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RASH reaction to DEEP MASSAGE????

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My sister is a licensed massage therapist. Here are her thoughts:


1 - I would have thought the wine from before would be out of her system

by the time she got the massage (or at least filtered enough), unless

she drank it very late the night before, and the massage was in the morning.


2 - Drinking a glass of wine the night of wasn't the smartest thing to

do -- for that deep of a massage, water would've been a MUCH wiser

choice, but I don't know of anything that would make the wine CAUSE a rash.


3 - I've never heard specifically of a histamine release, but it

definitely releases toxins from glands and other areas (hence the need

to drink water to flush them from your system), so I wouldn't be

surprised if you had an allergic reaction stuck somewhere and it

dislodged (for lack of a better term). If you'd had a mild reaction

(potentially mild enough that you didn't notice) sometime before, and

then had the massage that moved all that around, I suppose it could've

surfaced with a vengeance. The rash can be the manifestation of the

problem, not necessarily the problem itself. :) ( " Positive autoimmune

reaction, " we called them, meaning your body is doing what it's supposed

to be doing.)


4 - The nausea could've been either the toxins (drink water) or a little

bit of the alcohol left over reacting to an empty stomach, to an early

day, etc (drink water...or don't get a massage on an empty stomach).


A normal massage can move toxins around by itself, a deep tissue massage

even moreso, so if this were an extreme deep tissue, then I'd probably

drink only water the rest of the day and move only enough to keep the

blood flowing to let my body heal. Remember - sometimes it's necessary

to almost reinjure the tissue to make it heal properly.


However, I have no idea whether a reaction like that would last several

days....that could simply be an allergic reaction to whatever lotion was

used, or the wine itself, I guess, if you're not used to it or happen to

be allergic to it.


That's my " professional " opinion. :) (Rule of thumb -- water, water,

water.) If the reaction hangs around, I'd definitely see a regular

doctor, not only a dermatologist (and see if the MT used something




Hope this helps!




On 11/27/2007 8:08 PM, a.banana32 wrote:



> hi everyone,


> i had a VERY DEEP TISSUE massage last friday and afterward i felt

> nauseous and then a couple hours later i began developing a papular

> rash on the front of my neck. over the next couple of days the rash

> spread to cover my entire neck, ears, and face with a lot of swelling

> and redness around my eyes, ears, nose.


> i have had massages before, but never quite this vigorous and deep and

> painful. my bacck muscles felt bruised the next day which has neever

> happened before. i've had tightness, but never bruised feeling.


> is it possible that the massage caused my rash?


> i read somewhere that pressure massage causes histamine release, but

> could not confirm that with other sources.


> PLEASE answer me if you know anything about this! i want to know if

> this is a credible theory at all. just to mention, the 2 nights

> preceeding the massage and the night of hte massage when i got home, i

> had a glass of california red wine, and i never drink red wine, but

> the dermatologist didn't think that that could be responsible. i

> thought maybe the combo of the massage AND the red wine ???


> thanks for your time, please help!


> anna


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The very first time one of my most steady

Reflexology clients had a session she broke

out in a rash all over her body.

It lasted a day and then went away, never

to return.


Fortunately she had enjoyed the deep

relaxation so much that she came back



So, this is just your body saying things

like: " about time you paid some attention

to me! "


Ien in the Kootenays

No more stiff sore neck to keep me awake.

ask me: ienvan




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Could it be a reaction to something in the oil or lotion that was used?


Once I started carefully researching the ingrediants in my massage lotion I came

to find out the a very common and popular brand has just as many " bad " chemicals

as our regular shampoos and conditioners available in the store.


Find out the exact ingrediants in the lotion/oil. Even if she's used it with

you before - sometimes reactions can build up over time.


As for deep pressure/myofascial release - I have has clients more sore the

next day but they tell me it's like sore after working out as opposed to

sore-I-Can't-Move like when they came in. :-) Sometimes myofascial restrictions

and chronic muscla spasms are difficult to get to move - as I gain more

experience I've learned many other, gentler techniques to release these

including essential oils, resisted stretches, etc.



Angela <><



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hmmm that's interesting

the thing is my rash was ONLY on my neck and face (they didn't even

touch my face in the massage)

and it continued to get worse and worse for the 4 days following the



i think it may be a combination of a new natural thyroid medication i

had started a few days earlier, having red wine right after the

massage, and the deepness of the massage getting all those things

majorly circulating. i don't know of that's a plausible theory or not.


what do you think?


, " Ieneke van Houten "

<ienvan wrote:



> The very first time one of my most steady

> Reflexology clients had a session she broke

> out in a rash all over her body.

> It lasted a day and then went away, never

> to return.


> Fortunately she had enjoyed the deep

> relaxation so much that she came back

> anyway.


> So, this is just your body saying things

> like: " about time you paid some attention

> to me! "


> Ien in the Kootenays

> No more stiff sore neck to keep me awake.

> ask me: ienvan




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After reflexology or massage you should push fluids!!! I almost ruined a

vacation to the Bahamas by not paying enough attention to that advice. It's

a cleaning


Reaction due to the stirring up and elimination of toxins.





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My arms and legs get a rash after a good massage. I think my lymp nodes clear

out through my skin in those areas. As a bonus my hair also grows like crazy

that night. Just thought I'd share.


" a.banana32 " <a.banana32 wrote:


hmmm that's interesting

the thing is my rash was ONLY on my neck and face (they didn't even

touch my face in the massage)

and it continued to get worse and worse for the 4 days following the



i think it may be a combination of a new natural thyroid medication i

had started a few days earlier, having red wine right after the

massage, and the deepness of the massage getting all those things

majorly circulating. i don't know of that's a plausible theory or not.


what do you think?


, " Ieneke van Houten "

<ienvan wrote:



> The very first time one of my most steady

> Reflexology clients had a session she broke

> out in a rash all over her body.

> It lasted a day and then went away, never

> to return.


> Fortunately she had enjoyed the deep

> relaxation so much that she came back

> anyway.


> So, this is just your body saying things

> like: " about time you paid some attention

> to me! "


> Ien in the Kootenays

> No more stiff sore neck to keep me awake.

> ask me: ienvan




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how long does your rash last for, and does it itch??


Alison Bliss <naturalhealthmom wrote:

My arms and legs get a rash after a good massage. I think my lymp nodes clear

out through my skin in those areas. As a bonus my hair also grows like crazy

that night. Just thought I'd share.


" a.banana32 " <a.banana32 wrote:


hmmm that's interesting

the thing is my rash was ONLY on my neck and face (they didn't even

touch my face in the massage)

and it continued to get worse and worse for the 4 days following the



i think it may be a combination of a new natural thyroid medication i

had started a few days earlier, having red wine right after the

massage, and the deepness of the massage getting all those things

majorly circulating. i don't know of that's a plausible theory or not.


what do you think?


, " Ieneke van Houten "

<ienvan wrote:



> The very first time one of my most steady

> Reflexology clients had a session she broke

> out in a rash all over her body.

> It lasted a day and then went away, never

> to return.


> Fortunately she had enjoyed the deep

> relaxation so much that she came back

> anyway.


> So, this is just your body saying things

> like: " about time you paid some attention

> to me! "


> Ien in the Kootenays

> No more stiff sore neck to keep me awake.

> ask me: ienvan




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Seems like it lasts forever. And yes it itches sometimes, not always. I actually

have residual rash from about 6weeks ago. It's annoying. I haven't figured out

how to clear up the rash after it appears. I have used tea tree, witch

hazel,aloe nothing works completely. Sorry I can't be of more help.


Anna Banana <a.banana32 wrote: alison--


how long does your rash last for, and does it itch??


Alison Bliss <naturalhealthmom wrote: My arms and legs get a rash

after a good massage. I think my lymp nodes clear out through my skin in those

areas. As a bonus my hair also grows like crazy that night. Just thought I'd



" a.banana32 " <a.banana32 wrote:


hmmm that's interesting

the thing is my rash was ONLY on my neck and face (they didn't even

touch my face in the massage)

and it continued to get worse and worse for the 4 days following the



i think it may be a combination of a new natural thyroid medication i

had started a few days earlier, having red wine right after the

massage, and the deepness of the massage getting all those things

majorly circulating. i don't know of that's a plausible theory or not.


what do you think?


, " Ieneke van Houten "

<ienvan wrote:



> The very first time one of my most steady

> Reflexology clients had a session she broke

> out in a rash all over her body.

> It lasted a day and then went away, never

> to return.


> Fortunately she had enjoyed the deep

> relaxation so much that she came back

> anyway.


> So, this is just your body saying things

> like: " about time you paid some attention

> to me! "


> Ien in the Kootenays

> No more stiff sore neck to keep me awake.

> ask me: ienvan




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