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Head Lice Natural Prevention

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I have 2 step-daughters who kept on getting them, no matter what we did. We finally resorted to cutting their hair off to about 1/2 inch all over at the beginning of summer, and combing through what hair was left with a nit comb until it was all clear. I have insisted they not go back into day care this year and so far, no more lice. Knock on wood.

To make the shearing easier on them, I let them color their hair pink, making it a fun process for them.





Saturday, September 24, 2005 5:47 AM

Head Lice

Is there a Natural Way of getting rid of head lice. Our daughter has tried everything to get rid of them on her two girls and they just keep coming back.

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>>> Is there a Natural Way of getting rid of

head lice.




I would suggest using a shampoo with a

high concentration of Tea Tree Oil. I know of one company that carries a great

shampoo that we have used for lice before with great results. Email me off list

if you want more info.










" If we keep doing what we're doing,

we're going to keep getting what we're getting. "

-Stephen Covey

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Head lice

Into a base of 40% alcohol (vodka or grain alcohol) (as an

alternative to alcohol you could try water with 10 mls of jojoba oil)add oregano or aniseed essential oil at the rate of 10 drops to 50

mls. Shake very well before using. Rub mixture into the scalp and

leave on overnight then wash off in the morning with shampoo. Afterthat is rinsed off, run a rinse of 100mls (a 50/50 mix of vinegar and

water) into which you have added 2 drops of the same essential oil

you used in the alcohol mix through the hair. Repeat the entireprocess again in 1 week.

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