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You're so welcome, Carrie. I wish you well in your journey and

congratulate you on even being willing to see this different. A lot of

people don't do that. They react and stay stuck in disease mode

instead of getting up and figuring out what might help.


You're teacher is right - yoga can be an exercise or it can be a great

body *and* mind work out! Applying yoga principles to living seems to

me to be only a good thing.


Take care,



Cindy Kirchhoff


Reclaim your power and your passion for life;

reclaim your health


, charles.wesley wrote:


> Cindy

> Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it. You are

right, Yoga is great exercise, but ive been learing from my teacher

how you can take the yoga philsophy and principles and use them in

your everday life. SO that should help on my journey as well.

Anyway, hope you have a good evening.

> Carrie

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--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Linda Rose <vinayarose wrote:

Linda Rose <vinayarose

New member


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:58 PM


















I have just joined this group and am looking forward to learning so


much about alternaitve medicine, therapies etc. Hope to chat with you


all soon.




Linda Rose































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Thanks very much.  Nice to meet you.


Love Linda Rose


--- On Fri, 7/11/08, Kimmy <kilauea6 wrote:


Kimmy <kilauea6

Re: New member


Friday, July 11, 2008, 6:38 AM







Hello, Linda Rose and welcome to the group. I'm new here as well and I've

already learned a lot.



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Thank you.  Nice meeting you.  Hope to learn new things.


Love.  Linda Rose


--- On Fri, 7/11/08, gemni romantic <gemni35romantic wrote:


gemni romantic <gemni35romantic

Re: New member


Friday, July 11, 2008, 10:27 AM












--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Linda Rose <vinayarose > wrote:

Linda Rose <vinayarose >

New member


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 6:58 PM




I have just joined this group and am looking forward to learning so


much about alternaitve medicine, therapies etc. Hope to chat with you


all soon.


Linda Rose













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ur welcome

and i hope u learn many thing as me   :)


--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Linda Rose <vinayarose wrote:

Linda Rose <vinayarose

New member


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 3:58 PM


















I have just joined this group and am looking forward to learning so


much about alternaitve medicine, therapies etc. Hope to chat with you


all soon.




Linda Rose































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Thank you.  I hope so too.


Linda Rose


--- On Sat, 7/12/08, wawa wewe <xxswzaqq wrote:


wawa wewe <xxswzaqq

Re: New member


Saturday, July 12, 2008, 12:17 AM







ur welcome

and i hope u learn many thing as me   :)


--- On Thu, 7/10/08, Linda Rose <vinayarose > wrote:

Linda Rose <vinayarose >

New member


Thursday, July 10, 2008, 3:58 PM




I have just joined this group and am looking forward to learning so


much about alternaitve medicine, therapies etc. Hope to chat with you


all soon.


Linda Rose













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  • 11 months later...
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This is usually caused by a clogged liver. I would suggest doing complete

body cleanses including liver and blood detoxes. You may have to do several

over a period of time.




On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 3:23 PM, sherbet93 <sherbet93 wrote:


> Hello all:

> I am not really all that new, as I joined the group in 2007... I just

> never had the energy to write!







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Hello Kim,


Have you ever practiced any kind of body cleansing?

I suggest that you discuss with your naturopath the best way for you to fast as

well as the best way for you to take some herbal formulas to clean liver,

kidneys, bowels, arteries, etc.

Is this doctor paying attention to your nutrition?


My best to you,






Friday, June 26, 2009 3:23 PM

" New " member






Hello all:

I am not really all that new, as I joined the group in 2007... I just never

had the energy to write!


A bit of my history: I have always been rather sensitive to medications and

other substances such as caffeine. I was abused as a child and starved, and it

probably led to adrenal issues and other nutritional problems. When I got older

I married into an abusive relationship and ended up trying a lot of

antidepressants before I landed on Nortriptyline and Klonopin for a lot of



I got divorced ten years ago and during the process I was in a relationship

and got pregnant, at which time I had to withdraw from the psych meds cold

turkey. I had been on 75mg Nortriptyline and 6mg of Klonopin, which was an

enormous dose, especially since I am a small person.


Anyway, going through the drug withdrawal was absolute hell for several years.

While in the midst of that, doctors diagnosed me as hyperthyroid and removed

most of the gland. After that they gave me no medication for replacement for six



I became more and more ill over the years but I didn't have health insurance

for a long time and when I did manage to see a doctor they told me my thyroid

test results were fine. I finally pushed a doctor into giving me thyroid

medicine a couple of years ago. Since then my symptoms have improved but not

enough. I still suffer from fatigue, hair loss and a lot of sleeping

difficulties, among other things.


Finally a couple of months ago I gave up on endocrinologists and began seeing

a naturopathic doctor. She is testing all the things I've wanted to have checked

for so many years- adrenals, vitamins, neurotransmitters etc. I am low in iron

(ferritin) and Vitamin D, and many of my neurotransmitters are out of balance,

as well as my adrenals.


My biggest difficulty is that my sensitivities are so much worse than they

were before I had to deal with the psych meds and withdrawal. Everything my

doctor tells me to try that is supposed to help I am sensitive to and have

reactions so I can't take it!


Well, I am taking 50mg iron daily and 1000 IU Vitamin D as well as getting out

in the sun for more D. I was already taking 100-300 mg 5HTP to help me sleep at

night, as well as a multivitamin/mineral supplement in the morning. I also take

a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement at night to help with sleep...


But my doctor has suggested rhodiola, dhea, ashwagandha and l-theanine, all of

which I react negatively to. This is so frustrating!


How can I heal if I can't take any of the substances that are supposed to help

me heal?


Anyway, sorry such a long message but wanted to introduce myself.



St. Louis, MO







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Have you tried EFT? It can help with almost anything and may get you

rebalanced. Another possibility would be NAET but shop around for a

practitioner. Not all get good results.


I hope you're eating organic food only and avoiding chemicals. You didn't

mention iodine. Are you using any? What about essential fatty acids? Fish oil,

hemp, borage, etc?


Are you low on iron or why are you taking so much?


Sharon Hoehner




, " sherbet93 " <sherbet93 wrote:


> Hello all:

> I am not really all that new, as I joined the group in 2007... I just never

had the energy to write!


> A bit of my history: I have always been rather sensitive to medications and

other substances such as caffeine. I was abused as a child and starved, and it

probably led to adrenal issues and other nutritional problems. When I got older

I married into an abusive relationship and ended up trying a lot of

antidepressants before I landed on Nortriptyline and Klonopin for a lot of



> I got divorced ten years ago and during the process I was in a relationship

and got pregnant, at which time I had to withdraw from the psych meds cold

turkey. I had been on 75mg Nortriptyline and 6mg of Klonopin, which was an

enormous dose, especially since I am a small person.


> Anyway, going through the drug withdrawal was absolute hell for several

years. While in the midst of that, doctors diagnosed me as hyperthyroid and

removed most of the gland. After that they gave me no medication for replacement

for six years.


> I became more and more ill over the years but I didn't have health insurance

for a long time and when I did manage to see a doctor they told me my thyroid

test results were fine. I finally pushed a doctor into giving me thyroid

medicine a couple of years ago. Since then my symptoms have improved but not

enough. I still suffer from fatigue, hair loss and a lot of sleeping

difficulties, among other things.


> Finally a couple of months ago I gave up on endocrinologists and began

seeing a naturopathic doctor. She is testing all the things I've wanted to have

checked for so many years- adrenals, vitamins, neurotransmitters etc. I am low

in iron (ferritin) and Vitamin D, and many of my neurotransmitters are out of

balance, as well as my adrenals.


> My biggest difficulty is that my sensitivities are so much worse than they

were before I had to deal with the psych meds and withdrawal. Everything my

doctor tells me to try that is supposed to help I am sensitive to and have

reactions so I can't take it!


> Well, I am taking 50mg iron daily and 1000 IU Vitamin D as well as getting

out in the sun for more D. I was already taking 100-300 mg 5HTP to help me sleep

at night, as well as a multivitamin/mineral supplement in the morning. I also

take a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement at night to help with sleep...


> But my doctor has suggested rhodiola, dhea, ashwagandha and l-theanine, all

of which I react negatively to. This is so frustrating!


> How can I heal if I can't take any of the substances that are supposed to

help me heal?


> Anyway, sorry such a long message but wanted to introduce myself.


> Kim

> St. Louis, MO


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  • 2 months later...

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Ashley <ashley111287 wrote:




> So my question is, so being that I had my first acupuncture session

> yesterday ( which was japanese style acupuncture) they said it will be 24

> -48 hours to feel full effects, but how exactly does the acupuncture work to

> help the headaches and when should I feel better ?








I really can't say. You're calling these headaches " migraines " but what

you're describing is a " frontal headache " . Frontal headaches are often a

sinus problem, but your doctor says that you don't have sinusitis, but you

take an anti-allergy medicine that " helps " .


Acupuncture treatments are cumulative too. Sometimes, the effect takes a fw

more treatments, especially if the headaches are in fact due to sinus

problems which is going to look like " phlegm damp " in Chinese medicine. But

I don't know if your acupuncturist is treating that or not.


The best way to figure out how long it will take to help you is by taking

note of your responses to the treatments.


I have not felt better in regards to my headache, but yesterday and today

> my body has felt very relaxed and I can feel the qi energy flowing thro

> ughout my body, which from what i Have researached, is a good thing.








That's a nice effect, isn't it? When the qi is better flowing, the dampness

will be less likely to congeal in your nose/sinuses. That can help the

headache, but dampness is usually a more slow problem to resolve, not a 24

hour thing.



> Also, I have a new sulfite allergy, so I told them about that too and

> treated that as well, but I dont know how the acupuncture is suposed to help

> with that, like is it preventative or helps with allergy reactions ?







Yeah, it isn't specific to sulfites, but any allergies. What it is doing and

its mechanisms, I honestly don't know. Even more important than " allergies "

is the pattern of the symptoms, that's what Chinese medicine seeks to fix.



> If anyone can help fill me in on some info that would be great. I plan on

> going weekly or every two weeks for treatment.






I hope that's enough frequency. Seems a little sparse to me, but the best

thing you can do is monitor your own situation and that will tell you how

things are going after a month or so.




Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.





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  • 2 months later...

I am a new member, I do holistic medicine with my family, and I also do Reiki

and use crystals, I would like to learn more from this group. I have a couple of

questions, 1 what is a good crystal for lack of focus in school work? also what

are your thoughts on Moldavite?




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Hi Kelli, 

Welcome to the group! 

I think that Lepidolite is a very good crystal for students, because it

encourages calmness and relaxation. I pasted some info about it underneath.

About Moldavite, I don't actually own one yet, but I am also interested in it

and would like to know more about it. From what I read, it seems that it's the

stone for instant transformation, but I was warned that I must be grounded

before attempting to use it because it's a very powerful stone. 


Lepidolite:Properties: This is the stone of rebirth. Useful for transitions in

life. Helpful in times of stress and coping with stress therefore,

creating calm and relaxation. Lepidolite is used to help ease the transition

fromaddiction. Gently eases intensity of our emotional feelings, mood

swings, depression, manic-depression, worry, and anxiety. Brings hope,

relief, gentleness, self-love, patience, self-forgiveness, unworried sleep,

mental/emotional balance, and well-being. This stone is particularly good

for students as it is helpful for studying, learning, manifesting, change and

awareness. This stone is used for self-criticism, when we become down on

ourselves, lepidolite allows us to see for ourselves who we really are and the

potential that lies within us. To enjoy the benefits from this stone, meditate

with it in your hands on a daily basis. Lepidolite balances Brow Chakra with

new spiritual love. It speeds up decision making,

stimulating the intellect and encouraging independence and free and clear

thinking. Scanning this stone around the Aura will allow you to locate

discomfort and dis-ease anywhere in the energy field.

Hope this helps!Ana





--- On Sun, 11/22/09, irishterrierrulesme <kelliarmes wrote:


irishterrierrulesme <kelliarmes

[CrystalHW] New Member


Sunday, November 22, 2009, 3:07 PM



























I am a new member, I do holistic medicine with my family, and I also do

Reiki and use crystals, I would like to learn more from this group. I have a

couple of questions, 1 what is a good crystal for lack of focus in school work?

also what are your thoughts on Moldavite?

































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Thanks Ana! I appreciate it! I will share more about my Moldavite encounter

tomorrow, I am pressed for time this evening, but I want to share and get

people’s thoughts…









On Behalf Of ANA

Sunday, November 22, 2009 4:21 PM


Re: [CrystalHW] New Member






Hi Kelli,

Welcome to the group!

I think that Lepidolite is a very good crystal for students, because it

encourages calmness and relaxation. I pasted some info about it underneath.

About Moldavite, I don't actually own one yet, but I am also interested in it

and would like to know more about it. From what I read, it seems that it's the

stone for instant transformation, but I was warned that I must be grounded

before attempting to use it because it's a very powerful stone.


Lepidolite:Properties: This is the stone of rebirth. Useful for transitions in

life. Helpful in times of stress and coping with stress therefore, creating calm

and relaxation. Lepidolite is used to help ease the transition fromaddiction.

Gently eases intensity of our emotional feelings, mood swings, depression,

manic-depression, worry, and anxiety. Brings hope, relief, gentleness,

self-love, patience, self-forgiveness, unworried sleep, mental/emotional

balance, and well-being. This stone is particularly good for students as it is

helpful for studying, learning, manifesting, change and awareness. This stone is

used for self-criticism, when we become down on ourselves, lepidolite allows us

to see for ourselves who we really are and the potential that lies within us. To

enjoy the benefits from this stone, meditate with it in your hands on a daily

basis. Lepidolite balances Brow Chakra with new spiritual love. It speeds up

decision making,

stimulating the intellect and encouraging independence and free and clear

thinking. Scanning this stone around the Aura will allow you to locate

discomfort and dis-ease anywhere in the energy field.

Hope this helps!Ana


--- On Sun, 11/22/09, irishterrierrulesme <kelliarmes

<kelliarmes%40comcast.net> > wrote:


irishterrierrulesme <kelliarmes

<kelliarmes%40comcast.net> >

[CrystalHW] New Member



Sunday, November 22, 2009, 3:07 PM




I am a new member, I do holistic medicine with my family, and I also do Reiki

and use crystals, I would like to learn more from this group. I have a couple of

questions, 1 what is a good crystal for lack of focus in school work? also what

are your thoughts on Moldavite?







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