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skin rash/infection under nose

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i have this really disgusting skin rash/infection/i'm not sure what under

my nose that came about when I was blowing my nose excessively while sick. I

had a fever/cold which turned into a sinus/head cold. My nose was dripping

constantly, so to not gross my co-workers out, i just kept a tissue near my

nose almost all day.


this was a big mistake. i irritated the skin under my nose to my upper

lip. and now these gross bumps, inflamed pores, red, rash, i don't know

what have taken over. i seriously look like one of those pictures in a

medical book on skin diseases. i can't go to work looking like this. i get

cold sores every once in awhile and i'll go to work with those, but the skin

infection i have now is much worse looking. grotesque.


i'm wondering if it's the herpes virus which infected the irritated skin;

the area from where the infection started is where i have gotten cold sores

before. the infection kind of looks like a cold sore but it's too bumpy.

it looks like cheese that has been burnt on a pizza. it's bubbly looking.

i searched the inet for pictures of what it is but found nothing.


can anyone recommend a natural remedy for this? the area feels tight and

kinda burns, but not tingly like a cold sore. i don't know what to do. i

have missed too many days of work as it is.


i used burt's bees res q ointment for several days but that seemed to do

nothing. then i switched to neosporin and this seems to make it even more

gross looking, mainly because it's greasy.


any help is greatly appreciated!


much thanks,





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Hi Cessy,

You wrote:

<i'm wondering if it's the herpes virus which infected the irritated skin;

the area from where the infection started is where i have gotten cold sores>


I hate to say it but I suspect you are right.

I had exactly that the last time I had

a cold, more than a year ago.


Basically the whole area underneath

my nose was one ugly mass of cold-

sore-like tissue.

It took weeks to go away, but go away

it did. Didn't do anything except put

Magda's healing salve on it.

Greasy but it sure felt good.


You can get it here:



I do NOT get a commission on this one.

The person who makes this is a friend, and

I love her stuff.


Ien in the Kootenays





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I would try fresh aloe vera gel from a live plant. IT DOES MIRACLES FOR ANY

TYPE OF SKIN PROBLEM.It will heal burns overnight even Just get a really plump

leaf and peel off the outer green part. Pop into a blender and thicken with

a little instant oatmeal or cornstarch. Refrigerate when not using. Call the

plant nurseries to locate the plant. Easy to grow in a sunny window, needs

very little water, maybe once a week.

Peace and healing,





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