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It's Happened Again!

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Hi Joanie,


For what it is worth---and I have these same questions at times---I think

we need to monitor our thoughts and attitudes but I also believe that

they are just one variable in the whole equation of life. Others have

thoughts and attitudes, too. Balance seems to be the key----again----for

me. I don't believe that we are in control of everything that happens in

our life, but we are in control of some things. " God grant me the

serenity to accept the things I cannot change; to change the things that

I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. " I am still in process of

integrating this in my life.


On several occasions, I have known beyond the shadow of a doubt that

something was a mistake that others were in control of but affected my

life negatively. Regardless of my efforts, I could not convince them and

they had to suffer the consequences (along with me.)


There is a passage in the Old Testament that I like called the 'prophet

as a watchman.' (Ezek. 33) It basicially says that if we warn someone

and they do not heed the warning, it is on their heads. If we do not

warn someone (of danger), it is on our heads. This seems to place the

responsibility where it should be.


This sounds to be like a powerful warning/discernment for you. You

probably could not have stopped the fire if someone was bent on doing

this but maybe you could recognize the process next time in order to

safeguard what you can. You sound reasonable but without proof, what can

you do? Of course, there may be some paranoia there, too, but it doesn't

have that 'ring' to me. Are you still neighbors with these people? The

stress alone must be overwhelming. Do you have anyone to talk to that you

have credibility with? It's very lonesome if you don't. Thanks for

sharing with us. I'm sure otheres will have helpful input for you.


Hope this helps---I don't have anything definitive---but I am not 'of the

school' that says we have ultimate control of our destiny. Maybe, I

should be---some would say I should be. But that hasn't been my

experience of life. However, I do firmly believe that everything that

happens can be used for our growth and development. This I firmly

believe. I also believe in a God that brings 'good' out of 'evil'. If

He/She only brought 'good' out of 'good', we might run out of raw






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That was well said, Karyn. It's hard to describe intuition as it is

subtle but once you start to recognize it, it is pretty distinct from

emotional feelings. I think the word feelings puts many people off

because if we followed our emotional feelings we could be in real trouble

sometimes. This is different. I don't know if this will help but it's

more 'gut' than 'heart'---at least, for me. I have found it leads me

from dire consequences (i.e., getting my children out of a room seconds

before a ceiling fell in right over their heads) to finding an article I

want to buy at a remote store. It's great fun! I don't control it, just

try to recognize it. Sometimes it is absent and there is even a lonely

feeling without it for me. I think I am probably clogged up with some

emotional garbage at these times or my ego is too much in the forefront.


Thanks again, Karyn



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Hi Y'all,

Remember when I wrote last week about the thoughts about my dollars-off

shoe certificate, past due for over 9 months, and suddenly it showed up?


Well, day before yesterday I was thinking about my brother who lives in

another city. I was thinking how I had not gotten a letter from him lately

(he does not have a phone). Well, guess what? Went to the mail box yesterday,

and lo and behold there is a 5 page letter from him! Now, is this just a

coincidence, or did my thoughts really prompt him to write to me?


This is scary in a way because now I find myself consciously trying not to

think any negative thoughts.....you know, things like business failures, or

health issues, etc. Then again, thoughts and fears are not the same things,



I STILL haven't a clue as to 'how' I am doing this, but I feel that it is

very powerful, and if I could harness it, tremendous things would happen in

my life.


Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!


Bridget Parker















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Hi Mina,

Thanks for your comments. I think that you are onto something with the

comment about the psychic impulses. I DO think these manifestations are

psychic triggers. I had not thought of that before, but now it makes complete


In the later part of last year, I began a new business. I still love the

business, but things are not progressing as rapidly as I was told that they

would, nor as rapidly as I expected them to. No matter how much I visualize

progress in my business, it just is not happening yet. Then, I think about a

coupon that I should have gotten in the mail 9 months ago, and 2 days later

it appears. I think about my brother who I have not heard from in a month,

and the next day I get a letter.

I'm riding down the street, and think of getting a flat tire, and

immediately I correct myself, and profess out loud, that I have traveling

grace, and I arrive at my destination safely. But what if I did not profess

my good fortune out loud? Would I still get a blow out?

What about the times that I have 3 extra dollars in my bank account after

all the bills are all paid, and I think 'Oh, Oh.........something drastic is

about to happen because NO WAY is it possible or me to have any money left

over after paying bills', and just like that, another unexpected expense

barges it's way into my life. Either one of the kids needs something that

cannot wait, like eye glasses have broken, or a tooth gets knocked out at

soccer practice. Or, the washer or dryer goes on the lam. Or, a flat tire, or

the dog gets sick. Either way the little unspent money gets eaten up very


Am I doing this to myself? Am I doing it through negative thoughts and/or

negative thought patterns? Or, am I psychically inviting negative forces into

my life? The bible states that the truth is in the power of the tongue. Is

this where I am going wrong? And, if this is so, then why when I profess what

I DEFINITELY see as a positive for my life it seldom comes true for me?

Like when I was at the hospital with my Mother for a routine gall bladder

check, and I go to the candy machine, and get back and she is not in her

room, and I am told that the moment that I walked out of the room she stopped

breathing, and later I find out that she is dead. But not before I am deep in

my thoughts and prayers for her to stay strong, and she will be okay. I just

KNEW she would be okay, I simply KNEW that there was no way on earth she

could 'not' be okay. So, imagine my complete shock when the doctor walked in

the waiting room, just like on TV, and told me that he had done all he could,

and that she was gone!!! (Not from gall bladder trouble, but totally

unsuspecting aorta rupture). Nothing in my thought patterns had me prepared

for this. Nothing. 3 years later, and I am still reeling from the shock!

How can I control something that I don't even know that I have?


Bridget Parker














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i identify with you.


when you say:


now I find myself consciously trying not to

> think any negative thoughts.....you know, things like business failures,


> health issues, etc... "



i know the feeling when reality becomes liquid... like you have the power to

mold it...

what i noticed that " when it rains... it pours " I MEAN:


there are periods in life when these thoughts have more appearence in

reality - than in other periods in life.

may be it is connected to some state of mind.


would love to learn about this phenomemom too.

I am too small to understand complicated terms LIKE QUATUM PHYSICS and how

it relates to thses kind of happenings.

think positive!


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> I STILL haven't a clue as to 'how' I am doing this, but I feel that it is

>very powerful, and if I could harness it, tremendous things would happen in

>my life.


Hi Bridget,


My name is Mina, and I'm new to the list. First off, let me

introduce myself, and then I'll address your comments. I'm 30 years

old, and have been married from 2 years. I'm a Reiki Master, and

have always been interested in the Mind/Body connection. I joined

the group because I would like to have more discussion on this part

of healing, as I am married to the ultimate SKEPTIC! LOL! Actually,

he believes in the Mind/Body connection as well, but has not embraced

other modalities of healing that supplement this connection.


In any case, what I wanted to say about your examples is that your

Mind creates your reality. What you perceive as your reality IS your

reality, if that makes sense. For example, people who believe in

psychic phenomena EXPERIENCE it, people who don't will not, because

they don't believe in the possibility of it. Our thoughts create

what happens around us...if you are a pessimistic or depressed

person, things happen around you to perpetuate that outlook on life.

If you are a happy and positive person, the same is reflected back to

you. So, it is possible that by your thoughts you are triggering

things to happen in your life, or it's possible that you are

receiving psychic impulses regarding those things...perhaps you began

to think about the letter from your brother when he began to write

it, and not vice versa. But, that's really a chicken/egg type issue.


There are some techniques for manifesting things in your life by

thinking about them. Basically it's the creative visualization

technique. If you can see and believe that something is going to

happen, it WILL happen. Unfortunately, we are much better at doing

this in the negative rather than in the positive. For example, it's

very easy when we lack sufficient funds to pay our existing bills to

see another unknown bill come in, rather than to see the money come

in to help pay the bills off, even though neither of these things is

more likely to happen than the other. Worrying is creatively

visualizing things we DON'T want to happen, which often backfires on

us. And, even if they don't happen, we have wasted our energy in

worry, when we could be putting that toward creating a better life by



There is a good and easy to understand book that deals with this type

of thing called " Celestial 911 - Call With Your Right Brain for

Answers! " by Robert B. Stone, Ph.D. It's got exercises for opening

up your communication with your right brain, which enables you to

create the existence you desire. I found it at a discount book store

for $5.00. It's got easy exercises in it, and nothing takes more

than a few minutes to do.


Anyway, I guess I've written enough for now...LOL!



Mina, Reiki Master


Mina Smolinski

Black Cat Systems - software for the Macintosh


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Rather than manifestation, have you looked at the possibility of connection,

precognition, psychic phenomena, in other words? There is a possibility in

these cases that instead of your " creating " what happened, you intuited that

it was going to happen before it did.


Sometimes I get " impressions " from my Mother like that; it seems that I

always call her when something is " going on " ; for instance, Sunday morning I

had an urge to call her, let the phone ring a bit, then realized she was

probably at church and hung up. Well, it comes out that my Grandmother's

last brother passed away in the night, and Mother was with her, comforting

her, that morning. I have always had that sort of link with Mother, hearing

her say my name in my head.


So don't go flying off the handle too much with worrying you're going to

screw up the orbit of the earth with your bad thoughts, everything comes out

the way it is supposed to. Give your guilt muscle a break.









> It's Happened Again!

>Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:51:48 EST


>Hi Y'all,

> Remember when I wrote last week about the thoughts about my dollars-off

>shoe certificate, past due for over 9 months, and suddenly it showed up?


> Well, day before yesterday I was thinking about my brother who lives in

>another city. I was thinking how I had not gotten a letter from him lately

>(he does not have a phone). Well, guess what? Went to the mail box


>and lo and behold there is a 5 page letter from him! Now, is this just a

>coincidence, or did my thoughts really prompt him to write to me?


> This is scary in a way because now I find myself consciously trying not


>think any negative thoughts.....you know, things like business failures, or

>health issues, etc. Then again, thoughts and fears are not the same things,



> I STILL haven't a clue as to 'how' I am doing this, but I feel that it


>very powerful, and if I could harness it, tremendous things would happen in

>my life.


> Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!


>Bridget Parker





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Hi Bridget,


I know exactly where you're coming from, those same thoughts occupy my mind

in some way.....but I suppose the way I conclude it is that you are not

responsible for everything that happens in your life.....Its almost like

when you take responsibility then you think you have control, and then you

can keep all the bad things away....not so!!! I think our lessons aren't

what happens to us, but how we learn to respond to them and what we learn

from them that make us grow.


Some days you know you're in the flow, and synchronicity happens, some days

just aren't. But then, who knows, maybe that's the way its meant to be....I

think I'm at a stage now in life where I dont see things as not being

wrong....they just are. Ive taken the emotional punch out of them by

responding differently. Easy theory, hard process.




At 11:26 AM 3/28/01 -0500, you wrote:

> How can I control something that I don't even know that I have?




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> Am I doing this to myself? Am I doing it through negative thoughts and/or

>negative thought patterns? Or, am I psychically inviting negative forces into

>my life? The bible states that the truth is in the power of the tongue. Is

>this where I am going wrong? And, if this is so, then why when I profess what

>I DEFINITELY see as a positive for my life it seldom comes true for me?


I think that part of the issue is that negative thought patterns tend

to pervade our thoughts...after all, as children we're often told

" Don't get your hopes up " , " Don't count on it " , " Don't count your

chickens before they've hatched " , etc., etc. It's very difficult to

keep them out, even if they are just a little bit of doubt. We've

just been taught not to believe it until we see it. We ALL do

this...I don't think there is anyone running around only believing

positive things for their life. Plus, we've got to remember that

what we want at a certain time may not be right for our life pattern

at that time...we can't always have what we want when we want it. In

order to learn in our lifetimes, and in order to have the fullness of

joy in our lives, we MUST have sadness and hardships. It's part of

being human.


>I just

>KNEW she would be okay, I simply KNEW that there was no way on earth she

>could 'not' be okay. So, imagine my complete shock when the doctor walked in

>the waiting room, just like on TV, and told me that he had done all he could,

>and that she was gone!!! (Not from gall bladder trouble, but totally

>unsuspecting aorta rupture). Nothing in my thought patterns had me prepared

>for this. Nothing. 3 years later, and I am still reeling from the shock!

> How can I control something that I don't even know that I have?


As for this, there are a lot of things tied up in this paragraph. If

it was your mother's time to leave, then no positive thoughts by you

would have held her here, you know? Believing that she was going to

be fine wouldn't stop the plan of the Universe. She had most likely

learned the lessons she needed to learn, and needed to go back to the

source to rest and prepare for another life, other lessons. And

perhaps her death was to be a catalyst for your own learning in this

lifetime. There are many reasons why things happen in our

lives...some are our own creation, and some are part of our overall

life plan which we have little control over. (Well, the soul self

does have control over major life events, but generally will go along

with what needs to happen in order to learn. The human self (brain

and soul personality combined) will not recognize that they had a

choice.) I hope this makes sense to you, as I fear I'm not

explaining the concept well. In any case, we can talk about this

further in future emails if you like.



Mina, Reiki Master


Mina Smolinski

Black Cat Systems - software for the Macintosh


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On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 lbjeparker wrote:


> Well, day before yesterday I was thinking about my brother who lives in

> another city. I was thinking how I had not gotten a letter from him lately

> (he does not have a phone). Well, guess what? Went to the mail box yesterday,

> and lo and behold there is a 5 page letter from him! Now, is this just a

> coincidence, or did my thoughts really prompt him to write to me?


If the letter had gotten there the day after you thought about it, it had

already been written & sent. You were picking up on his thinking of you.

Happens to me all the time. I think of someone & I run into them, long

lost things turn up... It's sometimes like an eerie short term

precognition. When I ask, many times the person who I ran into had

thought of me as well, and was just as (pleasantly :);)) surprised.


> This is scary in a way because now I find myself consciously trying not to

> think any negative thoughts.....you know, things like business failures, or

> health issues, etc. Then again, thoughts and fears are not the same things,

> right?



In my opinion the fear is the stronger of the two. The more you focus on

these things, even though you try to put them in a postive light the

emotional charge of the initial fearsome thought is the stronger.

---And trying NOT to think of something is like trying not to think of the

proverbial elephant. Better to substitute a positive image charged with

happy thought and emotions. However as I have found, easier said than done

as it is difficult to change long ingrained thought patterns. :)


> I STILL haven't a clue as to 'how' I am doing this, but I feel that it is

> very powerful, and if I could harness it, tremendous things would happen in

> my life.


I live in a situation where the person I take care of thinks this way.

Even though he professes to " try " to think positive things, he is paranoid

about about losses, failures, etc. It has become a self fulfilling

prophecy reinforced each time he says " See! No matter what I

do--Everything I touch turns to sh*t. "

Literally his life is chaos, and this chaos, like a disease has spread in

the lives of everyone who lives here. After last summer's debacle here I

do not want a repetition this year and have really become aware how

important thinking and beliefs can be.


Many years ago I dabbled a bit in Huna, (an old Hawaiian religion) and it

worked very well for me. I was able to manifest some amazing stuff. I got

away from it for a few years but am now making a serious study of how the

thoughts you think & words you say really affect your situation. The

subconscious mind reacts to " charged " images, and fear and worry are very

powerful things.

I'm thinking along the lines that things like EFT, NLP and hypnosis can be

very powerful tools in helping one reorder beliefs. EFT especially can

help with the worry about business failures, health issues and such that

you are wrestling with. If you can take the emotional charge out of them

you can begin to replace them with the things that you want to focus on

for your life.


Take care,


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Hi Mina,


Im enjoying your posts. So, from the sentence below, I gather you BELIEVE

you can find a great book for a bargain.....*g*




At 10:03 AM 3/28/01 -0500, you wrote:

> I found it at a discount book store

>for $5.00. It's got easy exercises in it, and nothing takes more

>than a few minutes to do.




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In a message dated 3/28/01 5:05:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,

karyng01 writes:



> I don't know if you believe in these things, but is it possible that

> this was more of a case of precognition than with your thoughts

> manifesting a result?



I don't know if it was or not. But, take the case when my Mother died. Two

days prior I had the strangest feeling that it was about to happen, but I

shrugged it off. I mean, she wasn't even sick or in the hospital. So I had no

idea what on earth would even give me such a thought as that. But,

nevertheless, I had the thought. I was driving down the street, just having

come from visiting her at her home. But, before it could formulate itself in

my mind, I found the idea so repulsive that I immediately threw it out of my

mind. Two days later my Mother was dead of a massive rupture of her aorta.

The same day that she died, she and I were going to go to the mall for a

gift for my husband for Father's day. But, it was so hot here in Texas that

we decided to wait until the cool of the evening. As I was climbing the

stairs after work, I decided to take a nap, and this is something that I

NEVER do unless I am sick. Something in my mind told me to go upstairs to my

room, and take a 'power nap' (those were the exact words....power nap). I was

left with the impression that I would be needing all the rest I could get. I

simply took that to mean that I would be tired after working all day, and

walking at the mall with Mama (she LOVED to shop!).

Prior to this I had never used or even heard the words 'power nap'. I

guess I laid down for maybe 45 minutes, when my phone rang, and it was Mama

telling me that she had a really bad pain in her chest, and wanted to go to

the Emergency room.

Where did I get the words in my head 'power nap'? What made me envision

her death 2 days before it actually happened? See, this is what I mean about

'thoughts'. I felt so guilty for at least a year after her death, like my

thoughts had caused it to happen.

Why can't I envision myself winning the Lottery, or my daughter becoming a

Doctor, or something like that?


Bridget Parker

Mary Kay, Emerald Star Senior Consultant

Future Fabulous Fifties Elite Director

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>Hi Mina,


>Im enjoying your posts. So, from the sentence below, I gather you BELIEVE

>you can find a great book for a bargain.....*g*


LOL! Yup Kate, I got to the bargain bookstore expecting to find good

books at low prices, and I do! In fact, I always walk out with at

least one good book, and usually 3 or 4 (in fact, last time I think I

got 10!). Don't know how much that has with my belief or with the

fact that we've got a good bargain bookstore...LOL!





Mina Smolinski

Black Cat Systems - software for the Macintosh


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I don't know if you believe in these things, but is it possible that

this was more of a case of precognition than with your thoughts

manifesting a result?


Just a thought...




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I believe that if people knew how powerful their thoughts were - both positive

and negative- they would be so

much more careful with them! I don't think all our thoughts create what we're

thinking, otherwise every 9 year

old girl would have a pony. <g> or at least a Barbie doll. But I do think that

'like attracts like' and we raise

we can raise our vibration level through thoughts and energy work as others have

mentioned. And then we're more

likely to recognize certain opportunities or to want to spend time around

certain individuals, that we may not

have chosen for ourselves before.





lbjeparker wrote:


> Went to the mail box yesterday,


> and lo and behold there is a 5 page letter from him! Now, is this just a

> coincidence, or did my thoughts really prompt him to write to me?


> This is scary in a way because now I find myself consciously trying not to

> think any negative thoughts.....you know, things like business failures, or

> health issues, etc. Then again, thoughts and fears are not the same things,

> right?


> I STILL haven't a clue as to 'how' I am doing this, but I feel that it is

> very powerful, and if I could harness it, tremendous things would happen in

> my life.


> Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!


> Bridget Parker




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lbjeparker wrote:


> In the later part of last year, I began a new business. I still love the

> business, but things are not progressing as rapidly as I was told that they

> would, nor as rapidly as I expected them to. No matter how much I visualize

> progress in my business, it just is not happening yet.


Bridget, do you mean you started the business 4 months ago? Because soley

business-wise, it takes time to build

any business, thoughts or visualizations are usually not instantaneous, though I

know you've had a few of those

lately. Also, I have a general belief in following the 'flow'. If something

consistently doesn't work out for

me, I drop it or at least take a hard look at it to see if I'm fighting against

myself. Often I'm trying to make

something work that won't ever work because it's not right for me. What I mean

is, I let the circumstances give

me clues as to what matches with my inner constitution.



> Am I doing this to myself? Am I doing it through negative thoughts and/or

> negative thought patterns? Or, am I psychically inviting negative forces into

> my life? The bible states that the truth is in the power of the tongue. Is

> this where I am going wrong? And, if this is so, then why when I profess what

> I DEFINITELY see as a positive for my life it seldom comes true for me?


A possibility could be that you're thinking you always know what is best for you

<g>. There have been so many

times in my life when I was POSITIVE I wanted a certain person or a certain job

and later was so very glad it

didn't work out. Other times I was sure I didn't want something and then kicked

myself afterwards.


I think the trick is to set the intention in your mind, visualize it with depth

and then if it doesn't work out,

know you got your message and move on. Know that there may be something else to

look at that you're not seeing

right now.



> Like when I was at the hospital with my Mother for a routine gall bladder

> check, and I go to the candy machine, and get back and she is not in her

> room, and I am told that the moment that I walked out of the room she stopped

> breathing, and later I find out that she is dead. But not before I am deep in

> my thoughts and prayers for her to stay strong, and she will be okay. I just

> KNEW she would be okay, I simply KNEW that there was no way on earth she

> could 'not' be okay. So, imagine my complete shock when the doctor walked in

> the waiting room, just like on TV, and told me that he had done all he could,

> and that she was gone!!! (Not from gall bladder trouble, but totally

> unsuspecting aorta rupture). Nothing in my thought patterns had me prepared

> for this. Nothing. 3 years later, and I am still reeling from the shock!

> How can I control something that I don't even know that I have?


First let me say how very sorry I am that you had to go through that and have

that shock. I can imagine how

painful it must be for you. One thought that comes to my mind is your

*mother's* thoughts, wishes and desires.

They came into play in that situation too. I've often heard that dying people

want to be alone at the last

minute. They need that private time. So you might have given her the best gift

possible at that moment, for what

she needed. I am a little worried that my words here might hurt you in some

way, I sure hope not. I just believe

that there are many ways to look at a situation, and if there is pain involved,

there is often a different

perspective that offers more of a complete picture.






> Bridget Parker




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lbjeparker wrote:


> I felt so guilty for at least a year after her death, like my thoughts had

caused it to happen.


Everyone dies though, everyone. It's not a failure, and it's only a bad/negative

thing if we view it that way.

Other cultures have VERY different ideas about death and even honor people in

their old age. So much of it is our

cultural conditioning. We don't see it as a sacred and special passage. (I'm

not saying you don't, I'm just

talking in general). We wear black and have solemn wakes, other cultures wear

bright colors and celebrate.



> Why can't I envision myself winning the Lottery, or my daughter becoming a

> Doctor, or something like that?


There are people who win the lottery and say it's the worst thing that's ever

happened to them. And as for

doctors, well I'm a naturopath so I better not comment on that one.... :)


I don't know if what I'm trying to convey is coming across. It's like that

story about the father who finds a

horse on his land and says, this is a very good thing! and then one day his son

is riding it and falls off and

the father says, oh that was a very BAD thing. and then the war comes and they

don't take the son because of his

broken leg and the father says, oh then it was a very GOOD thing, and on and



We gotta trust the process......







> Bridget Parker

> Mary Kay, Emerald Star Senior Consultant

> Future Fabulous Fifties Elite Director

> <A HREF= " http://www.mymk.com/bparker6 " >http://www.mymk.com/bparker6</A>

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In a message dated 3/28/01 8:29:12 PM Pacific Standard Time,

drnature writes:



> But I do think that 'like attracts like' and we raise

> we can raise our vibration level through thoughts and energy work as others

> have mentioned. And then we're more

> likely to recognize certain opportunities or to want to spend time around

> certain individuals, that we may not

> have chosen for ourselves before.



Well, this makes total sense. Every since last December, when I started my

business, I have been staying focussed on reading positive material, saying

my affirmations, and only care to hang around those who are doing the same as

me. Also, several of my 'best' friends, who are still addicted to complaining

about their financial situation instead of working to improve it, well I

don't hear from them so much any more. And I find that when they do call me,

or I them, I feel heavy. As if they just poured something on me, and I can't

seem to lift off the ground, and be a light as I was before their

conversations. Does that make sense?

I think they feel it to...my joy, and lightness. They do not want that for

themselves at this time, and it makes them uncomfortable.


Bridget Parker














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In a message dated 3/28/01 9:02:29 PM Pacific Standard Time,

drnature writes:



> . One thought that comes to my mind is your *mother's* thoughts, wishes and

> desires.

> They came into play in that situation too. I've often heard that dying

> people want to be alone at the last

> minute. They need that private time. So you might have given her the best

> gift possible at that moment, for what

> she needed. I am a little worried that my words here might hurt you in

> some way, I sure hope not.


Thank you very much. Actually, I think that you are right. It was she who

sent me out of the room. She began to ask for a mint, claiming to have a bad

taste in her mouth. I told her that I did not have my purse with me, that I

had left it in the car, and at any rate I had no mints in it. She sent me to

the store on the corner from the hospital to get a mint for her. So, I told

her I'd go, get her mints, and myself some grapefruit juice, and would be

right back.

Now, this is eerie.........I get to the store, and decide, out of the

clear blue, to buy Tic Tacs, instead of mints. Hmmmmmmmm, I say to myself,

but I am still in this 'flow with the thoughts' thing, so I buy the Tic Tacs.

They were the green kind.

I get back to the hospital, maybe 15 minutes later, and she is gone. I get

to her house somewhere around midnight that night after leaving the hospital,

and what do I see on her bedside table? Green Tic Tacs! Without knowing it,

or maybe with her spiritual guidance, I had chosen the kind that she would

have chosen for herself. Maybe she hadn't decided to go yet, and would have

liked that kind, had she stayed.

I do know that they Hospital staff did all that they could to save her.

They rushed her into emergency surgery, and she has told me over, and over

again that she never wants to be cut open. She used to say that if she had

anything that she would die with it because she would never consent to

surgery. But, there she was having emergency surgery, and that, I think, is

when she really decided to take flight.

I still have the Tic Tacs in the box I brought home from the hospital

with the rest of her personal effects.


Bridget Parker














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In a message dated 3/28/01 9:51:39 PM Pacific Standard Time,

drnature writes:



> > Why can't I envision myself winning the Lottery, or my daughter

> becoming a

> > Doctor, or something like that?


> There are people who win the lottery and say it's the worst thing that's

> ever happened to them.


(LOL) I can certainly think of worse things than winning the lottery! In fact

I can think of so many worse things that it makes me wonder about my self,

and my ability to conjure doom and gloom!

I think that the only people that would be upset if I won the lottery

would be my in-laws. Primarily because they KNOW I would NOT share it with

them, and they KNOW not to ask. My mother, her best friend, my uncle, my

aunt, and my grandmother all died in the same year. My in-laws did not even

bother to send a sympathy card! My Dad has been dead for 20 years. I have no

sisters, and my brother is in Prison, and has been for years, and will be for

years. Other than an Aunt who lives in another state, I have no close

relatives. A few scattered cousins who I wouldn't tell, either!

Nope..........other than my husband, and our children, I have no

relatives. And I am a MASTER at saying 'NO!' Don't feel no guilt either. So,

winning the lottery would definitely be a major stroke a good luck for me!



Bridget Parker














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Hi Linda and all~~

I suppose I am supposed to introduce myself first, but I never do, so I



But reading your words about the power of thoughts brings an internal debate

to the surface.


During the week before my house burned down (and I do believe it was

deliberate) in 1997, I was consumed with the idea that it was going to


I reported a threatening visit by neighbors to the police on

Monday, and told them I believed the house would be burned down within 2


Wednesday, Alice, the storekeeper who knew everything, told me my

neighbors were going to burn my house down.

Sunday it burned down.


I KNEW this.

But did I draw it to myself via the incessant dwelling on the


Did I just have the precognitive vision that it would happen,

and preassign the blame to my neighbors?

Or did I telepathically " hear " my neighbors planning it?


The local police chose to believe it was " coincidence " and bad wiring (as

the neighbors in question claimed that to me the cause)....but that is

another story. I seem to be stuck in anger at the people who I believe to

have done this and at the officials who preferred to blame it on me and my

so-called " bad wiring " , and at the self-doubt involved with the possibility

that I could have possibly brought it on to my self by the power of my



I need to get past this, and move on (the motive for the fire

would be to destroy boxes of evidence I had against these people for

environmental and other crimes committed over 2 decades) to recreate my

life, if not to write up a summary of all that transpired in the form of

either a book or a complaint to higher state officials...


Sorry for the intensity, but I live my life like this..no need to be sorry

for what I have experienced, either...I just need to know WHY I just KNEW

the fire was going to happen, and perhaps why I was just unable to prevent

it or to rescue my photographs and writings before it happened.


And, on a

lighter note, I wonder how my current projected thoughts of passion and

physical bliss affect the cute schoolbusdriver who drives by here 4 times a





> I believe that if people knew how powerful their thoughts were - both

positive and negative- they would be so

>much more careful with them! I don't think all our thoughts create what

we're thinking, otherwise every 9 year

>old girl would have a pony. <g> or at least a Barbie doll. But I do think

that 'like attracts like' and we raise

>we can raise our vibration level through thoughts and energy work as others

have mentioned. And then we're more

>likely to recognize certain opportunities or to want to spend time around

certain individuals, that we may not

>have chosen for ourselves before.




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Hi Karyn,


I agree. It is a 'knowing' but sometimes I also experience it as a

'leading' or 'prompting' to move in a certain direction. Let me give you

two examples---one mundane, the other significant.


Once, I was looking for a certain type of silk flower for an arrangement

and all I could find cost $6. each. This was more than I wanted to pay.

One day I had this urgent leading to go to a store I rarely shopped in.

It continued to nag me so, even though it was a rainy, nasty day, I went.

Once I got to the store, I had no idea why I was there but decided to go

up and down the aisles to see if anything grabbed my attention. The

flowers were not even on my mind. As I went down the last aisle I saw

the exact flower I was looking for. It was a little smaller than I

initially wanted but it worked out just fine---and the price was 59 cents



A significant event happened when I followed a 'prompting' to go out to a

retreat center without knowing why. At the time I was trying to get

into a Master's program without a Bachelor's degree (long story) and I

wanted to study Carl Jung's psychology. While walking the grounds, I ran

into the Dean of the Religious Studies program at a university that had

turned me down. I had only met him once before (another interesting

story). He remembered me and he asked what I was doing. After telling

him I was looking for a Master's program that studied Jungian psychology

and was having trouble finding anything in the counseling ot psychology

depts., he told me that Jung could be found in the Religious Studies

Dept!!! Because of our one-time previous conversation he let me into the

program without a Bachelor's degree. I could never have planned this in a

million years. My best life decisons have been made this way. It drives

some people nuts who don't understand how/that this works----at least for

some of us. I can't control this happening but it does more refined

through the years. One concern is that intuition isn't confused with

impulsiveness. Impulsiveness is something very different. I had to

learn to differentiate the two.


It's good to be in touch with other like-minded souls!


God bless!



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This sounds like a matter of personal perception of " good " and " bad " and

also of what is the " best possible thing " in a larger perspective. In the

limited scope of our perceptions as humans, we don't know what is best for

us, and that is why we try not to ask from the ego, but from the heart.


Praying from the ego would be to pray to win the lottery, for instance.

Praying from the heart would be to ask for prosperity, in the most

appropriate form. We are entitled to prosperity, but we can't always ask for

a specific form without altering the patterns... add to that the element of

free choice (deciding to turn left instead of right, deciding to take a

train rather than flying) and you have the " fractal " elements of fate. If

you are meant to experience prosperity, then you will, but it may not be in

the form you " desire " from your limited perspective. They say that the most

powerful prayer is " Thank You " because it displays our faith that we are

being cared for in the best way possible by a benevolent Higher Power, who

sees the whole picture, when we can only see the scattered pieces of the



Think of it this way... it may sound cruel, but be with me for a moment. We

do not have very limited power over another's life and death; this is an

issue every doctor goes through the first time he loses a patient he has

tried very hard to save. An aneurysm does not spontaneously develop; it is a

time bomb. When it bursts there is very little that can be done to avert

death, and certainly no one can be blamed for that. It may be that if she

had known ahead that the aneurysm existed, surgery might have been performed

to repair it; but sometimes they cannot be repaired, either.


As Linda inferred, there is a distinct difference between manifestation and

wish fulfillment. It is a new age concept that if we are " good " and

" positive " and do everything " right " (note I have used all these terms

parenthetically) we will prosper, be healthy, live a long life and never

have any troubles. Well, number one, that is complete " BS " . We are here to

have a human experience, not to live a life free of human experience. Part

of human experience is learning how to cope with pain and loss. That is the

part that teaches us the difference between suffering and transcendence.

Both are optional, but suffering is a lot easier. The Egyptians have a term,

" Ma K'heru " that refers to Words of Truth. They believe that if you strive

to be in total honesty with yourself, and that means exploring your

motivations and escaping the ego, then eventually everything you say will

come true, will be true, because you will be aligned with the fabric of the

Universe and will no longer ask for things that are outside the greater

pattern of existence. " Inch'Allah " ... it is the will of God. Why? We are too

small to know that.


You may like to pick up a copy of " When Bad Things Happen to Good People " or

some other book that explains in more detail why we should not be trying to

live a life of entitlement but of grace. We like to think we are so

powerful, and indeed, we are powerful, but while we are in charge of many

things, we need to remember that ultimately we are not personally in control

of anything. In the long run, it is not what happens to us but our attitude

about it that is important.


When I am doing an intuitive reading for someone, I can see general patterns

that may imply certain circumstances. These patterns in no way are a be-all

end-all, they are not set truths or certainties. There are always a person's

personal choices involved in whether something manifests as it appears in

their reading. For instance, I can tell you that you may have many children,

but you can choose not to do this by joining a convent. I can tell you that

you may win money, but you can choose not to do this if you never buy a

ticket. If I tell you that a plane may be dangerous this week, you can take

the bus.


Then there are things like, say, cancer. This is always a hard one for

people, because some people " get over " cancer, and some don't. And it does

not always seem to be due to personal effort, desire or choice. This is the

other element... we choose certain things to learn in the human experience

that we won't learn if we avoid the lessons. Maybe the lesson of your

mother's sudden death is for you to see that life is transient, and that you

don't have any control over it. Or maybe it was to give you an opportunity

to grieve in a healthy way, which I believe is a basic human lesson. If that

is so, then obsessing on your perception of guilt is blocking that lesson,

isn't it?


Death is not bad. Death is. It is our perception as living creatures that

death is bad. Death is just a part of life, a part we don't understand too

well from this side of the veil. We often forget that, especially if the

death seems from our perspective to be unnecessary, sudden, or senseless.

" He died before his time " is a fond human expression. What does that mean?

Wasn't the time that he died, the time he was supposed to die? How can we

decide that?


The element of personal action in fate cannot be denied. I am sure that

Judas had a lesson to learn from his actions, and that in a sad way, he

failed to learn those lessons and killed himself in his grief. The death of

Jesus was inevitable to fulfill the scriptures; how else could he be

resurrected? Judas overstated his part in the equation, not understanding

the greater picture. There is a wonderful children's book by Neale Donald

Walsch, I can't remember the whole title but it is something like " The

Little Soul " . In very simple words it explains how we come in, naive, into a

play we have written ourselves; though we don't remember, we have chosen the

lines, the sets, the action, the players. Some other time, we may play other

parts in other plays, so that we will eventually experience playing them

all. Not only is it important for us to experience and learn from the

lessons, but also to remember that we are all sparks of the light, no matter

what our actions, that the perpetrator is just as much a holy being as the

victim, acting their role in the play.


I have a page up with a poem by Thich Nat Hahn you may enjoy, or at least

contemplate ;-) Try this on for size:



And take good care of yourself; really. It seems that you are determined to

stay in the mindset of a child, who believes in his magical thinking that

when his grandfather passes, or his parents divorce, or his dog runs away,

that he is directly responsible. What would you say to that child? Say it to

yourself. Say it every day until you believe it. Because it is true. You are

not responsible for the entire world, only for your actions and your











>Re: Re: It's Happened Again!

>Wed, 28 Mar 2001 21:25:51 EST


>In a message dated 3/28/01 5:05:30 PM Pacific Standard Time,

>karyng01 writes:



> > I don't know if you believe in these things, but is it possible that

> > this was more of a case of precognition than with your thoughts

> > manifesting a result?

> >


>I don't know if it was or not. But, take the case when my Mother died. Two

>days prior I had the strangest feeling that it was about to happen, but I

>shrugged it off. I mean, she wasn't even sick or in the hospital. So I had


>idea what on earth would even give me such a thought as that. But,

>nevertheless, I had the thought. I was driving down the street, just having

>come from visiting her at her home. But, before it could formulate itself


>my mind, I found the idea so repulsive that I immediately threw it out of


>mind. Two days later my Mother was dead of a massive rupture of her aorta.

> The same day that she died, she and I were going to go to the mall for


>gift for my husband for Father's day. But, it was so hot here in Texas that

>we decided to wait until the cool of the evening. As I was climbing the

>stairs after work, I decided to take a nap, and this is something that I

>NEVER do unless I am sick. Something in my mind told me to go upstairs to


>room, and take a 'power nap' (those were the exact words....power nap). I


>left with the impression that I would be needing all the rest I could get.


>simply took that to mean that I would be tired after working all day, and

>walking at the mall with Mama (she LOVED to shop!).

> Prior to this I had never used or even heard the words 'power nap'. I

>guess I laid down for maybe 45 minutes, when my phone rang, and it was Mama

>telling me that she had a really bad pain in her chest, and wanted to go to

>the Emergency room.

> Where did I get the words in my head 'power nap'? What made me envision

>her death 2 days before it actually happened? See, this is what I mean


>'thoughts'. I felt so guilty for at least a year after her death, like my

>thoughts had caused it to happen.

> Why can't I envision myself winning the Lottery, or my daughter

>becoming a

>Doctor, or something like that?


>Bridget Parker

> Mary Kay, Emerald Star Senior Consultant

> Future Fabulous Fifties Elite Director



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>Sorry for the intensity, but I live my life like this..no need to be sorry

>for what I have experienced, either...I just need to know WHY I just KNEW

>the fire was going to happen, and perhaps why I was just unable to prevent

>it or to rescue my photographs and writings before it happened.


Hi Joanie,


I think this is a case of being psychically aware, rather than of

creating your reality. I think you received distinct impressions

from the Universe showing you that this was in the plans and was

going to happen in order to allow you to either attempt to prevent

it, or to rescue those things which the neighbors were intent on

destroying. It's possible though that while you received this

impression, you didn't trust yourself enough to consider it a " true "

reality, and so didn't take the steps that you needed to take in

order to help in this case. We often do this...get an impression

that something will happen and then dismiss it, whether it is good or

bad. I don't think your conviction that it was going to happen made

it happen...although with the information you received you *might*

have been able to prevent losing all your photos and writing about

these people. But, you can't hold it against yourself for NOT

preventing the loss, because we have been taught from a young age to

ignore these types on impulses and information, rather than to trust



I hope this helps a bit.





Mina Smolinski

Black Cat Systems - software for the Macintosh


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