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low energy level

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Would you care to share the brand or kind of tea from Japan? I put on 10# over last winter that I don't need and here it is almost winter again.

Thanks. Allison

kathy villalobos <kathysacreddancer wrote:


medicine. But my wieght continued to be an issue until I tried my herbal tea from Japan.



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Well said Sharyn!! :)






Sharyn Cerniglia [sharyn.cerniglia] Friday, September 03, 2004 5:29 AMherbal remedies Subject: RE: Herbal Remedies - Re: low energy level


Do you own research and listen to your body and discover what it needs. What is doesn't need is some allopathic doctor or pharmaceutical company pumping you full of medications and taking your hard-earned dollars. Too many people see them as gods and take their word as gospel....to the detriment of their health.



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Hi Jeff, I suggest you and your wife listen to Doc's tape and call for your free consult right away. There are alternatives to "standard medical treatment".






Jeffrey Sutton [suttjef] Friday, September 03, 2004 5:23 AMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - low energy level



My wife has Hepatitis C, and as most people know she suffers terribly with very low evergy to an almost crippling state.

She is due to go for treatment within the next 6 months (Pegalated Interferon and Ribavirin) which can have terrible side effects.

Anyway, anybody has any ideas to help her with her very low energy levels?

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Sure thing...Here is that information.This is in response to your interest only ...not my wallet. Do not mention my name when you go to thier web sight. I do not want to be banned from this board. I am not "using" this board for any personal gain. I do not want to nor will I recieve any commission by telling you about this.

The tea is called "Herbal Blend Tea" made by Noevir: You can find this information on the web. I use the tea regularly and have enjoyed a slimmer figure and better health over the past 8 months of usage. It is known as a diet tea in Japan and here it is known for it's abundance in antioxidants, sold as an anti-aging treatment. It is also not expensive ( $18 retail and $15 wholesale) because each tea bag makes one full pot of tea. Here's to your health!






Herbal Blend Tea








The Noevir Herbal Blend Tea is a delightful blend of five beneficial herbs and tea that promotes good health and tastes delicious with all types of dishes. The tea is suitable for tea breaks, as well Features and Benefits:

Barley:Offers a light and elegant flavor that soothes the mind and body. Known for its skin-beautifying properties.

Gymnema Sylvestre:Used for centuries in India to suppress the taste of sugar and the desire to eat sweets.

Chinese Gutta Percha:Known in Chinese medicine to relieve stress and promote a healthy liver.

Guava:Contains vitamin A and C and has a smooth flavor and fragrant aroma.

Black Pu Erh tea:A type of aged tea used for its many health benefits. Believed to lower cholesterol and help digestion. Usage: Bring 2/3 quart (600 ml.) of water to a boil. Place one tea bag in boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove tea bag. Serve hot or cold. Ingredients: Chinese Gutta Percha, Barley with Shell, Pu Erh tea, Guava, Gymnema Sylvestre.



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Thanks for the advise Sharyn,

I suppose based on all this advice a reasonable approach would be to have my blood tested again and talk to them about ways I can get off of Synthroid med.

I understood though that once you start such meds it completely shuts off the thyroid and perhaps there is not a way to restart it.

I live a very full and happy life. The meds I take are just one very small pill a day. Sure it would be nicer to have working thyroid, but until I know what made it shut down, I have to go with the advise I am being given. I appreciate your concern. I will do more investigating.





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Dear Jeff Sutton,

Here is some information that you requested about helping your wife with Hep. C.

This is in response to your interest only ...not my wallet.

Please do not mention my name when you go to thier web sight. I do not want to be banned from this board. I am not "using" this board for any personal gain. I do not want to, nor will I recieve any commission by telling you about this. I do not have stock in the company.


Check out Cordyseps Sinensis by Noevir and thier Agaricus Medicinal Mushroom.

Cordyseps Sinensis is something that builds energy in the body, balances out what is wrong in the systems and the Chinese won 9 gold metals in the 1993 World Olympics while taking it. You can read all about it on their general store sight.

Agaricus is simular but it is an immune system builder. It builds the immune system 3000% within 2-4 days. Neither have any known side-effects. Even pregnant women can take them. Also while there, check out the nutritional called : "Vitality" it will also help her with her samina and not give her any caffene rush.

I hope this helps,



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Hi Kathy,


I know from your posts that you do not doubt the healing power of herbs or the ability of your body to heal itself, so let me tell you again, that you can PERMANENTLY HEAL YOUR THYROID! Myself, Sylvia and Ellen have all done so within the last year. We're all on this group. Ask us anything about this! Each of us was on medication. Each of us quit the meds and did the total body cleanse. Done!


Now the only question is, when do you want to start?! LOL!! :)







kathy villalobos [kathysacreddancer] Friday, September 03, 2004 12:15 PMherbal remedies Subject: RE: Herbal Remedies - Re: low energy level


Thanks for the advise Sharyn,

I suppose based on all this advice a reasonable approach would be to have my blood tested again and talk to them about ways I can get off of Synthroid med.

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I appreciate you sharing the info and sorry it had to be such a hassle for you.

Thanks a bunch.

Allisonkathy villalobos <kathysacreddancer wrote:



Sure thing...Here is that information.This is in response to your interest only ...not my wallet. Do not mention my name when you go to thier web sight. I do not want to be banned from this board. I am not "using" this board for any personal gain. I do not want to nor will I recieve any commission by telling you about this.


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Hi Kathy,

My suggestion would be to email Doc for his free tape and listen to it. I think it will be very enlightening on the destructiveness of medications and how they can interfere with your bodies ability to heal itself. I know it was for me. Have a great day!kathy villalobos <kathysacreddancer wrote:


Thanks for the advise Sharyn,

I suppose based on all this advice a reasonable approach would be to have my blood tested again and talk to them about ways I can get off of Synthroid med.

I understood though that once you start such meds it completely shuts off the thyroid and perhaps there is not a way to restart it.

I live a very full and happy life. The meds I take are just one very small pill a day. Sure it would be nicer to have working thyroid, but until I know what made it shut down, I have to go with the advise I am being given. I appreciate your concern. I will do more investigating.





Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of

any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington


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Hi Allison,


Relocation to a different climate can take a couple years to adjust

to! Been there, done that!


Lots of great information has been presented here already, but I

thought I'd add my experience from last year...


I went to my ND who set me up with a tissue mineral analysis using

strands of my hair. It was very comprehensive. When it came back, it

spelled out which minerals I was OK in, and which ones I was deficient

in. It also discussed possible health problems that shortages of

certain minerals could lead to. A few of the minerals I didn't have

enough of contributed to thyroid function. While I didn't have ANY

weight problems (surprisingly!) I had real bad circulation and it was

almost impossible to get up in the morning. (Though once I actually

got up and moving I was OK, no need to nap or anything. But those

mornings....ugh!) My skin was also really dry, which is another

possible symptom. So I decided I had nothing to lose by taking some

kelp, and voila---the problems quickly started to subside! I took 2

capsules with breakfast every other day or so--that's it. See if kelp

helps you... No taste, no spoilage, capsule form, nice & potent. Very

cool, worked well. If kelp helps you, then the problem is probably the

thyroid. Kelp has stuff in it that's good for the thyroid, like Iodine.


Hope that helps!




herbal remedies , allison kay archer

<texasbluesfan> wrote:

> I used to have tons of energy but the past few months it has been

really low. I relocated to a slightly different climate about 8

months ago but I should be adjusted to it by now.

> I got depressed over the winter but things are better now except for

the low energy. I'm taking B-complex, Ginseng, Biloba & other things

I've read about.

> Any suggestions?

> Thanks for help.

> Allison






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Thanks. I will try the kelp.

Allisonsupervixen08 <supervixen08 wrote:

Hi Allison,Relocation to a different climate can take a couple years to adjust


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Yes, Kathy, I believe it will! ABSOLUTELY! All the information for the total body cleanse is in the files. Let me know what info you need and I'll point you at it.







kathy villalobos [kathysacreddancer] Friday, September 03, 2004 9:36 PMherbal remedies Subject: RE: Herbal Remedies - Re: low energy level


Hi Kelli,

Ok...you say a total body cleanse will cure my thyroid?

Hmm...let me know what, how and why...I am reading.


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Hi Kelli

I must apologise for not replying to your Email sooner. My main hard drive kinda gave up on me and I had to buy a new one, even though I have 5 HDD's, I only use 1 drive for my operating system!!

Anyway, thank you so much for your mail. Where do I get "Doc's tape" from?.

My wife "Cerese", as I have already said, has Hepatitis C, she has been put forward for medication but has a waiting list for up to a year. I cry for her because of the many side effects she is experiencing from this dreadful disease. However, one of the main problems that effects her each and every day, is her very low energy levels.

Although my wife is an American, she travelled to the UK to marry me three years ago. When she arrived in the UK, she was so fit, and me, well I am in a wheelchair. I was in Special Forces and like a dumb idiot, I stepped on a ant-personnel mine + getting shot in both my back and knee. We met and fell in love on the internet. So, you can imagine my horror when my beautiful wife was told that she had Hepatitis C after only being married for 1 year. I look after my dear wife the best I can, as she had done for me!!!.

She is taking "Milk Thistle!, which does help her liver, but she suffers so much (apart from other side effects) with absolutely no energy at all, she cannot even walk up the road to the shops.

When we were married, I sat her on my lap in my wheelchair and drove 1.5 miles home, it was glorious with every car hooting and people waving at us, what a wonderful day it was.

Anyway, I am rambling on a bit. If you can give me the info regarding "Docs Tape", we would be most appreciative.

Kind regards




Kelli Bever

herbal remedies

Friday, September 03, 2004 3:45 PM

RE: Herbal Remedies - low energy level


Hi Jeff, I suggest you and your wife listen to Doc's tape and call for your free consult right away. There are alternatives to "standard medical treatment".






Jeffrey Sutton [suttjef] Friday, September 03, 2004 5:23 AMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - low energy level



My wife has Hepatitis C, and as most people know she suffers terribly with very low evergy to an almost crippling state.

She is due to go for treatment within the next 6 months (Pegalated Interferon and Ribavirin) which can have terrible side effects.

Anyway, anybody has any ideas to help her with her very low energy levels?

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Dear Jeff,


This is great story, and it is so nice of you to take care of her. You can call Doc directly and ask for tape, or you can send him e-Mail directly and give him your address. He will mail one to you. I would suggest you to go to files and study everything, and have your wife start total body cleanse as soon as possible.

I wish you good luck.



Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor

of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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Hi Jeff,


I understand computer issues! I had to reinstall my OS recently. Ugh! I'm not a system administrator, so it's kind of flying by the seat of my pants! LOL! Anyway, all's well now!


Your words of love for your wife are truly touching, Jeff. I have tears in my eyes as I type this. I absolutely know that Doc can help with your wife's situation, so don't wait to get the information as soon as possible. I can't wait to see another post from you as her condition improves!


You can get Doc's tape by emailing him: DocShillington, or by calling him at 727-447-5282 (new phone number as they just moved again).


All the best,





Jeffrey Sutton [suttjef] Thursday, September 09, 2004 6:56 AMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - low energy level


Hi Kelli


When we were married, I sat her on my lap in my wheelchair and drove 1.5 miles home, it was glorious with every car hooting and people waving at us, what a wonderful day it was.

Anyway, I am rambling on a bit. If you can give me the info regarding "Docs Tape", we would be most appreciative.

Kind regards


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Hi Jeff,

Thank you for that precious email about your wife.. I just read from Mary that it is now ok to ask you to email me personally about getting a product for your wife.

I am particualarly interested in what you said about her energy level and I do believe that we have a product that can help her without any known side effects. For more information, as per I have been instructed.. please email me and I will tell you all about it.

Take Care,

May all your days be as great as your Greatest!


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Hi Kathy

Many thanks for your very kind email. I must apologise for not answering sooner, but both my dear wife and indeed myself have been very unwell. I have been studying the effects of Hepatitis C for nearly 18 months now and really do know quite a lot about this very nasty disease. We would be very pleased for you to send details of the product that you feel may help her. Her extremely low levels of energy is just one of the side effects of Hepatitis C.

It has now got to a stage where I look into every bit of info of anything that she is to take just in case it has any effects in damaging her live.

Kind regards

Jeff & Cerese Sutton



kathy villalobos

herbal remedies

Friday, September 10, 2004 9:32 AM

Re: Herbal Remedies - low energy level


Hi Jeff,

Thank you for that precious email about your wife.. I just read from Mary that it is now ok to ask you to email me personally about getting a product for your wife.

I am particualarly interested in what you said about her energy level and I do believe that we have a product that can help her without any known side effects. For more information, as per I have been instructed.. please email me and I will tell you all about it.

Take Care,

May all your days be as great as your Greatest!


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