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Height Increase - Basic PH

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Hello marilette!

I am a basic healer nad when i was taught healing,I

learnt that the basic chakra is responsible for the

height growth of

children.Can u plz tell me that till what age can the

basic chakra be healed in order to increase the height

of the person receiving the healing.If she is a girl

who has started mensturating long ago is it possible

to do anything and if yes,then what

shud be the maximum age of that girl?what if it is a

boy?What shud b his maximum age?Also tell me that

after sweeping the basicchakra,while energising it how

should i intend for the incresement of the receivers

height?Plz do explain to me how to go about the

healing and how often i shud do it.

Thanx,waiting for ur reply




Dear Julie,


Atma namaste.


Thank you for your email.


There have been reported actual height increase up to

about 21-27 years old depending on the individual's

overall development.


Pranic Healing:


Note: This treatment is applied in the morning.


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after



2. Do 12 cycles of Pranic Breathing properly before

start of treatment, then to continue Pranic Breathing

during treatment.


3. General sweeping.


4. Localized thorough sweeping and energizing on the

basic chakra.


Reapply sweeping and energizing alternately several



While energizing the basic chakra, simultaneously

visualize the energy increasing the length of the

spine and the long bones of the arms and legs.


5. Localized thorough sweeping on the arms and legs

and their minor chakras, the hands and sole minor



Energize the minor chakras simultaneously

visualize the bones of the arms and legs becoming



6. Localized thorough sweeping on the entire head,

the ajna chakra, the crown forehead, back head and

throat chakra. Energize the chakras


7. Localized thorough sweeping on the entire spine

and the sides of the spine from the base of the head

to the end of the tailbone.


8. Localized thorough sweeping and energizing on the

front and back

solar plexus chakra.


Rescan the solar plexus chakra. If it is

overactivated, stabilize it with LB.


9. Localized thorough sweeping and energizing on the

navel chakra and sex chakra .


10. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


11. Ask the patient to do 21 cycles of Superbrain

Yoga. Restrictions for practice apply.


12. Repeat entire treatment 2 to 3 times a week for

the next 6 months or more.


Daily maintenance: For Patient


13. Pranic Breathing for 5 minutes per session,

several sessions a day, everyday.


14. Superbrain Yoga 21 cycles per session, maximum of

3 sessions per day. Restrictions for practice apply.


15. Regular proper practice of the Meditation on Twin

Hearts. Restrictions for practice apply


16. Eat healthy nutritionally balanced food in proper

portions with the daily required amounts of protien,

essential vitamins and minerals. Drink sufficient

amounts of fresh water daily.


17. Regular physical exercises such as

swimming, dancing, aerobics, hath yoga, etc. for 30

minutes to 1 hour per session, one session a day, 3

times a week.


18. Night sleep, not less than 8 to 10 hours per day.







Source: MASTER CHOA KOK SUI - Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic

Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing.


PHQANDA and its contents are copyrighted by the Institute for Inner Studies,

Inc. (IISI). Downloading, reproducing or copying in any manner or form, in part

or as a whole, is prohibited without expressed written permission from the IISI.

Exception is for single copy made for personal use only and when a brief passage

or quotation is reproduced with proper acknowledgement.



1. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or if the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer.


2. Pranic Healers who are are not medical doctors should not prescribe nor

interfere with prescribed medications and/or medical treatments. ~ Master Choa

Kok Sui


MCKS Pranic Healing gateway website: http://www.pranichealing.org.





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  • 6 years later...
Guest Aditya

Dear ma'am, I have been going through pranic healing for the last 6 months of my life for the pupose of height increase. I stay in pune and my height is 5'6". I have been to mumbai where I had visited a pranic healer and after scannng me they said that my height would increase an easy 5 inches. For the past six months I have been taking healing but my height hasn't increased. Also note that I have been taking distance healing as I stay in pune and its not possible for me to go to mumbai for the healing sessions.I am 18 years old right now. Is there any difference between distance healing and one to one healing? Also can you prescribe some exercuses to help the healing. Also, ma'am could you please let me know the do's and the don't while going through the healing.

Warm regards ma'am. Waiting for your reply.

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