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to articles in today's press about environmental health

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>stopthepoisons , w_o_w , " Health and

>Healing- " ,


>The Havens <thehavens

>Re: Links to articles in today's press about environmental health


>At 09:13 AM 11/19/07, you wrote:


>>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>>Don't miss the link to

>>today's good news

>>Read today's editorials

>>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>>Chinese dam projects criticized for their human costs. The Three Gorges

>>Dam lies at the uncomfortable center of China's energy conundrum: pollute

>>the air with dirty coal-fired power plants or displace millions of people

>>with dams. New York Times [Registration Required]


>>Loophole keeps FDA in the dark on tainted food imports. About 150

>>imported food shipments a month are tested at a private California lab.

>>At least 10% of the time, the lab finds contaminants. USA Today



>>Alarming UN report on climate change too rosy, many say. The blunt and

>>alarming final report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on

>>Climate Change may well underplay the problem of climate change, many

>>experts and even the report's authors admit. International Herald Tribune


>>Facing a threat to farming and food supply. Climate change may be global

>>in its sweep, but not all of the globe's citizens will share equally in

>>its woes. And nowhere is that truth more evident, or more worrisome, than

>>in its projected effects on agriculture. Washington Post [Registration




>>Setting new carbon standards. Hanging over calls for tougher action on

>>greenhouse-gas emissions are two big questions: How much will it cost to

>>clean up the atmosphere, and who will pay? Wall Street Journal

>>[subscription Required]


>>Guarding nail shop workers against toxins. The Boston Public Health

>>Commission is expanding its Safe Shops initiative to the hundreds of nail

>>salons that dot the city, businesses overwhelmingly staffed by women from

>>Southeast Asia, where the tart perfume of nail polish and other

>>chemical-laden beauty products hangs heavy in the air. Boston Globe,




>>Lead in toys sparks lawsuit. The California attorney general and Los

>>Angeles city attorney said they would file a lawsuit today against Mattel

>>Inc., Toys R Us Inc. and 18 other companies, accusing them of making or

>>selling products that contain " unlawful quantities of lead. " Los Angeles

>>Times, California. [Registration Required]


>>How chocolate can save the planet. Many people agree that chocolate is

>>good for the soul, and researchers are finding that chocolate can be good

>>for the body, too. But the environment? National Public Radio


>>China's e-waste nightmare worsening. For five years, environmentalists

>>and the media have highlighted the danger to Chinese workers who

>>dismantle much of the world's junked electronics. Yet a visit to the

>>heartland of " e-waste " disposal shows little has improved. Associated Press


>>Tainted ginger's long trip from China to U.S. stores. Global supply

>>chains have grown so long that some U.S. companies can't be sure where

>>the products they're buying are made or grown -- and without knowing the

>>source of the product, it's difficult to solve the problem. Wall Street

>>Journal [subscription Required]


>>A deeply green city confronts its energy needs and nuclear worries. In

>>Fort Collins, CO, two energy projects are forcing questions about how to

>>remain green in a global economy: a new solar process that uses cadmium,

>>and a uranium mine that may affect water quality. New York Times

>>[Registration Required]


>>Ethanol bust makes loser of Bush, Gates, Archer Daniels Midland. Ethanol,

>>the centerpiece of President George W. Bush's plan to wean the U.S. from

>>oil, is 2007's worst energy investment. Bloomberg News

>>http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109 & sid=aEO0Q6r2lwWs & refer=home

>>Oil officials see limit looming on production. A growing number of

>>oil-industry chieftains are endorsing an idea long deemed fringe: The

>>world is approaching a practical limit to the number of barrels of crude

>>oil that can be pumped every day. Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]


>>Mexicans ask where flood aid went. Did the money that Mexico's behemoth

>>state-run oil company has poured into flood control projects in Tabasco

>>since 1997 go to the intended projects? Washington Post [Registration




>>Plan suggests canal is crucial to Delta revival. Government biologists

>>have concluded the most promising way to save the Delta is to divert

>>water around it through a canal -- an idea often derided as a Southern

>>California water grab that would ensure the destruction of the region.

>>Contra Costa Times, California.


times.com-www.contracostatimes.com & nclick_check=1

>>Starting Tuesday, plastic bags illegal at big S.F. grocery stores.

>>Starting Tuesday, large grocery stores in the city can no longer use the

>>traditional plastic bags that are a staple of the supermarket checkout

>>line, as a city ordinance passed earlier this year to ban the bags takes

>>effect. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


>>More news from today



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urgent is climate change? With a chance to digest the detailed

reports from the Nobel prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change, many scientists are more convinced than ever that immediate

action is required.


[subscription Required]


The lucky country? The Australian prime minister, John Howard, has poured scorn on the idea of global warming. But now the trees are dying, the crops are failing and the rivers are drying up, and Australians are going to the polls. London Guardian, England.





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At 09:30 AM 11/25/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Are your products safe? You can't tell. A Journal Sentinel investigation

>has found that the government has failed to regulate endocrine-disrupting

>chemicals, despite repeated promises to do so. The regulatory effort has

>been marked by wasted time, wasted money and influence from chemical

>manufacturers. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin. [related stories]


>State agency, industry on same page in fighting smog cuts. Some of Texas'

>biggest industries have an important ally in trying to keep the

>Environmental Protection Agency from ordering nationwide smog cuts: the

>state's top clean-air officials. Dallas Morning News, Texas.



>First state regulator, then BP's advocate. BP's Texas City refinery — in a

>possible revolving-door violation of state law — hired a state engineer in

>2003 who had spent the previous two years processing its application for a

>new air quality permit. Houston Chronicle, Texas.


>Only most-toxic sites get cleanup funding. Barbara Walter was nervous

>about drinking water she could ignite with her cigarette lighter.

>Kalamazoo Gazette, Michigan.


>Report assesses industrial pollution. When news reports surfaced three

>years ago about industrial pollution in Midlothian,TX and its possible

>effects on health, Salvador Mier decided to investigate. Fort Worth

>Star-Telegram, Texas.


>States join fight to keep airborne fiber standard. Attorneys general in

>Minnesota and Wisconsin are joining environmental groups to stop

>Northshore Mining Co. from dropping the standard for fibers in the air

>near the company’s Silver Bay taconite plant. Associated Press

>http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/articles/index.cfm?id=54952 & section=homepage

>Virginia parties face unclear future as they face lockout at South

>Carolina landfill. Virginia generates lots of low-level radioactive waste

>- more so than 37 other states last year. But the landfill that has

>accepted the waste for years is closing. Hampton Roads Virginian-Pilot,


>http://content.hamptonroads.com/story.cfm?story=137544 & ran=93033

>Wal-Mart extends its influence to Washington. A partnership between

>Wal-Mart, reviled by labor unions and their allies as the enemy of the

>little guy, and an environmental nonprofit group was unthinkable just a

>few years ago. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Take over our rainforest. Guyana's extraordinary offer to Britain to save

>one of the world's most important carbon sinks would represent the largest

>carbon offset ever undertaken. London Independent, England.


>Then there was one: US now alone as Kyoto holdout. Supporters of the Kyoto

>Protocol were gleeful on Saturday after Australian elections left the

>United States in the wilderness as the only major economy to boycott the

>UN's climate pact. Agence France-Presse


>Source of water for West at risk. The West's natural water-delivery system

>is breaking down under the strain of rising temperatures, upsetting a

>fragile truce between people and the dry land they inhabit. Phoenix

>Arizona Republic, Arizona.


>An Alaskan island is losing ground. As global warming erodes their world,

>the residents of Kivalina battle the elements — and now one another. Los

>Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]



>Global warming may bring more infernos. Some climate experts say last

>month's enormous, wind-driven infernos, which torched 368,000 acres and

>destroyed 1,751 homes and businesses in San Diego County alone, could

>become a regular feature of life in Southern California. San Diego North

>County Times, California.



>Meat, poultry, vegetables feel heat from global warming. From meat,

>poultry and milk to potatoes, onions and leafy greens, everything consumed

>on the world's dining tables is feeling the heat from climate change,

>scientists say. Agence France-Presse


>Tread lightly. From “An Inconvenient Truth” to carbon credits to renewable

>portfolio standards, global warming has brought a revival of

>environmentalism in the United States. Dalles Chronicle, Oregon.


>Can a bold new " eco-city " clear the air in China? Chongming Island may be

>lodged in the past, but it soon could leapfrog into the future. It's here

>that Shanghai developers plan to build what they say will be the world's

>first sustainable " eco-city " on a plot three-fourths the size of

>Manhattan. Seattle Times, Washington.



>How China is eating the world. Economists are notorious for being unable

>to reach consensus on many issues, but talk to any of them about the

>outlook for the global economy and before long the word " China " starts to

>dominate the conversation. KwaZulu-Natal Sunday Tribune, South Africa.

>http://www.int.iol.co.za/index.php?from=rss_Science & set_id=1 & click_id=31 & art_id\


>In Himalayas, Ganges began with divine help. The Ganges River is under

>great threat from pollution and a rapidly modernizing India, whose

>appetite for water far outstrips the river's capacity. National Public Radio


>Rumbling across India toward a new life in the city. Some 31 villagers

>will continue to show up in an Indian city every minute over the next 43

>years--700 million people in all. This exodus helped push the world over a

>historic threshold: the planet, for the first time, is more urban than

>rural. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Biloxi's recovery shows divide. More than two years after the storm, the

>highly touted recovery of the Mississippi coast remains a starkly divided

>phenomenon. While casinos prosper, Katrina's mark lingers in working-class

>areas. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Saving the Indian River Lagoon. Pollution, boating, overfishing in the

>Indian River Lagoon is threatening to destroy its unique beauty. Daytona

>Beach News-Journal, Florida.


>Troubled waters. Forty years after his return to Escambia Bay, it's the

>threat of unseen toxins, PCBs and methyl mercury, that keeps Ernie Rivers

>from casting into the bay where he caught his first fish at age 5.

>Pensacola News Journal, Florida.



>Looking for ‘green’ lights in the suburbs. Kevin Duffy drives an S.U.V.

>and heats his home in Mendham, N.J., without solar panels. But to some, he

>is a crusading environmentalist. New York Times [Registration Required]



>Stirring up nutrition goals for farm bill. Parents, nutritionists and

>physicians want Congress to overhaul the legislation, which they say

>promotes fatty school lunches, in an effort to fight obesity. Los Angeles

>Times, California. [Registration Required]



>Safety fears prompt Europe to consider first ban on GM crop. Cultivating

>GM crops in Europe is under unprecedented threat after top European

>officials recommended a ban for the first time on two modified varieties

>on safety grounds. London Independent, England.


>More news from today



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>Tue, 27 Nov 2007 11:10:24 -0500


>The Havens <thehavens

>Re: Links to articles in today's press about environmental health


>At 09:16 AM 11/27/07, you wrote:

>>New research by scientists at the Centers for Disease Control indicates

>>that the analysis the CDC has used to estimate human exposure to atrazine

>>and atrazine-related breakdown products has strongly underestimated its

>>extent. By assaying for more than one atrazine metabolite, the new method

>>finds exposures more consistent with the widespread use of the herbicide

>>than indicated by the old approach. More... [related stories]


>>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>>Exposing a toxic US policy. Unlike the European Union, the U.S. doesn't

>>require businesses to minimize toxic risks — or even to list them, so

>>consumers can evaluate the risks. Fresh Air, NPR.



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At 09:30 AM 12/3/07, you wrote:

>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>New Research:


>Researchers testing deep aquifers used for drinking water found human

>viruses, challenging the assumption that these crucial water supplies are

>protected from surface contamination. Samples from three public water

>supply wells that draw from a 240-foot deep aquifer in Wisconsin contained

>human intestinal viruses, which as a group are associated with diseases

>such as meningitis, encephalitis, newborn enteroviral disease and polio.




>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Despite promises, dead zone growing. A decade ago, a team of government

>experts and environmental researchers banded together to tackle an

>alarming -- and growing -- disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico. But the dead

>zone is still growing. New Orleans Times-Picayune, Louisiana.

>http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/metro/index.ssf?/base/news-25/119666345479390.xml & \


>Expanding tropics 'a threat to millions'. The tropical belt that girdles

>the Earth is expanding north and south, which could have dire consequences

>for large regions of the world. London Independent, England.



Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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At 10:20 AM 12/6/07, you wrote:


>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Climate scientists: No time to lose. For the first time, more than 200 of

>the world's leading climate scientists, losing their patience, urged

>government leaders to take radical action to slow global warming because

> " there is no time to lose. " Associated Press


>Diplomats warned that climate change is security issue, not a green

>dilemma. A presentation for senior diplomats of every recent, serious

>breakdown of civil order around the world was mapped against countries

>hardest hit by climate change. The fit was almost perfect. London

>Independent, England.


>Global warming may heat up conflicts, too. Concern is mounting that

>altered weather patterns will stoke conflict in various parts of the

>globe. Bangladesh sits atop most experts' watch lists. Christian Science



>Six places in the world where climate change could cause political

>turmoil. From Nepal to Nigeria, Indonesia to the Arctic Circle, a warmer

>world poses different problems. Christian Science Monitor


>Global warming wreaks havoc with nature. More than 3,000 flying foxes

>dropped dead, falling from trees in Australia. Butterflies have gone

>extinct in the Alps. While humans debate at U.N. climate change talks,

>global warming is already wreaking havoc with nature. Most plants and

>animals are affected. Associated Press


>Half of Amazon could be gone by 2030. More than half of the Amazon

>rainforest could disappear or be damaged by climate change and

>deforestation by 2030, a new report warns. And, clearing the forests could

>release almost 100 billion tonnes of CO2 -- the equivalent of more than

>two years of total global greenhouse gas emissions. London Daily

>Telegraph, England.



>Forest loss in Sumatra becomes a global issue. Deforestation now accounts

>for 20 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Indonesia releases

>more CO2 through deforestation than any other country. And the

>deforestation rate is rising as more industries turn to biodiesel. New

>York Times [Registration Required]


>Hot air emitted by global warming conference equals 20,000 cars .

>Government officials and activists flying to Bali, Indonesia, for the

>United Nations meeting on climate change will cause as much pollution as

>20,000 cars in a year. Bloomberg News

>http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601081 & sid=aPbfclqokwcw & refer=australi\


>Solar power: California's latest gold rush. Investors are flocking to

>clean, low-carbon energy technologies, with investments set to overtake

>those in Internet start-ups. But does this venture-capital explosion

>herald another dotcom bubble? Nature


>Investigators study gas leak at Blue Grass. Officials are investigating

>what may have been the largest leak ever of deadly nerve agent from

>chemical weapons stored at the Blue Grass Army Depot near Richmond, Ky.

>Louisville Courier-Journal, Kentucky.



>Weapons of moth destruction. California crop officials are battling with

>coastal citizens over an invasive moth, inert ingredients, and the

>public's right to know. Environmental Science & Technology


>Diesel traffic makes asthma worse. Air pollution from diesel traffic can

>worsen lung function in people with asthma, a team of international

>researchers has said. BBC, UK.


>Lead in toys is toxic, but is there anything else? It's not just about

>lead anymore. A coalition of environmental and health organizations hopes

>public concern about lead in toys will bolster its efforts to ban other

>potentially toxic chemicals in children's products. A word they want you

>to know: phthalates. St. Paul Pioneer Press, Minnesota.


>States crack down on chemicals. Parents, activists and not a few

>scientists are concerned that if a baby drinks from a bottle made with

>bisphenol A or gums a toy made with phthalates, he or she could suffer

>serious and even permanent harm, including genital malformations. Gannett

>News Service



>Formula concerns arise. A report has found that all liquid baby formula

>tested contained bisphenol A, a hormone-mimicking chemical that has been

>found to cause hyperactivity, sexual development abnormalities and

>pediatric brain cancer in lab animals. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin.


>Meat processors look for ways to keep ground beef safe. Fifteen years

>after an outbreak at Jack in the Box made people aware that hamburgers

>could kill them, the American beef industry is still searching for a

>practical method to prevent the toxic E. coli strain from contaminating

>ground beef. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Overweight kids at risk as adults. Being overweight as a child

>significantly increases the risk for heart disease in adulthood as early

>as age 25. The obesity epidemic is spawning a generation prone to serious

>health problems later in life. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Is your lipstick giving you cancer? A study has shown that a chemical

>found in lipstick and nail varnish, called butyl benzyl phthalate, or BBP,

>can interfere with the healthy development of breast tissue, and could

>trigger breast cancer. Daily Mail, United Kingdom.


icle_id=499967 & in_page_id=1797

>At last, a way of avoiding cancer . . . but there are one or two

>drawbacks. If you want to avoid cancer, live like a monk. That is the

>inescapable conclusion from research into one of the world's most renowned

>monastic communities. London Times, England.





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to save coral's 'homeland.' From the Caribbean to the Indian

Ocean to the central Pacific, global warming has been

" bleaching " and killing the world's coral reefs. Now, one of

the first plans for " marine protected areas " dealing

specifically with climate change has been developed.



.. <



Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky








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Above the fold.

News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org


Don't miss the link to

today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Lingering toxins continue to cause cancer. In the largest study of its kind ever done, researchers report that banned pesticides and other toxic chemicals lingering in the environment put people at an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Vancouver Sun, Canada.

http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=90e51e11-d69c-44c0-a45f-a1569cb261d4 & k=81453

Cutback in disclosure of toxic chemicals. The White House pressured the EPA to weaken requirements that companies annually disclose releases of toxic chemicals, congressional auditors say. Associated Press


Cities cultivate 2 types of green. Cities trying to strengthen the local economy and go green see the solution in green-collar jobs. They say that jobs in the $341-billion-a-year green industry have the potential to move people out of poverty. USA Today


Tainted kids' jewelry ordered off shelves. Children's jewelry with as much as 600 times the legal limit for lead contamination was found at 11 shops around California, including at Macy's and a Gap Kids store, and ordered off the shelves. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


State poised to broaden mercury warnings. Underscoring a growing concern about mercury poisoning, Massachusetts is preparing new fish consumption advisories, a sign that mercury contamination in bodies of water may be worsening across the state. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.


Federal judge gives California OK to limit cars' greenhouse gases. California's groundbreaking law limiting auto emissions of gases that contribute to global warming passed its first court test today when a federal judge rejected car industry arguments. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


A worrisome forecast for the world's crops. Studies on rising ozone pollution, shorter winters, and an expanding tropical belt do not bode well for agriculture. Christian Science Monitor


Do recent storms indicate a climate shift? Experts say there's increasing evidence that global warming is bringing changes in the weather--more major storms, droughts, and wildfires. Christian Science Monitor


Experts question focus of global warming meeting. As delegates from 190 countries gather on Bali to negotiate what should be done about global warming, some experts are questioning whether the meeting has lost touch with the reality of fighting climate change. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


UN warns climate talks could collapse. The U.N. climate chief warned Thursday that a deadlock between the United States and the European Union over emissions cuts threatened to derail talks aimed at launching negotiations for a new global warming pact. Associated Press


US strategy succeeds in Bali. The UN's Secretary General conceded Wednesday that the US had successfully blocked a proposal that called on industrialized nations to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 25 to 40 percent by 2020. Washington Post [Registration Required]


Focus of climate talks shifts to helping poor countries cope. With little progress on the primary goal of U.N. climate talks--preventing further climate change--a secondary quest to help poor countries cope with the effects of warming has now become a central theme. New York Times [Registration Required]


Green projects generate splits in activist groups. Even as Americans become convinced they need to change the way they power their lives, the environmental community is splintering over how to do that. Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]


Homespun electricity, from the wind. Reductions in the size and cost of wind turbines, along with improvements in their efficiency, are allowing suburban homeowners to install them in growing numbers. New York Times [Registration Required]


2 states, 1 big coal windfall. Illinois and Texas have been trying to one-up each other for more than a century, and now, the rivalry has entered a new phase with the battle for a cutting-edge power plant that is one of the richest and most promising research plums of the energy crisis. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


Saving water for a dry day. Billions of people tap into groundwater supplies across the world for drinking water. What if they could put back everything they took out? Environmental Science & Technology


Showdown for Europe. A mammoth bureaucratic battle is looming between senior European Commission officials and national governments that could affect the long-term prospects for the cultivation of genetically modified crops on the continent. Nature


Bad bugs need more drugs. Dramatic increases in the prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria have put the spotlight on the lack of new antibacterials coming through the pipeline. Nature


Sewage leak stirs fears over fish, livestock. An estimated 1 million gallons of raw sewage leaked into a creek south of Rock Hill over the weekend, killing a limited number of fish and raising concerns about the safety of livestock as far downstream as Chester County. Rock Hill Herald, South Carolina.


SoAt 09:42 AM 12/13/07, you wrote:

Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

Don't miss the link to

today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Lingering toxins continue to cause cancer. In the largest study of its kind ever done, researchers report that banned pesticides and other toxic chemicals lingering in the environment put people at an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Vancouver Sun, Canada.

http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=90e51e11-d69c-44c0-a45f-a1569cb261d4 & k=81453

Cutback in disclosure of toxic chemicals. The White House pressured the EPA to weaken requirements that companies annually disclose releases of toxic chemicals, congressional auditors say. Associated Press


Cities cultivate 2 types of green. Cities trying to strengthen the local economy and go green see the solution in green-collar jobs. They say that jobs in the $341-billion-a-year green industry have the potential to move people out of poverty. USA Today


Tainted kids' jewelry ordered off shelves. Children's jewelry with as much as 600 times the legal limit for lead contamination was found at 11 shops around California, including at Macy's and a Gap Kids store, and ordered off the shelves. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


State poised to broaden mercury warnings. Underscoring a growing concern about mercury poisoning, Massachusetts is preparing new fish consumption advisories, a sign that mercury contamination in bodies of water may be worsening across the state. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.


Federal judge gives California OK to limit cars' greenhouse gases. California's groundbreaking law limiting auto emissions of gases that contribute to global warming passed its first court test today when a federal judge rejected car industry arguments. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


A worrisome forecast for the world's crops. Studies on rising ozone pollution, shorter winters, and an expanding tropical belt do not bode well for agriculture. Christian Science Monitor


Do recent storms indicate a climate shift? Experts say there's increasing evidence that global warming is bringing changes in the weather--more major storms, droughts, and wildfires. Christian Science Monitor


Experts question focus of global warming meeting. As delegates from 190 countries gather on Bali to negotiate what should be done about global warming, some experts are questioning whether the meeting has lost touch with the reality of fighting climate change. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


UN warns climate talks could collapse. The U.N. climate chief warned Thursday that a deadlock between the United States and the European Union over emissions cuts threatened to derail talks aimed at launching negotiations for a new global warming pact. Associated Press


US strategy succeeds in Bali. The UN's Secretary General conceded Wednesday that the US had successfully blocked a proposal that called on industrialized nations to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 25 to 40 percent by 2020. Washington Post [Registration Required]


Focus of climate talks shifts to helping poor countries cope. With little progress on the primary goal of U.N. climate talks--preventing further climate change--a secondary quest to help poor countries cope with the effects of warming has now become a central theme. New York Times [Registration Required]


Green projects generate splits in activist groups. Even as Americans become convinced they need to change the way they power their lives, the environmental community is splintering over how to do that. Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]


Homespun electricity, from the wind. Reductions in the size and cost of wind turbines, along with improvements in their efficiency, are allowing suburban homeowners to install them in growing numbers. New York Times [Registration Required]


2 states, 1 big coal windfall. Illinois and Texas have been trying to one-up each other for more than a century, and now, the rivalry has entered a new phase with the battle for a cutting-edge power plant that is one of the richest and most promising research plums of the energy crisis. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


Saving water for a dry day. Billions of people tap into groundwater supplies across the world for drinking water. What if they could put back everything they took out? Environmental Science & Technology


Showdown for Europe. A mammoth bureaucratic battle is looming between senior European Commission officials and national governments that could affect the long-term prospects for the cultivation of genetically modified crops on the continent. Nature


Bad bugs need more drugs. Dramatic increases in the prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria have put the spotlight on the lack of new antibacterials coming through the pipeline. Nature


Sewage leak stirs fears over fish, livestock. An estimated 1 million gallons of raw sewage leaked into a creek south of Rock Hill over the weekend, killing a limited number of fish and raising concerns about the safety of livestock as far downstream as Chester County. Rock Hill Herald, South Carolina.




Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky








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  • 2 weeks later...

At 10:20 AM 12/22/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Dead serious. Experts worry about lack of progress in efforts to reduce

>the lifeless zone in the Gulf of Mexico. It's now the largest dead zone in

>the US and one of the largest in the world. Science News


>Defective goods targeted. The Canadian government is overhauling its

>consumer laws to crack down on the importation of unsafe toys, but the

>move comes too late to ensure the safety of kids' gifts tucked under the

>tree this year. Toronto Star, Ontario.


>The recalls’ aftershocks. American companies face strict federal

>regulations for disposing of recalled toys, but they are only responsible

>for the toys that show up. The public is never told what happens to the

>others. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Toys a worry for pet owners, too. After the pet food contamination this

>year and a spate of children’s toy recalls, pet owners are stepping

>forward to ask: How safe are pet toys? New York Times [Registration Required]


>Everyday items, complex chemistry. Holiday shoppers this season may still

>worry if the toys they buy contain lead, but some scientists are urging

>consumers to focus on the lack of hazard information on the chemicals in

>everyday products. New York Times [Registration Required]


>When backyard dreams melt. In many places now, you can't keep outdoor ice

>- like the famous patch created by Wayne Gretzky's dad - going for long.

>The winters are too warm and they melt. Toronto Globe and Mail, Ontario.



>'I still wonder how he didn't perish in that water.' Inuit hunter Simon

>Nattaq knows only too well what climate change is doing to the Far North.

>It cost him his legs - and nearly his life. Toronto Globe and Mail,

>Ontario. [subscription Required]



>For some, fluoridated water still hard to swallow. Malibu, CA, has begun

>the largest fluoridation project in US history. Los Angeles Times,

>California. [Registration Required]


>In a northern Italian village, a tropical epidemic. Aided by global

>warming and globalization, Castiglione Di Cervia has the dubious

>distinction of playing host to the first outbreak in modern Europe of a

>disease that had previously been seen only in the tropics. International

>Herald Tribune


>Chikungunya: No longer a third world disease. An explosive outbreak in a

>remote corner of France--and fears that it may threaten Europe and the

>United States--have brought fresh attention to an exotic virus. Science

>[subscription Required]


>The summer of acid rain. Molten iron raining down like cowpats; ice floes

>at New Orleans. The weather of 1783 was an extraordinary case of sudden

>climate change driven by atmospheric gases Economist


>Ministers ordered to assess climate cost of all decisions. Coal-fired

>power stations, airport expansions and new road schemes could all be put

>on hold following a decision by Gordon Brown that ministers must in future

>take account of the true economic cost of climate change damage. London

>Guardian, England.


>Is Tampa growing greener? Nearly a year after Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio

>pledged to reduce greenhouse gases and conserve energy, little of

>significance has been done. Tampa Tribune, Florida.


>Is EPA playing dirty with Clean Air Law? Several states are now talking

>about suing the EPA because of its rejection of a strict auto emissions

>law set to be enacted by California and 16 other states, rules which would

>have required cleaner cars beginning two years from now. Associated Press


>Decades after scientists sounded alarm, Amazon still survives. In the

>1980s, scientists sounded warned the Amazon was burning. Now the

>destruction has slowed, but continues. And its fate is intertwined with

>climate change. Associated Press



>The hush-hush regreening of Europe. Hundreds of thousands of farmers

>across Europe have taken money from the European Union to cut out

>agriculture entirely and turn their fields back into wild forest. Toronto

>Globe and Mail, Ontario.



>New fuel laws may drive business to Houston. Automakers will likely look

>to area plastics industry to meet increased mileage standards. Houston

>Chronicle, Texas.


>Tainted rainfall affecting parks. Bits of ammonium - a nitrogen compound

>associated with agricultural operations and fertilizers - are hitchhiking

>on the snow and rain that fall onto Yellowstone, Glacier and other

>national parks in the intermountain West. Billings Gazette, Montana.


>Sacramento's trash trek: Waste trucked to Reno. The city campaigning to

>become " America's Greenest " each night sends a caravan of diesel

>smoke-spewing garbage trucks beyond Reno ­ a trash haul longer than that

>of any other major California city. Sacramento Bee, California.


>More news from today



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At 09:18 AM 12/23/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>A toy maker's conscience. If Mattel were simply a greedy or sloppy

>company, its story would be a lot less interesting. But Mattel has gone

>further than any other company to be a good corporate citizen with regard

>to its Chinese operations. New York Times [Registration Required]


>You think Santa is busy? Talk to a wood toy maker. The owner of Vermont

>Wooden Toys has been deluged with orders from customers leery of buying

>toys made in China. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Nuclear revival. Climate change is bringing calls for new nuclear power

>plants, but at what price? Wilmington News Journal, Delaware.



>Nature may take decades to recover from Katrina. Katrina killed or

>severely damaged 320 million large trees along the Gulf Coast -- enough to

>contribute to global warming as tons of dead biomass continue to decay.

>New Orleans Times-Picayune, Louisiana.


>A new front in the fuel fight. A Republican pollster was surprised to find

>one issue uniting every segment of the U.S. electorate. All put America's

>dependence on foreign oil at the top of the political agenda. US News &

>World Report



>Cash cow. As investors pile in, financial firms smell big profits in

>selling green investment vehicles. Time Magazine


>Ocean-wave energy goes commercial. Harnessing energy from ocean waves to

>produce electricity takes a giant leap forward today as the nation's

>largest utility announces the first commercial agreement to purchase power

>generated with this cutting-edge technology. US News & World Report



>Progress, but not enough. The Clean Water Act set out to " virtually

>eliminate " discharges to U.S. waterways by 1985. Merrillville

>Post-Tribune, Indiana. [related story]


>Peril in plastic? Some researchers fear that a chemical found in plastic

>products we use every day could be harming the development of children and

>triggering a wide array of maladies from cancer to diabetes. Baltimore

>Sun, Maryland. [related stories]


>The hazards inside the tube. With U.S. broadcasters slated to switch to

>all-digital transmissions on Feb. 17, 2009 - and millions of viewers

>already replacing their older sets with high-definition TVs - American

>consumers are creating what some critics see as an environmental disaster.

>Baltimore Sun, Maryland.


page=1 & coll=bal_about_promo

>Time for river to go with its natural flow? As Neponset is cleansed of

>PCBs, conservationists want dams gone, too. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.



>Unions, members of Congress urge action on diacetyl. Unions representing

>cooks and kitchen workers who may be exposed to dangerous levels of an

>artificial butter flavor demand action to halt use of diacetyl. Seattle

>Post-Intelligencer, Washington. [related stories]


>Trees by design. Forestry scientists at the State University of New York

>in Syracuse are exploring using genes from other plants, and even from

>animals, to provide the American chestnut with new weapons to thrive again

>in the Eastern forests. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.


>The secret life of trees. While industry, electricity and transportation

>all add to the greenhouse effect, there's another villain less well known:

>our forests. Or, rather, the lack of them. Time Magazine



>Laying waste to the deep sea. Only the biodiversity of tropical

>rainforests rivals that of the deep sea -- our planet's largest wilderness

>-- an aquatic wonderland that is now being systematically razed by what is

>likely the world's most environmentally destructive business. Time Magazine


>More news from today



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>stopthepoisons , " Health and Healing- "


> " thehavens " <thehavens

>Re: Links to articles in today's press about environmental health


>At 10:51 AM 4/17/08, you wrote:

>> " AboveTheFold " <AboveTheFold


>>Links to articles in today's press about environmental health




>>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>>Don't miss the link to

>>today's good news

>>Read today's editorials

>>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>>Russia's Baltic pollution problem. Ineffective, if not negligent,

>>regulation by St. Petersburg's government is allowing the flow of

>>industrial waste to surge into the sea. Business Week



>>Further delays to full Agent Orange study. A study to investigate the

>>health effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam War veterans is being

>>obstructed by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, claim scientists and

>>veterans' organizations. Nature


>>Feds adopt routing regs for deadly rail tankers. Federal transportation

>>officials announced regulations Wednesday that require railroads to use

>>the safest route for shipments of deadly chemicals, but rail security

>>advocates charged that loopholes render the new rules inert. Oakland

>>Tribune, California.


>>Yeast testing gave rise to health concerns. Like many of the most

>>fascinating discoveries in science, the possibility that bisphenol A

>>might present a health problem emerged completely by accident. Toronto

>>Globe and Mail, Ontario. [related stories]



>>Ottawa will release bisphenol A decision in due time: Clement. Health

>>Minister Clement said there's no need for retailers to assume the role of

>>regulator in deciding which products are safe for sale in Canada -- just

>>as two more giant retailers pulled all plastic products with bisphenol A.

>>CanWest News, Canada. [related stories]


>>PFOS alters immune response at very low exposure levels. Perfluorinated

>>compounds previously in stain repellents may be affecting the human

>>immune system, according to new research. Mice were affected at levels

>>found in the general human population. Environmental Science & Technology



>>High chemical levels found in dogs and cats. An environmental group has

>>tested dogs and cats for chemical exposure and found some levels much

>>higher than in humans. USA Today


>>A storehouse of greenhouse gases is opening in Sibera. Researchers have

>>found alarming evidence that the frozen Arctic floor has started to thaw

>>and release long-stored methane gas. The results could be a catastrophic

>>warming of the earth. Der Spiegel


>>Bush sets greenhouse gas emissions goal. President Bush called Wednesday

>>for the United States to stop the growth of greenhouse gas emissions by

>>2025. But critics said it was too little, too late. New York Times

>>[related stories] [Registration Required]


>>Waves of destruction. Rising seas are changing Britain's coast

>>dramatically. Norfolk is the first low-lying area to face a stark and

>>cruel new choice - plough millions into doomed defences, or abandon whole

>>villages to the invading waters. London Guardian, England.


>>A drought in Australia, a global shortage of rice. It was the largest

>>rice mill in the Southern Hemisphere, processing enough grain to meet the

>>needs of 20 million people. But six years of drought have taken a toll,

>>reducing Australia’s rice crop by 98 percent. New York Times

>>[Registration Required]


>>Do food miles matter? The benefits of eating locally grown food may not

>>extend to curbing global warming, according to a comprehensive study of

>>greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. food. Environmental Science & Technology



>>Formaldehyde linked to Lou Gehrig's disease. New preliminary research

>>suggests that exposure to the chemical formaldehyde, present in a variety

>>of workplaces, could greatly increase a person's chances of developing

>>Lou Gehrig's disease. Health Day News


>>Farmworker family's Ag-Mart settlement amount 'significant'. Francisca

>>Herrera and Abraham Candelario settled their lawsuit Wednesday that

>>claimed working in Ag-Mart tomato fields and exposure to pesticides

>>caused birth defects in their son Carlos. Tampa Tribune, Florida.



>>What's in your water? Chicago officials have never tested the city and

>>suburban water supply for pharmaceuticals and other unregulated

>>chemicals, even as concern grows about the possible health effects of

>>trace amounts of drugs in drinking water. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


>>Proposal would OK open piles of manure. Operators of Iowa livestock

>>confinements could stockpile manure adjacent to homes or as close as 400

>>feet to some Iowa waterways under a proposal that passed an Iowa House

>>committee late Monday. Des Moines Register, Iowa.



>>How Earth day became… so everyday. At 38, an Earth Day with an identity

>>crisis features an odd mix of mourning and celebration. Christian Science



>>Costa Rica sees tourism's environmental dark side. A streak of alarming

>>environmental calamities has the government caught in a tug of war

>>between investors and environmentalists wanting to protect natural

>>resources. Christian Science Monitor


>>Researchers chart how new flu strains travel. Solving a 60-year-old

>>mystery, researchers have concluded that new flu strains emerge in

>>eastern and southeastern Asia, move to Europe and North America, then

>>travel to South America where they disappear forever. Los Angeles Times,

>>California. [Registration Required]




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>At 10:32 AM 4/27/08, you wrote:


>>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>>Don't miss the link to

>>today's good news

>>Read today's editorials

>>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>>Studies on chemical in plastics questioned. Despite more than 100

>>published studies by government scientists and university laboratories

>>that have raised health concerns about a chemical compound that is

>>central to the multibillion-dollar plastics industry, the FDA has deemed

>>it safe largely because of two studies, both funded by an industry trade

>>group. Washington Post [related stories] [Registration Required]



>>The future of dirt. An increasing number of scientists are starting to

>>emphasize the extent to which soil — even more than petroleum or water or

>>air — is a limited and fragile resource. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.



>>Water failing state's tests. People in 37 small communities across the

>>state are drinking tap water that violates new health standards for

>>radioactive contaminants, according to state records. Denver Post, Colorado.


>>Worry on athletic turf prompts some digging. Health officials are still

>>trying to figure out whether the lead found in some artificial grass

>>poses a serious health hazard for children who play on the fields. New

>>York Times [Registration Required]


>>How much do chemicals affect our health? In the forefront of battles to

>>eliminate environmental toxins since he was sent by the CDC to Texas to

>>study the effect of a lead smelter on children, Dr. Philip Landrigan has

>>helped show the relationship between asbestos, pesticides, and benzene

>>and human disease. Discover



>>No money for cancer studies, Del. says. After research revealed cancer

>>clusters in Delaware, state legislators are calling for research and

>>action. Wilmington News Journal, Delaware. [related stories]



>>Groomed nature's way. Who would have thought the next front in the

>>environmental wars would be ingredients in nail polish, baby powder and

>>dandruff shampoos? CanWest News, Canada.



>>Messing with the climate to save it. Stabilizing the earth's climate will

>>ultimately require zeroing out all emissions of carbon dioxide and other

>>greenhouse gases. Some geological engineers are toying with some pretty

>>wild ideas to counter climate change. All Things Considered, NPR.


>>In Cairo slum, the poor spark environmental change. In the most unlikely

>>of places — a sprawling slum of Cairo — the urban poor and some

>>innovative young environmentalists are bringing about environmental

>>change in an age of global warming. Weekend Edition, NPR.


>>The new economics of hunger. The food price shock now roiling world

>>markets is destabilizing governments, igniting street riots and

>>threatening to send a new wave of hunger rippling through the world's

>>poorest nations. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>>Is our drought a sign of longterm climate change? The Southwest's current

>>drought could be the start of the Dust Bowl-like future that some

>>scientists have already predicted will come from human-caused warming.

>>Tucson Arizona Daily Star, Arizona.


>>Jumbo squid invade waters off Pacific coast. The jumbo squid now thought

>>to be lurking off the Pacific Northwest coast could be a threat to salmon

>>runs and a sign of ocean changes that are perhaps brought on by global

>>warming. Wenatchee World, Washington.


>>Transylvania tug-of-war over gold. Toronto-based Gabriel Resources wants

>>the pot of gold beneath the Transylvanian hills. But a green coalition

>>vows to keep the treasure buried. Toronto Star, Ontario.


>>Saddled with legacy of dioxin, town considers an odd ally: the mushroom.

>>For years, a Georgia-Pacific lumber mill dominated the coast of Fort

>>Bragg, Calif. With the mill closed, the beautiful view remains, but so

>>does toxic waste. Can mushrooms clean it up? New York Times [Registration



>>Remembering our atomic past. For decades, few people knew much about the

>>West's nuclear sites. Dangerous incidents were covered up in the name of

>>national security. Now it's finally possible to learn more. High Country

>>News [related story] [subscription Required]


>>Nuclear crossroads. In Washington state, a 1-million-gallon plume of

>>radioactive waste is seeping from Hanford Nuclear Reserve toward the

>>Columbia River. Meanwhile, DOE's cleanup budget has plummeted for the

>>fifth year in a row, dropping $1 billion in just the past three years.

>>High Country News [related story]


>>Local vet among thousands exposed to A-bomb radiation. Tom Stafford

>>served years in the post-World War II Navy without injury. But, six

>>decades later, the Laketon Township man has become a delayed casualty of

>>his service to his country. Muskegon Chronicle, Michigan.


>>Massive plow may bring Lake Apopka back to life. One of the world's

>>largest farm tractors is plowing under soil laced with pesticides along

>>Lake Apopka, where a decade ago an attempt to turn former farms into

>>wetlands brought disaster. Orlando Sentinel, Florida. [Registration Required]



>>Schwarzenegger pressing state regulators to allow power line through

>>Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is pushing

>>state regulators to sign off on a high-voltage power line that a utility

>>wants to build through the middle of California's largest state park. Los

>>Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


>>Louisiana's mulch madness. According to the Louisiana Forestry

>>Association, loggers are razing up to 20,000 acres of cypress every year.

>>If the carnage continues apace, Louisiana's strongest barrier between it

>>and an angry sea will be gone in fewer than two decades. Mother Jones


>>The short end of the longer life. A pair of reports out this month affirm

>>that the rising tide of American health is not lifting all boats, and

>>that there are widening gaps in life expectancy based on the interwoven

>>variables of income, race, sex, education and geography. New York Times

>>[Registration Required]


>>For women, the wineglass is half full. There's mounting evidence that

>>drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages increases the risk of breast

>>cancer. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>>More news from today

>>•>170 more stories, including:

>>•Deadly dining, vultures declining

>>•Climate: Asia rainforests vanish; Lessons from Germany; Home brew for cars

>>•Energy: Crisis spreading; Military future -- armed with weeds and algae?

>>•Stories from UK, UAE, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Philippines, India,

>>Australia, Tasmania, Argentina, Canada

>>•US stories from NH, MA, CT, NJ, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, NC, MN, MI, TN, IA,


>>•Smoking: A year after OH ban; SC schools fight tobacco

>>•Editorials: Toxic chemicals everywhere; FDA needs help; The right war


>>Shortcuts to stories from today about The good news, Avian flu, Katrina,

>>Climate, Children's health, Air pollution, Cancer, Reproductive

>>disorders, Endocrine disruption, Birth defects, Learning and

>>developmental disabilities, Immune disorders, Environmental justice,

>>Superfund, Water treatment/sewage, Food safety, Integrity of science,

>>Green chemistry.

>>You can also read last weekend's news.

>>Plus: If you were on vacation last week, don't miss last week's top


>>Would you like to display the news stories from

>>EnvironmentalHealthNews.org on your own web site? Check out our RSS feeds.

>>Compiled by Environmental Health Sciences

>>609 East High Street Charlottesville, VA USA 22902





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At 10:24 AM 5/1/08, you wrote:



>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>For much more news about climate change, please visit our newest website,

>DailyClimate.org. You can also to a daily free e-newsletter, The

>Daily Climate.

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Afghan 'health link' to uranium. Doctors in Afghanistan say rates of some

>health problems affecting children have doubled in the last two years.

>Some scientists say the rise is linked to use of weapons containing

>depleted uranium by the US-led coalition that invaded the country in 2001.



>DDT levels in Antarctic penguins present a complex mystery. Melting

>glaciers in Antarctica appear to be liberating DDT that had been stored

>for decades by the cold ice. The DDT is working its way into the food

>chain, including local penguins. Environmental Science & Technology



>Nuclear's CO2 cost 'will climb'. The case for nuclear power as a low

>carbon energy source to replace fossil fuels has been challenged in a new

>report that suggests that greenhouse emissions from the mining of uranium

>- on which nuclear power relies - are on the rise. BBC, UK.


>In a new climate model, short-term cooling in a warmer world. One of the

>first attempts to forcast climate a decade ahead predicts a slight cooling

>of Europe and North America, probably related to shifting currents and

>patterns in the oceans. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Poor forecasting undermines climate debate. Some scientists believe that

>even the IPCC's global forecasts leave much to be desired, and are too

>conservative. Climate modellers hope to " launch a revolution in climate

>prediction " that will allow better predictions both locally and globally.

>New Scientist, England.



>U.S. eyes shift away from corn ethanol. A dramatic backlash against corn

>ethanol, which until a few months ago was widely viewed as a boon for both

>farmers and consumers, is underway in Washington. Christian Science Monitor


>Auto lobby spends $70M. The automotive industry spent a record $70.3

>million lobbying Congress in 2007, a figure largely driven by efforts to

>influence changes in the fuel economy standards of the nation's cars and

>trucks, according to a new report. Detroit News, Michigan.


>Advertising watchdog receives record complaints over corporate

>'greenwash.' The number of complaints lodged to the advertising standards

>watchdog relating to environmental or green claims has more than

>quadrupled in the past year, according to a report released this week.

>London Guardian, England.



>Sun powers heaters for low-income families. As the home heating season

>comes to an end, one Minnesota non-profit group is starting to install

>dozens of solar powered heating systems free of charge in low income

>households. Minnesota Public Radio


>Unholy water: Delhi's rotting river. The Yamuna is the largest tributary

>of the revered Ganges, but its polluted waters pose an increasing health

>hazard to the Indian capital. Now campaigners are calling for urgent

>action to clean it up. London Independent, England.



>White House blocked rule issued to shield whales. White House officials

>challenged the findings of government scientists to block for more than a

>year a rule aimed at protecting endangered North Atlantic right whales.

>Washington Post [Registration Required]



>L.A. 'loses' to Pittsburgh in one air-pollution measure. After nearly a

>decade at the top, the Los Angeles region has been " bested " by the

>Pittsburgh metropolitan area for the No. 1 spot on the " Top 10 U.S. Cities

>Most Polluted by Short-Term Particle Pollution. " Los Angeles Times,

>California. [Registration Required]


>Tree-lined streets 'cut asthma'. Children who live in tree-lined streets

>have lower rates of asthma, a New York-based study suggests. Columbia

>University researchers found that asthma rates among children aged four

>and five fell by 25% for every extra 343 trees per square kilometre. BBC, UK.


>Researcher faces outcry. Mark R.Farfel now finds himself in a predicament

>he would never have expected. For the second time in the past decade, he

>faces criticism that he exposed poor black children to environmental

>hazards in the name of science. Baltimore Sun, Maryland.


>State rules let lead landlords stay unnamed. The Texas Attorney General’s

>office is siding with the Galveston County Health District in its decision

>not to release the names of property owners whose residences were at one

>time occupied by lead poisoned children. Galveston Daily News, Texas.


>Lead standard for children's products passes state House. A bill setting a

>lead standard far stricter than any imposed by the federal government was

>approved 145-5 and awaits Senate action. Hartford Courant, Connecticut.


>European court bans widely used flame retardant. The EU's highest court

>banned the use of Deca BDE flame retardant, the only PBDE now used in

>Europe and North America. The ban takes effect July 1. Some think it could

>impact flame retardants used in North American tvs. Environmental Science

> & Technology



>Report questions link between Great Lakes pollution and health. After

>researching the question for seven years, a federal agency said Wednesday

>it cannot draw broad conclusions about how industrial pollution in the

>Great Lakes region has affected human health. Associated Press


>State proceeds with proposed drinking water rule changes. State regulators

>are moving forward with plans to make it easier for industry to remove

>important drinking-water protections for West Virginia's rivers and

>streams. Charleston Gazette-Mail, West Virginia.


>Uranium, radon testing of well water neglected in Maine. Maine has one of

>the highest counts of uranium in its bedrock in the entire United States,

>but ironically few people, including Lincoln County residents, bother to

>have their wells tested for it or its byproducts of radium and radon.

>Lincoln County News, Maine.


>Georgia wetlands offer cure for drought. The SE U.S. has faced one of the

>most severe droughts on record. But one community has not had to worry.

>Nearly two decades ago, Clayton County began building a unique water

>treatment system that includes wetlands and reservoirs. Morning Edition, NPR.


>Are your teeth toxic? Dentists place more than 100 million amalgam

>fillings every year. The widespread acceptance of dental amalgam, however,

>may have more to do with a general lack of awareness than consensus—or

>even evidence—of its safety. Hudson Valley Chronogram, New York.

>http://www.chronogram.com/issue/2008/5/Arts+ & +Culture/Are-Your-Teeth-Toxic

>More news from today

>•>300 more stories, including:

>•Bird flu hunt in Japan farms

>•Climate: Arctic on thin ice; Sandy storehouse; Towns take initiative

>•Energy: Conditions placed on coal plant OK; More on biofuels under fire

>•Stories from UK, Afghanistan, S Africa, Nigeria, Japan, China,

>Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, Peru, Canada

>•US stories from VT, MA, CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, DC, VA, GA, AL, FL, MN, MI,


>•Smoking: Beijing ban bucks tradition; Displays vanish in Ontario

>•Editorials: Phosphate free; Hunger & hope; Antibiotics in livestock


>Shortcuts to stories from today about The good news, Avian flu, Katrina,

>Climate, Children's health, Air pollution, Cancer, Reproductive disorders,

>Endocrine disruption, Birth defects, Learning and developmental

>disabilities, Immune disorders, Environmental justice, Superfund, Water

>treatment/sewage, Food safety, Integrity of science, Green chemistry.

>You can also read last weekend's news.



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At 10:28 AM 5/4/08, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>'The world is sending us their junk.' With an increasingly globalized food

>supply, the government — using an antiquated inspection system — is

>unprepared to keep Americans safe from the dangers arriving at our ports.

>St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri.



>Multinationals make billions in profit out of growing global food crisis.

>Giant agribusinesses are enjoying soaring earnings and profits out of the

>world food crisis which is driving millions of people towards starvation.

>London Independent, England.



>Small-town residents living on deadly ground. Residents of Tallevast FL

>blame toxins that leaked into the ground and their water supply as a

>factor in the 80 cancers of family members and neighbors over the years,

>and they want someone held accountable. Miami Herald, Florida. [related



>Toll of toxins won't be known until full study. The groundwater here is

>poisoned with a liquid degreaser that is colorless and cancer-causing. Yet

>to date, a full study has not been launched to document cancer's spread

>throughout Tallevast FL. Miami Herald, Florida. [related stories]


>Uranium claims spring up along Grand Canyon rim. The US is on the verge of

>a uranium mining boom, and nowhere is the hurry to stake claims more

>pronounced than in the districts flanking the Grand Canyon's storied

>sandstone cliffs. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]



>Breast milk contains C8, study concludes. C8 and related chemicals used in

>nonstick pans and stain-resistant fabrics have been found in human breast

>milk, according to the first major U.S. study to examine breast-feeding as

>a possible exposure route. Charleston Gazette, West Virginia. [related



>Ready to get the lead out of toys. Congress is poised to make the first

>major overhaul of consumer product safety laws in a generation --

>including a virtual ban on lead in toys, something never tried before.

>Minneapolis Star Tribune, Minnesota.


>Tories ignore health warnings, extend leaded-gas exemption to race cars.

>The Harper government has ignored warnings from Health Canada and extended

>a regulatory exemption that will allow race cars and other competition

>vehicles to use leaded gasoline for two more years. Canadian Press


>Scottish cities face EU pollution fines. Glasgow and other Scottish cities

>are set to be hit with significant fines from the European Union if they

>fail to meet air pollution targets in 2010. That won't happen unless car

>dependency decreases. London Guardian, England.


>Marshes produce mercury hazard. A growing number of researchers are

>documenting the little-known role that wetlands play in transforming air

>pollution from coal-burning power plants into a form of mercury that

>contaminates fish. Baltimore Sun, Maryland.



>Turf-risk studies begin as health questions loom. On Friday, the U.S.

>Environmental Protection Agency began exploring synthetic turf's potential

>toxicity. New York Newsday, New York.


>Going green to clean schools. Requiring 'green' cleaning products is part

>of a move to reduce toxic chemicals in schools across Illinois and in turn

>improve indoor air quality. It's now mandated by a state act affecting

>5,659 schools across Illinois. Chicago Daily Herald, Illinois.


>Nuclear settlement money little solace for survivors in Armstrong County.

>Some 250 plaintiffs soon will receive payments from a $27.5 million

>settlement with Atlantic Richfield Co. for illnesses, deaths and property

>damages caused by radioactive emissions in Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh

>Tribune-Review, Pennsylvania.


>Farmers face climate challenge in quest for more food. If farmers think

>they have a tough time producing enough rice, wheat and other grain crops,

>global warming is going to present a whole new world of challenges in the

>race to produce more food, scientists say. Reuters


>Smarter electric grid could be key to saving power. The glowing amber dot

>on a light switch in the entryway of George Tsapoitis’ house offers a clue

>about the future of electricity. Associated Press


>Fighting global warming block by block. Even though national politicians

>are beginning to eye a federal carbon cap more seriously, most of the

>measures to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions will be enacted outside the

>nation's capital. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Alaska lawmakers seek to undermine consensus on climate change. A $2

>million program funded with little debate by the Legislature last month

>calls for using state money to fund an " academic based " conference that

>highlights contrarian scientific research on global warming. Anchorage

>Daily News, Alaska.


>Put a tyrant in your tank. You thought ExxonMobil was bad? Meet the new

>kings of crude -- petrostates. However badly the Western firms behaved,

>the ethics of these new global oil barons may leave activists nostalgic

>for the bad old days of Big Oil. Mother Jones


>Trying to lighten that carbon footprint. Air travel is the fastest-growing

>source of global greenhouse gases, and the race to find an alternative to

>kerosene is now crucial. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Chickens adopting urban lifestyle. Increasingly urbanites concerned about

>about food miles and safety are pushing their local governments to be more

>flexible about backyard livestock. Toronto Star, Ontario.


>Republican senators push for oil shale development. Colorado Sen. Wayne

>Allard has joined other Republican members of Congress in pushing for more

>domestic energy production by removing barriers to oil shale leasing in

>Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. Associated Press

>http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/W/WY_OIL_SHALE_WYOL-?SITE=CODEN & SECTION=HO\


>Good times return to Oil City. On the hillsides above Oil City, where the

>petroleum business was born, small independent producers who could barely

>survive a few years ago, are rediscovering the meaning of " black gold " .



>Shell makes run on water. In its quest to melt oil out of western

>Colorado's shale, Royal Dutch Shell has been buying up land and water

>rights. Some officials, however, worry that the demands of the oil-shale

>industry could drain every drop of the region's remaining water. Denver

>Post, Colorado.


>Manufacturing uncertainty. By raising questions about the scientific

>research on how some chemicals affect human health, the corporations that

>manufacture them are able to stall the governmental regulatory process,

>says Dr. David Michaels. Living On Earth [related stories]

>http://www.loe.org/shows/segments.htm?programID=08-P13-00018 & segmentID=2

>Pollution sends men bald. Men living in polluted areas are more likely to

>go bald than those breathing cleaner air, a new study suggests. London

>Daily Telegraph, England.

>http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS & grid= & xml=/earth/2008/\


>Why men are telling wives 'not tonight.' Marriage counsellors report a 40

>per cent rise in husbands uninterested in physical relationships. Men are

>simply going off sex, according to the UK's largest firm of relationship

>counsellors. London Observer, England.


>Farm bill upends normal political order. In the battle over the farm bill,

>President Bush is broadly aligned with liberal Bay Area activists, while

>Speaker Pelosi is protecting billions of dollars in subsidies to the

>richest farmers. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


>Outrage at European moves to feed animal remains to chickens. The European

>Union is preparing plans to allow pig remains to be used to feed poultry.

>The practice - banned in Europe after the BSE crisis 10 years ago - would

>save farmers millions of pounds. London Observer, England.




Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

At 10:35 AM 5/16/08, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>For much more news about climate change, please visit our newest website,

>DailyClimate.org. You can also to a daily free e-newsletter, The

>Daily Climate.

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>An epidemic of extinctions: Destruction of life on Earth. The world's

>species are declining at a rate " unprecedented since the extinction of the

>dinosaurs " , a census of the animal kingdom has revealed. Human behavior is

>to blame. London Independent, England.



>Clean-air rules protecting parks set to be eased. The Bush Administration

>is on the verge of implementing new air quality rules that would make it

>easier to build power plants near national parks and wilderness areas,

>some agency scientists say. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Justices focus on scope of lead paint case. If there has ever been a

>bigger civil case in Rhode Island than the state’s lead paint lawsuit, no

>one seems aware of it. Three paint companies may be forced to spend $2.4

>billion renovating virtually every older house in Rhode Island. Providence

>Journal, Rhode Island.



>Chemicals Ottawa's watching: the feds take a closer look at 17 substances.

>The federal government is currently in the process of reviewing 200

>chemicals to determine whether they pose a risk to human health or the

>environment and should be more closely regulated. CBC Canada, Canada.


>State senate bill would ban suspect plastic. California's Senate passed a

>bill to prevent the sale of plastic baby bottles, training cups and

>formula cans if they contain detectable levels of an estrogen-like

>chemical. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


>Goodbye, girls. A relentless erosion of girlhood across the more affluent

>nations of the world — marked by earlier onset of puberty — is tripping

>alarm bells for researchers, environmentalists and parents. Portland

>Tribune, Oregon.



>Polar bear's impact on people is felt. The Arctic bear facing extinction

>because of global warming is bringing home the consequences of cheap

>energy. Associated Press


>Warning over 'reactive nitrogen'. Scientists are warning that " reactive

>nitrogen " is accumulating on the planet which is linked with the

>greenhouse effect, smog, haze, acid rain, coastal " dead zones " and ozone

>depletion. London Daily Telegraph, England.

>http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS & grid= & xml=/earth/2008/\


>General Motors: Live green or die. The lumbering, money-losing giant

>finally sees that gas engines are a losing bet. But is it too late?

>Business Week



>Sizing up carbon footprints. As Americans grow green-minded, they're

>turning the quest for solutions into competitive sport. Websites like

>Carbonrally stoke that fire, and a team of seventh-graders are the

>reigning champs. Time Magazine


>Cameroonian joins global quest for clean water. In the Northwest Province

>of Cameroon, a rural region of Africa, the World Health Organization

>estimates that only 44 percent of the population has access to potable

>water. One man aims to change that, by education and example. Christian

>Science Monitor



>Western experts monitor China’s nuclear sites for signs of earthquake

>damage. China’s main centers for designing, making and storing nuclear

>arms lie in the shattered earthquake zone, leading Western experts to look

>for signs that radioactivity might escape. New York Times [Registration



>Fate of mine hinges on definition of word. A proposed open pit mine in

>British Columbia would turn fish-bearing streams into tailings

>impoundments laced with toxic waste. Its fate may hinge on how three

>judges define the word " project. " Toronto Globe and Mail, Ontario.



>Congress doubles funds for bay. The Senate agreed yesterday to at least

>$690 million in cleanup funds for the Chesapeake Bay over the next decade

>- a windfall that more than doubles the federal commitment to bay

>environmental programs. Baltimore Sun, Maryland.


>Officials play down threat from arsenic at park in D.C. Recently completed

>tests by the U.S. Geological Survey on a half-dozen soil samples from the

>Fort Reno Park showed arsenic levels about 25 times the safe limit set by

>the U.S. E.P.A. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Washington Governor's disputed pesticide panelist resigns. Gov. Chris

>Gregoire's controversial appointment of a scientist affiliated with Dow

>Chemical to a state panel that tracks pesticide exposures ended Thursday.

>Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Washington.


>Green cleaners required in Illinois schools. The Green Cleaning Schools

>Act, which took effect on May 9, requires that schools use only cleaners

>that are certified as green and meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

>guidelines. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


>Strong smells push action for nail care workers. Oregon government workers

>and nonprofit advocates have been trying to figure out what to do about

>nail salon air quality and hazardous waste -- and how to protect workers.

>Portland Oregonian, Oregon.


7325480.xml & coll=7

>Low vitamin D heightens breast-cancer mortality rate. Women diagnosed with

>breast cancer are nearly twice as likely to have the disease spread to

>other parts of their bodies and are 73 per cent more likely to die from it

>if they have low levels of vitamin D, a new study finds. Toronto Globe and

>Mail, Ontario.



>Obese blamed for the world's ills. Obese people are contributing to the

>world food crisis and climate change, experts say. BBC, UK.


>More news from today

>•>270 more stories, including:

>•Secret ingredients

>•Climate: South Florida could be submerged; Zero carbon future

>•Energy: Bio-curious?; Charged up on electric cars

>•Stories from UK, Ukraine, UAE, S Africa, Nigeria, Japan, China, Vietnam,

>India, Pakistan, Australia, Brazil, Canada

>•US stories from VT, MA, RI, NY, NJ, PA, VA, WV, GA, AL, FL, WI, MI, OH,


>•Smoking: Secondhand smoke causes lung structure changes; Smoking in UK,

>New Zealand, KS, WV

>•Editorials: Bush & EPA wage war on science; Farm bill disgrace; Message

>in a bottle


>Shortcuts to stories from today about The good news, Avian flu, Katrina,

>Climate, Children's health, Air pollution, Cancer, Reproductive disorders,

>Endocrine disruption, Birth defects, Learning and developmental

>disabilities, Immune disorders, Environmental justice, Superfund, Water

>treatment/sewage, Food safety, Integrity of science, Green chemistry.

>You can also read last weekend's news.

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Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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Guest guest

At 10:35 AM 5/18/08, you wrote:

>Links to articles in today's press about environmental health




>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregnant can seriously damage your

>baby. A giant study found that using the handsets just two or three times

>a day was enough to raise the risk of their babies developing

>hyperactivity and difficulties with conduct, emotions and relationships.

>London Independent, England.



>The tiny, useful particle that could also be a health problem. Scientists

>and environmentalists are calling for a closer examination of

>nanoparticles and their effects on humans and the environment. Toronto

>Star, Ontario.


>CAFOs in conflict: Huge farms increase efficiency but create environmental

>concerns. Supporters call them technological models of efficiency and

>energy conservation that protect animals from predators and disease,

>manage manure wastes that were once scattered across fields and streams,

>and create cheap food and full-time employment. Kalamazoo Gazette, Michigan.


>Guilt-free carbon. For many people, buying carbon offsets has become a way

>to go personally " carbon neutral. " But these voluntary efforts are

>entirely unregulated. In California, that's beginning to change. Weekend

>Edition, NPR.


>Zones of death are spreading in oceans due to global warming. Marine dead

>zones, where fish and other sea life can suffocate from lack of oxygen,

>are spreading across the world’s tropical oceans, a study has warned.

>London Times, England.


>Dead water. Too much nitrogen being washed into the sea is causing dead

>zones to spread alarmingly. Economist


>Biotech companies rush to patent plant genes. Biotech seed companies are

>behind a wave of patent claims on dozens of 'climate-ready' genes. Nature


>Plans for new coal plants under fire. Protesters are to launch one of the

>hardest-hitting environmental campaigns for more than a decade over plans

>to build a new generation of coal-fired power stations in the UK. London

>Observer, England.


>Inupiat sue to fend off danger of offshore oil. As mayor of Alaska's

>wealthy North Slope Borough, Edward Itta is keenly attuned to the

>importance of oil, but his enthusiasm for the industry plummets when

>conversation shifts to offshore extraction. Associated Press


>Diesel automobiles clean up for U.S. revival. After years in the

>automotive wilderness, largely exiled to the smoky borders of truck stops,

>diesel is coming home. Americans may not recognize its freshly scrubbed

>face. International Herald Tribune


>China orders vulnerable nuclear weapon plants to be on disaster alert.

>China has ordered its atomic weapons industry to be ready for an

>“environmental emergency” after last week’s earthquake struck nuclear

>weapons storage and research facilities. London Times, England.


>Chinese flee flood threat from quake. Thousands of earthquake survivors

>fled tent camps and villages in SW China after the government warned that

>several lakes and rivers were getting dangerously close to overflowing

>because landslides have blocked water flow. The official death toll is now

>nearly 29,000. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Water adds to worries in China's quake-hit Sichuan. There is water

>everywhere in China's quake-ravaged Sichuan province, where rain is

>hampering rescue efforts and reservoirs are pressing against weakened

>dams. But for some people there is not a drop to drink. Reuters


>Myanmar’s children face new risks, aid groups say. While the death toll in

>Myanmar continues to climb, international aid agencies are warning of new

>threats to the most vulnerable survivors, children. New York Times

>[Registration Required]


>Effects of TCE still a haunting mystery. A subterranean chemical plume --

>thought to be latent under layers of dirt, asphalt and cement -- was found

>to be pushing toxic gases through the foundations of hundreds of buildings

>south of the IBM campus in the heart of the village. Binghamton Press &

>Sun-Bulletin, New York.



>Debate rages over safety of plastic chemical BPA in everyday items. In the

>past month, the debate about one of the most commonly used chemicals in

>America has moved quickly from toxicity experts and government regulators

>to parents shopping in their neighborhood grocery stores. Dallas Morning

>News, Texas.



>World’s poor pay price as crop research is cut. Damage from the brown

>plant hopper, threatening the diets of many poor people and occurring at a

>time of scarcity and high prices, could have been prevented. Researchers

>say budget cuts prevented them from doing so. New York Times [Registration



>One country’s table scraps, another country’s meal. Americans waste an

>astounding amount of food — an estimated 27 percent of the food available

>for consumption, according to a government study. It works out to about a

>pound of food every day for every American. New York Times [Registration



>How secure is our food supply? The price of rice is rising. Wheat is in

>short supply. Bees are dying. What's next? Vancouver Sun, Canada.



>Obesity threatens a generation. An epidemic of obesity is compromising the

>lives of millions of American children, with burgeoning problems that

>reveal how much more vulnerable young bodies are to the toxic effects of

>fat. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>How the NHS 'sold' my placenta to a luxury cosmetics firm. An NHS hospital

>is handing over new mothers' placentas for use in the development of

>anti-wrinkle skin creams and luxury shampoo, the Daily Mail can reveal

>today. Daily Mail, United Kingdom.


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