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You make the comment that your formula is un -balanced............so to

balance it out to say I could suggest the following.The teeth marks

indicate a spleen xu , esp as the cold nature of your first formula

caused loose stools.


The peeled section in the tongue also suggests a more pronouced yin xu

and that needs to be addressed.THe fact the dizziness improved I feel is

a good sign .You forgot to mention if the patient is on BP reducing

medication .......

I wouldn't be too impatient re: his blood pressure still being high, it

would be hard to put a time frame for recovery , but at a guess if he

has had HBP all his life ........3-6 months of herbs..........? I would

add some spleen herbs as well, shan yao as it also Tx kidneys , mai ya

as it also moves stuck liver qi, tai zi shen as its neutal .......bai

zhu , dang shen may increase his heat at night .


Jue ming zi , now that you bring it up.....a couple months ago I was at

a Chinese restaurant and they served jue ming zi tea instead of jasmise

or oolong. It tastes very nice, not bitter or unpleaseant , just a

teaspoon or 2 of seeds and add boiling water . Long term though may be

cold on st and sp......I don't know .If you are seeing him as a patient

you would have to monitor this.


Has anyone on the list actually been able to get people off their HBP

medication by restoring eg their liv yang rising . I always find they

drop out after a month or so because the drugs work more quickly and its

such an effort to commit to treatment.



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  • 5 months later...

I'm not a doctor (perhaps you should send Doc Ian an email about this) but I don't understand how a water pill is going

to help lower your blood pressure. I know that my father had

to start taking a water pill after his bypass surgery to prevent water from building up in his lungs in order to prevent congestive heart failure. But he takes blood lowering

medication to lower his blood pressure. And his doctor didn't

tell him about the banana either, we did.


My grandmother use to eat grapefruits to lower her blood pressure and that seemed to work for her. If you like grapefruits you might want to give them a try. I have heard

that grapefruit powder helps to keep your arteries from getting clogged, but not sure if it helps lower blood pressure.


I don't know if you're a salt-aholic, but if so you might

want to cut back or altogether cut out sodium from your daily



Sorry, I don't have any great advice, but I think you're

doing a great job at losing weight and exercising. 14 pds.

in a month is great! Keep it up!








Terry James <tjamesherbal remedies <herbal remedies >Monday, October 15, 2001 12:51 PMRe: [herbal remedies] High Blood Pressure


the doctor is trying to see if the water pill will help bring the blood pressure down so I don't have to go on blood pressure medication. does that make any sense?





Patie Asturi

herbal remedies

Monday, October 15, 2001 12:49 PM

Re: [herbal remedies] High Blood Pressure


What are you taking the water pill for?




tjames <tjamesherbal remedies <herbal remedies >Monday, October 15, 2001 10:52 AM[herbal remedies] High Blood PressureHi,I went for a check-up last month and my blood pressure was up high. At this time, I was going through a lot of emotional stuff with my developmentally delayed son who just had a nervous breakdown and my first born had just left for university. Plus, this doctor scared me with the thought of having breast cancer. I had that all checked out and it is just cysts. Whew! The doctor put me on a water pill (hydrochlorothiazide 25mg). He wasn't listening to why it might be up, only going by the symptoms. Not treating me as as a whole person, only the symptoms In the meantime, I have changed at lot in my lifestyle. I am exercising every day for 30 minutes and improving on eating even better than I was. I have lost 14 lbs in the last month and a half. Now I am 140 lbs and 5'2. " I do check my blood pressure at the drug store. It is in the normal to high range depending on the time of day (131/84 to 138/92). Some of my friends suggested that I have " white coat syndrome " , that it goes up at the dr's office. I really don't like doctors much at all and avoid them at all costs. More into holistic stuff. A friend of mine also suggested eating a banana once a day for the potassium I am losing while on these pills. She was told to do this by her doctor when she was on water pills. My doctor never suggested that. Hmmmm. A question I have is, I know you are supposed to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day normally, but, if you are on water pills, are you supposed to keep that up? Drinking lots of water is a natural diuretic, but does that hold true if you are on water pills? Also, what is a good blood pressure for a female of 43 years of age. Should it still be around the perfect 120/80? Any other suggestions I can try to get this down? I even bought relaxation tapes and do them for 20 minutes a day. I go back in November and do not want to take medication. I actually felt in great shape until I went for that darn check-up. I have lost a total of 18 lbs. since June and was walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes. I thought I was doing so well. Geesh!!!SusanFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 10 months later...

Anna, I don't recommend you do what I did and just drop the meds and 'go for

it' . I think it is recommended that you stop slooowly . Anyway, some things

that are good for HBP are Hawthorn--strengthens the artery walls and good for

the heart muscle, Cayenne--improves blood flow, magnesium--relaxes the

muscles, Calcium--will help with any of those nasty heart palpitations. I

take all of the above every day . the magnesium seems to be a big one for me,

stopped any of those irregular heart beats. I take 1500 mgs of powdered

magnesium plus calcium every day. I started the hawthorn about 2 weeks ago,

and am praying it works, because it is one of those things you have to take

'on faith'. My BP was 160/110 before taking the pills. My ankles had never

swollen before I started taking pills and seeing the Dr. since I quit them

they are regular again and my feet have shape to them (-: my heart was

beating irradically and I never felt really good. Since quitting them I don't

have those problems anymore. I did find out I was allergic to Wheat too, and

think that may have had something to do with it. I don't have anything else

wrong, Cholesterol etc was WAY good! Patty

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the files, under articles under Ailments and Hebal remedies it reads:

High Blood Pressure: TotalTonic w/ extra Garlic; Heart Formula; DMSO; Vit E & CoQ10; Enzymes; Panther Piss; The Total Body Cleanse Program.


wcb001 wrote:

hi there, anyone know the best natural ways to lower blood pressure from 160/90 to what it was 2 years ago 120/80 thanks a 47 yr old.... Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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An article in the New York Times described how, when diagnosed with high blood pressure, an elderly Chinese gentleman proceeded to buy celery and eat a quarter of a pound of it a day. He refused to consider Western medicine, much to the dismay of his medical resident son. The gent's blood pressure lowered, and the son did a study to verify celery's effects. I mentioned this to a Chinese optometrist. She said that cucumber will do that too, "But who wants to eat celery and cucumber all the time?" Me herbal remedies wrote:

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It starts with a mind change... I have not been able to master the pain thing like my husband... he truly amazes me with it.... but I am "hell bent" I will not have HBP... and so far I've not got it... my grandparents had it too. I'm not saying it works for everything.. and it definitely is not something you do overnite... you have to convince yourself that it's not going to be high anymore... - If I ever do encounter it starting up I will probably take a bit more garlic and use more mind control - Remember the thing about cancer patients who recover and rid themselves of cancer - the drs say they have a very positive attitude... My boss, retired now, was diagnosed with myloma cancer (of the bone)...He went thru all the chemo, etc... but all thru it he had a positive attitude, put his trust in God, and never asked the Dr how he was doing... (drove me nuts) but he made a full recovery (which amazed the drs.) and that was 5-6 yrs ago and is doing great - no signs of it.


Alex & Sharon Davis wrote:




I truly wish that would work for me, but I have been able to trace this back in my family for generations. I absolutely hate this and would love to be free of it. I hate the meds and doctor visits with a passion.

Sharon and Alex DavisShady Acres Goat Farm Pine Mt. Ga 31822sadav43http://home.earthlink.net/~sadav43/ShadyAcresPage/Page_1x.htmlKiko Meat Goats, Boers and Working Great Pyrs



Suzanne Nottmeier

herbal remedies

Friday, September 13, 2002 10:08 PM

[herbal remedies] High blood pressure


With all this talk about high blood pressure I have got to put my 2 cents in... I do take herbs when needed... however while we are looking for NATURAL cures for problems we are forgetting one major factor in many of the problems we have. THE MIND!!!!! What we believe is what we are.... now I know this doesn't apply in every case... but let me tell you about me.... Both my parents have high blood pressure... my father is really high and has been for years. Mom's is not as high as dads. Dad becomes faint with his... He has been on meds for years.. until 2 years ago when I started "experimenting" on him with herbs... we would get it down for a while and then back up... oh yes he has high colestrol too... and does what his diet.. well, I put him on MSM last year for his wrist, carpal tunnel and his bakers cyst... hmmm, his blood pressure this year was almost excellent.. but back to me.. I told my parents that even though HBP runs in the family... I WAS NOT (I REPEAT) NOT GOING TO GET IT... THAT I DID NOT WANT IT AND DID NOT BELIEVE OR CARE THAT IT WAS HERIDITARY, I WAS NOT GOING TO HAVE IT. PERIOD!!!..

I am 49 years old and have good BP. Family can't understand it... the mind can do amazing things IF we truly believe. it. The trick is YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT. Like I said the mind can control many things... when looking for a cure also believe it can be cured, and you will be healed.. A positive mind goes along way... My DH has a mind control for pain that I can hardly believe. He works construction, and worked for a year with a separated shoulder on one side . The docs told him it was just sore from a ditch cave in and would take time to heal...hahaha... he found a specialist after a year or so of no better and getting tired of controling the pain.. the shoulder was separated ... they had to do surgery to repair it ... told him he would not have full range of motion again... Fooled them - he does everything he did before.

MIND OVER MATTER.... believe you can and you will. Just some food for thought here... Include your mind in your healing process.




News - Today's headlines Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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I just reread your message - something was troubling me ... then it came.. .you say but I have been able to trace this back in my family for generations. I absolutely hate this and would love to be free of it.

Your mind has decided "my parents had, my grandparents had it, their parents had it, etc... so therefore, I have it..." Just because they had it doesn't mean you have to have it. Start with a new attitude... "I'm not going to have high blood pressure" I dont want it and I'm not going to have it" Believe in this, take your herbs, believe they will cure it and believe you will have normal BP.... Positive thinking. Tell yourself every nite before you go to sleep and every morn when you wake up. Until you KNOW your BP will be normal.



News - Today's headlines

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

it seems that this protocol will also cover the asthma symptoms. can

i just do this protocol and will that the asthma is healed, too?


thank you.









> 1. General sweeping 2 or 3 times.

> 2. Sweep the entire head area, especially the back part and the


> 3. Sweep the front and back solar plexus and the meng mein chakras.

> 4. Inhibit the meng mein by energizing with LB and simultaneously

will the

> meng mein to become smaller to about 1/2 the average size of the

other chakras.

> 5. Inhibit the solar plexus with LB. Will it to become smaller.


> overinhibit it.

> 6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 after 1 or 2 hours.

> 7. Sweep front and back heart chakra. Energize the back heart

with LWG,

> then with mroe of LWV. Will the chakra to become bigger.

> 8. Apply more sweeping on the head area. Energize slightly the


> forehead, ajna, back head minor chakras with LWG, LWB, then LWV.

> 9. Sweep the jaw minor, throat, and secondary throat minor

> chakras. Energize them with LWG, and then with more of LWV.

> 10. Sweep basic chakra and energize SLIGHTLY with WHITE.

> 11. Stabilize and release.

> 12. Repeat treatment several times a week if necessary. Instruct


> to consult his physician to determine whether medication can be

reduced or

> stopped.


> 13. SCAN & RE-SCAN THE CHAKRAS frontally and sideways to determine


> size and activation of the chakras. Meng Mein chakra should be 1/2

or 1/3

> size smaller than the back heart and basic chakras.

> Heart chakra should be slightly bigger than the solar plexus chakra.


> 14. If overweight, patient should be advised to reduce weight to


> levels.

> 15. Proper diet especially if patient is diabetic, obese, of has


> blood cholesterol levels.

> 16. Cut down on salt.

> 17. Adequate intake of calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

> 18. Avoid alcohol.

> 19. Moderate physical exercise.

> 20. Stop smoking.


> Love and light, masterfe

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Michelle, It sounds like you have qi

stagnation,perhaps turning to heat, a common cause of

Hbp. Over tonifing with things like ginsing can make

this worse. You might look at a formula like xiao yao

wan or zhi bai xiao yao wan. But in general find an

acupuncturist/herbalist since many things can cause

hpb and it can be difficult to treat and made worse

with the wrong herbs.


--- michellec <michellec wrote:

> I have high blood pressure that can get up to

> 154/100 I am on zestril. I was on zestril and

> inderol but didn't like the inderol and got myself

> off of it. I've tried Hawthorn and sometimes it

> seems to help. Others, not.

> I don't know a lot, but I know that I've been

> cold, damp, deficient. blood and energy deficient.

> I was very cold and lethargic all winter and spring.

> I had an operation 2 years ago that I feel I'm just

> getting my energy back from. I used a couple of

> tonics Black Forest and some other one for a while.

> Lately I've used General Tonic Formula. It seems to

> help. Sometimes I use Fo Ti. I tried Korean

> Ginsing and I liked the energy, but it did make me

> have whirling thoughts that were irritable, so I

> have only taken it about three times, weeks apart.

> I am confused about high blood pressure because

> it is a yang thing and I am so very yin.

> The onset of the blood pressure problem seemed

> to coincide with a very stressful situation in a

> relationship. The kind of stress that is

> spiritually transformative.

> I don't know if I gave too much or not enough or

> unclear.....but if it is convenient, I would love to

> hear your opinions.

> Blessings,

> Michelle



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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Hi Michelle,


I hope you don't get tired of hearing from me, but when I see problems that

people have that are in most cases not really problems of any real concern. Of

all the most disinformation that has been given to us high blood pressure is the

most extravagant example of it.


Here is the problem. In determining good health is establishing what is normal.

For example consider how the method for normal blood pressure was determined.

Five thousand people were checked for blood pressure and " normal " was

established as their average. So, what was really determined was, average, not

normal blood pressure.


Their health was not taken into consideration their nourishment of body was not

considered in this. Certainly, you realize what we eat is what we are.


If you check with your Insurance Companies you will find the average blood

pressure has changed in the last fifteen or twenty years. from what was believed



But, since your concerned one of the things that you can do is, Our heartlines

or vessels go out from our heart and end at the tip of our babyfinger on each

hand along side of the nail. This is acupressure and it works.


I had only read about it and used on myself to see what would happen and found

my heart became stronger and after a workout would bring down my blood pressure

very quickly.


One day I was at a friends house who had a 87 year old lady living with her. I

was in the livingroom when my friend called me and said the lady collapsed in

the hallway, I came in and found she was having a heart attack going in to a

coma I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed.


She was not moving her eyes were going up in to her head she was ready to

expire. I took the babyfinger and began to rotate it and very quickly her eyes

cameback to thier normal place and she then satup and this was in less then two

minutes after she was losing it.


I then knew that this particular maneuver really works for the heart. My advise

is watch what you eat and juice fruits and vegetables for optimal health.


If you take your right hand to your left by the babyfinger on the side of the

nail and rotate it as many times as you wish you will find some great results

for your blood pressure. Do both right and left babyfingers.


Also, if you eat junk food your blood is polluted and needs to be cleaned. A 24

hour fast is excellent for this. You need to watch what your eating. Our bodies

can only take so much and then they come apart.


Think of 20 -30 years of abusing our bodies what are the possibilities of

harming them?


Too help your body is to juice fruits and vegetables I know of no better way to

reclaim our health if we are having problems, no matter what they are.


I have personally been involved with many sick people and brought them back from

the throes of death by getting them to juice fruits and vegetables. You can

believe it or not the choice is yours.





michellec <michellec wrote:

I have high blood pressure that can get up to 154/100 I am on zestril. I was

on zestril and inderol but didn't like the inderol and got myself off of it.

I've tried Hawthorn and sometimes it seems to help. Others, not.

I don't know a lot, but I know that I've been cold, damp, deficient. blood

and energy deficient. I was very cold and lethargic all winter and spring. I

had an operation 2 years ago that I feel I'm just getting my energy back from.

I used a couple of tonics Black Forest and some other one for a while. Lately

I've used General Tonic Formula. It seems to help. Sometimes I use Fo Ti. I

tried Korean Ginsing and I liked the energy, but it did make me have whirling

thoughts that were irritable, so I have only taken it about three times, weeks


I am confused about high blood pressure because it is a yang thing and I am

so very yin.

The onset of the blood pressure problem seemed to coincide with a very

stressful situation in a relationship. The kind of stress that is spiritually


I don't know if I gave too much or not enough or unclear.....but if it is

convenient, I would love to hear your opinions.






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Hawthorne flowers and berries are an excellent choice for BP problems. It will lower high BP and raise low BP with no side effects. Got to take a look at your diet and find the cause of this though.





Anna L. Juarez

herbal remedies

Monday, July 07, 2003 4:33 PM

[herbal remedies] High blood pressure

OK, I see in the archives on niacin some talk about niacin, apple cider vinegar and food... am still digging but if someone can help me cut to the chase, I'd appreciate it. I have high blood pressure, the kind where the lower number is too high. Instead of a nice 120/80, I tend to be stuff like 130/90 or 135/100. Bad, bad, bad. <SNIP>

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  • 1 year later...

There are several things that lower blood pressure, garlic, flaxseed oil or

ground flaxseeds for starters.



> " hmmnbyrd " <katnamigo

> 2004/12/07 â AM 04:06:43 GMT+02:00

> herbal remedies

> Herbal Remedies - High Blood Pressure








Hi All!

I looking for a natural solution for high blood pressure.

I'm on blood pressure meds. What would I have to do to

change over?

Thanks in advance!

Love Hmmnbyrd










Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy.

3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and to

prescribe for your own health.

We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as

they behave themselves.

Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person

following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk.

It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to

be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability.


Dr. Ian Shillington

Doctor of Naturopathy








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I used to be on HBP medication for 15 years. Now for more than 2 years I don't take and BP is great. First call Doc for free tape and listen to it. You can decide to do changes step by step (change your diet toward raw diet, start to excercise, etc) or you can choose (like I did) cleansing program and get you blood pressure under control in 4 weeks. My BP never went back up after cleansing. For first aid take Cayenne pepper tincture and garlic. Go to files and read more about this under Dr. Iana Shillington Articles.


jasminahmmnbyrd <katnamigo wrote:

Hi All!I looking for a natural solution for high blood pressure.I'm on blood pressure meds. What would I have to do to change over?Thanks in advance!Love HmmnbyrdFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or

products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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herbal remedies , " hmmnbyrd " <katnamigo>




> Hi All!

> I looking for a natural solution for high blood pressure.

> I'm on blood pressure meds. What would I have to do to

> change over?

> Thanks in advance!

> Love Hmmnbyrd


I have recommended several remedies which seem to work well. A

combination formula of 11 different herbs for the cardiovascular

system is the most successful. It is called Hawthorn Combo. You can

slowly wean yourself off of blood pressure medication-and most of

the time while you are taking the Hawthorn Combo.

In health


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High Blood Pressure

1. Eat planty of fresh raw garlic, which acts as a tonic to the circulatory system and maintains its health.


Cleanses the blood and helps to crate and maintain healthy bacteria population (flora) in the gut.

Helps to bring down fever.




Tones the heart and circulatory system

Boosts the immune system

Help to reduce high blood pressure

May prevent stomach cancer

Treats infections of the stomach and respiratory system

Helps prevent heart disease and reduces the risk of artheriosclerosis


May help to reduce attacks of allergic asthma and hay fever

Fresh garlic eaten regulary will reduce the need for antibiotics

Fresh garlic juice is antifungal, and can be applied neat to infections such as athlete’s foot

Improves circulation

The intestinal tract can be cleansed by adding several mashed raw garlic cloves to salads. Excellent in combination with red onion.

2. Yarrow is useful in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Prepare tea of Yarrow, Hawthorn and Linden.

Drink one cup three times a day 30 min before meal.

3. Increase your intake of dietary fiber, and of potassium, calcium and magnesium, which have a balancing effect on the circulation and encourage the action of the heart.

Source of Potassium:

Potasium is one of the most important minerals in our body, working with sodium and chloride to form electrolytes, the essential body salts that make up our body fluids. Potassium is crucial in order for the body to function. It plays a role in nerve conduction, the beating of the heart, energy production, the sythesis of nucleic acids and proteins and the contraction of muscles.

Sweating can cause a loss of potassium. People taking certain drugs, including corticosteroids, high dose penicillin, and laxatives may suffer from potassium deficiency.

Best sources:

Fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly bananas.


Sources: Leafy green vegetables, salmon, tinned fish, eggs, beans, nuts,.


Brown rice, nuts, brewer’s yeast, whole wheat flour, legumes.

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I totally agree...I just recently brought mine down fifteen points

with garlic supplement, works great!



herbal remedies , <docdezin@0...> wrote:

> There are several things that lower blood pressure, garlic,

flaxseed oil or ground flaxseeds for starters.

> Yitz

> >

> > " hmmnbyrd " <katnamigo>

> > 2004/12/07 â AM 04:06:43 GMT+02:00

> > herbal remedies

> > Herbal Remedies - High Blood Pressure

> >

> >





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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

herbal remedies , " energy2spare4u "

<candlelady94@w...> wrote:



> I'm taking hawthorn berry now for High blood pressure. Is there

> anything else I should be taking?


This is from Dr. Christopher's site:




Herbal Aids

High Blood Pressure: With high blood pressure, cholesterol and mucus

form a sludge within the body. Avoid the mucus-forming foods and take

herbs that act as a solvent by liquefying impurities such as cayenne,

garlic or sassafras. Take cayenne, working up to a teaspoon three

times a day. This increases the power of the heart and corrects the

circulation problems. Garlic in copious amounts will bring down high

blood pressure. Pure tomato juice is very good as a nutritional and a

medicinal herb. Wheat germ oil is excellent for feeding the heart and

helps cut the cholesterol and smoothens its removal from the area.

Avoid the use of liquor and tobacco, do not keep late hours, and

avoid over-tiredness and worry. There is an intricate inter-

relationship between ones living habits and his body condition. [sNH


Low Blood Pressure: More oxygen is needed to correct this condition.

Garlic is a good oxygen carrier. One of the greatest aids for low or

high blood pressure because of oxygen starvation is deep breathing,

which serves as a catalyst and helps the herbs react more rapidly. An

immediate increase in circulation may be obtained by the use of

cayenne and non mucus-forming foods. Grape juice as well as other

juices rebuild and give endurance to the system. [sNH p.35]

Shock: Cayenne should be taken internally to equalize the blood

pressure and insure that the internal functions will remain

stabilized during the intense systemal distress. [sNH p.44]

Dr. Shook's High Blood Pressure Formula (hardening of the arteries,

etc.): See formula using sassafras, European goldenrod, buckbean,

black cohosh, poke root, Indian senna, buckthorn and cassia bark.

[sNH p.81]

Dr. Shook's High Blood Pressure Compound: See formula using valerian

root, licorice root, buckthorn, speedwell, linden flowers, rue and

golden rod. [sNH p.379]

Blood Circulation Formula: Dr. Christopher's Blood Circulation

Combination: This formula feeds calcium and ginger into the

circulatory system, the cayenne working from the bloodstream to the

heart and arteries, out into the veins. The other herbs included are

to cleanse, heal and give natural elasticity to the venous structure.

It is a group of herbs working together to equalize the blood

pressure whether high or low and to bring it to a good systolic over

the diastolic reading. Blood flow is life itself. This combination

contains: Ginger, Cayenne, Golden Seal, Ginseng, Parsley, Garlic.

[sNH p.531]

Vitamin K: The blood clotting properties of Vitamin K, it has been

found effective in preventing and curing high blood pressure in test

animals, and may turn out to be important for the same use in humans.

It is important that in the plant kingdom, only Alfalfa contains a

significant amount of Vitamin K; most plants are quite deficient in

the vitamin. [uW-Alfalfa]

Kelp: It is an arterial cleansing agent and gives tone to the walls

of the blood vessels. It is helpful in some cases of arterial tension

(high blood pressure). Practitioners believe that it helps to remove

deposits from the walls of the arteries and restore their elasticity,

thereby lengthening life (Powell:17). Sufferers from low blood

pressure can also have this condition normalized with the use of

Kelp. {UW-Kelp]

Shepherd's Purse: Acts to constrict the blood vessels and thus can

raise blood pressure but it has also been said to regularize blood

pressure and heart action whether the pressure is too high or too

low. [uW-Shepherd's Purse]

Valerian: The herb has a beneficial effect on the heart and on blood

pressure. One man felt " jittery and woozy " taking his blood pressure

medicine and asked an herbal practitioner for something to help him.

He didn't say that he was going to stop taking his medicine but a few

weeks later, he said that he had been to his doctor, and that his

blood pressure was down to normal. He didn't have the nerve to tell

the doctor that he had stopped taking the medicine and was drinking a

tea composed mostly of Valerian and hawthorne. [uW-Valerian]

Hawthorn Berries: A celebrated cardiac tonic for many centuries.

Under conditions of stress, the heart often " works overtime. "

Hawthorn berries can help in treatment of high or low blood pressure,

tachycardia, and arrhythmia. It is also anti-spasmodic, sedative, and

soothing to nerves, especially in nervous insomnia. [NL 2-3]

Garlic: Many people have been helped in ridding the body of worms by

inserting a peeled button of garlic as high as possible into the

rectum. Do this just before retiring at night and it will come out

with the first bowel movement in the morning. (This is also a fine

aid in adjusting high blood pressure and low blood pressure). [NL 2-9]

Water: It is very beneficial to drink a gallon of " steam distilled

water " each day. This will aid to cut down the hardening of the

arteries, adjust high and low blood pressure, and retard body

dehydration. The amount of water depends on the weight of the

individual. Use one ounce of " steam distilled water " to each pound of

body weight. i.e. a one hundred and thirty pound individual should

drink a gallon of the water (132 oz.) or a twenty pound child, twenty

ounces of the water. [NL 2-9]

Juices for High Blood Pressure: Celery-garlic-parsley, celery,

dandelion, grapefruit. [NL 3-5]

Juices for Low Blood Pressure: Beet, grape, pomegranate. [NL 3-5]

Ephedra: Excessive amounts of ephedra should not be used by those

people who have high blood pressure, but the small amounts in Dr.

Christopher's formulas will have no adverse effects. Ephedra is great

for those suffering from low blood pressure. [NL 4-9]

Vegetables for Blood Pressure: The green bell-shaped pepper is

especially good for ... high blood pressure and acidosis. The Sweet

Potato used... for problems of low blood pressure and poor

circulation. [NL 4-12] Peaches are considered valuable in cases

of ...high blood pressure [NL 5-1] Pineapple is considered good

for... high blood pressure. [NL 5-1] Strawberry is recommended

for ... high blood pressure. [NL 5-1] Ample consumption of tomatoes

is considered to improve ... high blood pressure. [NL 5-1]

Pecans: These have been used where there is a problem with low blood

pressure...Pinon nuts have saved the life of many an Indian baby when

made into a nut soup and used as milk for the baby when the mother

had no milk. The nut is considered to be effective where there are

problems with the lungs such as tuberculosis, impotence, paralysis,

low blood pressure, and emaciation. The Pinon nut is one of the best

sources of protein in the nut family. [NL 5-1]





1. Dr. Christopher Tells the Story: I traveled with a man younger

than myself several years ago all over the western part of the United

States on business. He marveled at the stamina that an older man

could have on long drives without displaying the usual fatigue. Each

morning I would get up and have my cayenne and my wheat germ oil (I

don't pay attention to anyone else, I just take them, regardless).

Finally he got curious and said, " What's that stuff? " So I gave him

an illustrative lecture, and he responded, " Well, I have hemorrhoids;

my mother died of high blood pressure, and I have high blood

pressure; and with the hemorrhoids I have to wear a belt, as you

probably noticed, to keep my hemorrhoids up in place. Do you think

that (meaning cayenne) will help? " " Not unless you take it, " I

replied. " Well, I will start taking it. " Then I added, " I don't think

you're man enough; I don't think you are brave enough, " and I turned

and walked away. Now, he was well-proportioned and a weight lifter,

so after I left, he went over and got into my can and started using

the cayenne along with the wheat germ oil, and by spring he did not

have to wear a belt any longer as his hemorrhoids were cleared. Then

he had an amazing surprise when he went to his doctor for a regular

check-up; the doctor took his blood pressure three or four times and

said, " This is supposed to be progressively worse. I don't know what

has happened; your systolic and diastolic are near perfect. You don't

need to come back any longer --I don't know what happened! " Well, he

did not have to go back, and today this gentleman who lives in the

Salt Lake City area has no high blood pressure, for he kept on taking

his cayenne. [sNH p.412]



2. Dr. Christopher's Own Story: Because of my own experiences I must

tell you that I am a firm believer in the use of cayenne for the

circulatory. I suffered ill health in my youth and from my middle

twenties to the middle thirties it was impossible for me to purchase

life insurance, even a thousand dollar policy. This was due in part

to the hardening of the arteries and a disposition to high blood

pressure which I suffered from.

During my middle forties I tried again for a substantially large

policy of life insurance. Because of the amount of the insurance I

had requested, I was required to see two different doctors, each of

whom gave me an examination. After one examination the doctor

exclaimed that he was astounded at my blood pressure which resembled

that of a healthy teenager though I was forty-five years old. The

second doctor measured my blood pressure five times, in each instance

shaking his head and repeatedly scrutinizing my case history chart. I

was becoming irritated and asked him if his equipment was broken,

seeing that he had repeated the reading over and over. He told me

that the equipment had been used without trouble for some time, but

since my age was forty-five and I had a perfect systolic over

diastolic pressure he had to wonder if the reading was correct. I

assured him that it was and related what the other doctor had said. I

got an O.K. for the policy from both practitioners.

Last year as I neared seventy years of age I told this story to a

class I was instructing. One of the pre-medicine students asked if my

blood pressure was still as good as it had been then. So I gave him

permission to take my blood pressure. Amazingly, the group saw the

blood pressure reading of a healthy young man and not the average

reading of a seventy-year-old individual. This was very gratifying to

me to say the least. The main reason for this good blood pressure of

mine, besides my close adherence to the mucusless diet, was the use

of cayenne as a food each day. I take one to three teaspoons or more

of cayenne every day of my life and the resulting healthy blood

pressure is what I call a good pay-off for a total effort. [NL 1-5]



3. Dr. Christopher's " Hawthorn Berry Syrup has been doing us so much

good. It's difficult to find adequate thank you expressions for you.

In addition to help for heart problems it has also been stabilizing a

high blood pressure problem of long standing which is really worthy

of praise. We take it only twice a day, but perhaps if it was taken

three times, it would bring the blood pressure to normal ... At least

we are not using the drug prescription for some time now. " [NL 3-11]

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herbal remedies , " energy2spare4u "

<candlelady94@w...> wrote:



> I'm taking hawthorn berry now for High blood pressure. Is there

> anything else I should be taking?

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I have found fresh uncooked vegetables and large

Vitamin C supplements have brought down mine by 20




> herbal remedies ,

> " energy2spare4u "

> <candlelady94@w...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > I'm taking hawthorn berry now for High blood

> pressure. Is there

> > anything else I should be taking?








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  • 2 weeks later...
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It was for my friend. She is divorced, and does not get along with her ex at all, so I think it is because of all the stress. My blood pressure tends to be low. 100 over 50. My doctor said that was okay, but he said if it went lower, he wanted to put me on salt tabs.


what are you eating and drinking?



energy2spare4u I've been taking the ceyenne and garlic for about a month now. I just took my BP and it was 208/133. I think I really need more help. Do you have any suggestions?Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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what are you eating and drinking?



energy2spare4u I've been taking the ceyenne and garlic for about a month now. I just took my BP and it was 208/133. I think I really need more help. Do you have any suggestions?

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>>Message: 5

Mon, 25 Apr 2005 13:30:07 -0000

" energy2spare4u " <candlelady94

High Blood Pressure


Hello everyone,

I've been taking the ceyenne and garlic for about a month now. I just

took my BP and it was 208/133. I think I really need more help. Do you

have any suggestions?<<


Magnesium has been found to lower blood pressure.


>>Daily magnesium supplements can trigger small but significant

decreases in blood pressure. This effect is greater in subjects with

higher blood pressure. Supplementation with magnesium for 8 weeks

significantly lowered blood pressure. Average blood pressure

reductions were small, but noteworthy -- about 2.5 mm/Hg lower in the

systolic (first number) reading, and 1.4 mm/Hg lower in the diastolic

(second number) reading. Magnesium may help lower blood pressure

through its ability to increase the diameter of blood vessels.


Hypertension August, 1998;32:260-265.<<

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where do you get the cayenne, 150,000 HU? yes, I am taking calcium and magnesium, efa's. was on the "water cure" drinking sea salt water.


debbieFlo <fgarig wrote:


are you taking magnesium? Magnesium and selenium products always bring my bp down really fast when I mis-eat (eat badly) or eat out and eat salty stuff. We ate outt wo weeks ago at a lovely greek/lebanese place I wanted to try for a few years, and the food was so salty it hurt my tongue. Next day my fingers were swollen and I was just feeling really bad from bp. It was the bad salt.


I have had garlic, cayenne, magnesium, selenium and Concentrace minerals. BP is down--Yee-haaa!






today my BP is 166/90....WOW. I live in NC. Can anyone tell me where Ican locate cayenne 150,000HU; a specialty store???? This has just happened in the last couple of weeks. Do not want BP medicines and my DrFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to

educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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are you taking magnesium? Magnesium and selenium products always bring my bp down really fast when I mis-eat (eat badly) or eat out and eat salty stuff. We ate outt wo weeks ago at a lovely greek/lebanese place I wanted to try for a few years, and the food was so salty it hurt my tongue. Next day my fingers were swollen and I was just feeling really bad from bp. It was the bad salt.


I have had garlic, cayenne, magnesium, selenium and Concentrace minerals. BP is down--Yee-haaa!






today my BP is 166/90....WOW. I live in NC. Can anyone tell me where Ican locate cayenne 150,000HU; a specialty store???? This has just happened in the last couple of weeks. Do not want BP medicines and my Dr

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