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Toxic Levels of Natural and Synthetic Hormones

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Toxic Levels of Natural and Synthetic



Toxic Levels of Natural and Synthetic Hormones

Diagnostic Protocol for Rejuvenation




Adrenal Cortisol Stress – New Research


Since there is an endocrine relationship in all health

problems, one

can see the importance in recommending an accurate

saliva test. One

thousand, before and after, NuFem TCM Saliva Tests,

from doctors throughout

the U.S.A. clearly indicate toxicity levels of natural

and synthetic

hormone users.


This includes DHEA, melatonin, testosterone,

pregnenalone and



Initially baseline levels of hormones should be

determined, according

to the TCM body clock, by using the NuFem Saliva Test.

When I receive

the results from the independent lab I create a

program for every

patient, which includes diet, nutrition, and my

homeopathic formulas to

correct hormone and meridian imbalances.


The good news is that we have about 95% success with

all females

ranging in age from 22 to 71 years of age including

those with complete



When working with my own patients, I follow the

protocol below for each

patient no matter their health concern or symptoms,

after I receive the

NuFem Saliva Test results.


Step One

First, lets start at the beginning and take a look at

the causes of

endocrine breakdown. In every case of hormonal

imbalance, there is an

imbalance in adrenal cortisol levels, according to

before and after

clinical studies.


In addition, since the thyroid and adrenal work

together, you must

treat both simultaneously. This is part of the Five

Element Theory of




Since stress is a major contributing factor in

abnormal cortisol

levels, I separated the various causes of this killer

by creating a checklist

and protocol for use with each patient. The areas on

this list are as



Virus, Bacteria

Look for lymes disease, virus, bacteria, herpes, and

any pathology that

can attack the adrenal glands.



Look for abscesses, infections, root canals on

endocrine meridians,

periodontal health issues, and biocompatibility

problems from dental




Can be caused from hormonal imbalance, an over-active

mind, caffeine or

stimulant use, reaction from medications.



Thyroid problems and treatment that are overlooked or

thyroid treatment

without treating adrenals, radiation exposure, toxic

liver and/or

gallbladder, sedentary lifestyle (little to no

exercise or movement),

repressed emotions, unhealthy diet and lifestyle.


Emotional Issues

Repressed emotional issues and undiscovered identities

that stimulate

genetic predispositions for disease, along with mental

and emotional



Scar Tissue

Scar tissue that is blocking meridian flow.



The use of prescribed or over the counter medications

as well as social

drugs. Any HRT is shown to stress adrenal cortisol

levels. Excessive

amounts of herbs, vitamins and minerals can heal or be

a stressor to the

body. In addition, vaccinations must be considered.



Usage of cell phone, living near microwave tower,

radio towers,

geopathic stress from living on fault lines,

underground water stream, water

pipes under bedroom, sleeping on water bed or using

electrical devices

on or within 4 feet of bed.



Testing patients for the appropriate nutrients to

rejuvenate the

endocrine system is essential. If they purchase

nutrients in the health food

store, they have less control over the quality. A

suggested list

follows later in this article.



Getting patients off of junk food, stimulants and

sugar. I have seen

incredible results with my own patients, and my

doctor’s patients, who

eat a diet consisting of 60-70% raw foods, including

juicing and sprouted

legumes and seeds.

Deep sea fish is a good addition as well.



The patient’s program should include a routine of yoga

and meditation,

along with outdoor activities, which may add years to

his or her life.


Getting to the Cause of Endocrine Breakdown

Adrenal Cortisol Stress is the Key!


Testing is a necessary component to determine accurate

levels of

cortisol including testing the liver time,created

exclusively for this test.

Each patient receives 6 cortisol times needed to

uncover imbalances in

the Five Elements. In addition, levels of

progesterone, estradiol,

testosterone, DHEA, melatonin and Thyroid Stimulating

Hormone will be



You don’t need prior training in order to use this

testing in your

practice. I am always available to health care

professionals by phone if

there is a question about the results.


Step Two

Working through the layers with the NPR protocol. A

brief overview of

the protocol follows.


In 1994 I developed NeuroPhysical Reprogramming to

accurately test

miasms residing in organs and glands. This tells me

the area and “layer”

that needs attention immediately and then I use my

protocol to balance

the focal problem that indicates. A patient might have

one to all of the

following areas out of balance:






The NPR protocol leads me to test all distal

acupuncture points, reflex

points, and to perform a unique and simplified causal

chain test to

determine the organ or gland that has hierarchy in

therapy. The next step

is to test for all inherited and acquired miasms and

then environmental

health concerns, subpersonalities and identities. If

an identity is

anchoring the health problem, the NPR protocol will

handle that



Finally, I test for the homeopathic remedies (nosodes,

sarcodes, etc.)

that therapy localize on the reflex points, distal

acupuncture points,

and focal disturbances (to cure the problems that have


diagnosed).As a part of the final step, I test for

allergies, diet, and nutrition.

Allergies to toxic and adulterated foods can be a

health concern.


I recommend all of my patients eat organic foods, 70%

raw diet or more

if possible. If a patient still exhibits allergic

symptoms when they

eat organic raw foods, I would not consider the food

to be a focal



I would look at the immune system and dysbiosis of the

entire digestive

system including colon. Furthermore, I do not see the

point of

covering-up and ignoring a burden immune system by

desensitizing the body to

foods. Since the body communicates in the form of

symptoms and these

symptoms tell us there is a problem, we can use these

symptoms to therapy

localize the focal disturbance.


Nutrients Necessary to Help Rebuild the Endocrine


Every patient is biochemically individual; therefore,

nutrients and

dosages must be tested on patients for accuracy.

Required nutritional

needs can change frequently as the body heals. Monthly

testing is required

so the patient does not become toxic or burdened.


After creating nutritional and homeopathic programs

for thousands of

patients related to endocrine breakdown and all of the

related symptoms,

I have arranged a list of most commonly needed

nutritional supplements

and foods.


For the most part, I do not rely on herbs as they may

act as a band-aid

covering-up symptoms of a burdened immune system that

will lead you to

discovering a miasm. This miasm, when treated with the

correct singular

or combination of homeopathic remedies, can cure the

health condition

very quickly.


Homeopathy can be viewed as being complex, so I will

just give you a

very brief explanation of miasms and homeopathy.


Homeopathic remedies are made from various substances,


minerals, toxic metals, poisons, drugs, insects,

virus, bacteria and healthy

organ tissue.


An inherited toxin is called a miasm. A miasm can be

an identity,

virus, bacteria, or pathogens. These miasms can be

made into a homeopathic



For example, the following are miasms and can be

purchased in a

homeopathic form: influenzinum, salmonella, gonorrhea,


toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, just to name a very few.

Inherited or acquired (from

childhood environment) behavioral problems, including

addictions such as

alcoholism, drug, or food abuse can also be a miasms.


In order to cure a mental, emotional or physical

problem, the body

needs to be able to communicate where and when the

problem arises. If you

are trained in Five Element Theory and Chinese

Medicine you probably use

the body clock to determine the organ needing

rejuvenation and

detoxification related to the time of the day or

evening when symptoms arise.


it. If you do not use this method as a part of

diagnosing, you can take

an acupuncture training and/ or my NeuroPhysical

Reprogramming and

Homeopathic Endocrinology training.


The following nutrients can assist balancing the

endocrine system. I

recommend that each nutrient be tested for individual

dosage and potency

using NeuroPhysical Reprogramming. To be quite honest,

I have not found

that using computerized equipment to test for

nutritional needs is as

accurate as using NPR.


In other words, a computer program is no rival to the

accuracy of a

trained healer/doctor. We can become dependent on

using devices and

computer programs for diagnoses instead of developing

our innate connection

with the consciousness that creates miracles in our



Vitamin A (25,000 IU daily as beta carotene)

Vitamin B5: Pantothenic Acid (500-1,500 IU daily)

B complex vitamins (25-100 mg daily)

Vitamin C & Bioflavonoids (1,000 mg to 2,000 mg daily)


Vitamin D (400-1,000 IU daily)

Vitamin E (400 IU daily to 1200 IU’s) women on HRT

need higher IU’s.

Digestive enzymes

Probiotics (including acidophilus; dosages vary)

Alpha Lipoic acid (100-1000 mgs twice daily)

Biotin (1,000 mcg prior to meals)

Chelated Calcium or calcium orotate

Chelated magnesium (500 to 1,000 mg daily)

Phosphatidyl choline (acetylcholine precursor; use if

one or more

cortisol level is low)

Phosphatidyl serine (revitalizes nerve cells; use if

one or more

cortisol level is elevated)

Neuro-Emotional Remedy #11 for thyroid/adrenal


Ocean Herbs (dulse and/or kelp) to help regulate

thyroid function.

E3Live: (live blue green algae)

Siberian Ginseng (for men) (use if cortisol level is


EFA: Organic Flax Seed Oil: 1 to 3 tablespoons daily

Omega 3: Organic Fish Oil (powder rather than


CoQ10: for heart problems that cause thyroid

imbalances –related to the

noon testing time.

ShoWu Pill: Fo-Ti (chinese herb) for adrenal support

and hair loss.



Foods and Spices

Some research has shown that the highest

estradiolbinding herbs and

spices are soy, licorice, red clover, thyme, turmeric,

hops and verbena.

These should be eliminated from the diet of those who

are estrogen

dominant. The highest progesterone-binding herbs and

spices are oregano,

verbena, turmeric, thyme, red clover and damiana.

Regarding Soy…

Soy is a huge issue today because there are so many

soy supplements,

foods, junk foods, and faux meats made of soy. My

suggestion is, that if

a person has cancer or is estrogen dominant – avoid

soy. Processed soy,

soymilk, soy supplements, tofu, and soy cheese should

be avoided. If

the person is not estrogen dominant, I feel that

natural whole soy such

as Japanese soybeans and fermented live Tempe are

healthy in moderate

amounts, depending on the patients test results. Diet

for Endocrine

Balancing should be organic and approximately 60 to 70

percent raw

vegetables, sprouts, seeds and nuts for three to six

months. This may also

depend on the climate. Severe winter climates may

require more lightly

steamed and cooked foods such as a macrobiotic diet.


Even though many people are now eating raw meat and

fish, I do not feel

that this is necessary to get enough protein and, in

addition, may

prove to be unhealthy due to worms, parasites.

Remember that raw dairy is

also mucous producing, however, in very small

quantities it may be

beneficial or neutral. Organic kefir, because of its

fermentation, may be

beneficial to some. Alkaline pure mineral water is

always the best drink.

Certain organic or wild-crafted non-caffeinated teas

such as ginger,

pau d’arco, yogi tea, may be helpful. As adrenal

cortisol levels become

balanced you can add small amounts of Bancha and Green



NeuroPhysical Reprogramming©

As health professionals, we want to find the cause of

disease and help

the patient evolve to a healthier life. You cannot do

this without

change. The patient needs to be compliant. I created



(NPR) to find the cause of resistance and disease by

accessing the

unconscious information needed to permanently release

the anchor of any


NPR is an innovative, laser-like non-invasive

diagnostic tool and

healing system. It’s foundation lies in the ancient

Five-Element Theory of

and is the missing link in locating

and releasing the

cause of disease. In addition to the Five Element

Theory of Chinese

Medicine, NPR incorporates acupuncture meridians,

homeopathic filters,

Neuro-Emotional Remedies® (meridian remedies),

kinesiology, and a

neutralization process, which eliminates default

patterns, miasms and identities

that anchor disease. A method to reawaken the immune

system is also an

integral part of NPR.


The body inherits a genetic load of identities,

beliefs and behaviors

that are a part of our disease patterns and ancestral

heritage. If these

miasms are supported in our childhood environment, it

is probable that

they will manifest in some form that may be difficult

to diagnose. The

NPR protocol is reproducible, exploring the

individual’s essence of

consciousness unique to

each one of us. We become better healers because the

element of error,

due to predetermined thoughts about the outcome or

diagnosis – is

eliminated. We, as healers become an instrument for

the truth to unfold from


patient during the protocol.


All disease has an emotional component, which is

symptomatic of a core

identity or miasm that is a sabotaging factor in a

patient’s survival.

These imprints are encapsulated in our organs, glands

and systems of

the body.


Identities can reside in the DNA along with inherited

disease patterns

such as diabetes, alcoholism etc. These imprints

set-up a

predisposition for disease and weaken the immune

system in a specific organ, gland

or system. You

will recognize a patient that is slower to heal than

others are when

they resist experiencing their emotions or following

recommendations that

lead to healing.


I chose to use a new simplified form of kinesiology in

this process

after researching ways to evolve kinesiological

testing to a new level of

accuracy. Up until this time, kinesiology was not a

diagnostic modality

that yielded

reproducible results. For this reason I researched and

tested specific

homeopathic remedies for their ability to eliminate

interference in the

test results. They are called “homeopathic filters”

and they eliminate

errors due to

mental thoughts and imbalances that the doctor may

have in his or her

life that may be projected toward the patient. Usually

a practitioner is

not aware that this mental energy or that their own

physical health may

effect the

outcome of the testing results. “Homeopathic filters”

are used in two

ways. First, they greatly increase the accuracy and

reproducibility of

testing when worn by health practitioners. Next, there

are 11

homeopathic filters that are

used one or more at a time on the patient to release

any blockages

sabotaging successful results. Although there is no

way to determine the

exact rate of accuracy of this or any non-invasive

testing modality, my

research since 1991 with students indicates at least a


reproducibility rate of accuracy - if the procedure is

adhered to.


In addition, the homeopathic filters allow you to

filter out

interference from the patient’s thoughts during the

protocol. I do not sell these

homeopathic filters. You get them as a part of the NPR

training and

learn how to use

them along with the protocol.


Genetics play a part in every part of our life,

including our disease

patterns. The pre-disposition of disease itself can be

eliminated before



q Determining the underlying energy pattern, its form

and origination

through using a protocol that bypasses the conscious

mind. NPR allows


to following a chain of physical and behavioral

patterns to the causal



q Eliminating the anchor and strengthening the immune

system by

neutralizing the causal energy pattern(s).


Administering Neuro-Emotional Remedies to the patient

as part of the

NPR process to drain the miasm, neuro-toxins, disease

or predisposition

from the body through the lymphatic system and



NPR may also be used to test for the bio-compatibility

of nutritional

supplementation, homeopathy, herbs, allopathic drugs,

dental materials

or any substance. NPR sessions are invaluable to the

patient and to the


as the process itself reduces the number of

nutritional supplements

needed by strengthening the immune system. Therefore,

if you administer

NPR before assessing the patient’s nutritional needs

you will inevitably

find a healthier and stronger immune system and

recommend fewer

products. It is common that the patient will need less

supplements and absorb

nutrients more efficiently as a results of detoxifying

miasms. In

addition, you may use

NPR for biological age, causal chain bio-kinesiology

testing and

regaining lost mental focus in adults and children

with conditions such as



For more information, please contact The International

College of

Naturopathy, www.wellnesscenter.net (866-962-6484).


JoAnn Guest







AIM Barleygreen

" Wisdom of the Past, Food of the Future "



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