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sialolithiasis - salivary duct/gland stones

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Dear Marilette,


Atma Namaste.


Can pranic healing help with an occurrence of salivary

gland stones? A salivary gland stone was surgically

removed from the submandibular gland of

the patient two years ago. However, over the last year

or so, multiple salivary gland stones have started

forming again. As the patient suffers from

lowered kidney function and hypertension, the doctor

has been rather reluctant to apply anasthesia and

remove the stones surgically again. Further, the

doctor says that even after removing the stones

surgically, there is no guarantee that they will not

return again as it has happened in the past. The

stones cause the patient discomfort in the mouth, and

pain when feeling the stones with the tongue. Could

you please suggest a pranic healing protocol for

this situation?


Thank you and God bless,






Dear Thomas,


Atma namaste.


Thank you for your email.


Medical Background:


Salivary duct stones are accumulations of calcium and

phosphate crystals in one of the salivary ducts. These

include the parotid, submandibular, or sublingual

glands. The parotid glands lie just behind the angle

of the jaw, in front of the ears. The submandibular

and sublingual glands are deep in the floor of the



What is going on in the body?


Saliva is formed in response to smell and taste

stimuli. It provides a healthy environment for the

teeth. Saliva also helps break down complex starches.

When the water content of saliva is reduced, the

calcium and phosphate in the saliva can form a stone.


Signs and Symptoms:


The individual may have discomfort and swelling of the

affected saliva gland. The pain worsens at mealtimes,

when more saliva is produced. It becomes exaggerated

when the person eats acidic or sour foods. The saliva

may have a gritty feel or unusual taste. The swelling

and discomfort often go away over several hours.

Sometimes the stone blocks the draining of saliva and

causes a bacterial infection of the gland. If an

infection occurs, the gland becomes swollen, very

painful, and tender to the touch. The person may have

a fever.


Causes and Risks :


Stones are more likely to form when the water content

of saliva is lower. A person who is dehydrated is at

higher risk. Certain medicines also predispose someone

to stones. These include antidepressants,

antihistamines, and diuretics. Certain diseases cause

thickening of the saliva and increase the risk for

stone formation. One example is Sjogren syndrome,

which causes dryness of the mouth and other mucous

membranes. In some autoimmune disorders, the body

attacks its own salivary glands. This thickens the

saliva and forms stones.




Prevention of salivary duct stones focuses on

increasing the water content of the saliva. The

following measures may be helpful:

• drinking six to eight glasses of water a day

• massaging the salivary gland after meals to clear

thickened saliva

• seeking effective treatment for autoimmune disorders

• sucking on sour candy

• using prescription antihistamines instead of

over-the-counter versions


Long-term effects can occur if chronic bacterial

infection sets into the gland. Scars form in the area,

and removal of the stone is much more difficult.


Salivary duct stones are not contagious and pose no

risk to others.




The stone may be squeezed directly out of the duct if

it is small enough. For larger stones that cannot

completely pass out of the duct opening, a small

incision can be made to remove it. Occasionally, the

gland and its stone may be completely removed.


Surgical removal of the stone may lead to scarring of

the duct opening. This can then cause failure of the

gland to drain properly. Other problems may then

arise, such as additional stone formation and

infection. If the entire gland is removed,

complications involve damage to the nearby nerves.

This can result in paralysis and loss of sensation in

the tongue or face.


After successful stone removal, the condition usually

returns to normal. For recurrent acute or chronic

infection, gland removal may be needed.


Source - Mark Loury, MD, Discovery Health



Pranic Healing:


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after



2. Advanced general sweeping several times.


3. Localized thorough sweeping on the jaw minor

chakras and throat chakra.


4. Localized thorough sweeping on the affected

salivary duct or gland alternately with LWG and

ordinary LWV.


5. Energize thoroughly the affected salivary duct

or gland with LWB for localizing effect then

energize with LG then with ordinary LV.


Apply more localized sweeping.


6. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus chakra and the liver.

Energize the solar plexus chakra with LWG then with



7. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


For patient as stated above :


- Drink six to eight glasses of water a day

- Massage the salivary gland after meals to clear

thickened saliva

- Seek effective treatment for autoimmune disorders

- Suck on sour candy

- Use prescription antihistamines instead of

over-the-counter versions









Source materials for all MCKS Pranic Healing protocols are exclusively from the

following books by Master Choa Kok Sui:

Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychtherapy

and pranic Crystal Healing.



1. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or if the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer.


2. Pranic Healers who are are not medical doctors should not prescribe nor

interfere with prescribed medications and/or medical treatments. ~ Master Choa

Kok Sui


Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine


Ask or read the up to date Pranic Healing protocols by joining the group

through http://health./


MCKS Pranic Healing gateway website: http://www.pranichealing.org.






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