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Natural Healers use Apples to Remove Heavy Metals (i. e. mercury,etc)

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Natural Healers use Apples to Remove Heavy Metals ( i.e. mercury,etc ) JoAnn

Guest Feb 05, 2005 16:16 PST


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Apple - Malus pumila; (Rosaceae)



Apples of all varieties (there are more than 2000 varieties grown today)

are one of nature's healing gifts--food and medicine in one.


Apples are one of the few fruits that grows best in temperate zones,

needing some cool weather to reach ideal flavor. Apples grow wild in

most countries of Europe. Wild apples reproduce sexually, so that each

tree is unique, and wild apples lack the perfect appearance of

cultivated varieties, although they may be more flavorful. They also are

more resistant to disease and insects. Cultivated apples are usually

grafted into wild or seed-grown trees.


From the grocery stores we have become used to the taste of only a few

standard varieties, but there are marvelously delicious varieties that

grow in different localities.


All over the United States you can find apple trees growing in forests

and overgrown fields as well as in cultivated areas. The European apple

Malus sylvestris was planted as far west as Illinois by Jonathan

Chapman, otherwise known as Johnny Appleseed (1774-1845). He collected

the seeds from cider presses and went by foot distributing and planting

seeds everywhere he went.


You have probably heard the old adage, " An apple a day keeps the doctor

away. " " To eat an apple on going to bed will make the doctor beg his

bread " is another.


Apples have been proven to be antibiotic against various bacteria; one

French physician claimed that the bacillus of typhoid fever (which is a

streptococcus) cannot live in apple juice and therefore recommended that

suspicious drinking water be mixed with apple cider.


Apples contain pectin, which natural healers have used to remove heavy

metals from the body, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and copper



Pectin also reduces blood cholesterol by binding with bile acids,

thereby decreasing the absorption of cholesterol and fat in the small



Pectin also slows the absorption of sugars and carbohydrates in the

intestine, slowing the rise of blood sugar and increasing a person's



People with blood sugar problems, either hypoglycemics or diabetics, can

therefore benefit from using a simple medicine--apples.


Researchers at Yale's Psychophysiology Center found that the smell of

spiced apples lowers blood pressure in people under stress.


Apples contain malic and tartaric acids, which neutralize an acidic body

and assist in food digestion. The sugars in a ripe apple are practically

a predigested food, passing into the blood quickly. Apples are one of

the most easily digested foods.


People with truly weak digestion can peel the apples, but most people

benefit from eating the fruit whole. In fact, Dr. Edward Shook pointed

out that the valuable acids and salts of the apple are most concentrated

in and just below the skin, so that you should avoid peeling apples if

at all possible.


Fresh unsweetened apple juice can reduce the acidity of the stomach and

prevent fermentation in the digestive tract. It is said that in

countries where the unsweetened cider is used commonly, kidney stones

are unheard of.


If a person suffers from constipation, ripe juicy apples eaten at

bedtime can cure some of the most stubborn cases. Sour apples--those

with a higher proportion of pectin--work best for this purpose. Sour

apples eaten at bedtime are also said to help overcome sleeplessness and

liver toxicity.


If your children want a bedtime snack, given them apples, which will

leave their teeth clean, both from the gentle acids in the fruit and the

mechanical action of biting into the apple.


Early this century, Dr. D. C. Jarvis, a country physician, became

intrigued with the uses of apple cider vinegar--as well as kelp, raw

honey and other natural substances--on country farms.


He wrote the famous book Folk Medicine detailing his findings. Dr.

Jarvis felt that the daily use of apple cider vinegar could handle many

human ills. Taking a daily dose helped animals and humans conceive where

they previously could not by providing the body with a proper

acid/alkaline balance and adequate potassium.


In addition, the potassium will allow the body to kill bacteria by

removing moisture from the pathogens, retaining moisture in the healthy



Dr. Jarvis also maintained that apple cider vinegar is anti-pathogenic.

He tells several stories of people who had eaten contaminated food, some

of them taking diluted apple-cider vinegar before a meal, others eating

the same meal but omitting the vinegar. In each case, the people not

having taken the vinegar got sick from spoiled or tainted food, while

the vinegar takers did not get sick.


In addition, he asked his patients to gargle apple-cider vinegar in

cases of strep throat, and then he repeated the strep tests; they came

back negative after gargling!


He recommended taking apple-cider vinegar in every case of diarrhea or

digestive upset, saying that most cases of diarrhea will end quickly, so

that you can begin taking mild food again.


He also said that kidney and bladder maladies respond to apple cider



For overweight, he recommended taking two teaspoons of apple cider

vinegar in a glass of water at each meal, suggesting that this simple

measure in itself, combined with a reasonable diet, will help a person

lose weight and inches.


Dr. Christopher recommended taking apple-cider vinegar as a daily

supplement. He recommended it as the main seasoning in the daily salads,

along with olive oil and herbs. Certain herbal tinctures, such as the

acid tincture of lobelia, are prepared with apple cider vinegar.


Be sure that you choose apple-cider vinegar prepared from the whole

organic apple, allowed to ferment naturally.

This is much superior to supermarket varieties.


In addition, in cases of calculi--or stones--Dr. Christopher recommended

a treatment of apple juice, lemon juice, and olive oil for safe,

effective expulsion.

For juice fasts, he recommended pure, unsweetened apple juice when

available, preferably freshly-pressed.


In any case of pus-related diseases, said Dr. Edward Shook, such as

ulcerations, acne, boils, abscesses, carbuncles, tumors, eczema,

psoriasis, lupus, athlete's foot, mastoiditis, necrosis of the bone,

syphilitic sores, swollen glands, cancers, sore throat, infected wounds,

and various ulcers, as well as any other disease that supports that

creation of pus, you should use what he called a " magic remedy, "

consisting of:


2 quarts apple cider, 8 ounces fresh garlic juice, 1 ounce freshly

grated horseradish. Put together and let stand in warm place for 12

hours, stirring occasionally. Remove to cool place and let stand for 12

more hours, stirring occasionally. Strain and press through sterile

cloth. Saturated a piece of gauze and place on affected area.


It is used in sciatic and rheumatism as well.


Mix with glycerine in equal parts to apply on edema.


Apples contain a varying amount of organic acids, malic acid and gallic

acid, and salts such as potash and soda, lime, magnesium and iron. As we

mentioned above, they are an excellent source of potassium and also

contain magnesium, vitamin C, and beta carotene, or pro-vitamin A.

Apples also contain organic iron; dried apples contain a significant

amount of natural iron.


All over the world apples are currently considered to be healing. In

Spain, Turkey, Iraq and India they are considered to be laxative and to

help with digestion.


In Canada, Austria and Russia they are applied to warts. The Chinese use

them for a variety of things, including parasites, gas, sleeplessness,

and fevers. In many places they are used as a bactericide.


Used by permission - taken from Dr. Christopher's writings



JoAnn Guest








AIM Barleygreen

" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "





















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