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Sun gobbledygook

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> " WC Douglass " <realheath


> Sun gobbledygook

> Tue, 10 Aug 2004 15:26:16 -0400


> Daily Dose


> August 10, 2004






> The Sun Nazis strike again


> It's summertime, and the livin's easy…


> That is, unless you're the poor doctor who's out of

> a job because

> you recommended getting a little SUNSHINE!


> According to a recent edition of The Miami Herald,

> it seems the

> " Sun Nazis " (my name for them, not the Herald's)

> have won yet

> another victory — their biggest, of course, was the

> brainwashing of

> an entire people (Americans) into believing that

> they'll be fried to

> a cancerous crisp if they don't shell out for

> sunscreen and slather it

> on themselves in copious quantities. But I digress.


> This time, they've successfully singled out and

> forced Dr. Michael

> Holick, a well-known authority on skin, UV light,

> and disease, to

> resign his post at the dermatology department of the

> prestigious

> Boston University medical school. Why? Because he

> dared to

> write a book called The UV Advantage, in which he

> stated the

> importance — backed up by scads of epidemiological

> evidence,

> mind you — of sunlight exposure in the production of

> vitamin D.


> In his book, Dr. Holick (who has published more than

> 100 research

> papers in his area of expertise) exposes the medical

> mainstream for

> what it is when it comes to the subject of sunlight:

> A pack of

> misguided fools who cause more disease than they

> cure!

> According to this expert's findings over a lifetime

> on the forefront

> of dermatology, the health benefits of moderate

> sunlight exposure

> include the following: Stronger bones, less

> depression, a boost in

> vitamin D levels (especially in Northern climates) —

> even an

> increased resistance to prostate and breast cancers!



> Hmmm. Where have you heard THAT before? I've only

> been

> saying it for thirty years or so! Too bad for them

> they can't fire me,

> huh?


> Of course, the American Academy of Dermatology is

> characterizing Dr. Holick's recommendations as a

> kind of high

> heresy, formally labeling it " irresponsible. "

> However, according to

> both the Miami Herald piece and a similar story in

> the Boston

> Globe, some other prominent dermatologists have

> sounded strong


> support for the disgraced Doc's arguments. One other

> expert in the

> field called him " creative and ahead of his time. "


> Boy, then I must be REALLY ahead of my time!


> But regardless of which of these reports you believe

> — Dr.

> Holick's book or the sky-is-falling denunciation of

> the AAD — the

> best proof of any medical assertion comes from the

> field, not the

> page. Keep reading…






> Rays of hope for preventing a major risk


> You just read about a doctor who's being forced to

> take the fall for

> singing the praises of moderate sunlight for not

> only overall health,

> but for help with certain specific health issues —

> like stronger

> bones, which can help elderly folks avoid hip and

> pelvis fractures

> in the event of a spill. And whether the American

> Academy of

> Dermatology likes it or not, many studies have

> proven that

> Vitamin D (which sunlight helps us to produce) can

> have exactly

> this bone-strengthening effect… And lo and behold,

> it looks like

> Vitamin D may also help to prevent the ACTUAL FALLS

> THEMSELVES, according to new

> body of research.


> As Reuters and other online sources recently

> reported, an analysis

> of five studies on the benefits of vitamin D shows

> that a sufficient

> daily dose of this sun-vitamin can reduce the

> incidence of falls in

> those 65 or over by 22%! Not the risk of INJURY from

> these falls

> (which, as I just told you, is certainly the case),

> but the frequency

> of the spills themselves. These falls lead to 1.6

> million hospital

> visits per year, and over 11,000 deaths — mostly in

> those over 75

> who suffer hip fractures during a fall.


> The research doesn't prove WHY increasing vitamin D

> levels

> helped to keep people from falling as often, but it

> surely has to do

> with the stronger bones and muscles that vitamin D

> plays such a

> role in helping us maintain.


> This evidence alone should convince anyone to bask

> in the life-

> giving glow of the big golden orb we all depend on

> for warmth and

> light. Do yourself a favor: If it's sunny where you

> are and it has

> been a while since you went outside, stop what

> you're doing and

> go get some sun — even just 10 minutes or so.



> I know I'm heading outside right after I finish

> writing this to you.



> Never playing the " fall guy " for the mainstream,


> William Campbell Douglass II, MD






> Copyright ©1997-2004 by www.realhealthnews.com,

> L.L.C. The Daily

> Dose may not be posted on commercial sites without

> written permission.




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