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High Blood Pressure/Patty

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Very many thanks for the response. My response is below yours:-


>Anna, I don't recommend you do what I did and just drop the meds and 'go

for it' . I think it is recommended that you stop slooowly . Anyway, some

things that are good for HBP are Hawthorn--strengthens the artery walls and

good for the heart muscle, Cayenne--improves blood flow, magnesium--relaxes

the muscles, Calcium--will help with any of those nasty heart palpitations.

I take all of the above every day . the magnesium seems to be a big one for

me, stopped any of those irregular heart beats. I take 1500 mgs of powdered

magnesium plus calcium every day. I started the hawthorn about 2 weeks ago,

and am praying it works, because it is one of those things you have to take

'on faith'. My BP was 160/110 before taking the pills. My ankles had never

swollen before I started taking pills and seeing the Dr. since I quit them

they are regular again and my feet have shape to them (-: my heart was

beating irradically and I never felt really good. Since quitting them I

don't have those problems anymore. I did find out I was allergic to Wheat

too, and think that may have had something to do with it. I don't have

anything else wrong, Cholesterol etc was WAY good! Patty


[Anna] Patty, I had a bit of a close shave with a mild stroke two months ago

when I forgot my pills two days in a row, so yes, I think I'll wait for my

bp to improve before I drop my medications. I admire you for being so

brave, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Hope someone is watching

things for you though.


I went out and got some Standardised Hawthorne Herb Extract today: 250mg

berry powder and 150g leaf and flower. Dosage twice a day. Is this what

you take? Put the powder straight into water because the shell struggling

to melt in hot water so I don't want it in my stomach. Also got some Osteo

formula, 2x a day would make 1600mg Calcium and 600mg Magnesium. You did

say 1500 Mag. Is this combined or just magnesium?


I am looking forward to see see how things go in the next few days

after the first dose, I feel something different already as if my head is a

bit clearer. How do you take your cayenne? I used to love hot and sour


glad that I have a good excuse of having it more often now :o)


Very best wishes to you,



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