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Birth Control

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Hi Molly


May I say first off that SUPPRESSING the symptoms of disease is NOT the

answer. It will ultimately lead to the disease itself being forced deeper

into your body and will ultimately manifest itself in other ways and be even

more difficult to eradicate.



My suggestion is that you search for a CLASSICAL HOMEOPATH and between you

work towards a CURE, not a suppression of the symptoms. Homeopathy does not

work overnight so please do not expect that, it takes TIME to achieve its

full potential but it will work wonders for you once a proper treatment

program has been worked out. Make sure though that you choose very

carefully the Homeopath you wish to treat you as there are many out there

that are not really what they say they are.









, " Molly " <graydaisy wrote:



> I am now becoming more educated on the disease and am interested in trying

the birth control pill Yasmin to try to suppress the condition.

> Yasmin contains a certain amount of the drug Spironolactone which is

anti-androgen. HS is believed to be a hormone-related condition.



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I am 28 years old, I work out a lot and for the most part I eat healthy (very

little in terms of processed foods), but I've been on birth control (Ortho

Cyclen) for many years now--at least 4 or 5 I think. I never want to have

children (I know that most people feel the need to change my opinion on this,

but I've done a great deal of soul searching, and this is whats best for me).

The problem is that means I have no immediate plans to go off of the pill, and I

hate being on any sort of medication--its been years since I've taken any

medication besides this, even an aspirin. I can't find a surgeon thats willing

to tie my tubes at my age, and honestly I'm not thrilled about the idea of going

under the knife, especially when its not my only option. Does anyone know of

any natural, long term ways to prevent pregnancy? I'm in a long term monogamous

relationship, so there aren't any other concerns, just that neither of us want

kids. Any ideas at all would be appreciated.


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Hi Dottie,


I got off the pill 8 years ago and simply use basal body temperature charting.

It's used primarily for people wanting to conceive, but by knowing when you

ovulate, you can use it as an all natural birth control. All you need is a

thermometer - although I prefer the digital kind that remembers your last

reading so you don't have to write it down right away.


My husband and I also do not want kids, so we simply abstain or use condoms on

the days close to my ovulation time. I've been keeping track so long now that I

know the few " danger " days.


As an overview, you take your temperature (oral is fine) at the same time every

morning before you get out of bed. On weekends, you don't have to fully awaken,

so you can just take your temperature and go back to sleep.


Before ovulation, estrogen is the dominant hormone, which makes your temperature

lower. The day after ovulation, progesterone takes over increasing your body

temperature. As long as you are ovulating every month, it is easy to see when

the safe days are.


This site has a chart you can print out. I'm sure there are many others.




Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.





, " echappemtp " <echappemtp wrote:


> I am 28 years old, I work out a lot and for the most part I eat healthy (very

little in terms of processed foods), but I've been on birth control (Ortho

Cyclen) for many years now--at least 4 or 5 I think. I never want to have

children (I know that most people feel the need to change my opinion on this,

but I've done a great deal of soul searching, and this is whats best for me).

The problem is that means I have no immediate plans to go off of the pill, and I

hate being on any sort of medication--its been years since I've taken any

medication besides this, even an aspirin. I can't find a surgeon thats willing

to tie my tubes at my age, and honestly I'm not thrilled about the idea of going

under the knife, especially when its not my only option. Does anyone know of

any natural, long term ways to prevent pregnancy? I'm in a long term monogamous

relationship, so there aren't any other concerns, just that neither of us want

kids. Any ideas at all would be appreciated.

> --Dottie


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I recently read the book The Melatonin Miracle by Dr. Pierpaoli. Among many

other things, he said that melatonin in certain high doses is contraceptive. I

think it was used in conjunction with progesterone. I suggest that you do some

research about this.


Also, I don't remember exactly the details, but you may find something in

Native American medicine.










Tuesday, March 24, 2009 3:46 PM

Re: Birth Control



I am 28 years old, I work out a lot and for the most part I eat healthy (very

little in terms of processed foods), but I've been on birth control (Ortho

Cyclen) for many years now--at least 4 or 5 I think. I never want to have

children (I know that most people feel the need to change my opinion on this,

but I've done a great deal of soul searching, and this is whats best for me).

The problem is that means I have no immediate plans to go off of the pill, and I

hate being on any sort of medication--its been years since I've taken any

medication besides this, even an aspirin. I can't find a surgeon thats willing

to tie my tubes at my age, and honestly I'm not thrilled about the idea of going

under the knife, especially when its not my only option. Does anyone know of any

natural, long term ways to prevent pregnancy? I'm in a long term monogamous

relationship, so there aren't any other concerns, just that neither of us want

kids. Any ideas at all would be appreciated.








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i used the temp way -for years-measuring temp each morning as previously

described-used it for falling pregnant and not falling-tho no  real method is

100% fool proof-even the pill is not 100% safe- the only true  way to be sure is

the snip----it's very advanced these days-so good you can have it done in your

lunch hour and go back to work-tho i would like to think that one would have a 

weekend to recover and take in some reading etc--- after  10  yrs or so and 2

kids my partner decided to  take the snip- it was a big decision but we both 

benefited from it-i had irregular periods and was allways on edge about falling

pregnant as we could not afford more kids-i wanted more but i started late in

life and 2 was enough to feed and raise so  more  was not an option.   you

didn't say how old you were-and yes people will try and change your mind-but

depending on your age i would say do wahat ever-if you are 16 or 18 i would

suggest waiting a few

years-you could change your mind-----i had a girlfriend when i was younger (I'm

53 now) -i was 28 or so she was 30 or 35-she did not want kids-she was married

for years-neither wanted kids---they lost alot of friends as people started to

have children their lives change and they tend to mix with people  with children

of the same age and some  so called friends were just down right 

insulting-saying -it's not normal  and there must be something wrong with them-i

on the contrary thought it  courages and intelligent that they knew they didn't

want children and took precautions to not  have any-i admired them-so many

people have kids and are terrible parents and  it is so expensive  to raise

them-i think you are very responsible-- to  weigh up your options and make a

valued decision    ....but go for the snip-it's saferin my opinion-tho others

may disagree






evergreengarden <evergreengarden


Wednesday, 25 March, 2009 12:27:52 PM

Re: Re: Birth Control



I recently read the book The Melatonin Miracle by Dr. Pierpaoli. Among many

other things, he said that melatonin in certain high doses is contraceptive. I

think it was used in conjunction with progesterone. I suggest that you do some

research about this.


Also, I don't remember exactly the details, but you may find something in Native

American medicine.







Tuesday, March 24, 2009 3:46 PM

Re: Birth Control


I am 28 years old, I work out a lot and for the most part I eat healthy (very

little in terms of processed foods), but I've been on birth control (Ortho

Cyclen) for many years now--at least 4 or 5 I think. I never want to have

children (I know that most people feel the need to change my opinion on this,

but I've done a great deal of soul searching, and this is whats best for me).

The problem is that means I have no immediate plans to go off of the pill, and I

hate being on any sort of medication-- its been years since I've taken any

medication besides this, even an aspirin. I can't find a surgeon thats willing

to tie my tubes at my age, and honestly I'm not thrilled about the idea of going

under the knife, especially when its not my only option. Does anyone know of any

natural, long term ways to prevent pregnancy? I'm in a long term monogamous

relationship, so there aren't any other concerns, just that neither of us want

kids. Any ideas at all would be





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If you are 28, could you wait with a permanent measure till you are

30? People often go through profound changes around age 29. I totally respect

your search for the perfect solution, and am not trying to talk you into having

kids. But I know from experience that feelings can change around that age. Just

2 more years?


Be careful and play safe!


Ien in the Kootenays


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Hi Dottie,




If the doctors won't agree to sterilise you, what about your husband/partner

getting a vasectomy? In my experience they are less 'strict' about performing

this operation if you don't have kids etc, than they are about female

sterilisation. My husband had a vasectomy a number of years ago, when I was just

20, and we had no kids and no desire to have any. They asked some questions, but

weren't against it at all. Of course, I am in the UK so things may be different

where you are!




Hope this helps,

















Does anyone know of any natural, long term ways to prevent pregnancy? I'm in a

long term monogamous relationship, so there aren't any other concerns, just that

neither of us want kids. Any ideas at all would be appreciated.

> --Dottie












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I don't have much of a choice lol, apparently until I'm 30 no surgeon will touch

me. I know I won't change my mind on this though--its not that I don't like

kids, I love them and I'm great with them--I just know that I don't want any of

my own. One of my reasons for looking for a permanent solution sooner rather

than later is that I truly hate being on birth control. I found one that works

relatively well with my body, but I hate the idea of messing with my hormones

daily--and I've been doing it for years now. Also, I wanted to get my tubes

tied and not have my BF have a vasectomy because I feel like until we're at

least engaged or something its my responsibility, not his. The plan is to get

an ablation at the same time and just be done with it...



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Hey Dottie,


It would be great for you to get off of the pill. It might seem far off right

now, but many women notice the first signs of their changing hormones

(perimenopause) in their mid 30's. Your transition will be much more graceful

without those synthetic hormones in your body!


Have you considered an IUD? It's a carefree and reliable approach. I wouldn't be

using the required Melatonin dose for birth control. There are herbs that have

been used throughout time, but again, it's a little high maintenence and since

you've been on the pill, you're probably looking for simple.


I agree with Ien. The next couple of years are a transformative time. I wouldn't

do anything permanent just yet. BTW, I had my only child at 39! Love him dearly

but now that he's 14, I can certainly understand the decision you've made!


Here's some info on herbs as contraceptives:


Herbs, most often used by midwives and herbalists in different times of our

history, were: sylvestre (used during the Roman era); acacia gum (popular among

Egiptians); chastetree, cedar oil, cabbage leaves, and fresh mandrake (prepared

to be used as suppositories); teas of marjoram, thyme, parsley, worm fern root,

and lavender. Silphium, Myrrh, date palm, pomegranate, artemisia, willow and rue

are believed to have contraceptive effects too.


Keep safe!






I am 28 years old, I work out a lot and for the most part I eat healthy (very

little in terms of processed foods), but I've been on birth control (Ortho

Cyclen) for many years now--at least 4 or 5 I think. I never want to have

children (I know that most people feel the need to change my opinion on this,

but I've done a great deal of soul searching, and this is whats best for me).

The problem is that means I have no immediate plans to go off of the pill, and I

hate being on any sort of medication--its been years since I've taken any

medication besides this, even an aspirin. I can't find a surgeon thats willing

to tie my tubes at my age, and honestly I'm not thrilled about the idea of going

under the knife, especially when its not my only option. Does anyone know of any

natural, long term ways to prevent pregnancy? I'm in a long term monogamous

relationship, so there aren't any other concerns, just that neither of us want

kids. Any ideas at all would be appreciated.

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, " Michelle " <michelle wrote:


> I agree with Ien. The next couple of years are a transformative time. I

wouldn't do anything permanent just yet. BTW, I had my only child at 39! Love

him dearly but now that he's 14, I can certainly understand the decision you've






I'll come clear here too. In my twenties I felt sorry for all the women who were

trapped with kids. I wasn't as sure as you are but I can certainly relate to

you. Then at 29, at a time that was less than perfect in terms of economics

etc., this switch was turned on and I was ready.


At the time the term 'Saturn return' meant nothing to me. I was not into weird

things like astrology. In case you think it is nonsense, think of it as a study

of cycles, expressed in a language of symbols.


A book by psychologist Gail Sheehy, titled 'Passages' describes the

exact same ages that astrologers recognize as predictable passages of adult



None is more important than the first Saturn return, between 28 and 30.


That's why I made that suggestion.


Ien in the Kootenays, busy enjoying the 3rd Saturn cycle



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Dottie...I applaud your courage to admit that you nor your husband want

children. In this day and age with over-population a great concern but nobody

listening, it is nice to see an upstanding young lady willing to admit she

wishes to remain childless.


As far as a doctor not being willing to tie your tubes, (a simple operation now

and you are back to normal in a couple of days) I would continue to look around.

A doctor has no right to refuse to do this operation for any reason other than

health concerns. They cannot infiltrate their own belief systems in your



Many years ago (early 70's) my first husband and I were concerned about

population so he got a vasectomy at the young age of 21 after we had our second

child. I had to sign a paper for it since he was so young, but he DID get the

vasectomy and was never sorry. At this time, maybe your husband could consider

this option?


Other than these permanent methods, I would suggest an I.U.D. By the time it

needs to be removed you should have no problem getting your tubes tied. Good

luck! /deb




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Thank you. The doctors aren't refusing to perform the surgery because of their

beliefs, they're refusing because its a huge medical liability for them if I

change my mind. Even signing the release forms doesn't stop me from doing my

best to sue them later, and they aren't willing to take the risk that I'll

change my mind and blame them for not stopping me. I don't understand why they

can't just come up with an airtight release so they don't have to be concerned

about that, but apparently that's not a priority for surgeons around here...Its

really irritating for me because being on birth control really messes with me,

and I don't like putting any sort of medication into my body. Anyway, I

appreciate all the suggestions:)


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Dottie wrote:


....Its really irritating for me because being on birth control really messes

with me,>




If you are that sensitive you may experience unwanted changes from a tubal

ligation as well. Do not underestimate the

energy disturbance in your body as a result of this.


I had one when my youngest was 4 months old and I was absolutely sure I never

wanted to get pregnant again. (I was 36)


At that time I was heavily into nutrition, Adelle Davis style but otherwise

still had blind faith in the medical system.


To my surprise it really affected my glandular system, even the way my body

laid down fat deposits.


Not trying to talk you out of it, just passing out all the information.



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Don't give up your search for a doctor to perform the surgery. My son was

successful at the age of 23. It took him a couple years to find a doctor to

perform the surgery, but he did find one. My son was still single at the

time, but for many reasons he did not ever want to be a father. He found a

doctor that had made the same decision for himself at the age of 26 so he

understood why my son wanted the surgery.




On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 2:03 PM, echappemtp <echappemtp wrote:


> Thank you. The doctors aren't refusing to perform the surgery because of

> their beliefs, they're refusing because its a huge medical liability for

> them if I change my mind. Even signing the release forms doesn't stop me

> from doing my best to sue them later, and they aren't willing to take the

> risk that I'll change my mind and blame them for not stopping me. I don't

> understand why they can't just come up with an airtight release so they

> don't have to be concerned about that, but apparently that's not a priority

> for surgeons around here...Its really irritating for me because being on

> birth control really messes with me, and I don't like putting any sort of

> medication into my body. Anyway, I appreciate all the suggestions:)

> Dottie




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Hi Dottie-


I wholeheartedly agree with Ieneke...if taking the pill messes with your

body...then surgically altering your reproductive organs will majorly mess with

you too.


I met someone who wrote a book on natural b.c. Here is her website. Perhaps it

can be of help.



Best of luck,



" Ieneke van Houten " <ienvan wrote:


> Dottie wrote:


> ...Its really irritating for me because being on birth control really messes

with me,>


> Dottie,


> If you are that sensitive you may experience unwanted changes from a tubal

ligation as well. Do not underestimate the

> energy disturbance in your body as a result of this.


> I had one when my youngest was 4 months old and I was absolutely sure I never

wanted to get pregnant again. (I was 36)


> At that time I was heavily into nutrition, Adelle Davis style but otherwise

still had blind faith in the medical system.


> To my surprise it really affected my glandular system, even the way my body

> laid down fat deposits.


> Not trying to talk you out of it, just passing out all the information.

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My daughters liver enlarged twice as big because of taking the pill. PLEASE

have your liver checked if taking them.





" feelinfunny2003 " <feelinfunny2003


Wednesday, April 08, 2009 8:49 AM

Re: Birth Control



> Hi Dottie-


> I wholeheartedly agree with Ieneke...if taking the pill messes with your

> body...then surgically altering your reproductive organs will majorly mess

> with you too.


> I met someone who wrote a book on natural b.c. Here is her website.

> Perhaps it can be of help.

> http://www.you-choose-when.com/


> Best of luck,

> Janet


> " Ieneke van Houten " <ienvan wrote:


>> Dottie wrote:


>> ...Its really irritating for me because being on birth control really

>> messes with me,>


>> Dottie,


>> If you are that sensitive you may experience unwanted changes from a

>> tubal ligation as well. Do not underestimate the

>> energy disturbance in your body as a result of this.


>> I had one when my youngest was 4 months old and I was absolutely sure I

>> never wanted to get pregnant again. (I was 36)


>> At that time I was heavily into nutrition, Adelle Davis style but

>> otherwise still had blind faith in the medical system.


>> To my surprise it really affected my glandular system, even the way my

>> body

>> laid down fat deposits.


>> Not trying to talk you out of it, just passing out all the information.






> ---


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A good long term but reversable method is using a IUD or a coil. Depending on

where you are and which one you get, they are good for 5 or 10 years.


The only downside is that you could end up getting vaginal infections because it

can make you more susceptible to them.


Other than that, it's great! No thinking about it, you only have to remember to

check that you can feel the threads or strings once a month after your monthly

cycle. So unless you are uncomfortable with having to put your fingers there,

it's an easy and low maintenance way of birth control.

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