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Declutter and getting to the root of unhappiness -

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Declutter and getting to the root of unhappiness -


Many people live in clutter, emotionally eat themselves into

overweight, live in debt, hate their jobs and otherwise live unhappy

lives, unable and seemingly unwilling to change. Why? What do these

have in common? What is the core issue?


Fear, or rather an absence of love.


Fear, and not hate, is the " dark side " or opposite/absence of love,

the way darkness is the opposite/absence of light.


Whether your self image is controlled by unhealthy or uncontrolled

overweight or fanatic perfection, both stem from fear. In the first,

food is used to comfort upset emotions and to retreat into - a true

friend that never lets you down. In the latter (and sometimes the

former), control over the body supplants a loss of control elsewhere

in life, eventually taking over that life.


Clutter is almost always fear-based - fear of not having something

and needing it, fear of getting rid of something important, fear of

leaving oneself open to new experiences (which can't come in because

your house - and by extension your life - is already full) and fear

of being alone with oneself and one's thoughts (clutter requires so

much of our energy to deal with and work around, it can serve as a

sort of mental static to keep us too busy to think about important



Debt is another symptom of fear - people get into debt for many fear-

based reasons (like needing stuff to make themselves feel better, or

for fear of not keeping up with the Jones' and being socially

outcast). Another part to this equation is that many people will not

get rid of their access to credit (cut up cards, etc) because there

is always that " what if an emergency happens and we don't have cash

on hand to pay for it? " which is made moot by the fact that most of

their credit cards are maxed out anyway. Debt is also a symptom of

the fear of doing without, even when carried to extremes. The fear

of going without and the feelings of " being without " fancy clothes

or expensive meals out is no less than the fear and experience of

going without basic clothing and food, although the reality is



Working at a job you hate is nothing but fear - fear of not having

enough, fear of quitting and not being able to find other work (or

finding it and being stuck with something even worse), fear of not

being to keep up with your " stuff habit " or your debt, fear of

failure, fear of success, fear of relying on yourself, fear of doing

things differently or out-of-the-box (running your own business,

running off to Mexico, etc), fear of letting the family down, fear

of " wasting " your education, fear of what other will say, think,

fear that your mom/dad/sister/evil art teacher were right and so on.


Fear is the basis for pretty much all human suffering, not counting

natural disasters and other acts of God. And the opposite of fear is

love. Love creates an ecosphere of calm and plenty, because you know

there is enough (if only just enough) and so feel no need to " get

mine before someone else does. " Nor do you feel the need to hoard

(clutter) or gather in more than you can afford (debt) to assure

yourself of plenty. In a world of love, all are accepted and loved

for their own personal strengths and forgiven their faults,

therefore negating the need for drowning in the comfort of stuff and

food (debt and overweight), or worrying about what others will think

if you quit your job to become a Mexican portrait painter (toxic

job). And on and on.


Learn to live with love, for yourself and for others, even when they

don't meet your standards (even the rich and awful deserve your

love, for they serve their purpose, too). Creating a world of love

is up to each of us. We cannot wait to see if others take the first




The_Akashic_Records/ About all this

and much more. A guide to gaining insight, happiness and conencting

to others who are in search of discovering pathways to joy.

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