I am not eating very much.


I am taking everything on the anti-cancer protocol now which is why I am




oleander soup , " tedsanford " <tedsanford wrote:


> You need to fill in a lot more info. What else are you taking? What is your

Vit D, are you taking Iodine, and how much, are you taking any Mg? What is your

diet? Are you eating raw, organic food? See Tony's anti-cancer protocol, and

see how much you are doing.


> oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a day

but my tumour markers keep going up.

> >

> > Can anyone give me any advice?

> >

> > The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I really do

not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't have any


> >

> > MM

> >


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Which cancer are you fighting? What was the result from your last 25(OH)D

(VitD) blood test? I doubt if 5000iu/day is enough. What is the Iodine % of

your Lugols? 1 drop of 5%Lugols is 6.25mg. If you ask on the Iodine blog, they

will tell you to go to 100mg/day for cancer. Mg is Magnesium, sorry, and most

of us are deficient. There is a thread about that on the Iodine blog tonight.

What are your stomach problems? Is it nausea when eating? That needs to be

addressed. It appears that the heavy hitters here are off for the night, but

wait and see what Tony has to say.



oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf wrote:


> I am following Tony's anti-cancer protocol exactly. I am taking 5000iu of

Vitamin D a day. I am also taking about 18mg of Iodine a day (I think - it is 6

drops of Lugols solutions so I think that is what it works out at). What is Mg?


> Yes everything I am eating is organic but I am having a lot of stomach

problems at the moment so I am not eating very much.


> I am taking everything on the anti-cancer protocol now which is why I am




> oleander soup , " tedsanford@ " <tedsanford@> wrote:

> >

> > You need to fill in a lot more info. What else are you taking? What is

your Vit D, are you taking Iodine, and how much, are you taking any Mg? What is

your diet? Are you eating raw, organic food? See Tony's anti-cancer protocol,

and see how much you are doing.

> >

> > oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > >

> > > I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a

day but my tumour markers keep going up.

> > >

> > > Can anyone give me any advice?

> > >

> > > The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I really

do not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't have any


> > >

> > > MM

> > >

> >


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Hi MM,I'm sorry to hear you are feeling out of options - sometimes we do feel like we are pushed into a corner. I just wanted to share with you what I do for my anticancer protocol. I had a huge retroperitoneal Liposarcoma removed exactly one year ago. I go for follow up scans on Thursday and then get my results on Friday. My cancer doesn't have tumor markers available for me to monitor. According to my surgeon we are on a "watch and wait" protocol. :-) My surgeon told me that although my Liposarcoma (connective tissue cancer) was low-grade, I need to picture it as a sleeping baby. It may look all sweet and innocent, but we don't know what it will do when it wakes up. From diagnosis to my surgery it had grown an inch in 4 weeks, so I think it had "woken up". And these cancers like to come back in a

more aggressive way. So I go for my 6 monthly scans and focus on a comprehensive plan for my body in the meantime. I think initially in my quest for getting into remission I focussed too much on the anti-cancer protocol. I do follow nearly all of Tony's protocol, however I do a lot of other things, too. I am doing hair mineral analysis in order to find out exactly which minerals I am needing in my body. I am low in all of my macrominerals and this makes it very hard for an individual to fully recover if they are not replenished. Amongst other things I am copper toxic and many good multi-vitamins simply don't have the correct ratios of minerals for my body's slow state of oxidation. This program also assists over time to correct the eliminative pathways of the body, balance vital macromineral ratios and eliminate heavy metals etc. I also do FAR infrared saunas every day to allow toxins to be excreted by

my largest organ the skin. I have started a regimen of colonics and I have done near daily coffee enemas to assist toxins in my colon and my liver to be eliminated. I also follow the Body Ecology way of eating as it helps to increase the macrominerals in my body and it is repairing my leaky gut. When I found out most of my immunity was in the colon, that is where I started focussing my attention. So I now have cultured/fermented foods daily as well as Kefir made from raw goats milk and Kombucha tea. I also had all of my amalgam removed from my mouth. I have been taking Oleander since late last year and I had discomfort and tingling for the last 11 months in the area where my sarcoma was irritating my back just prior to surgery . This discomfort pretty much stopped the day I had my amalgams removed. Very interesting!! I also did a lot of Christian counselling in order to abandon many of the

negative thinking patterns that were impeding my physical health.I know a lot of the things I am mentioning aren't a quick fix. It takes time to repair the body. It was only when I started focussing on repairing my body that I started to feel confident in what I was doing. Encouragingly enough my practitioner who designes my supplement program was happy for me to do nearly all the things suggested on Tony's anti-cancer protocol. I know it is scary when numbers don't change or they go up. You need to trust in what you are doing, know why you are doing what you do, and make sure you are doing as much, if not more, for your non-cancerous cells. This is just my experience, so I hope it helps you in some way to find more directions in where you are going next.Blessings, Eva.

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Do you have wireless equipment, transformers, cellphone, and other sources of electro-magnetic radiation around you, especially in your bedroom when you are trying to sleep? This can prevent the healing that should go on at night. Also, it is good to not have metal innersprings, or a metal bedframe.





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Do you have any root canals, or absesses? Or candida or other infections? Teeth problems should be dealt with quickly, including removing, and cleaning the socket of, root-canaled teeth, since you need to find out what is holding you back. Is your stomach delicate because of the former chemo? Are you following all you can for liver, gall-bladder, and kidney support? Eating some bulb fennel can soothe your stomach.

They say that the body can take an infection as first priority, and not give proper attention to the cancer until you remove the infection.

I hope out of everybody's suggestions you find some good solutions.

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My friend is a hugely popular holistic doctor in LA.


He told me to use www.revivifynow.com 

He's been seeing tumors shrink and cancer leave

using this combination.


Its a silver solution. He said its not colloidal.


I haven't spent time on the site yet so don't know much yet.


The protocol calls to use a bottle which for cancer will last for

about two weeks, and to include in the regiment 2 tsp a day

of aluminum free baking soda. I don't like the idea of baking

soda as an alkalizer because I heard it leaches out certain

important nutrients like folic acid, etc.


I need to contact the site as well as to check in with my friend's latest

results. I haven't spoken to him for a couple of months.


Also, I just attended the annual holistic Cancer Control Society

convention and got three sample bottles of three mushroom

preparations. I used them intensively for a week before running

out and alomg with some alkaline water from a machine my

cells started to function more normally while I used the mushroom



Another thing that seems to be helping is Kombucha Tea from

only one company. Its from Whole Foods through a vendor called

Synergy. The sweet kid who owns the company used it to help cure

his mom of breast cancer.






I need to find out if its OK to substitute another alkalizing agents.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 3:47 PM, infomcf <infomcf wrote:





Hi,I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a day but my tumour markers keep going up.Can anyone give me any advice?The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I really do not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't have any choice.


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There are various things to alkalize I and others are finding that some make

a much bigger difference than others.


Also, I'm finding that the naturally occurring balance of minerals in sea minerals

isn't throwing things out of balance.


If you drink any water with chlorine in it the chlorine occupies the same receptor

site as the iodine should.


I found something wonderful on another note. Its called Sound Entrainment

Therapy. I met a wonderful man who's entire reality was transformed by it.


I saw pictures. Maybe they were done with Heat Thermography. They showed

before that the brain had uneven, unbalanced energy, The after pictures were

totally balanced and symmetrical.


I got my first recordings. Its helping me allot. Another name for it is " Binaural Beat "

Different sound frequencies are listened to in each ear to reach out to the two brain

hemispheres. If you're interested I'll get you more information.


I forgot to add that I am also, as well as Eva, benefiting greatly from Kefir as well as Synergy

Kombucha. I don't drink them close together because the cultures are different.

The Synergy makes a Gingerade flavor that really helps. Ginger helps digestion and metabolic



I'm keeping you in my prayers and heart,



On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 5:03 PM, infomcf <infomcf wrote:





I am following Tony's anti-cancer protocol exactly. I am taking 5000iu of Vitamin D a day. I am also taking about 18mg of Iodine a day (I think - it is 6 drops of Lugols solutions so I think that is what it works out at). What is Mg?

Yes everything I am eating is organic but I am having a lot of stomach problems at the moment so I am not eating very much.I am taking everything on the anti-cancer protocol now which is why I am worried. oleander soup , " tedsanford " <tedsanford wrote:>> You need to fill in a lot more info. What else are you taking? What is your Vit D, are you taking Iodine, and how much, are you taking any Mg? What is your diet? Are you eating raw, organic food? See Tony's anti-cancer protocol, and see how much you are doing.

> > oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:> >> > Hi,> > > > I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a day but my tumour markers keep going up.

> > > > Can anyone give me any advice?> > > > The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I really do not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't have any choice.

> > > > MM> >>

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That us something not many people think about. Thank you for pointing it out. I am looking to buy my boys new beds and have mainly been concerned about the mattress. I considered memory foam but not sure if some are toxic. I am also currently trying to research pititutary tumors. My 17 yo son has been dx with one which is 7x7x7. His Dr says there is no reason to worry and has him sch for a endo consult in Oct. His pnly symptom was slightly enlarged breasts with a bit of 'milk' secretion.

Anyone ever hear of this?





oleander soup

Saturday, September 19, 2009 10:19 PM

Re: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......




Do you have wireless equipment, transformers, cellphone, and other sources of electro-magnetic radiation around you, especially in your bedroom when you are trying to sleep? This can prevent the healing that should go on at night. Also, it is good to not have metal innersprings, or a metal bedframe.





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oleander soup , " Kathy " <vanokat wrote:


> That us something not many people think about. Thank you for pointing it out.

I am looking to buy my boys new beds and have mainly been concerned about the

mattress. I considered memory foam but not sure if some are toxic. I am also

currently trying to research pititutary tumors. My 17 yo son has been dx with

one which is 7x7x7. His Dr says there is no reason to worry and has him sch for

a endo consult in Oct. His pnly symptom was slightly enlarged breasts with a bit

of 'milk' secretion.

> Anyone ever hear of this?

> Kat

> -

> redhooklane

> oleander soup

> Saturday, September 19, 2009 10:19 PM

> Re: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......



> Yes, I have defintely heard of this. My 20 year old son has also been

diagnosed with this. He has a 6mm pit tumor and I am almost positive that he

either has addison's or cushings disease. But unfortunately I have to put this

on hold right now due to husbands stage IV esophageal cancer. We have gone to

many specialists and all they say is lets wait and see which drives me nuts. He

was having very bad concentration problems, weight gain without eating, tremors,

sleep problems, he also has low B12 and gives shots monthly. We have been to 5

different specialists and they all say wait and theres nothing to worry about

unless he is having eye problems from the tumor. Apparently it is dangerous to

take out and most don't want to touch it with a 10 ft pole. I had read about

restricting his diet like Atkins so I placed him on that during his summer away

from college and he did fantastic. We followed Atkins but without any high fat

consumption. Just protein, veggies and no arbs and his symptoms diminished a



Your son is being affect hormonily. Have them check his hormone output. How

big is the tumor?







> Do you have wireless equipment, transformers, cellphone, and other

sources of electro-magnetic radiation around you, especially in your bedroom

when you are trying to sleep? This can prevent the healing that should go on at

night. Also, it is good to not have metal innersprings, or a metal bedframe.






> Do__DD,_._,___


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I have colon cancer that is in my liver.


My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and 163.


I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that it said

2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to take 6 drops

for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops for quite a few

weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.


My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel like

eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.


Thanks for your help




oleander soup , " tedsanford " <tedsanford wrote:


> Which cancer are you fighting? What was the result from your last 25(OH)D

(VitD) blood test? I doubt if 5000iu/day is enough. What is the Iodine % of

your Lugols? 1 drop of 5%Lugols is 6.25mg. If you ask on the Iodine blog, they

will tell you to go to 100mg/day for cancer. Mg is Magnesium, sorry, and most

of us are deficient. There is a thread about that on the Iodine blog tonight.

What are your stomach problems? Is it nausea when eating? That needs to be

addressed. It appears that the heavy hitters here are off for the night, but

wait and see what Tony has to say.

> Ted


> oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

> >

> > I am following Tony's anti-cancer protocol exactly. I am taking 5000iu of

Vitamin D a day. I am also taking about 18mg of Iodine a day (I think - it is 6

drops of Lugols solutions so I think that is what it works out at). What is Mg?

> >

> > Yes everything I am eating is organic but I am having a lot of stomach

problems at the moment so I am not eating very much.

> >

> > I am taking everything on the anti-cancer protocol now which is why I am


> >

> >

> > oleander soup , " tedsanford@ " <tedsanford@> wrote:

> > >

> > > You need to fill in a lot more info. What else are you taking? What is

your Vit D, are you taking Iodine, and how much, are you taking any Mg? What is

your diet? Are you eating raw, organic food? See Tony's anti-cancer protocol,

and see how much you are doing.

> > >

> > > oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hi,

> > > >

> > > > I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a

day but my tumour markers keep going up.

> > > >

> > > > Can anyone give me any advice?

> > > >

> > > > The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I

really do not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't

have any choice.

> > > >

> > > > MM

> > > >

> > >

> >


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How do you find how much of these things is in your body?Thanks, Robyninfomcf <infomcfoleander soup Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 2:01:40 PM Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......



I have colon cancer that is in my liver.


My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and 163.


I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that it said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to take 6 drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops for quite a few weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.


My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel like eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.


Thanks for your help




oleander soup, "tedsanford@ ..." <tedsanford@ ...> wrote:


> Which cancer are you fighting? What was the result from your last 25(OH)D (VitD) blood test? I doubt if 5000iu/day is enough. What is the Iodine % of your Lugols? 1 drop of 5%Lugols is 6.25mg. If you ask on the Iodine blog, they will tell you to go to 100mg/day for cancer. Mg is Magnesium, sorry, and most of us are deficient. There is a thread about that on the Iodine blog tonight. What are your stomach problems? Is it nausea when eating? That needs to be addressed. It appears that the heavy hitters here are off for the night, but wait and see what Tony has to say.

> Ted


> oleander soup, "infomcf" <infomcf@> wrote:

> >

> > I am following Tony's anti-cancer protocol exactly. I am taking 5000iu of Vitamin D a day. I am also taking about 18mg of Iodine a day (I think - it is 6 drops of Lugols solutions so I think that is what it works out at). What is Mg?

> >

> > Yes everything I am eating is organic but I am having a lot of stomach problems at the moment so I am not eating very much.

> >

> > I am taking everything on the anti-cancer protocol now which is why I am worried.

> >

> >

> > oleander soup, "tedsanford@ " <tedsanford@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > You need to fill in a lot more info. What else are you taking? What is your Vit D, are you taking Iodine, and how much, are you taking any Mg? What is your diet? Are you eating raw, organic food? See Tony's anti-cancer protocol, and see how much you are doing.

> > >

> > > oleander soup, "infomcf" <infomcf@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hi,

> > > >

> > > > I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a day but my tumour markers keep going up.

> > > >

> > > > Can anyone give me any advice?

> > > >

> > > > The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I really do not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't have any choice.

> > > >

> > > > MM

> > > >

> > >

> >




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This is Silver, and $40.00 for 6oz!!! I don't think so. Unknown quality.




Marsha <earthguardian2flyoleander soup Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 9:46:01 PMRe: My tumour marker keeps going up......




My friend is a hugely popular holistic doctor in LA.


He told me to use www.revivifynow. com

He's been seeing tumors shrink and cancer leave

using this combination.


Its a silver solution. He said its not colloidal.


I haven't spent time on the site yet so don't know much yet.


The protocol calls to use a bottle which for cancer will last for

about two weeks, and to include in the regiment 2 tsp a day

of aluminum free baking soda. I don't like the idea of baking

soda as an alkalizer because I heard it leaches out certain

important nutrients like folic acid, etc.


I need to contact the site as well as to check in with my friend's latest

results. I haven't spoken to him for a couple of months.


Also, I just attended the annual holistic Cancer Control Society

convention and got three sample bottles of three mushroom

preparations. I used them intensively for a week before running

out and alomg with some alkaline water from a machine my

cells started to function more normally while I used the mushroom



Another thing that seems to be helping is Kombucha Tea from

only one company. Its from Whole Foods through a vendor called

Synergy. The sweet kid who owns the company used it to help cure

his mom of breast cancer.






I need to find out if its OK to substitute another alkalizing agents.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 3:47 PM, infomcf <infomcf (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:




Hi,I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times a day but my tumour markers keep going up.Can anyone give me any advice?The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I really do not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't have any choice.MM

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If you have 2%, then one drop is 2.5mg according to my calculations, and with

cancer, you need to be taking as much as 100mg/day. You can check on

iodine@ or with Tony, but for cancer, you should probably get 5% and

up your dose.

I don't believe that the Vit D test you mention was the 25(OH)D, because the

normal range for that is 40-60ug/ml. At any rate, with cancer, you need to be

in the therapeutic range, which is above the normal. See drmercola.com for more


Your eating is critical. Make sure you are eating enough salt, because you need

the chloride to make stomach acid (HCL). Also, try Betaine Hydrochloride

(available at any health food store) to assist in makeing stomach acid, as the

food won't leave the stomach until it is sufficiently acid, and cancer patients

don't make enough.

For magnesium, google manesium chloride oil. It is available in spray bottles

as a rub on.

Are you doing colon liver cleanses and or coffee enemas?

You have plenty of friends here that will help you, so don't lose hope.




oleander soup , robyn howell <robynehowell wrote:


> How do you find how much of these things is in your body?

> Thanks, Robyn





> ________________________________

> infomcf <infomcf

> oleander soup

> Sunday, September 20, 2009 2:01:40 PM

> Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......



> I have colon cancer that is in my liver.


> My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and 163.


> I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that it

said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to take 6

drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops for quite a

few weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.


> My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel like

eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.


> Thanks for your help


> MM


> oleander soup, " tedsanford@ ... " <tedsanford@ ...>


> >

> > Which cancer are you fighting? What was the result from your last 25(OH)D

(VitD) blood test? I doubt if 5000iu/day is enough. What is the Iodine % of

your Lugols? 1 drop of 5%Lugols is 6.25mg. If you ask on the Iodine blog, they

will tell you to go to 100mg/day for cancer. Mg is Magnesium, sorry, and most

of us are deficient. There is a thread about that on the Iodine blog tonight.

What are your stomach problems? Is it nausea when eating? That needs to be

addressed. It appears that the heavy hitters here are off for the night, but

wait and see what Tony has to say.

> > Ted

> >

> > oleander soup, " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

> > >

> > > I am following Tony's anti-cancer protocol exactly. I am taking 5000iu of

Vitamin D a day. I am also taking about 18mg of Iodine a day (I think - it is 6

drops of Lugols solutions so I think that is what it works out at). What is Mg?

> > >

> > > Yes everything I am eating is organic but I am having a lot of stomach

problems at the moment so I am not eating very much.

> > >

> > > I am taking everything on the anti-cancer protocol now which is why I am


> > >

> > >

> > > oleander soup, " tedsanford@ " <tedsanford@ >


> > > >

> > > > You need to fill in a lot more info. What else are you taking? What is

your Vit D, are you taking Iodine, and how much, are you taking any Mg? What is

your diet? Are you eating raw, organic food? See Tony's anti-cancer protocol,

and see how much you are doing.

> > > >

> > > > oleander soup, " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi,

> > > > >

> > > > > I have been taking the liquid Sutherlandia OPC at 4 teaspoons 3 times

a day but my tumour markers keep going up.

> > > > >

> > > > > Can anyone give me any advice?

> > > > >

> > > > > The only thing which seems to bring my numbers down is chemo but I

really do not want to go back onto it but I am starting to feel like I don't

have any choice.

> > > > >

> > > > > MM

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >










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MM -

I posted an answer for you in my Ask Tony Isaacs forum at CureZone and I see from this reply that you have answered some of the questions I posed, so I will repost it here with appropriate changes:

How long have you been following the protocol? How much oleander are you taking? Also, how much of the other items? What stage is your colon cancer and the mets to the liver?

It is possible that the increased markers are coming from cancer cell dieoff and it is also possible that back pain may be coming from metasticized cancer that is being attacked by the supplements and your own immune system - as it is common to have pain at cancer tumor sites when they come under attack.

You indicate that you are following the complete protocol, which should indeed be a good thing, but I would caution that cancers are very dose dependent on the amount of oleander as well as the amounts taken of other important cancer fighting elements in the protocol. For example, for the more difficult, aggressive and/or advanced cancers it is now felt that oleander can be taken in amounts up to 5 capsules twice a day (so long as it is tolerated - and it may be tolerated easier to break down the 10 total capsules into 3 or more doses). Curcumin in highly bioavailable form is suggested at 3000 mg per day. Inositol/IP6 at 12-16 capsules per day. Iodine is suggested at 100 mg per day (working up from 50 mg or less) in concert with selenium (in the forum methylselenocysteine). Colloidal silver should be in the amount of a couple of ounces per day, along with a couple of teaspoons or more of colloidal gold. Digestive enzymes should be taken at the rate of 4 or 5 capsules two or three times per day on an empty stomach. You may wish to take them twice on an empty stomach and take a couple with each meal to help with your stomach issues. Be sure that your enzymmes include chymotrypsin and serrapeptase (you may have to purchase two seperate products, as I did).

The same larger doses are also likely indicated for items such as the R-10 Mushroom Defense and the Blood Support Tonic. You may also want to increase your doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 as well as add some extra quercitin. Virtually all supplements come with conservative "maintenance" or "preventive" doses on the container. Those are not normally the therapeutic doses needed to defeat cancers, especially the more difficult cancers. We have had a few instances where people apparently were following most of the protocol but were taking less than the maximum doses and leaving a few items out and there cancer growths, though retarded, were not completely reversed until they embraced the entire protocol and increased the amounts of the key supplements.

Do you have any amalgam fillings or root canals? The presence of either could be a major roadblock in ultimately beating cancer and keeping it at bay.

A final key consideration is the attention you are giving your liver - especially since the cancer itself has appeared there. Cleansing, protecting and regenerating the liver - and keeping the bile ducts open and flowing - is absolutely essential in maintaining optimal health and in eliminating the toxins as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you try all of those things and still do not get the results you want, you may ultimately want to look into other alternatives such as cesium chloride or perhaps even chemo along with the oleander. Much as I hate chemo, and though normally oleander without chemo is more effective than oleander with chemo, there have been instances where the combination of the two have been most successful (and the oleander does potentiate chemo as well as greatly lessen virtually all of the side effects).

Though oleander and the protocol I recommend is the best I know of, that is not to say that for some people and some cancers, other protocols might work better. But, depending on how long you have been following it and the doses you have been taking, and of course the stage of your cancer, I would not be too fast to move another direction if it were me.

Oleander has been particularly effective against liver cancer, especially when combined with the other suggested items in the protocol and ALL the steps recommended for the liver. Some colon cancers have proven more difficult and have taken increased amounts of oleander and other supplements and closer adherence to the protocol for maximum effectiveness. In some instances of colon cancer, the combination of oleander and low dose chemo has been beneficial too.

Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against cancer is that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen gradually over a period of months, then at some point the growth is stopped, then later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is either eliminated, reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in check.

Sadly, mainstream medicine disregards anything that is not a patentable drug or treatment that they control and profit from, and they have bought and sold virtually all of the scientific research into cancer and drugs. Thus, true unbiased scientific research into natural and alternative protocols which include natural supplements, diet, lifestyle, toxin removal, stress management, etc., is almost utterly lacking and those of us who are fighting cancer or trying to help others fight it are forging ahead through common sense and self-education - hoping and praying that the information we develop will provide the right answers while knowing the dismal records of the alternatives offered by the mainstream methods.

All the best,

oleander soup , "infomcf" <infomcf wrote:>> I have colon cancer that is in my liver. > > My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and 163.> > I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that it said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to take 6 drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops for quite a few weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.> > My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel like eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.> > Thanks for your help> > MM>

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I am a colon cancer (stage 3) survivor of almost 10 years. I did have the tumor removed (colon

resection surgery) and one month of chemo which I stopped because it was

literally taking away my desire to live and brought my quality of life down to

zero. There are no studies

indicating that chemo/radiation cures colon cancer. In fact there is even some questions in

conventional medicine circles as to whether chemo is even a good choice for colorectal

cancer. It is basically palliative treatment

and quality of life ends up being very low. Remember that digestive tract/colon/rectal

cancers are located where most of your immune system is located. If one is going to beat cancer, they

NEED their immune system! Once it’s

gone, all types of health concerns usually follow. Most colon cancers are slow moving –

adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma is a cancer originating in glandular tissue. This tissue

is also part of a larger tissue category known as epithelial. Epithelial tissue

includes skin, glands and a variety of other tissue that lines the cavities and

organs of the body.


A few more recommendations to consider/research in addition to Tony’s

great suggestions:


Primal Defense by Garden of Life –

Build up to 4-5 capsules before bed. (Tony offers this on his site, I think.) Primal Defense was part of my healing


Mag O7 – Use as a bowel

cleanse and also for maintenance.

Everyone should have at least 2-3 bowel movements daily. Mag O7 will release healing oxygen to

the digestive tract as well as making sure that everything is moving correctly.

(Tony offers this on his site). Mag

O7 was part of my healing protocol.

Hi-Tech Aloe Vera – We have

formulated a more concentrated form of our GlycoEssential 7 for those fighting

degenerative disease. It is 50%

Organic Aloe Vera (the best in Acetylated mannan – the active form

of all mannans)) and then 50% (in

combination) of the other six glyconutrients. It also contains Arabinogalactin from the Larch tree as well as a host of other cancer fighting

ingredients. It will help to boost

your immune system and is recommended highly for those choosing natural

medicine or conventional medicine for cancer fighting. Right now it can only be purchased

through special order from the OAW clinic.

Wild Mediterranean Oregano Oil –

This will help with bile production and is antibacterial and antifungal (most

cancer patients have Candida overgrowth and h.pylori). Very effective when used with a good

colloidal silver for Candida and h.pylori.

Must be placed in capsules and taken with food on a full stomach. sells a product called Oregasil which is a very high quality Oregano Oil.

intraMAX – Everyone should be

taking an organic multi/vitamin-mineral complex as a foundation supplement.

Parasite Cleansing – Everyone has

parasites and cancer patients usually have a tremendous amount of


Liver/gallbladder - Cleansing should

be done 1x every month for 4-5 months or 1x every 10-14 days for those strong

enough. It takes years to build up

toxins and it will take more than one or two cleanses in order to cleanse

effectively and keep the digestive tract in good working order.

Chiropractic. I highly

recommend finding a good chiropractor who understands and believes in natural

medicine. If affordable, an adjustment

1x per week or at least 1x every two weeks is recommended. I wrote a blog several months back about

the necessity of chiropractic for health and wellness

that talks about the importance of chiropractic. The spine has a lot to do with every

organ in the body. It is well worth

the money to have a good chiropractor in your health/wellness arsenal.

Lymphatic drainage – If able,

bouncing on a mini-tramp (7 minutes – 2x daily) and dry skin brushing is

recommended. Also using a chi

machine helps with drainage and provides oxygen to the spine.


As far as the oleander, as Tony said, I would also underline the suggestion of

getting up to the higher dosages, if possible.


For your stomach issues, you made need some HCl. Most with cancer do not make sufficient

levels of hydrochloric acid. Take

this 15 minutes before eating every meal.

Add one tablet daily until you experience a slight burning sensation –

when that happens then back down to previous level and stay there until you

experience the burning and then continue to back down, etc. You may also want to try Cholocol from

Standard Process, especially if you do not have a gallbladder or have

gallbladder issues. The stomach

issues could also be from the iodine. For

cancer you should be taking between 50-100 mg daily. Many people do better with Iodoral which is the

pill-version of Lugol’s and seems to be less irritating to the stomach. Or you can also try what Trapper at

CureZone recommends – nascent iodine with SSKI.


Bowel cancer, as all cancers but even more so in my opinion, is almost always

indicative of emotional disharmony.

Excessive stress levels, fear, buried anger or past hurts and/or tragedies

in life can all attribute to bowel concerns. Please seek out help with emotional

issues as all cancer patients have emotional issues that should be dealt with

as quickly as possible. This is

very important and something very over-looked in conventional as well as

natural medicine. It is best to

find a professional who is trained in natural methods of helping people with

their hurts and fears. This will go

a long way toward healing and good health.


By the way, it looks like the most informative Vitamin D test was not used when

testing your levels. Those with cancer

are usually very deficient in Vitamin D-3. http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vitamin-d-role--cancer.html The test you should ask for is 25-hydroxyvitamin D test or 25(OH)D. Adjust your Vitamin D-3 dosage so that blood

levels are between 50–80 ng/mL

year-round. The average person starts to store cholecalciferol at 40 ng/ml,

but at 50 ng/ml virtually everyone begins to store it for future use. That

is, at levels below 50 ng/ml, the body uses up vitamin D as fast as you

can make it, or take it, indicating chronic substrate

starvation—not a good thing. 25(OH)D levels should be between 50–80 ng/ml,



One more thing….please be faithful and religious to your protocol. That means 24/7. Cancer doesn’t take a holiday or

stop growing on weekends and neither should your protocol take a holiday or

stop on weekends. Be persistent, never

give up and don’t listen to naysayers or any negativity about the healing

path that you have chosen….in fact, remove the negativity and naysayers

for this season in your life. You

have better things to concentrate on than to be constantly on the defense.


Most of all remember that there is ALWAYS HOPE and ALWAYS AN ANSWER…..ALWAYS! Read the Biology of Belief by Bruce

Lipton – you will be glad that you did!!


I wish you much success on your path toward healing and optimum health!





Be Well~


Visit My Blog - Oasis of Health & Wellness






oleander soup

oleander soup On Behalf Of TonyI

Monday, September 21, 2009 2:45 PM

oleander soup

Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......








MM -

I posted an answer for you in my Ask Tony Isaacs forum at CureZone and I see

from this reply that you have answered some of the questions I posed, so I will

repost it here with appropriate changes:

How long have you been

following the protocol? How much oleander are you taking? Also, how

much of the other items? What stage is your colon cancer and the mets to

the liver?

It is possible that the

increased markers are coming from cancer cell dieoff and it is also possible

that back pain may be coming from metasticized cancer that is being attacked by

the supplements and your own immune system - as it is common to have pain at

cancer tumor sites when they come under attack.

You indicate that you

are following the complete protocol, which should indeed be a good thing, but I

would caution that cancers are very dose dependent on the amount of oleander as

well as the amounts taken of other important cancer fighting elements in the

protocol. For example, for the more difficult, aggressive and/or advanced

cancers it is now felt that oleander can be taken in amounts up to 5 capsules

twice a day (so long as it is tolerated - and it may be tolerated easier to

break down the 10 total capsules into 3 or more doses). Curcumin in

highly bioavailable form is suggested at 3000 mg per day. Inositol/IP6 at

12-16 capsules per day. Iodine is suggested at 100 mg per day (working up

from 50 mg or less) in concert with selenium (in the forum methylselenocysteine).

Colloidal silver should be in the amount of a couple of ounces per day, along

with a couple of teaspoons or more of colloidal gold. Digestive enzymes

should be taken at the rate of 4 or 5 capsules two or three times per day on an

empty stomach. You may wish to take them twice on an empty stomach and

take a couple with each meal to help with your stomach issues. Be sure

that your enzymmes include chymotrypsin and serrapeptase (you may have to

purchase two seperate products, as I did).

The same larger doses

are also likely indicated for items such as the R-10 Mushroom Defense and the

Blood Support Tonic. You may also want to increase your doses of Vitamin

C and Vitamin D3 as well as add some extra quercitin. Virtually all

supplements come with conservative " maintenance " or

" preventive " doses on the container. Those are not normally the

therapeutic doses needed to defeat cancers, especially the more difficult

cancers. We have had a few instances where people apparently were

following most of the protocol but were taking less than the maximum doses and

leaving a few items out and there cancer growths, though retarded, were not

completely reversed until they embraced the entire protocol and increased the

amounts of the key supplements.

Do you have any amalgam

fillings or root canals? The presence of either could be a major

roadblock in ultimately beating cancer and keeping it at bay.

A final key

consideration is the attention you are giving your liver - especially since the

cancer itself has appeared there. Cleansing, protecting and regenerating

the liver - and keeping the bile ducts open and flowing - is absolutely

essential in maintaining optimal health and in eliminating the toxins as

quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you try all of those

things and still do not get the results you want, you may ultimately want to

look into other alternatives such as cesium chloride or perhaps even chemo

along with the oleander. Much as I hate chemo, and though normally

oleander without chemo is more effective than oleander with chemo, there have

been instances where the combination of the two have been most successful (and

the oleander does potentiate chemo as well as greatly lessen virtually all of

the side effects).

Though oleander and the

protocol I recommend is the best I know of, that is not to say that for some

people and some cancers, other protocols might work better. But,

depending on how long you have been following it and the doses you have been

taking, and of course the stage of your cancer, I would not be too fast to move

another direction if it were me.

Oleander has been

particularly effective against liver cancer, especially when combined with the

other suggested items in the protocol and ALL the steps recommended for the

liver. Some colon cancers have proven more difficult and have taken

increased amounts of oleander and other supplements and closer adherence to the

protocol for maximum effectiveness. In some instances of colon cancer,

the combination of oleander and low dose chemo has been beneficial too.

Remember, the normal

progression of an oleander protocol against cancer is that it first slows the

growth of the cancer, which may happen gradually over a period of months, then

at some point the growth is stopped, then later the growth is reversed and

finally the cancer is either eliminated, reduced to a smaller benign mass or

else held in check.

Sadly, mainstream

medicine disregards anything that is not a patentable drug or treatment that

they control and profit from, and they have bought and sold virtually all of

the scientific research into cancer and drugs. Thus, true unbiased

scientific research into natural and alternative protocols which include

natural supplements, diet, lifestyle, toxin removal, stress management, etc.,

is almost utterly lacking and those of us who are fighting cancer or trying to

help others fight it are forging ahead through common sense and self-education

- hoping and praying that the information we develop will provide the right

answers while knowing the dismal records of the alternatives offered by the

mainstream methods.

All the best,


oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf



> I have colon cancer that is in my liver.


> My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and



> I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that

it said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to

take 6 drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops for

quite a few weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.


> My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel

like eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.


> Thanks for your help


> MM


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Hi Tony,


I have been on the protocol for about 5 months but only on the full protocol and full dose OPC for about 2 months. I have been taking 4 teaspoons of Oleander 3 times a day for about the last 4 weeks.


I don't have any tumours in that area of my back but about a year ago I had this same pain and my oncologist said that it was the tumour in the middle of my chest that was causing pressure and giving me the pain in my back so I was worried that this was starting all over again. I was really ill over Christmas last year.


I am taking 2400mg of Curcumin so I will up that. I am also taking 14 tablets of Cell Forte Max 3 a day. I am taking 1 ounce of Collodial silver a day - so should I up that to 2 ounces a day? I will also add in colloidal gold. I am taking 6 digestive enzymes a day - 3 with food and 3 without - I will up that as well. I have just checked what is in them and it has chymotrypsin but not the other. Do you know of anywhere I can get the other one as I live in the UK?


I am taking 1 RM-10 tablet twice a day so should I up that to 2 twice a day? I am taking 1000mg tab of vit C plus 2 lypo-spheric vit C - do you think that is enough?


I know now that I definately need to up my iodine - I was worried about taking too much!!!


I do have amalgam fillings. I have already had some replaced and will be getting the others done soon. The dentist says he can only do a few at a time. I do not have any root canals but as I have an infection in one of my front teeth the dentist wants to do a root canal. I have said that I do not want this and he has suggested using precious metal posts. Would this be ok?


Thank you so much for getting back to me.







TonyI oleander soup Sent: Monday, 21 September, 2009 20:45:27 Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......


MM -

I posted an answer for you in my Ask Tony Isaacs forum at CureZone and I see from this reply that you have answered some of the questions I posed, so I will repost it here with appropriate changes:

How long have you been following the protocol? How much oleander are you taking? Also, how much of the other items? What stage is your colon cancer and the mets to the liver?

It is possible that the increased markers are coming from cancer cell dieoff and it is also possible that back pain may be coming from metasticized cancer that is being attacked by the supplements and your own immune system - as it is common to have pain at cancer tumor sites when they come under attack.

You indicate that you are following the complete protocol, which should indeed be a good thing, but I would caution that cancers are very dose dependent on the amount of oleander as well as the amounts taken of other important cancer fighting elements in the protocol. For example, for the more difficult, aggressive and/or advanced cancers it is now felt that oleander can be taken in amounts up to 5 capsules twice a day (so long as it is tolerated - and it may be tolerated easier to break down the 10 total capsules into 3 or more doses). Curcumin in highly bioavailable form is suggested at 3000 mg per day. Inositol/IP6 at 12-16 capsules per day. Iodine is suggested at 100 mg per day (working up from 50 mg or less) in concert with selenium (in the forum methylselenocystein e). Colloidal silver should be in

the amount of a couple of ounces per day, along with a couple of teaspoons or more of colloidal gold. Digestive enzymes should be taken at the rate of 4 or 5 capsules two or three times per day on an empty stomach. You may wish to take them twice on an empty stomach and take a couple with each meal to help with your stomach issues. Be sure that your enzymmes include chymotrypsin and serrapeptase (you may have to purchase two seperate products, as I did).

The same larger doses are also likely indicated for items such as the R-10 Mushroom Defense and the Blood Support Tonic. You may also want to increase your doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 as well as add some extra quercitin. Virtually all supplements come with conservative "maintenance" or "preventive" doses on the container. Those are not normally the therapeutic doses needed to defeat cancers, especially the more difficult cancers. We have had a few instances where people apparently were following most of the protocol but were taking less than the maximum doses and leaving a few items out and there cancer growths, though retarded, were not completely reversed until they embraced the entire protocol and increased the amounts of the key supplements.

Do you have any amalgam fillings or root canals? The presence of either could be a major roadblock in ultimately beating cancer and keeping it at bay.

A final key consideration is the attention you are giving your liver - especially since the cancer itself has appeared there. Cleansing, protecting and regenerating the liver - and keeping the bile ducts open and flowing - is absolutely essential in maintaining optimal health and in eliminating the toxins as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you try all of those things and still do not get the results you want, you may ultimately want to look into other alternatives such as cesium chloride or perhaps even chemo along with the oleander. Much as I hate chemo, and though normally oleander without chemo is more effective than oleander with chemo, there have been instances where the combination of the two have been most successful (and the oleander does potentiate chemo as well as greatly lessen virtually all of the side effects).

Though oleander and the protocol I recommend is the best I know of, that is not to say that for some people and some cancers, other protocols might work better. But, depending on how long you have been following it and the doses you have been taking, and of course the stage of your cancer, I would not be too fast to move another direction if it were me.

Oleander has been particularly effective against liver cancer, especially when combined with the other suggested items in the protocol and ALL the steps recommended for the liver. Some colon cancers have proven more difficult and have taken increased amounts of oleander and other supplements and closer adherence to the protocol for maximum effectiveness. In some instances of colon cancer, the combination of oleander and low dose chemo has been beneficial too.

Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against cancer is that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen gradually over a period of months, then at some point the growth is stopped, then later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is either eliminated, reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in check.

Sadly, mainstream medicine disregards anything that is not a patentable drug or treatment that they control and profit from, and they have bought and sold virtually all of the scientific research into cancer and drugs. Thus, true unbiased scientific research into natural and alternative protocols which include natural supplements, diet, lifestyle, toxin removal, stress management, etc., is almost utterly lacking and those of us who are fighting cancer or trying to help others fight it are forging ahead through common sense and self-education - hoping and praying that the information we develop will provide the right answers while knowing the dismal records of the alternatives offered by the mainstream methods.

All the best,

oleander soup, "infomcf" <infomcf.> wrote:>> I have colon cancer that is in my liver. > > My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and 163.> > I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that it said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to take 6 drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops for quite a few weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.> > My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel like eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.> > Thanks for your help> > MM>

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Since you have only been on the full protocol for two months and larger dose of oleander 4-8 weeks, your tumor markers and back pain could possibly be results of increased activity against cancer cells and the resulting die-off.

The amount of colloidal silver depends in part on the quality of the colloidal silver. Utopia Silver at one ounce per day would be the equivalent of four or more ounces of many other silver products due to the smaller particle size and increased surface area. If you do coffee enemas to keep the bile ducts open, you could add an ounce of colloidal silver to the enemas for better absorption close to the site of your tumors.

I don't have an affiliation with Garden of Life or anyone who carries it, other than the referral code I have of X0T949, which should be good for $5 off your initial order if you have never ordered from them before.

I just ordered from them, including the Doctor's Best Serrapeptase and the Garden of Life O-zyme (the combination of the two are a good compromise between quality and the price I can afford!) and a couple of bottles of Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Pepper Tincture (an essential for cancer to me). They also carry the Primal Defense which Dr. Lanphier recommends and which and I both take ourselves.

Sounds like you are taking about the right amount of most things. It probably would be good to increase the RM-10 a bit.

For iodine I prefer the combination of Magnascent and SSKI - which our friend Steve Wilson (aka Trapper) has on sale right now. He is my iodine guru.

What the heck are "precious metal posts?" I don't think the body tolerates much metal in it on a permanent basis and when it comes to dentistry I prefer biologic dentists that choose dentures and partials to root canals and amalgams - though there are non metal alternatives for fillings and I have considered implants too (it is a vanity thing, and I still labor under the delusion that I remain somehow young and pretty - lol).

All the best,

oleander soup , David Macleod <infomcf wrote:>> Hi Tony,> > I have been on the protocol for about 5 months but only on the full protocol and full dose OPC for about 2 months. I have been taking 4 teaspoons of Oleander 3 times a day for about the last 4 weeks.> > I don't have any tumours in that area of my back but about a year ago I had this same pain and my oncologist said that it was the tumour in the middle of my chest that was causing pressure and giving me the pain in my back so I was worried that this was starting all over again. I was really ill over Christmas last year.> > I am taking 2400mg of Curcumin so I will up that. I am also taking 14 tablets of Cell Forte Max 3 a day. I am taking 1 ounce of Collodial silver a day - so should I up that to 2 ounces a day? I will also add in colloidal gold. I am taking 6 digestive enzymes a day - 3 with food and 3 without - I will up that as well. I have just checked what is in them and it has chymotrypsin but not the other. Do you know of anywhere I can get the other one as I live in the UK?> > I am taking 1 RM-10 tablet twice a day so should I up that to 2 twice a day? I am taking 1000mg tab of vit C plus 2 lypo-spheric vit C - do you think that is enough?> > I know now that I definately need to up my iodine - I was worried about taking too much!!!> > I do have amalgam fillings. I have already had some replaced and will be getting the others done soon. The dentist says he can only do a few at a time. I do not have any root canals but as I have an infection in one of my front teeth the dentist wants to do a root canal. I have said that I do not want this and he has suggested using precious metal posts. Would this be ok?> > Thank you so much for getting back to me.> > MM> > > > ________________________________> oleander soup > Monday, 21 September, 2009 20:45:27> Re: My tumour marker keeps going up.......> > > MM -> I posted an answer for you in my Ask Tony Isaacs forum at CureZone and I see from this reply that you have answered some of the questions I posed, so I will repost it here with appropriate changes:How long have you been following the protocol? How much oleander are you taking? Also, how much of the other items? What stage is your colon cancer and the mets to the liver?> > It is possible that the increased markers are coming from cancer cell dieoff and it is also possible that back pain may be coming from metasticized cancer that is being attacked by the supplements and your own immune system - as it is common to have pain at cancer tumor sites when they come under attack.> > You indicate that you are following the complete protocol, which should indeed be a good thing, but I would caution that cancers are very dose dependent on the amount of oleander as well as the amounts taken of other important cancer fighting elements in the protocol. For example, for the more difficult, aggressive and/or advanced cancers it is now felt that oleander can be taken in amounts up to 5 capsules twice a day (so long as it is tolerated - and it may be tolerated easier to break down the 10 total capsules into 3 or more doses). Curcumin in highly bioavailable form is suggested at 3000 mg per day. Inositol/IP6 at 12-16 capsules per day. Iodine is suggested at 100 mg per day (working up from 50 mg or less) in concert with selenium (in the forum methylselenocystein e). Colloidal silver should be in the amount of a couple of ounces per day, along with a couple of teaspoons or more of colloidal gold.. Digestive enzymes should be taken at> the rate of 4 or 5 capsules two or three times per day on an empty stomach.. You may wish to take them twice on an empty stomach and take a couple with each meal to help with your stomach issues. Be sure that your enzymmes include chymotrypsin and serrapeptase (you may have to purchase two seperate products, as I did). > > The same larger doses are also likely indicated for items such as the R-10 Mushroom Defense and the Blood Support Tonic. You may also want to increase your doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 as well as add some extra quercitin. Virtually all supplements come with conservative "maintenance" or "preventive" doses on the container. Those are not normally the therapeutic doses needed to defeat cancers, especially the more difficult cancers. We have had a few instances where people apparently were following most of the protocol but were taking less than the maximum doses and leaving a few items out and there cancer growths, though retarded, were not completely reversed until they embraced the entire protocol and increased the amounts of the key supplements.> > Do you have any amalgam fillings or root canals? The presence of either could be a major roadblock in ultimately beating cancer and keeping it at bay.> > A final key consideration is the attention you are giving your liver - especially since the cancer itself has appeared there. Cleansing, protecting and regenerating the liver - and keeping the bile ducts open and flowing - is absolutely essential in maintaining optimal health and in eliminating the toxins as quickly and efficiently as possible.> > If you try all of those things and still do not get the results you want, you may ultimately want to look into other alternatives such as cesium chloride or perhaps even chemo along with the oleander. Much as I hate chemo, and though normally oleander without chemo is more effective than oleander with chemo, there have been instances where the combination of the two have been most successful (and the oleander does potentiate chemo as well as greatly lessen virtually all of the side effects).> Though oleander and the protocol I recommend is the best I know of, that is not to say that for some people and some cancers, other protocols might work better. But, depending on how long you have been following it and the doses you have been taking, and of course the stage of your cancer, I would not be too fast to move another direction if it were me.> Oleander has been particularly effective against liver cancer, especially when combined with the other suggested items in the protocol and ALL the steps recommended for the liver. Some colon cancers have proven more difficult and have taken increased amounts of oleander and other supplements and closer adherence to the protocol for maximum effectiveness.. In some instances of colon cancer, the combination of oleander and low dose chemo has been beneficial too.> Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against cancer is that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen gradually over a period of months, then at some point the growth is stopped, then later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is either eliminated, reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in check.> Sadly, mainstream medicine disregards anything that is not a patentable drug or treatment that they control and profit from, and they have bought and sold virtually all of the scientific research into cancer and drugs. Thus, true unbiased scientific research into natural and alternative protocols which include natural supplements, diet, lifestyle, toxin removal, stress management, etc., is almost utterly lacking and those of us who are fighting cancer or trying to help others fight it are forging ahead through common sense and self-education - hoping and praying that the information we develop will provide the right answers while knowing the dismal records of the alternatives offered by the mainstream methods.> All the best,> > Tony> > oleander soup, "infomcf" infomcf@ wrote:> >> > I have colon cancer that is in my liver. > > > > My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and 163.> > > > I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that it said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to take 6 drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops for quite a few weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.> > > > My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel like eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.> > > > Thanks for your help> > > > MM> >>

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My son has a consult with a endocrinoligist in Oct who his reg Dr says they

will more than likely put him on some kind of med that will shrink the

tumor. He said it was not chemo or anything like that but he assured my son

not to panic. I am the one panicking but trying to hide it. His tumor is

7x7x7 already. I know nothing about either addison's or cushings disease.

Why do you think your son has one of those? I am a bit concerned as I have a

20 yo daughter who is severly overweight and is also having some hormone

troubles. The Dr put her on some med that caused never ending diarrhea so

she went off of it. She too had a MRI to rule out pit tumor. Maybe some

genetic issues here. My brain hurts just from reading this horrible stuff

when its my babies it applies to.



" bballmvp4 " <broderick1459

<oleander soup >

Sunday, September 20, 2009 1:49 PM

{SPAMFILTER} Re: My tumour marker keeps going




> oleander soup , " Kathy " <vanokat wrote:


>> That us something not many people think about. Thank you for pointing it

>> out. I am looking to buy my boys new beds and have mainly been concerned

>> about the mattress. I considered memory foam but not sure if some are

>> toxic. I am also currently trying to research pititutary tumors. My 17 yo

>> son has been dx with one which is 7x7x7. His Dr says there is no reason

>> to worry and has him sch for a endo consult in Oct. His pnly symptom was

>> slightly enlarged breasts with a bit of 'milk' secretion.

>> Anyone ever hear of this?

>> Kat

>> -

>> redhooklane

>> oleander soup

>> Saturday, September 19, 2009 10:19 PM

>> Re: Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......



>> Yes, I have defintely heard of this. My 20 year old son has also been

>> diagnosed with this. He has a 6mm pit tumor and I am almost positive

>> that he either has addison's or cushings disease. But unfortunately I

>> have to put this on hold right now due to husbands stage IV esophageal

>> cancer. We have gone to many specialists and all they say is lets wait

>> and see which drives me nuts. He was having very bad concentration

>> problems, weight gain without eating, tremors, sleep problems, he also

>> has low B12 and gives shots monthly. We have been to 5 different

>> specialists and they all say wait and theres nothing to worry about

>> unless he is having eye problems from the tumor. Apparently it is

>> dangerous to take out and most don't want to touch it with a 10 ft pole.

>> I had read about restricting his diet like Atkins so I placed him on that

>> during his summer away from college and he did fantastic. We followed

>> Atkins but without any high fat consumption. Just protein, veggies and

>> no arbs and his symptoms diminished a lot.


> Your son is being affect hormonily. Have them check his hormone output.

> How big is the tumor?


> Sherri





>> Do you have wireless equipment, transformers, cellphone, and

>> other sources of electro-magnetic radiation around you, especially in

>> your bedroom when you are trying to sleep? This can prevent the healing

>> that should go on at night. Also, it is good to not have metal

>> innersprings, or a metal bedframe.







>> Do__DD,_._,___






> ---



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Dr. L

I always thought you had Breast cancer, not Colon cancer. What stage was it

exactly 3A B or C and did it spread to lymph nodes and if yes how many. I

appreciate the info. You are an inspiration.







oleander soup , " Dr. Loretta Lanphier " <drlanphier



> Hi MM


> I am a colon cancer (stage 3) survivor of almost 10 years. I did have the

> tumor removed (colon resection surgery) and one month of chemo which I

> stopped because it was literally taking away my desire to live and brought

> my quality of life down to zero. There are no studies indicating that

> chemo/radiation cures colon cancer. In fact there is even some questions in

> conventional medicine circles as to whether chemo is even a good choice for

> colorectal cancer. It is basically palliative treatment and quality of life

> ends up being very low. Remember that digestive tract/colon/rectal cancers

> are located where most of your immune system is located. If one is going to

> beat cancer, they NEED their immune system! Once it's gone, all types of

> health concerns usually follow. Most colon cancers are slow moving -

> adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma is a cancer originating in glandular tissue.

> This tissue is also part of a larger tissue category known as epithelial.

> Epithelial tissue includes skin, glands and a variety of other tissue that

> lines the cavities and organs of the body.


> A few more recommendations to consider/research in addition to Tony's great

> suggestions:


> Primal Defense by Garden of Life - Build up to 4-5 capsules before bed.

> (Tony offers this on his site, I think.) Primal Defense was part of my

> healing protocol.

> Mag O7 - Use as a bowel cleanse and also for maintenance. Everyone should

> have at least 2-3 bowel movements daily. Mag O7 will release healing oxygen

> to the digestive tract as well as making sure that everything is moving

> correctly. (Tony offers this on his site). Mag O7 was part of my healing

> protocol.

> Hi-Tech Aloe Vera - We have formulated a more concentrated form of our

> GlycoEssential 7 for those fighting degenerative disease. It is 50% Organic

> Aloe Vera (the best in Acetylated mannan - the active form of all mannans))

> and then 50% (in combination) of the other six glyconutrients. It also

> contains Arabinogalactin from the Larch tree as well as a host of other

> cancer fighting ingredients. It will help to boost your immune system and

> is recommended highly for those choosing natural medicine or conventional

> medicine for cancer fighting. Right now it can only be purchased through

> special order from the OAW clinic.

> Wild Mediterranean Oregano Oil - This will help with bile production and is

> antibacterial and antifungal (most cancer patients have Candida overgrowth

> and h.pylori). Very effective when used with a good colloidal silver for

> Candida and h.pylori. Must be placed in capsules and taken with food on a

> full stomach. Tony sells a product called Oregasil which is a very high

> quality Oregano Oil.

> intraMAX - Everyone should be taking an organic multi/vitamin-mineral

> complex as a foundation supplement.

> Parasite Cleansing - Everyone has parasites and cancer patients usually have

> a tremendous amount of parasites.

> Liver/gallbladder - Cleansing should be done 1x every month for 4-5 months

> or 1x every 10-14 days for those strong enough. It takes years to build up

> toxins and it will take more than one or two cleanses in order to cleanse

> effectively and keep the digestive tract in good working order.

> Chiropractic. I highly recommend finding a good chiropractor who

> understands and believes in natural medicine. If affordable, an adjustment

> 1x per week or at least 1x every two weeks is recommended. I wrote a blog

> several months back about

> <http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/2009/04/why-you-need-c

> hiropractic-care.html#more-343> the necessity of chiropractic for health and

> wellness that talks about the importance of chiropractic. The spine has a

> lot to do with every organ in the body. It is well worth the money to have

> a good chiropractor in your health/wellness arsenal.

> Lymphatic drainage - If able, bouncing on a mini-tramp (7 minutes - 2x

> daily) and dry skin brushing is recommended. Also using a chi machine helps

> with drainage and provides oxygen to the spine.


> As far as the oleander, as Tony said, I would also underline the suggestion

> of getting up to the higher dosages, if possible.


> For your stomach issues, you made need some HCl. Most with cancer do not

> make sufficient levels of hydrochloric acid. Take this 15 minutes before

> eating every meal. Add one tablet daily until you experience a slight

> burning sensation - when that happens then back down to previous level and

> stay there until you experience the burning and then continue to back down,

> etc. You may also want to try Cholocol from Standard Process, especially if

> you do not have a gallbladder or have gallbladder issues. The stomach

> issues could also be from the iodine. For cancer you should be taking

> between 50-100 mg daily. Many people do better with Iodoral which is the

> pill-version of Lugol's and seems to be less irritating to the stomach. Or

> you can also try what Trapper at CureZone recommends - nascent iodine with



> Bowel cancer, as all cancers but even more so in my opinion, is almost

> always indicative of emotional disharmony. Excessive stress levels, fear,

> buried anger or past hurts and/or tragedies in life can all attribute to

> bowel concerns. Please seek out help with emotional issues as all cancer

> patients have emotional issues that should be dealt with as quickly as

> possible. This is very important and something very over-looked in

> conventional as well as natural medicine. It is best to find a professional

> who is trained in natural methods of helping people with their hurts and

> fears. This will go a long way toward healing and good health.


> By the way, it looks like the most informative Vitamin D test was not used

> when testing your levels. Those with cancer are usually very deficient in

> Vitamin D-3.

> <http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vitamin-d-role--cancer.html>

> http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vitamin-d-role--cancer.html

> The test you should ask for is 25-hydroxyvitamin D test or 25(OH)D. Adjust

> your Vitamin D-3 dosage so that blood levels are between 50-80 ng/mL

> year-round. The average person starts to store cholecalciferol at 40 ng/ml,

> but at 50 ng/ml virtually everyone begins to store it for future use. That

> is, at levels below 50 ng/ml, the body uses up vitamin D as fast as you can

> make it, or take it, indicating chronic substrate starvation-not a good

> thing. 25(OH)D levels should be between 50-80 ng/ml, year-round.


> One more thing..please be faithful and religious to your protocol. That

> means 24/7. Cancer doesn't take a holiday or stop growing on weekends and

> neither should your protocol take a holiday or stop on weekends. Be

> persistent, never give up and don't listen to naysayers or any negativity

> about the healing path that you have chosen..in fact, remove the negativity

> and naysayers for this season in your life. You have better things to

> concentrate on than to be constantly on the defense.


> Most of all remember that there is ALWAYS HOPE and ALWAYS AN

> ANSWER...ALWAYS! Read the Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton - you will be

> glad that you did!!


> I wish you much success on your path toward healing and optimum health!




> Be Well~

> Dr.L

> Visit My Blog - <http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/>

> Oasis of Health & Wellness



> oleander soup oleander soup On

> Behalf Of TonyI

> Monday, September 21, 2009 2:45 PM

> oleander soup

> Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......






> MM -

> I posted an answer for you in my Ask Tony Isaacs forum at CureZone and I see

> from this reply that you have answered some of the questions I posed, so I

> will repost it here with appropriate changes:

> How long have you been following the protocol? How much oleander are you

> taking? Also, how much of the other items? What stage is your colon cancer

> and the mets to the liver?

> It is possible that the increased markers are coming from cancer cell dieoff

> and it is also possible that back pain may be coming from metasticized

> cancer that is being attacked by the supplements and your own immune system

> - as it is common to have pain at cancer tumor sites when they come under

> attack.

> You indicate that you are following the complete protocol, which should

> indeed be a good thing, but I would caution that cancers are very dose

> dependent on the amount of oleander as well as the amounts taken of other

> important cancer fighting elements in the protocol. For example, for the

> more difficult, aggressive and/or advanced cancers it is now felt that

> oleander can be taken in amounts up to 5 capsules twice a day (so long as it

> is tolerated - and it may be tolerated easier to break down the 10 total

> capsules into 3 or more doses). Curcumin in highly bioavailable form is

> suggested at 3000 mg per day. Inositol/IP6 at 12-16 capsules per day.

> Iodine is suggested at 100 mg per day (working up from 50 mg or less) in

> concert with selenium (in the forum methylselenocysteine). Colloidal silver

> should be in the amount of a couple of ounces per day, along with a couple

> of teaspoons or more of colloidal gold. Digestive enzymes should be taken

> at the rate of 4 or 5 capsules two or three times per day on an empty

> stomach. You may wish to take them twice on an empty stomach and take a

> couple with each meal to help with your stomach issues. Be sure that your

> enzymmes include chymotrypsin and serrapeptase (you may have to purchase two

> seperate products, as I did).

> The same larger doses are also likely indicated for items such as the R-10

> Mushroom Defense and the Blood Support Tonic. You may also want to increase

> your doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 as well as add some extra quercitin.

> Virtually all supplements come with conservative " maintenance " or

> " preventive " doses on the container. Those are not normally the therapeutic

> doses needed to defeat cancers, especially the more difficult cancers. We

> have had a few instances where people apparently were following most of the

> protocol but were taking less than the maximum doses and leaving a few items

> out and there cancer growths, though retarded, were not completely reversed

> until they embraced the entire protocol and increased the amounts of the key

> supplements.

> Do you have any amalgam fillings or root canals? The presence of either

> could be a major roadblock in ultimately beating cancer and keeping it at

> bay.

> A final key consideration is the attention you are giving your liver -

> especially since the cancer itself has appeared there. Cleansing,

> protecting and regenerating the liver - and keeping the bile ducts open and

> flowing - is absolutely essential in maintaining optimal health and in

> eliminating the toxins as quickly and efficiently as possible.

> If you try all of those things and still do not get the results you want,

> you may ultimately want to look into other alternatives such as cesium

> chloride or perhaps even chemo along with the oleander. Much as I hate

> chemo, and though normally oleander without chemo is more effective than

> oleander with chemo, there have been instances where the combination of the

> two have been most successful (and the oleander does potentiate chemo as

> well as greatly lessen virtually all of the side effects).

> Though oleander and the protocol I recommend is the best I know of, that is

> not to say that for some people and some cancers, other protocols might work

> better. But, depending on how long you have been following it and the doses

> you have been taking, and of course the stage of your cancer, I would not be

> too fast to move another direction if it were me.

> Oleander has been particularly effective against liver cancer, especially

> when combined with the other suggested items in the protocol and ALL the

> steps recommended for the liver. Some colon cancers have proven more

> difficult and have taken increased amounts of oleander and other supplements

> and closer adherence to the protocol for maximum effectiveness. In some

> instances of colon cancer, the combination of oleander and low dose chemo

> has been beneficial too.

> Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against cancer is

> that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen gradually

> over a period of months, then at some point the growth is stopped, then

> later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is either eliminated,

> reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in check.

> Sadly, mainstream medicine disregards anything that is not a patentable drug

> or treatment that they control and profit from, and they have bought and

> sold virtually all of the scientific research into cancer and drugs. Thus,

> true unbiased scientific research into natural and alternative protocols

> which include natural supplements, diet, lifestyle, toxin removal, stress

> management, etc., is almost utterly lacking and those of us who are fighting

> cancer or trying to help others fight it are forging ahead through common

> sense and self-education - hoping and praying that the information we

> develop will provide the right answers while knowing the dismal records of

> the alternatives offered by the mainstream methods.

> All the best,

> >

> oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

> >

> > I have colon cancer that is in my liver.

> >

> > My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and

> 163.

> >

> > I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that

> it said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to

> take 6 drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops

> for quite a few weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.

> >

> > My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel

> like eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.

> >

> > Thanks for your help

> >

> > MM

> >


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No, it was colon cancer

(sigmoid colon) stage IIIC. Out of

21 lymph nodes taken, 17 were positive for cancer.


Be Well





oleander soup oleander soup On

Behalf Of mds9513

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 12:08 AM

oleander soup

Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......



Dr. L

I always thought you had Breast cancer, not Colon cancer.

What stage was it exactly 3A B or C and did it spread to lymph nodes and if yes

how many. I appreciate the info. You are an inspiration.







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Dr Lanphier is a supreme asset to this list.  Her products are high quality.  I've been using the progesterone cream from her for about a year.  It's so good that I gave up free access to a crappier version that the pharmacies up here concoct for me (Canada).  My hubby's employment benefits pays for it but the cream smelled so bad and didn't work that I order Oasis' cream 6 tubs at a time to save on shipping, pay the exchange and get it shipped up here all the way from Texas with my fingers crossed that the abysmal Canada Post doesn't lose it. 

So far so good!The last post you sent, Dr Lanphier, may I call you doc? was a keeper for anyone who wants to follow the path to wellenss.  It reads like a road map.Ahhhh this group!Janetsittin' in my sunroom on another hot September day (those are rare!)

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Hi Dr L,


Thank you for your reply and the information.


About the Primal Defense - I am taking 3 of these a day at the moment. I will

build that up to 5 a day but do you mean to take them all just before bed? At

the moment I am spreading them out throughout the day.


Also I have tried to get the HCI for my stomach problems but can't find any that

is for human consumption??? Could you tell me where I can get it from?







oleander soup , " Dr. Loretta Lanphier " <drlanphier



> Hi MM


> I am a colon cancer (stage 3) survivor of almost 10 years. I did have the

> tumor removed (colon resection surgery) and one month of chemo which I

> stopped because it was literally taking away my desire to live and brought

> my quality of life down to zero. There are no studies indicating that

> chemo/radiation cures colon cancer. In fact there is even some questions in

> conventional medicine circles as to whether chemo is even a good choice for

> colorectal cancer. It is basically palliative treatment and quality of life

> ends up being very low. Remember that digestive tract/colon/rectal cancers

> are located where most of your immune system is located. If one is going to

> beat cancer, they NEED their immune system! Once it's gone, all types of

> health concerns usually follow. Most colon cancers are slow moving -

> adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma is a cancer originating in glandular tissue.

> This tissue is also part of a larger tissue category known as epithelial.

> Epithelial tissue includes skin, glands and a variety of other tissue that

> lines the cavities and organs of the body.


> A few more recommendations to consider/research in addition to Tony's great

> suggestions:


> Primal Defense by Garden of Life - Build up to 4-5 capsules before bed.

> (Tony offers this on his site, I think.) Primal Defense was part of my

> healing protocol.

> Mag O7 - Use as a bowel cleanse and also for maintenance. Everyone should

> have at least 2-3 bowel movements daily. Mag O7 will release healing oxygen

> to the digestive tract as well as making sure that everything is moving

> correctly. (Tony offers this on his site). Mag O7 was part of my healing

> protocol.

> Hi-Tech Aloe Vera - We have formulated a more concentrated form of our

> GlycoEssential 7 for those fighting degenerative disease. It is 50% Organic

> Aloe Vera (the best in Acetylated mannan - the active form of all mannans))

> and then 50% (in combination) of the other six glyconutrients. It also

> contains Arabinogalactin from the Larch tree as well as a host of other

> cancer fighting ingredients. It will help to boost your immune system and

> is recommended highly for those choosing natural medicine or conventional

> medicine for cancer fighting. Right now it can only be purchased through

> special order from the OAW clinic.

> Wild Mediterranean Oregano Oil - This will help with bile production and is

> antibacterial and antifungal (most cancer patients have Candida overgrowth

> and h.pylori). Very effective when used with a good colloidal silver for

> Candida and h.pylori. Must be placed in capsules and taken with food on a

> full stomach. Tony sells a product called Oregasil which is a very high

> quality Oregano Oil.

> intraMAX - Everyone should be taking an organic multi/vitamin-mineral

> complex as a foundation supplement.

> Parasite Cleansing - Everyone has parasites and cancer patients usually have

> a tremendous amount of parasites.

> Liver/gallbladder - Cleansing should be done 1x every month for 4-5 months

> or 1x every 10-14 days for those strong enough. It takes years to build up

> toxins and it will take more than one or two cleanses in order to cleanse

> effectively and keep the digestive tract in good working order.

> Chiropractic. I highly recommend finding a good chiropractor who

> understands and believes in natural medicine. If affordable, an adjustment

> 1x per week or at least 1x every two weeks is recommended. I wrote a blog

> several months back about

> <http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/2009/04/why-you-need-c

> hiropractic-care.html#more-343> the necessity of chiropractic for health and

> wellness that talks about the importance of chiropractic. The spine has a

> lot to do with every organ in the body. It is well worth the money to have

> a good chiropractor in your health/wellness arsenal.

> Lymphatic drainage - If able, bouncing on a mini-tramp (7 minutes - 2x

> daily) and dry skin brushing is recommended. Also using a chi machine helps

> with drainage and provides oxygen to the spine.


> As far as the oleander, as Tony said, I would also underline the suggestion

> of getting up to the higher dosages, if possible.


> For your stomach issues, you made need some HCl. Most with cancer do not

> make sufficient levels of hydrochloric acid. Take this 15 minutes before

> eating every meal. Add one tablet daily until you experience a slight

> burning sensation - when that happens then back down to previous level and

> stay there until you experience the burning and then continue to back down,

> etc. You may also want to try Cholocol from Standard Process, especially if

> you do not have a gallbladder or have gallbladder issues. The stomach

> issues could also be from the iodine. For cancer you should be taking

> between 50-100 mg daily. Many people do better with Iodoral which is the

> pill-version of Lugol's and seems to be less irritating to the stomach. Or

> you can also try what Trapper at CureZone recommends - nascent iodine with



> Bowel cancer, as all cancers but even more so in my opinion, is almost

> always indicative of emotional disharmony. Excessive stress levels, fear,

> buried anger or past hurts and/or tragedies in life can all attribute to

> bowel concerns. Please seek out help with emotional issues as all cancer

> patients have emotional issues that should be dealt with as quickly as

> possible. This is very important and something very over-looked in

> conventional as well as natural medicine. It is best to find a professional

> who is trained in natural methods of helping people with their hurts and

> fears. This will go a long way toward healing and good health.


> By the way, it looks like the most informative Vitamin D test was not used

> when testing your levels. Those with cancer are usually very deficient in

> Vitamin D-3.

> <http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vitamin-d-role--cancer.html>

> http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/vitamin-d-role--cancer.html

> The test you should ask for is 25-hydroxyvitamin D test or 25(OH)D. Adjust

> your Vitamin D-3 dosage so that blood levels are between 50-80 ng/mL

> year-round. The average person starts to store cholecalciferol at 40 ng/ml,

> but at 50 ng/ml virtually everyone begins to store it for future use. That

> is, at levels below 50 ng/ml, the body uses up vitamin D as fast as you can

> make it, or take it, indicating chronic substrate starvation-not a good

> thing. 25(OH)D levels should be between 50-80 ng/ml, year-round.


> One more thing..please be faithful and religious to your protocol. That

> means 24/7. Cancer doesn't take a holiday or stop growing on weekends and

> neither should your protocol take a holiday or stop on weekends. Be

> persistent, never give up and don't listen to naysayers or any negativity

> about the healing path that you have chosen..in fact, remove the negativity

> and naysayers for this season in your life. You have better things to

> concentrate on than to be constantly on the defense.


> Most of all remember that there is ALWAYS HOPE and ALWAYS AN

> ANSWER...ALWAYS! Read the Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton - you will be

> glad that you did!!


> I wish you much success on your path toward healing and optimum health!




> Be Well~

> Dr.L

> Visit My Blog - <http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/>

> Oasis of Health & Wellness



> oleander soup oleander soup On

> Behalf Of TonyI

> Monday, September 21, 2009 2:45 PM

> oleander soup

> Re: My tumour marker keeps going up......






> MM -

> I posted an answer for you in my Ask Tony Isaacs forum at CureZone and I see

> from this reply that you have answered some of the questions I posed, so I

> will repost it here with appropriate changes:

> How long have you been following the protocol? How much oleander are you

> taking? Also, how much of the other items? What stage is your colon cancer

> and the mets to the liver?

> It is possible that the increased markers are coming from cancer cell dieoff

> and it is also possible that back pain may be coming from metasticized

> cancer that is being attacked by the supplements and your own immune system

> - as it is common to have pain at cancer tumor sites when they come under

> attack.

> You indicate that you are following the complete protocol, which should

> indeed be a good thing, but I would caution that cancers are very dose

> dependent on the amount of oleander as well as the amounts taken of other

> important cancer fighting elements in the protocol. For example, for the

> more difficult, aggressive and/or advanced cancers it is now felt that

> oleander can be taken in amounts up to 5 capsules twice a day (so long as it

> is tolerated - and it may be tolerated easier to break down the 10 total

> capsules into 3 or more doses). Curcumin in highly bioavailable form is

> suggested at 3000 mg per day. Inositol/IP6 at 12-16 capsules per day.

> Iodine is suggested at 100 mg per day (working up from 50 mg or less) in

> concert with selenium (in the forum methylselenocysteine). Colloidal silver

> should be in the amount of a couple of ounces per day, along with a couple

> of teaspoons or more of colloidal gold. Digestive enzymes should be taken

> at the rate of 4 or 5 capsules two or three times per day on an empty

> stomach. You may wish to take them twice on an empty stomach and take a

> couple with each meal to help with your stomach issues. Be sure that your

> enzymmes include chymotrypsin and serrapeptase (you may have to purchase two

> seperate products, as I did).

> The same larger doses are also likely indicated for items such as the R-10

> Mushroom Defense and the Blood Support Tonic. You may also want to increase

> your doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 as well as add some extra quercitin.

> Virtually all supplements come with conservative " maintenance " or

> " preventive " doses on the container. Those are not normally the therapeutic

> doses needed to defeat cancers, especially the more difficult cancers. We

> have had a few instances where people apparently were following most of the

> protocol but were taking less than the maximum doses and leaving a few items

> out and there cancer growths, though retarded, were not completely reversed

> until they embraced the entire protocol and increased the amounts of the key

> supplements.

> Do you have any amalgam fillings or root canals? The presence of either

> could be a major roadblock in ultimately beating cancer and keeping it at

> bay.

> A final key consideration is the attention you are giving your liver -

> especially since the cancer itself has appeared there. Cleansing,

> protecting and regenerating the liver - and keeping the bile ducts open and

> flowing - is absolutely essential in maintaining optimal health and in

> eliminating the toxins as quickly and efficiently as possible.

> If you try all of those things and still do not get the results you want,

> you may ultimately want to look into other alternatives such as cesium

> chloride or perhaps even chemo along with the oleander. Much as I hate

> chemo, and though normally oleander without chemo is more effective than

> oleander with chemo, there have been instances where the combination of the

> two have been most successful (and the oleander does potentiate chemo as

> well as greatly lessen virtually all of the side effects).

> Though oleander and the protocol I recommend is the best I know of, that is

> not to say that for some people and some cancers, other protocols might work

> better. But, depending on how long you have been following it and the doses

> you have been taking, and of course the stage of your cancer, I would not be

> too fast to move another direction if it were me.

> Oleander has been particularly effective against liver cancer, especially

> when combined with the other suggested items in the protocol and ALL the

> steps recommended for the liver. Some colon cancers have proven more

> difficult and have taken increased amounts of oleander and other supplements

> and closer adherence to the protocol for maximum effectiveness. In some

> instances of colon cancer, the combination of oleander and low dose chemo

> has been beneficial too.

> Remember, the normal progression of an oleander protocol against cancer is

> that it first slows the growth of the cancer, which may happen gradually

> over a period of months, then at some point the growth is stopped, then

> later the growth is reversed and finally the cancer is either eliminated,

> reduced to a smaller benign mass or else held in check.

> Sadly, mainstream medicine disregards anything that is not a patentable drug

> or treatment that they control and profit from, and they have bought and

> sold virtually all of the scientific research into cancer and drugs. Thus,

> true unbiased scientific research into natural and alternative protocols

> which include natural supplements, diet, lifestyle, toxin removal, stress

> management, etc., is almost utterly lacking and those of us who are fighting

> cancer or trying to help others fight it are forging ahead through common

> sense and self-education - hoping and praying that the information we

> develop will provide the right answers while knowing the dismal records of

> the alternatives offered by the mainstream methods.

> All the best,

> >

> oleander soup , " infomcf " <infomcf@> wrote:

> >

> > I have colon cancer that is in my liver.

> >

> > My last vit D test was 104 and it says the normal value is between 51 and

> 163.

> >

> > I cant find a % on the Lugols bottle but I am sure when I bought it that

> it said 2%. I was worried about taking too much as it said on the bottle to

> take 6 drops for 3 days only and then stop but I have been taking 6 drops

> for quite a few weeks now. I will start to up the amount now though.

> >

> > My stomach just constantly aches and is full of wind. I just don't feel

> like eating and feel full all the time. I don't have any nausea.

> >

> > Thanks for your help

> >

> > MM

> >


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Buy it from Dr. Christopher's son.







In a message dated 9/22/2009 6:11:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, infomcf writes:

Hi Tony,I have ordered the Doctor's Best Serrapeptase and the Garden of Life O-zyme but I haven't been able to find anywhere that sells Dr. Christopher's Cayenne Pepper Tincture. Can you tell me where I can get this?I have started being sick a few times today and I am worried that this is coming from my liver. If I am sick does this mean that all the supplements and OPC etc has been lost? Should I take another lot or would enough of them have been digested anyway?MMPS. The precious metal posts are made from gold, silver or platinum. Would this be ok?---

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