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Birth Control

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Andrea Beth,

I usually recommend the cervical cap or diaphragm, despite some of

the concerns of effectiveness. However, if the emotional condition of

a woman is too precarious (i.e. if she has been prescribed to use the

pill because of depression or anxiety over childbirth, etc.), I simply

try to deal with the spleen issues via herbal medicine.


Norplant and depo-provera are much more devastating than the pill, in

my opinion. I've seen some very bad cases involving these medications.




On Mar 5, 2004, at 12:08 PM, wrote:



> Hi All,


> I am wondering what other Oriental medicine practitioners out there

> tell their female patients about birth control. We know that birth

> control pills are cold and damp-generating, damage the Spleen, and

> lead to accumulation of damp and/or phlegm in the lower jiao, which

> can cause obstruction and possibly accumulations in the form of cysts

> and tumors. I have some female patients who suffer from dampness and

> phlegm, who use birth control pills, and while I have educated them

> about how their usage can be contributing to their problem, I feel

> somewhat remiss for not being able to offer a better alternative. So

> I have some questions:


> What do you tell your patients about this, and how do you say it?


> Do you recommend any alternatives; if so, which?


> Are epidermal applications any better (Norplant)?


> Do you ever suggest manual alternatives (diaphgram, condom)?


> What kind of response do you get from these discussions?


> Thank you for your input. While I've had this conversation, I have

> never felt like I am able to " close the loop " and get any resolution

> where this topic is concerned. In some patients, this is the only

> factor I can see as causing their dampness.








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What is worse about Norplant and Depo-Provera? Do they engender more of the

same as birth control pills, or do they have additional harmful effects?


Andrea Beth


<zrosenbe wrote:

Andrea Beth,

I usually recommend the cervical cap or diaphragm, despite some of

the concerns of effectiveness. However, if the emotional condition of

a woman is too precarious (i.e. if she has been prescribed to use the

pill because of depression or anxiety over childbirth, etc.), I simply

try to deal with the spleen issues via herbal medicine.


Norplant and depo-provera are much more devastating than the pill, in

my opinion. I've seen some very bad cases involving these medications.




On Mar 5, 2004, at 12:08 PM, wrote:



> Hi All,


> I am wondering what other Oriental medicine practitioners out there

> tell their female patients about birth control. We know that birth

> control pills are cold and damp-generating, damage the Spleen, and

> lead to accumulation of damp and/or phlegm in the lower jiao, which

> can cause obstruction and possibly accumulations in the form of cysts

> and tumors. I have some female patients who suffer from dampness and

> phlegm, who use birth control pills, and while I have educated them

> about how their usage can be contributing to their problem, I feel

> somewhat remiss for not being able to offer a better alternative. So

> I have some questions:


> What do you tell your patients about this, and how do you say it?


> Do you recommend any alternatives; if so, which?


> Are epidermal applications any better (Norplant)?


> Do you ever suggest manual alternatives (diaphgram, condom)?


> What kind of response do you get from these discussions?


> Thank you for your input. While I've had this conversation, I have

> never felt like I am able to " close the loop " and get any resolution

> where this topic is concerned. In some patients, this is the only

> factor I can see as causing their dampness.








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I had one case with norplant that comes to mind. It was a young woman

who I was treating for lower back pain about 15 years ago. She decided

to do norplant for birth control. After the surgical incision in her

arm was done with the capsules, she bled for 30 days nonstop (

apparently a common side effect). Within a month after that, she was

hospitalized for an ovarian cyst that suddenly swelled up and burst in

her abdomen. The doctors decided to remove the norplant, but found it

was difficult to remove the implants.


Another case with depo-provera. A young woman with an irregular

menstrual cycle, an orthodox Jew, was prescribed depo-provera to stop

her cycle so that she could get married and not worry about

menstruating on her wedding night (marital relations are forbidden, as

you know, in Judaism during menstruation). She had no menses for three

months, then developed heavy bleeding that lasted for over 30 days.

The pill didn't stop it, so she had a pelvic exam that revealed that

she had developed multiple fibroids from taking the depo-provera that

had to be removed ( I don't remember the nature of the surgery that

was done).


I've got a few other depo-provera horror stories as well. Norplant

doesn't seem to be in such common usage anymore.



On Mar 5, 2004, at 12:36 PM, wrote:


> Z'ev,


> What is worse about Norplant and Depo-Provera? Do they engender more

> of the same as birth control pills, or do they have additional harmful

> effects?

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Wow, Z'ev,


Thank you for sharing these stories. I remember you telling about the second

one in my last class with you. Fond memories... : - )


Andrea Beth


<zrosenbe wrote:

I had one case with norplant that comes to mind. It was a young woman

who I was treating for lower back pain about 15 years ago. She decided

to do norplant for birth control. After the surgical incision in her

arm was done with the capsules, she bled for 30 days nonstop (

apparently a common side effect). Within a month after that, she was

hospitalized for an ovarian cyst that suddenly swelled up and burst in

her abdomen. The doctors decided to remove the norplant, but found it

was difficult to remove the implants.


Another case with depo-provera. A young woman with an irregular

menstrual cycle, an orthodox Jew, was prescribed depo-provera to stop

her cycle so that she could get married and not worry about

menstruating on her wedding night (marital relations are forbidden, as

you know, in Judaism during menstruation). She had no menses for three

months, then developed heavy bleeding that lasted for over 30 days.

The pill didn't stop it, so she had a pelvic exam that revealed that

she had developed multiple fibroids from taking the depo-provera that

had to be removed ( I don't remember the nature of the surgery that

was done).


I've got a few other depo-provera horror stories as well. Norplant

doesn't seem to be in such common usage anymore.



On Mar 5, 2004, at 12:36 PM, wrote:


> Z'ev,


> What is worse about Norplant and Depo-Provera? Do they engender more

> of the same as birth control pills, or do they have additional harmful

> effects?




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wrote :


> What is worse about Norplant and Depo-Provera? Do they engender more of the

> same as birth control pills, or do they have additional harmful effects?


Of the dozen or so women I know who have used Depo or Norplant, I have heard

nothing but horror stories about problems including excessive rapid weight

gain (30 - 60 pounds within 3 months), severe mental depression, etc.

(terrible Liver Qi Stagnation and Damp/Phlegm accumulation). All but two of

them stopped using the Depo and all had the Norplant removed within a year

(sometimes as soon as 3 months later) and all still had menstrual

irregularities, cysts, amenorrhea, mental depression, etc., for up to 18

months (longer in a few cases) afterward. One woman had her Norplant

removed and ended up with a large depression in her arm due to loss of

tissue surrounding the implants. I only know of two women who like using

Depo, but both of them have depression issues and are now on anti

depressants as well as continuing to use the Depo (neither gained weight and

neither has to be concerned about pregnancy, so they are satisfied to

continue it and control the depression with more pharmaceuticals).


In my opinion, even though all of these methods add hormones to the body to

manipulate fertility, the low dose Pill has minor side effects in comparison

to Norplant or Depo-provera.


Non hormonal methods of birth control include condoms, diaphragm, cervical

cap, tubal ligation, and abstinence.



Judy Saxe, L.Ac.

Qing Ting Acupuncture LLC

Denver, Colorado

(303) 964-1996


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Doc,I just read this entire post with great interest. While I am not allergic to latex, I am certainly sensitive to it. This was one of the many factors that my husband took into consideration before getting his vasectomy. We had three kids at the time, and felt that our house was more than blessed;-). I realize that my story is odd, but I'd like to toss it out anyway. My husband had a vasectomy in Dec 1999. A month after our daughter was born. He went to all of his appointments to check to make sure that the procedure worked. After three checks we were at ZERO. All clear.

Jump ahead to Feb 2001. I'm still breastfeeding my daughter, not exculsively, but still no return of menses. (Don't forget about the vasectomy.) I went for my annual gyn check up. I'd been feeling a little run down and tired, but I'd been more busy than usual so it was not biggie right? I go to my appointment and do the usual finger stick and pee in a cup. I go in the room and wait for my doctor to come in. Imagine my shock when he comes in and say " Well, you're pregnant. " Shock does not begin to describe what I felt. I had to be politely escorted out of his office, because I could not stop crying and saying " My husband is going to kill me!! I didn't do anything, but he's never going to believe that!! " (We have a good laugh about it now, but it sure wasn't funny at the time.)

Well, my husband decided to take the stance of " I'll wait and see what MY doc has to say, before I kill you. " He went the next day, and sure enough there was sperm. There was one sperm in the sample!! (Believe me, it only takes one very resilliant little critter to get through!) The doctor called and apologized. He said that was the first time in the 26 years of doing that procedure that he'd had one fail. Errr... Good for him?

So my point is this, there is NO garaunteed method. Period. Toxic or not. All one can do is arm themselves the best way they can. Maybe " C " and her boyfriend could do both. My husband has not had the vasectomy redone. His sperm count is still almost non-existant. I take the wild yam anyway and so far so good.

Tammi U.PS. We named him Nathanial, which means gift from god, and he is definitely a light in our lives.On 7/17/06, Dr. Ian Shillington

<DocShillington wrote:







Dear C,


It is totally OK to post these kinds of questions to the list. They are very pertinent and an area that all women should know about. Most people who want to keep these things personal, usually " write in for a friend " . ;-) We're very open on this list and no one makes another wrong for a personal condition (I'd ban anyone for ridiculing another's illness or major problem).


Besides abstinence or having your tubes tied, or your boyfriend having his snipped ;-) (a much easier procedure by the way & has he considered this???) the only guaranteed ways to prevent birth are all toxic to one degree or another.


The American Indians used Wild Yam very successfully, but it was not guaranteed, and had the adverse reaction that if you forgot to take it, or accidently ran out, you became hyperfertile to the point it would almost guarantee you would get pregnant. I have used this very successfully on those who have difficulties getting pregnant. One takes Wild Yam for a couple of months, and then stops. Conception is almost guaranteed within the next two months. Many native women would go years and never get pregnant as long as they continued taking the Wild Yam on a regular basis. I've not heard about how well the Queen Anne's Lace effectiveness is so have not tried it. More research on this is in order.


At your age and with your history, there's not much chance of you getting preggers any ways even if you took nothing, but there are no guarantees. If it were me, I'd go the Wild Yam route or talk my boyfriend into getting a vasectomy. By the way, the Herpes is easy to handle. A Total Body Cleanse with the addition of the Blood Detox Regimen is enough to throw that problem into a complete remission and eradication.


If I were you, I'd also do a Total Body Cleanse to strengthen those areas in particular. Regardless of what has happened in the past, you can rejuvenate a body back to health. Missing organs is the one exception.


In Health, Freedom, and Love,




Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc

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Dear C,

Fertility is such a touchy issue for so many in our world full of pollutants.

It is just one of the major manifestations of the crud around us. Your

pituitary is another.


I really can sympathize with your concerns. Recently I was reccomended a book

called Wise Woman's Guide to the Childbearing Year by Susan Wise. Contrary to

the title it is not just about pregnancy. I got it for the information on

herbs to use in childbirth, but there are chapters dealing with everything to

do with the female reproductive system including menopause and birth control.

I was skimming through it and I noticed that the chaper on birth control

includes an herbal permenant birth control used by the Dakota Indians.


It is an interesting book with a lot of information on those specifics with many

formulas. As I am currently pregnant, I obviously have no personal experiance

with it, but it may give you something to start with. I know its formulas for

pregnancy and childbirth are right on, so I am fairly certain that the others

are too.


Just a note. It is written from a Pagan perspective. For me, this doesn't

bother me at all even though I am not pagan, but some are bothered by this. It

is not a book of spells and rituals though, just good herbal formulas.


PS hugs and kisses to your sweetie. That is about the age of my adopted

daughter. It is a fun time!



> It is vital that I not become pregnant because of my age and circumstances,

> and because my pituitary is likely in marginal condition. I had a tumor

> removed at the age of 28, and what is left is quite tiny. From reading

> around I believe I could lose its functioning ability altogether by becoming

> pregnant, even if I never carried to term. I am contemplating having my

> tubes tied or blocked, despite the enormous cost. However I suspect that may

> not be a perfect solution either.

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I was also

wondering exactly the same thing about herbal birth control. No way I

would use any of the other medical options. Do you have more info on the

wild yam, such as how much, how often, side effects, or even history of it?










herbal remedies [herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of Dr. Ian Shillington

Monday, July 17, 2006 1:15


herbal remedies

Herbal Remedies - Birth












is totally OK to post these kinds of questions to the list. They are very

pertinent and an area that all women should know about. Most people who

want to keep these things personal, usually " write in for a friend " .

;-) We're very open on this list and no one makes another wrong for a

personal condition (I'd ban anyone for ridiculing another's illness or major








abstinence or having your tubes tied, or your boyfriend having his snipped ;-)

(a much easier procedure by the way & has he considered

this???) the only guaranteed ways to prevent birth are all toxic to one degree or another.







American Indians used Wild Yam very successfully, but it was not guaranteed,

and had the adverse reaction that if you forgot to take it, or accidently ran

out, you became hyperfertile to the point it would almost guarantee you

would get pregnant. I have used this very successfully on those who

have difficulties getting pregnant. One takes Wild Yam for a couple of

months, and then stops. Conception is almost guaranteed within the next

two months. Many native women would go years and never get pregnant as

long as they continued taking the Wild Yam on a regular basis. I've not

heard about how well the Queen Anne's Lace effectiveness is so have not tried

it. More research on this is in order.







your age and with your history, there's not much chance of you getting preggers

any ways even if you took nothing, but there are no guarantees. If it

were me, I'd go the Wild Yam route or talk my boyfriend into getting a

vasectomy. By the way, the Herpes is easy to handle. A Total Body

Cleanse with the addition of the Blood Detox Regimen is enough to throw that

problem into a complete remission and eradication.







I were you, I'd also do a Total Body Cleanse to strengthen those areas in

particular. Regardless of what has happened in the past, you can

rejuvenate a body back to health. Missing organs is the one exception.







Health, Freedom, and Love,












Doc Shillington









Dear Doc,






Like so many others, I would like to thank you for

your kind and expert advice to so many of us. I have to say I find

something useful in every digest, and I am learning fast.






I am asking these health questions to you directly

because I thought it might be best- although after all the talk about the

intimacies of cleansing and such, perhaps I have nothing to worry about. I do

know that most women I know worry about these issues and are too afraid to

bring it up, so if you feel its ok to post, lots of other women would benefit.






Question: what advice can you give to those of us

using birth control? Specifically, I have ongoing weakness in the

delicate tissues involved. I am allergic to latex, and after a two year

stint on hormonal birth control many years ago, decided I would never go back to

that. That leaves me with nonoxynol-9, the only spermicide approved in

this blasted country, and non-latex condoms. N-9 I found out is a harsh

detergent, another estrogen mimic, and a numbing agent. Lovely.






I have nearly constant itching and frequent

soreness/dryness due to the N-9, and to some extent, the condoms. I also have

swelling and raw areas on just my left side of the Mons area, which has gotten

better and worse over the last ten years. It's always on just that

side and never goes away for long. I've had numerous tests for yeast

over the years, but they are rarely positive and do not line up with these

symptoms worsening. I have no STDs and have been tested recently. And only had

two monogamous relationships over the years. My boyfriend does test

positive for genital herpes; he never has any symptoms whatsoever, but I feel

like I am susceptible to catching it because I have very weak defenses in

that area. And I suspect that, if I catch it, I am likely to have terrible

symptoms of it just like that poor woman who wrote in recently. Condoms have

slipped off several times because non-latex don't cling as well; I have gone

through 5 rounds of emergency contraception pills in the last 7

months. Levostryl I think?






As for other contraception: I have been on another

herbal website devoted to herbal contraception, but basically the best all of

us have been able to come up with is the use of Queen Anne's Lace seed, chewed

regularly, which supposedly makes the uterine walls too slippery for implantation.

I haven't tried it yet, and wonder what you may have heard of its

effectiveness. I bought a Lady comp fertility monitor in hopes of being

able to depend on that, but shortly afterwards my ND told me that temps and

cycles can be very misleading after age 40. I am 42. So I am afraid

now to even try to use it, and it was quite expensive. I have researched

neem, and I am sure that would be a great way to go, but there is at least one

huge chemical company trying successfully to suppress it's use or further

research. My impression is that it will be years before the Indian

research is made available in English, if at all. Dosages and clean sources are

a mystery, as are side effects.






It is vital that I not become pregnant because of my

age and circumstances, and because my pituitary is likely in marginal

condition. I had a tumor removed at the age of 28, and what is left is

quite tiny. From reading around I believe I could lose its functioning

ability altogether by becoming pregnant, even if I never carried to term.

I am contemplating having my tubes tied or blocked, despite the enormous

cost. However I suspect that may not be a perfect solution either.






I have a health history that I would be happy to

give if that would be of any help, but this email is so long already and I have

asked two large questions of you, so I think I should stop here.






Thank you for all that you do. You are helping

me keep my (happily adopted) four-year-old healthy as well.










Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release 7/14/2006





Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release 7/14/2006

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Wow I guess you were definatly supposed to have him then."Tammi U." <magnolia.artist wrote: Doc,I just read this entire post with great interest. While I am not allergic to latex, I am certainly sensitive to it. This was one of the many factors that my husband took into consideration before getting his vasectomy. We had three kids at the time, and felt that our house was more than blessed;-). I realize that my story is odd, but I'd like to toss it out anyway. My husband had a vasectomy in Dec 1999. A month after our daughter was born. He went to all of his appointments to check to make sure that the procedure worked. After three checks we were at ZERO. All clear. Jump ahead to Feb 2001. I'm still breastfeeding my daughter, not exculsively, but still no return of menses. (Don't forget about the vasectomy.) I went

for my annual gyn check up. I'd been feeling a little run down and tired, but I'd been more busy than usual so it was not biggie right? I go to my appointment and do the usual finger stick and pee in a cup. I go in the room and wait for my doctor to come in. Imagine my shock when he comes in and say "Well, you're pregnant." Shock does not begin to describe what I felt. I had to be politely escorted out of his office, because I could not stop crying and saying "My husband is going to kill me!! I didn't do anything, but he's never going to believe that!!" (We have a good laugh about it now, but it sure wasn't funny at the time.) Well, my husband decided to take the stance of "I'll wait and see what MY doc has to say, before I kill you." He went the next day, and sure enough there was sperm. There was one sperm in the sample!! (Believe me, it only takes one very resilliant little critter to get through!) The doctor called and apologized. He said that was the first

time in the 26 years of doing that procedure that he'd had one fail. Errr... Good for him? So my point is this, there is NO garaunteed method. Period. Toxic or not. All one can do is arm themselves the best way they can. Maybe "C" and her boyfriend could do both. My husband has not had the vasectomy redone. His sperm count is still almost non-existant. I take the wild yam anyway and so far so good. Tammi U.PS. We named him Nathanial, which means gift from god, and he is definitely a light in our lives.www.myspace.com/sapphyretattoo Everything happens for a reason.

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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I am currently taking 2 capsules a day, which = 405mg a day. The dose

seems to be working for me. Granted, I don't know if it's the wild yam

or hubbie's very low sperm count that's doing it. I have still

wondered two things.


1. Is 405 mg enough or too much, for the average woman? (Short version

of a long story. Hubby and I go through phases where it looks as

though we are going to split up and then we realize what idiots we are

- I fear that one day we will not realize what idiots we are and it

makes me wonder about things like this.)


2. Can I buy wild yam and make it into a tinture or a tea. If so, how

do I know I'm getting enough? Herb companies really know how to fool

you with xx mg's per serving. People (incuding myself, sometimes) seem

more comfy with supplements that have numbers attached.


Tammi U.




herbal remedies , " Rachel Mason " <groups wrote:


> Hi,




> I was also wondering exactly the same thing about herbal birth

control. No

> way I would use any of the other medical options. Do you have more

info on

> the wild yam, such as how much, how often, side effects, or even

history of

> it?




> Thanks,


> Rachel





> herbal remedies

> [herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of Dr. Ian


> Monday, July 17, 2006 1:15 PM

> herbal remedies

> Herbal Remedies - Birth Control




> Dear C,




> It is totally OK to post these kinds of questions to the list. They are

> very pertinent and an area that all women should know about. Most


> who want to keep these things personal, usually " write in for a friend " .

> ;-) We're very open on this list and no one makes another wrong for a

> personal condition (I'd ban anyone for ridiculing another's illness

or major

> problem).




> Besides abstinence or having your tubes tied, or your boyfriend

having his

> snipped ;-) (a much easier procedure by the way & has he considered


> the only guaranteed ways to prevent birth are all toxic to one degree or

> another.




> The American Indians used Wild Yam very successfully, but it was not

> guaranteed, and had the adverse reaction that if you forgot to take

it, or

> accidently ran out, you became hyperfertile to the point it would almost

> guarantee you would get pregnant. I have used this very successfully on

> those who have difficulties getting pregnant. One takes Wild Yam for a

> couple of months, and then stops. Conception is almost guaranteed


> the next two months. Many native women would go years and never get

> pregnant as long as they continued taking the Wild Yam on a regular


> I've not heard about how well the Queen Anne's Lace effectiveness is

so have

> not tried it. More research on this is in order.




> At your age and with your history, there's not much chance of you


> preggers any ways even if you took nothing, but there are no

guarantees. If

> it were me, I'd go the Wild Yam route or talk my boyfriend into

getting a

> vasectomy. By the way, the Herpes is easy to handle. A Total Body


> with the addition of the Blood Detox Regimen is enough to throw that


> into a complete remission and eradication.




> If I were you, I'd also do a Total Body Cleanse to strengthen those

areas in

> particular. Regardless of what has happened in the past, you can


> a body back to health. Missing organs is the one exception.




> In Health, Freedom, and Love,




> Doc




> Doc Shillington

> 727-447-5282


> " Doc " Doc


> -


> Dear Doc,




> Like so many others, I would like to thank you for your kind and expert

> advice to so many of us. I have to say I find something useful in every

> digest, and I am learning fast.




> I am asking these health questions to you directly because I thought it

> might be best- although after all the talk about the intimacies of


> and such, perhaps I have nothing to worry about. I do know that most

women I

> know worry about these issues and are too afraid to bring it up, so

if you

> feel its ok to post, lots of other women would benefit.




> Question: what advice can you give to those of us using birth control?

> Specifically, I have ongoing weakness in the delicate tissues

involved. I

> am allergic to latex, and after a two year stint on hormonal birth


> many years ago, decided I would never go back to that. That leaves

me with

> nonoxynol-9, the only spermicide approved in this blasted country, and

> non-latex condoms. N-9 I found out is a harsh detergent, another


> mimic, and a numbing agent. Lovely.




> I have nearly constant itching and frequent soreness/dryness due to

the N-9,

> and to some extent, the condoms. I also have swelling and raw areas

on just

> my left side of the Mons area, which has gotten better and worse

over the

> last ten years. It's always on just that side and never goes away

for long.

> I've had numerous tests for yeast over the years, but they are rarely

> positive and do not line up with these symptoms worsening. I have no


> and have been tested recently. And only had two monogamous relationships

> over the years. My boyfriend does test positive for genital herpes; he

> never has any symptoms whatsoever, but I feel like I am susceptible to

> catching it because I have very weak defenses in that area. And I


> that, if I catch it, I am likely to have terrible symptoms of it

just like

> that poor woman who wrote in recently. Condoms have slipped off several

> times because non-latex don't cling as well; I have gone through 5

rounds of

> emergency contraception pills in the last 7 months. Levostryl I think?




> As for other contraception: I have been on another herbal website

devoted to

> herbal contraception, but basically the best all of us have been able to

> come up with is the use of Queen Anne's Lace seed, chewed regularly,


> supposedly makes the uterine walls too slippery for implantation. I


> tried it yet, and wonder what you may have heard of its

effectiveness. I

> bought a Lady comp fertility monitor in hopes of being able to depend on

> that, but shortly afterwards my ND told me that temps and cycles can

be very

> misleading after age 40. I am 42. So I am afraid now to even try

to use

> it, and it was quite expensive. I have researched neem, and I am

sure that

> would be a great way to go, but there is at least one huge chemical


> trying successfully to suppress it's use or further research. My


> is that it will be years before the Indian research is made available in

> English, if at all. Dosages and clean sources are a mystery, as are side

> effects.




> It is vital that I not become pregnant because of my age and


> and because my pituitary is likely in marginal condition. I had a tumor

> removed at the age of 28, and what is left is quite tiny. From reading

> around I believe I could lose its functioning ability altogether by


> pregnant, even if I never carried to term. I am contemplating having my

> tubes tied or blocked, despite the enormous cost. However I suspect


> may not be a perfect solution either.




> I have a health history that I would be happy to give if that would

be of

> any help, but this email is so long already and I have asked two large

> questions of you, so I think I should stop here.




> Thank you for all that you do. You are helping me keep my (happily


> four-year-old healthy as well.





> --



> Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release Date:





> --



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Again we're talking about the fact that we're all different.


I prefer my clients use it in tincture form so that the 150 Rule can be applied. The normal dose for a Wild Yam Tincture would be 2 dropperfuls once a day in the evening or 2 dropperfuls 3 times a day of the Female Formula if one was using that. If a woman weighed only 100 lbs, that dosage would be 2/3rds of the above.






Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:42 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Birth Control



I am currently taking 2 capsules a day, which = 405mg a day. The doseseems to be working for me. Granted, I don't know if it's the wild yamor hubbie's very low sperm count that's doing it. I have stillwondered two things.1. Is 405 mg enough or too much, for the average woman? (Short versionof a long story. Hubby and I go through phases where it looks asthough we are going to split up and then we realize what idiots we are- I fear that one day we will not realize what idiots we are and itmakes me wonder about things like this.)2. Can I buy wild yam and make it into a tinture or a tea. If so, howdo I know I'm getting enough? Herb companies really know how to foolyou with xx mg's per serving. People (incuding myself, sometimes) seemmore comfy with supplements that have numbers attached.Tammi U.herbal remedies , "Rachel Mason" <groups wrote:>> Hi,> > > > I was also wondering exactly the same thing about herbal birthcontrol. No> way I would use any of the other medical options. Do you have moreinfo on> the wild yam, such as how much, how often, side effects, or evenhistory of> it?> > > > Thanks,> > Rachel> > > > > > > > > > > herbal remedies > [herbal remedies ] On Behalf Of Dr. IanShillington> Monday, July 17, 2006 1:15 PM> herbal remedies> Herbal Remedies - Birth Control> > > > Dear C,> > > > It is totally OK to post these kinds of questions to the list. They are> very pertinent and an area that all women should know about. Mostpeople> who want to keep these things personal, usually "write in for a friend".> ;-) We're very open on this list and no one makes another wrong for a> personal condition (I'd ban anyone for ridiculing another's illnessor major> problem). > > > > Besides abstinence or having your tubes tied, or your boyfriendhaving his> snipped ;-) (a much easier procedure by the way & has he consideredthis???)> the only guaranteed ways to prevent birth are all toxic to one degree or> another.> > > > The American Indians used Wild Yam very successfully, but it was not> guaranteed, and had the adverse reaction that if you forgot to takeit, or> accidently ran out, you became hyperfertile to the point it would almost> guarantee you would get pregnant. I have used this very successfully on> those who have difficulties getting pregnant. One takes Wild Yam for a> couple of months, and then stops. Conception is almost guaranteedwithin> the next two months. Many native women would go years and never get> pregnant as long as they continued taking the Wild Yam on a regularbasis.> I've not heard about how well the Queen Anne's Lace effectiveness isso have> not tried it. More research on this is in order.> > > > At your age and with your history, there's not much chance of yougetting> preggers any ways even if you took nothing, but there are noguarantees. If> it were me, I'd go the Wild Yam route or talk my boyfriend intogetting a> vasectomy. By the way, the Herpes is easy to handle. A Total BodyCleanse> with the addition of the Blood Detox Regimen is enough to throw thatproblem> into a complete remission and eradication.> > > > If I were you, I'd also do a Total Body Cleanse to strengthen thoseareas in> particular. Regardless of what has happened in the past, you canrejuvenate> a body back to health. Missing organs is the one exception.> > > > In Health, Freedom, and Love,> > > > Doc> > > > Doc Shillington> 727-447-5282> HYPERLINK> "Doc"Doc > - > > Dear Doc,> > > > Like so many others, I would like to thank you for your kind and expert> advice to so many of us. I have to say I find something useful in every> digest, and I am learning fast.> > > > I am asking these health questions to you directly because I thought it> might be best- although after all the talk about the intimacies ofcleansing> and such, perhaps I have nothing to worry about. I do know that mostwomen I> know worry about these issues and are too afraid to bring it up, soif you> feel its ok to post, lots of other women would benefit. > > > > Question: what advice can you give to those of us using birth control?> Specifically, I have ongoing weakness in the delicate tissuesinvolved. I> am allergic to latex, and after a two year stint on hormonal birthcontrol> many years ago, decided I would never go back to that. That leavesme with> nonoxynol-9, the only spermicide approved in this blasted country, and> non-latex condoms. N-9 I found out is a harsh detergent, anotherestrogen> mimic, and a numbing agent. Lovely. > > > > I have nearly constant itching and frequent soreness/dryness due tothe N-9,> and to some extent, the condoms. I also have swelling and raw areason just> my left side of the Mons area, which has gotten better and worseover the> last ten years. It's always on just that side and never goes awayfor long.> I've had numerous tests for yeast over the years, but they are rarely> positive and do not line up with these symptoms worsening. I have noSTDs> and have been tested recently. And only had two monogamous relationships> over the years. My boyfriend does test positive for genital herpes; he> never has any symptoms whatsoever, but I feel like I am susceptible to> catching it because I have very weak defenses in that area. And Isuspect> that, if I catch it, I am likely to have terrible symptoms of itjust like> that poor woman who wrote in recently. Condoms have slipped off several> times because non-latex don't cling as well; I have gone through 5rounds of> emergency contraception pills in the last 7 months. Levostryl I think? > > > > As for other contraception: I have been on another herbal websitedevoted to> herbal contraception, but basically the best all of us have been able to> come up with is the use of Queen Anne's Lace seed, chewed regularly,which> supposedly makes the uterine walls too slippery for implantation. Ihaven't> tried it yet, and wonder what you may have heard of itseffectiveness. I> bought a Lady comp fertility monitor in hopes of being able to depend on> that, but shortly afterwards my ND told me that temps and cycles canbe very> misleading after age 40. I am 42. So I am afraid now to even tryto use> it, and it was quite expensive. I have researched neem, and I amsure that> would be a great way to go, but there is at least one huge chemicalcompany> trying successfully to suppress it's use or further research. Myimpression> is that it will be years before the Indian research is made available in> English, if at all. Dosages and clean sources are a mystery, as are side> effects. > > > > It is vital that I not become pregnant because of my age andcircumstances,> and because my pituitary is likely in marginal condition. I had a tumor> removed at the age of 28, and what is left is quite tiny. From reading> around I believe I could lose its functioning ability altogether bybecoming> pregnant, even if I never carried to term. I am contemplating having my> tubes tied or blocked, despite the enormous cost. However I suspectthat> may not be a perfect solution either. > > > > I have a health history that I would be happy to give if that wouldbe of> any help, but this email is so long already and I have asked two large> questions of you, so I think I should stop here.> > > > Thank you for all that you do. You are helping me keep my (happilyadopted)> four-year-old healthy as well.> > > > > --> > > Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release Date:7/14/2006> > > > -- > > > Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.1/389 - Release Date:7/14/2006>

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Dear Doc,


Thank you for your quick reply. What good news about handling herpes, too. Whew.


Vasectomy- was at the top of the list, and we were all gung ho until I began reading about it. There seem to be a lot of men (and their wives) out there saying 'don't do it!'. It seems like the backup of sperm in the body is causing all kinds of autoimmune reactions, fatigue, sexual disfunction and pain. It also seems like the pain/increased scarring sets in 3-7 years or so after the procedure, and nothing much can be done about treating it once it begins.


Men have had the procedure reversed in hopes of alleviating the symptoms, and half the time that doesn't even work. It seems like the percentage of problems is going up each year as men become a little more ok about reporting it.


What do you think?


And thanks to everyone writing in with their suggestions.


Thanks again!

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Welllllllllll, as I said at the beginning, if it were me, I'd go the Wild Yam Route using the Tincture.

As others have so aptly pointed out, there are no guarantees with any route, but this is a good one, a safe one, and a very none toxic one.

In Health, Freedom, and Love,



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 1:41 AM

Herbal Remedies - Re: Birth Control





Dear Doc,


Thank you for your quick reply. What good news about handling herpes, too. Whew.


Vasectomy- was at the top of the list, and we were all gung ho until I began reading about it. There seem to be a lot of men (and their wives) out there saying 'don't do it!'. It seems like the backup of sperm in the body is causing all kinds of autoimmune reactions, fatigue, sexual disfunction and pain. It also seems like the pain/increased scarring sets in 3-7 years or so after the procedure, and nothing much can be done about treating it once it begins.


Men have had the procedure reversed in hopes of alleviating the symptoms, and half the time that doesn't even work. It seems like the percentage of problems is going up each year as men become a little more ok about reporting it.


What do you think?


And thanks to everyone writing in with their suggestions.


Thanks again!

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I had one done about 12 years ago and every thing is still functioning very well!JoeVasectomy- was at the top of the list, and we were all gung ho until I began

reading about it. There seem to be a lot of men (and their wives) out there

saying 'don't do it!'. It seems like the backup of sperm in the body is

causing all kinds of autoimmune reactions, fatigue, sexual disfunction and

pain. It also seems like the pain/increased scarring sets in 3-7 years or

so after the procedure, and nothing much can be done about treating it once

it begins.


Men have had the procedure reversed in hopes of alleviating the symptoms,

and half the time that doesn't even work. It seems like the percentage of

problems is going up each year as men become a little more ok about

reporting it.


What do you think?

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Latex- yes, it is touted to be so natural. It took me almost 15 years to understand that there isn't such as thing as latex " allergy " - it presents more like a chemical poisoning.


A coincidence clued me in- I was talking to a friend who is a jeweler. He said the reason why some women have problems with certain metals is because of the nickel content, and that the industry had known this for decades. But because it was such a cheap additive to metal mixes, they continued to use it anyway. He said that women who had the redness and itchiness associated with this were also going to have problems with latex, as latex is processed somewhere along the way with nickel as well.



Then I read about certain types of frequent hospital patients becoming allergic to latex cumulatively and the light went on. Millions of women use latex repeatedly, from gloves to you name it, on top of birth control in every form. One use of the diaphram, with it's 1-3 day stay, may be equivalent to the latex exposure of several surgeries. The N-9 involved disrupts the protective mucous membranes down there and so the latex toxins can pass through to the body even easier.



I had pain, soreness, and dryness constantly. (labled " vulvodynia " . Meaning- we don't know what it is, but its so common we bothered to make up a name for it) With time, I also had severe depression and disorientation that hit every time I used my diaphram. Also got vestibulitis, another common but supposedly " rare " condition that had no other hope than receiving cortisone shots right into the affected area to stop the pain cycle. I am very clear about the dangers of cortisone, but at the time I was desperate. There was only one practitioner in the US even willing to try to treat anyone with anything, and women flew in from everywhere to have this done.I'm sure you can unfortunately imagine what this was like- along with the devastation it drags right into your primary relationship.


And they wonder about the causes of breast cancer?


Anyway- for some better news: the rest of the world has figured out a lot of this. There are easily 5 varieties of non latex condoms out there to get on the internet that are better than the only one approved by our corrupt FDA over here. Also- there are diaphrams and all sorts of better barriers to be ordered that are made from surgical grade silicon. That are even affordable- what a concept. The only thing that cannot be imported are chemicals/herbs for the purpose, hence my original line of questioning.



All the problems I had, and that other women have had, began after they began having sex, so I think the writing is on the wall, despite all the " bafflement " of the medical industry. I highly recommend trying anything other than latex to see if you can avoid it and also to apply pressure to the powers that be. And also to see if you like the alternatives better. Since some part of this was supposed to be fun, right?







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  • 1 year later...

As a birth control, you'd want to take 2 dropperfuls 3

times a day of a strong Wild Yam Tincture. More would be alright, less

would be asking for hyper fertility at a certain point. I'd rather err

on the too much side ;-)

Remember to use the 150 rule and increase or decrease this dosage

depending on the woman's weight.

As with any birth control, there are no guarantees, and a lot depends

on the health of the woman to begin with.

I seen women get preggers on the pill, the diaphragm, foam, the patch,

you name it !!! One friend of mine with 12 kids got pregnant on all of


There are no 100% guarantees except abstinence, and even The Virgin had

a problem with that one. :-)

Using Wild Yam is as good as any other method, but to reiterate, there

are NO guarantees.




borup wrote:


I've heard that Wild Yam can be used in birth control but have never

read specifics on how this would be used (doseages). Are you familiar

with specifics and if so would you share them?

Thanks, Melody

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You want to take the formula for 3 months before

"trying" to conceive.

Stop taking the formula altogether and you'll be hyper fertile

(naturally) for the next month or two.

No guarantee on twins or which sex of course. LOL





Alyda wrote:




How does it work on the less side (hyper fertility)? I'm looking

to have babies soon (twins - no they don't run in the family but I"m

hoping ;D), any suggestions?


Doc Shillington <DocShillington




As a birth control, you'd want to take 2

dropperfuls 3 times a day of a strong Wild Yam Tincture. More would be

alright, less would be asking for hyper fertility at a certain point.

I'd rather err on the too much side ;-)


Remember to use the 150 rule and increase or decrease this dosage

depending on the woman's weight.

As with any birth control, there are no guarantees, and a lot depends

on the health of the woman to begin with.

I seen women get preggers on the pill, the diaphragm, foam, the patch,

you name it !!! One friend of mine with 12 kids got pregnant on all of


There are no 100% guarantees except abstinence, and even The Virgin had

a problem with that one. :-)

Using Wild Yam is as good as any other method, but to reiterate, there

are NO guarantees.




borup wrote:


I've heard that Wild Yam can be used in birth control but have never read specifics on how this would be used (doseages). Are you familiar with specifics and if so would you share them? Thanks, Melody








L. Alyda Thornton




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Dear Ramona,

You'd want to take the Wild Yam every day for approx 3 months.

You then stop, cold turkey, and will be hyper fertile for the next 2


You do NOT want to take the yam after you get preggers.

The best program to be on after you've conceived is the LifeTime Health

Program minus the Intestinal Cleanse.

If you've ever had any difficulty carrying to term, then you most

emphatically want to stay away from the Intestinal Cleanse Formula.

So that leaves:

1. Total Nutrition.

2. Body Balance+ Formula.

3. Total Tonic

4. And Echinacea (Only use this as needed = signs of illness, colds or

flus, etc.)

You may also wish to take the Lemon Egg Recipe (in the files) for

increased Calcium intake.

I can't think of a better approach.

Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,




Ramona wrote:

I am less interested in the birth control aspect than the

hyper fertility aspect. I have a lot of fertility issues, and have

done cleanses etc as well as hormonal balancing things. I get pregnant

easily, but all this has done is to make me go longer before

miscarrying. I figure I am on the right track, but my body needs a




So, if you take wild yam, then do you stop right before you want to

ovulate, do you wait for bleeding, and then stop and do a full cycle

without, and when you do get pregnant, do you need the yam to help

support the pregnancy?





Quoting Doc Shillington <DocShillington:



As a birth control, you'd want to take 2

dropperfuls 3 times a day of a


strong Wild Yam Tincture. More would be alright, less would be asking


for hyper fertility at a certain point. I'd rather err on the too much


side ;-)


Remember to use the 150 rule and increase or decrease this dosage


depending on the woman's weight.


As with any birth control, there are no guarantees, and a lot depends


on the health of the woman to begin with.


I seen women get preggers on the pill, the diaphragm, foam, the patch,


you name it !!! One friend of mine with 12 kids got pregnant on all of




There are no 100% guarantees except abstinence, and even The Virgin had


a problem with that one. :-)


Using Wild Yam is as good as any other method, but to reiterate, there


are NO guarantees.









I've heard that Wild Yam can be used in

birth control but have never


read specifics on how this would be used (doseages). Are you familiar


with specifics and if so would you share them?



Thanks, Melody

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I've heard the basal temp method works quite well, but again there are

no guarantees.




Elizabeth wrote:

What about other natural methods I've heard of like taking

your temperature daily to see when you're most fertile so you can avoid

being intimate during those times? We don't want any more kids, but I

don't want either one of us to have surgery to prevent it for the

obvious reasons.


Doc Shillington <DocShillington




As a birth control, you'd want to take 2

dropperfuls 3 times a day of a strong Wild Yam Tincture. More would be

alright, less would be asking for hyper fertility at a certain point.

I'd rather err on the too much side ;-)


Remember to use the 150 rule and increase or decrease this dosage

depending on the woman's weight.

As with any birth control, there are no guarantees, and a lot depends

on the health of the woman to begin with.

I seen women get preggers on the pill, the diaphragm, foam, the patch,

you name it !!! One friend of mine with 12 kids got pregnant on all of


There are no 100% guarantees except abstinence, and even The Virgin had

a problem with that one. :-)

Using Wild Yam is as good as any other method, but to reiterate, there

are NO guarantees.




borup wrote:


I've heard that Wild Yam can be used in birth control but have never read specifics on how this would be used (doseages). Are you familiar with specifics and if so would you

share them? Thanks, Melody








Elizabeth McCree

Kaplan University Accounting Student


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The 150 Rule is a guideline for herbal dosages and is a

rough rule of thumb when taking herbs.

Put your weight over 150 and reduce it down to its lowest fraction.

IE: If you weighed 100 lbs, you'd put 100/150 which reduces down to


A person or child who weighed 75 lbs would be 75/150 = 1/2 the dosage


This rule is essential for kids.

It also works the other way for those who weigh more than 150.

A person who weighed 300 lbs, you'd put down 300/150 = 2. This person

would double the dosage recommended.

Remember, this is only a guide line. For seriously ill clients, I've

five times normal dosages and gotten great results.

With very few exceptions, you do NOT need to be timid about herbal

dosages. Things like Oleander and Poke Root, you need to be careful

of, but for the most part, you can take herbals till the cows come home

and the worst negative reaction you'll get is you'll throw up. This

can NOT be said for pharmaceuticals which can be deadly when not taken

in recommended dosages. They're deadly anyway.

When it comes to herbs, I've rarely seen people take too much and have

never seen any harm when they did

On the other hand, I've seen people take far too little. You can be

generous with herbs.

Hope this helps.





Alyda wrote:

Great thanks...I am about 220lbs (in good health, just

overweight...i work out 5 times a week) how much should i take? you

said to use the 150 rule, but i'm not familiar with that rule.


Doc Shillington <DocShillington




You want to take the formula for 3 months

before "trying" to conceive.

Stop taking the formula altogether and you'll be hyper fertile

(naturally) for the next month or two.

No guarantee on twins or which sex of course. LOL





Alyda wrote:




How does it work on the less side (hyper fertility)? I'm

looking to have babies soon (twins - no they don't run in the family

but I"m hoping ;D), any suggestions?


Doc Shillington <DocShillington (AT) Knology (DOT) net>




As a birth control, you'd want to take 2

dropperfuls 3 times a day of a strong Wild Yam Tincture. More would be

alright, less would be asking for hyper fertility at a certain point.

I'd rather err on the too much side ;-)


Remember to use the 150 rule and increase or decrease this dosage

depending on the woman's weight.

As with any birth control, there are no guarantees, and a lot depends

on the health of the woman to begin with.

I seen women get preggers on the pill, the diaphragm, foam, the patch,

you name it !!! One friend of mine with 12 kids got pregnant on all of


There are no 100% guarantees except abstinence, and even The Virgin had

a problem with that one. :-)

Using Wild Yam is as good as any other method, but to reiterate, there

are NO guarantees.




borup wrote:


I've heard that Wild Yam can be used in birth control but have never read specifics on how this would be used (doseages). Are you familiar with specifics and if so would you share them? Thanks, Melody








L. Alyda Thornton

l.a.thornton (AT) comcast (DOT) net


Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Autos.







L. Alyda Thornton




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's user panel and lay it on us.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest



I am new to the board and am excited to discuss viewpoints on alternative

healing as I am beginning my journey.


I am 25-years-old and am currently battling with a disease called Hidradenitis

Suppurativa (or HS.) It's an autoimmune-like condition that manifests by

infecting hair follicles resulting in chronic boils.

There is no known cure at this time and I am anxious to find an avenue that will

give me major relief and hope after all these years. (I've been suffering since

I was 13.)


Rounds of antibiotic treatment has done very little.

I am now becoming more educated on the disease and am interested in trying the

birth control pill Yasmin to try to suppress the condition.

Yasmin contains a certain amount of the drug Spironolactone which is

anti-androgen. HS is believed to be a hormone-related condition.


I've been on BC before but went off a while back. I've also had problems with

recurrent yeast infections and I wondered if the BC usage has any correlation.


I plan to use Yasmin solely for the purpose of seeing if it has any positive

impact on my HS. Truely, I don't like the idea of putting myself back on drugs

but I am desperate at this point.


Any comments on the long or short term effects of birth control?

I just wanted to share for some support and advice.



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Hi Molly,




Welcome to the board! I hope you find it as informative as I have!




I have to be honest and say that I have never heard of your condition! BUT - I

have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), and the two drugs you mentioned are

used a lot in the treatment of my condition. Spironolactone is used as a

treatment for the hirsutism that a lot of us PCOS ladies get. Yasmin is one of

the birth control pills that is often prescribed, to regulate our hormones and

try to get our cycles back! I have seen some reports that it can also help with

the hirsutism too. What is it that you are hoping these drugs may do for you -

are you hoping they will reduce your hair growth and therefore the number of

boils you get?




Personally I have never been on either drug (although I am hoping that when I

get my referral to an endocrinologist I may be able to try Spiro, as other meds

have not worked on my hirsutism). Have you tried seeing an endocrinologist for

your condition?




I can recommend this site:








It is a UK site which has a lot of information about PCOS and the meds

prescribed, so I'm sure you could find some information about Yasmin and Spiro

there. There is also a message board section which you might like to look at -

you can't post unless you're a member but you can read other people's posts, and

see what they have said about using both these meds.








Good luck!










Wed, 4 Mar 2009 06:40:08 +0000

Birth Control








I am new to the board and am excited to discuss viewpoints on alternative

healing as I am beginning my journey.


I am 25-years-old and am currently battling with a disease called Hidradenitis

Suppurativa (or HS.) It's an autoimmune-like condition that manifests by

infecting hair follicles resulting in chronic boils.

There is no known cure at this time and I am anxious to find an avenue that will

give me major relief and hope after all these years. (I've been suffering since

I was 13.)


Rounds of antibiotic treatment has done very little.

I am now becoming more educated on the disease and am interested in trying the

birth control pill Yasmin to try to suppress the condition.

Yasmin contains a certain amount of the drug Spironolactone which is

anti-androgen. HS is believed to be a hormone-related condition.


I've been on BC before but went off a while back. I've also had problems with

recurrent yeast infections and I wondered if the BC usage has any correlation.


I plan to use Yasmin solely for the purpose of seeing if it has any positive

impact on my HS. Truely, I don't like the idea of putting myself back on drugs

but I am desperate at this point.


Any comments on the long or short term effects of birth control?

I just wanted to share for some support and advice.













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Hi Molly,


Sounds like candida overgrowth could have a lot to do with your symptoms.

Especially since you've been on a lot of antibiotics and suffer from frequent

yeast infections.


Candida can also cause hormonal imbalances, because the toxins they release into

the bloodstream block proper hormone absorption into cells.


Personally, I would stay away from birth control pills. They can make you feel

better initially, but you end up worse off in the long run because they are

synthetic hormones. They have a lot of side effects that are detrimental to our



There are other ways to correct hormone imbalance, but first you'd have to

address a systemic candida infection - which I'd say you almost certainly have.

And if I'm right about that, I would also be safe to assume that your body pH is

probably way too acidic. This can also cause hormone imbalance as well as a LOT

of other health conditions that include autoimmune diseases.


Feel free to check out my site for more in depth information (and contact me if

you have questions). I wish you luck on your journey to health!






, " Molly " <graydaisy wrote:


> Hello,


> I am new to the board and am excited to discuss viewpoints on alternative

healing as I am beginning my journey.


> I am 25-years-old and am currently battling with a disease called Hidradenitis

Suppurativa (or HS.) It's an autoimmune-like condition that manifests by

infecting hair follicles resulting in chronic boils.

> There is no known cure at this time and I am anxious to find an avenue that

will give me major relief and hope after all these years. (I've been suffering

since I was 13.)


> Rounds of antibiotic treatment has done very little.

> I am now becoming more educated on the disease and am interested in trying the

birth control pill Yasmin to try to suppress the condition.

> Yasmin contains a certain amount of the drug Spironolactone which is

anti-androgen. HS is believed to be a hormone-related condition.


> I've been on BC before but went off a while back. I've also had problems with

recurrent yeast infections and I wondered if the BC usage has any correlation.


> I plan to use Yasmin solely for the purpose of seeing if it has any positive

impact on my HS. Truely, I don't like the idea of putting myself back on drugs

but I am desperate at this point.


> Any comments on the long or short term effects of birth control?

> I just wanted to share for some support and advice.


> Thanks!!!!!!


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Birth control will cause a problem with reacurring yeast infections

along with robbing the body of important nutritions. Some women have

tried natural birth control methods. Wild Yam is one I have heard of in

the past.


Certified Herbalist,

Marguerite Wright




Posted through Grouply, the better way

to access your like this one.


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