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In a message dated 6/29/99 7:37:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

crow writes:


<< And give yourself permission every so often, to have a " sloppy day " .

Don't wash the dishes, don't shave, don't do your hair, lay around in

your skivvies and " be " ... step off the " do " track, in other words. You

wouldn't think that would be difficult, but it really is deceptively

easy. Give it a try, and when you pop up to sort the clothes or scrub

the toilet, make yourself sit down again. It's an exercise in zen that

will eventually help that blood pressure to get low and stay low.



methinks we see el problemo here..... But I do meditate twice a day which

brings my pulse way down.... no response yet on the BP.


Have you and Manny managed to get off BP medicine ??

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Hi I have found that changing your lifestyle will help hypertension.

Changing your eating habits to lots of green leefy vegtables, lots of fruits

brown rice,grains and beans and little meat. Calcium and magnesium also

helps blood pressure. Garlic and Hawthorn may also help. Doing some form of

exercise such as walking may also help. Another thing I have found to be

beneficail is actually slowing down your lifestye. For instance, getting up

30minutes earlier so you don't have to rush out the door. Also learning not

to worry about things if you do this. For instance if you get up late, don't

get upset call whereever you are going and say you are going to be so many

minutes late instead. This way you won't rush and worry you are going to be

late. Crow's idea od just taking a day and doing nothing is also a very good


This has worked for me


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> crow writes:


> << And give yourself permission every so often, to have a " sloppy day " .

> Don't wash the dishes, don't shave, don't do your hair, lay around in

> your skivvies and " be " ... step off the " do " track, in other words. You

> wouldn't think that would be difficult, but it really is deceptively

> easy. Give it a try, and when you pop up to sort the clothes or scrub

> the toilet, make yourself sit down again. It's an exercise in zen that

> will eventually help that blood pressure to get low and stay low.

> >>


> methinks we see el problemo here..... But I do meditate twice a day which

> brings my pulse way down.... no response yet on the BP.


> Have you and Manny managed to get off BP medicine ??



Manny is still on medication for hypertension, although his base pulse

is generally below 60, which means his heart is in good shape.


I've had good results with garlic when I take it regularly; right now

I am being tested for metabolic problems, so I am off all medications

except my vitamins. I wouldn't suggest anyone stop taking the

antihypertensives unless they start having hypotensive symptoms like

fainting or dizziness, like I did, and even then, they should only

wean off under a medical practitioner's care and monitoring.


For some people, simply avoiding caffeine, nicotine, ginseng and other

stimulants can resolve their blood pressure problems, or cutting back

on dietary fats and sodium. Hypertension is a silent killer, though,

so feeling better isn't always a good sign that the blood pressure is






" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


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In a message dated 6/30/99 9:53:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

crow writes:


<< although his base pulse

is generally below 60, which means his heart is in good shape. >>


Hopefully that is true but my better half has a resting pulse of 54 and he's

had two stents implanted so far ... go figure!

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  • 3 years later...

I have also seen a rise in BP after acupuncture treatment with a normal BP protocol of points.

Would anyone like to comment on this?


Steve Snydes [snydez99]Sunday, December 15, 2002 2:23 PM hypertension Hi group, I have a patient with high BP, who won,ttake herbs. I know someone mentioned bleedingjing-wellpoints for this, could you contact me about this. Thisperson seems to get a 5pt jump in BP after everyacupuncture Tx. You can contact me off list, thanks.Steve Snyder, snydez99 Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.http://mailplus.The Chinese Herbal Medicine, a voluntary organization of licensed healthcare practitioners, matriculated students and postgraduate academics specializing in Chinese Herbal Medicine, provides a variety of professional services, including board approved online continuing education.

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, " Rich Blitstein " <richblit@r...>


> I have also seen a rise in BP after acupuncture treatment with a normal BP

> protocol of points.

> Would anyone like to comment on this?


this is off topic, but I will comment on the so-called nocebo effect or


placebo. some patients get white coat hypertension and ALL procedures

cause a temporay elevation in BP. a better test would be for the patient to

keep a blood pressure diary and see how BP is 3x/day, including later the

same day and the following day or two after treatment .


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, " Alon Marcus " <

alonmarcus@w...> wrote:


> >>Todd white coat hypertension is not nocebo. I believe nocebo is getting

symptoms based on suggestion,


I believe it is any negative effect from a doctor patient interaction that is

unrelated to the actual therapy, i.e. the opposite of placebo. At least that is

what all the dictionary and medical sites that came up on a google search

said. for example,


" A nocebo is something that induces a feeling of ill-health for no very good

medical reason, the opposite of a placebo. "


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A nocebo is something that induces a feeling of ill-health for no very good medical reason, the opposite of a placebo." >>>I always thought it was the suggestion ie telling a patient these are the sideeffects of a drug result in them having these sideeffects


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, " Alon Marcus " <

alonmarcus@w...> wrote:

> A nocebo is something that induces a feeling of ill-health for no very good

> medical reason, the opposite of a placebo. "


> >>>I always thought it was the suggestion ie telling a patient these are the

sideeffects of a drug result in them having these sideeffects

> Alon


that is just one example of many


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  • 11 months later...

A few drops of cayenne tincture in water should handle that..........Mary O


" hettenna " <hettenna

<herbal remedies >

Friday, December 05, 2003 4:51 PM

[herbal remedies] hypertension



> Just wondering what is recommended to help with hbp mostly due

> (apparently) to nerves. For instance when I go to Dr office my

> systolic will be way high altho diastolic is fine. When I take it at

> home I initially get a higher than normal systolic but after a few

> attempts (spaced apart) I get around 130/70 instead of initial 145-

> 150/80. I know its my nerves because I never had this problem until

> an unfortunate dr situation. I am also upset because the norm used to

> be considered 140/80 and now they are saying it has to be 120/80.

> Thanks for any recommendations. I am a wee bit overweight by 7-10lbs

> but am vegetarian eating lots of fruit and vegetables and fresh veg

> juices etc.

> hette




> Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

> 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

> 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural


> 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and


> prescribe for your own health.

> We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long


> they behave themselves.

> Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any


> following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk.

> It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from

list members, you are agreeing to

> be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and

members free of any liability.


> Dr. Ian Shillington

> Doctor of Naturopathy

> Dr.IanShillington



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  • 1 year later...

Try needling St 36 and behind the 3rd toe. That works

for my patients. John Garbarini

--- Benjamin Hawes <ben_laura wrote:



> What have been people outcomes treating

> hypertension, especially in

> otherwise healthy patients. My results have been

> poor using straight TCM.

> Also, has anyone been able to get their patients

> successfully off of

> hypertension meds?



> Thanks to everyone for their Stomach CA inputs. I'm

> still researching the CM

> herbal approach. I will officially be treating him

> for stomach pain and

> " digestive harmonizing " . I can't risk having the

> feds or whomever come down

> on me for actually treating cancer in broad

> daylight.


> -Ben


> Benjamin Hawes, MAOM, Lic. Ac.,

> Director



> 1430 E. Main Street, Suite #4

> Cortez, CO 81321

> (970) 565-0230











The all-new My - What will yours do?


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What means " behind the 3rd toe " ?


Gilberto Antônio Silva



Saúde e Qualidade de Vida




John Garbarini

Chinese Medicine

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:41 PM

Re: hypertension




Try needling St 36 and behind the 3rd toe. That works

for my patients. John Garbarini

--- Benjamin Hawes <ben_laura wrote:



> What have been people outcomes treating

> hypertension, especially in

> otherwise healthy patients. My results have been

> poor using straight TCM.

> Also, has anyone been able to get their patients

> successfully off of

> hypertension meds?



> Thanks to everyone for their Stomach CA inputs. I'm

> still researching the CM

> herbal approach. I will officially be treating him

> for stomach pain and

> " digestive harmonizing " . I can't risk having the

> feds or whomever come down

> on me for actually treating cancer in broad

> daylight.


> -Ben


> Benjamin Hawes, MAOM, Lic. Ac.,

> Director



> 1430 E. Main Street, Suite #4

> Cortez, CO 81321

> (970) 565-0230









The all-new My - What will yours do?








and adjust



If you , it takes a few days for the messages to stop being





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I treat a lot of patients constitutionally and their blood pressure goes

down or they don't have to go on meds. Some have come off the ones they

were already on. Others need to go along and trust the time that they

can come off of them (in their minds). I find this is true with

anitdepressants also.


I personally was taking hypertension meds for several years. It came up

in my 40's. I exercised regularly, was an ideal weight, (did have a bit

of a hectic life), got regular acupuncture and it was still high. Also

had a kidney complication after pregnancy 5 years earlier. I came off of

my meds over a year ago. BP shot up to 100 diastolic so I began a

course of Chinese herbs - BP went down and up again , and then a course

of celery and potassium (did lower it), another course of Chinese

herbs. Now I just take Hawthorne heart if I have an episode (which is

mostly due to hormonal shifts). Progesterone cream has really helped

these hormonal shifts and in turn my BP stays in check. I am going to

try Womens Journey - hear it is good for hormonal shifts.




Benjamin Hawes wrote:



> What have been people outcomes treating hypertension, especially in

> otherwise healthy patients. My results have been poor using straight TCM.

> Also, has anyone been able to get their patients successfully off of

> hypertension meds?






Anne C. Crowley







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  • 2 months later...
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Can someone assist me with any Herbal remedies for Hypertesion.






C. Lucas [cdlucas]

Tuesday, March 01, 2005 9:46 PM

herbal remedies

Re: Herbal Remedies - re: Essential Oils Question





> So, feel free to post the information you have as long as you are not

> selling your own wares. :)

> Best,

> Kelli Bever

> Group Moderator


Thanks Kelli....that's why I asked. ;) No, I do not own the websites, or

sell anything like this, but I have researched it....because I would like to

distill my own essential oils someday! ;)


So here are the links, since you've given the A-OK.


http://www.heartmagic.com/EssentialDistiller.html Here's one home distiller

unit for Essential Oils.


http://www.av-at.com/stovestill2.html This is another unit for distillation

of EO's. It's larger, and can produce larger amounts of essential oils.


If you are wanting essential oils simply for fragrance, you can infuse oils

to make like a perfume!


If you need further information, let me know, and I will be more than happy

to give you more information!


HTH a bit!










Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following:

1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire.

2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural


3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and to

prescribe for your own health.

We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as

they behave themselves.

Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person

following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk.

It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from

list members, you are agreeing to

be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and

members free of any liability.


Dr. Ian Shillington

Doctor of Naturopathy



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  • 4 months later...
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Hi Mike,




As I am sure you know, hypertension has a lot of factors that go along

with it and I am sure y'all have explored all kinds of things from diet

to general lifestyle, common stress inducers, etc ...


Valerie Worwood's books have their place, but I can't stand that she

doesn't go into detail about the oils (no botanical nomenclature, no

place of origin info, etc) and WHY they are supposedly good for the

things she says they're good for ;-p It is hard to find good books on AT

out there - and that is a whole other thread to start ... ;)


Here is some info about Aromatherapy (and Aromachology) and



This is a link to a study done in 1992



The below article is a snippet from a longer article about " Alternative

& Complementary Therapies "







Aromatherapy & Hypertension


Work carried out by Dr. Gary Schwartz, Professor of Psychology and

Psychiatry at Yale University, found that the aromas of some essential

oils by themselves reduced blood pressure. The scent of spice apple, for

example, was found to reduce blood pressure by an average of 3 to 5

points in healthy volunteers.(2) The following essential oils are also

beneficial in the treatment of hypertension.


Chamomile - relaxant and calmative

Clary Sage - antispasmodic

Cypress - anti-spasmodic

Lavender - relaxant and calmative

Marjoram - emotional balancer

Rose - anti depressant

Rosewood - calmative

Ylang Ylang - sedative and antidepressant


The therapeutic massage combined with selected essential oils makes

aromatherapy an excellent aid in countering the effects of stress and

inducing relaxation.


Guidelines for using aromatherapy essential oils: -

Essential oils can be used at home in one of the following ways:-


Massage - mix 5 -10 drops to 10 ml of a vegetable base oil.

Baths - add 5 -10 drops to a pre-run bath and swish.

Inhalation - add 2 - 3 drops to a bowl of steaming water, cover head

with a towel.

Tissue - put one drop on a tissue and inhale when required.

Room - put between 1 - 10 drops in a humidifier filled with water or on

a piece of cotton wool and place on a radiator.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not take any oils internally or use on babies under

18 months. Always consult a qualified aromatherapist before using any

essential oils to treat a health problem, or if you are pregnant or





Also (and to me this is so logical), as mentioned in the above snippet,

massage therapy is starting to be looked at as potentially beneficial in

treating hypertension ...





Both aromatherapy and massage therapy can also help issues of depression

and just make a person feel good in general.


Martin (Watt) might be able to tell you more in general about studies

that have been and are being done on this topic since he's pretty up to

date on the world of EO's studies and massage therapy in general (as he

is a licensed masseuse).



Chris (list mom)







On Behalf Of pupinnc



Ive been trying to do some research into hypertension and treatment

with EO's. I already have Valerie Worwoods 1991 book " The Complete

Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy " , but have been seeing on some

websites on the internet information that contradicts this. I know

each person's body chemistry will react differently to them but as a

rule what should I try or where can I go for reliable info? My partner

is a heart patient and being homebound suffers from some depression as

well as hypertension. My marjoram/german chamomile/lemon combination

seems to raise his BP, though not to dangerous levels.


Thanks in Advance








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  • 1 month later...

Hello Aaron,


The vitE and CoQ10 you can buy in a good health food store. The Total Tonic and TBC program you can either make yourself, or contact Doc's office at office for details on where to buy. The details of all these items can be found in the files of this group's website.







herbal remedies

Saturday, September 17, 2005 3:34 AM

Herbal Remedies - Hypertension

Hello Doc, I am a new user to this board and am real impressed so far.. This question has to do with Hypertension... I have read your formula in the files section, and would like to know where I can get the Total Tonic and Total Body Cleanse programs, and also how many mg of Vit E and CoQ10 to take daily... Also, is it sufficient to buy these supplements in health food stores?

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Dear Aaron,

You should be taking 1200 IU's of Vit E a day; 100 Mg of CoQ10 daily.

I prefer the NOW brand of these as they are the highest in quality.

If you contact me off list, I can put you in touch with the herbal formulae.

In Health and Love,



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Friday, September 16, 2005 10:34 PM

Herbal Remedies - Hypertension

Hello Doc, I am a new user to this board and am real impressed so far.. This question has to do with Hypertension... I have read your formula in the files section, and would like to know where I can get the Total Tonic and Total Body Cleanse programs, and also how many mg of Vit E and CoQ10 to take daily... Also, is it sufficient to buy these supplements in health food stores? ThanksAaron

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What is near to or equivalent to Valium. ?

Oh - I am in Jupiter, Florida - However - I am from Houston, Texas. My 3 kids 2 grand-ones 2 horses and 3 dogs have evacuated Houston. On the freeway for 25 hours since 8 pm Wednesday night. One group has made it to Livingston Texas (normally a 2 hour drive)

Hopefully the family is safe & we all have homes left.

I selected Shiraz last night for a bit of "settle down juice".

This is all very unsettling.




Dr. Ian Shillington

herbal remedies

Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:43 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Hypertension


Dear Aaron,

You should be taking 1200 IU's of Vit E a day; 100 Mg of CoQ10 daily.

I prefer the NOW brand of these as they are the highest in quality.

If you contact me off list, I can put you in touch with the herbal formulae.

In Health and Love,



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Friday, September 16, 2005 10:34 PM

Herbal Remedies - Hypertension

Hello Doc, I am a new user to this board and am real impressed so far.. This question has to do with Hypertension... I have read your formula in the files section, and would like to know where I can get the Total Tonic and Total Body Cleanse programs, and also how many mg of Vit E and CoQ10 to take daily... Also, is it sufficient to buy these supplements in health food stores? ThanksAaron

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Marilyn,

Kind of a "No Question" there.

You might as well ask me for an herb similar to arsenic or strychnine.

If you are looking to handling specific symptoms, we could then procede.

Some people are fond of saying that St. John' Wort is herbal "ProZac" and I find the comparison quite odious. These just don't compare and it's insulting to St. John's Wort to make such a comparison.

What are you trying to handle????????




Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Friday, September 23, 2005 10:29 AM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Hypertension



What is near to or equivalent to Valium. ?

Oh - I am in Jupiter, Florida - However - I am from Houston, Texas. My 3 kids 2 grand-ones 2 horses and 3 dogs have evacuated Houston. On the freeway for 25 hours since 8 pm Wednesday night. One group has made it to Livingston Texas (normally a 2 hour drive)

Hopefully the family is safe & we all have homes left.

I selected Shiraz last night for a bit of "settle down juice".

This is all very unsettling.




Dr. Ian Shillington

herbal remedies

Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:43 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Hypertension


Dear Aaron,

You should be taking 1200 IU's of Vit E a day; 100 Mg of CoQ10 daily.

I prefer the NOW brand of these as they are the highest in quality.

If you contact me off list, I can put you in touch with the herbal formulae.

In Health and Love,



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Friday, September 16, 2005 10:34 PM

Herbal Remedies - Hypertension

Hello Doc, I am a new user to this board and am real impressed so far.. This question has to do with Hypertension... I have read your formula in the files section, and would like to know where I can get the Total Tonic and Total Body Cleanse programs, and also how many mg of Vit E and CoQ10 to take daily... Also, is it sufficient to buy these supplements in health food stores? ThanksAaron

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

herbs: american ginseng, bilberry, chanca piedra, coleus, dong quai, epimedium,

ginseng, hawthorn, proanthocyanidins, reishi, shiitake scutellaria, bungleweed,

goldenseal, motherwort, lenden (lime flower), coq 10, folic acid, magnesium,

foti, shizandra. drink lots of water and cut out the carbonated drinks. teas:

bitter orange, corn silk, hawthorne leaf, berries, and twigs. use essential oil

of lavender or lemon balm (melissa) in aromatherapy. reduce but do not try to

eliminate salt from your diet. increase potassium. potassium rich foods are:

apricots, avocados, bananas, dates, dulse, figs, dried fruit, garlic, potatoes,

raisins, sea vegetables, winter squash, and yams. other potassium rich foods or

ingredients are: blackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast, brown rice, nuts, torula

yeast and wheat bran. use moderated amounts of polyunsaturated fats ie olive

oil. discontinue use of all stimulants including coffee and tobacco. excercise

moderately but regularly. foods to avoid:

aged cheeses, aged meats, anchovies, avocados, chocolate, fava beans, pickled

herring, sherry, sour cream, wine and yogurt. remember to always talk to your

doctor and make sure you take your meds and that anything you try does not

interfere with the meds you are taking for hbp




newron350 <newron350


Sunday, March 18, 2007 2:00:45 PM



Can anyone tell me which are the best herbs or other foods for

lowering high blood pressure? Any help would be greatly appreciated.









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Exercize, relaxation, stress reduction and proper

nutrition will make a difference. Staring into an

active aquarium for 30 minutes a day is known to lower

blood pressure. So does drinking 1 glass of RED wine a

day. Reduction of salt, sugar and processed foods will

also help.


Jenny Kernan


--- edgetexlady <rbright wrote:


> " Normal " blood pressure range is 120/ 70-80.


> Your's is very high, dangerously so.


> I don't know how often you've had your BP checked

> (if at all before

> now), but typically a doctor will wait until the 3rd

> visit of high BP

> before moving on to medication. BP medications come

> with their own

> brand of problems/side effects.


> A year ago my BP was high (190/110) - I'd never had

> a problem before,

> was always low normal to normal. It was due to the

> stress of taking

> care of my elderly Mom.


> I asked the doc if he was going to put me on meds

> ( " no, not more! " )

> and he said " No, start exercising. " Which I did ...

> made a huge

> difference and my BP is once again in the " normal "

> range.


> If you aren't exercising, start very slowly - you

> can't change the

> world overnight!


> Dede



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Yes I Know what a Normal blood pressure is

I had a high pressure 5 years ago, and I took care of it with

Meditation and Herbs I took hawthorn Coleus forskolli, Taurine

I do Walk every other day I do eat very well No Red meat I eat

Veggies Fruit I make my own bread I eat fish,I drink lots of

distilled Water, I even have a shower head to remove the clorene

I check my blood pressure daily morn.and night


For 2 weeks. The pressure would shoot up for no known reason

They wanted me in the hospital, I would not Go I had a friend that

this happened to they thought she might have a strock so they gave

her a shot and Wham she Died right there before they could do any

thing..... Thanks


, " edgetexlady "

<rbright wrote:


> " Normal " blood pressure range is 120/ 70-80.


> Your's is very high, dangerously so.


> I don't know how often you've had your BP checked (if at all before

> now), but typically a doctor will wait until the 3rd visit of high


> before moving on to medication. BP medications come with their own

> brand of problems/side effects.


> A year ago my BP was high (190/110) - I'd never had a problem


> was always low normal to normal. It was due to the stress of


> care of my elderly Mom.


> I asked the doc if he was going to put me on meds ( " no, not more! " )

> and he said " No, start exercising. " Which I did ... made a huge

> difference and my BP is once again in the " normal " range.


> If you aren't exercising, start very slowly - you can't change the

> world overnight!


> Dede


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Yes I take potassium, I take vitamins , I will look into

the eletewater, I have drank distilled water for years,

I use

to drink a multi mineral, I was checked for mineral dif.

I am ok with this

I want to thank you very much for your attention, i needed

connection, to someone that could give me tips So Now I am hoping I

am back on track, My pressure seems to be ok it goes up and then

tomorrow it may be low, I am going to look at the eletewater.com

I may require minerals again So that I am Balanced

thank you again for your emails



, Jenny Kernan

<rainysnana wrote:


> Are you adding your minerals back when drinking

> distilled water? Distilled water has NO minerals or

> nutrients in it. Potassium and other electrolytes are

> necessary for heart and blood pressure stability.

> Eletewater.com has the electrolytes you add back to

> your water after purification and filtration remove

> them along with the bad stuff.


> Purification and filtration create dead water. You

> can't bring it back to life, but you can add back

> those necessary nutrients that have been removed.


> www.eletewater.com You can shop online or any of their

> vendors.


> Jenny Kernan

> Quantum Biofeedback Therapist

> --- comley33 <comley33 wrote:


> >

> > Yes I Know what a Normal blood pressure is

> > I had a high pressure 5 years ago, and I took care

> > of it with

> > Meditation and Herbs I took hawthorn Coleus

> > forskolli, Taurine

> > I do Walk every other day I do eat very well No Red

> > meat I eat

> > Veggies Fruit I make my own bread I eat fish,I drink

> > lots of

> > distilled Water, I even have a shower head to remove

> > the clorene

> > I check my blood pressure daily morn.and night

> >

> > For 2 weeks. The pressure would shoot up for no

> > known reason

> > They wanted me in the hospital, I would not Go I had

> > a friend that

> > this happened to they thought she might have a

> > strock so they gave

> > her a shot and Wham she Died right there before they

> > could do any

> > thing..... Thanks

> > Comley

> > ,

> > " edgetexlady "

> > <rbright@> wrote:

> > >

> > > " Normal " blood pressure range is 120/ 70-80.

> > >

> > > Your's is very high, dangerously so.

> > >

> > > I don't know how often you've had your BP checked

> > (if at all before

> > > now), but typically a doctor will wait until the

> > 3rd visit of high

> > BP

> > > before moving on to medication. BP medications

> > come with their own

> > > brand of problems/side effects.

> > >

> > > A year ago my BP was high (190/110) - I'd never

> > had a problem

> > before,

> > > was always low normal to normal. It was due to

> > the stress of

> > taking

> > > care of my elderly Mom.

> > >

> > > I asked the doc if he was going to put me on meds

> > ( " no, not more! " )

> > > and he said " No, start exercising. " Which I did

> > ... made a huge

> > > difference and my BP is once again in the " normal "

> > range.

> > >

> > > If you aren't exercising, start very slowly - you

> > can't change the

> > > world overnight!

> > >

> > > Dede

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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