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Thank you for your message, Michael Forrest. I am sure that I have candida

(mucus in stool) and I believe that it is getting worse. I eat absolutely no

sugar, not even fruits. I do eat carrots and pumpkins; maybe they are too sweet

too? I also eat toasted rice cakes and was wondering if they may be a problem.

Otherwise, my diet consists of only fresh food--vegetables, legumes, whole

grains, see weed, olive oil, coconut oil and sea salt--and I do correct food

combining... If you could give me some advise, I'd be very grateful.






Michael Forrest <a57ngel


Wednesday, April 8, 2009 10:13:40 AM

re: candida






Make sure you salt your food. Use sea salt if possible. Salt is not only

antibiotic, it is also anti-fungal. That's why people used to preserve meat from

bacteria/fungus with salt before refrigerators were common.

And cut out ALL sugars, even those occuring naturally such as in fruit. Only if

your candida is very minimal can you get away with eating fruit.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have followed the Candida diet in the past, and am baby stepping my way back

onto it now (apparently that helps with the die-off symptoms - they aren't so

strong like if you just do it cold-turkey).


Here's what I did - keep in mind I am a vegetarian as well so some of this won't

apply to you - I ate of hard shelled nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts

etc - avoid soft shell nuts (peanuts) as they have moulds in them. Don't buy

things from the bulk section of your stores as again there can be moulds present

as the flours/grains/ etc could have been in the barrel for a long time

(especially at the bottom of the barrel) and do they let the barrel completely

empty or do they refill it when it's a 1/4 full....


Avoid anything white, white rice, white potatoes, mushrooms (fungus). Peas

actually have a lot of yeast in them so avoid those as well. White foods either

convert to sugar really fast thus feeding the yeast, or in the case of mushrooms

they are a fungus. Quinoa (keenwa) is of course an exception to the white rule

as is amaranth.


READ YOUR LABELS. I was shocked to find out just HOW many seemingly innocent

things have sugar in them! Pasta sauce for instance. Sugar is added to

EVERYTHING it seems!


Try using a four day rotation diet with your grains. Some people with allergies

have told me that they have to follow a rotation diet so that they don't over do

it on certain foods. Otherwise if they over do it, they can develop an

allergy/toxicity to these foods.


For instance, I have chosen my four grains, brown rice, quinoa, millet and

buckwheat. So on rice day, I will eat rice cakes (brown rice flour) and then

for my main meal use brown rice or brown rice pasta. I try not to eat my main

grains two days in a row. I also have other grains that I will use such as

spelt and kamut (however if you are gluten intolerant, they are off the menu!).


For fruit, granny smith apples are permitted as are WHITE grapefruit - these are

the least sweet fruit. (SO I was told anyway.)


If you are using rice, soy, almond or oatmeal milk in place of cow's milk, READ

the labels - sometimes there are added sugars in these products. As well, avoid

ALL artificial sweeteners (even if you don't have Candida overgrowth it's best

to avoid those).


Cooking with flavour: ginger, garlic, & fennel are all antifungal and tumeric is

antibacterial. Fennel seeds are good to eat as they aid digestion and ginger

tea is also good for digestion. Peppermint tea is good for digestion and is

antifungal. It also happens to be anti-inflammatory, as does Licorice root tea,

however, that can make your blood pressure go up so avoid that if you already

have high blood pressure!



If you have wind/gas problems, 30 minutes before eating, drink a cup of

peppermint tea, then eat your meal, and then 30 minutes after, drink another cup

- that will help you gently pass any gas/wind.


My snack foods were roasted chick peas, and almonds and granny smith apples. I

avoided carrots, and beets (beetroot) as they are naturally high in sugar.


The best thing do to is think in terms of what you CAN (MAY) eat and not about

what is not allowed. If you take this attitude, that makes following the diet

so much easier because then you don't feel you are depriving yourself.


For instance: I may have almonds, quinoa, green vegetables, sweet potatoes,

millet, brown rice, etc rather than I can't have sugar (in all forms - fructose,

dextrose, sucrose, glucose, lactose, maltose, maltodextrin etc), wheat, yeast,

dairy, chocolate, fruit, tofu, carrots, beets, fermented products such as

vinegar... see what I mean? It gets mind boggling to think in negative terms

and you set yourself up for defeat in following the diet. Focus on the

positives... I will feel better, I can eat wholesome, whole foods I get to

experiment with different grains and foods I have never tried before...


I think that it is also recommended to eat free range or organic meats (don't

know about that because I don't eat meat). Anyone else know about the meat

factor? I think the same applies to eggs.


Keep in mind I am not a nutritionist and I don't have a degree in sciences. I

also don't know anything about you or your circumstances (such as

allergies/intolerances or history and symptoms etc). Anything I have shared is

the result of my own experience and research. You may want to check with a

qualified pracitioner before you go on the diet and have your stool tested. All

I know is that my head was so clear when I stuck to the diet very strictly, at

first it was really hard because the die off was so hard to get through but that

was only a couple of days. I had a really bad headache. Oh yes, eat little

amounts and often! Eat 6 small meals a day (3 meals and 3 snacks) and drink

lots of fluids - not coffee and tea though, believe it or not caffeine has sugar

in it! If you drink tap water, squeeze a bit of lemon into it, as that kills

anything in the water.


Hope that this helps.






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GREAT post Sue! Excellent mentality.


To anyone battling candida: The good news is that fighting yeast is not rocket



Candida goes along with just about any chronic miserable condition.


Whether it causes it or just makes it worse is a chicken and egg thing. Who

cares? You are not writing a scientific paper, you are taking care of your



All the measures taken to battle candida will leave you healthier overall. If it

turns out you didn't have candida, no harm is done by behaving as if you did.


This is in sharp contrast to the heroic extremes of allopathic medicine, where

picking the wrong option of treatment just might kill you. (Watch " House " ).


And the best part: it is FREE! At least so far. You don't need a professional's

permission to play with your food.


Ien in the Kootenays

http://freegreenliving.com (blog)



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  • 4 months later...

The thing that i've personally done that made the biggest noticable impact on curing my candida problem (used to always get athlete's foot and jock itch and get MASSIVE sugar cravings) was to drink raw apple cider vinegar 3 times a day. Sugar cravings left me for the 1st time in my life. No more athlete's foot or jock itch. I eventually stopped the apple cider vinegar and gradually everything came back so I started drinking it again and the problems went away. Anytime I eat a meal I eat a couple bites of food then I take a swig of raw applecider vinegar and I finish my meal. Raw apple cider vinegar is cheap and easy to get and it works. I've read many wonderful things about Coconut oil, CS, etc. working as well. This is just what I tried that worked for me is all. My biggest problem has always been my major sugar addiction. Drinking the raw apple cider vinegar

stopped my sugar cravings. Nothing I have ever tried before has worked to stop the cravings. --- On Thu, 9/17/09, wrote:TonyI Candida (Rattlesnake Bob)oleander soup Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 8:19 PM



I suppose that it might help, maybe even significantly, but here is my best advice on Candida:

Candida is a genus of yeasts. Many species of this genus are endosymbionts of animal hosts including humans. While usually living as commensals, some Candida species have the potential to cause disease. Clinically, the most significant member of the genus is Candida albicans, which can cause infections (called candidiasis or thrush) in humans and other animals, especially in immunocompromised patients. Many Candida species are members of gut flora in animals, including C. albicans in mammalian hosts, whereas others live as endosymbionts in insect hosts.If you want to get rid of candida and get it off the intestinal walls, it is really quite simple:



Superior colloidal silver (such as that made by Utopia Silver) will often get rid of candida in short order. Be sure to take plenty (a couple of ounces or more per day) and it may only take a few days.


Bentonite clay will literally pull the candida off the intestinal walls


Coconut oil - is very effective against candida and is a wonderful addition to any healthy diet plan

After you get rid of candida, make a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil part of your daily diet/health plan, supplement with probiotics to make sure that beneficial flora flourishes in the gut, and occasionally take some colloidal silver (only a couple of teaspoons two or three times a week should be plenty) and the bentonite clay and your candida problems should be gone forever.

oleander soup, "rattlesnakebobbob" <rattlesnakebobbob@ ...> wrote:> > just wondering if this product would kill off candida? and what dosage would be correct.> bob>

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Good information - thanks! BTW, some people who have taken oleander report that their cravings for sweets are greatly diminished.

All the best,

oleander soup , david mung <davidmungdol wrote:>> The thing that i've personally done that made the biggest noticable impact on curing my candida problem (used to always get athlete's foot and jock itch and get MASSIVE sugar cravings) was to drink raw apple cider vinegar 3 times a day. Sugar cravings left me for the 1st time in my life. No more athlete's foot or jock itch. I eventually stopped the apple cider vinegar and gradually everything came back so I started drinking it again and the problems went away. Anytime I eat a meal I eat a couple bites of food then I take a swig of raw applecider vinegar and I finish my meal. Raw apple cider vinegar is cheap and easy to get and it works. I've read many wonderful things about Coconut oil, CS, etc. working as well. This is just what I tried that worked for me is all. My biggest problem has always been my major sugar addiction. Drinking the raw apple cider vinegar stopped my sugar cravings. Nothing I have ever tried before has worked to stop the cravings. > > > --- On Thu, 9/17/09, wrote:> > Candida (Rattlesnake Bob)> oleander soup > Thursday, September 17, 2009, 8:19 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I suppose that it might help, maybe even significantly, but here is my best advice on Candida:> Candida is a genus of yeasts. Many species of this genus are endosymbionts of animal hosts including humans. While usually living as commensals, some Candida species have the potential to cause disease. Clinically, the most significant member of the genus is Candida albicans, which can cause infections (called candidiasis or thrush) in humans and other animals, especially in immunocompromised patients. Many Candida species are members of gut flora in animals, including C. albicans in mammalian hosts, whereas others live as endosymbionts in insect hosts.If you want to get rid of candida and get it off the intestinal walls, it is really quite simple:> > > Superior colloidal silver (such as that made by Utopia Silver) will often get rid of candida in short order. Be sure to take plenty (a couple of ounces or more per day) and it may only take a few days. > > Bentonite clay will literally pull the candida off the intestinal walls > > Coconut oil - is very effective against candida and is a wonderful addition to any healthy diet plan > After you get rid of candida, make a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil part of your daily diet/health plan, supplement with probiotics to make sure that beneficial flora flourishes in the gut, and occasionally take some colloidal silver (only a couple of teaspoons two or three times a week should be plenty) and the bentonite clay and your candida problems should be gone forever.> > oleander soup, "rattlesnakebobbob" <rattlesnakebobbob@ ...> wrote:> > > > just wondering if this product would kill off candida? and what dosage would be correct.> > bob> >>

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  • 4 weeks later...


It is likely that you have an overpopulation growing if your diet has

been that way for awhile.

There are other reasons for craving these things also.

Cut out those things and do Doc's Intestinal Cleanse. If candida is not

too rampant in the body ,the two weeks of the Intestinal Cleanse can

knock it out.








Lisa wrote:







Does anyone know of a

tincture or something that will assist

in ridding oneself of Candida?


I haven’t been diagnosed

with candida: however, I know

that with my cravings for carbs, sugar and alcohol – I don’t doubt

for a minute that candida is an issue with me.


I’m wondering if EIS/CS

or MMS1, MMS2 or combination

of any of these with some herbal tinctures would help?





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It is a type of yeast found in all bodies in small amounts. Our

problems with it occur when it "overgrows".




Kris Davidson wrote:




What is candida?


God Bless





It is likely that you have an overpopulation growing if your diet has

been that way for awhile.

There are other reasons for craving these things also.

Cut out those things and do Doc's Intestinal Cleanse. If candida is not

too rampant in the body ,the two weeks of the Intestinal Cleanse can

knock it out.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Candida is a naturally occuring bacteria in the bowel. Because of diet, stress, hormones, and antibiotics, it gets out of hand, turns into a fungal form and travels all over the body and blood causing many illnesses. Bowel disbiosis is the beginning causing Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, etc. Doctors are clueless about candida. They will wise up but it will take years. Esp. they will come to understand the role of systemic candida and mental illness, many other illnesses including lupus and probably cancer. I've used finances as a reason to stop eating the diet I was, but it really was the fact that I was bombarded by chocolate at Christmas time. I'm tired of being overweight and I'm tired of being sick, and also tired of making excuses. Tomorrow I'm starting on the anticandida diet! Darn it. --- On Wed, 1/20/10, lynnzy

<lynntulumello wrote:

lynnzy <lynntulumelloRe: Re: Sugars Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 11:17 AM





I don't think that everyone has Candida... do they?


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Good for you, Kel! Please share about the diet and good luck to









Behalf Of Kelly W.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:19 PM












Candida is a naturally occuring bacteria in the bowel.

Because of diet, stress, hormones, and antibiotics, it gets out of hand,

turns into a fungal form and travels all over the body and blood causing many

illnesses. Bowel disbiosis is the beginning causing Crohn's and Ulcerative

Colitis, etc. Doctors are clueless about candida. They will wise up but

it will take years. Esp. they will come to understand the role of systemic

candida and mental illness, many other illnesses including lupus and probably

cancer. I've used finances as a reason to stop eating the diet I was, but it

really was the fact that I was bombarded by chocolate at Christmas time. I'm

tired of being overweight and I'm tired of being sick, and also tired of

making excuses. Tomorrow I'm starting on the anticandida diet! Darn it.


--- On Wed, 1/20/10, lynnzy <lynntulumello



lynnzy <lynntulumello

Re: Re: Sugars


Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 11:17 AM











don't think that everyone has Candida... do they?




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