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An Introduction to Clear Quartz Crystals.


The absolute essential, Most all-purpose crystal of all time. Any

other kinds of crystal must be identified by name. When someone just

says crystal, quartz is the crystal they mean.

This is the real deal, not cut glass imitations (though those are part

of fung shui, Energy medicine and some color healing work.) One

quartz crystal is not enough. Though one may often be plenty. Individual

quartz points with a single termination/point are the most worked with.

Each crystal whether a single point or a cluster is an individual with

its own story and mission. One crystal may move through the hands of

many people and share information and energy with each and for each

have a completely unique sharing. One single crystal may give one

person an instant of joy, of discovery one person the promise of

abundance, another a vision that may explain to that person their

own history in terms of eternity then pass to a child to offer

laughter and calm, may then be held in passing by some one who needs

and receives healing , then move to another child and awaken her gift

of seeing and hearing the spirits teaching one the value of gifting

along the way and another of science and form, then be given to comfort

the grieving at a deathbed and from from there move on to gift and

bring light and healing or meditations focus to many other. All the

crystal that have come out to be among us may have as many and more

stories and missions and healings to share.


The crystal most used in crystal healing is quartz. Sometimes called

frozen light, quartz crystals form of silicon dioxide under heat and


Quartz has both piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties which means

that the polarity of quartz crystal will change when subject to pressure

or heat as well as when held. Piezoelectricity is that quality by which

electricity and sometimes light is produced by compression. Many

cultures and spiritual traditions have used crystals in ritual, often

striking them to produce flashes of visible light.


Pyroelectricity is that quality of an electrified state or polarity

which is produced by variation in temperature. To scientists, engineers

and communication specialists quartz crystal is a key component in

radio, radar, sonar, television, watches, and computers. Quartz can

transmit and receive, amplify, focus, project and store energies. They

are the most versatile of stones. They are used in healing, in

meditation, in manifestation, for protection and communication on all

levels. They can work on every level for spiritual, physical, emotional

mental healing.


Clear quartz crystal or rock crystal is found all over the world and is

among the most common minerals on Earth. The natural crystal formation

is six sided or faced. Quartz can be used for any crystal purpose and

can substitute for other crystals. Single and double terminated and

tumbled quartz are probably the most used forms for crystal work.

Clusters are also used a lot. Clusters are two or more crystals joined

together in some way as bunches of crystals. There are many different

variations in the growth and faces of quartz crystals and many specific

variants are used in specialized ways.


Single terminated crystals have one six sided point on one end and

primarily direct energy in one direction.

In most healing techniques the point of the crystal is pointed toward

where you want to send energy. To increase energy in an area you point

the tip of the crystal in to the center of your treatment area. To

remove energy or for cleansing you may point the crystal away from the

center. There are other traditions where the point is used for both

projection and reception of energies. Single point crystals are used to

charge chakras, disperse negative energy and for work of many kinds.

Virtually all crystal work can be done with single termination crystals.

Most people who work a lot with crystals will want to have a number of

these in various sizes. Single point crystals are often worn as jewelry

or carried as personal stones.


Double terminated crystals have a point on each end. They are

multi-functional, energy moves outward in either direction or in both

directions simultaneously. These natural crystals may have grown in

soft clay or as part of a cluster.

The naturally formed doubly terminated crystals are usually considered

to be more effective than crystals which have been carved into a double

terminated form. The carved double terminated crystals are often used as

healing wands and for massage. Double termination crystals are used to

open a line or channel of energy between two chakras or points and to

exchange energy or enhance communication between two people or

organizations. They are often used in dream work, astral travel,

journeying and to enhance meditation and visualization. They are also

used for protection and help to maintain energy shields and filters.

They are also sometimes used as tools for moving, removing and

transforming energies from one location or condition to another .


Clusters are groups of crystals. The termination's may go in many

directions. Often they emerge from a joint matrix or base.

The crystals reflect light and energy back and forth to each other. They

have a strong cleansing and healing vibration.


They can be used to clear energy in rooms and to assist family and group

activities. They are often used as a focus or symbol for group healing

and meditations. They can help harmonize the individuals in a group.

They can be used to facilitate organization of multifaceted activities

such as studies, writing or business plans. Other stones and crystals

can be cleared by resting on a cluster and clusters have been used to

activate and enhance the energy of other crystals.


Male / Female

Much crystal is milky white at the base and gradually gets clearer

toward the tip. Some crystal is as clear as water or cut glass. Other

crystals are milky white and opaque. The clear crystals are often

classified as Yang or Male crystals and said to represent action, power,

force, strength and creativity.Milky white crystals are often classed as

Yin Or Female crystal and said to represent receptivity, love,

communication, negotiation and sensitivity. A crystal with both clear

and milky is believed to represent a balance of the active and receptive

energies. Most crystal seems to have a combination of clear and milky

crystal. The Male / Female quality of the crystal is not really of

particular importance for most forms of crystal work.

Some people feel that the clearest crystals help with mental clarity and

rational thought and that the milky crystals promote intuition and

sensitivity but I have not found that the difference if any is

significant for most work.


Rainbow Crystals are those which have veils or fractures within them

which reveal rainbows.

These are very uplifting crystals which promote joy and inner peace and

are often used as meditation crystals.

Veils and inclusions are often present in crystals these are said to

represent the ability of life to transform stress and trauma to light

and beauty some of these crystals can be profoundly healing of emotional

and mental pain and sorrow.


Tumbled quartz which is polished to smooth out the configuration or

water tumbled quartz which is naturally smoothed also has many uses

often it is placed as the center stone in sections of crystal layouts or

used as a meditation or seer stone.

The energy is projected from the entire surface of the stone so the

energy might be sensed as more diffused or gentle .


Other members of the quartz family and uses for special formations of

quartz, many methods of using quartz and information about colored

quartz crystals is discussed in several different articles

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