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Dear Greg,




Thank you for your email.


A scan on your energy was done with your permission.


This condition is not uncommon and has a strong link

to chronic emotional anxiety. Pranic healing is an

excellent non-invasive way to successfully heal this

disorder. Pranic healing healed my facial

hyperhidrosis, a condition since childhood.


Since the condition is of long standing, patience and

diligence will be needed on your part. Properly

follow the instructions and recommendations given to

attain proper rapid healing.


Medical Background:


Sweating is a natural phenomenon necessary for the

regulation of an individual's body-temperature. The

secretion of sweat is mediated by a portion of our

vegetative nervous system (the Sympathetic Nervous

System). In some people (approximately 1% of the

population), this system is working at a very high

activity level, far higher than needed to keep a

constant temperature. This condition is referred to as



Classification and Causes:



* primary = essential = idiopathic (unknown cause)

* secondary (known cause)


* palmar (hands)

* axillary (armpits)

* plantar (feet)

* facial (face)

* truncal (trunk)

* general


1. Hyperhidrosis as part of an underlying condition

(secondary hyperhidrosis)

Some conditions can promote excessive sweating, as a

rule involving the whole body:

* Hyperthyroidism or similar endocrine diseases

* Endocrine treatment for prostatic cancer or other

types of malignant disease

* Severe psychiatric disorders

* Obesity

* Menopause


2. Hyperhidrosis without known cause (=primary or

essential hyperhidrosis)

This is a far more frequent condition than secondary

hyperhidrosis and appears, generally, localized in one

or several locations of the body (most often hands,

feet, armpits or a combination of them). It usually

starts during childhood or adolescence and persists

all life. Nervousness and anxiety can elicit or

aggravate sweating, but psychological/psichiatric

disturbances are only rarely the cause of the



Manifestations of Primary Hyperhidrosis:


Facial Hyperhidrosis

Sweat pouring down from the forehead in conditions of

stress can be very distressful, inducing the patient

to think that others may consider him/her nervous and



Palmar Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating of the hands is, generally, by far

the most distressing condition. The hands are much

more exposed in social and professional activities

than any other part of our body. Many individuals with

this condition are limited in their choice of

profession, because unable to manipulate materials

sensitive to humidity (paper etc) or reluctant to

shake hands; some patients arrive to the point to

avoid social contact. The degree of sweating varies

and may range from moderate moisture to dripping. Most

patients notice that their hands not only feel moist,

but also cold.


Axillary Hyperhidrosis

Also hyperhidrosis of the armpits can be embarrassing

causing large wet marks and sometimes a white halo of

salt from sweating on the cloths.

Plantar Hyperhidrosis


Other locations

Less frequently, it is located only to the trunk

and/or the thighs. Other patients are suffering from

copious sweating in the face.


* Many individuals suffer form a combination of the

above cathegories.

* Sweating can appear suddenly or manifest itself more


* It can be elicited by high outside temperatures or

emotional stress, or appears without any obvious


* Generally, it worsens during the warm season and

gets better during winter.


Source: Dr. Ivo Tarfusser, MD


Self-Pranic Healing:


1. Invoke and scan before,during and after treatment.


2. Do slow deep abdominal breathing ( 6-3-6-3) until

you feel normalized, about 10-20 minutes.


3. Continue the slow deep abdominal breathing all

throughout this entire treatment.


4. Visualizing the energy penetrating into the

nerves, apply localized sweeping on the entire spine,

both sides of the spine, both arms from armpit to

fingertips, including the minor and mini chakras. Use

alternately LWG and LWV. Energize the chakras using

LWG, LWB and ordinary LWV.


5. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus chakras using EV. Intend to disintegrate

negative emotional and thought energy.


" thorough sweeping " refers to Divide the Chakra Into

6-parts Technique given in the PCH book by GMCKS.


Energize the solar plexus chakra using EV.


6. Localized cleansing on the liver, front and back

spleen chakras.


7. Repeat thorough cleansing on the front and back

solar plexus chakras. Inhibit over-activated front and

back solar plexus chakra by projecting LB.


8. Apply distributive sweeping and spread the energy



9. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

heart chakras. Energize through the back heart using

EV. Activate the backheart by saying " Bigger, bigger,

bigger " . Flick your hand Stabilze by painting the

back heart chakra with LWB.


10. Localized thorough sweeping on the crown, ajna,

forehead and throat chakras. Energize them with EV.


11. Localized sweeping on the spine, both sides of

the spine, both arms from the armpit to the fingers.

Include the minor and mini chakras. Energize the

minor and mini chakras with LWG, LWB and ordinary LWV.


12. Create shields for the front and back solar

plexus chakras, ajna and crown chakras and the aura.


13. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


14. Since this is a long standing condition, repeat

entire treatment twice per week.




1. Daily proper practice of the Meditation on Twin

Hearts including the physical exercises.


2. Regular physical exercise for at least 30-60

minutes per session.


3. Develop the habit of doing pranic abdominal

breathing (6-3-6-3) several times each day.


4. Regular practice of character building and

positive self affirmations.


5. Engage in an enjoyable hobby and/or service to

others regularly.


6. Avoid negative thoughts, emotions, activities and



Source: Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic

Psychotherapy, and Pranic Crystal Healing books by

Master Choa Kok Sui.







" somatictherapy " <SomaticTherapy




Hyperhidrosis " sweaty palms and feet " , I must say that

I've had

this 'condition' since I was very young. In fact, I

can't remember

not having it and figured it was genetic only, and

stopped worrying

about it.


I have been a massage and somatic therapist for 5

years and have it

has never really been a problem, until a few weeks

ago. With a need

to generate some more income, I took a position to do

some chair

massage (no oils, so it should be dry)and have had a

number of

complaints about my " sweaty hands " . One client told

my boss she

wanted her money back, I've never really seriously

took notice of

how people reacted to my wet hands, it's was just part

of me.


But over the last week, I'm now taking a look back

through time and

seeing that others have reacted the same (interviews,

dates, dance

partners, introduced people, etc), only they didn't

have a person to

complain to other than me about the peoblem, and it

seems they didn't

want to offend me or something.


Anyway, back in college it was a problem from my

sports and I did

some research. I learned that this is caused by a

hyperactivity of

the Sympathetic Nerves (fight or flight response) and

that it's

curable with a surgery that seems to be messing with

the ganglion

nerves along the spine. This is something I dont want

to do.


One, my intuition tells me that this nerve system is

important and

needed in the work/energy work I do, and second I dont

feel I need

take those chances over sweaty palms. In fact, I once

had a dream

where I had this surgery performed (though in the

dream it only

required a small incision in the wrist), while my

hands were now dry,

they no longer radiated any love or energy. This was

a dream I took

advice from and stopped looking into the option of



Is there something I can do about this symptom?


Also, I know that I'm a very emotional person, have

been all my life,

Since I was a young boy, I have always felt a severe

grieving sadness

in my being and even though I have worked through much

of this

(meditations, healing, triangle) it is still there

only a

thought/emotion away. I've been working to keep my

front and back

solar plexus and heart chakras clean, since first

starting with

Pranic healing and Arhatic Yoga.


Could this sometimes overwhelming emotion be the cause

of the sweaty

palms? or related at least?


Any help, information or ideas would be very much



Namaste and thankyou in advance for your advice,




My name is Gregory Shawn Robichaud, age 33, Alameda,

CA and if you

should desire, you have my permission to scan my

physical, subtle and

energetic bodies and anything else you require to gain

knowledge of

my being.






Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer . ~ Master Choa Kok



Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine






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  • 10 years later...

Hi everyone, i was wonder if anyone could me acquire the resources to learn and implement these steps -- Self-Pranic Healing:


1. Invoke and scan before,during and after treatment.


2. Do slow deep abdominal breathing ( 6-3-6-3) until

you feel normalized, about 10-20 minutes.


3. Continue the slow deep abdominal breathing all

throughout this entire treatment.


4. Visualizing the energy penetrating into the

nerves, apply localized sweeping on the entire spine,

both sides of the spine, both arms from armpit to

fingertips, including the minor and mini chakras. Use

alternately LWG and LWV. Energize the chakras using

LWG, LWB and ordinary LWV.


5. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus chakras using EV. Intend to disintegrate

negative emotional and thought energy.


" thorough sweeping " refers to Divide the Chakra Into

6-parts Technique given in the PCH book by GMCKS.


Energize the solar plexus chakra using EV.


6. Localized cleansing on the liver, front and back

spleen chakras.


7. Repeat thorough cleansing on the front and back

solar plexus chakras. Inhibit over-activated front and

back solar plexus chakra by projecting LB.


8. Apply distributive sweeping and spread the energy



9. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

heart chakras. Energize through the back heart using

EV. Activate the backheart by saying " Bigger, bigger,

bigger " . Flick your hand Stabilze by painting the

back heart chakra with LWB.


10. Localized thorough sweeping on the crown, ajna,

forehead and throat chakras. Energize them with EV.


11. Localized sweeping on the spine, both sides of

the spine, both arms from the armpit to the fingers.

Include the minor and mini chakras. Energize the

minor and mini chakras with LWG, LWB and ordinary LWV.


12. Create shields for the front and back solar

plexus chakras, ajna and crown chakras and the aura.


13. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


14. Since this is a long standing condition, repeat

entire treatment twice per week.


I understand some of it but not all. if anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated.

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