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Herbal Bathing for Spiritual Cleansing

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Herbal Bathing for Spiritual Cleansing

Herb baths are made by making tea of the herb, and using the tea in the bath. Generally, you take 1 teaspoon of the herb desired and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Steep until the tea cools to room temperature. Then strain out the herb. One cup of tea to half a tub of water is sufficient. Proceed with the bath using the directions previously discussed.


Regular cooking basil, either fresh or dried, may be used in a bath. It has a protective and cleansing effect, removing negativity and protecting against the accumulation of further negative influences. It has a powerful effect on certain people. It should be used when you feel threatened by others, victimized or soiled by contact with negative or overly-aggressive people. When using this bath, meditate on spiritual cleanliness and protection. Stay in the bath for 6 minutes and immerse yourself four times.


Regular cooking cinnamon, in broken stick form, may be used to help resolve problems at work or at home. Pour a cup of hot water over one or two sticks and let it steep as you would any other herb. It helps stop quarrels or dissension. It can also be used to improve your income. Stay in the tub for five minutes and immerse yourself four times. Meditate for protection and calmness, or for the improvement of your finances.

The Money Cinnamon Bath

Add 1 cup of cinnamon tea to 4 cups of parsley tea. Divide the mixture into five (5) equal parts. Take five (5) baths on five (5) consecutive days. Do a money spell for financial improvement. Don't be specific about the source of your financial improvement, but let the universe provide the answers. Stay in the tub for six to eight minutes and immerse yourself five (5) times.


Coffee will assist in revitalizing an individual in the process of recovery from any physical illness. It may be used while the individual is still in a weakened condition, but recovering. This bath is an exception to most spiritual baths, in that if it is the FIRST tub bath taken after the onset of an illness, the coffee can de added to a soap and water cleaning bath. All you do is add three (3) to six (6) cups of strong coffee to the bath water and soak in it for at least ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes. Please respect your bath, and make the coffee from scratch. This is not the time for any instant brand!

Coffee Hard Work Bath

The coffee bath, made by using three (3) to six (6) cups of strong coffee added to the bath water is also useful as a soaking bath following an extra-hard work week. It has the effect of assisting the natural vitality. As a HARD WORK BATH it should only be taken on a Saturday morning. Soak for at least eight (8) to ten (10) minutes.

Depression baths

If you regard these baths as a spiritual act and get involved as much as you can (you put all your heart into it) the results will be amazing. The bath tub has to be cleaned prior to taking the bath, the bathroom also should be clean and cleansed (smudge the bathroom with frankincense or sage). Take your time in arranging the tools you're going to be using (once again candles, essential oils, colors - food coloring if you want

- crystals, music). After the bath DO NOT take a shower and don't wash your hair for 24 hours.


"Powdered nutmeg used in a tea makes people more open to listening to you. It is said to increase one's luck, but what it really does is remove those negative thoughts which act to make you unlucky. The powdered nutmeg may be strained away from the tea by using a coffee filter. This is the kind of bath that helps one during times of personal stress such as that engendered when approaching an important interview, or when one is apprehensive about the result of an upcoming important conversation. It can be used when you are apprehensive about such important conversations as discussing your "druthers" with a mate who has been heretofore unresponsive to your needs. It can be used when discussing family matters with relatives who you feel will be unresponsive. It has a host of uses. Obviously, you will need to use it because you have been unsure about expressing your personality. As you take other baths listed here, and develop more self-confidence, you won't have as much need for this kind of a bath. Use a cup of the tea in your bath. Stay in the tub for 8 to 10 minutes and immerse yourself 6 to 8 times. You may wish to pray for the resolve and strength you need to obtain what you desire."




The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.~ Albert Einstein ~






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