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licorice sticks

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Hello, I was wonderring if anyone is knowledgable with actual licorice

sticks? I purchased some at Whole Foods the other day, looked

interesting, actually look like a twig. Can you tell me how to use

these. Thanking you in advance for your help.

Pat ZH in Michigan

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Perhaps you could steep them in boiling

water to make a fragrant tea.


Sherry L. Stoll

Independent Young Living Distributor









On Behalf Of Pat

Friday, December 16, 2005

11:33 AM



licorice sticks



Hello, I was wonderring if anyone is knowledgable with actual licorice

sticks? I purchased some at Whole Foods the other

day, looked

interesting, actually look like a twig. Can you

tell me how to use

these. Thanking you in advance for your help.

Pat ZH in Michigan

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licorice sticks that u had found are used by smokers to stop smoking, give them something to chew on :) u can also go to : http://alternativehealing.org/Chinese_herb_index_pinyin_D.htm good luck with your search.Pat <prettypatty1956 wrote: Hello, I was wonderring if anyone is knowledgable with actual licorice sticks? I purchased some at Whole Foods the other day, looked interesting, actually look like a twig. Can you tell me how to use these. Thanking you in advance for your help. Pat ZH in Michigan

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Thanks Vincent. How ironic...I'm a smoker who wants to quit! Would you know if you keep the bark on em. If I were to make a tea, do I smash up the inner part, put in a strainer and submerge into hot water. Not sure what to do physically with the sticks: debark, smash, pulverise, etc... {they're very dried up and hard} . I went to the mentioned site, a lil hard for me to decipher all the lingo but interesting. Thanks again. Pat ZHVincent Siang <hongsiang60 wrote: licorice sticks that u had found are used by smokers to stop smoking, give them something to chew on :) u can also go to : http://alternativehealing.org/Chinese_herb_index_pinyin_D.htm good luck with your search.Pat

<prettypatty1956 wrote: Hello, I was wonderring if anyone is knowledgable with actual licorice sticks? I purchased some at Whole Foods the other day, looked interesting, actually look like a twig. Can you tell me how to use these. Thanking you in advance for your help. Pat ZH in Michigan

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Hi, Pat

I wanted to add that my brother in law helped his younger brother quit smoking, by cutting black candy licorice sticks (twizzlers) into cigarette lengths. Whenever he craved a cigarette, he would go outside and suck air through the candy, as if smoking, and then he would eat the candy and come back inside.

That, plus the patch, helped him quit.

Just a thought


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Licorice sticks are twigs from a sort of acacia tree; they are

delicacy in The Netherlands. You just chew on them; your teeth get

clean as well.




, dog lover

<prettypatty1956> wrote:


> Thanks Vincent. How ironic...I'm a smoker who wants to quit! Would

you know if you keep the bark on em. If I were to make a tea, do I

smash up the inner part, put in a strainer and submerge into hot

water. Not sure what to do physically with the sticks: debark, smash,

pulverise, etc... {they're very dried up and hard} . I went to the

mentioned site, a lil hard for me to decipher all the lingo but

interesting. Thanks again.

> Pat ZH


> Vincent Siang <hongsiang60> wrote:

> licorice sticks that u had found are used by smokers to stop

smoking, give them something to chew on :) u can also go to :


> good luck with your search.


> Pat <prettypatty1956> wrote:

> Hello, I was wonderring if anyone is knowledgable with actual


> sticks? I purchased some at Whole Foods the other day, looked

> interesting, actually look like a twig. Can you tell me how to use

> these. Thanking you in advance for your help.

> Pat ZH in Michigan






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Licorice sticks are twigs from a sort of acacia tree; they are delicacy in The Netherlands. You just chew on them; your teeth get clean as well.Namaste, Jolanta

Jolanta, are you talking about "zoet hout"?

I remember kids coming to school with it,

way back when. (I was never allowed any,my

mother thought chewing it was vulgar)

So they were not licorice root?


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