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Herbal Remedies - I could an opinion or two - Jaw related Migraine

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In a message dated 3/2/2004 4:42:10 PM US Mountain Standard Time, h10feet writes:

I sometimes get jaw related Migraines due to an old injury. I had TMJ surgery about 5 years ago and it helped alot, but from time to time if i am under stress, i will sometimes clench at night and wake up the next day with a raging headache. (i have a night gaurd, just dont use it all the time)Anyway, today is one of those days. Usually i can get myself mellow enough for my jaw to relax by applying peppermint and lavendar to the temples, and lavendar tea but so far that has not helped. Normally a trip to the Chiro would fix me right up, but since i moved here i have not found one yetSo i am looking for something to mostly aleviate the pain, and I was wondering if a dab of DMSO would help if i apply some to the jaw joint area? Although most of the stress now seems to be in the temple area and just behind the ear.Sylvia

Hi Sylvia,


Have you heard of the alexander technique? do a google search on it, it has to do with a type of stretching techniques which make you more "flexable" for lack of a better word. Anyway I have heard people with TMJ say it got rid of it. It is much more in depth than that but thats about all I know, LOL.


Also the DMSO is worth a shot, maybe try a cup of kava kava tea before bed?? Maybe that will help you relax and not clench your teeth so much...


Wish I could help more!


God Bless,

Jamie in AZ

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Got any Deep tissue oil? Apply on the outside cheekbone/jawbone area...and even the temple.and behind the ear... just make sure to wash your hands and keep your eyes closed...lol.

The nerve sedative tea might also help. Also, try some feverfew... it does more than just migraines....

SuziSylvia <h10feet wrote:

I sometimes get jaw related Migraines due to an old injury. I had TMJ surgery about 5 years ago and it helped alot, but from time to time if i am under stress, i will sometimes clench at night and wake up the next day with a raging headache. (i have a night gaurd, just dont use it all the time)Anyway, today is one of those days. Usually i can get myself mellow enough for my jaw to relax by applying peppermint and lavendar to the temples, and lavendar tea but so far that has not helped. Normally a trip to the Chiro would fix me right up, but since i moved here i have not found one yetSo i am looking for something to mostly aleviate the pain, and I was wondering if a dab of DMSO would help if i apply some to the jaw joint area? Although most of the stress now seems to be in the temple area and just behind the



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