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to articles in today's press about environmental health

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At 09:25 AM 9/3/07, you wrote:


>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Toxic cocktail. Every day you can expect to be exposed to some 75,000

>artificial chemicals. You swallow them in your food and they seep out of

>carpets, pillows and curtains, and drift into your lungs. Is living in

>this chemical soup doing us any harm? There are good reasons to think that

>it might be, especially because of the mixture. New Scientist, England.

>[related stories] [subscription Required]


>New concerns over wastewater sludge. After sewage is cleaned at a

>wastewater treatment plant, sludge is left behind. This sludge is often

>used on farms as fertilizer. But the wastewater treatment doesn't get rid

>of all the drugs and chemicals we flush down the drain. Great Lakes Radio

>Consortium, Michigan. [related stories]


>Agent Orange: A view from Vietnam. During the eight years of the Vietnam

>War that the U.S. Military dusted the Vietnamese landscape with Agent

>Orange, it was only intended to kill vegetation. Chicago CBS 2 TV, Illinois.


>Foreign meat to carry labels soon. New labels for meat, produce and

>peanuts could shed light on something many food producers would rather

>leave in the dark -- the national origin of the food Americans buy.

>Detroit News, Michigan.



>Organic farming is gaining traction. The transition from conventional to

>organic farming can be tumultous. But more farmers are reaping green by

>growing premium produce and meat. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


>Rising sea level worries shoreline areas. Washington's low-lying capital

>city is a bit nervous in planning a new $38 million City Hall near the

>shoreline of Puget Sound, fearing that global warming and rising waters

>could submerge much of the downtown in this century. Associated Press


>Vanishing lakes prove impact of man. Across the world, map makers are

>having to redraw coastlines, reduce the size of seas and lakes and

>reclassify types of land to keep up with the rapid changes transforming

>our planet. Edinburgh Scotsman, Scotland.


>Faith goes green. Fueled by heightened media attention to global warming,

>worshippers and congregations -- across the globe and in Tucson -- are

>viewing protecting the earth as a justice issue and turning their

>attentions to the environment. Tucson Arizona Daily Star, Arizona.


>Hindus urged to adopt 'green' cremation. One Indian group offers a

>cremation method that uses less wood to burn bodies. Some are wary. Los

>Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


>Can you buy a greener conscience? Beneath the feel-good simplicity of

>buying your way to carbon neutrality is a growing concern that the idea is

>more hype than solution. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration




>Making a living by making a difference. Think globally, work locally. Wind

>farms, ethanol plants and other earth-friendly ventures are creating a new

>class of green-collar jobs in the Buffalo area. Buffalo News, New York.


>Smaller environmental footprint starts with small steps in the workplace.

>Doing good for the environment while doing good business is a trend that

>is gaining momentum in corporate America. Gannett News Service



>Insurers bear brunt of anger in New Orleans. Insurance companies may have

>paid out $11 billion to Louisianians since Hurricane Katrina, but they are

>a new villain in people's tales of recovery. New York Times [Registration



>Town puts spotlight on waste. Greenwich is about to install a $3 million

>ultraviolet disinfection system at its wastewater treatment plant at Grass

>Island, joining the three dozen plants across the state that have

>abandoned their reliance on chlorine. Greenwich Time, Connecticut.



>EPA helps oversee big farms, despite power switch. Environmental

>regulators are playing as strong a role as ever fighting pollution by

>Ohio's giant livestock farms five years after the state handed its

>agriculture experts the job. Associated Press

>http://www.ohio.com/news/ap?articleID=71856 & c=y

>In war on terror, Md. farmer one of many skeptical recruits. After years

>of worries from bird flu to pollution, nothing prepared Virgil Shockley

>for the latest concern sweeping the poultry industry: Local farms could be

>deemed terrorist targets by the U.S. government. Washington Post

>[Registration Required]



>Trash offers income for Palestinians. West Bank Palestinians desperate for

>cash are inviting Israelis to dump thousands of tons of garbage in their

>fields _ rogue operations that could have dire public health and

>environmental consequences. Associated Press



>Cancer victims' families blame Bayshore. Bayshore, Florida, high school

>alumni believe diesel fuel tanks buried on the school grounds may be the

>cause of dozens of rare cancers. Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Florida.


>Forces beyond landmark Chafee law preserved barrier beaches, study finds.

>A new report provides an unusual evaluation of the consequences of a major

>piece of federal legislation intended to protect shorelines from

>development and serious flooding. Providence Journal, Rhode Island.


>Probe of NIEHS head broadens. Investigations into the embattled tenure of

>David A. Schwartz at the National Institute of Environmental Health

>Sciences have dramatically multiplied and broadened to include other

>institute officials as well as NIH Director Elias A. Zerhouni. Chemical &

>Engineering News


>More news from



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At 10:11 AM 9/4/07, you wrote:


>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Mysteries of autoimmune diseases unravel. Autoimmune diseases, which

>researchers believe are caused by a genetic predisposition activated by

>some environmental exposure, are on the rise. USA Today


>More children being treated for bipolar disorder. The number of American

>children and adolescents treated for bipolar disorder increased 40-fold

>from 1994 to 2003, researchers are to report on Tuesday, in the most

>comprehensive study to look at the controversial diagnosis. New York Times

>[Registration Required]


>Safety agency, Mattel clash over disclosures. Mattel has clashed for years

>with the Consumer Product Safety Commission over how quickly the toy maker

>must report possible safety incidents. Wall Street Journal [related story]

>[subscription Required]


>Concern rises over effects of parabens. Consumer products labeled

> " paraben-free " are showing up in stores. For years, parabens have been

>used to inhibit the growth of bacteria, yeasts and molds in personal-care

>products. But studies show that some parabens can mimic the activity of

>the hormone estrogen. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.



>Bisphenol A vexations. The chemical bisphenol A, used to make

>polycarbonate food and drink containers and found in plastic resins, has

>engendered sharp controversy that is likely to result in bans of BPA in

>baby bottles and other containers. Chemical & Engineering News [related



>Utility removes lead pipes. The Louisville Water Co. is getting the lead

>out -- literally, working to remove 15,000 lead service lines in mostly

>older city neighborhoods by 2015. Louisville Courier-Journal, Kentucky.



>Coal rush reverses, power firms follow. A year after the nation appeared

>to be in the middle of a coal rush, widening alarm about greenhouse gas

>emissions has slowed the efforts of electric companies to build coal-fired

>power plants from hills of eastern Montana to southern Florida. Washington

>Post [Registration Required]



>3 court cases for climate change. Forget all the talk lately about whether

>Congress will regulate carbon dioxide - a gas generated from burning

>fossil fuels and one of the main culprits behind global warming. Several

>individuals and environmental groups are using laws already on the books

>in an attempt to force polluters to change their ways. CNN



>Economics of nuclear power are rethought. Rising fuel costs, global

>warming and government incentives are transforming the economics of

>nuclear power. A wave of studies and analyses suggests that nuclear

>generation soon might be cost-competitive with traditional plants.

>Baltimore Sun, Maryland.



>Arctic businesses learn to adapt to climate change. Climate change is not

>only impacting wildlife in the Arctic. It is affecting the economy.

>National Public Radio


>Arctic land grabs could cause eco-disaster. Global warming is making the

>Arctic a hot property, and currently no plan is in place to protect the

>Arctic from the environmental effects of increased shipping. After nations

>carve up the fast-melting region, will there be anything left? Discover


>NASA scientists challenge security rules. Scientists at NASA's Jet

>Propulsion Laboratory and Goddard Space Flight Center claim the new

>requirement by NASA that they submit to detailed FBI scrutiny of their

>backgrounds may be an attempt to control or silence them about issues like

>global warming. The Nation


>Vatican agrees to a carbon offset scheme. A Hungarian company said it

>would plant trees to restore an ancient forest on an island by the Tizsa

>River to offset the Vatican's carbon emissions. In accepting the donation,

>the Vatican said it would become the world's first carbon-neutral state.

>International Herald Tribune


>Acid rain may hit coastal waters hard. Carbon dioxide isn't the only

>atmospheric pollutant making the oceans more acidic and threatening the

>health of coral reefs and plankton. Nature


>European roads brace for onslaught of smaller SUVs. Already, big

>American-style four-by-fours are here. Soon, the roads of Europe will be

>dotted with smaller and medium-sized versions of the sports utility

>vehicle, one of the fastest-growing car segments. Reuters


>Monsanto's biotech makeover takes root. Monsanto is promising the ultimate

>goal in corn management: drought tolerance. Success isn't guaranteed,

>despite promising trials. US News & World Report


>More news from today



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At 10:05 AM 9/5/07, you wrote:

>Felix, Henriette pack dangerous winds. Felix walloped Central America's

>remote Miskito coastline and Henriette slammed into resorts on the tip of

>Baja California as a record-setting hurricane season got even wilder

>Tuesday with twin storms making landfall on the same day. Associated Press




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At 10:05 AM 9/5/07, you wrote:

>FEMA to let Katrina victims move from trailers into hotels. FEMA announced

>that it will allow 60,000 families displaced by Hurricane Katrina to move

>into hotel or motel rooms if they are concerned about formaldehyde gas in

>their FEMA-provided trailers. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Ice-free Arctic could be here in 23 years. The Arctic ice cap has

>collapsed at an unprecedented rate this summer and levels of sea ice in

>the region now stand at a record low. Experts said they were " stunned " by

>the loss of ice. London Guardian, England.


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At 10:05 AM 9/5/07, you wrote:

>Popcorn supplier to drop toxic chemical. ConAgra, the world's largest

>supplier of the 3 billion bags of microwave popcorn sold each year, said

>Tuesday that it will eliminate the use of a controversial chemical butter

>flavoring linked to severe lung disease in workers from its Act II and

>Orville Redenbacher products. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Washington.





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At 10:44 AM 9/6/07, you wrote:

>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Danger to children from food and drink additives is exposed. Parents are

>to be warned of the dangers of giving their young children drinks and

>foods containing specified artificial additives, as a result of new

>findings being made public for the first time which confirm their link

>with hyperactivity and disruptive behaviour. London Guardian, England.


>Feds focus on lead in kids' jewelry. The federal government is proposing,

>for the first time, to regulate lead in children's jewelry. USA Today



>12-year-old asthma sufferer pleads for cleaner air. A 12-year-old asthma

>sufferer, who has been hospitalized for asthma attacks nearly every year

>since her birth, asked the U.S. EPA to clean up Houston's smog. EPA is

>recommending lowering the ozone limit, but not as low as the agency's own

>scientists think it should be. Houston Chronicle, Texas.


>Scientists compare U.S., China pollution. LA and Pittsburgh provide

>examples of what to do--and not to do--about China's severe air pollution,

>U.S. and Chinese scientists say. One lesson is clear: it makes more sense

>to try to prevent pollution, rather than clean it up afterward. Associated



>Report blasts EPA cleanup at Ground Zero. The Government Accountability

>Office has condemned the cleanup and testing program for Ground Zero-area

>buildings, saying the federal EPA has largely ignored New Yorkers' health

>and safety concerns. New York Newsday, New York.


>America unprepared for next attack, new study says. The federal government

>may be unprepared for future environmental disasters on the scale of the

>terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a new report that

>criticizes the Bush administration's latest effort to decontaminate

>apartments near the World Trade Center. New York Sun, New York.


>For heat's victims, a quiet death. Twenty-nine Southern Californians are

>believed to have died as a result of the recent heat wave, with most of

>the victims fitting the familiar patterns of heat-wave deaths. Many were

>elderly. Many lived on the margins. Los Angeles Times, California.

>[Registration Required]


>Heat deaths will rise, study says. Global warming will cause the number of

>heat-related deaths in Baltimore and other cities to more than double

>within 50 years, according to a report paid for by environmental groups.

>Baltimore Sun, Maryland.


>Retreat of the penguins. Some researchers conclude that unless governments

>and others take immediate action to reverse the trend, penguin populations

>will plummet. Many species face extinction. Global warming is one of the

>biggest threats. Sydney Australian, Australia.


>Australian PM, Bush vow action on warming. While neither leader has been

>associated with global warming in the past, one of the first agreements to

>emerge Wednesday from meetings between President Bush and Australian Prime

>Minister John Howard was a pledge to take joint action to combat climate

>change. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>U.S. presidential candidates paying to pollute but could do more to show

>green awareness. U.S. presidential candidates are paying carbon offsets.

>But some say more could be done by the candidates who still burn countless

>gallons of jet fuel in canvassing the U.S. Associated Press



>Global warming: too hot to handle for the BBC. The transformation of

>climate change from a scientific to a political issue became clear last

>night when the BBC dropped plans for a day-long TV special on global

>warming. London Independent, England.


>Cultivating a crop of hope. Researchers think that switchgrass could help

>supplant corn as a source for the fast-growing ethanol industry, saying it

>has much to recommend it over corn. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Benefits of cleaning Great Lakes cited for $26 bn plan. An independent

>panel of economic experts said Wednesday that fixing the world's largest

>freshwater system would create an estimated $50 billion in long-term

>economic benefits. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin.


>Less Delta water means dry times. A judge's order is expected to require

>agencies to pump one-third less water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin

>Delta, rocking cities, farmers, and others who fear shortages. The estuary

>provides water to 23 million and 5 million acres of farmland. Sacramento

>Bee, California.


>New tsunami warning. The densely-populated Bay of Bengal looks to be at

>risk from very large tsunami-producing earthquakes, according to a new

>analysis of modern and historical observations. Nature


>Swimming in chlorine byproducts. A flurry of research relating

>swimming-pool-water treatment to potentially hazardous byproducts has come

>down the pike. New research indicates some additional byproducts that

>might be to blame for lung troubles and other possible health effects.

>Environmental Science & Technology


>PCB-like toxin in breast milk, scientists warn. A toxic substance similar

>to the pollutant polychlorinated biphenyl, or PCB, has been found in the

>breast milk of Japanese women, according to a group of Japan-based

>scientists. Kyodo News, Japan.


>Report buttresses argument against power lines. A scientific report

>released late last week joins others in raising serious public-health

>concerns over long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields from

>high-voltage power lines. Vancouver Province, British Columbia.



>Love it? Check the label. Both conservative and liberal consumers are

>looking harder for goods made or grown in the United States. New York

>Times [Registration Required]


>More news



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At 10:01 AM 9/7/07, you wrote:


>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>New Research:


>New experiments reveal that the synthetic estrogen used by women for birth

>control causes wide ranging health effects in minnows, but that the

>effects differed when the drug was tested alone compared with when it was

>mixed with wastewater effluent. The estrogen caused feminization of male

>fish, and altered DNA integrity, immune cell number, and ability to

>breakdown pollutants. The study highlights the need for more research on

>the potential health effects of exposure to complex mixtures. More...


>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Packing on the compounds. Obesity is generally thought of as an individual

>problem ­ an offshoot of the couch-potato syndrome, in which people eat

>too much while exercising too little. But now scientists are asking about

>the ways that exposure to low levels of contaminants may predispose people

>to obesity. San Diego Union-Tribune, California. [related stories]


>All about plastic. Plastic, once hailed as a modern-day wonder, is now

>viewed by many as the bane of modern life. CNN


>Agro-chemicals take a toxic toll in rural Chile. On average, according to

>the Chilean Health Ministry, some 700 people suffer acute poisonings from

>agrochemicals every year. Those statistics, however, may just be the tip

>of the iceberg. Santiago Times, Chile.

>http://www.tcgnews.com/santiagotimes/index.php?nav=story & story_id=14636 & topic_i\


>Arsenic alarm in Bihar villages. Arsenic levels have risen to alarming

>levels in many districts of the north-eastern Indian state of Bihar,

>officials say. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Bird deaths key to unveiling lead contamination. If birds had not started

>mysteriously falling out of the sky in Western Australia's southern port

>of Esperance, lead contamination which spread throughout the town could

>still be occurring. Australian Associated Press



>Environmentalists sue EPA over ship pollution. The Port of Oakland is

>watching as an environmental group and the EPA duke it out over how to

>regulate emissions from oceangoing vessels, specifically the biggest ones

>that foul the air as they sail into our harbors. Oakland Tribune, California.


>Accuracy of 9/11 health reports is questioned. Much of what is known about

>the health problems of ground zero workers comes from a small clinic in

>Manhattan that at the time of the trade center collapse had only six

>full-time doctors and a tiny budget. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Toy makers seek standards for U.S. safety. Acknowledging a growing crisis

>of public confidence caused by recent recalls, the nation’s largest toy

>makers have taken the unusual step of asking the federal government to

>impose mandatory safety-testing standards for all toys sold in the U.S..

>New York Times [Registration Required]


>NOAA scientists say Arctic ice is melting faster than expected. The Arctic

>ice cap is melting faster than scientists had expected and will shrink 40

>percent by 2050 in most regions, with grim consequences for polar bears,

>walruses and other marine animals, according to government researchers.

>Washington Post [Registration Required]



>GAO criticizes Bush for ignoring global warming. After more than three

>years of study, the Government Accountability Office harshly faulted the

>Bush administration for doing little to deal with the far-reaching effects

>of climate change rapidly taking place in national parks, forests, marine

>sanctuaries and other federal lands and waters Associated Press



>How green is Silicon Valley? The rising cost of electricity and consumer

>pressure is forcing hi-tech companies to show off their environmental

>credentials. London Guardian, England.


>New tool to fight global warming: Endangered Species Act?

>Environmentalists may have gained a powerful new legal weapon to fight

>global warming: the Endangered Species Act. Christian Science Monitor


>Greenhouse gas proposals unveiled. California's air pollution chief

>unveiled six new measures to trim the state's greenhouse gas emissions,

>including requirements to streamline big rigs, keep vehicle tires properly

>inflated and stop cargo ships from idling their engines in port.

>Sacramento Bee, California.


>Few at BP knew of 30-year death toll. A former plant manager for BP's

>Texas City refinery testified Thursday he was so concerned about three

>deaths there in 2004 that he dug into the death rate for the previous 30

>years — and was surprised to find as many as he did. Houston Chronicle, Texas.


>Manure causes stink for lawmakers and farmers. Manure generated on large

>U.S. livestock farms, which can later contaminate soil and water, has lead

>to a fierce debate over whether farmers and ranchers should be held

>responsible for cleaning up the mess. Reuters


>Study points to virus in collapse of honeybee colonies. Scientists

>yesterday identified a virus as one of the likely causes of the recent

>wave of honeybee colony collapses across the country. Washington Post

>[Registration Required]






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At 10:18 AM 9/8/07, you wrote:

>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>The 9/11 cover-up. In the aftermath of the first explosion, the air over

>Lower Manhattan transformed instantly. Today New York City is still mired

>in a fog of cover-ups and half-truths regarding its environmental welfare.



=0 & -C=

>Chemical testing reveals party leaders' toxic relationship. Although the

>leaders of Ontario's three main parties are currently trying to highlight

>their political differences, they're remarkably similar in one respect:

>all of them are laced with traces of chemical pollutants. Toronto Globe

>and Mail, Ontario. [related stories]



>How green is my platform? Pollsters are confirming a fact our politicians

>ignore at their peril: for the first time in Ontario's history, the

>environment will be the top issue for voters. Toronto Star, Ontario.

>[related stories]


>Don't bite the dust. Through exposure routes that remain somewhat sketchy,

>PBDEs have been entering the U.S. food supply. But what's emerging as an

>apparently far greater source of human exposure is ingestion of PBDE-laced

>house dust. Science News


>Plastic may not be so fantastic for kids. More and more consumers -- new

>mothers are leading the pack -- are expressing concern about potentially

>toxic chemicals in plastic products. Los Angeles Times, California.

>[Registration Required]


>Warming is seen as wiping out most polar bears. Two-thirds of the world’s

>polar bears will disappear by 2050, even under moderate projections for

>shrinking summer sea ice caused by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,

>government scientists reported on Friday. New York Times [Registration



>Prayer to end climate change. Religious leaders from all over the world

>met at the mouth of a melting glacier in Greenland today to say a silent

>prayer for the planet, appealing to mankind to address the impact that

>humanity is having on life on Earth. ABC World News Tonight

>http://www.abcnews.go.com/WN/GlobalWarming/story?id=3572327 & page=1

>Kenya's carbon dilemma. John Muyu put down his hoe at the small farmstead

>where tiny aubergines and baby corn grow beneath the hot African sun. The

>softly spoken farmer finds his small plot in rural Kenya at the centre of

>a storm over climate change. Edinburgh Scotsman, Scotland.


>APEC 'muddies the climate waters'. If you thought that climate change was

>just an occasional staging post on the eternal global tour of

>international diplomacy, think so no more. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Capturing carbon. Despite worries about global warming, there are more

>than a hundred new coal-burning power plants planned for the U.S. Living

>On Earth

>http://www.loe.org/shows/segments.htm?programID=07-P13-00036 & segmentID=1

>What goes up. Many studies suggest that megacities have become the world's

>dominant sources of atmospheric pollutants. Some of their emissions are

>long-lived and apt to drift far from home. Science News [subscription



>Refinery's discharges not reported. Corrected estimates of discharges by

>the Delaware City Refinery mean the local stretch of the Delaware River is

>one of the worst nitrate pollution sites in the country. Wilmington News

>Journal, Delaware.



>Pollution casts concern over some fishing holes. Recent findings from the

>Ala­bama Department of Public Health may cause anglers to pause before

>dining on their catch. Montgomery Advertiser, Alabama.



>Dioxane on the defensive. A recent study has found that some of the most

>popular baby shampoos contain an industrial solvent that is suspected of

>causing cancer in humans, along with damaging the liver, kidneys, and

>nervous system. Living On Earth

>http://www.loe.org/shows/segments.htm?programID=07-P13-00036 & segmentID=2

>Mobile phone study to establish long-term risks. Ministers will launch a

>multi-million pound, large-scale study next week into long-term health

>risks of mobile phone use. London Daily Telegraph, England.



>Fashion conscience. Gone are the days when ethical fashion was all itchy

>tie-dye sacks - these days 'social responsibility' doesn't mean 'sans

>style'. Green is indeed the new black. London Daily Telegraph, England.



>More news from



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At 10:09 AM 9/9/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Chip implants linked to animal tumors. When the FDA approved implanting

>microchips in humans, the manufacturer said it would save lives. But

>neither the company nor the regulators publicly mentioned this: A series

>of studies found that chip implants " induced " malignant tumors in some lab

>mice and rats. Associated Press



>Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi. Environment Ministry's

>verdict on the health risks from wireless technology puts the British

>government to shame. London Independent, England.


>Chronic polluters, tainted waters. Chronic violators. Expired permits.

>Major toxic releases. Few formal consequences. It's a refrain that ripples

>through the compliance histories of several of the three dozen facilities

>in Connecticut with chemical-discharge permits. Hartford Courant, Connecticut.


>Investigative report: US ships unsafe products. Though recalls coordinated

>by the CPSC of Chinese-made goods have made headlines recently, for

>decades the federal agency has allowed American-based companies to export

>products deemed unsafe here. Sacramento Bee, California.


>Fixing Chinese goods will be costly. Get ready for a new Chinese export:

>higher prices. The spate of product recalls in recent months has exposed

>deep fault lines in Chinese manufacturing. Analysts expect prices in the

>U.S. to creep up as safety standards are reevaluated. Los Angeles Times,

>California. [Registration Required]



>Melting ice cap triggering earthquakes. The Greenland ice cap is melting

>so quickly that it is triggering earthquakes as pieces of ice several

>cubic kilometres in size break off. London Guardian, England.


>Greenland ice melt shocks scientists. The vast ice sheet that coats

>Greenland up to 2 miles thick is reacting to global warming far faster

>than scientists thought it would. Portland Oregonian, Oregon.


xml & coll=7

>Warming waters take toll on Florida's reefs. In Florida, the effects of

>global warming are evident several feet below the ocean's surface. Marine

>scientists say warming ocean temperatures are taking a toll on North

>America's only coral reef. National Public Radio


>APEC forges deal on climate change. Pacific Rim leaders agreed to curb

>global warming by improving energy use and expanding forests, laying out a

>plan they hope will influence future climate change talks but that critics

>dismissed as too timid. Associated Press


>Green groups unimpressed by APEC leaders' pledge on greenhouse gases.

>Asia-Pacific leaders agreed yesterday to adopt a " long-term aspirational

>goal " to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But the move failed to impress

>environmental campaigners because of a lack of binding targets. Edinburgh

>Scotsman, Scotland.


>Thousands in the flood map danger zone. More than 100,000 Scottish homes

>and businesses are at risk of being flooded because of climate change

>ministers have warned. Edinburgh Scotsman, Scotland.


>Growing industry of carbon offsetting is largely unregulated. With carbon

>offsetting, people who can't reduce their CO2 emissions can find those

>reductions elsewhere, but the industry is largely unregulated, and recent

>reports show that the money spent doesn't necessarily reduce carbon

>emissions. Kansas City Star, Missouri.


>Megafarms multiplying. Ohio's trend toward bigger operations sparks

>concern about environment, regulation. Columbus Dispatch, Ohio.



>For Mexican trucks, a road into the US. Despite objections of some

>trucking and environmental groups, Mexican truckers are expected to begin

>transporting goods throughout the U.S. in coming days, after a DOT

>decision that provisionally lifted restrictions confining them to the

>border region. New York Times [Registration Required]


>A legacy Bush can control. Every president comes into office complaining

>about the 11th-hour judicial appointments and midnight regulations left on

>the White House doorstep by his predecessor. New York Times [Registration



>Iowa town showcases the ethanol boom. The 6-foot-tall wooden ear of corn

>carved from a tree trunk near the center of town leaves no doubt what

>engine powers this town of 1,300. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Missouri.



>Biodiesel efforts in Texas encounter some bumps. After an initial surge,

>the state's biodiesel industry is suddenly facing an uncertain future,

>which threatens to put some companies out of business and push others to

>delay or cancel projects in Texas, industry leaders and biofuel producers

>say. Houston Chronicle, Texas.


>Future options: More 'green' cars on the way. Although gasoline is still

>the king of fuels, more consumers are looking for alternatives that allow

>them to save at the pump and perhaps pave the way for cleaner air. Des

>Moines Register, Iowa.



>Fat, chance and cancer. The nation's obesity epidemic is exposing the

>alarming link between body fat and cancer. A dramatic increase in a deadly

>form of oesophagus cancer linked to obesity suggests excess body fat is

>driving the disease. Sydney Morning Herald, Australia. [Registration Required]



>More news from



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At 10:02 AM 9/17/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Hunting the invisible. Across the metropolitan area, groundwater laced

>with chemicals lies beneath at least 35 communities. It takes detective

>work to track the path of chemicals in groundwater. Sometimes, the mystery

>goes unsolved. Minneapolis Star Tribune, Minnesota.


>Cold War cleanup. Uphill, there's 1.38 million cubic yards of nuclear and

>chemical waste. Downhill, one of the state's main water supplies. Waste

>from Los Alamos National Lab has yet to seriously impact New Mexico's

>drinking-water wells, but it won't be long, some say. Santa Fe New

>Mexican, New Mexico. [related story]


>Australian schools hit by lead poisoning. Students at 35 schools across

>western Sydney and regional NSW are being forced to drink bottled water

>after lead contamination was found in their school drinking supply. Sydney

>Daily Telegraph, Australia.


>DNA test that could quickly solve thousands of sick workers' claims. A new

>technique for testing DNA could transform civil litigation cases by

>supporting or refuting people's claims that their health has been damaged

>by exposure to toxic chemicals. London Times, England.


>Pesticides can 'double' the risk of asthma. Exposure to pesticidal

>chemical sprays doubles the risk of developing asthma, researchers have

>found. Daily Mail, United Kingdom.


e_id=482212 & in_page_id=1774

>Greenland: the emerging nation. The arctic ice is melting to reveal a very

>different Greenland. The Inuit are not alone in feeling the effects of

>climate change both good and bad. London Independent, England.


>Climate change brings risk of more extinctions. If warming continues as

>predicted, scientists say, 20 percent or more of the planet's plant and

>animal species could be at increased risk of extinction. Washington Post

>[Registration Required]



>A trickle of water might save estuary. About 90% of the Colorado River

>Delta's wetlands and natural habitat have dried up. Unless restoration of

>the delta is undertaken before a prolonged dry spell, which many

>scientists are predicting, it could be too late. Los Angeles Times,

>California. [Registration Required]


>A big straw. A crack in the earth big enough to see from space stretches

>along the Rio Grande, marking the place where Santa Fe city wells pump

>water to the surface from the aquifer below. As more water is pumped to

>Santa Fe, the fissure grows. Santa Fe New Mexican, New Mexico. [related story]


>Severe drought looms in Swaziland. Swazis are struggling to cope with one

>of the longest dry periods in memory. About 40% of Swaziland's one million

>people are facing acute food and water shortages, according to UN

>agencies. Johannesburg Mail & Guardian, South Africa.

>http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=319459 & area=/insight/insight__af\


>Bangladesh: life on the edge. For centuries, the farmers of Bangladesh's

>sandy chars have eked out an existence at the mercy of South Asia's great

>rivers. But as temperatures rise, time is running out for them. London

>Independent, England.


>Mammoth dung, prehistoric goo may speed warming. For millennia, layers of

>animal waste and other organic matter left behind by creatures that used

>to roam the Arctic tundra have been sealed inside the frozen permafrost.

>Now climate change is thawing the permafrost, exposing the prehistoric

>ooze. Reuters


>Can 'fertilising' the ocean combat climate change? In an attempt to combat

>climate change, a company aims to show that fertilizing the ocean with

>iron can safely boost levels of phytoplankton - single-celled

>photosynthetic organisms responsible for half of the carbon fixation on

>Earth. Not everyone is convinced. New Scientist, England.



>UK 'needs carbon neutral target'. The Liberal Democrats are calling for

>Britain to become entirely carbon neutral by 2050 in an " ambitious "

>attempt to reclaim the green agenda. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Mileage ratings are still estimates, though closer to reality. For the

>first time since 1984, the E.P.A. is revising its method for calculating

>fuel economy to better reflect realities of the road. New York Times

>[Registration Required]


>Organic lobby targets 'dangerous' E-numbers. The government will this week

>come under fresh pressure to protect children by moving towards an

>outright ban on potentially " hazardous " chemical additives in food,

>following the intervention of the influential organic food industry.

>London Guardian, England.


>Return of GM: Ministers back moves to grow crops in UK. Government

>ministers have given their backing to a renewed campaign by farmers and

>industry to introduce genetically modified crops to the UK, the Guardian

>has learned. London Guardian, England.


>Green grapes grow on Oregon. A growing number of Oregon vineyard operators

>have concluded that simpler is better: They're growing grapes without

>pesticides and without chemical fertilizers. Eugene Register Guard, Oregon.



>EU watchdog calls for urgent action on Wi-Fi radiation. Europe's top

>environmental watchdog is calling for immediate action to reduce exposure

>to radiation from Wi-Fi, mobile phones and their masts. It suggests that

>delay could lead to a health crisis similar to those caused by asbestos,

>smoking and lead in petrol. London Independent, England.


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At 10:09 AM 9/19/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Can China make the polluter pay? A drive around Yixing, a town in the

>wealthy province of Jiangsu, explains why China has such a phenomenal

>economic growth rate and why its environmental problems are so severe.

>BBC, United Kingdom.


>'Health disaster' in French Caribbean linked to pesticides. The

>indiscriminate use of toxic pesticides on banana plantations in the French

>Caribbean has left much of the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe

>poisoned for a century to come. London Independent, England.


>Arctic sea ice at record low. Even for a society jaded by the continual

>breaking of climate records, the retreat of Arctic ice this year is

>stunning. Nature


>Global warming concerns after Africa deluge. More than 1m people have been

>hit by some of the worst floods in Africa in a generation, fuelling

>concerns over the continent's exposure to extreme weather events linked to

>climate change. Financial Times, England.


>What's the carbon footprint of a potato? Walkers Crisps is the first firm

>to put carbon footprint figures on its products, with nine more companies

>set to follow. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Western groups signal auto-emission lawsuit. Western environmental groups

>said Tuesday they intend to sue the Bush administration if states are not

>given federal waivers to combat auto emissions. Associated Press


>Making a mint from Arctic mammoths. In Siberia's northernmost reaches,

>high up in the Arctic Circle, the changing temperature is thawing out the

>permafrost to reveal the bones of prehistoric animals such as mammoths,

>woolly rhinos and lions that have been buried for thousands of years. Reuters



>Proposed reservoir could seep toward Hanford. A massive reservoir intended

>to provide a more reliable water supply for Washington farmers could seep

>so much it would significantly raise the water table at the nation's most

>contaminated nuclear site. Associated Press


>'It is amazing how much we don't know' about our water sources. Across

>most of Minnesota, basic information to track underground pollution or to

>determine whether aquifers that supply drinking water can be replenished

>is lacking. Minneapolis Star Tribune, Minnesota. [related stories]


>A toxic well, a life changed. Thirty-five years ago, three Perham, Minn.,

>men drank contaminated well water. The last survivor still suffers its

>effects. Minneapolis Star Tribune, Minnesota. [related stories]


>Report criticizes dumping of fly ash in mines. Pennsylvania calls putting

>fly ash waste from coal-fired power plants into abandoned coal mines a

> " beneficial use, " but a coalition of national environmental groups has

>issued a report showing the widespread practice does much more harm than

>good. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pennsylvania.


>Bill would expand care and compensation for ground zero workers. The

>Bloomberg administration is supporting a new Congressional bill that would

>provide health treatment and financial compensation for all workers and

>residents exposed to the dust from 9-11. New York Times [Registration



>Toy firms outline delays in recalls. Companies under fire for importing

>lead-contaminated toys revealed that it can take the U.S. Consumer Product

>Safety Commission a month or longer to announce the recall of a dangerous

>item after the agency is notified of the problem. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


>Mattel toys' lead was 180 times the limit. Lead in the paint on some of

>the toys Mattel recalled this summer was 180 times the amount allowed by

>law, and Oriental Trading Co. sold jewelry that was almost 100% lead,

>documents released Tuesday by a congressional subcommittee show. USA Today


>More retailers found to have lead-tainted items. Major American retailers,

>including Target, Limited Too and Dollar General, have found more

>lead-contaminated children's products in their inventories but have not

>yet notified the public. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Food firms want FDA to oversee imports. The country's largest food

>suppliers, facing congressional food-safety proposals that could cost them

>millions of dollars a year, proposed to grant the government more

>oversight of the industry. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Can billboard trade go green? The billboard industry faces a long slog

>down the green road. Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]


>Does my bum look green in this? Natural v synthetic: what are the

>ecological costs of our clothes? Melbourne Age, Australia.



>Natural skin care products woo beauty from the chemical beast. Today's

>green-thinking consumers like to know what goes into their organic and

>natural products, from the organic cotton in socks to the Moroccan rose

>oil in face creams. International Herald Tribune


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At 09:44 AM 9/21/07, you wrote:

>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Stay in if you're having a bad air day. Study after study has shown a

>connection between smoggy days and an increase in deaths. Now two

>experiments, one on mice and the other in men, clarify why. Diesel fumes,

>they find, encourage blood clots that can bring on heart attacks and

>strokes. Nature


>Helping the carbon nanotube industry avoid mega-mistakes of the past. A

>new analysis of by-products discharged during production of carbon

>nanotubes--expected to become the basis of multibillion-dollar industries

>in the 21st century--has identified cancer-causing compounds and air

>pollutants. SPX



>To go green, live closer to work, report says. A major new study concludes

>that compact development -- mixing housing and businesses in denser

>patterns, with walkable neighborhoods -- could lower emissions as much as

>climate policies now promoted by politicians. Los Angeles Times,

>California. [Registration Required]


>Scientists report severe retreat of Arctic ice. The cap of floating sea

>ice on the Arctic Ocean, which retreats under summer's warmth, this year

>shrank more than one million square miles--or six Californias--below the

>average minimum area in recent decades. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Congressman scolds EPA chief over proposed plant. A congressional

>investigation is opening into the U.S. EPA's decision to allow a Utah

>company to build a coal-fired power plant in what a senior congressman

>calls a " blatant " willingness to ignore the U.S. Supreme Court and a

>flagrant unwillingness to curb global warming. Salt Lake Tribune, Utah.


>Climate change battle fought in courts. Around the world, battles against

>global warming are being fought in court. While obstacles are enormous,

>plaintiffs are making headway in some cases, and the lawsuits are

>ratcheting up pressure on politicians and companies. Associated Press


>Atomic renaissance. America's nuclear industry is about to embark on its

>biggest expansion in more than a generation. This will influence energy

>policy in the rest of the world. Economist


>UK has plutonium for 17,000 bombs. The UK has built up a stockpile of 100

>tonnes of plutonium -- enough to make 17,000 nuclear bombs -- mainly comes

>from reprocessed spent uranium fuel from the country's nuclear power

>plants. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Business, environmental groups question fuel economy panel. Business and

>environmental groups have raised questions about a scientific committee

>examining updates to current fuel economy standards, citing potential

>conflicts of interest and past ties to the auto industry. Associated Press



>Environmentalists allege gov't collusion in S. Idaho phosphate mining

>pollution. A regional environmental group today is accusing the Forest

>Service and Bureau of Land Management of colluding with phosphate-mining

>companies in southern Idaho to cover up decades of serious pollution. Salt

>Lake Tribune, Utah.


>Utility accepts record EPA fine. An Eastern Kentucky utility agreed

>yesterday to pay an $11.4 million penalty -- the largest acid rain fine

>ever imposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Louisville

>Courier-Journal, Kentucky.



>State finds lead hazard in its free lunch totes. The California Department

>of Public Health said Thursday that it was recalling 300,000 green and

>blue canvas lunch coolers made in China and distributed throughout the

>state at health fairs and other events since 2004. Los Angeles Times,

>California. [Registration Required]



>Spinach recall: 5 faces. 5 agonizing deaths. 1 year later. Before last

>year's outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 was over, at least five people were

>dead, shaking the industry, regulators, and consumers by the vulnerability

>of America's system for delivering fresh produce to markets. USA Today


>Latest leafy green recalls: A step-up in inspections in sight? Two recalls

>of leafy greens in three weeks have prompted renewed concerns about the

>safety and oversight of the American food chain. Christian Science Monitor


>Watchdog under fire on additives. The Food Standards Agency has been

>accused by campaigners of " chickening out " of banning additives linked to

>hyperactivity in children. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Revolt in the Andes. Many of the world's top mining companies have made

>big investments in Peru. But in the Andean highlands that contain the

>mineral deposits, some Peruvians are turning against the mining companies,

>saying they pollute rivers vital for farmers. Economist


>Airline cabins to be tested for fumes. The cabins of commercial jets will

>be tested for toxic fumes after a government-backed report called for an

>investigation into whether pilots are being disorientated by poor quality

>air. London Guardian, England.


>Floods affect a million Africans. More than 300,000 people were driven

>from their homes in north Ghana alone by torrential rains and floods that

>have swept over East and West Africa in recent weeks, destroying homes and

>schools and washing away crops and livestock. Reuters






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At 10:13 AM 9/24/07, you wrote:

>The Great Lakes disappearing act. As all five shrink at an alarming pace,

>some people have begun to fear global warming is the culprit. Toronto

>Globe and Mail, Ontario.



>U.N. revs up over global warming. Against the backdrop of almost daily

>news of what scientists describe as signs of advancing global warming, the

>U.N. holds today what may be the largest high-level international meeting

>ever on climate change. Christian Science Monitor


>Bush to skip U.N. talks on global warming President Bush is skipping all

>the day's events but the dinner. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Enacting federal climate legislation ends up being long, hard slog. The

>new Democratic Congress began this year with a burst of activity on global

>warming and a pledge that climate legislation was coming soon. But the

>feverish push to enact a mandatory system to limit greenhouse gases now

>has become a slog. San Francisco Chronicle, California.

>http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/09/24/MNJBSB0HA.DTL & tsp=1



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At 09:27 AM 9/30/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Study suggests DDT, breast cancer link. Women heavily exposed to the

>pesticide DDT during childhood are five times as likely to develop breast

>cancer, a new scientific study suggests. Los Angeles Times, California.

>[related stories] [Registration Required]


>Bush's EPA is pursuing fewer polluters. The Environmental Protection

>Agency's pursuit of criminal cases against polluters has dropped off

>sharply during the Bush administration, with the number of prosecutions,

>new investigations and total convictions all down by more than a third.

>Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Sudden surplus arises as threat to ethanol boom. The ethanol boom of

>recent years — which spurred a frenzy of distillery construction, record

>corn prices, rising food prices and hopes of a new future for rural

>America — may be fading. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Grim fish tale: Was mercury to blame for man's illness? Little did Kayo

>Robertson know, that his favorite meal of local crappie was making him

>sick, polluting his body with toxic mercury. Salt Lake Tribune, Utah.


>Japan's Minamata Disease still lingers. Today, the tragedy known as

>Minamata Disease is only a dim memory to the rest of the world. But for

>many of the people living here, the disaster never ended. Associated Press


>Boston goes green to clean. It's a dirty business, but companies need to

>start using safer cleaning products, activists say. Boston Globe,



>Hunger lurks as African floods recede. The past few weeks have seen some

>of the worst floods in living memory across a large area of Africa. BBC,

>United Kingdom.


>Watershed week gives strong push in climate crisis. A key week in the

>chronicle of climate change has delivered a powerful kick for tackling the

>environmental crisis, even if many fundamental problems and deep-rooted

>skepticism remain. Agence France-Presse


>D.C. area outpaces nations in pollution. The Washington area produces more

>carbon dioxide than several medium-size European countries, as the

>region's crawling traffic and coal-fired power plants give it a pollution

> " footprint " out of proportion to its size. Washington Post [Registration




>Tough to unplug. Homeowners fumed and politicians fretted when electricity

>prices increased by a record amount this past summer. But did people

>unplug? Not by much. Baltimore Sun, Maryland.



>Global warming and you. When it comes to global climate change, a single

>degree means a lot. Even here in Kane County. Kane County Chronicle, Illinois.



>Georgia turns a cold shoulder to global warming. Although a growing number

>of states are taking steps to slow global warming, setting new limits on

>cars or industry leaves Georgia lawmakers cold. Macon Telegraph, Georgia.


>Asian countries look for ways to reduce emissions. As Asia becomes a

>hotbed of economic growth, the region's greenhouse gas emissions are

>becoming an eyesore for some developed nations. Bangkok Post, Thailand.


>Coal fired plants, a national Catch-22. Coal-fired power plants are the

>powerhouse of our power grid, but they're also a major source of the

>country's air pollution. Beaver County Times, Pennsylvania.

>http://www.timesonline.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=18868407 & BRD=2305 & PAG=461 & dept_\

id=478569 & rfi=6

>Human behavior, global warming, and the ubiquitous plastic bag. Once upon

>a time, the question was plastic or paper, which had its own somewhat

>uncertain calculus of virtue and waste. Now, it has begun to dawn on

>people that you don’t need either. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Consumers worried about plastic bags' impact on the environment. More and

>more consumers and communities are thinking twice about the everlasting

>life of plastic bags. Associated Press


>Food shock as 'agflation' sees prices rise. The supply of grains and meat

>is set to fall as world demand grows, grains are diverted into biofuels in

>the U.S., and drought--possibly driven by climate change--spreads.

>Melbourne Age, Australia.



>The nuclear option. If the first nuclear power plant proposal in 29 years

>doesn't flower into an industry renaissance, it probably won't be because

>of the environmentalists. It'll be because of the costs. US News & World




>Mysterious foe preys on war's wounded. A strange, drug-resistant bacterium

>was infecting troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Few had heard of it, and no

>one was sure of its origin. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration




>Where is your food really from? The kinds of labels that tell Americans

>where their shirts and toys come from are finally, after years of delay,

>expected to identify the sources of many foods. Portland Oregonian, Oregon.


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At 09:53 AM 10/1/07, you wrote:





>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>The global push for environmental justice. From South Bronx to Soweto,

>from Penang to El Paso, communities all over the world are finding

>commonality in their experiences and goals in seeking environmental

>justice. Environmental Health Perspectives


>The everyman who exposed tainted toothpaste. Eduardo Arias did something

>that would reverberate across six continents. He read the label on a

>59-cent tube of toothpaste. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Lead-paint suit may thin burden of proof. A 17-year-old Milwaukee boy who

>was poisoned by lead as a baby faces off today against the nation's

>leading makers of lead-based house paint, hoping to prove that for half a

>century they knew their product made people sick. USA Today


>Banding together to manage chemicals. At the recent Security & Prosperity

>Partnership of North America Summit, the leaders of the U.S., Canada, and

>Mexico set a new precedent: They agreed to cooperate on the management of

>chemicals. Chemical & Engineering News [subscription Required]


>Dam revives Aral Sea and nearby communities. In the former Soviet Republic

>of Kazakhstan, government and western officials reverse what is considered

>one of mankind's greatest ecological catastrophes: the drying up of the

>Aral Sea. National Public Radio


>Accused of poisoning Indonesian villagers, Rick Ness tries to prove his

>innocence. Ever since Rick Ness was accused of contaminating pristine

>Indonesian water, he's been spending a million a month to convince the

>world that he's innocent. Mother Jones


>Another disaster brews in Darfur. Lost in the struggle to bring peace to

>Darfur are the region's serious environmental woes -- deforestation, water

>shortages and overstressed land. Los Angeles Times, California.

>[Registration Required]



>Defendants see a case of diagnosing for dollars. A federal judge in Texas

>claims that over 4,000 cases of asbestosis or silicosis were driven

>neither by health nor justice, but instead manufactured for money. New

>York Times [Registration Required]

>http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/01/us/01bar.html?_r=1 & ref=us & oref=slogin

>Japan wrestles with Kyoto Accord promises. Japan promised to take a

>leading role in meeting its pledge to reduce CO2 emissions, but it

>emissions have increased -- not decreased -- since it signed the Kyoto

>treaty. National Public Radio


>In Greenland, potatoes thrive as seal hunting wanes. Perhaps nowhere else

>in the world are the effects of climate change as obvious as in Greenland,

>where warming temperatures have brought a mixed blessing. Global warming

>is a boon for farmers and fishermen but a hardship for ice-dependent

>Inuit. Christian Science Monitor


>As frost fades, berry rivalry heats. Temperatures are rising in Canada,

>and so too are the annual blueberry harvests - giving a whiff of how

>global warming could shift economic fortunes. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.



>Silent victims of the sea: rising tides threaten archaeological sites.

>Coastal erosion is threatening thousands of ancient and important

>archaeological sites around our coastline, with many already submerged.

>London Independent, England.


>Seeds of a solution: could iron dropped in the ocean combat climate

>change? It reads more like science fiction than any real solution to

>global warming: Fertilizing the sea to create plankton blooms that suck

>heat-trapping carbon dioxide out of the air. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.



>Ethanol boom is running out of gas. Ethanol's frenzied growth over the

>past year is coming to a halt--at least for now. Wall Street Journal

>[subscription Required]


> From indie rock to biodiesel. Onetime bass player Rob Del Bueno now uses

> a homemade pump to fill cars with fuel he brews himself. The scene isn't

> all that different. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]



>Clean-air rule targets existing diesel-truck fleet. A new air cleanup rule

>approved Sept. 27 promises faster replacement or retrofitting of the

>dirtiest trucks on the road: the diesel-powered big rigs that ply southern

>California's highways by the tens of thousands on their way to and from

>the Port of Los Angeles, the nation's busiest. Christian Science Monitor


>Court to hear ground zero liability case. A federal appeals court's

>reading of an obscure Cold War-era law, passed amid fears of a Soviet

>nuclear attack, will decide whether the thousands who toiled at ground

>zero can hold the city liable for their exposure to toxins. New York Sun,

>New York.


>Saving lives, saving energy. Can a hospital win customers with

>environmentally friendly practices, newly released movies and a full menu

>of meals patients can order whenever they want? Detroit Free Press, Michigan.



>More Hollywood studios say 'no smoking'. The biggest studios are usually

>like-minded when it comes to what is fit to portray on screen. But they

>have become divided in confronting one of the entertainment industry's

>touchiest issues: smoking in movies that reach the young. New York Times

>[Registration Required]


>Number of obese growing on global scale. The world is growing together.

>And that is not a welcome thing. Obesity, it turns out, is not just an

>American problem; the whole world is becoming overweight. Chicago Tribune,



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At 09:55 AM 10/2/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Coastal buyout talk roils lives in Mississippi. A proposed mass federal

>buyout of 17,000 homes near Mississippi's Katrina-ravaged shore has some

>believing it's is the beginning of a serious national debate on whether

>Americans should retreat from the coasts. Los Angeles Times, California.

>[Registration Required]



>Arctic melt unnerves the experts. The Arctic ice cap shrank so much this

>summer that waves briefly lapped along two long-imagined Arctic shipping

>routes, the Northwest Passage over Canada and the Northern Sea Route over

>Russia. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Too late to avoid warming. It is too late for Sydney to avoid a warming of

>about 1 degree by 2030 as well as a 3 per cent reduction in annual

>rainfall because of polluting gases already in the atmosphere, according

>to a new report. Sydney Morning Herald, Australia. [Registration Required]



>Japan trades in suits, cuts CO2 emissions. Two years ago, the Japanese

>government instituted a new policy that has so far trimmed more than two

>million tons of greenhouse gases from the country's growing emissions.

>National Public Radio


>Tiny Jewett pins its hopes on coal plant of the future Jewett, long home

>to traditional industries such as strip mining and steel manufacturing,

>could become the site of a $1.5 billion science experiment that might

>reshape the coal and power industries. Austin American-Statesman, Texas.

>[Registration Required]



>U.S. labs mishandling deadly germs. American laboratories handling the

>world's deadliest germs and toxins have experienced more than 100

>accidents and missing shipments since 2003, and the number is increasing

>steadily as more labs across the country are approved to do the work.

>Associated Press


>Chemicals threaten wildlife in San Francisco Bay, scientists say.

>Scientists are closely monitoring flame retardants and commonly used

>pesticides in San Francisco Bay, as rising levels of toxic chemicals

>threaten birds, fish and marine mammals, according to an annual regional

>monitoring report set for release today. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


>Utility fined over fly ash. In the biggest fine the state has levied on a

>polluter in at least seven years, Maryland slapped a $1 million penalty

>yesterday on Constellation Energy and the operator of its fly ash dump

>site in Anne Arundel County for contaminating drinking water. Baltimore

>Sun, Maryland.



>When water goes missing, who you gonna call? Utility districts in the US

>can't account for 6 billion gallons of drinking water each day. If all

>that lost water were collected over the course of a year, it would fill

>Gatun Lake, the huge reservoir that feeds the Panama Canal. Christian

>Science Monitor


>Corn farms prosper, but subsidies still flow. With subsidy payments coming

>at a time when taxpayers are already subsidizing the ethanol industry to

>the tune of $3 billion a year, the double-barreled support system for

>those who grow corn and those who turn it into fuel has begun to draw fire

>in Congress. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Nuclear dawn. Attitudes to nuclear power are shifting in response to

>climate change and fears over the security of the supply of fossil fuels.

>The technology of nuclear power has been changing, too. Economist


>Brazil births raise fresh thalidomide fears. At least three children in

>Brazil have been born with severe physical disabilities caused by

>thalidomide in the past two years, triggering fresh questions over the

>government's continued authorisation of the drug 46 years after its

>initial withdrawal. Financial Times, England.


>Poisonous wasteland. On the south-eastern flank of the country's first

>World Heritage Site lies a wasteland so poisonous that the state

>government has avoided speaking about until recently. Petaling Jaya Star,


>http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2007/10/2/lifefocus/18911210 & se\


>Remote waters offer no refuge from plastic trash. It's difficult to find a

>place more remote than Midway Atoll, a cluster of islands in the middle of

>the Pacific. But many tons of plastic make their way here every year, and

>they put in peril the islands' exotic and endangered animals. National

>Public Radio


>Scientists are making Brazil's savannah bloom. Embrapa, Brazil's

>agricultural and livestock research agency, has become a world research

>leader in tropical agriculture and is moving aggressively into areas like

>biotechnology, bio-energy, and carbon sequestration. New York Times

>[Registration Required]


>Fair trade in bloom. Importers and retailers are rushing to meet a growing

>demand from consumers and activists to adhere to stricter environmental

>and social standards. New York Times [Registration Required]


>Borrowing from nature. Architects believe that biologically inspired

>designs can help to reduce the environmental impact of buildings, and are

>copying functional systems found in nature to provide cooling, generate

>energy and even to desalinate water. Economist


>Plants that can kill other plants studied as alternatives for pesticides.

>It's long been known that some plants are biologically capable of

>eliminating other plants. Associated Press



>Technology seen as key to upgrading food safety. A consensus is building

>among government and food industry officials that the fix for the

>country's import safety system is likely to require better-targeted

>inspections, though not necessarily more of them. Washington Post

>[Registration Required]



>High Court declines to hear tobacco industry's appeal. The tobacco

>industry lost the chance to get the remnants of a Florida class-action

>lawsuit thrown out, as the Supreme Court declined the industry's appeal

>over what is left of a $145 billion verdict rejected on appeal in Florida.

>Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]




Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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At 09:31 AM 10/8/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>New Research:


>New research confirms that estrogenic contaminants can seep into sediment

>after being carried by sewage into rivers. Standard water treatment

>doesn't remove them from waste water effluent, so they pass from treatment

>plants into rivers. Once in river waters, they move into river sediments

>and thus potentially reach groundwater, contaminating sources of drinking

>water. More...



>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Dangerous sealer stayed on shelves after recall. Even after 80 people had

>been sickened from exposure to a grout sealer -- two fatally -- and the

>threat well-documented, the manufacturer, retailer and the Consumer

>Product Safety Commission failed to remove it from the shelves. New York

>Times [Registration Required]


>Disposal a murky issue in recall of lead-tainted items. No one is exactly

>sure what has happened to the millions of products recalled recently

>because they contain hazardous levels of lead or lead paint. That worries

>some consumer activists, environmentalists and others who caution about

>weak oversight of the disposal process. Los Angeles Times, California.

>[Registration Required]


>Gas drilling plan near nuclear site raises worries. A natural gas boom in

>the Rocky Mountain West has drilling rigs popping up in unlikely places.

>National Public Radio


>Smog traps California community. This small farming community at the

>southern end of the San Joaquin Valley has a distinction that often brings

>tears to the eyes of its residents. It is the smoggiest place in the

>United States. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Reopening of El Paso copper smelter worries some. Supporters argue that

>good-paying jobs justify reopening an old copper smelter on the fringes of

>downtown El Paso. Opponents counter that such a move would foul the air

>with some 15 million pounds of pollutants per year. San Antonio

>Express-News, Texas.



>Governor keeps them guessing. Environmentalists and industry officials are

>holding their breath, waiting for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to act on

>environmental bills that would do everything from require green building

>standards to ban controversial chemicals in children's toys. San Jose

>Mercury News, California.



>Manipulating the climate message. President Bush's change of the title of

>his recent international climate gathering from the " big emitters "

>conference to the " major economies " conference reveals the exquisite

>sensitivity of global climate politics. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Ice melt raises passage tension. In another sign of potential friction in

>the warming Arctic, Canada has warned that it will step up patrols of the

>North West Passage. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Cruise-ship pollution initiative actually contributes to problem. A

>$1.5-million pilot project aimed at reducing air pollution from cruise

>ships - announced with great fanfare in Vancouver this spring - is

>actually contributing to increased greenhouse gases. Vancouver Province,

>British Columbia.



>The Ivorian town sinking under waves. The historic old colonial town of

>Grand Lahou, one of the first points of contact between Africans and the

>French in what is now Ivory Coast, is in danger of being swallowed up by

>the sea. BBC, United Kingdom.


>Back to nature: £12m plan to let sea flood reclaimed land and recreate

>lost habitats in UK. Conservation experts are to reverse five centuries of

>British history and deliberately allow rising sea levels to flood a huge

>stretch of reclaimed Essex coastline. London Guardian, England.


>Can West Texas algae curb oil dependence? A West Texas laboratory is

>exploring ways algae can be used to reduce the world's dependence on oil.

>Houston Chronicle, Texas.


>Nuclear power primed for comeback. With natural gas prices volatile and

>people anxious about climate change, the nuclear power industry is touting

>its technology as a way to meet the nation's growing energy needs without

>emitting more greenhouse gases. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Siberian boom threatens traditions. Russia is forging ahead with ambitious

>energy projects in eastern Siberia, but the indigenous Evenk people are

>complaining that their age-old way of life is in danger. BBC, United Kingdom.


>China reels after Typhoon Krosa. Some five million people have been

>affected by a powerful storm that hit China's south-east coast, destroying

>houses and causing widespread flooding. BBC, United Kingdom.


>1,250 Israelis die each year from pollution-related cancer. Environmental

>pollution causes death by cancer of 1,250 Israelis every year, according

>to the draft of a Health Ministry Report released yesterday. Haaretz, Israel.


>Forests in peril. The pressure of development, the exploding deer

>population, the proliferation of invasive plants and insects, and climate

>change on the region’s native species is threatening the woodlands of New

>York, New Jersey and Connecticut. New York Times [Registration Required]


yregionspecial2 & pagewanted=all

>Release of reservoir water puts drought to the test. In an extraordinary

>measure aimed at determining whether the DC region truly is in a drought,

>the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a torrent of water from a dam in

>far Western Maryland to test how long it will take the water to reach this

>region. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Shades of Green: An 'ecoburial' ending. More are choosing to be buried

>simply -- without elaborate caskets or preparations -- to lessen their

>final impact on the environment. Sacramento Bee, California.


>More news from today



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links to top stories in the news about environmental



and UN panel win peace prize. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded

today to Al Gore, the former American vice president, and to the United

Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for their work to

alert the world to the threat of climate change.


York Times


stories] [Registration Required]



Gorges Dam could be environmental disaster. China plans to

relocate 4m people from the hillsides around the Three Gorges Dam, the

world's largest, in the face of increasingly panicked reports about the

dam's impact.


Daily Telegraph, England.



pouring into nation's waters far beyond legal limits. More than

half of all industrial and municipal facilities across the country dumped

more sewage and other pollutants into the nation's waterways than allowed

under the Clean Water Act, according to a report released Thursday by an

environmental group.


Francisco Chronicle, California.





seeks to ease rules for lake polluter. Indiana is moving to

scrap, relax or omit limits on toxic chemicals and heavy metals dumped

into a Lake Michigan tributary by the sprawling U.S. Steel Corp. mill in



Tribune, Illinois.


ceAt 09:57 AM 10/12/07, you wrote:

Daily links to top stories in the

news about environmental health.

Gore and UN panel win peace prize. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded

today to Al Gore, the former American vice president, and to the United

Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for their work to

alert the world to the threat of climate change. New York Times [related

stories] [Registration Required]


Three Gorges Dam could be environmental disaster. China plans to relocate

4m people from the hillsides around the Three Gorges Dam, the world's

largest, in the face of increasingly panicked reports about the dam's

impact. London Daily Telegraph, England.


Pollution pouring into nation's waters far beyond legal limits. More than

half of all industrial and municipal facilities across the country dumped

more sewage and other pollutants into the nation's waterways than allowed

under the Clean Water Act, according to a report released Thursday by an

environmental group. San Francisco Chronicle, California. [related



Indiana seeks to ease rules for lake polluter. Indiana is moving to

scrap, relax or omit limits on toxic chemicals and heavy metals dumped

into a Lake Michigan tributary by the sprawling U.S. Steel Corp. mill in

Gary. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.





Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky








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  • 3 weeks later...

Above the fold.

News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org


Don't miss the link to

today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Parents raising concerns over synthetic turf. Last school year, a parent noticed something worrisome after her son would play on a synthetic turf field. He would come home with tiny tire particles in his cleats, clothes and hair. Scientists and parents are now raising health concerns. New York Times [Registration Required]


Time for city to get the lead out. On average, 20% of Galveston children tests have lead poisoning. This is 6 times higher than the state average. Galveston County Daily News, Texas. [related story]


New York wants federal help in curbing mercury pollution. Gov. Eliot Spitzer and governors of the six New England states are expected to call on the federal government as early as next week to take steps to reduce mercury emissions from Midwest states that prevailing winds carry into New York. Gannett News Service


Germ-fighting clothes are Purell for the fashionista. Don't bother packing your purse with Vitamin C or nasty nasal sprays this season. Instead, fight the flu with fashion. Nanoparticles are being added to clothing. New York Daily News, New York.


The trail of a buttery flavor: sick workers, lawsuits. Diacetyl, a chemical that gives foods a buttery taste, has been linked to a rare, irreversible lung disease. The result has been a public health debate that has stretched from Congress to courtrooms across the nation, leading to tens of millions of dollars in judgments. Associated Press

http://www.ohio.com/news/ap?articleID=173806 & c=y

Study finished on rare disease linked to nearby waste dump. This week, the government will report on a possible cluster of polycythemia vera, or PCV, a rare blood disease that has sickened dozens of people, at an abandoned mine in Pennsylvania. Associated Press


Great Lakes key front in water wars. While the West burns and the Southeast bakes, there is little to suggest a large-scale, climatological catastrophe playing out any time soon in the Midwest. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


Drought and development threaten the source of life for our cities. As beautiful and abundant as North Carolina's Catawba River is, it could one day run so low and so dirty, you could turn on your faucet and nothing would come out. Charlotte Observer, North Carolina.


The drought-stricken south. The same kind of tinder-dry conditions that exacerbated the wildfires in California are creating an emergency in America’s southeast states - but unlike California it's a disaster in slow motion. Living On Earth


Water levels fall; drought fears on rise. It's not as bad as Malibu, Calif., Atlanta, or the Great Lakes, but Massachusetts is suffering from drought. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.


Warming revives flora and fauna in Greenland. A strange thing is happening at the edge of Poul Bjerge’s forest. Planted in 1893, they are having a second youth. New York Times [Registration Required]


California fires can't be compared to Katrina, officials say. The number of homes destroyed or still threatened in California is about 10 percent of the roughly 200,000 left uninhabitable by Katrina and the often overlooked Hurricane Rita, which struck three weeks later. New Orleans Times-Picayune, Louisiana.


Rethinking fire policy in the tinderbox zone. As Californians sift through the cinders of this week’s deadly wildfires, there is a growing consensus that the state’s war against such disasters--as it is currently being fought--cannot be won. New York Times [Registration Required]


Amid glut, producers look to tap Southeast gas pumps. Struggling ethanol producers could soon have a vast new market to reduce a developing glut of the fuel: the fast-growing Southeast. Des Moines Register, Iowa.


Renaissance for nuclear plants may be nearing. The nation's tolerance for atomic power is about to be tested by an industry intent on welcoming a new wave of nuclear plants and drowning memories of accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Topeka Capital-Journal, Kansas.


GM: The secret files. Ministers are secretly easing the way for GM crops in Britain, while professing to be impartial on the technology, startling internal documents reveal. London Independent, England.


Old system strained by growth. The development of subdivisions and businesses, many in areas that were once cornfields, has increased the load on a sewage system already served by two treatment plants. Evansville Courier & Press, Indiana.


Official: organic really is better. The biggest study into organic food has found that it is more nutritious than ordinary produce and may help to lengthen people's lives. London Times, England.


Greens bag huge mainstream ally. Paper or plastic? Increasingly, retailers are hoping consumers answer the perennial, and politically loaded, checkout question with " none of the above. " And now... Wal-Mart. Galveston County Daily News, Texas.


A (sometimes) deadly scourge. The government's estimate that nearly 19,000 people in the U.S. died in a single year after being infected with the virulent superbug known as MRSA created a stir. Lost in the frenzy were a few fundamental truths reinforced by new research. New York Times [Registration Required]


More news from today

s.eAt 09:11 AM 10/28/07, you wrote:

Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

Don't miss the link to

today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Parents raising concerns over synthetic turf. Last school year, a parent noticed something worrisome after her son would play on a synthetic turf field. He would come home with tiny tire particles in his cleats, clothes and hair. Scientists and parents are now raising health concerns. New York Times [Registration Required]


Time for city to get the lead out. On average, 20% of Galveston children tests have lead poisoning. This is 6 times higher than the state average. Galveston County Daily News, Texas. [related story]


New York wants federal help in curbing mercury pollution. Gov. Eliot Spitzer and governors of the six New England states are expected to call on the federal government as early as next week to take steps to reduce mercury emissions from Midwest states that prevailing winds carry into New York. Gannett News Service


Germ-fighting clothes are Purell for the fashionista. Don't bother packing your purse with Vitamin C or nasty nasal sprays this season. Instead, fight the flu with fashion. Nanoparticles are being added to clothing. New York Daily News, New York.


The trail of a buttery flavor: sick workers, lawsuits. Diacetyl, a chemical that gives foods a buttery taste, has been linked to a rare, irreversible lung disease. The result has been a public health debate that has stretched from Congress to courtrooms across the nation, leading to tens of millions of dollars in judgments. Associated Press

http://www.ohio.com/news/ap?articleID=173806 & c=y

Study finished on rare disease linked to nearby waste dump. This week, the government will report on a possible cluster of polycythemia vera, or PCV, a rare blood disease that has sickened dozens of people, at an abandoned mine in Pennsylvania. Associated Press


Great Lakes key front in water wars. While the West burns and the Southeast bakes, there is little to suggest a large-scale, climatological catastrophe playing out any time soon in the Midwest. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


Drought and development threaten the source of life for our cities. As beautiful and abundant as North Carolina's Catawba River is, it could one day run so low and so dirty, you could turn on your faucet and nothing would come out. Charlotte Observer, North Carolina.


The drought-stricken south. The same kind of tinder-dry conditions that exacerbated the wildfires in California are creating an emergency in America’s southeast states - but unlike California it's a disaster in slow motion. Living On Earth


Water levels fall; drought fears on rise. It's not as bad as Malibu, Calif., Atlanta, or the Great Lakes, but Massachusetts is suffering from drought. Boston Globe, Massachusetts.


Warming revives flora and fauna in Greenland. A strange thing is happening at the edge of Poul Bjerge’s forest. Planted in 1893, they are having a second youth. New York Times [Registration Required]


California fires can't be compared to Katrina, officials say. The number of homes destroyed or still threatened in California is about 10 percent of the roughly 200,000 left uninhabitable by Katrina and the often overlooked Hurricane Rita, which struck three weeks later. New Orleans Times-Picayune, Louisiana.


Rethinking fire policy in the tinderbox zone. As Californians sift through the cinders of this week’s deadly wildfires, there is a growing consensus that the state’s war against such disasters--as it is currently being fought--cannot be won. New York Times [Registration Required]


Amid glut, producers look to tap Southeast gas pumps. Struggling ethanol producers could soon have a vast new market to reduce a developing glut of the fuel: the fast-growing Southeast. Des Moines Register, Iowa.


Renaissance for nuclear plants may be nearing. The nation's tolerance for atomic power is about to be tested by an industry intent on welcoming a new wave of nuclear plants and drowning memories of accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Topeka Capital-Journal, Kansas.


GM: The secret files. Ministers are secretly easing the way for GM crops in Britain, while professing to be impartial on the technology, startling internal documents reveal. London Independent, England.


Old system strained by growth. The development of subdivisions and businesses, many in areas that were once cornfields, has increased the load on a sewage system already served by two treatment plants. Evansville Courier & Press, Indiana.


Official: organic really is better. The biggest study into organic food has found that it is more nutritious than ordinary produce and may help to lengthen people's lives. London Times, England.


Greens bag huge mainstream ally. Paper or plastic? Increasingly, retailers are hoping consumers answer the perennial, and politically loaded, checkout question with " none of the above. " And now... Wal-Mart. Galveston County Daily News, Texas.


A (sometimes) deadly scourge. The government's estimate that nearly 19,000 people in the U.S. died in a single year after being infected with the virulent superbug known as MRSA created a stir. Lost in the frenzy were a few fundamental truths reinforced by new research. New York Times [Registration Required]


More news from today



Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky








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Above the fold.

News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org


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today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Toxic legacy: Fishing with caution. Despite decades of government attempts to regulate it, ban it and erase it from household use, the poisonous metal mercury remains a threat to the environment and public health, especially to children and to women of childbearing age. USA Today [related stories]


Opposition takes on coal plants. Many environmentalists are fighting the nationwide wave of proposed coal plants because, they say, a few new plants would emit enough carbon dioxide to quickly negate serious efforts to reduce the emissions blamed for global warming. USA Today [related stories]


Mercury emitters rush to meet new U.S. rules. From Pennsylvania to Texas, power plants--and other industries that release mercury into the air--are trying to clean up their smokestacks as new federal and state emissions regulations loom. USA Today [related stories]


Recycler is accused of polluting. A company that won City of Chicago contracts and was told it would receive state grants to recycle fluorescent light bulbs instead left thousands of the mercury-laden lamps inside a Riverdale warehouse. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


Mercury health threat remains. Power plants and other industrial sites pumped more than 1,000 pounds of mercury into the area's atmosphere in 2005, records from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show. Cincinnati Enquirer, Ohio.


Consumer Reports finds lead in unrecalled toys. A leading consumer magazine's four-month investigation into lead-tainted children's products and toys has uncovered items that aren't on any federal recall list and is raising questions about wider lead contamination of products marketed toward kids. White Plains Journal News, New York. [related story]


Asbestos shame. Yesterday's miracle mineral, asbestos is now so well understood to be dangerous that Canadians run from it. Yet the federal and Quebec governments still promote it aggressively to the developing world. Toronto Globe and Mail, Ontario.


Seeing the light of day. As daylight saving time comes to an end, science is finding that our manhandling of light and time is making us sick. The World Health Organization will classify shift work as a " probable carcinogen " --the same category as toxic chemicals like PCBs. Washington Post [Registration Required]


All about: waste heat. The U.S. residential sector is the largest single consumer of energy on Earth, with American homes spewing out 25 percent of global home-related greenhouse gas emissions. A staggering amount of that energy is wasted. CNN


Food & climate: A complicated but optimistic view. For the last 20 years, Cynthia Rosenzweig has been trying to answer a very big and very complicated question: How will Earth's warming climate affect humanity's ability to feed itself? National Public Radio


Scientists study the impact of water on climate. The most important greenhouse gas isn't carbon dioxide or methane. It's water. And scientists are still trying to understand its role in global warming. National Public Radio


Malaria moves in behind the loggers. Deforestation and climate change are returning the mosquito-borne disease to parts of Peru after 40 years. London Guardian, England.


Seattle reports milestone in cutting emissions. Seattle is one of the first major U.S. cities to claim it has cut greenhouse-gas emissions enough to meet the targets of the international Kyoto treaty aimed at combating global warming. Seattle Times, Washington.


Seattle cuts pollution -- is it enough? As cities move beyond the easy step of pledging to cut greenhouse gases, they quickly confront a basic question: How do we know what we're doing is working? Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Washington.


Mud, sweat and tears. The vast tar sands of Alberta in Canada hold oil reserves six times the size of Saudi Arabia's. But this 'black gold' is proving a mixed blessing for the frontier town of Fort McMurray, fuelling both prosperity and misery. London Guardian, England.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007/oct/30/energy.oilandpetrol?gusrc=rss & feed=networkfront

No real alternative to oil: Rise in demand seems unavoidable. Interest in alternative, sustainable energy sources has never been stronger. Yet, despite accelerating investment, the output capacity of these energy forms remains barely more than embryonic. International Herald Tribune


Panel urges Bush to drop nuke waste plan. A panel of the National Academy of Sciences urged President Bush on Monday to abandon an ambitious plan to resume nuclear waste reprocessing that is the heart of the administration's push to expand the civilian use of nuclear power. Associated Press


Bigger budget? No, responds safety agency. The nation’s top official for consumer product safety has asked Congress to reject legislation intended to strengthen the agency, which polices thousands of consumer goods. New York Times [Registration Required]


Iraqi dam seen in danger of deadly collapse. The largest dam in Iraq is in serious danger of an imminent collapse that could unleash a trillion-gallon wave of water, possibly killing thousands of people and flooding two of the largest cities in the country. Washington Post [Registration Required]


New U.S. tack to defend power grid. For nearly five years, the US government has struggled to guard the nation's electric grid, drinking water, and other critical infrastructure from cyber­attack. Christian Science Monitor


Supreme Court to review damages in Valdez oil spill, The justices will consider the case on grounds that are narrow but of great importance: whether maritime law allows for the imposition of punitive damages, an issue on which lower federal courts are divided. New York Times [Registration Required]


Germ fighters may lead to hardier germs. The temptation to blanket our families with antibacterial protection has been fueled by scary news reports about a deadly bacteria called CA-MRSA. But many cleaners contain ingredients that could make the problem worse. New York Times [Registration Required]


Feds want to survey, possibly clean up vast garbage pit in Pacific. The so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a stewy body of plastic and marine debris that floats west of San Francisco, is far too large, delicate and remote to ever be cleaned up. But that might not stop the federal government from trying. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


More news from today

At 09:30 AM 10/30/07, you wrote:


Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

Don't miss the link to

today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Toxic legacy: Fishing with caution. Despite decades of government attempts to regulate it, ban it and erase it from household use, the poisonous metal mercury remains a threat to the environment and public health, especially to children and to women of childbearing age. USA Today [related stories]


Opposition takes on coal plants. Many environmentalists are fighting the nationwide wave of proposed coal plants because, they say, a few new plants would emit enough carbon dioxide to quickly negate serious efforts to reduce the emissions blamed for global warming. USA Today [related stories]


Mercury emitters rush to meet new U.S. rules. From Pennsylvania to Texas, power plants--and other industries that release mercury into the air--are trying to clean up their smokestacks as new federal and state emissions regulations loom. USA Today [related stories]


Recycler is accused of polluting. A company that won City of Chicago contracts and was told it would receive state grants to recycle fluorescent light bulbs instead left thousands of the mercury-laden lamps inside a Riverdale warehouse. Chicago Tribune, Illinois.


Mercury health threat remains. Power plants and other industrial sites pumped more than 1,000 pounds of mercury into the area's atmosphere in 2005, records from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show. Cincinnati Enquirer, Ohio.


Consumer Reports finds lead in unrecalled toys. A leading consumer magazine's four-month investigation into lead-tainted children's products and toys has uncovered items that aren't on any federal recall list and is raising questions about wider lead contamination of products marketed toward kids. White Plains Journal News, New York. [related story]


Asbestos shame. Yesterday's miracle mineral, asbestos is now so well understood to be dangerous that Canadians run from it. Yet the federal and Quebec governments still promote it aggressively to the developing world. Toronto Globe and Mail, Ontario.


Seeing the light of day. As daylight saving time comes to an end, science is finding that our manhandling of light and time is making us sick. The World Health Organization will classify shift work as a " probable carcinogen " --the same category as toxic chemicals like PCBs. Washington Post [Registration Required]


All about: waste heat. The U.S. residential sector is the largest single consumer of energy on Earth, with American homes spewing out 25 percent of global home-related greenhouse gas emissions. A staggering amount of that energy is wasted. CNN


Food & climate: A complicated but optimistic view. For the last 20 years, Cynthia Rosenzweig has been trying to answer a very big and very complicated question: How will Earth's warming climate affect humanity's ability to feed itself? National Public Radio


Scientists study the impact of water on climate. The most important greenhouse gas isn't carbon dioxide or methane. It's water. And scientists are still trying to understand its role in global warming. National Public Radio


Malaria moves in behind the loggers. Deforestation and climate change are returning the mosquito-borne disease to parts of Peru after 40 years. London Guardian, England.


Seattle reports milestone in cutting emissions. Seattle is one of the first major U.S. cities to claim it has cut greenhouse-gas emissions enough to meet the targets of the international Kyoto treaty aimed at combating global warming. Seattle Times, Washington.


Seattle cuts pollution -- is it enough? As cities move beyond the easy step of pledging to cut greenhouse gases, they quickly confront a basic question: How do we know what we're doing is working? Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Washington.


Mud, sweat and tears. The vast tar sands of Alberta in Canada hold oil reserves six times the size of Saudi Arabia's. But this 'black gold' is proving a mixed blessing for the frontier town of Fort McMurray, fuelling both prosperity and misery. London Guardian, England.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007/oct/30/energy.oilandpetrol?gusrc=rss & feed=networkfront

No real alternative to oil: Rise in demand seems unavoidable. Interest in alternative, sustainable energy sources has never been stronger. Yet, despite accelerating investment, the output capacity of these energy forms remains barely more than embryonic. International Herald Tribune


Panel urges Bush to drop nuke waste plan. A panel of the National Academy of Sciences urged President Bush on Monday to abandon an ambitious plan to resume nuclear waste reprocessing that is the heart of the administration's push to expand the civilian use of nuclear power. Associated Press


Bigger budget? No, responds safety agency. The nation’s top official for consumer product safety has asked Congress to reject legislation intended to strengthen the agency, which polices thousands of consumer goods. New York Times [Registration Required]


Iraqi dam seen in danger of deadly collapse. The largest dam in Iraq is in serious danger of an imminent collapse that could unleash a trillion-gallon wave of water, possibly killing thousands of people and flooding two of the largest cities in the country. Washington Post [Registration Required]


New U.S. tack to defend power grid. For nearly five years, the US government has struggled to guard the nation's electric grid, drinking water, and other critical infrastructure from cyber­attack. Christian Science Monitor


Supreme Court to review damages in Valdez oil spill, The justices will consider the case on grounds that are narrow but of great importance: whether maritime law allows for the imposition of punitive damages, an issue on which lower federal courts are divided. New York Times [Registration Required]


Germ fighters may lead to hardier germs. The temptation to blanket our families with antibacterial protection has been fueled by scary news reports about a deadly bacteria called CA-MRSA. But many cleaners contain ingredients that could make the problem worse. New York Times [Registration Required]


Feds want to survey, possibly clean up vast garbage pit in Pacific. The so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a stewy body of plastic and marine debris that floats west of San Francisco, is far too large, delicate and remote to ever be cleaned up. But that might not stop the federal government from trying. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


More news from today




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Above the fold.

News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org


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today's good news

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Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Toxic legacy: can a plastic 'alter human cells'? Rodent studies of bisphenol A, used in polycarbonate bottles, food cans and other products, have linked the synthetic estrogen to a host of cancers, early-onset puberty, obesity and type-II diabetes. USA Today [related stories]


'Endocrine disruptor' won't be on label. Though scientists, environmentalists and manufacturers probably will debate the dangers of chemicals in popular products for years to come, many consumers wonder what they can do today to make " greener " choices at the store. USA Today [related stories]


Chemical used in household plastics sparks concerns. The chemical bisphenol A, known as BPA, is used to make many common plastic products used in U.S. homes, including baby bottles. Scientists and expert panels have been tasked with determining whether BPA has adverse effects on human health. PBS NewsHour [related stories]


Senate panel approves beefing up safety agency. Over the objections of the Bush administration, a Senate committee unanimously adopted sweeping legislation on Tuesday that would extend the authority of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and sharply increase its budget and staff. New York Times [Registration Required]


Pelosi wants CPSC Head's resignation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for the resignation of the head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission following the recall of millions of Chinese-made toys. Associated Press


Chinese chemicals flow unchecked to market. Pharmaceutical ingredients exported from China are often made by chemical companies that are neither certified nor inspected by Chinese drug regulators -- and some companies accused of selling counterfeit drugs are owned by the government itself. New York Times [Registration Required]


Wait, don’t eat that: candy scandal stuns Japan. The scandals involving the freshness of products by three nationally known confectioners have resonated beyond the marketplace in a way that chicken or beef does not. New York Times [Registration Required]

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/31/world/asia/31japan.html?ref=world & pagewanted=all

Changing climate haunting tourism. It is often said that farmers are on the front lines dealing with global warming, their livelihoods being extraordinarily dependent on the weather. But tour operators and resort owners are not far behind. International Herald Tribune


Many cities find Kyoto promises hard to keep. As Seattle city leaders congratulate themselves this week for shrinking the city's contribution to climate change, their peers in Vancouver, Wash., have a much more basic challenge: figuring out how much greenhouse gas their city makes. Seattle Times, Washington.


Lake Superior called 'early victim of climate change'. The largest lake in the world is showing itself to be an extremely sensitive indicator of global warming, said scientists in Duluth, adding that the time to change is now. Minneapolis Star Tribune, Minnesota.


Water feud catches Bush in a bind. Presidents like to deliver good news in times of disaster. Yet three governors heading to Washington to lobby for water rights amid a potentially catastrophic drought are likely to put the Bush administration on the spot. Associated Press


Oil shale may finally have its moment. Vinegar is the energy industry's leading expert on the complex petroscience of transforming solid oil shale into synthetic crude - a liquid fuel that can be refined into diesel and gasoline. Fortune


White House adviser linked to cuts in climate-change report. The chief science adviser to President George W. Bush came under fire last week for his role in watering down congressional testimony on the health effects of global warming. Nature


Green roofs start to sprout on urban homes. Green roofs have taken root on numerous commercial buildings across the country, but now people are exploring the possibility of planting

mmeAt 08:22 AM 10/31/07, you wrote:


Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

Don't miss the link to

today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Toxic legacy: can a plastic 'alter human cells'? Rodent studies of bisphenol A, used in polycarbonate bottles, food cans and other products, have linked the synthetic estrogen to a host of cancers, early-onset puberty, obesity and type-II diabetes. USA Today [related stories]


'Endocrine disruptor' won't be on label. Though scientists, environmentalists and manufacturers probably will debate the dangers of chemicals in popular products for years to come, many consumers wonder what they can do today to make " greener " choices at the store. USA Today [related stories]


Chemical used in household plastics sparks concerns. The chemical bisphenol A, known as BPA, is used to make many common plastic products used in U.S. homes, including baby bottles. Scientists and expert panels have been tasked with determining whether BPA has adverse effects on human health. PBS NewsHour [related stories]


Senate panel approves beefing up safety agency. Over the objections of the Bush administration, a Senate committee unanimously adopted sweeping legislation on Tuesday that would extend the authority of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and sharply increase its budget and staff. New York Times [Registration Required]


Pelosi wants CPSC Head's resignation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for the resignation of the head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission following the recall of millions of Chinese-made toys. Associated Press


Chinese chemicals flow unchecked to market. Pharmaceutical ingredients exported from China are often made by chemical companies that are neither certified nor inspected by Chinese drug regulators -- and some companies accused of selling counterfeit drugs are owned by the government itself. New York Times [Registration Required]


Wait, don’t eat that: candy scandal stuns Japan. The scandals involving the freshness of products by three nationally known confectioners have resonated beyond the marketplace in a way that chicken or beef does not. New York Times [Registration Required]

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/31/world/asia/31japan.html?ref=world & pagewanted=all

Changing climate haunting tourism. It is often said that farmers are on the front lines dealing with global warming, their livelihoods being extraordinarily dependent on the weather. But tour operators and resort owners are not far behind. International Herald Tribune


Many cities find Kyoto promises hard to keep. As Seattle city leaders congratulate themselves this week for shrinking the city's contribution to climate change, their peers in Vancouver, Wash., have a much more basic challenge: figuring out how much greenhouse gas their city makes. Seattle Times, Washington.


Lake Superior called 'early victim of climate change'. The largest lake in the world is showing itself to be an extremely sensitive indicator of global warming, said scientists in Duluth, adding that the time to change is now. Minneapolis Star Tribune, Minnesota.


Water feud catches Bush in a bind. Presidents like to deliver good news in times of disaster. Yet three governors heading to Washington to lobby for water rights amid a potentially catastrophic drought are likely to put the Bush administration on the spot. Associated Press


Oil shale may finally have its moment. Vinegar is the energy industry's leading expert on the complex petroscience of transforming solid oil shale into synthetic crude - a liquid fuel that can be refined into diesel and gasoline. Fortune


White House adviser linked to cuts in climate-change report. The chief science adviser to President George W. Bush came under fire last week for his role in watering down congressional testimony on the health effects of global warming. Nature


Green roofs start to sprout on urban homes. Green roofs have taken root on numerous commercial buildings across the country, but now people are exploring the possibility of planting




Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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At 09:18 AM 11/3/07, you wrote:


>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>Don't miss the link to

>today's good news

>Read today's editorials

>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>Global food crisis looms as climate change and fuel shortages bite.

>Soaring prices for basic foods are beginning to lead to political

>instability, with governments being forced to step in to artificially

>control the cost of bread, maize, rice and dairy products. London

>Guardian, England.


>Climate fears paint bleak future. A new report warns of skyrocketing rates

>of depression in rural communities if, as predicted, climate change

>triggers ever more extreme events, from drought to fire to flood. Sydney

>Australian, Australia.


>Floodwaters devastate Mexico's Tabasco state. Massive flooding from a week

>of rain has forced hundreds of thousands of people to abandon their homes

>and seek shelter from muddy waters that Friday covered an estimated 80% of

>the Gulf state of Tabasco in southeastern Mexico. Los Angeles Times,

>California. [Registration Required]



>Lake Huron water levels spell deep trouble. The lake has dropped a metre

>in last decade and theories abound about the cause. Toronto Star, Ontario.


>Carbon capture and storage: blue-sky technology or just blowing smoke?

>With mounting evidence of climate change--and predictions that fossil

>fuels could supply 80% of global energy needs indefinitely--the spotlight

>on CCS is shining brightly. Environmental Health Perspectives


>Of two minds: Groups square off on carbon mitigation A 500-megawatt power

>plant near Los Angeles became a rallying point for environmental justice

>groups' opposition to a state bill on standards for carbon capture.

>Environmental Health Perspectives


>Hurricanes, global warming driving insurers from coastal states.

>Homeowners and businesses are finding it harder to afford, or even obtain,

>insurance in coastal states after catastrophes like Hurricane Katrina, and

>global warming is going to make the situation even worse. Associated Press



>Rising acid levels in oceans threaten shellfish. Rising acidity levels in

>the ocean, due mainly to increased levels of carbon dioxide from fossil

>fuels, could pose a major threat to New Jersey's shellfish industry by the

>end of the century. Atlantic City Press, New Jersey.



>'Clean coal' stalled, for now. Until recently, " clean coal " power plants

>like the 600-megawatt Mesaba Energy Project had seemed like the energy

>industry's perfect retort to Al Gore: a plant on the Iron Range that could

>produce reliable power using abundant coal and yet not muck up the

>environment. St. Paul Pioneer Press, Minnesota.


>Cutting car emissions saves lives: T.O. report. Soaring pollution linked

>to cancer and asthma and costs city billions, medical officer finds.

>Toronto Star, Ontario.


>The lethal legacy of lead. New studies link the reduction of lead in the

>environment to a drop in crime rates in nine nations some two decades

>later. The findings may help explain why some inner city residents have

>disproportionately high crime rates. Living On Earth

>http://www.loe.org/shows/segments.htm?programID=07-P13-00044 & segmentID=2

>DHS relaxes chemical plant storage rules. The Department of Homeland

>Security yesterday eased rules requiring tens of thousands of U.S.

>chemical plants to protect their stockpiles from terrorists, pleasing

>chemical industry lobbyists but disappointing environmentalists and some

>Democratic lawmakers. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>Plastic incineration rise draws ire. Environmentalists are against a

>decision by Tokyo authorities to incinerate large volumes of plastic with

>other waste and using the heat to generate electricity. Japan Times, Japan.


>Perry donors might be hazardous to health. Despite his dream to accelerate

>cures for cancer, Gov. Rick Perry accepted more than $1 million in the

>last two years from company officials and lobby groups connected to

>substances that increase the risk of cancer. Dallas Morning News, Texas.



>Smithsonian questions $5 million in oil money. The Smithsonian Institution

>has taken the rare step of putting on hold a $5 million donation from the

>American Petroleum Institute. Washington Post [Registration Required]



>More news from today



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Above the fold.

News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org


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today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Ban on asbestos diluted, say its backers. Just a month after Senate passed first legislation to ban disease-causing asbestos, public health officials, government regulators and advocates for asbestos victims are now opposing the bill they once supported. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Washington.


Jury finds Dole Food liable for farmworker ailments. Dole Food Co. concealed from poor Central American farmworkers the danger of sterilization posed by a pesticide used in the Nicaragua banana fields, a Los Angeles jury decided this morning. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


Exhaustive test reveals mercury levels in Bay Area fish sport fish. The most exhaustive study to date on mercury contamination in Northern California sport fish has found that some of the most popular species, including striped bass and carp, have the highest concentrations of the potent neurotoxin. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


CPSC's ethics-review process for travel criticized by experts. Top officials at the Consumer Product Safety Commission repeatedly took costly trips at industry expense after internal reviews that ethics experts say were weak and superficial. Washington Post [Registration Required]


White House to offer own plan on product safety. The Bush administration will propose a significant expansion of the authority of the federal drug and consumer product safety agencies to inspect and certify imports, administration officials said. New York Times [Registration Required]


Target will reduce PVC use. Amid pressure from consumer, health and environmental groups, Target Corp. said it is reducing its use of the plastic polyvinyl chloride. Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]


Climate is a risky issue for Democrats. While Democrats are working to outdo each other on climate change , GOP presidential candidates remain more skeptical, to say the least. Washington Post [Registration Required]


Climate bill's 60% emission cut. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has committed the UK to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 60% before 2050 to help tackle global warming. BBC, UK.


Climate change: rising tides. Britain will spend billions to defend against rising tides over the coming decades, but experts are sharply divided as to how far and fast the waters will rise, reveals Roger Highfield London Daily Telegraph, England.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS & grid= & xml=/earth/2007/11/06/scidoom106.xml

Seattle's big bike plan gets a green light. The city of Seattle has approved one of the nation's most aggressive attempts to raise the popularity of bicycles. Seattle Times, Washington.


New business focus on environment paves the way for a U.S. urban revival. Salt Lake City is joining Denver, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland in pursuit of a development strategy based on energy efficiency, resource protection, land conservation and pollution prevention. International Herald Tribune


Green agenda a hit for Corzine, but critics see red. Governor Corzine has put New Jersey on the front lines of the fight against global warming and alongside Schwarzenegger's California and some of Europe's most progressive countries on clean-air issues. Bergen County Record, New Jersey.


Gov. Ritter touts plan to battle global warming. Colorado will fight global warming by adopting clean-car standards, updating farming techniques to trap more carbon dioxide and cutting emissions from electric utilities 20 percent by 2020. Denver Post, Colorado.


Amazon fire wars exacerbate global warming. In Brazil, it's the end of the burning season. Scientists say this fire cycle is not just destroying parts of the Amazon's southern forests, but altering the climate as well. National Public Radio


To slow Amazon fires, scientists light their own. The more the forests burn, the more carbon goes up into the atmosphere. At the same time, global warming seems to be making the Amazon drier and more prone to burning. National Public Radio


In backyard Europe, fading biodiversity. Gino Boscherini, 84, seems an unlikely hero in the quest to preserve biodiversity in the face of climate change. But his backyard garden in Benditella, Italy contains plants with traits that scientists may need to borrow to safeguard the global food supply. International Herald Tribune


Wisconsin jury rejects claim in lead paint case. The verdict in the closely watched civil case, in which a 17-year-old boy sued paint makers after ingesting deteriorated lead paint as a baby, is a setback for perhaps thousands of young people who say they were poisoned by lead as children and hope to hold paint makers liable. USA Today


Critics cite red tape in rebuilding of Louisiana. There are many reasons for the slow pace of rebuilding, including antagonism between state and federal officials. But increasingly, critics are pointing to flaws in the process FEMA uses to pay for repairs under the “public assistance” program. New York Times [Registration Required]


Mexican floods recede, but death toll and criticism mount. Criticism has swelled over the Mexican government's alleged failure to prevent and respond quickly to one of nation's worst natural disasters. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


Why Chinese dam is forcing yet another mass exodus. Built to tame the violent annual floods of the Yangtze River and to harness its power, the Three Gorges Dam is now threatening many of the rural residents it was intended to help -- and as many as four million more may be evicted from their homes. Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]


Houston mayor sets 6-month pollution deadline. Mayor Bill White on Monday gave industrial polluters six months to clean up their act, after an industry-led task force delivered a report earlier in the day calling for chemical plant operators to act voluntarily. Houston Chronicle, Texas.


More news from today

•>210 more stories, including:

•Critical reaction to Berkeley-Dow chemistry initiative

•Does curry stave off cancers?

•Massive obesity study

•Disappearance of indigenous baby boys tied to pollution

•More on toy recalls

•GMO damage: $1.2 billion?

•Climate: Threatening national security; Depleting water

•Energy: Can MN discriminate against coal?; New renewable push in MA; Solar power fever

•Katrina: Rebuilding New Orleans

•Stories from UK, EU, S Africa, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Australia, Mexico, Canada

•US stories from NH, MA, CT, NY, NJ, PA, WV, SC, GA, FL, OH, IL, TN, KS, OK, TX, CO, UT, NM, AZ, WA, OR, CA, AK

•Editorials: The perfect drought; Daft Yazoo Pumps; Colorado green dreams; Waco's fine line

Shortcuts to stories from today about The good news, Avian flu, Katrina, Climate, Children's health, Air pollution, Cancer, Reproductive disorders, Endocrine disruption, Birth defects, Learning and developmental disabilities, Immune disorders, Environmental justice, Superfund, Water treatment/sewage, Food safety, Integrity of science, Green chemistry.

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sAt 08:53 AM 11/6/07, you wrote:

AboveTheFold <AboveTheFold

Links to articles in today's press about environmental health




Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

Don't miss the link to

today's good news

Read today's editorials

Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

Ban on asbestos diluted, say its backers. Just a month after Senate passed first legislation to ban disease-causing asbestos, public health officials, government regulators and advocates for asbestos victims are now opposing the bill they once supported. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Washington.


Jury finds Dole Food liable for farmworker ailments. Dole Food Co. concealed from poor Central American farmworkers the danger of sterilization posed by a pesticide used in the Nicaragua banana fields, a Los Angeles jury decided this morning. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


Exhaustive test reveals mercury levels in Bay Area fish sport fish. The most exhaustive study to date on mercury contamination in Northern California sport fish has found that some of the most popular species, including striped bass and carp, have the highest concentrations of the potent neurotoxin. San Francisco Chronicle, California.


CPSC's ethics-review process for travel criticized by experts. Top officials at the Consumer Product Safety Commission repeatedly took costly trips at industry expense after internal reviews that ethics experts say were weak and superficial. Washington Post [Registration Required]


White House to offer own plan on product safety. The Bush administration will propose a significant expansion of the authority of the federal drug and consumer product safety agencies to inspect and certify imports, administration officials said. New York Times [Registration Required]


Target will reduce PVC use. Amid pressure from consumer, health and environmental groups, Target Corp. said it is reducing its use of the plastic polyvinyl chloride. Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]


Climate is a risky issue for Democrats. While Democrats are working to outdo each other on climate change , GOP presidential candidates remain more skeptical, to say the least. Washington Post [Registration Required]


Climate bill's 60% emission cut. Prime Minister Gordon Brown has committed the UK to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 60% before 2050 to help tackle global warming. BBC, UK.


Climate change: rising tides. Britain will spend billions to defend against rising tides over the coming decades, but experts are sharply divided as to how far and fast the waters will rise, reveals Roger Highfield London Daily Telegraph, England.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS & grid= & xml=/earth/2007/11/06/scidoom106.xml

Seattle's big bike plan gets a green light. The city of Seattle has approved one of the nation's most aggressive attempts to raise the popularity of bicycles. Seattle Times, Washington.


New business focus on environment paves the way for a U.S. urban revival. Salt Lake City is joining Denver, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland in pursuit of a development strategy based on energy efficiency, resource protection, land conservation and pollution prevention. International Herald Tribune


Green agenda a hit for Corzine, but critics see red. Governor Corzine has put New Jersey on the front lines of the fight against global warming and alongside Schwarzenegger's California and some of Europe's most progressive countries on clean-air issues. Bergen County Record, New Jersey.


Gov. Ritter touts plan to battle global warming. Colorado will fight global warming by adopting clean-car standards, updating farming techniques to trap more carbon dioxide and cutting emissions from electric utilities 20 percent by 2020. Denver Post, Colorado.


Amazon fire wars exacerbate global warming. In Brazil, it's the end of the burning season. Scientists say this fire cycle is not just destroying parts of the Amazon's southern forests, but altering the climate as well. National Public Radio


To slow Amazon fires, scientists light their own. The more the forests burn, the more carbon goes up into the atmosphere. At the same time, global warming seems to be making the Amazon drier and more prone to burning. National Public Radio


In backyard Europe, fading biodiversity. Gino Boscherini, 84, seems an unlikely hero in the quest to preserve biodiversity in the face of climate change. But his backyard garden in Benditella, Italy contains plants with traits that scientists may need to borrow to safeguard the global food supply. International Herald Tribune


Wisconsin jury rejects claim in lead paint case. The verdict in the closely watched civil case, in which a 17-year-old boy sued paint makers after ingesting deteriorated lead paint as a baby, is a setback for perhaps thousands of young people who say they were poisoned by lead as children and hope to hold paint makers liable. USA Today


Critics cite red tape in rebuilding of Louisiana. There are many reasons for the slow pace of rebuilding, including antagonism between state and federal officials. But increasingly, critics are pointing to flaws in the process FEMA uses to pay for repairs under the “public assistance” program. New York Times [Registration Required]


Mexican floods recede, but death toll and criticism mount. Criticism has swelled over the Mexican government's alleged failure to prevent and respond quickly to one of nation's worst natural disasters. Los Angeles Times, California. [Registration Required]


Why Chinese dam is forcing yet another mass exodus. Built to tame the violent annual floods of the Yangtze River and to harness its power, the Three Gorges Dam is now threatening many of the rural residents it was intended to help -- and as many as four million more may be evicted from their homes. Wall Street Journal [subscription Required]


Houston mayor sets 6-month pollution deadline. Mayor Bill White on Monday gave industrial polluters six months to clean up their act, after an industry-led task force delivered a report earlier in the day calling for chemical plant operators to act voluntarily. Houston Chronicle, Texas.


More news from today

•>210 more stories, including:

•Critical reaction to Berkeley-Dow chemistry initiative

•Does curry stave off cancers?

•Massive obesity study

•Disappearance of indigenous baby boys tied to pollution

•More on toy recalls

•GMO damage: $1.2 billion?

•Climate: Threatening national security; Depleting water

•Energy: Can MN discriminate against coal?; New renewable push in MA; Solar power fever

•Katrina: Rebuilding New Orleans

•Stories from UK, EU, S Africa, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Australia, Mexico, Canada

•US stories from NH, MA, CT, NY, NJ, PA, WV, SC, GA, FL, OH, IL, TN, KS, OK, TX, CO, UT, NM, AZ, WA, OR, CA, AK

•Editorials: The perfect drought; Daft Yazoo Pumps; Colorado green dreams; Waco's fine line

Shortcuts to stories from today about The good news, Avian flu, Katrina, Climate, Children's health, Air pollution, Cancer, Reproductive disorders, Endocrine disruption, Birth defects, Learning and developmental disabilities, Immune disorders, Environmental justice, Superfund, Water treatment/sewage, Food safety, Integrity of science, Green chemistry.

You can also read last weekend's news.

Plus: If you were on vacation last week, don't miss last week's top stories...

Would you like to display the news stories from EnvironmentalHealthNews.org on your own web site? Check out our RSS feeds.

Compiled by Environmental Health Sciences

609 East High Street Charlottesville, VA USA 22902



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Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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>stopthepoisons , " Health and Healing- "

>, alternacare

>The Havens <thehavens

>Re: Links to articles in today's press about environmental health


>At 09:17 AM 11/8/07, you wrote:


>>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>>Don't miss the link to

>>today's good news

>>Read today's editorials

>>New Research:


>>A new analysis by the CDC indicates that many Americans are exposed to

>>bisphenol A at levels above the current safety threshold set by the EPA

>>based upon decades-old data. These levels are significantly higher than

>>those sufficient to cause a wide array of health effects in animals

>>following exposure in the womb. Exposure to another industrial chemical,

>>4-tertiary-octylphenol, is also widespread. More... [related stories]



>>Minute quantities of a bacterial protein inserted in corn provoke immune

>>reactions in mice. The protein is added to increase the effectiveness of

>>plant-based transgenic vaccines. The results indicate that special care

>>will be needed with transgenic corn to reduce exposure to workers and the

>>public if this protein is used commercially in corn or other food crops,

>>to avoid unwanted immune responses in people and decreased effectiveness

>>of oral vaccines that use the protein. More...



>>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.



Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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Version: 6.0.859 / Virus Database: 585 - Release 2/14/05

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>stopthepoisons , " Health and Healing- "


>The Havens <thehavens

>Re: Links to articles in today's press about environmental health


>At 09:03 AM 11/9/07, you wrote:


>>Above the fold. News aggregated by www.EnvironmentalHealthNews.org

>>Don't miss the link to

>>today's good news

>>Read today's editorials

>>Daily links to top stories in the news about environmental health.

>>Rising demand for oil provokes new energy crisis. With oil prices

>>approaching the symbolic threshold of $100 a barrel, the world is headed

>>toward its third energy shock in a generation. But today's surge is

>>fundamentally different, with broad and longer-lasting global

>>implications. New York Times [Registration Required]


>>Fuel without the fossil. A new group of entrepreneurs believe techniques

>>borrowed from oil refining and other chemical industries will allow them

>>to crack open big biological molecules from wood chips, straw, and even

>>human waste, transforming them into ethanol or, even diesel and gasoline.

>>New York Times [Registration Required]


>>California sues EPA over emissions. California sued the federal

>>government today, demanding that the EPA act now to give the states the

>>power to enforce tough regulations on automakers in the fight against

>>global warming. Los Angeles Times, California. [related stories]

>>[Registration Required]



>>The gathering sandstorm: encroaching desert, missing water. China is

>>losing a million acres a year to desertification. In Dunhuang, a former

>>Silk Road oasis in the Gobi, the resulting water shortage has become

>>critical. London Independent, England.


>>Climatologists puzzled at rationale for ending research fund. Nobel-prize

>>winning Canadian scientists are baffled by the Harper government's

>>explanations for shutting down a federal climate research network and

>>refusing to boost investments in an independent research foundation.

>>CanWest News, Canada.


d4-b5dfa31fa397 & k=16859#

>>Urea 'climate solution' may backfire. Plans by an Australian company to

>>sink hundreds of tonnes of urea into the ocean to combat climate change

>>may backfire and exacerbate global warming, critics say. ABC News, Australia.


>>Chemicals from household plastics found in volunteers' blood. Compounds

>>used in a vast array of everyday products that range from plastic

>>microwaveable containers, toys and medical devices were found in the

>>blood and urine of nearly every participant in a nationwide monitoring

>>program. New York Newsday, New York. [related stories]


>>93% of people showed exposure in CDC study. Government researchers have

>>confirmed widespread exposure to a common chemical plasticizer, bisphenol

>>A, that is found in items such as baby bottles and dental sealants.

>>Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin. [related stories]


>>Amid health concerns, FEMA bars workers from stored trailers. The Federal

>>Emergency Management Agency is barring employees from entering thousands

>>of stored travel trailers over concerns about hazardous fumes, while more

>>than 48,000 other trailers continue to be used by hurricane victims in

>>Louisiana and Mississippi. Associated Press


>>FEMA press secretary directed fake news briefing, inquiry finds. An

>>internal investigation into a fake news conference staged by FEMA during

>>last month's California wildfires found that the agency's press secretary

>>directed aides to pose as reporters, secretly coached them during the

>>briefing and ended the event after a final, scripted question was asked.

>>Washington Post [Registration Required]



>>Making plastic out of pollution. An emerging crop of companies making

>>plastic out of renewable resources and waste products promises to deliver

>>an environmentally friendly harvest. Scientific American

>>http://sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=1FEC9213-E7F2-99DF-31B07212C78BDACD & cha\


>>Canadian village calls for end to oil sand projects. A small aboriginal

>>village downstream from Alberta's massive oil sands plants is calling for

>>a moratorium on new projects in the region after a study found high

>>levels of heavy metals and carcinogens in its fish and drinking water. Reuters


>>Refinery emissions pollute Macedonian villages. " Unless the pollution

>>stops, these villages will be dead in couple of years, " Zoran

>>Atanasovski, from the village of Bujkovci, near Skopje, says. " Half of

>>the people will move out while the other half will die. " Balkan

>>Investigative Reporting Network


>>Dozens of birds killed, hundreds of thousands threatened by spill. The

>>black oil spreading for miles from the Golden Gate is staining one of the

>>richest wildlife regions on the Pacific Coast and threatening hundreds of

>>thousands of birds as well as marine mammals and fish that feed around

>>San Francisco Bay. San Francisco Chronicle, California.

>>http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/11/09/MNPCT93G5.DTL & hw=D\

ozens+of+birds+killed & sn=001 & sc=1000

>>Congress turns back Bush's veto in a test of power. The Senate dealt

>>President Bush the first veto override of his presidency, with a

>>resounding bipartisan vote to adopt a $23.2 billion water resources bill

>>that authorizes popular projects across the country. New York Times

>>[Registration Required]


>>California town relives gold rush. One mining company is eyeing Grass

>>Valley's Idaho-Maryland Mine, once California's second most productive

>>underground gold mine. If re-opened, it would be California's first fully

>>operational industrial gold mine within a modern city. Wall Street

>>Journal [subscription Required]


>>Judge rejects environmentalists' suits, paving way for ICC. A federal

>>judge yesterday upheld the Maryland State Highway Administration's

>>environmental study of an 18.8-mile intercounty connector through

>>Montgomery and Prince George's counties, clearing the way for the road's

>>construction after 50 years of controversy. Washington Post [Registration




>>Decades-long U.S. decrease in smoking rates levels off. The decades-long

>>decline in smoking by Americans has stalled for three years, the first

>>time smoking rates have leveled off for that long since the federal

>>government began collecting statistics more than 40 years ago. Washington

>>Post [Registration Required]



>>Merck agrees to settle Vioxx suits for $4.85 billion, Three years after

>>withdrawing its pain medication Vioxx from the market, Merck has agreed

>>to pay $4.85 billion to settle 27,000 lawsuits by people who claim they

>>or their family members suffered injury or died after taking the drug.

>>New York Times [Registration Required]




Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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