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How to Make Ginger Tea or Tisane

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to Make Ginger Tea or Tisane



Ginger is a calming and soothing flavour with a touch of a bite to it that

helps to keep you alert and calm. Ginger is commonly used to help an upset

stomach, motion or travel sickness or general low-grade fevers. It is also

excellent for nausea and for warming you up when you feel cold. Ginger is

reputed to help ward off colds or improve your recovery time. Other benefits of

ginger include:


a.. digestive aid

b.. circulation booster

c.. flatulence, colic or indigestion relief

d.. blood sugar reduction

e.. increases perspiration

f.. soothes menstrual pain

g.. helps reduce sinusitis and throat soreness

Tea is the most gentle form of consuming ginger.



1.. Peel the ginger and slice it thinly, in small pieces.

2.. Boil the water.

3.. There are three ways to perform the next step - the method will depend on

your preference:

a.. Pour the boiled water into a teapot that you have already placed the

freshly sliced ginger into. Put the lid on the teapot to stop the pot cooling

down too quickly and to keep the aromatic ingredients in the tea. Steep for 10

- 15 minutes.

b.. If you boil the water in a saucepan rather than in a kettle, you can add

the ginger to the saucepan and simmer for 15 - 20 minutes. Let it sit for 5

minutes before pouring after simmering.

c.. Use a teaball to hold the sliced ginger and steep in a cup for 15 minutes.

Make sure to use a saucer to cover the top of the cup to prevent the aromatic

elements from escaping.

4.. Strain the tea after steeping or boiling and serve. Add sweeteners or

flavour if desired.

5.. Drink hot, at room temperature or cold - as preferred.



a.. A tisane is a form of medicinal preparation and provides therapeutic

benefits. If you are using the tisane for medicinal purposes, do not add


b.. If you have ginger tea left over, store in a jug in the refrigerator. It

can be reheated or drunk as iced tea.

c.. If you only want to make one cup of tea, simply grate 3 teaspoons of ginger

to one cup boiling water.



a.. If used as a tisane for a cold, nausea or low-grade fever, be sure to keep

an eye on your temperature and general feeling of well-being. See a doctor or

other professional if your fever does not improve or if you continue feeling


b.. Do not take ginger if you have a high fever, an inflammatory skin

complaint, ulcers or gallstones.

c.. Ginger is safe to consume in small amounts during pregnancy to alleviate

morning sickness but you should consult your doctor first.





" Emancipate yourself

from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds "

-Bob Marley









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