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Natural Cure(s) for Hiatal Hernia, please?

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About 5 months ago, I began having serious heartburn pain. My mother,

father and my father's mother all had hiatus hernias. The heartburn I

am experiencing is not excrutiating, but it is serious. The only

thing I have found that works thus far is a daily tablet or Prilosec.


Aloe Vera does not work. Drinking water does not work. The operation

to correct hiatus hernia looks awful. Pro-biotics have not worked.


I believe in the wisdom of the body. I therefore do not think it a

good idea to be fooling around with the amount of acid my stomach is

making by taking Prilosec long-term.(Besides which, Proctor & Gamble,

the makers of Prilosec, are now sponsoring some of the filthiest,

most moronic programs on TV!) I hope perhaps someone can tell me

about something that will work.


I have heard that chiropractors can manipulate the hernia back into

place, but my experiences with chiropractors have not been too good.

If that turned out to be the only possibility, I would probably try



Thanks for any help/any suggestions!



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Hi Elliot,

First, you don't know whether you have a hiatal hernia, or just

hyperacidity right?

When I had a hiatal hernia, I would sometimes have heartburn, but

much more often I would have excruciating pain at my breastbone.

Sometimes I would have limited movement in my arms as a result

(because if I raised myself up on of bed or tried to shift gears in

the car for example, the pain on my sternum would shoot). When

experiencing this, I would drink 36 oz of water on an empty stomach

as fast as possible, then jump off of a stool onto the ground several

times in order to dislodge the stomach from the opening in the

sternum. Worked everytime (even more so than chiropractic

adjustments - my husband is a chiro).


Hyperacidity in the stomach can be a result of fermentation (lack of

intestinal digestion, hence lack of enzymes, overgrowth of bad

bacteria in the intestinal tract). Keep doing the probiotics (make

sure that particular product works! or try fermented veggies,

rejuvelac etc), keep drinking 1.5-2 liters of pure water away from

meals daily, eat fresh fruits and veggies for enzymes to supplement

digestion, or take plant enzyme capsules, or turmeric. Stay away

from coffee, cigarettes, black tea, chemicals, overeating (in fact,

eat to 3/4 full for a few weeks, or do a light cleansing diet of

fresh fruits/vegs and their juices). Taking antacids will actually

make the situation worse in the end because not only will the small

intestine not be digesting food, the stomach won't either due to

hypoacidity... Heal the hyperacidity by restoring the digestive

environment in the small intestine, following the above rules, and

then if you have a hiatal hernia, that will heal in the process. For

relief from the hyperacidity and healing of the GI tract, try

marshmallow and slippery elm tea. Also take an herbal mineral

supplement (like horsetail, nettle, oat for ex), because almost all

of the minerals make up parts of enzymes or co-enzymes, so if they

are lacking, the digestive enzymes will be lacking too.


You can also use comfrey fomentations or ointments over the hernia to

encourage healing.


Those are my suggestions, hope you find them useful!



, " breathedeepnow "

<aug20@m...> wrote:

> About 5 months ago, I began having serious heartburn pain. My


> father and my father's mother all had hiatus hernias. The heartburn


> am experiencing is not excrutiating, but it is serious. The only

> thing I have found that works thus far is a daily tablet or



> Aloe Vera does not work. Drinking water does not work. The


> to correct hiatus hernia looks awful. Pro-biotics have not worked.


> I believe in the wisdom of the body. I therefore do not think it a

> good idea to be fooling around with the amount of acid my stomach


> making by taking Prilosec long-term.(Besides which, Proctor &


> the makers of Prilosec, are now sponsoring some of the filthiest,

> most moronic programs on TV!) I hope perhaps someone can tell me

> about something that will work.


> I have heard that chiropractors can manipulate the hernia back into

> place, but my experiences with chiropractors have not been too


> If that turned out to be the only possibility, I would probably try

> it.


> Thanks for any help/any suggestions!


> Elliot

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