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Natural Pain Relief Suggestions & Ascites Recommendations

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A severe blockage needs to be taken care

of immediately – especially if it is located in the intestinal tract. 80%

of the immune system is located in the digestive tract. This is where health

begins.  Blockage means that necessary nutrients are not being absorbed,

transported and utilized correctly and it will be difficult to heal

effectively.  Sometimes conventional medical intervention is necessary in order

to get the body “prepared” for a natural protocol.  Of course, this

is a decision that only the patient should make.


For Ascites


Garlic: ½ teaspoon of garlic juice taken

in 125 ml. of purified water. It should be taken regularly for some days.


Onion: Eating onions frequently proves to be diuretic and is a good medicine

for ascites.


Mango: Eat two mangoes at a time 3x a



Carrot juice, butter milk and melon (cantaloupe)

are useful for patients of ascites.


Lymphatic Drainage Techniques – mini-trampoline, dry skin-brushing (brush

toward the heart), deep breathing exercises.


Homeopathy – Arsenicum album C200 and Pulsatilla C200.


Dandelion Tea – Contains bitter principles that have a supportive effect

on the liver and digestive system by supporting the flow of bile. It is also a

very rich source of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, D, C, various B

Vitamins, iron, lecithin, silicon, potassium, magnesium, zinc and manganese.

Dandelion supports the routine excretion of retained water. 




Natural Pain Relief Suggestions


If you are on any prescription meds, check with your healthcare provider before

adding any supplements, vitamins or herbs for pain relief.


If possible, it's best

to avoid opiates, as they suppress immunity and can become very habit forming. 

However, this is not always possible so don’t beat yourself up if you

need to get some pain relief.  Pain causes depression and thus brings down

emotional health.  It is important to feel good enough to continue your natural

health protocol.


VERY IMPORTANT – Make sure that you are

eating a diet that repairs and heals. Sugar promotes inflammation and fuels

cancer and should be eliminated. I would highly recommend the Budwig Protocol

as many experience pain relief very quickly IF the diet is followed correctly

and militantly.


DL-phenylalanine – 75% of the time it works

as well as morphine. DLPA can be picked up at the many/most vitamin stores. Usual

dose is about 3 grams per day until pain is gone. Slows the catabolism of the

body's endorphins.  Once management is achieved modulate at about 500mg per day. 

Certain people should avoid all forms of phenylalanine supplements, such as

anyone with high blood pressure and women who are pregnant or lactating.

Phenylalanine should not be used by anyone taking MAO inhibitor

antidepressants-combining phenylalanine and MAO inhibitors can lead to

dangerously high blood pressure. Anyone with psychosis, and those suffering

from malignant melanoma or the condition known as phenylketonuria, a genetic

disorder of phenylalanine metabolism, should also not take phenylalanine

supplements.  There is some concern about using DL-phenylalanine with cancer

patients, but according to Dr. Ray Sahelian – “Long term studies

are not available to tell us whether phenylalanine supplements taken for

prolonged periods cause cancer.”



– Letstalkhealth.com

or Donsbach.com


Yan Hu

Suo –

From Chinese Fumewort  www.naturalhealthconsult.com/Monographs/yanhusuo.html



(Ultram) by

[LEF.org] as the pain med of choice for cancer patients does not depress the

immune system, instead increasing natural killer cell activity.


(Prescribing information)

http://search.lef.org/src-cgi-bin/MsmGo.exe?grab_id=7 & EXTRA_ARG= & CFGNAME=MssFind%2Ecfg & host_id=42 & page_id=8913920 & query=tramadol & hiword=tramadol+


Laetrile – Relieves pain,

nausea, and vomiting. Available in the form of ground apricot pits or pills. Do

NOT exceed recommended oral dosage, and do NOT use Laetrile/amygdalin at times

of fever. Take it

with food (very

important), in several small dosages throughout the day (NOT 1 large dosage).

Use a good brand.



Oil/Flax Seed oil packs – Can also add Helichrysum essential oil or

Frankincense essential oil.



Mag O7 – Oxygen based total

digestive tract cleanser. Great to keep the bowels moving and the digestive

tract clean.  Cleans the entire digestive tract, not just the colon.  Adds

oxygen to the system.





– Elimination of dental infections; consult holistic dentist (www.iaomt.org)




audio by Hemi-Sync (www.hemi-sync.com/catalog) -- This can

be powerfully pain-relieving. Also consider their Cancer Support Series,

Surgical Support Series, and De-Discomfort.



germanium-132 (Ge-132) -- very effective pain reliever; take moderate to large

doses only under supervision of physician.  This tends to be expensive as it

usually requires 4-6 grams daily.  The Germanium-132 must be organic.


Cesium – Alkalizing the body,

particularly by using cesium. Use ONLY under medical supervision. May take up

to 3 days to be effective.





Essiac Tea – 3-ounces 2-3x

daily in warm distilled water.  Use the 4-herb formula, not the 6 herb formula.



(Emotion Freedom Technique) can be used to relieve pain. It consists of tapping with

finger tips on energy meridian points. You can find out more about it at http://www.emofree.com

 See also www.emofree.com/articles/cancer-group-results.htm


VIBE Machine – Many report

pain relief within several sessions.



Flax Seed Oil Enemas


Magnesium Oil baths


Water – Drinking

purified water is essential to being pain free.  Drink ½ your body weight in total ounces of purified water

(not in plastic bottles) daily.  Dehydration causes inflammation and pain.



Mushrooms-- Maitake (alleviated pain in 83%

of patients), Reishi, Cordyceps, Shiitake


LivaPure – Supports the Liver.  The liver is the main filter

of the body and needs to be kept clean and supported.


Aloe Vera – Very healing to

the digestive tract in higher dosages.  Aloe Immune is a good product.  All

Aloe juices and gels have preservatives – usually sodium benzoate –

stay away from them.



Clark's " zapper " or Don Croft’s Terminator II (use on bottom of

foot) –

Many people report pain relief from using zappers.



meditation, & relaxation techniques

Deep-breathing techniques/exercises


FIR – Far Infrared including FIR saunas


& acupressure

Chiropractic – keeping the spine in

alignment is crucial for balance and healing.



caused by inflammation can be reduced by the following:


Oregano Oil (Should have at least

80% Carvacrol content – Also helps with Candida which most cancer

patients have. According to Cass Ingram oregano oil can have the same effect on

the body as morphine without being addictive. Important – ALWAYS take with

food on a full stomach.)


Systemic Enzyme Therapy such as


Pancreatic Enzymes such as


MSM – 2 to 8 grams (2,000 to

8,000 milligrams) of MSM a day, in 2-3 divided dosages, depending on gastrointestinal

tolerance. It is recommended that you begin with smaller amounts and gradually

increase as needed. Please note that taking MSM at amounts greater than your

body's ability to absorb it may result in loose stools. If this should occur,

cut back the amount you are taking.”

DMSO – (use under direction

of healthcare practitioner)



B3 (Niacin) – 50 mg, up to 6x/day


C (Ascorbic Acid) – 500 mg, 6x/day - (Most probably much more is

needed for cancer pain.  IV Vitamin C therapy for cancer treatment is usually around

70-75 grams daily or every other day depending on how advanced the cancer)





Remedies –

Particularly Aconitum (1M or 10M dose) (apparently “there have been

wonderful stories of pain relief using these methods”)



Be Well~


Loretta Lanphier, ND, CN, HHP, CH


FREE Advanced Health & Wellness Newsletter




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