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Black sesame for excess bleeding, fertility and beauty!

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Thanks you, Dr. Bhate, for this reminder and expansion of " kitchen

medicine " wisdom. I have a big jar, beginning to use again as a

result. My friend Dr. Shrestha says raw sesame should always be toasted/cooked,

and that there is some sort of toxin in the raw. Is it the enzyme inhibitors,

or something else?


She also advised against using it early postpartum, perhaps because of the

support to increase apana vayu, which could risk increasing the lochia. We use

white sesame after the first 2 weeks in sauces, " milk " and other forms. It

sounds like the black sesame would be nourishing before that, peoperly balanced

for the bitter taste. Actually, some of us don't find it offensively bitter

even eaten straight, the sweetness still comes through to me. Must be our





Further notes - Black sesame seed is most easily found to purchase in the

Chinese markets here in the US by my experience. Do the larger Indian stores

also sell it? The link does not work for some reason, so I am pasting this

article, it is very interesting. It can of course be found also searching for

black sesame or the article number on the forum, ayurveda.




osteoporosis, excess bleeding, premature hair graying...


In the tale of Ali Baba and the forty thieves, `Open Sesame' was the

secret password to open the treasure cave.


It is indeed a treasure in ayurveda, Sesame is given very much

importance, in the search of energy and longevity. Sesamum indicum,

is a native of India, and its usage dates back to 3000 b.c. While

light coloured variety is considered warming and giving energy,

black variety is considered for reducing menstrual pains, excess

discharge or bleeding in menses, piles. Since the ayurvedic usage of

Til or sesame seeds was dealt with last year around this time:




author restricts this post to black variety of sesame. If a lady gets

severe pain during menstruation or has irregular menstration, excess

bleeding, then eat sesame seeds. Boil 10 gram of black sesame in 200

gram of water. When the water reduces to 50 ml, add jaggery in it and

again boil it. Drink this water, for proper menstruation. It has

influence on bleeding during pregnancy too.


We recently had some discussion on Graying of hair in this list.

Growing long, healthy and beautiful hair requires that a lot of

different health variables be functioning well. Body needs to have the

proper balance of nutrients and supplements. Black sesame seed is said

to be effective in mitigating premature gray hair. And a herb which

mitigates gray hair, will also help restore fertility. An excellent

source of calcium for those avoiding cow's milk. Used in traditional

Chinese medicine to nourish and fortify the liver and kidney

meridians. Said to help blurred vision, tinnitus, and dizziness. Used

traditionally to help patients recover from severe illness. Will

nourish blood deficiency in the body, lubricates the intestines and

deep internal organs. Thus helps move the bowel.


Helen Lee provides many of the latest beauty secrets that are

thousands of years old, in her book " The Tao of Beauty " . According

to her, long term consumption of the Black Sesame Seed Soup helps to

beautify the scalp and the hair and also provides benefits to the

skin. Any remedy which beautifies hair and skin, essentially balances

and boosts fertility hormones, as per common observation.


Black sesame seeds are also useful in hair oil to take care of

premature graying. For a receipe, see.:




Chinese medicine finds that herbs and foods that are black colored

are particularly good for the kidneys. Black sesame is rich

in certain oils and is taken regularly, about one tablespoon daily,

to prevent greying and help restore normal hair color. Black sesame

seeds can be dry roasted and ground with a little salt to make a

delicious condiment that can be sprinkled on rice and other foods.

Black sesame seeds taste more bitter after toasting and hence

sweetner needs to be added. A delicious sweet can be made by mixing

the ground black sesame with honey or dry powdered pure jaggery. When

jaggery is not available, use candy sugar or honey; honey will

enhance the fertility cure since it is a glycosugar. Nature provides

sesame crop in october-november, just sufficient in advance of fertility season.


Black sesame seeds have very little carbohydrates but are rich source

of calcium(85 milligrams per gram of seeds), phosphorous, magnesium,

zinc (to fight osteoporosis), copper, potassium even a little

selenium. Rich source of essential fatty acids. Even B-vitamins and

folate exist. Large amount of phystosterols contained in them help

reduce cholesterol, triglicerides and help peri and post menopausal

ladies, in addition to those wishing fertility..


You can make a delicious sweet " Til Poli " from sesame seeds according

to receipe on:



Black sesame seed is a very good tonic herb. It builds liver and

kidney, both being internal doctors, it is a longevity herb. In

addition to its essence-building capacity, Black Sesame also builds

blood. Black sesame seed is moistening to the intestines and helps

move the bowels. It prevents and relieves constipation due to dryness

of the intestines. Food therapy provides additional natural elements

to help the body to repair and regenerate itself; in other words, it

supplies what our body needs as we age and thus assist the body to

function as if we were younger. Common foods recorded in ancient

books for " beauty " , " anti-aging " and " rejuvenation " purpose are

sesame, amala, honey, mushrooms, milk products, pumpkin seeds, lotus

root, water melon, cherry, wheat and radish. It is unfortunate that

some of these are now genetically modified for higher yield at the

cost of lower medicinal value.




Black sesame seeds have been used by Chinese herbalists for the

treatment of tinnitus, blurred vision, numbness and dizziness,

recovery after illnesses.You can add it to foods. The peanut-butter-

like spread made from sesame seeds, and halvah, a popular sesame

candy is distributed on Makar Sankrati (January 14) to sweeten the

relationships with friends and loved ones. So the message of love is

built in in this herb.


Eating bananas with toasted black sesame seeds relieves constipation.

Chinese medicine uses black sesame seed in treating vitiligo:




More recently, black sesame seed is used in arthritis cure, competes

with a well known anti-inflamatory drug Voltaren from Novartis.




Lastly, one important tip. While sesame seeds (white) are considered

warming, so are black seeds, but it is only when they are mixed with

glycosuagr (jaggery, honey etc) they come useful to stop bleeding. In

Northern Karnataka (India) they make a very tasty chutney mixing

black seeds with chilli powder and onion/garlic sometimes. If you

take this chutney for a few days, nosebleed is sure. If you wish to

avoid this, take this chutney with yogurt or butter. When black

sesame is used to stop bleeding, one can enhance the effect by adding

fresh cow butter.


This is what makes ayurveda slightly difficult to understand and



ayurveda , " mesha1964 " <mesha1964


> There is an interesting story in the media the last couple of days

> concerning the treatment of ulcers and stomach inflammation with

> drugs like Nexium.


> http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/12/26/burn.bones.ap/index.html


> My mother is taking Nexium daily for stomach inflammation. She is


> concerned and I told her I would see if any ayurvedic remedies that

> exist. She is very health conscious and eats primarily vegetarian

> type of diet, but eat fish. She avoids caffeine and other stomach

> irritating foods. She avoids yogurt and dairy. She walks on a daily

> basis and also has a meditation practice. She also has osteoprosis.

are any known ayurvedic supplements that might help. Or possibly any

dietary recommendations?


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" Ysha Oakes " wrote:

> My friend Dr. Shrestha says raw sesame should always be

toasted/cooked, and that there is some sort of toxin in the raw. Is

it the enzyme inhibitors, or something else?


> She also advised against using it early postpartum, perhaps

because of the support to increase apana vayu, which could risk

increasing the lochia.


The difference in the " food " and " herb " is due to toxicity of the

herb. All herbs have some toxicity, the only form of protection

given by God to them, so that animals do not eat herbs. But animals,

as well as man, likes to eat pungent, bitter etc when suffering from

unbalance of doshas. This is what helped tribals to discover healing

properties of herbs. Where immune system is yet to develop fully,

this does not occur (e.g. children suffering from worms like to eat

sweets, which cause more Kapha and parasites). Another instance,

when CNS is corrupted,(leptin hormone causing binge eating) obesity



When black sesame seeds are used as laxative, take them with banana or jaggery

to balance the toxins. All laxative herbs have toxins, that is why body wants to

expel those toxins and cause bowel movements.


>We use white sesame after the first 2 weeks in sauces, " milk " and

other forms. It sounds like the black sesame would be nourishing

before that, peoperly balanced for the bitter taste. Actually, some

of us don't find it offensively bitter even eaten straight, the

sweetness still comes through to me. Must be our pitta!


Reduced bitterness is due to reduced contents of minerals in the

land these days. Even carrots are not tasting sweet! Thanks to

genetic modifications which do not allow sugar to grow, but growth

of fleshy tissues goes on!


> Further notes - Black sesame seed is most easily found to purchase

in the Chinese markets here in the US by my experience. Do the

larger Indian stores also sell it?


Try this link if old link did not work:



Author provides solution from kitchen, since kitchen items are so

great that they take care of even Jaundice, Arthritis and Ovarian

Cancer! e.g.



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